Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus until 3:45 AM, after which the Moon is in Gemini.
- The void Moon continues until 3:45 AM (since 10:47 AM yesterday).
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurred yesterday morning in the sign of Taurus.
- Mercury Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from October 31st to November 20th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

This is a time for working at something you love and going the extra mile, dear Aries, as the Sun and Pluto harmonize and retrograde Mercury picks up supportive aspects. You might discover or rekindle your passion for a subject, or gain insights into a career or research project, your financial affairs, or intimate matters. These may even nudge you into the lead. You feel capable of handling problems in your life. Patience with others tends to translate as quiet power or authority. You might discover helpful tools and methods, or investigating a matter further turns up rewards. Your focus is on growing, improving, and using your resources sensibly. A pleasant buzz of excitement surrounds you and your activities today.

The day finds you embracing honesty, dear Taurus. You’re more willing than usual to face challenges and to take an honest look at an issue. You might gain a stronger sense that you’re going somewhere in a relationship or with a project. A shared vision or something to work towards can bond you with a partner. The desire to improve, learn, and expand your experiences with someone close to you is strong. Or, you may be thinking about taking a new course or traveling. An opportunity to change unsatisfying elements of your life for the better can emerge, and this feels good! Plans might be fine-tuned, and your common sense helps you unblock or find your way around obstacles. The Moon heads into your resources sector after spending time in your sign-another sign that you’re in a more practical headspace today.

You’re in good shape for applying wisdom and experience to solve a problem or manage a situation today, dear Gemini. You appreciate having a mission right now! You stand to learn something valuable and useful about the work you do or the people with whom you work. You could find yourself facing challenges that you previously avoided, and you’re determined to make improvements. You’re also a bit more courageous and proactive now. You can come to an understanding about sharing power in a relationship or recognize the advantages of combining your talents or resources with someone else. There could be subtle gains in a relationship, or you might uncover information about an attraction or connection from the past that helps you in the present. It’s a good time to show your work ethic or demonstrate your reliability. You have a little more patience than usual, even with the Moon’s move into your sign today.

This is a more focused day that favors concentration, dear Cancer, and it makes sense to pour your energies into something important to you. You may also want to take something to a new level, whether it’s an endeavor, idea, or a relationship. You can feel as if you come alive with a person, and putting a new spin on things improves your outlook. Look for opportunities to pour your heart into something meaningful and productive. Someone in your life or a special project can give you a happy boost of confidence. Inner harmony can come from getting in touch with your more profound needs, which puts you in a positive frame of mind. One-on-one interactions may be transformational, as you seek to improve things. Expressing yourself with more strength and resolve in relationships can be helpful now. Teaming up with someone can be advantageous if you have a clear goal in mind or if you’re focused on purposeful tasks.

The day favors concentration and determination, dear Leo. There can be opportunities to see your priorities or to connect with your ambitions in a meaningful way. Focusing on what you want and pouring your heart into its pursuit can be satisfying, and you’re perfectly fine with doing things one step at a time as long as it’s the right way. You might also feel a need to purge yourself of excess baggage, emotionally or materially. You stand to gain more profound insights and awareness into something that leads to smarter work methods, better relationships with family, or health boosters. You can feel personally powerful from the inside out, and improvements with your home life, work, routines, health, and habits can be in positive focus. You are putting both imagination and logical thinking to full use in the work you do, and mental discipline pays off.

This can be a time to gain valuable insight into a project, study, or relationship, dear Virgo. You notice things about yourself, others, and situations in your life that you may not see on other days, first because retrograde Mercury is offering you a second look at matters, and second, because the Sun and Pluto form a harmonious aspect. The Sun and Pluto connect your communications and creative sectors, giving you a nice boost in your romantic relationships, writing, conversations, relationships with children, and creative projects or hobbies. Meaningful connections might take shape today. You may decide to take on a task that you passed on in the past because you’re now ready for it. Your eye is on your list of priorities. Choosing an endeavor or activity that engages both your heart and head makes the most sense. A conversation or interaction may take a love relationship to a new level. People value your opinion and input even more than usual, and you have a good eye for what’s most valuable and viable.

Today’s energies help you focus on what matters, dear Libra. The Sun harmonizes with Pluto, and this aspect enables you to connect with your goals. You might decide to adjust your plans so that they more accurately reflect where you currently stand. You’re in great shape for getting a handle on your practical and emotional affairs, and you might successfully take steps to make yourself feel safer, more secure, and more comfortable. You seem naturally drawn to putting your energy and resources into the right things. Solving problems or straightening out past mistakes can be part of this. You might come up with great ideas to boost your business or to enjoy your earnings. You could be focusing on organizing and straightening your home environment or routines with family, which can ultimately lead to improved inner clarity.

You are persuasive and charming, and also authoritative and interesting now, dear Scorpio. Several transits today emphasize your sign and support your efforts. You might solve a problem and make changes that are long-term and valuable. You might resolve a dilemma that has been dragging you down or see something through to the finish line, and you feel stronger and more in control as a result. If there’s a project in your life that needs extra attention and focus, it’s an excellent time for working on it. There can be a burning desire to renew, refresh, and change your life for the better, and you’re likely to feel pleasantly ambitious now. At the same time, you’re seeing new layers to a situation. As well, you may very well delight in your discoveries now. You’re prioritizing in ways that improve your life.

Today’s transits sharpen your focus and can help fill you with a sense of purpose or mission, dear Sagittarius. You might gain new and valuable insight into a money or business matter, or you get a fresh look at an old problem, and you feel empowered as a result. You’re in fabulous shape for getting in touch with what truly motivates you and identifying material priorities. You may get a clear sense of where you can make more from less or eliminate the unnecessary. You may see a previously confusing situation more clearly, or you might forgive someone and enjoy a moment of purging that leads to healing. You can be determined to take steps towards feeling safer and more secure, or you might make a connection that helps you achieve these goals. Self-discipline improves. Aim to tie up loose ends and focus on tidying up and organizing your life so that you can put an end to guilty feelings. Your resourcefulness now can lead you to valuable conclusions.

Today’s energies are good for using your personal power for good, dear Capricorn. You can see what works and what matters, and you’re drawn to activities or situations that test your strength or perseverance. You might decide to tackle projects that mean a lot to you or that require extra concentration and commitment today. It’s also a good time for cultivating friendships, strategizing on business levels, and taking good care of money and resources. You might learn something new or investigate a matter further that results in the gaining of some special insight. You’re in a fabulous position to apply both imagination and common sense to an issue, and the support of or from friends is comforting. Improvements can be made regarding a friendship, goal, or project.

Today has a pleasant intensity to it, dear Aquarius, and you may become happily absorbed in thought or a project. A Sun-Pluto alliance helps you see your priorities more clearly, and inclines you to focus on restructuring, rebuilding, researching, and recycling ideas and projects. You’re in a good position to clear up some “mind clutter” in the form of unfinished business. You may be drawing upon experience to bring a project to a new level. A reputation boost is possible, and it’s more likely to happen for things you’re doing quietly! Interactions and information surfacing today can be beneficial. Your trustworthiness shines through now. It’s a good time for tying up loose ends and tidying up areas of your life that may be causing you guilt or dread. The Moon’s move into your creative sector also helps boost your mood.

You’re in a good position to learn and discover today, dear Pisces, and you may reach a new level of understanding of a subject or a friend. Sharing your expertise or help with others can be particularly satisfying and beneficial, and contributions now can bring on great rewards later, so follow your instincts in a group setting and on a social level. Today is excellent for seeing areas where you can make improvements. You might make a connection through your higher beliefs, education, networks, or the sharing of ideas. You may be reassessing certain gameplans with an eye out for what’s most valuable and viable. Good news may arrive, or a new perspective is attained about publishing, studies, legal affairs, or travel for some of you. Brainstorming with others can be productive.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is November 13, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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