Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn until 1:49 PM, after which the Moon is in Aquarius.
- The void Moon occurs until 1:49 PM (since yesterday at 11:57 PM).
- The Moon is waning and is in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- We’re between the Full Moon that occurred on the 18th in the sign of Scorpio and the Last Quarter Moon that will happen on May 26th.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Others may appear to be a little pushy or insensitive with you today, dear Aries, as Mars forms a square to Chiron. Relations with loved ones may be complicated and perhaps heated, and you could find that people close to you are intimidated or feel threatened by some of the changes you are making in your personality. You are expressing your more unique qualities, and while this is a growth-oriented and positive thing, it can take others time to adjust to the changes. Provide reassurance if need be, and try to be as understanding as possible. Ease into things patiently, particularly if you’ve recently felt emotionally stuck, and allow matters to unfold naturally. Even so, messy situations can result in meaningful communications. You see things you might overlook on a more chaotic day. You might also enjoy handling work and household details, coming up with some great ideas about these matters as you do.

Past matters or guilt can nag at you and interfere with your day in spots, dear Taurus, with a Mars-Chiron square that can pull up some doubts. Occasional moments of uncertainty can be helpful, however, if they slow you down and point you to vulnerable areas. You could be feeling a little more fragile or emotional than usual, particularly as there could be reminders of past problems. Fortunately, a Mercury-Chiron aspect opens up the airwaves. You’re open to finding new ways of thinking and communicating, helping you to break ground. You can have some stimulating, useful, and healing conversations, in fact, or you could enjoy opportunities or exciting offers. This can be a good day for communicating more effectively, not necessarily because of the words you choose to express yourself, but instead because your good intentions shine through.

Money or ownership matters can frustrate or stress you out today, dear Gemini. Whether or not to make a purchase could be an issue now, but it’s better to wait things out before jumping in with both feet. Insecurities tend to be a driving force with a Mars-Chiron aspect active now, and decisions made under these conditions rarely work out for good. Even so, planetary energy is reliable for conversations about matters that concern you. While you don’t have to take others’ advice, of course, it won’t hurt to put your feelers out because you might stumble upon information that is truly helpful in the process. You may be able to see an issue as a whole rather than for its pieces. It’s also an excellent time for learning something useful.

Your desire to go your own way and to do your own thing is strong right now, dear Cancer, but today there can be a strong pull towards what others expect of you. It will be important not to act out as a result of this inner tension. Anger can bubble up from within quite unexpectedly, and it’s a great idea to examine whether it’s emotional slush you’ve been carrying with you that deserves your attention. Fortunately, a Mercury-Chiron transit helps tidy up the mess through open minds and a willingness to talk or think things through. You are extraordinarily generous with your time and energy, and your ability to solve problems, particularly for others, is enhanced now. Emotional bonds with others can strengthen as you connect in meaningful ways.

With Mars in your solar twelfth house, dear Leo, there is a part of you that is dealing with ghosts from the past, past mistakes, and inner insecurities, and this process is necessary in order that you can be “all you can be” in coming weeks, particularly as you head towards your new solar year. You can’t truly escape attention right now, but this may be a time when tuning out distractions can help you get centered. Certain elements of the past need to be put behind you, or you will carry negativity with you moving forward. Note that people can be particularly touchy today, and for you, differences of opinion may be more glaring than usual. Try not to fall for the trap that if someone disagrees with your opinion on a matter, they somehow don’t respect or care about you. With a Mercury-Chiron active now, private time can be helpful, but so can meaningful conversations and connections. Fruitful discussions emerge with less dependence on others or outside things to make you happy, and a stronger inclination to entertain yourself and look within for answers and nurturance.

With a Mars-Chiron active today, dear Virgo, it may be best to take a deep breath and avoid taking emotional stances or getting caught up in petty dramas – something others seem all too willing to pull you into now. There can be some frustrating elements surrounding your social interactions. Avoid worrying too much about your place in your friends’ lives, and if someone’s methods bother you, try to dismiss them. It may not be worth the argument or stress. Fortunately, this can be a beautiful time for processing things or talking through frustrations as Mercury and Chiron harmonize. With a little extra care, communications are more balanced than usual. You can give excellent advice today, or you can inspire (or be inspired) by friends and connections.

With a Mars-Chiron square angular in your solar chart today, dear Libra, it may be all too easy to get caught up in others’ dramas. This aspect can produce push-pull energy that backfires or stresses you out, but if you observe closely, you might find ways to strike a balance. Someone wants attention, and you don’t really want to give it when you feel pushed to do so. It’s certainly your choice, but there may be a way to sidestep unnecessary problems keeping the idea that everyone is a little touchier than usual in mind. As well today, you can be more sensitive than usual about your performance, work, relationship status, or partnerships. Ideally, whatever seems to trigger insecurities can be revealing and helpful. Fortunately, a Mercury-Chiron aspect helps us work things out, mainly through inventive solutions and sensitive communications. Problem-solving is natural and satisfying. Others might notice your unique way of looking at things or your perspective and can feel entirely inspired or supported as a result.

Doubts can enter your mind regarding someone important to you today, dear Scorpio, perhaps because their actions are not inspiring confidence or mixed signals and defensiveness are prominent. While it might seem that it’s all originating from without, consider that you may be more involved in the disputes stimulated now, even indirectly, and do your part to keep things stable. Or, you might be concerned about work matters, and people too quickly and easily push your buttons. However, messy emotions aside, you can find it more comfortable than usual to present your ideas, and you have a strong sense of future trends and of your “audience” which helps you connect well with others. Meaningful conversations can emerge, even if they start in a messy way today.

Watch for reading too much into others’ actions and words today, dear Sagittarius. It can be easy for others to touch a nerve with you, and if this does happen, look more closely at why this may be the case. While the day can have its soft or messy spots, meaningful and growth-oriented revelations and conversations may emerge. Tap into your people skills, which are in good form now, and communications can be quite successful. This is a good time for striking up a conversation about a private or personal matter if this can be of help to you. The Moon’s move into your communications sector later today also raises your curiosity and stimulates the need to connect and interact.

Frustrations can be working close to the surface today, dear Capricorn, and it might seem that anything can set them off with a Mars-Chiron square active. If you’re anxious to clear the air with someone, watch how you express yourself, because if you aren’t entirely sure of yourself, it may serve to trigger defensiveness. Certain problems can seem magnified, and you can be especially sensitive to any feeling of lack of support or concern from people in your life. It would be a good idea to aim to identify the source of your vulnerability and allow yourself to feel it so that you can understand yourself better. With a Mercury-Chiron aspect assisting you, in fact, creative ideas and conversations can emerge, mainly as a result of your interactions with a significant someone. With the willingness to look for ways to nurture and support one another, you can get far.

Insecurities about a work project or function can be magnified today, dear Aquarius, as Mars forms a square to Chiron. Or, uncertainties about your communications or work output may be at play today, and someone could touch a nerve and stir up all sorts of emotional mud. It may be better to avoid allowing this feeling to dominate, especially if it means bowing out of an important task. Allow yourself the right to feel vulnerable, if only to get to know yourself better, as the day can have something to teach you about what needs healing. In fact, with openness, a Mercury-Chiron transit can help conversations to flow smoothly. You’re in a fabulous position for resolving a problem or finding an answer to a nagging question.

A difference in values can stimulate a whole lot of tension today, dear Pisces. It may be better to recognize that your values are changing in quite dramatic ways even if you don’t see this yet due to Chiron’s transit of your solar second house, and others in your life can have a hard time adjusting to the changes. Be patient and offer assurance if necessary. People, in general, can be a little touchy, as insecurities can be operating very close to the surface, and for you, this can be about money, performance, and whether or not others are treating you with respect. Try to muster up patience and examine any strong reactions you may have, as they can be keys to problem areas that can do with some healing and individual attention. Another influence in play today helps open up the lines of communication. You’re likely to find unique channels or methods for self-expression. Your way with words is notable, and you could enjoy seeing through appearances.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 23, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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