Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries until 4:17 PM, after which the Moon is in Taurus.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- We are in between the Third Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 26th, and the New Moon which will happen on May 4th.
- Jupiter is retrograde.
- Pluto is retrograde.
- Saturn is retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon continues to transit your sign until evening, dear Aries, and you’re in need of some emotional refreshment. Later today, the Moon moves out of your sign, and while your personal experiences and goals have been in high focus, you’re taking more interest in slowing down and enjoying what you have. This is about building, rooting, and nesting rather than innovation or excitement. You are in need of a more predictable and secure pace, and the earthier the activity, the better now! This easier, less excitable pace helps prepare for tomorrow’s New Moon. On this day before the New Moon, it’s particularly wise to reflect, take in, and observe so that you’re more in touch with your intuition as the New Moon takes place, prompting brand new beginnings related to your money, possessions, and resources.

Time to yourself would be most helpful for much of today, dear Taurus. The Moon is approaching full circle relative to your sign, spending time in the sign just behind yours before entering your sign later today, and it’s natural for you to need more time to reflect, meditate, and detox on an emotional level until that time. Your intuition is working powerfully now. You can quickly become comfortable with your feelings and all that goes on behind the scenes and below the surface. You seem to function very well behind the scenes right now, perhaps feeling more comfortable this way. A need for time to cocoon in some manner continues today until evening, when the Moon enters your sign and emotions need clear channels for expression and you’re more inclined to reach out to others for acknowledgement and reinforcement.

Friendships, entertaining, enjoying company, or connecting with your happiness goals and dreams can be in sharper focus today than usual, dear Gemini, as the Moon finishes up its transit of your solar eleventh house. This transit stimulates your desire to be involved. You’re likely to enjoy an easy flow of expression and you find it natural to dream up exciting plans for the future. Friends tend to bring good news or advice. Practical elements of your life tend to take the backseat today, as you are emotionally geared towards social matters. There is a natural need to detach yourself temporarily from people and situations that have you feeling under pressure. By evening, you’re ready to cocoon, rest, and reflect as you enter a two-day cycle for healing and regeneration.

You may be in the position to take command, to lead, or to organize your life in a significant manner today, dear Cancer, with the Moon at the top of your solar chart. Increased awareness of your reputation can motivate you to align your goals more closely to what represents you best, and serves as a reminder that you are part of a larger system, and an integral part thereof. You’re likely to find that cooperation and support from others flow naturally right now. Recognition of your efforts can help fuel your motivation to do your best. Later today, you crave more recreation.

You’re especially forward-looking today, dear Leo. There is good energy for teaching and sharing as well, but you are at your best if activities you take part in allow you some space for spontaneity and freedom of movement. You have a stronger ability to focus on the positive and uplifting elements of your life. The chance to expand your world is with you now, and you can feel very confident about finding ways to enlarge your scope. This is also a potentially good day for personal appeal and romantic endeavors. The Moon’s transit of your sector of spirit until the evening encourages you to get out and about, after which you’re likely to focus on putting your life into better order. You’ll feel most satisfied with a general plan of action in place now.

You might enjoy a small challenge or mystery today, dear Virgo, and family and personal matters tend to fare well. You’re thinking in particularly positive terms, enjoying good memories and perhaps absorbing activities or even in-depth study or research that benefits you. You’re likely to see meaningful connections that allow you to solve problems and discover reasons and motivations for your behavior as well as others. Strategies for long-term ventures are sound. Emphasis today is on emotions, close ties, dreams, and your inner world, but by evening, the Moon heads into your spirit sector, and you may be feeling a certain level of reanimation or a desire for more movement. Note that a New Moon will occur tomorrow, making it better to reflect and unwind today than to begin something entirely new.

There is good energy with you for teaming up, communicating, and getting to the core of a matter today, dear Libra. You may very well come to a perfect idea with a bit of brainstorming. Areas of imbalance in your life or relationships can be more evident, and you’re quick to correct them. You thrive and benefit from a sense that others are supportive and in general agreement. It’s a relationship-oriented day, and it may come naturally for you to ease off a little when it comes to personal agendas and plans so that you can pay special attention to someone special. As the day advances, you are a little more serious, and you stay away from anything that seems too superficial. Doing one thing well, instead of many things satisfactorily, is most rewarding now.

You’re inclined to focus on the little things and details that need attention today, dear Scorpio, with the Moon continuing its transit of your solar house of habits and details until this evening. You have a stronger sense of self, and you’re carrying yourself in such a way that you’re naturally attracting the right resources to you. There can be good relations with those you work with, who work for you, or who you interact with while fulfilling daily tasks and duties. This can be a time for good feelings about being productive, taking care of business, bringing more order into your life, and attending to your resources. As the day advances, you become more and more focused on relationships and tend to want to pair up to get things done.

Feelings may be dramatic, mostly in a pleasant way, and games or diversions may be in order today, dear Sagittarius. This is a time for honoring your “inner child”, and your ease with expressing this part of you can inspire positive feedback. Today’s energies emphasize the Fire signs until evening, and this gives you a subtle boost. You’re feeling all the more connected to the people around you and to the things you are doing. Others might seek you out and feel especially comfortable in your presence. You are more likely to have favors and wishes granted right now. However, a quieter theme emerges as the Moon heads into your work and health sector this evening. A New Moon will occur in this sector of your chart tomorrow, and it makes sense to consider what you’d like to improve in your life in the areas of work, habits, and health as you embark on a new beginning in any of these life departments.

Today’s energies are better for tying up loose ends, reflecting, and winding down, dear Capricorn, with a New Moon (and an especially lively, upbeat one for you) about to occur tomorrow. You may be able to put some of the outstanding issues of your personal life to rest, or at least tie up some loose ends. You begin the day with the Moon in the lowest part of your solar chart, and you crave feelings of being rooted and secure. Support may come from behind the scenes or more simply for catching your breath and relaxing. There can be a special enjoyment of personal memories, and some form of emotional retreat is appropriate now. As the day advances, you’re ready to share yourself with the rest of the world! You’ll crave more involvement and feedback.

Working together with others in a team may yield the better results for the time being today, dear Aquarius, or you’re working independently but especially engaged with others, curious, and alert. You’re drawn to lively settings and people, as well as interesting ideas. You’ll find things calmer and more focused later today once the Moon enters your solar fourth house, but it remains a good time for branching out and exploring or connecting. An invitation may be in the offing. The Moon continues to encourage entertaining a variety of ideas until evening when it moves into your sector of home and family. Getting comfortable becomes an emotional need from this point on–which is a good thing as a New Moon will occur tomorrow, and it’s better to wind down than wind up.

With the Moon in your resources sector today, dear Pisces, you’re approaching life with a desire to either settle in and get comfortable or work on building something rather than innovating or starting anew. Thoughts about money, business, or valuables can be in focus and meaningful. Making peace with the past helps you clarify your ambitions, and today, you may be doing some thinking along those lines. You are not letting the small problems get to you. Your needs seem to be met more readily with a direct approach now, and you can have a chance to regroup. As the day advances, your curiosity builds, and you’re more interactive! You’ll want to keep your ear to the ground.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 3, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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