Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer.
- The Moon is void from 10:05 PM (until the Moon enters Leo tomorrow at 9:13 AM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- We are in between the New Moon that occurred on May 4th in the sign of Taurus, and the First Quarter Moon, which will happen on May 11th.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

There can be surprises when it comes to love, relationships, and possibly business or money matters now, dear Aries. Part of you is looking for more freedom, while another side of you may be holding on to the very things you need to release in order to move forward. People are noticing you and are drawn to you with Venus in your sign, but some of the attention you’re getting may be troublesome or unwanted today. Tension in relationships likely has to do with power or control dynamics. You may be battling with people who seem to want to control your actions. Be self-aware for best results. There can be much to enjoy about the day as long as you think before you act. Try not to allow worries about competition or changes and uncertainties in your work, your future, or with your reputation affect your enjoyment. Relationships with others can strengthen with the sharing of personal philosophies and beliefs.

A desire to feel liberated and free sets in today, dear Taurus, but you may also be harboring some fear or suspicion. Try not to use roundabout ways to get what you want, and watch for others’ hidden agendas. Your desires are complicated now, and it’s best to work through them and sort them out rather than allow them to control you. Past matters can be so real in your mind that they interfere with the present. There is a tendency for you to stir the pot, and while this can sometimes lead to good conversations, today it may serve to frustrate. If you do take your time, and with some self-awareness, you can get to the heart of a matter, and you might open your eyes to something that helps you grow. Your belief that you want life to be simple and straightforward can lead to the stifling of feelings that are unpleasant or uncomfortable. However, what you’ve buried won’t go away until you face it, and can drive your behavior in destructive ways. If challenging patterns of relating surface today, consider looking for the root of the problem. Aim to fully own complicated feelings instead of giving in to the temptation to assume complications are coming from others. Look for an opportunity to experience a real sense of joy through intimacy with someone special — or honesty with yourself.

There is excitement in your social life and with your feelings today, dear Gemini, although there’s an edge to all of this. Suspiciousness can be a downer now. Mixed signals and mixed feelings can confuse your relationships, and while in many ways you’re feeling positive about the future, particularly related to friends, you can also sense that complications are part of the package. Whether or not to get closer to someone can be an issue today, or there may be ambivalence about someone’s attention. Examine disruptive feelings before running with them. The mood is a little too over-the-top to serve you well at the moment, but it doesn’t mean you can’t learn and grow through experiences today. Consider that your fear of being out of the loop, of missing out, or of being blindsided can be at the root of challenging behaviors today. Communicate, and encourage others to do so as well. Much can be learned, and much can be gained.

The day tends to feel good and even invigorating in spots, dear Cancer, but also gently challenging, mainly related to resentments or disappointments. Your ambitions are motivating and even enjoyable these days, but irritations from others or your own fear of pulling yourself away from a relationship can interfere with the fun. Some of you could be dealing with a partner or friend who seems to be jealous of or threatened by your involvement with work or outside interests and responsibilities. There can be a slightly paranoid feeling, even, with Venus square Pluto influencing the day. Aim to make peace with the past, but if there is a real problem brewing that is entirely current, there likely isn’t a quick bandaid fix. Aim to resolve issues one step at a time. A little self-knowledge and understanding can go a long way. Venus and Jupiter form a flowing aspect today, too, highlighting the importance of relationships in your professional and personal life. This can be a cooperative, creative time if you seek out this warm light.

There is much intensity to the day, dear Leo, and at times, you can feel on top of the day, while in other spots, you may feel a bit set back. There can be a need to back off a little in a joint project if others are feeling you are taking too much control of it, or you may be pushing yourself too hard in a particular area, and this infringes upon your extracurricular activities. Some of you could experience a frustrating lack of mobility or a feeling of being overwhelmed with things to do. Even if you feel you’re better equipped to handle matters, you may need to delegate or let go of some initiatives so that you can catch your breath and can help you find more time to explore, expand, and flourish. Look for the opportunities brought upon by a Venus-Jupiter aspect today, mainly related to shared activities and happiness, cooperation, and loving gestures. You are attracted to people and events that are just a little exotic, different, or that have something to teach you.

The day’s energies include some turbulent, up-and-down themes, dear Virgo. On the one hand, you can be excited about newfound discoveries, desires, and feelings, and on the other, emotions are complex, and some insecurities can threaten to ruin the fun. Your intimate life can heat up quickly. Try not to overthink others’ behavior now, as you may be filling in blanks that should be left empty for the time being. Look for ways to let go of negative thinking or obsessions, especially if they seem to intrude upon productive times. As well, there may be money worries, and you might consider looking for financial redundancies or personal clutter to tidy. There can be some stubbornness if you feel others are not respecting your boundaries or appreciating your help. You might also be going over a conversation or interaction looking for an answer that is not within your reach. Work on identifying when it’s best to let go and move on, for your peace of mind. Fortunately, Venus and Jupiter form a harmonious aspect, and if you look for opportunities, you’ll probably find them, particularly for cooperation and bonding with family or loved ones. There can be some tendency to indulge and possibly go over the top when it comes to spending, comfort foods, and pleasures nevertheless.

While positive energy is in place with your ruler, Venus, cooperating with Jupiter today, dear Libra, there can be a tendency to see things differently in spots due to a concurrent Venus-Pluto square. A few dark clouds, taking the form of controlling people or anxious feelings, can move in. You might be thinking too deeply or critically, or stress weakens you enough that insecurities and fears emerge and take over. Avoid taking things too personally, but if you do let things get to you, then make it productive and aim to learn from the frustrations. Even so, these things are not occurring to make life difficult, but to challenge you to make necessary changes to improve your life. You could recognize the need to make profound, lasting changes that pull you out of a rut but don’t put all the pressure on yourself to do so immediately. While mixed signals abound today, there is a real potential for inspiring or even healing conversations, or your kind gestures can help you get closer to someone.

Emotions are big today, dear Scorpio, and while you’re building your faith, on the one hand, there can be some insecurity about how things are playing out. With your ruler, Pluto, in challenging aspect with Venus, frustrations are possible if you feel that your daily affairs or love life are getting out of your control. You likely have many things going at once, and this doesn’t help matters. The best way to handle this is to suit up mentally. For example, if you’re feeling stubborn and rooted, make a point of being flexible. Letting go of ideas or plans that are no longer serving you well will ultimately be relieving. A tendency to overindulge can be with you today, and while we all deserve some pampering from time to time, right now it’s more likely to do with discontent. Even so, opportunities to make more money could emerge, or there can be a moderate but fun splurge. The desire to share your happiness, joy, or good fortune with others is a theme now.

Relationship ups and downs can take their toll today, dear Sagittarius, but if carefully managed, interactions build in such a way that you feel empowered by them. Airing a problematic topic or concern can lead to healing if mutual respect is in the mix. Avoid fixating on some issues that require more time to sort fully. Trying to force an issue will only lead to frustration today. The trick is to be flexible and willing to adapt. You may be wondering if someone is genuinely in your corner, but today’s events and feelings can get the ball rolling with decision-making. You may want to be a little more cautious than usual with your personal information and possessions or wary of making a big purchase now. Even so, Venus forms a pleasing aspect to your ruler, Jupiter, and this can boost your spirits. It’s a strong day for attracting others to you through your unique self-expression and vision. It’s also an excellent day to put a past grudge behind you. Be sure to shine your light and share your ideas, love, and creations.

There can be a deep need for some form of transformation on a personal level these days, dear Capricorn, and if you don’t recognize and honor your need to settle in or make peace with family and yourself, you’re bound to feel restless today. As such, your best bet is to fix the things that are irritating you while keeping an open mind and allowing for delays or other forms of roadblocks. Voice your concerns, ask for help, or express your ideas instead of waiting for others to intuit what you need and want. Focus on fixing problem areas, but don’t pressure yourself to do everything at once. Tensions now are likely related to discomfort with feeling that you’re not in control or “in the know” about events occurring in your private life or relationships. Your ambitions or desire to stay on top of things require some taming now so that you can take time off that you need. If there are interpersonal conflicts today, try to learn from them rather than fall back into old patterns of relating that don’t allow you to grow and flourish. With Venus trine Jupiter today, however, something might surface that brings some joy to your life. There can be support coming from behind the scenes or unexpected sources.

With a Venus-Pluto square today, dear Aquarius, frustrations and resentments can work very close to the surface, even though there can also be some delightful cooperative moments as Venus also forms a trine to Jupiter–talk about mixed messages! There may be frustrating issues surrounding transportation and mobility to contend with today, and you can also feel quite swamped with responsibilities that prevent you from getting ahead in areas you’re genuinely interested. Focus on self-improvement and above all else today, stay as flexible as possible. A broader perspective might help you to minimize small problems or manage them more smoothly. You may need to clear some obstacles before feeling fresh and renewed, and you should watch for attempts to control situations too tightly. Otherwise, there can be pleasant interactions with siblings, fellow students, or even neighbors today. It’s a good time for education, communicating, connecting, and furthering mental interests. Your social life can get a boost, even if there is a slight tendency to go overboard.

Your social life or your feelings can be up and down today, dear Pisces. Instincts might be driving your behavior more than logic just for now. It may be difficult to honestly know others’ agendas unless you look hard, as people can be direct and forthcoming one moment, and secretive the next. There are mixed messages to navigate now! Worries or concerns about money can be stimulated, or there could be conflicts over ownership or possessiveness and boundaries. The challenge is to face problem areas rather than allow them to fester and control your behavior. Even so, today also holds some positive energy regarding your career or social standing. Stronger conviction is with you if you find more meaning in what you are doing, which is likely now. Ideas are fresh, and insights can come that involve your life or career path, resources, work, or money. You want to get on with things and break new ground rather than worry about what’s already happened.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 9, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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