Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries.
- The Moon is waning and is in its Last Quarter Moon.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 26th and the New Moon will occur on June 3rd.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

With a Mercury-Neptune square active today, dear Aries, it can be difficult to find hard answers. Conversations, thought patterns, and problem-solving could be complicated. If you’ve denied yourself necessary rest, downtime, or spiritual sustenance, you’ll feel especially drained now, prompting your attention to these needs. There can be some confusion related to learning, educational, communication, or transportation matters. If you’re feeling hesitant about a project or idea, take a little more time to get things right. You’re especially sensitive to harsh or chaotic situations, and you may do better dreaming, imagining, and enjoying the world of creativity or imagination just for now. There can be warm feelings for family and home life, and valuable connections may be made that help further financial, security, and domestic goals. The Moon spends the day in your sign, however, so seeking new experiences or leaving some room for spontaneity makes sense now.

Today’s energies make it challenging to see things clearly, dear Taurus. Financial matters may need attention, and it makes sense to avoid lending or borrowing just for now. While you’ve been more objective about your financial state, talents, and resources than usual in recent days, facts are unlikely to be clear just for now. Wishful or fearful thinking can skew your perceptions making it better to wait for a brighter time to make critical practical decisions. Consider more imaginative, engaging ways to do business or to drum it up. If possible, put some of your worldly goals on pause so that you can take care of your emotional and spiritual needs. In fact, connections made today can be particularly beneficial. You might discover opportunities for skills-building and work through friends or contacts.

You may not be seeing your future, general direction, or a career or reputation matter clearly today, dear Gemini, and this can temporarily cloud your mood or make current conversations difficult. It may be best not to act on ventures and ideas just for now since the tendency is to see what you want to see, as objectivity is somewhat compromised with a Mercury-Neptune aspect influencing the day. Aim to use today for imagining possibilities without jumping to conclusions, allowing time to tell the truth of a matter. If goals are too far-reaching or not very clear now, take things one step at a time and entertain smaller, more realizable goals until you can put yourself behind something with confidence. The Moon spends another day in your social sector, and friendships assume more importance than usual.

With Mercury and Neptune clashing today, dear Cancer, you may be tempted to turn on the emotional blinders about a matter that you don’t want to face just yet. While it’s best to avoid drawing conclusions today, you should make extra effort to avoid glossing over critical details as well. Tasks that require mental concentration, spontaneity, or direct action may not fare well just for now. As well, it may be best to avoid sharing a secret. Misunderstandings can abound now. This can be a good time for imaginative pursuits, but although aspiring towards a goal is exciting, if it’s preventing you from enjoying the moment, then you may need to focus on something more practical. Also today, valuable connections might be made through networking, a friend, a group, or an associate.

With Mercury square Neptune today, it can be challenging to see a situation clearly, dear Leo, particularly when it comes to emotional attachments, relationships, and finances. Watch for being a bit indiscriminate with your money, especially if others are handling it unmonitored. Try to keep abreast of what’s going on with shared resources. As well, this can be a time when you recognize the need to take better care of your spiritual needs before pushing a plan forward, or when you need some fresh inspiration. Try not to let a temporary lack of direction discourage you. Instead, try to welcome a pause or break in your life. Also today, valuable connections can be made now with employers, teachers, health care workers, guides, and counselors, or with people who help you to see your larger goals more clearly. Activities for healing, especially releasing negativity, or supporting and advising others, may also figure strongly.

Relations with a partner or significant friend may be confusing or could feel somewhat out of sync, dear Virgo, as Mercury forms a square to Neptune today. Be vigilant if putting your faith in someone or something, or aim to reserve judgment on a matter until more information surfaces. This energy might instead find you seeking to escape some of your duties, or there can be fogginess or something left up in the air related to a relationship that impacts your career or direction. The tendency to feel drained of energy or enthusiasm runs high, although it’s only temporary and possibly serves as a reminder to take a break or get extra rest. Doing so may help restore your vision, or you could find a new source of inspiration. Also today, activities or ideas shared with friends or in group settings can be uniquely healing and helpful, or there can be valuable connections made with friends, associates, teachers, guides, or counselors.

The need for a little extra oomph from your life, if misunderstood, can play with your perceptions today, dear Libra. A Mercury-Neptune square suggests that you may require mental refreshment or fresh inspiration, but you may mistake this for restlessness. Consider that discontent may have its root in needs for more fulfilling, creative, or imaginative work. Make time and space, if you can, for artistic or relaxing activities, but if you’re dealing with facts and figures, double-check your work. Keep in mind that misleading information may be floating around you, and the tendency to forget or overlook things runs high. On an emotional level, a good rule of thumb is to aim to be as fair and kind to yourself as you typically are with friends. Also possible today, you might bond with someone who shares similar goals and visions as your ruler, Venus, connects with the North Node.

With Mercury forming a square to Neptune today, dear Scorpio, there can be confusing signals or a sense that things are up in the air, especially regarding money, support, and relationships, leaving you in a state of limbo. However, you might instead consider it a convenient time for a pause that refreshes. Do watch for wishful thinking that distorts your perceptions and decisions now, and aim to put your imagination to more creative, empowering, and productive use. Attempting to fill your needs for vision and inspiration may temporarily take you away from pursuing your more worldly goals, but it can be well worth the effort. Fortunately, another influence active today can find you connecting with others in practical, helpful ways that help you advance your studies or broaden your horizons.

A Mercury-Neptune square active today tends to confuse rather than clarify, dear Sagittarius, but some diffusion may be just what you need right now. Rhythms and patterns in relationships may be off, and signals are mixed. If you’ve been spending too much time honoring others’ needs at the expense of your needs for solitude and personal comfort, you’ll feel the imbalance today. Discontent is temporary. By letting go of a need for definitive signs or answers, you’ll be better off enjoying the moment and taking a pause that refreshes. It’s better to reserve judgment on a matter until more information surfaces since it’s highly unlikely you’re seeing the whole story now. Also today, you could be making connections that help you advance your work or health goals.

The energies of today tend to open you up to new possibilities, dear Capricorn, but it’s best not to expect concrete results with Mercury square to Neptune. If you’ve been pushing yourself too hard or forgetting to feed your imagination, you’re likely to feel somewhat exasperated or drained today. Your mind is likely to drift, and it can be hard to stay on course. If at all possible, take a break from heavy thinking and planning and seek out undemanding activities. Even so, you’re in good shape for relationships, as long as you steer clear from the need for reliable answers or definitions. You could make a romantic or creative connection that contributes to your growth and sense of fulfillment. People help you, and you help them, and this interchange feels excellent. While you are a little more retiring than usual with the Moon in your home and family sector all day, you can also feel pleasantly connected with someone or happily focused on a relationship.

Today’s energies are inclined to confuse more than empower, at least initially, dear Aquarius, but they do invite you to seek out inspiration if it’s been missing from your life. Focusing on the tasks at hand may not come easily right now, although if something touches your higher ideals or secret dreams, you’ll feel considerably more motivated. When it comes to your personal needs, comfort levels, boundaries, valuables, business, and money, there can be question marks or confusion, or uncertainty may slow down your pursuit of pleasure or love. Watch for a tendency to borrow from the future to satisfy a temporary desire. Otherwise, take a pause and reconsider or reimagine your plans. Also today, you may find much to enjoy in your work, services, or daily routines, but you’re also rather sociable and could be making valuable connections and contacts. There can be excellent advice about work or health coming from a family member.

Temporary feelings of demotivation or restlessness are possible now, dear Pisces, with Mercury’s square to Neptune today. It’s best to accept that clarity or guidance is not in the cards just for now, but will return in due time. Instead of worrying about a missed opportunity from the past, resolve to be more prepared in the future. On the bright side, confusion or open-endedness now may offer you the chance to look for inconsistencies in plans. As well, you might come into contact with people who can help direct you, spread word of mouth, or contribute to your projects. There can be opportunities to learn valuable new skills or to make a new friend. You might enjoy a sense of renewed commitment to a relationship, hobby, or pursuit.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 29, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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