Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- The Moon is void from 8:50 AM forward (until early tomorrow when the Moon enters Pisces).
- The Moon is waning and is in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- We’re between the Full Moon that occurred on the 18th in the sign of Scorpio and the Last Quarter Moon that will happen tomorrow.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Conversations today can be especially refreshing and even motivating, dear Aries. Your advice can be wonderfully helpful to someone, and you enjoy being of assistance. Part of you can be craving some form of drama, so a good movie or book is something to consider. The influences of today tend to soothe and calm you overall, however, and it’s a good idea to aim to take some of the recent pressures off. The need for camaraderie emerges, as well as your desire to nurture your dreams and hopes. Focusing on plans for the future can be most comforting, and concentrating on the positive and supportive elements in your life can lift your spirits. Work problems tend to iron themselves out quickly today as you take some time off from overthinking things.

You can enjoy a natural focus on practical matters, work, routines, and getting organized today, dear Taurus. It’s a strong time for observing how others relate to you, and you to them, and the energies of today come as somewhat of a relief after yesterday’s tendency to overthink things. You may be attracting resources or favorable circumstances right now as others are drawn to you and your quiet confidence. This is a good time for emotional and spiritual growth, even if the day tends to favor ambitions, goals, and practical affairs with the Moon’s transit emphasizing responsibilities and duty. A stronger sense of purpose and direction is building, and it feels good to look forward to something exciting.

This is a strong time for creative thinking and putting your ideas into practice, dear Gemini. Your advice can be especially helpful to others and appreciated as well. A significant someone can be supportive, and a big-picture perspective can be precisely what you need right now. Today’s energies are stabilizing for your confidence and outlook, as you’re inclined to feel good about the future. You may be craving slightly exotic or unusual things and experiences, and some of you may be attracted to someone surprising. You can be feeling pleasantly emotional. There is good energy for communicating your wishes and for fair and easy relationship dynamics. Connecting with someone through ideas or beliefs can be satisfying.

Today is strong for taking comfort in routines, dear Cancer. There can be a tendency to think about the past regarding your relationships, and there’s terrific energy with you for communicating, planning, and discovering meaningful patterns. As well, orderliness, even if it’s just a little more organization than usual, can be satisfying. You’re in a good position for emotional healing, speaking about matters of the heart, and bonding with loved ones. Conversations with family are in focus. You crave a little more depth from your interactions or activities, and the day is healthy for looking into a matter more deeply and learning useful work or health methods as the Moon and Jupiter form a supportive tie in your sectors of routines and intimacy. It’s quite natural for you to gravitate toward activities that improve your life in crucial ways.

Today’s energies are beneficial for learning from others and for new ideas, dear Leo. With a bit of peace, you’ll find that you can tap into your intuition quite easily, as it is a time when something on the inside is waiting to be tapped! With the Moon in your solar seventh house today, you may be focusing on compromising or spending quality time with someone special. Helping out a partner, or simply listening more intently to their wishes and needs, is favored now. Today’s influences encourage togetherness, and others in your life are likely to appreciate that you’re more approachable and involved than usual. Your confidence is radiated through others, and you’re inclined not only to give good advice but also to show your support for someone’s beliefs and aspirations, helping to boost a bond.

With today’s Moon transit, dear Virgo, you’re emotionally geared to get organized and take care of business. It’s an ideal time for doing either preparatory or catch-up work. It’s a better time to attend to details than to push ahead. Getting somewhat lost in details is appropriate now, in fact. There can be interesting news or revelations, and possibly some insight into matters from the past that were left up in the air or unexplained. It’s a favorable time for observing how others relate to you, and you to them, from a new perspective. Your ambition increases or motivation soars related to a home or work project that now feels more achievable. As long as you don’t take on something overwhelming, you’ll feel quite a bit of satisfaction as you tidy up your life in small but key ways.

This can be a day of gentle motivation and satisfying productivity, dear Libra. Others tend to support you in your efforts, or they allow you enough breathing space to do your thing. Energies today are excellent for solving a problem, mainly through conversation with a trusted friend or partner. The Moon spends another day in your creative sector, encouraging your attention to filling your more playful or expressive needs. All in all, it’s a natural day for making contacts and connections or for spending time pursuing hobbies and personal interests. You are communicating warmly and confidently, and if there have been some misunderstandings, you’re in good shape for clearing the air.

There is strong energy with you today for sorting an emotional problem or pattern out, dear Scorpio. The Moon is once again in your home and family sector all day, suggesting the need to rest up, enjoy time alone, or spend time with familiar people. While you’re curious and crave some mental stimulation, you’re inclined to want to play things safe today. You’re in a great place to creatively combine getting some peace and enjoying some self-expressive fun. It can also be a fine time for working on any recent money-making or business project at a comfortable pace. You are likely to feel less pressure or stress today, and this suits you just fine, although keeping moderately busy is expected to feel most satisfying.

The day is likely to be sociable and friendly but productive, dear Sagittarius, and you can get a lot out of collaboration. Learning something beneficial can figure strongly, and excitement about your projects and interests is probable. Positive things can come from reaching out to others, but you’re also fully capable of working on your own today. With the Moon’s transit of your solar third house, you could find that you’re more invested in your ideas or intelligence than usual. You have a stronger need to be heard, and the Moon’s connection to Jupiter in your sign suggests you’re likely to have a strong audience. Your ability to communicate your feelings openly and creatively is pronounced.

Today’s energies are strong for elevating your thoughts and inspiring a sense of real progress as a result, dear Capricorn. This can be a fine time for putting yourself in a different setting and frame of mind, which is likely to refresh and revitalize you. You may begin to see interesting patterns in your life that help you to understand yourself and your relationships better. Today is good for clarifications, particularly if there have been any disagreements or misunderstandings with family and loved ones. You may be drawn to alternative solutions to problems. Good advice that takes into account both practical and emotional factors can come your way. With the Moon’s transit of your solar second house all day, you’re seeking some steadiness today. Seek ways to let go of unnecessary worry and guilt, perhaps through earthy, comforting activities.

This can be a fine day for expressing yourself, dear Aquarius. Others may very well enjoy your talents as you do. It’s a good time for creating something new, and it’s also keen for productivity and genuinely enjoying what you’re doing. The key to getting a lot done these days is finding joy in the process. With the Moon in your sign connecting well with Jupiter, gut feelings can be uncannily accurate. While in some ways you’re inclined to go your own way, you’re likely to benefit from sharing ideas and experiences with others. Unlike yesterday, communications tend to be received well and as intended today. There can be helpful or simply pleasant conversations with friends, and some excitement is building regarding a new personal interest or project.

The Moon spends another day in your privacy zone, dear Pisces, and the need to withdraw from overly demanding or competitive situations continues. Extra time to yourself or opportunities to rest and reflect can be especially valuable and meaningful now as you prepare for a new lunar cycle set to begin tomorrow. Letting go helps clear your mind so that ideas or solutions have the space to emerge. You are sensitive and observant in general, but these things are pronounced today. You might enjoy helping or supporting others, and conversations can be very productive, so this is not necessarily about shutting out the world completely. Instead, it’s about not overdoing things or overtaxing your system.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 25, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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