Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- The Moon is waning and is in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- We’re between the Full Moon that occurred on the 18th in the sign of Scorpio and the Last Quarter Moon that will happen on May 26th.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

While today’s Moon transit encourages you to brush off problems and enjoy yourself, dear Aries, Mercury’s aspects may make it a little challenging to go that route. You may end up going back and forth between stressing and telling yourself not to stress. Any worries you’ve been keeping at bay about your work or responsibilities can hang heavy on you today, but focusing on solvable problems can be therapeutic now. Problem areas can, in fact, point you in the direction of making necessary changes, but don’t put all of the pressure on yourself to get everything handled now. While concerns can be active on your mind, you have a lot to enjoy as well. You may find a solution to a problem or solve a mystery.

There can be some tendency to worry or dwell on problems today, dear Taurus, but being aware of this possibility can help you take steps to avoid going overboard with it. On the plus side, you can undoubtedly take a few notes if you find yourself tense out of the blue. If those things you’ve buried haven’t gone away, it’s a sign that you should probably deal with them. However, try not to do so under pressure to get everything handled quickly. Taking things one step at a time is a better choice. Tensions can have their root in frustrations over differences in core values and beliefs. With people clinging to their positions, it’s a good idea to take a step back and work on your attachments to beliefs, methods, and cultures or traditions. You can take a load off your mind by opening up your mind. A problem that you were too close to might be resolved once you look at it objectively.

Today’s Moon encourages a spirited, even carefree approach to your emotions, dear Gemini. A Mercury-Pluto aspect active today can incline us to temporarily see things through a cynical or suspicious lens, however, as much as you’d prefer to live your life more freely and spontaneously. Try not to allow fears, competitiveness, or worries play with your head, but do take this opportunity to explore what may be triggering you. Subtle tensions revolving around resentments can emerge in disruptive or mood-busting ways, but you might get closer to understanding your deepest darkest fears, and with Pluto, these are usually about fear of loss of control of a situation, relationship, or yourself. You don’t want to have the rug pulled from under you, but obsessing over a situation won’t necessarily protect you from changes. It’s better to work on an area of over-attachment than worry about the loss of it.

With the Sun and Mercury in your privacy sector these days, dear Cancer, there is much going on within you or “under the hood.” It’s a time of year for seeking out extra time to decompress and restore your energy. With a Mercury-Pluto aspect now, there can be some vague worrying and fretting that makes it a little challenging to heal and rest, however, but being aware of the problem can help. Try to connect with the root of your tensions if they arise today, as these can be persistent issues that subtly undermine your progress, and it may be about fears of changes in a relationship. Be careful, as well, that you don’t get caught up in emotional game playing. There can be a feeling that you have to go around an issue instead of coming right out with it, but don’t be afraid to explore your feelings before presenting them.

This can be a strong day for sorting out problems, dear Leo, although with a Mercury-Pluto minor challenge today, there is some tendency to choose indirect ways for getting what you want. If you take a disagreement very personally now, it’s a good idea to examine why that is the case. There can be some fears or worries hanging heavily in the air, and they’re most likely to relate to your work or health. With Pluto in your solar sixth house, staying abreast of a health program or pursuit or your work can be a continuous pressure. If something is left hanging and you find yourself waiting for the other shoe to drop, consider making a commitment to handling it going forward. You might develop a plan for tackling problems one step at a time and aim to enjoy your day. It can be challenging to resolve an issue if you’re too close to it, and that may be the case today. Aim for more objectivity. This is a small hurdle in an otherwise empowering time.

The energies of the day seem to encourage strategies, plans, and schemes, dear Virgo. Watch that you don’t feel pressured or twisted up with worry, as there may be a concern about a relationship, creative, professional, performance, or reputation matter that leaves you feeling tense. If you find yourself dwelling on issues that you can’t fix or that require more time to resolve, aim to pull yourself out of this mental trap but don’t avoid problem areas, either. Efforts put into managing insecurities may seem to be a distraction, but they can put you on the right track. For best results now, avoid succumbing to pressures to “do it all.” The Moon spends the day in your solar sixth house, making it a good time to attend to various chores and practical tasks.

The Moon spends the day in your sector of joy, dear Libra, encouraging you to make time for more humor, play, and fun in your life. Even so, a Mercury-Pluto aspect can point to problems weighing more heavily on your mind, particularly related to your past, childhood, or your family and home life. Changes or a sense that you can’t control things can leave you feeling a little insecure. You might crave doing something new, healing, and spirit-lifting, but end up sticking with what’s familiar because you fear missing something important. You might want more knowledge, experience, or variety in your life these days, but you may not always have the time and energy to feed these needs. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’ll benefit from a bit of perspective. You’re likely too close to a situation. Opportunities tend to come to you when your mind is open and free.

With the Sun and Mercury in your intimacy sector these days, there is more focus on your inner world and deeper needs and emotions, dear Scorpio. Today, you could be very absorbed in your thoughts, and it may feel a little rocky as you may be slightly off your game and not feeling very understood with Mercury and Pluto at odds. This is a minor aspect and is not likely to dominate your day, but it can find you more reflective than usual — mysteries and research appeal. Concerns related to communications, learning, daily affairs, and keeping abreast of your studies or personal interests can be stronger today. You hate to be out of the loop, but pulling yourself away may be necessary for your sanity. Take care of yourself and take a break from overthinking. An open mind wins more rewards than suspicion and criticism. With the Moon in your home and family sector all day, everyday and comfortable activities can be most healing.

While the Moon’s transit of your solar third house inclines you to want to keep things light and upbeat, dear Sagittarius, a Mercury-Pluto aspect active now can weigh you down a tad. Watch today for spiraling thinking, as the tendency runs high to dwell on matters that have no immediate resolution. You might feel pressured to deal with a long-standing problem, but rushing to resolve it may end up working against you. Focus on those things you can control and work on issues one step at a time instead. Looking at matters critically or skeptically is useful, but if you take it too far, unnecessary frustration is the result. Try not to let concerns about your resources, means, or money take over your day. Also, watch for a tendency to second-guess others. Look for new ways of communicating your ideas and thoughts.

While the Moon’s transit of your solar second house today helps ground you in many ways, dear Capricorn, you can experience some difficulty keeping your good humor in spots. The trick is to aim to enjoy mental tasks and exercises rather than entertain emotional perspectives. Uncluttering your mind and conscience requires you to focus on your priorities and free your mind from the vague worries, guilt, and concerns that seem to interfere with productivity now. If you find yourself investing far too much time and energy into matters that get blown out of proportion, it can feel like a big waste. Aim to pick yourself up and learn from the experience if it does happen, and you might take notes for future run-ins with these recurring issues. Once beyond hesitation or stalling, you’re likely to find quite a bit of enjoyment in the pursuit of your goals.

The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Aquarius, and you’re following your feelings. Even so, small complications can have a way of taking over your mind in spots today as Mercury and Pluto form a minor challenging aspect. Awareness of this tendency can help you overcome it since brooding or dwelling on unresolved matters from your past can interfere with your enjoyment of the present. It may be better to steer your thinking towards creative pursuits, but this is not about ignoring problems–the goal is to avoid dwelling on them in favor of considering them and aiming to resolve them going forward. A fresh approach or plan of action is in order. Your best bet for managing feelings of being overwhelmed may be to focus on smaller problems and work your way up rather than succumb to pressures to handle things immediately or in one go.

The Moon spends the day in your privacy sector, dear Pisces, and you require some downtime. As much as you’d like to unwind and decompress, there can be a lot going on in your mind. With a Mercury-Pluto aspect active today, there is some tendency to dwell on troublesome areas of your life, mainly revolving around friendships or family matters. Fears of missing out in your social life or stress can keep you feeling a little wired or on edge today. You don’t have to solve all your problems, and those of others, all at once, so do your best to take the pressure off. If you recognize that a new approach to a friendship or a venture is necessary, start working on that in small, measurable ways so that you don’t rush into something that will take all of your resources to correct.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 24, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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