Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus until 11:39 PM, after which the Moon is in Gemini.
- The void Moon occurs from 11:10 AM to 11:39 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred yesterday in the sign of Taurus.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

With Mars opposite Jupiter today, dear Aries, mental energy is abundant but can turn into nervous energy if left unchecked. There can be so many opportunities and ideas available to you now –or so many assorted things to do — that you feel overwhelmed. While you should certainly think in big terms, avoid taking on so much that you don’t know where to begin. Also, watch for arguments that are ultimately not worth your time. You are certainly interested in knowing and sharing the truth right now, but you may be going over the top or putting your foot in your mouth if you don’t do your research first. The Moon in your resources sector almost all day can help ground you.

With Mars opposite Jupiter today, there can be an issue brewing over an ownership or intimate matter, dear Taurus. You might be feeling very independent, wanting to show that you can take care of yourself, while others may be making tempting offers of support. With a New Moon just behind you, in many ways, you’re revving up, and today’s energies can contribute but perhaps take you over the top. While thinking big is a good exercise, be on the alert for excesses that should be corrected. For example, if you’ve been overspending or over-borrowing, or too dependent on others for your happiness, then this is a time for seeing the need to bring things back into balance. Push-pull energy in a relationship can be prominent. The Moon in your sign most of the day adds emotional punch to an already vibrant day.

Even with the Sun in your privacy sector encouraging a strong need to stay under the radar, dear Gemini, you are highly stimulated to assert your independence and move forward with personal plans with Mars in your sign. Mars opposes Jupiter today, however, and this can lead to excess. Be active today, but avoid hasty actions. Watch that you’re not acting out in ways that jeopardize an important partnership or relationship. Some of you could be torn between going your own way and including someone or boosting a relationship. While a tough choice, you may be able to compromise. As well, opposing viewpoints can become inflamed fast now, but consider where your energy would be best channeled now. Through some conflict or restlessness, however, you might see ways to make meaningful improvements to your life.

The Sun in your social sector places much emphasis on making connections, group activities, and friendships, dear Cancer. However, Mars in your solar twelfth house demands some time for rest, detox, and replenishment. Today, Mars in your privacy sector opposes Jupiter in your work and health sector, and while your work or routines can bring you a lot of joy these days in general, and you seem to always want to do more and more, circumstances can force some rest or downtime for you now. This can be a time when if you push an exercise, for example, you might put your knee out. This is just an example, but Mars-Jupiter energy can convince us that we are superhuman. Do what you can to find a balance. Wonderful energy for work and health remains with you–it’s excess that needs watching under current conditions. Consider consequences, but if you need to break out of a bad habit or a frustrating circumstance, this can be the helpful push you need.

This is a time for thinking in big terms, dear Leo, but it’s also important to consider your abilities and resources before taking on too much. Right now, you can have so many interests that it’s hard to focus on something special. With Mars opposite Jupiter today, you may have trouble deciding whether you want to stand out from the crowd or work along with others. You may very well decide to manage a team in some way or branch out with others. Collaborating might be an option that frees up your time and energy for other endeavors, even though you more often than not prefer to create on your own schedule. Or, your social and love life may conflict at this time, with strong pulls happening in both directions. Independence, freedom, and beliefs can be hot topics.

While there is a stronger interest in different experiences, learning, and a change of routine in your life these days, dear Virgo, on this day after the New Moon, today’s Mars-Jupiter opposition brings other life departments into high focus. Pressure to advance and attend to career or responsibilities is likely, yet a very strong desire to stick close to home and family as well. A balance is important now. Getting to this balance can involve consideration of reasonable limits. Push yourself to think of new ways to improve your life, but keep everything reasonable. The desire to break free from situations that restrict or limit you is strong, and this can be positive if it gives you the courage to make overdue changes. Watch carefully, however, for a tendency to push your limits with bosses, parents, or teachers. Going your own way is fine, but it may be that you’re alienating others in the process.

You would be wise to watch for hasty statements and actions, dear Libra, with Mars opposite Jupiter today. Mind you, pushing your usual boundaries with learning and communications can be good for you, as long as it’s not excessive. You have a strong desire to speak, know, and share your personal truths. Try to keep your cool, unless, of course, you need the extra courage to express what you’ve wanted to express for some time. An impulse to explore, discover, and learn can come on strongly now. Look for opportunities to expand your knowledge or skills without adding too much to your plate. Enthusiasm may turn to nervous energy today.

There can be a conflict over ownership or values brewing now, dear Scorpio, with Mars opposite Jupiter. Look for opportunities to improve your finances, but avoid the trap of thinking that bigger is better. Issues of sharing and power in a relationship can emerge, with both sides pushing quite hard to feel freer. With this aspect in play, you’re inclined to believe that you can handle more than you truly can, and it’s important to avoid overcommitting. Instead, letting go of something that has already expired or outgrown its usefulness can lead to a real sense of freedom and liberation.

Partnerships are likely to be very lively, dear Sagittarius. Don’t shy away from any conflict that surfaces now, as it’s a good time to take care of troubles and then be done with them once and for all. There could be someone trying to get to you or to pull your strings now, and issues of independence and partnership can challenge you to make a decision, however. Someone could be a little jealous or acting out, and could be concerned about where you’re headed or if you are outgrowing them. Try not to be self-righteous if a confrontation occurs now. Treat this is a time to confront, learn, and grow. An issue of freedom can come to a head now. Assert yourself, but do so with knowledge of your heart. Otherwise, impulsiveness can get you into a sticky situation with assertive Mars opposite your ruler, Jupiter.

With Mars opposite Jupiter today, if you’ve been overdoing either work or relaxation, you’re likely to feel pressured, dear Capricorn. You seem to want it all! The temptation is to add more things to your plate or to break free of an obligation, but neither of these will help you at the moment. Reducing excess is the ideal solution. You may need to let go of projects or ideas, and possibly attitudes, that are getting in the way of progress, particularly those that keep you from growing in your work and that prevent you from optimum health care practices. Delegating some of your tasks can free you up so that you can better manage your daily affairs, keep your life organized and running smoothly, and get sufficient rest.

With Mars opposite Jupiter today, dear Aquarius, there could be pressure to stand out from the crowd, yet the desire to just enjoy yourself and blend in can be very appealing as well. A conflict between a romantic relationship and friendship may surface. Watch today for overdoing things and trying to please too many people. More is not always better! We have a tendency to try to solve problems by creating new ones for ourselves today, and if this can be identified and nipped in the bud, all the better. However, do look for opportunities to improve your social or romantic life without taking on more, because out of some restlessness, you may very well see new opportunities.

With Mars opposing Jupiter today, dear Pisces, there can be quite a bit of pressure to spend time with family or at home, but also a big pull towards pursuing outside responsibilities and ambitions. Finding a balance is important, but avoid adding more to your plate as a temporary fix. Goals seem to compete with one another when you have too much going on. Keep yourself open to new methods and directions for handling problems, and keep important players in your life on your team by including them in your plans. The Moon spends most of the day in your communications sector, also bringing liveliness to the day.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 5, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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