Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries until 6:17 PM, after which the Moon in Taurus.
- The void Moon occurs from 9:00 AM to 6:17 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We are between the First Quarter Moon that occurred on the 4th and the Full Moon that will happen on November 12th.
- Mercury Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from October 31st to November 20th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Your love of learning is in full swing today and this week, dear Aries. You’re broadening your perspective and entertaining new ideas and beliefs, and thoroughly enjoying the process! Others are especially intrigued with your ideas and viewpoint. The Moon spends much of the day in your sign, and you can be feeling inspired and motivated, even with some pressure or frustration related to a significant person in your life this morning (the Moon in your sign opposes Mars). Overall, though, you believe in yourself and your endeavors now. Going a bit out of your comfort zone increases your faith in yourself and the world. There can also be new thinking on a financial matter or a relationship that’s significant today and tomorrow. Your fresh perspective on money could steer you on a better path. Or, you might conclude that you’ve been dwelling on a past relationship or problem, which has unnecessarily weighed you down.

This is a wonderful week for discoveries about your inner motivations and psychology as well as close connections, dear Taurus. You might arrive at improved self-understanding that helps you bring a better “you” to a relationship, and you might also see a companion in a new light. You may be straightening out issues in a close relationship regarding power dynamics, possessiveness, or ownership matters. If sharing has been out of whack, you’ll see it more clearly now, and you’ll want to correct it! New ideas on a connection or your relationship needs can emerge, and they may come from seeing dysfunctional elements more clearly. Conversations, particularly one-on-one talks, can be significant today and tomorrow. Even so, getting some time to yourself can be useful with the Moon not quite in your sign until later today.

You’re in a strong position to arrive at a fairer, more considered balance in a partnership this week, dear Gemini, or to get to a better state of balance between your attention to personal plans and attention to others. A feeling of camaraderie emerges now, and it feels just right! Friendships, entertaining, enjoying company, or connecting with your happiness goals and dreams can figure strongly today. There can be a subtle boost in your social or romantic life. Friends tend to bring good news or advice. Today and tomorrow, you’re likely to get a real sense of what you want or need from your work and daily routines, and musings or conversing you do on the matter can be especially useful. You’re reaching a turning point of sorts, moving you from a state of indecision to increasing clarity, on a job, service, or health matter.

You’re in excellent shape today and this week for organizing, planning, and sorting, particularly in your working life, with daily routines, and with fitness or health goals, dear Cancer. You can be particularly concerned with what’s fair in your work and with your working relationships. Straightening these areas up can boost your mood and benefit you all around. Your ideas regarding work or your reputation are powerful now. Today, you don’t seem to need to seek approval–it comes naturally. You feel more responsible than usual today. Still, by tonight, you’re ready to unwind. It’s best not to focus too narrowly and instead keep some of your options open. Your romantic imagination is stimulated today and tomorrow, which can be expressed or applied through relationships or artistic creativity. Conversations and ideas today can be the start of brand new thinking along romantic or creative lines. You might be reconnecting with an old friend or lover, and this gets you thinking. Seeing a past relationship in a new way can be significant.

You can thoroughly enjoy doing some planning or designing today and the next few days, dear Leo. Your vision is unique and inspiring. You’re doing a lot of learning, thinking, and sharing, and you enjoy more faith in your ideas. Opening yourself up to others’ perspectives and experiences can be rewarding. Excellent trends benefit you if you’re doing some teaching, advising, or guiding as well. It’s a fine time for all things educational. The feedback you receive from others tends to jumpstart your own thinking processes. At the same time, new light may be shed on a past matter from your childhood or related to home and family matters with the Sun and retrograde Mercury coming together in your solar fourth house. In the coming weeks, you’ll discover what this means for you, but for now, take special note of the ideas that emerge from your musings or conversations around now.

You’re in wonderful shape for attention to household problems, redesigning, and sorting related to your family or domestic world now, dear Virgo. There’s warmth, openness, and willingness to make the most of a situation with you today and the next few days. There can more activity, work, or learning happening in your home life, but it can also be an enjoyable and engaging time. You’re likely to see meaningful connections that allow you to solve problems and discover reasons and motivations. With retrograde Mercury coming to an alignment with the Sun, new light may be shed on matters related to commuting, connecting, and communicating. You might rediscover an old interest or decide that something you’ve been pursuing is no longer up your alley. Entirely new thinking on learning pursuits and projects can emerge now, and it can have long-term value. You are also beginning to see recent decisions in a new light, and this may lead to important reconsiderations.

You’re in good shape for learning, sharing ideas, and unique projects, dear Libra. While Mercury is nearing the midpoint of its retrograde cycle, communications seem to be a pleasant focus for you for the most part this week. You have a special eye out for design and structure, and making plans can be most satisfying now. A significant someone can offer a helpful perspective. Reaching out and opening up can bring interesting people into your life. You might successfully pair up and come up with a great idea. Mind you, you might also lock horns with someone, perhaps that same person, in the process. Adaptability is one of your fortes, and the atmosphere today is one of positive change. With the Sun heading toward an alignment with retrograde Mercury, there can be a new look at an old problem, particularly a money or ownership matter. You might find a new use for a past idea, or you might change your mind about a current project.

You’ll find a stronger and most pleasant emphasis on building up your resources today and this week, dear Scorpio. Current transits seem to fuel your ambition to feel more grounded, secure, and steady. You feel more confident about sharing your talents, and you find smarter use for your current resources. Creative business, health, or money-making ideas are sure to emerge. Others might appreciate your entirely unique viewpoint on these matters. You feel right about being productive, bringing more order into your daily affairs, and attending to your resources. The Sun and retrograde Mercury are about to convene in your sign, and today and tomorrow, you’re reaching a turning point in your thinking processes. You might draw upon the past for ideas and recycle them in improved ways going forward. It’s important to note that what you communicate now has more impact than usual with this combination, but that not everyone currently understands your viewpoint. It may be best to observe than share just for now.

Today and the next few days are particularly active for learning, sharing, and creating, dear Sagittarius. Your unique viewpoint finds an appreciative audience. Your approach is more confident than usual, and your emotions are pleasantly dramatic. You might thoroughly enjoy the planning or mapping out of the details stage of a venture now. You can feel quite connected to someone on a mental level now, and others seem most comfortable around you, which encourages you further. There can be new insight into an old problem today and tomorrow, and you might direct a lot of attention to past events and relationships. However, there is a turning point occurring now that sets you on a new path. You are arriving at a new understanding of a past problem that allows you to move forward with less baggage. There can be a useful epiphany today that starts the process along.

You’re in great shape today and the next few days for spending some extra time with your thoughts and inner world or with someone special, dear Capricorn. You’ll find it an excellent time for accessing your intuition and for exploring your unmet needs and private dreams. You’re incredibly open to learning about what makes you tick, and you can get to a beautiful state of self-understanding. Still, other transits active now emphasize the connections and people in your life. You’re especially credible and clever. You can feel increasingly motivated to do something special, and you have all the courage and resourcefulness to make your mark. Important thinking or conversations can occur today and tomorrow that provide you with valuable insight into recent events, decisions, or problems, particularly related to friends and relationships.

Today and this week can bring you into contact with especially interesting people, dear Aquarius, and you can also arrive at a turning point in your thinking regarding long-term goals or career matters. Group activities or collaborations and networking seem especially open, and they’re ripe for catching some inspiration or useful new information. Being on the move, even if it’s on a mental level, is vital to you today. You’re drawn to lively settings and people. As enthusiastic as you feel, you’ll do yourself a favor by pacing yourself. Today and tomorrow, you could see recent decisions, events, or projects in a different light. You notice details that you missed in busier times. Pay special attention to conversations or information coming in related to long-term goals, work, and responsibilities. While it’s not yet an ideal time for making sweeping decisions, you’re getting to a much better understanding of your goals, and you might redefine your expectations.

You might thoroughly enjoy some special thinking and planning with your career or long-term goals now, dear Pisces. While Mercury is only halfway through its retrograde cycle, your big-picture thinking skills are working exceptionally well. Your unique insight or intelligence may be in the spotlight today and the next couple of days. Establishing healthy relationships with colleagues, bosses, or co-workers can be rewarding. Making peace with others and acceptance of the past helps you clarify your ambitions and objectives. You might see a matter more clearly today, noticing, in particular, the dysfunctional elements of certain past methods or attitudes that have held you back. You may have a new view of a project, course, or belief. The thinking you do now can very well be the start of a whole new approach or outlook on your life.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is November 10, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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