Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 19th, and the New Moon will occur on November 26th.
- Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- Mercury is no longer retrograde and is in its post-retrograde shadow until December 7th.
- The Sun enters Sagittarius today (the Sun is in Sagittarius from November 22nd to December 21st).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Sun begins its transit of your adventure and spirit sector today, where it will visit until December 21st, dear Aries. The desire for more than just the usual routine sets in, and seeking experiences beyond the ordinary can become a big focus now. It’s a good cycle in which to learn, expand your reach, feel out new ideas and possible goals, promote, publish, or travel. This cycle brings your needs for life experience, learning, and excitement to the fore. You are discovering new activities, subjects, and ideas, and could be branching out in a relationship or business. There can be a stronger desire to better your situation in life in meaningful ways or to reach a higher level of freedom and well-being. Activities that nourish the soul and spirit are especially significant and attractive right now. The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, stimulating your social side and your desire for interaction and feedback.

The Sun begins a month-long transit of your solar eighth house today, dear Taurus, launching a month-long cycle that’s great for discovering your deeper passions. This sector of your chart rules sharing on intimate and financial levels. With the Sun here, you tend to focus on connecting in a relationship or connecting with your more intimate self, discovering what makes you tick and what you truly want from life. A passion project may also (or instead) figure strongly. In the weeks ahead, strategy, planning, and sharing are themes. You’re seeking more intensity and passion in your life, and you’re not content with living your life without growing, changing, and improving. What’s happening behind the scenes or under the layers assumes far more importance to you during this cycle. If you need to kick a bad habit or let go of something that has outgrown its usefulness in your life, this is a time for making the change. You can also learn about what drives and motivates you, as well as your attachments. The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, and you’ll do well for yourself if you pay a little more attention than usual to your duties and daily affairs.

The Moon spends the day in your playful, expressive sector of romance and creativity today, dear Gemini. The Sun begins its month-long transit of your partnership sector, bringing new social energy into your life for the month ahead. Relationships, especially those that involve one-on-one contact, come into stronger focus now. It’s a strong period for ironing out differences in your relationships. You are especially willing to negotiate and reach compromises, earning you greater success with others. The weeks ahead can feature an increased desire or need to be around others, especially a reliable friend or partner, or for collaborating, negotiating, and counseling. You’re in particularly good shape for getting closer to people you care about and bonding through shared activities. You are expressing your power potential through relationships, and you could be attracting strong personalities into your life. You might also pay special attention to areas of your life that have come out of balance, as you seek out more harmony, peace, and enjoyment.

The Moon encourages you to settle in as it transits your home and family sector today, dear Cancer, and to improve your emotional equilibrium. However, the Sun heads into your sector of routines, work, and habits today, launching a month-long transit that turns your keen attention to self-care, daily routines, work projects, and skills development. You’ll want to take care of business now. You tend to take more pride in the work that you do or the services you provide. It’s an ideal time for bringing more order to your life, starting with organizing your daily affairs and improving your health and wellness efforts and programs. It should be a busy time of year for you and an excellent time to get chores and errands done, although not as visible as other periods. Focusing on details brings rewards now. Now and until December 21st is a fine period for bettering yourself and making improvements to your lifestyle.

The Sun begins its transit of your solar fifth house starting today, dear Leo, and until December 21st, pleasure-seeking or expressive activities come into focus and grab your attention. It’s the time of year when you are ready to perform and express yourself creatively. This transit is a supportive, helpful, and mostly happy influence, presenting a time to shine with your creativity, warmth, and companionability. You find inspiration on creative and emotional levels more readily now, so take advantage! Your needs for entertainment, self-expression, romance, hobbies, and creative outlets are in the foreground. You seek more color, love, laughter, and enjoyment, and you stand out for your unique qualities or talents. A hobby or creative pursuit may be reawakened or refreshed now. Today’s Moon transit keeps you connected and engaged.

The Moon moves through your resources sector today, dear Virgo, emphasizing a practical theme and encouraging you to look for ways to enhance your feelings of comfort and security. As well, the Sun enters the lowermost sector in your solar chart and will transit here until December 21st. The weeks ahead are for tending to your base and foundation on both physical and emotional levels. This transit awakens a stronger desire to improve your home life and relationships with your family. Domestic and personal matters grab much of your attention now. You’ll certainly find room for friends, work, and other life departments, but your heart is with your home and personal life in the weeks ahead. Personal matters and issues of personal space or living conditions and arrangements are likely to assume more importance. You’re learning about your deeper needs and considering ways to feel more nurtured and comfortable. It’s a great time for activities that help you find more peace in your life and with yourself. You may be feeling nostalgic, and familiar activities, people, and situations hold much appeal.

The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Libra, bringing a bit more color to your world of emotions and increasing your desire to interact with the world around you. You can be filled with initiative today, but perhaps a little restless if you’re not sure where to direct your energy. The Sun enters your solar third house today, spotlighting your communications and connections until December 21st. It’s a cycle of learning new things, branching out, and making contact. There can be more activity and movement in your everyday life. You’re inclined to follow your curiosity, and mental stimulation is a stronger need than usual. You can cover a lot of different ground, although you may not get the chance to focus your energies as often as you’d like. Multi-tasking and diversifying are themes in the weeks ahead.

The Moon in your privacy sector today puts special emphasis on your inner world, dear Scorpio. Also today, the Sun leaves your sign and begins its month-long transit of your resources sector. You are investing in making your life more secure and stable, and in providing for yourself and loved ones in the weeks ahead. You take more pride in what you can produce, build, and create. It’s a good cycle in which to take care of your prized belongings, bank account, and especially your self-esteem! You’re interested in practical applications, not only ideas or plans. There is less emphasis now on personality development, which was the focus in the last four weeks. It’s a great time to establish and then focus on priorities. Taking charge of your financial affairs is highly appropriate at this time in your life. It’s also a great time to explore or develop natural talents.

The Sun begins its yearly, month-long transit of your sign today, dear Sagittarius. You are regaining your initiative now and in the weeks ahead under the Sun’s beams. Your clearer sense of yourself helps you convey strength now. This solar cycle emphasizes you, your personal needs, personality, plans, and attitude towards meeting and greeting the world. With extra attention coming your way, you’ll find more motivation to improve your image and your manner so that you attract what you truly want and need into your life more readily. Until December 21st, you feel in charge of your life than usual — acting comes more naturally than merely reacting to life. It’s a time for making an impression on others! You feel more in control of your life and your destiny. Aim to improve your connection to the world around you for the best results now. If you need an image makeover or want to make some changes to the way you present yourself to others, this is a splendid time to do so.

The Sun enters your house of endings and resolutions today, dear Capricorn, where it will transit until December 21st. It’s a cycle that brings a very natural need for more “alone time” and more room or space for rest and reflection. You may be operating under the radar now, or you prefer to be in the background for a few weeks so that you can recoup your energy in preparation for your more visible birthday month. Indeed, your sign is set to get much attention in the upcoming months, and rest and reflection can be especially useful now. Goals may not be apparent for the time being, and they don’t need to be! It’s better to tap into your intuition and let things flow than to rush decision making. It’s a good time for tidying up your life on emotional and mental levels. Tying up loose ends and attending to psychological health and happiness are in focus. You are inclined to pull back a little from situations that are excessively demanding or competitive as this period is one of the most introspective Sun transits of the year. Despite this theme, today’s Moon transit keeps you on top of things and somewhat visible.

The Sun begins its transit of your sector of friendship and community, dear Aquarius, harmonizing with your sign until December 21st. This transit stimulates your need to make connections with others, to be part of a group or team, and to enjoy the company of friends or like-minded groups. It’s a period for people-watching, dreaming, interacting, and connecting with your revolutionary and progressive spirit. It’s not a time for tying yourself down, but rather for enjoying new experiences and breaking free of personal restrictions. You’re getting involved, as this is how you shine and express yourself best right now. You benefit most when you recognize your need for others or a dream or goal to inspire you. There can be excitement about the future, stimulating new ideas, aspirations, and plans. There has been a stronger focus on responsibilities to the outer world in your life in recent weeks, and now you’re more invested in “happiness” goals. Today, the Moon moves through your spirit sector, placing even more emphasis on making connections, sharing, and learning.

The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart today, dear Pisces, launching a month-long cycle that stimulates your ambitions and aspirations. You have a good sense for smart moves and better positioning. You’re a little more aware of your impact on the world, how you contribute, and how others see you and what you have to offer. Taking charge of your work or reputation comes naturally now. The weeks ahead (until December 21st) are suitable for recognizing your priorities or your need for more structure, planning, and goal-formulating in your life. It’s one of the more visible cycles of the year, and also a time when you’re more motivated than usual to do your best. Today, you’re happy to observe and strategize rather than take action, and it serves you well to do so.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is November 22, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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