Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus all day.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We are between the First Quarter Moon that occurred on the 4th and the Full Moon that will occur tomorrow.
- Mercury Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from October 31st to November 20th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

It’s a great time for delving into your feelings, personal psychology, and intimate thoughts, dear Aries, as the Sun and retrograde Mercury align in your solar eighth house. If you’re a little self-absorbed now, it may very well be a valuable exercise. Word on a loan or debt might arrive for some of you, and it changes your perspective. You’re likely to gain a clue, but it’s not yet time for a conclusion or unveiling. New insight into an old relationship can be helpful and enlightening. Activities now can leave you feeling quite positive about your relationships and projects. It’s a time of creative enterprise and collaboration–partnering up can help you solve a problem. You are courageous and forthright, finding it natural to see opportunities where others see dead ends. This can be a good time for legal advice or a powerful new interest, and it can very well be a recycled one.

Illumination about a relationship matter can occur around now, dear Taurus, and it’s about looking at a matter or person from the past in a new way. You won’t have all the facts or answers right now, but this is a time for some solid rethinking of matters. You’re open to seeing both sides of a situation. Counseling and advice can be in focus and helpful. You can feel strongly motivated and enthusiastic about a deep connection with a person or a project. People are intrigued by you and drawn to you. Unusual and exciting elements on the job or in your daily routine can be in focus, and they are motivating! Look for new ways of approaching your work or services, making or handling money, and improving health. You have the spirit of enterprise and the courage to do something a little differently.

You can feel the need to help or support others with information you’ve gathered for them or with your advice, dear Gemini. You tend to approach problems from a different angle, and this can be very helpful. You might gain meaningful insight into a work or health issue. Ideas born now can have significance later. You also benefit from a stimulating transit that affects your relationship sectors today and tomorrow. Your confidence and courage receive a boost. You are especially attractive now, drawing others’ attention through your actions and perhaps your boldness and directness, which is attractive at the moment. Mars is in your romance sector, connecting with Jupiter in your partnership sector, which is fabulous for personal appeal and romantic moves. Big decisions should wait, but you should enjoy yourself. Consider ways to make progress and improvements.

Reviewing past ideas can lead to valuable new methods, dear Cancer, and they can redirect you in positive ways. Someone from your past could reappear, and an old issue might be wrapped up or clarified. It’s a time for laying something to rest or altering a goal or approach. Today also brings good energy for family affairs and putting energy into the home or domestic activities. Work matters can thrive, and you could be feeling especially interested in tackling ambitious projects or working on health goals. There can be pleasure derived from doing a job well or a sense of accomplishment after taking care of important details. You may want to tackle ambitious pursuits or projects now–you’re confident you can handle them!

There is a strong inclination today to try to make sense of matters from the past, dear Leo, particularly regarding family. It’s a good time to do some gentle exploring, as ideas that emerge from your conversations and thoughts can be particularly significant. Today’s energies support your natural courage, initiative, and spirit for enterprise. There can be boosts to your projects, creative efforts, hobbies, or romantic pursuits. You could enjoy an invigorating and motivating special experience. Exchanges with others can be exciting and spirited. Exploring different ways of relating and communicating is satisfying. You may feel particularly motivated to do something creative, physical, or otherwise tension-relieving.

Today is strong for discovering new interests or reviving old ones, dear Virgo. Ideas that come to you now, particularly about areas related to learning, mental interests, communication, neighbors, connections, and siblings, can be especially important. They may very well kickstart a long-term pursuit. You are thinking like a pioneer and especially confident today and tomorrow, particularly about financial, security, and domestic matters, as you have a strong sense that you can make positive changes. It can be a time for investing in your comfort, home, and safety. You’re seeking out new ways of becoming more self-sufficient, and you’re ready to jump on an opportunity to do so. It’s easier than usual to drum up the support of others with your enthusiasm. Ideas are fabulous now, but it may be best to postpone big launches until more information comes to complete the picture.

Looking to the past for ideas and answers comes naturally today, dear Libra, and can even be profitable. Not everything is likely to make sense, as is often the case with new beginnings, but what comes out of conversations and thoughts today can be significant later, particularly along financial or business lines. While it’s an important idea day, you’re also itching to do something proactive. Excellent opportunities can emerge that have you looking forward and positive. Communications projects, learning, or transportation are areas of expansion. Problems that previously seemed too difficult to solve now appear only as small obstacles that are easy to overcome. Your appeal is excellent, and your directness and confidence go over well. Events occurring now seem to fuel your ambition or enthusiasm.

You’re in great shape for reviewing recent plans and decisions, dear Scorpio. Observations made now can lead to new ideas, improvements, or other developments that you might put into action later. Keep in mind that what you communicate today has more impact than usual. On another note, you can get a sense that you’re moving forward on emotional or financial matters. It makes sense to be proactive with practical affairs. You are making significant emotional or spiritual changes, and you’re taking charge of your life from the inside out. An element or person from your past may reappear. Or, this is a time when you rethink a matter that has been weighing you down. It’s a time for addressing any guilt or fears about past issues that are undercutting your confidence. It’s also worthwhile to consider making changes that lead you to a stronger feeling of well-being.

Your ideas are powerful, and you’re getting essential cues from your impressions, dreams, and within, dear Sagittarius. You’re letting go of bad attitudes or situations, and you’re likely to gain insight into how to do so. There could be a secret revealed, a eureka moment, or you could otherwise be seeing old problems or a past matter in a very revealing new light. As well, alternative methods can be inspiring. You may feel invigorated by a challenge and excited about a new or renewed project. Problem-solving is excellent for certain affairs today, even if a larger problem is hanging heavy. Relationships are set to animate, and exciting changes are on the horizon. Outworn attitudes have to go, and circumstances now make you especially aware of this fact, helping pave the road for tremendous progress in a friendship, group endeavor, or community project.

You can be especially sensitive to what’s going on around you and to what’s communicated right now, dear Capricorn, with the Sun, in alignment with retrograde Mercury. You’re gathering valuable information, and it’s a great time for processing, reviewing, and rediscovering old interests or plans. Your interactions today are encouraging and possibly quite fruitful. As well, there can be breakthrough activities related to your practical matters, career, or long-term goals. A big part of you enjoys a challenge right now, or you intuitively understand that a challenge is good for pulling us out of a rut from time to time. There can be a sense that you can take on a lot on a professional level, or an event occurring now stimulates your ambition and enthusiasm.

You’re in a good position to review recent ideas, projects, or decisions right now, dear Aquarius, particularly about business or the longer-term, bigger items. Approaching life direction and long-term goals in new ways can be fruitful now, and can also lead to significant new ideas. Generally speaking, you can be quite hungry for more knowledge, experience, or variety in your life these days, but you may not always have the time and energy to feed these needs. You may very well find a way to do something interesting and enjoyable–perhaps even mind-expanding. Others seem to be more willing to get things done or to embark on something new or different. Shared activities can be especially fun or productive. There can be special enjoyment of reading, learning, or studying.

Thoughts might turn to the past or to recent decisions and plans, dear Pisces, but you see things in a very new light, and it’s helpful. The conversations you engage in now can be inspiring and possibly quite enlightening. As well, a motivating and invigorating aspect influencing the day can have you jumping on an opportunity. Use this time for building life strategies and learning more about your motivations and desires. You may get the chance to set things right with money or with the deeper dynamics in a relationship. There can be renewed energy for research and the more consuming projects in your life. You are projecting your value and worth in favorable ways to those in authority and your associates.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is November 11, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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