Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Gemini.
- The Moon is void from 7:49 PM forward (until the Moon enters Cancer tomorrow).
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- We are in between the New Moon that occurred on May 4th in the sign of Taurus, and the First Quarter Moon, which will happen on May 11th.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
- Mercury spends its first full day in Taurus (Mercury transits Taurus from May 6-21).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Personal freedom and responsibilities are in focus today, dear Aries, and probably not mixing well as Venus in your sign forms a square to Saturn in the first half of the day. An obligation could emerge that ties you down or holds you back. Or, someone may be a little jealous of the recent attention you’ve been getting and can be a bit of a downer. Obstacles present themselves just when you’re feeling invincible today, but this is only a temporary setback, so stay as positive as possible. It may be that it’s time to recognize the limitations of specific projects or efforts, and for understanding what needs to go so that you can move forward lighter and happier. As the day moves forward, it’s easier to let your mind take you in far more positive places. In fact, you can feel inspired.

The first half of the day is better for reflection than decisive action, dear Taurus. A Venus-Saturn square points to some uneasiness, and criticism or a fear of criticism can lead to defensiveness. People may not be lending you their support at the moment. There might also be some uncertainty about someone’s feelings towards you. Relationships, finances, and career-related matters are complicated today, and it may be difficult to state what you need directly. Look for the lesson if things are slowing down, reaching a speedbump, or not going as planned. As the day advances, you worry less about problems and instead easily sniff out opportunities. This is an excellent time for generating ideas or for developing a spark of interest in a new topic.

Relationships, work, and possibly finances, can be complicated in the first half of the day, dear Gemini, with Venus forming a square with Saturn. There could be a letdown or seeming rejection or criticism. There could also be frustration revolving around a financial or work matter, perhaps with both positive and negative news. Try not to take ups and downs experienced today to heart. Self-protectiveness can lead to a not very generous display of emotions, and perhaps frustration with blocks and restrictions. Blocks and limits may seem weighty, but they can serve to slow you down long enough for you to make better plans. As the day advances, we head toward a Mercury-Uranus alignment, and it becomes easier to focus on the positive.

With a Venus-Saturn square today, dear Cancer, there can be worries and concerns regarding career, long-term goals, life direction, and partnership. Expecting negative responses can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Even if you’re positive, however, there can be some negative feedback, so your best bet may be to plan to deal with it as maturely as possible and aim to learn from delays or slowdowns. If you feel someone is jealous of the attention you’re getting, try not to take it to heart, since you can see through it. There can be some fear of disapproval or lack of support stimulated. Take into account what people important to you think, but don’t be afraid to go your own way. As the day advances and you let go of tension, you may be able to tune into some fabulous ideas.

In the first half of the day, you may be dealing with a block or a reality check, dear Leo, about recent plans or initiatives. This is a time when pushing something sets you back and it’s better to wait or slow down, or when a project or even a relationship comes to a small checkpoint. If you’re feeling unfulfilled or disillusioned, don’t allow it to weaken your resolve. Take the lesson from what you experience now, and use it as you rework your plans to better fit into what will work for you, realistically speaking. Duties and responsibilities tend to keep you rooted for now, but there are always workarounds if you look for them. While the tendency is to narrow your focus, as the day advances, it’s easy to zoom out and consider the bigger picture. In fact, you may be feeling quite inspired later today and into tomorrow.

In the first half of the day, there can be some worries, concerns, or emotional distance to deal with, dear Virgo, as Venus and Saturn form a square. This transit can point to a delay, blockage, disapproval, or rejection, although it’s typically only a temporary setback or slowdown. Unhappiness in relationships or with creative output can stand out now, and differences in tastes, styles, or attitudes with people close to you may feel particularly irritating or disruptive. Confused signals in a relationship can be problematic and can be a symptom of unrest or fears within yourself and not truly reflective of a relationship. However, whatever does emerge now can be revealing of vulnerable areas in our relationships and within ourselves taking the form of insecurities. The energy to fight self-defeating thoughts may be low temporarily. It’s best to try not to let pettiness in others ruin your positive frame of mind, and to aim to stay centered and realistic.

With your ruler, Venus, square Saturn today, dear Libra, you can be very sensitive to criticism or rebuffs, or this can be a time of a small disappointment. There may be a reality check of sorts. Family members or responsibilities to the home can feel burdensome or restricting, particularly in comparison to your relationships and social life. There could be someone who acts as a downer or who bursts your bubble about a relationship, but in all likelihood, your instincts may be signaling that you might want to slow down and double check whether something is real or overblown. The day advances with more clarity, and perhaps the key is mental detachment as Mercury and Uranus head toward alignment. Ideas coming to you today and tomorrow can be particularly inspired.

There may be an obstacle to clear in the first half of the day, dear Scorpio. Saturn’s square to Venus can point to some form of slowdown, disapproval, blockage, or time constraint. Whatever it is, there can be the need to redo or retry rather than move plans forward. Do pay particular attention to how you express yourself, whether you’re not asking for enough or if you’re coming across as critical. Saturn is a guest in your communications sector and can influence your attitude and the ways you express yourself. Perhaps you’re not giving yourself enough credit, and this is interfering with your ability to attract the resources you need. Try not to let delays or restrictions weigh you down so that you can best take advantage of relevant information coming in today and tomorrow. In fact, as the day advances, you’ll find it easier to detach and let your mind wander.

There can be complications to giving or receiving love today, dear Sagittarius, or merely a natural withdrawal that allows you to gain some perspective or slow down and pace yourself. You can feel on fire with passion and creative energy at specific points today, followed by frustration or blockage. Obstacles may be financially-related on the surface of things, or possibly come in the form of inner reservations or fears of not getting something right. Keep in mind that blocks are temporary, but there are also valuable lessons to them that should be noted. This is a time for reflection rather than advancement. It’s brief and may very well help you to redirect your energies appropriately. As the day advances, it’s easier to pull yourself into a relaxed mindset, and you may very well arrive at surprising ideas as you open up your mind.

In the first half of the day, dear Capricorn, you can be particularly sensitive to how others receive you or to any situation that leaves you feeling worried about rejection due to a Venus-Saturn square that reminds you of limitations. Initially, however, these constraints can be exaggerated in your mind or very skewed to the negative, and it can take a bit of time to reach a more balanced view of the situation. Love is complicated, especially because you need some nurturing or reassurance and others may be too wrapped up in their own problems to be of use in this way. Bad timing or reservations can interfere with the natural flow of things. Try to look within rather than to others for happiness. Limits may seem to fall away or roll off you as the day advances and your perspective changes.

You’re going somewhere in terms of pet projects or studies, dear Aquarius, and incoming information or sparks of ideas today and tomorrow can be integral for future projects. However, a Venus-Saturn square influencing the first half of the day can produce some reserve, hesitation, or a need to reassess a situation. This is a good time to examine attitudes that are keeping you from truly enjoying your life. Even if the timing is not quite right, or if you are dealing with delays, criticism, or hesitance, slowing down a little can be helpful now. It’s not ideal astrological weather for going all out or over the top–keeping things moderate makes sense just for the time being. People may not be very forthcoming or generous, and while this is primarily due to fear or insecurity, it’s still not a good time for asking for favors. Later today, however, boundaries seem to dissolve, and it can shape up to be a strong time for satisfying conversation and inspired ideas.

In the first half of the day, dear Pisces, there may be a social or emotional issue that nags at you or weighs you down and prevents you from expressing yourself naturally as Venus and Saturn come to a square aspect. There can be defensiveness stimulated or perhaps a feeling that someone is not valuing you or seeing your true worth. A reality check with a friend or finances may be part of your day. It’s important to get to a state of realism now, but just for the moment, it may be looking a lot more negative than it really is. Tame fears, but take lessons to slow down. If you’ve been overworked or taken for granted recently, this is a time for making a change. As the day progresses, you’ll find it easier to let things go and gain some perspective. In fact, it’s shaping up to be a great time for new ideas or spins on a situation.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 7, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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