Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- The void Moon occurs from 9:49 PM forward (until the Moon enters Scorpio tomorrow at 12:58 AM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase until 1:13 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 19th, and the New Moon will occur on November 26th.
- Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- Mercury is in its post-retrograde shadow until December 7th.
- The Sun spends its first full day in the sign of Sagittarius (the Sun is in Sagittarius from November 22nd to December 21st).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

While this can be a time for dealing with mixed messages and minor irritations, dear Aries, overall, you’re likely to feel confident. Don’t pull your hair out if solutions to problems are not immediately apparent — patience is your best friend now although challenging to muster up with Mars approaching an opposition to Uranus. Wind yourself down if you feel that you’re getting worked up over trivial matters. People are sensitive and perhaps too focused on words instead of the intentions behind them. Watch for over-analyzing or intellectualizing your feelings in such a way that you misrepresent yourself. Relating to others as equals opens you up to all kinds of opportunities. You’re very independent-minded right now, and current transits serve to highlight your unique and valuable traits. It’s an excellent time to teach, guide, and learn or share ideas and bond with others as you do. You’re in high demand for your insight and perspective. As well, a different perspective on a matter can be soothing. Tensions are rising, indeed, but you’re also open to a greater understanding of an issue.

There can be some problems with misunderstandings in your communications today, dear Taurus. However, willingness to grow and improve can dominate. It’s best to keep in mind that feelings and logic are likely to mix in all the wrong ways, to the point that we either speak too emotionally or relate too intellectually or logically. You may not be in close touch with how you truly feel so that it’s better not to try to explain your feelings until you truly know what they are. With a little extra thought put into how we phrase questions and the tone of conversations, life tends to smooth over. Resolving conflicts comes organically as you focus on reinforcement and reward. Relationships get a nice boost if you’re not afraid to show your commitment and compassion. You may gain just the perspective you need. An emotional encounter can be heartwarming and offer you valuable insights into your life. Still, a Mars-Uranus opposition is closing in, and you can feel a bit claustrophobic if someone is too pushy with you.

While the Moon is in your playful solar fifth house all day, there can be a real desire to put your thoughts in order today, dear Gemini. You should watch for doing this so much that you lose touch with the feelings behind your ideas. Do your best to avoid putting too much weight in communications that seem a little off, and consider speaking about your feelings with greater care. You want to be productive today, but emotional or social concerns tend to break your concentration. To some extent, looking at the dysfunctional elements of your relationships can be helpful, but taken too far, it’s counter-productive. Fortunately, there are some wonderfully open-minded aspects alongside tense ones today. You’re in an excellent position to strengthen relationships, make fortunate connections, repair difficulties, and enjoy a feeling of being supported and supportive with the willingness to grow and improve. It’s also an excellent time to think up solutions to problems. There is a sense that reaching out to others is right for you and can help move you forward. Recognize a need for change rather than focusing on the idea that others are limiting you.

The Moon in your family and home sector all day inclines you to some introspection, dear Cancer, but today’s transits tend to promote interactivity. It can be difficult to concentrate with social or romantic problems on the brain, and it can be difficult to socialize or enjoy yourself if you’re neglecting the work you feel the need to do! Pace yourself today, and take things one step at a time. Avoid taking mental disconnects to heart now, as the mind and the heart are unlikely to be on the same page. Fortunately, a Sun-Chiron aspect helps create an atmosphere that’s conducive to learning, sharing, and growing. You can absorb a lot now, mainly related to your work and health. Humble confidence gets you everywhere, and people are valuing your helpfulness. You’re seeking out more meaning through the work you do, and you can get some positive reinforcement along these lines today. While there are rebellious and resistant energies brewing, aim to listen to wise counsel as it may very well lead to a boost in your health and wellbeing.

There are some tense aspects alongside mind-opening, heartwarming influences today and tomorrow, dear Leo. You could be feeling a little unsettled, mainly as you try to fill your needs for security and excitement at once. Sometimes a symptom of inner unrest is a tendency to focus too much on making changes in the home or on activities that aren’t necessarily productive. Another possible sign is a desire to escape routines whenever feasible. However you express inner discontent, you may be itching to do something different–or differently–but could have a hard time envisioning what it is you’d like to change. There can also be a problem communicating from the heart, which can lead to misunderstandings. Try to be the one who doesn’t take things too personally today. It can be a fine time for expressing your ideas or art, which can be vital to helping someone to heal and move forward. If you’re not afraid to be different but not going out of your way to be, you arrive at the sweet spot! People are receptive to and appreciative of your unique perspective once past the tendency to analyze words today. You seem to magnetize situations to you that help you grow, improve, and build your confidence. The latter part of the day can introduce some surprises, primarily to do with responsibilities, but try not to fret about these. Resolve to make changes that come from the heart, not from hasty reactions and responses.

There is some tendency to get our signals crossed today, dear Virgo, and there could be a sense that someone’s insincere with you now. This may only be a disconnect between the heart and the mind and nothing more. Still, try not to say something untrue to keep the peace or to avoid awkward moments today, which is a tendency, and avoid putting your heart into what’s said or promised to you. Even with some tensions now, a couple of active transits are lovely for opening your mind and heart to a greater understanding. Supportive emotional and family relationships can figure strongly today and tomorrow. If work is needed on healing the family dynamic or regarding getting comfortable with your deeper needs and desires, this is a time for making an effort. Later today, you could be torn between venturing out or sticking with who and what you know. There is also a tendency to rebel a little too much for your own good–something to watch out for.

With the Moon in your sign all day, dear Libra, you have a stronger than usual need for self-nurturing, and it’s good for you right now! Today’s transits are complicated–there are tense influences alongside wonderfully open ones. While there can be a strong desire to smooth over differences and to keep the peace today, there can be some missteps or misunderstandings to manage. There can be a feeling that others are not telling you the full story. They probably aren’t right now, but it may merely be indecision, or they may be out of touch with how they truly feel. You are likely to be quite enthusiastic today, but while nervous tension can get you going, you’ll find you burn out quickly if you’re riding too hard on it. Make a point of involving yourself with things you genuinely love, causes you can get behind, and otherwise finding meaning through extracurricular activities. Listening and communicating in equal proportion boost your relationships. Make time for others for the best results, but keep in mind that people in your life can be reactive rather than acting from their hearts.

There can be a bit of a fog surrounding the critical details of practical matters in spots today, dear Scorpio, and people may seem to be focusing on the wrong things at times. Attempts to talk through problems in a relationship or to sweet talk could fall flat. Or, attempts to express your feelings can go a little wrong due to the wrong choice of words or a temporary lack of touch with how you genuinely feel. If you can, avoid work that requires close attention to detail or concentration. Distractions can make it challenging to keep up or to do your best. You’re in a good position for problem-solving and new ideas regarding work, money, and health matters, however. The inspiration is there, even if the focus is wanting! Solutions to problems won’t come if forced or overanalyzed. Later today, tensions are brewing if there have been issues with freedom in a close relationship. Look for ways to heal from problems stirred up today, as there are sure to be fantastic opportunities to grow and learn despite disruptions.

Venus in your sign these days highlights your charm and appeal, dear Sagittarius, and tomorrow, Venus aligns with your ruler, boosting your popularity or levels of self-comfort tremendously. Still, there can be a tendency for others to misinterpret what you’re saying in spots today, or for you to misrepresent yourself in some manner. Speaking ahead of yourself can create a small problem now, or you may feel a little in the dark. You benefit from looking within. In truth, you may not have all the right information to make a clear decision or assessment of your situation, just for now, but you can come to some useful ideas and insights with some reflection. Even so, fresh, honest, and growth-oriented energies dominate, endearing you to others. Spiritual growth and wellness can be in focus. You might be a mentor of sorts right now, guiding someone to a better mental space. You are looking to creative activities, artistic pursuits, or possibly a romance to bring more meaning into your life. Feedback is good, and you’re standing out from the crowd in a pleasing way.

It can be challenging to satisfy your need for some level of withdrawal and time out, dear Capricorn, as well as your need for company or a friend’s needs. Avoid stressing over the little things. Try not to say the first thing that comes to your mind for the time being, too, as you need more time to sort out your thoughts. It makes sense to be a little more mindful as you communicate today, and it’s best to play a supportive role — to listen, observe, and help. Even so, there can be a real boost to your private or emotional life now. The opportunity emerges to gain a better understanding of your sentimental life, family, and loved ones. You may find special meaning in helping others, support, volunteer work, and connections with family. Taking the time to relax, refresh, and get in touch with your inner world can be especially rewarding. If you let your ego take a backseat, it frees you up to connect with your true feelings. In this way, you might come to a better understanding of why something happened in your past. A hurried pace later today could disrupt the flow temporarily, but you may also come to important realizations.

You may end up regretting words expressed publicly or professionally today, dear Aquarius, or someone may take what you say the wrong way. Or, you’re not in agreement with friends or associates about how to best move forward your goals. Breathe through disagreements and keep a professional attitude if it’s required of you. Still, you’re likely to find support for your creative efforts, projects, and desires today. Your interactions with a partner, friends, or acquaintances are positive, inspiring, and supportive once past any disconnects. You or someone in your life can come up with fabulous ideas that contribute to a dream or vision. Your goals and dreams seem more doable, and this lifts your spirits. Investing more of yourself in your projects and ideas can be exhilarating, filling you with a stronger sense of purpose. Today’s energies generally favor a gentle approach, although there can be some tendency for a hectic pace later today as Mars heads into opposition with Uranus.

It’s important to avoid jumping to conclusions or speaking about a matter prematurely today, dear Pisces. There can be some indecision, particularly regarding long-term goals or career issues. Disconnects can occur but can be put behind you quickly by giving others the benefit of the doubt. You could be feeling some discontent with how your life is currently organized, and it can be challenging to know where to begin sorting it out. Things that are out of place can be especially annoying. Try to simplify or tackle problems one step at a time, or you will feel that you’re getting nowhere. Fortunately, there is strong energy with you for a boost to your career, sense of purpose or mission, or financial outlook. It’s a time for putting your natural talents to good use, and for taking the lead. You are getting a strong sense of what you genuinely value on practical and professional levels. Focus on the unique elements that you bring to your work, and watch as you attract the right resources and people to you as you do! Minor miscommunications aside, feeling more secure about your performance boosts your success rate now. Nevertheless, be careful with what you say or how you say it today.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is November 23, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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