Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase until 6:45 PM, after which the Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurs today at 6:45 PM.
- Jupiter is retrograde.
- Pluto is retrograde.
- Saturn is retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The New Moon today occurs in the sector of your solar chart that rules your earning power, comfort, and security, dear Aries. This lunation motivates you to take charge and make bold improvements along these lines. This can emerge from a feeling of lack, a dream or sudden fear that you’re not on top of things, or from an event that reminds you of who or what you value most. Sometimes feeling temporarily insecure about your situation is enough to motivate you to strengthen your position. With this New Moon, an opportunity period emerges in the coming weeks for new or refreshed business ideas, savings accounts, budgets, or anything that helps you build up and manage your resources. A Mars-Pluto aspect today can complicate the process of getting in touch with what you truly want. Concerns about your responsibilities and performance, or perhaps your reputation, can emerge today. If you’ve been taking on too much or spreading yourself too thin, these worries can reach a peak. Simplify and prioritize for best results.

A Mars-Pluto challenge can have the effect of pulling up resentments if you feel others are pushing their ideas or lifestyle on you, dear Taurus. Pressures to do or learn can be frustrating now. There could also be tensions related to money or energy and resources, and where to put them to serve you best. Center yourself and seek to learn more about your true needs and desires. This evening’s New Moon, in fact, is in your sign, and it can serve as a powerful motivator or prompt to make personal changes and improvements in the weeks ahead. This is a time for reinventing yourself in a meaningful way, or for a personal new beginning. Your drive to be counted, seen, and heard emerges in full force, and you might consider ways to update your personal presentation or image, which can lead to a fresh start of sorts. Especially if you feel that others are not quite getting you or if your image is working against you, this is a time for setting things straight. Avoid rushing into new beginnings. Pace yourself.

A New Moon today occurs in the sign behind yours and your privacy sector, dear Gemini, opening up an opportunity period in the coming week for tapping into your intuition and taking charge of your emotional health. Events or realizations occurring now can prompt the need to slow down, take in, rest, reflect, and process recent developments in your emotional life. Those endeavors or situations that have been weighing you down or no longer working for you may now need to come to a close. This is a time of shedding and lightening your load! Next month’s New Moon will occur in your sign, prompting a personal new beginning, and the better you clear up emotional space for letting in positive new energy now, the more power you’ll have to improve your life then. A Mars-Pluto challenge can point to an unexpected development that requires an adjustment. Keep in mind that expansion tends to add stress to your life instead of multiplying joy at the moment, so keep things simple for best results.

The need or desire to make a fresh start in your social life can emerge now with the New Moon occurring in your solar eleventh house today, dear Cancer. The coming weeks are powerful for reaching out to others, finding your place in your networks or community and among friends, and joining groups or taking part in group activities. This can also be a time for planting seeds for future goals and dreams. It can be a most inspired time of year for you! You have more power and opportunity to make a difference with others or to make an impact in your social circle or community. Your sense of belonging to something bigger than yourself can be in focus now, and you might find the inspiration to connect with kindred spirits or learn new things that help you increase your understanding of the world around you. This is also a powerful time for teamwork and cooperative activities. There is a small obstacle to clear as Mars forms a quincunx to Pluto, and a personal problem or relationship challenge can feel a little weightier than usual. It can be frustrating if people are not doing what you expect of them, which is very likely the case today. However, there aren’t necessarily answers now, so aim to give it some thought, but when thinking turns into dwelling, catch yourself and redirect your energies into productive channels.

Today’s New Moon opens up an opportunity period for making your mark on the world in a meaningful or significant way, dear Leo, however big or small. This is a time for gaining recognition and reward, or for making changes related to your status, performance, professional image, reputation, and career. A fresh start is in the offing now. This is a great time for updating or refreshing your image through positive actions. New career directions or projects, and even a new career or status for some of you, can figure strongly now. This can be a time for making a comeback of sorts if you’ve been keeping to yourself or focused on other life departments in recent months. A Mars-Pluto tense aspect can confuse desires at times today, however, and can make it difficult to unwind. Pressure to get things done can overwhelm you now. Watch for extravagance, and possibly speaking too soon about a matter today, and you’ll enjoy it more. Sharing ideas, beliefs, and visions with someone can be satisfying now.

Today’s New Moon brings a fresh start and launches an opportunity period for expanding your experiences and understanding your life’s purpose, dear Virgo. It is an inspired time of year when you seek out new ideas or develop your opinions and personal philosophy. You might more frequently ponder the meaning of life and reach out to share your thoughts with others. Breaking out of limiting habits and routines can be almost as important to you as breaking into unexplored territory. Either way, you’re feeling refreshed. Your quest to learn and grow is strong, and you may very well meet with people who introduce you to new lifestyles or concepts, or your studies and interests can take you somewhere exotic on a mental level. Needs, wants, and desires can be complicated today, however, with the possibility of so many distractions and diversions that it’s difficult to understand what you want. There can be some fears of pursuing your desires or expressing yourself creatively that serve to delay your plans. Ambitions are strong, but confidence is up and down. If so, try to take it in stride because it’s temporary and helps you pace yourself.

Your attention to your inner world and the mysteries of life has increased in recent days, dear Libra, and today, the New Moon occurs, acting as a nudge towards making improvements and taking charge of these matters. This house of your solar chart rules many of the things that go on behind closed doors or deep inside of you. Your need or desire for more intimacy and closeness, passion projects, or self-understanding can intensify, prompting you to take action. An event might take place that opens your eyes to the need for handling debts or shared resources more effectively or for paying particular attention to an intimate relationship or your needs for a deep connection to something or someone. New beginnings along these lines are likely in the coming week. With a Mars-Pluto challenge now, sticking around home and family can be a compulsion, but can prevent you from growing and thriving, so consider dividing your time. Pull yourself away from areas where you’re feeling overly attached or stressed. Do your best to avoid obsessing over things that you have no power to change, as you’re turning over a new leaf.

Today’s New Moon can give you a nice boost of energy and power for a new direction in a relationship, dear Scorpio. There is a bit of magic to this New Moon, and it can help you inject some warm and creative energy into your interactions. This is a time for new beginnings and improvements to partnerships, and perhaps bringing a current relationship to a new level, or a fresh start related to your negotiation skills and attitude towards relating. For some, meeting someone who has long-term potential, whether this is a business, friendship, or love connection, is in the works. This can also be a time for increased activity with clients or the public, as you might find yourself in higher demand than usual. It’s a busier time of year for involvement in others’ lives as well as an opportunity period for building your people and negotiation skills. With both of your rulers, Mars and Pluto, in an awkward relationship to one another today, however, you may feel a little divided or out of sorts. Do your best to avoid reading too much into what others are saying and doing, as dwelling on problem areas is a real tendency but doesn’t do you any good.

Today’s New Moon occurs in the sector of your chart that rules work, health, habits, and routines, dear Sagittarius. The chance to approach these things in a new, take-charge way is with you in the coming weeks. While some of you are starting a new job, for most, this is an opportunity period for building better, more satisfying systems in your life, for discovering new ways to enjoy your work or daily activities, and for getting on top of daily routines. Keep your long-term goals in mind, but don’t let them overwhelm you as this is a time of year for attention to the details that make achieving your larger goals possible. Work on getting a plan in place in the coming days before taking off. A Mars-Pluto aspect today points to a tendency to dwell on problems, however, and issues of control or power can surface in close relationships. Find ways to loosen up and relax so that you can enjoy the new energy and enthusiasm that’s now building in your life.

Today’s New Moon brings a spirit of newness and enthusiasm to your romantic and creative sector, dear Capricorn, and this can spark a new beginning related to recreation, pleasure, children, or romance. You’re cleaning the slate and starting over. The weeks ahead present an opportunity period for exploring and developing the creative or romantic sides to your personality. You might experience a sudden desire to share yourself with others, to perform, to get noticed, or to express yourself in creative or playful ways. It’s a great time to make more time for fun and recreation in your life, for a renewed or new interest in a hobby, or for a boost in your dating life. Today holds some awkward energy, however, that points to the need to slow down or make adjustments. Recent imbalances in your life seem to be spilling over, and it’s hard to know where to direct your energy productively today. Most important for you is to control stress by identifying what things are making you feel off your game and taking steps to remedy the situation. Go easy on yourself now, particularly by avoiding overextending yourself.

The New Moon occurring today emphasizes your personal life, inner world, family, home, and domestic matters, dear Aquarius. There can be a sense of starting fresh or new energy related to these areas of life, and new household projects or renewed focus on activities around the home can be forthcoming. This might instead relate to family relationships or support systems. You can be in need of a safety net, comfort, familiarity, and nurture. An opportunity period opens for you to better understand your personal needs and your reliance on loved ones. Aim to make some resolutions about how to improve your home life and your sense of security and comfort. Fine-tuning the systems in your home life can be particularly satisfying and can benefit you in many different life departments, and you’ll see opportunities to do so going forward. Also today, watch for the tendency to become moody if things aren’t going exactly to script. The day’s energies are complicated but ultimately can get you closer to your heart.

Today’s New Moon occurs in your communications sector today, dear Pisces, bringing fresh, new energy to your everyday life and the world of your mind, and setting a theme for the coming weeks. This opens up an opportunity period for new or renewed interests, projects, and channels for expressing yourself, learning, connecting, and commuting. This can be an active cycle for writing, speaking, and schooling, or for breathing new life into an old project. This is also a useful time to consider how your thoughts and style of communication can help or hinder you. Making improvements and updates on these levels can impact your life in more ways than one. Today, a Mars-Pluto aspect can create some tension. Frustration with people in your life who are not behaving as you expected can peak. Resentments and unresolved problems can be at the root of sudden impatience or mood swings now. It can take some trial and error and perhaps some conflicts with others before you get to the root of problems, but it can be well worth the effort.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 4, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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