Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus all day.
- The void Moon occurs from 10:47 AM forward (until tomorrow at 3:45 AM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 8:34 AM, after which the Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurs today in the sign of Taurus at 8:34 AM.
- Mercury Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from October 31st to November 20th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Today’s energies are especially forward-looking, dear Aries. This morning’s Full Moon expands your emotions surrounding business or financial matters. There may be some scrambling for resources, records, and information for some, and money coming in for others. A conflict over money or power dynamics can reach a head. The solution to conflicts emerging at a Full Moon is a compromise or a balancing of the scales. An imbalance can be obvious now, and it’s time to take steps to correct it. This can be a wake-up call about taking charge of your finances. Issues surrounding personal possessions, valuables, talents, and resources may come to light. There can be a turning point in a close relationship, with money, or business, and a revelation that leads to valuable ideas and a stronger desire to establish yourself and make your life more comfortable. Today’s Mars-Jupiter aspect boosts your confidence that you have all the tools you need. You’re confident, optimistic, and seeing opportunities and possibilities.

Today’s energies favor productivity and cleverness, dear Taurus, but they also bring your feelings to full bloom. The Full Moon this morning occurs in your sign, tugging at your emotions and prompting you to stand up for yourself and prioritize your personal needs. If you’ve been catering to others’ needs and agendas, you’ll feel the need to claim some of your independence. Feelings you kept at bay can emerge with strength now. A Full Moon illuminates a matter that already exists, but that has been buried or hidden, and there can be realizations that grab your attention now. It’s a time for getting things out into the open, but it’s also a good idea to exercise some self-control with your discoveries. With work and routines today, you’re particularly on the ball, ready to do something different or new.

This morning’s Full Moon occurs in your solar twelfth house, dear Gemini, bringing to light previously buried emotions or information. You may be dealing with a secret that’s come to light or a powerful hunch as you discover your true feelings on a matter. If you’ve been ignoring your needs for privacy, rest, and reflection, you’ll feel this lack intensely now, and this can move you to take action. What you see now can be surprising, but it can also lead the way to necessary changes. Letting go of the past in significant ways is essential now. It’s a process and not a quick one, but you are making revelations that will take you far. There can be an overwhelming need to retreat into yourself or get rest, or you see previously hidden or background trends in your life. Today’s transits also encourage taking action on a matter, even if it’s small and symbolic. You are in great shape for relating in positive, growth-oriented, and confident ways.

This morning’s Full Moon reminds you of your need to be involved or to belong, dear Cancer. Friends, associates, the support of the community, or acquaintances can be in stronger focus. If there have been tensions in your social or romantic life or feelings you’ve ignored, these matters come to a head. Discoveries made now are emotional and exciting. This lunation may awaken a need to feel valued as a friend or contributor. Flaws in existing plans or relationships may come to light. It’s usually better to let the emotions of the moment to settle before taking action with a lunation. Still, a Mars-Jupiter transit encourages you to stay active, and you can manage this by channeling your energy into something else while you process your feelings. With Mars in your family and home sector, an engaging domestic project or activity may be precisely what you need. You’re confident about solving problems today.

This morning’s Full Moon may seem to pit your personal needs against your public or professional responsibilities, dear Leo, exposing imbalances. If you’ve been ignoring or brushing aside your ambitions, this is a time for tensions to rise. Reminders of your responsibilities and commitments emerge now. It’s a strong time for recognition, reward, announcements, or big reveals, and revealing your more mature and responsible side may be in order. Flaws in plans may come to light now, but this fuels your motivation to take care of things that you’ve overlooked or let go. You may need to take the lead or go hard with a work project. It’s a necessary time to follow the rules. Today’s Mars-Jupiter aspect is a feel-good transit that encourages you to tackle problems with energy and confidence. It’s also a strong aspect for romantic and creative pursuits, and it tends to favor you in competitions.

Today’s energies are terrific for energy, confidence, and spirit, dear Virgo. This morning’s Full Moon can bring a matter to light that changes your perspective and focus, lifting your concerns above and beyond the routine. It can encourage you to look at the big picture or to reach higher. A project or study may culminate or reach a critical turning point. It’s a fine time for exploring your needs for more adventure, learning, and expansion in your life. You’ve had a busy time with your daily affairs, and now you recognize the need for a little more. It’s about renewal, revival, and spiritual replenishment. If you need a push or some extra courage to do something new, this Full Moon can undoubtedly help, and today’s Mars-Jupiter transit also eggs you on. It’s creative, and you can have some great ideas for handling money or home-related matters.

This morning’s Full Moon can bring to light an issue surrounding debt, obligations, investments, sharing, or support, dear Libra. If you’ve been uncomfortably dependent on someone or something, or on the other side of the spectrum and overburdening yourself, you can feel the need to make a change. Recognizing your true feelings on a matter can lead to important ventures in the weeks ahead. You may get the courage to release yourself from something that has been weighing you down or preventing you from growing. For some, there can be a significant financial move or a revelation in an intimate relationship. Emotions or hunches you bottled up or ignored can now emerge, and it’s a time for seeking out compromises and balance. A fresh start can only happen after clearing out resentment and other negatively-charged energy. Today’s Mars-Jupiter transit encourages you further, boosting your confidence.

This morning’s Full Moon may stir up an epiphany or revelation, dear Scorpio, particularly related to your feeling for someone or about a relationship. You’ve been especially focused on your personal goals and plans, and now you’re getting some feedback. You may also discover the need to lean on someone. It’s a time for learning about what you need and want from others. If you’ve been ignoring particular needs and emotions, they demand your attention today and this week. You might verbalize or acknowledge a situation/feeling, and it’s an emotional discovery. For some, a key relationship reaches a turning point. A Mars-Jupiter aspect encourages your confidence in managing problems or dealing with stressful situations. You’re confident and ready to take on a challenge. Ideas about money or business are uniquely innovative.

Today’s Mars-Jupiter transit is especially fortunate for you, dear Sagittarius. Confidence-boosting situations emerge now, and you’re ready to rise to a challenge. You’re on top of your game. Today’s Full Moon brings a work or health matter to your attention or to a turning point. With a special focus on your privacy sector, you may have been a little more withdrawn, private, or focused on rest in recent weeks. This Full Moon reminds you of your need to get involved. Information surfacing or feelings stimulated now help push you to make necessary improvements and adjustments to your life, and a better work-life balance is the key to all of this. If you’ve been unsatisfied with work, health, or service matters, you’ll be ready to make changes.

With a Full Moon and Mars-Jupiter transit today, dear Capricorn, you can experience a creative rush, powerfully romantic or affectionate feelings, and a compelling need to express your affections. Unacknowledged emotions and needs surface, and you’re playful and expressive, wanting to make your mark. While there can be tensions between what you think you should be doing and what you feel, this discomfort may very well prompt you to make a needed change. You might become aware of your feelings for or about someone. While it’s important to embrace emotions surfacing now, keep in mind that they’re still a little raw and that you would benefit from taking the time to process them before taking action. You might decide to channel some of the spirited energy you’re experiencing now into a special project as you process your emotions.

This morning’s Full Moon pulls your attention to emotional needs and domestic matters, dear Aquarius. It’s a time for honoring your need for a safe, comfortable, and supportive base. If you’ve been overextending yourself, the challenge is to wind down and take care of the basics. Or if you’ve been going it alone and making executive decisions, your need for support from loved ones is highlighted now. There can be an epiphany about family or security matters. Time spent with family, at home, or taking care of your personal affairs will benefit you. You can feel that you need to make changes, but letting the dust settle a little before finalizing decisions is probably wise. A Mars-Jupiter transit also active today boosts your confidence and mood. It’s particularly excellent for friendships, studies, and invigorating experiences.

With today’s Full Moon, dear Pisces, you can experience a strong hunger to be understood, to have your say, and to express your ideas or point of view. This can be a time for recognition for recent ideas, projects, or learning endeavors, or the fruition of school or publishing projects. However, it’s best not to speak too soon on a matter. Observe, understand, and process for best results. Unresolved emotional issues and unacknowledged feelings are bound to emerge, and it’s wise to digest them before jumping into action. This lunation may also remind you to pay more attention to your daily affairs. You may need to catch up on work and errands or meet deadlines. Today’s Mars-Jupiter transit adds a “can do” feel to the day–you’re ready to solve problems and move forward.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is November 12, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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