Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Gemini until 5:06 AM, after which the Moon is in Cancer.
- The Moon is void until 5:06 AM (since yesterday at 7:49 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase until 9:50 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- We are in between the New Moon that occurred on May 4th in the sign of Taurus, and the First Quarter Moon, which will happen on May 11th.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

A Mercury-Uranus alignment today is useful for moving you forward, dear Aries. Its energies detach you just enough that you put something you no longer need behind you. Ideas can come to you suddenly or in incredible flashes now. Conversations tend to be exciting, different, and progressive. Money and business matters can be in sharp focus and breakthrough thinking can revolve around these things. Experimenting with new ideas can be fun and a great mental exercise now. There is a good chance that you come up with a very unique and progressive money-making scheme, or you gain insight that has you approaching your finances in a fresh, new way. This can also be an excellent time for new insights about emotional and personal matters, home, family, and the past. A Sun-Neptune connection later today helps you relax and let things be, and this helps kickstart intuition. Taking action on a private matter or putting a problem behind you may be in focus. Adding creative flair or artistic touches to a project can be satisfying and successful.

Your desire for more independence and spontaneity is strong these days after a recent New Moon in your sign, dear Taurus, and today especially, you want to express yourself freely or get things off your chest. Your perspective is positive and forward-looking, and motivation to pursue recent or new interests is strong. This can be a time when you’re birthing an important new idea or turning over a new leaf on a mental level. Career news may also be in focus. There can be a learning breakthrough or a satisfying resolution to a problem. Later today, the Sun in your sign harmonizes with Neptune, opening your heart and your mind to new possibilities. This aspect encourages looking at things and people for their beauty rather than their flaws. Dreams and ideals assume particular importance to you today and helping others can be rewarding.

An idea forms or a missing puzzle piece is found that completes a picture of a matter today, dear Gemini. It’s an important day for understanding elements of the past that have prevented you from reaching your highest potential. Self-improvement activities are particularly attractive now. New information can surface, or you can have sudden insight into how to put something behind you. This can be a time for enjoying some free-form thinking and entertaining ideas that take you out of your usual bounds. You can come up with exciting and inventive new ideas on how to handle recent problems or challenges. You may be privy to private information or a secret, or divulge a secret of your own. Your mind can go to places it usually doesn’t traverse, and conversations may surprise. Helping you go with the flow rather than push ahead too quickly is a Sun-Neptune aspect today that encourages relaxation, retreat, and imagination. The creative side of your projects holds more appeal than usual, and you’re particularly good at seeing the magic in–or bringing magic to–your pursuits.

Today’s interactions can spark new directions for your thoughts, dear Cancer, and perhaps some exciting new ideas. There can be an unexpected meeting with someone or further information coming in that feels like more than a coincidence, and these things can prompt valuable insights. There can be surprises related to friends or groups. Listen to your intuition as you dream up new ways to pursue long-term happiness goals and novel solutions to problems. Collaborating or brainstorming with a friend, group, or classmate can be particularly fruitful. Helping you take a break from overthinking later today is a Sun-Neptune connection that inspires you to dream and imagine beautiful possibilities. Look for refreshing changes of scenery or activities that promote emotional refreshment. Friendships might develop, or you could connect with interesting people and ideas now.

Today’s Mercury-Uranus alignment can boost your confidence in a recent idea or leads to breakthrough thinking on a business or career prospect, dear Leo. You’re not content with the ordinary or familiar today, and this shows in your work. Avoid overdoing this mental discontent, and you’ll use it to brighten your future and advance your goals. Ideas are fresh and exciting, and you may arrive at some genuinely novel solutions to problems. You might also hear of someone who has put in a good word for you. Interesting turns in your career are likely now. It’s time to be bold and to express yourself, although it may be best to avoid being too quick to speak or rebel. As the day advances, you may want to tune into the creative, imaginative energy generated by a Sun-Neptune influence. Channels for self-expression open up. You quickly gain others’ support for your goals or plans today. Most importantly, you have more faith in them.

This is a time for building confidence and excitement about new ideas, dear Virgo. You could have a breakthrough of sorts on an intellectual level or about a belief. Opinions can change suddenly as a result, and so can interests, which may be something to watch for now. Try not to latch onto new projects before putting in effort with the ones already in progress that may be losing their novelty. However, do take note of ideas and insights coming in, as they can be inspired. Something you learn or a conversation about a philosophical or technical matter can be motivating. There can be a conversation that leads to a turning point in a relationship or new insight into a belief or previously held opinion. With a Sun-Neptune connection later today, it’s a fine time for creative activities. Patience and a feeling of connectedness with others can be in focus. Something spiritual, romantic, or otherwise inspiring can lift your spirits and improve your outlook. Feeling on the same page with someone or understood can have the same effect.

With today’s Mercury-Uranus alignment, dear Libra, there can be news coming in or ideas generated about your finances, debts, or attachments that are surprising but also very useful to you. There can be a revelation about an intimate relationship or a sudden craving for more independence happening now. You’re likely to feel excited, and others may find your ideas or insights quite fascinating. You’re ready to put a negative attitude or element of the past behind you. Something revealing or the missing puzzle piece of a mystery emerges now. Also today, a connection between the Sun and Neptune adds even more creative flair and a nice touch of imagination to the day. It also helps you to “go with the flow” rather than rush or push things. Supporting others or self-improvement efforts can be immensely rewarding now. All in all, this is a strong day for finding inspiration.

A Mercury-Uranus alignment today can mean a breakthrough conversation or idea generated with or about a partner, dear Scorpio, as it occurs in your partnership sector. There can be a chance meeting with someone or a missing piece of information surfaces that is a game changer. You’re attracting people who have unusual ideas or insights into your life right now, and someone’s perspective can lead you on interesting mental detours or trains of thought. Interactions are stimulating and can lead to new ideas, methods, and directions. Perhaps a significant other can inspire you to think outside of the box and to make positive changes. As the day progresses, an easygoing aspect between the Sun and Neptune builds your faith that things will unfold as they should, and this can help you to relax and open your heart. There can be greater understanding and acceptance in a relationship now. Connecting with others can lead to attractive opportunities, and creative efforts are particularly successful.

Mercury and Uranus meet in your work and health sector today, dear Sagittarius, and there can be sudden new insights into old problems in these areas of life or changes in schedules, or surprise news throws you for a loop. You may arrive at inventive new methods to handle work, chores, or health matters, or you could feel inspired to start up a new project or health and fitness endeavor. It’s important not to speak too quickly today. Conversations can be alarmingly frank but also quite refreshing. It’s an excellent time for experimenting with ideas and entertaining different methods for animating your routines. As the day advances, a Sun-Neptune aspect comes into play, helping you to see the benefits or beauty of a venture more than its flaws. Inspiration to improve your work or health can lift you high. There may be opportunities to bring some more creative flair to your services or the job you do. Family relationships can improve, or you enjoy your domestic life more than usual. Peace, beauty, and harmony in the home can be most therapeutic for you.

You desire a little more mental stimulation than usual today, dear Capricorn, and you can be very creative as you seek it out. There can be surprises in your romantic or emotional life today. Someone may be unusually frank or straightforward with you, or they could surprise you with what they think or say. This can be a good day for new methods or approaches to your hobbies, leisure time, and relationships. While there can be some nervous excitement, it’s likely to be pleasant. Your creativity knows no bounds, and in fact, if you encounter boundaries, you are inclined to rebel against them. Your thinking is most inventive the more you are having fun, relaxing, and enjoying yourself. Creative hunches come together, and beautiful ideas form. News coming in today can set you on a new path or unblock a stalled initiative. A Sun-Neptune influence also influencing the day helps you relax as it fills you with faith and patience to let life unfold before you rather than attempt to push it along when it’s not ready to move! This is a time of creative or emotional inspiration.

A Mercury-Uranus alignment today is useful for letting go and releasing yourself from constraints, dear Aquarius. There can be unexpected discoveries about your true feelings about a situation or a desire to make changes on the home front or with family. Approaching communication in new ways makes sense now. You can feel some nervous excitement about new ideas or plans that are forming, and changes seem to be on the horizon. This can be about physical alterations such as moves or reorganization, or only about your approach to connecting with loved ones and expressing your feelings. Conversations can be frank or surprising now. This can be a refreshing time as you weigh your options and consider new possibilities. While the mental buzz is invigorating, you’ll find it easier to relax as the day moves forward, as a Sun-Neptune connection supports your faith and vision, making it natural to go with the flow. Focus on activities that produce spiritual rewards. Imagination and intuition enhance financial and domestic ventures.

Mercury, the planet of communication, aligns with Uranus in your communications sector today, dear Pisces, and you can be unusually talkative and animated. You are inclined to jump from topic to topic, however, and could be misunderstood, and while you should probably avoid rushing things, the mental excitement and stimulation around you today may be just what you need. There may be exciting news or breakthrough thinking, and you can be quite enthusiastic about current interests, studies, and ventures. Conversations are fun and revealing. Open your eyes to a potential new interest or channel for learning and communicating now. Later today, a Sun-Neptune aspect puts you right in your element. You’re interacting with imagination and unique flair. The emotional and spiritual aspects of your life assume particular importance to you, and others notice or appreciate your finer qualities.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 8, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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