Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred yesterday, and the New Moon will occur on November 26th.
- Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- Mercury stations and turns direct today (Mercury ends its retrograde today).
- Mars spends its first full day in Scorpio (Mars is in Scorpio from November 19-January 3rd).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Mercury comes to a direct station today, ending a three-week retrograde period. Stations always magnify or exaggerate the energies of the planet, and this can lead to mistakes as we don’t see the full picture, so it’s best to avoid major decision making today. It’s also important to try to avoid over-thinking to the point that our intuitive insight is ignored, and avoid focusing on the mechanics or superficial elements of communications so much that we fail to see intention.
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Today’s energies are less than ideal for major decision-making, dear Aries, as essential details or nuances are likely to be missed or ignored. Love may be confusing, you may be on the fence about a matter, or you might only feel a little drained and divided in your focus. Try not to mislead others, even unintentionally by way of body language or errors of omission, just because you don’t have a clear answer. With a Mars-Neptune minor challenge today, you may be dealing with a small letdown or disillusionment that leaves you feeling off your game temporarily. You might enjoy something creative and imaginative now, however. Also today, Mercury turns direct after a three-week retrograde cycle. There is such a thing as too much information, and when Mercury stations as it does today, it might lead to errors if we push decision-making. Over the coming days and weeks, you’re likely to come to a more definite sense of what you want to do and where you want to go, particularly in an intimate relationship or concerning finances. A complicated matter may begin to unravel. Some plans you’ve made recently may now seem less important or not even necessary. Today, avoid jumping to conclusions and jumping into action, as you may not be in touch with your intuition, temporarily focusing too heavily on superficial information.

Mercury ends its retrograde cycle today, dear Taurus, and over the coming days and weeks, you’ll gain more clarity in certain areas of your life, particularly regarding relationships. Money or ownership matters may also clarify. Be patient as recent problems begin to unravel in the coming days. Communicating with partners, and getting a clear understanding of where a partner stands, should be more comfortable going forward, slowly but surely. Misunderstandings are still possible today, so take things slowly. With Mercury’s station and a Mars-Neptune aspect active today, there can be some confusing signals or some feeling of chaos due to overturned schedules or unexpected developments. You may not possess your natural ability to stick to monotonous jobs or tasks, and if this is the case, it’s an important signal from the cosmos that you require some time for recuperation or that you need some refreshment. You may also feel let down by someone or too easily feel imposed upon, but it’s temporary and perhaps a sign to take a break. You could be longing for more predictability on an emotional level and more variety on a mundane level.

With Mercury turning direct today, dear Gemini, you’ll find some plans or projects that have stalled begin to move forward over the coming week. While you should still be a little more careful in your communications today, and you should keep an extra eye on details that could be missed, more clarity is on its way regarding work and health in particular. Not all information is available to you at the moment, but some of the excess “traffic” is clearing now, and it feels good. Still, consider that we’re in a transition period for today, and save your energy and decisions for later. As well, a Mars-Neptune transit suggests you may be dealing with frustrations or guilt and lack of direction that can be hard to pinpoint. Differences in style and tastes between you and a friend can seem more obvious and disruptive just now. Speculation, gambling, and anything that involves taking a big risk with money or your heart should probably be avoided under these murky conditions. Today favors imaginative, harmless activities that provide you with an escape or respite from the usual routine.

Some listlessness is possible today, dear Cancer, until you redirect your energies. Emotional problems can impact physical strength, whether up or down. It’s a time when unrealistic expectations are glaring, and you might want to watch that they don’t lead you down the wrong road. Some questioning of your goals or direction may be in order, and adjustments can be made that boost your motivation. Start with little changes now, and allow yourself time to come to a better understanding of what you truly want. Mercury turns direct after three weeks of retrograde motion today. While today and tomorrow can be a little chaotic, this shift in direction can eventually bring improved communications and more clarity in your romantic or creative life. Indecision tends to clear up, and disjointed ideas and projects come together. With the shift occurring today, some confusion remains. It’s best not to focus superficially on what is or isn’t said, and instead to have patience as problems unravel. Choose not to react too quickly to communications. There can be less concern about the past and more inclination to live in the present when it comes to pursuing your passions.

Mercury comes to the end of its retrograde today, dear Leo, and this can point to improved or clearer communications with family in the coming days and weeks. While you’re unlikely to see immediate results today, and misunderstandings can be pronounced now with Mercury at its station, you can look forward to more clarity soon. There is less focus on the past and more forward-looking energy in your life. Plans that stalled or were on hold may move forward. Recent ideas and revelations might start to come together now, while you may have rethought the viability of others during this retrograde cycle. With a Mars-Neptune transit also active today, it’s best to avoid making snap decisions. You might receive information that is confusing or incomplete, or otherwise have difficulty discerning between fact and fancy. Finding a middle ground is the key, but it can be difficult if it seems all of the energy you’ve been harnessing seems to have evaporated and you feel sluggish. It’s temporary, and you may need to let go of the expectation that others are clear just for the time being. Conversations today may be on the passive-aggressive side, and you may be sensing a hidden agenda. However, you might also be inclined to skirt an issue. Take a time-out from overthinking. If you can’t decide who or what to believe, try letting it go for now. Still, much of the day is very strong for creative expression, and if you work with the mystery theme, you can have a good time in fantasy or story mode.

Mercury ends its retrograde today, dear Virgo. While it’s a sign that some things will move forward, it’s best to be especially sensitive when choosing the words to express yourself today. Many recent misunderstandings are likely to clear up in the coming weeks, but any transition or station has the effect of magnifying problem areas. It’s important to avoid focusing on the superficial elements of conversations or the trivial side of matters. Conserve energy now. Over the coming weeks, you may be returning to previous discussions, projects, and interests that were confusing or that stalled, now with new information and more decisiveness. Today, there could be complex interactions or some worry about finances. You may be dealing with some ambiguity or uncertainty surrounding work, relationship, and money matters, and this can lead to some listlessness. Waning motivation is probably temporary, and possibly the universe’s way of getting you to slow down and engage your imagination. In fact, this can be a strong time for dreaming up something imaginative to do with your money or to bring more into your life. The only caution here is to wait before jumping in. If someone or a situation in your life is draining you of energy and spirit, it may be best to think about ways to manage this problem rather than to jump into action.

You might easily and naturally sidestep the limelight with the Moon moving through your privacy zone today, dear Libra. Functioning behind the scenes in some manner can figure now. There can be confusing signals coming from others, or you could feel that your desires are met with ambivalence now. There can be pangs of discontent, or it can be difficult to really get a handle on your daily routines. Sticking to schedules can be hard, and if procrastination has become a habit recently, the matter can come to a head now. If you turn a blind eye to certain issues, guilt crops up in insidious ways. Still, there may be a message in all of this, and that could very well be that you need to make small changes in what you do or how you do it! Try to engage your creative imagination to visualize how to improve your life. If you’re looking for clarity in a partnership, you’ll have to seek it some other day. Mercury ends its retrograde cycle today, and this will bring more clarity or movement with finances, personal possessions, work, and income, and you can suffer less from indecisiveness. Business projects that were unfinished or put on hold might resume after making essential refinements. You are clearer about what you want to do and where you want to head. However, as this shift occurs, misunderstandings tend to be pronounced. On this transition day, it’s best to conserve energy and observe rather than take decisive action with important matters.

Mercury turns direct today after three weeks of retrograde motion, dear Scorpio. While this is a signal that communication problems will be unraveling and clearing up, we can’t expect it to happen in an instant. Instead, there can be a temporary magnification of problem areas right now, and with a Mars-Neptune aspect confusing things further, it’s best to wait for the fog to clear before making big moves. Fortunately, you are likely to be clearer as Mercury moves forward in your sign in the weeks ahead. You also have Mars newly in your sign, revving you up. You’ll begin to feel more in step with others and your environment. Problems expressing yourself or feeling misunderstood can also clear up in the coming days. Today, take extra care when communicating and avoid focusing on the superficial elements of conversations, situations, and systems, which is a strong tendency when Mercury stations as it does today, which can lead to errors. Relationships can be a little confusing today as there’s a tendency to look at them through the eyes of wishful thinking. Avoid self-trickery in this manner. Or, you might temporarily lose motivation or interest in what you’re doing, and it’s time to think of ways to change your approach to enliven your life and enrich the imagination. When it comes to relationships, don’t let yourself justify others’ actions if they’re deceptive or manipulative. Find healthy ways to escape the routine.

People may be giving off confusing signals today, dear Sagittarius, or you may experience some ups and downs or confusion and indecision. People don’t seem to be saying what they mean or meaning what they say! While evasiveness can be frustrating, a solid answer may not be available or necessary at the moment. You are not a person who does well with people beating around the bush, so this can be especially aggravating. Still, it’s probably better not to attempt to pin someone or something down at the moment–it may only be a lesson in frustration. You are psychically very sensitive, and you may be absorbing too many emotions from the people around you to the point of overload. Withdrawing into your shell or enjoying quiet time might be beneficial now. Mercury turns direct today after three weeks of retrograde motion, and some communication problems are likely to resolve in the weeks ahead. Recent introspection and intuitive insight can be put into action, although you’re still very much inclined to keep to yourself and to hold off on important decisions until Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 7th.

Mercury’s three-week retrograde period comes to an end today, dear Capricorn. Communications can remain confusing as Mercury changes direction, and perhaps even more so before they begin to clear up. Although today may be a little chaotic due to a tendency to over-think, this shift in direction can bring improved relations with friends and associates, in particular, over the coming days and weeks. You’ll dwell less on the past, and you’ll begin to take more interest in making the most of what you have in the present. Plans that might have recently stalled could resume or end–either way, they’re no longer up in the air, and you can make a decision. Consider that today, there is a tendency to be secretive or even passive-aggressive. You can be quite sensitive to imbalances in your environment and interactions. Watch for foggy thinking or conflicts over money, and allow extra time to complete regular tasks. If the work you’re doing is not aligning well with your ideals, then there can be a sense of dissatisfaction. Think about creative ways to make changes to what you’re doing or how you’re doing it. It’s not something you can change in only a day, but you can get started.

You may be dealing with someone who is passive-aggressive or roundabout in their dealings with you today, dear Aquarius. A Mars-Neptune aspect might instead point to a feeling of being deceived or let down. You may realize that how you’ve been approaching a person or situation is not serving you well any longer. Passivity or evasiveness can cause some problems today. If matters are not spelled out now, try not to read too much into the situation since today’s energies are murky. This can work both ways, so avoid unintentionally leading someone on, or there can be hard feelings. However, this can be a great day for getting in touch with your more spiritual needs or your desire to be soothed, entertained, and comforted. Listen to music, meditate, or watch a movie – whatever it is that takes you away from reality for a short spell but also leaves you feeling refreshed. Mercury comes to the end of its three-week retrograde period, and over the coming days and possibly weeks, you can experience more clarity with long-term, career, or life-plan goals, as well as with your romantic life. Work projects or responsibilities can resume normal speed or pick up pace. Relationships with bosses or parents and the public can improve. For now, however, while the shift occurs, we can be unusually error-prone. Avoid situations where you may misrepresent yourself, or aim to be precise.

We can be more error-prone than usual today, dear Pisces, for a couple of reasons. Mercury stations as it turns direct after a three-week retrograde period. This shift can magnify problem areas. It can also mean you’re tuning in far too much to the details and facts of a situation, so much so that intuition takes a back seat and leaves you with fewer resources to make the right decisions. Wait things out, if possible. Over the coming weeks, more clarity is likely in many areas of your life, and you can experience renewed confidence in yourself and your plans, as well as faith that life will supply you with what you need. A Mars-Neptune aspect can blur things further. You may be tempted to take a roundabout or convoluted route to satisfying your desires. Energy levels can be up and down as you may seesaw between wanting to take action and a feeling that you may not be ready for it. It can also be quite tricky to stick to the routine, as motivation seems lacking temporarily. Be aboveboard in all of your dealings now, and be clear, straightforward, and unambiguous if you must deal with practical matters today. Watch for people who may be trying to deceive you. You are a little more sensitive to your environment, so it’s probably best to take it easy and boost up your resistance. Think outside of the box to find a way to combine pleasure and business now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is November 20, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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