Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces until 6:48 AM, after which the Moon transits Aries.
- The void Moon continues until 6:48 AM today (since yesterday at 8:12 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase until 8:29 AM, after which the Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous.
- We are between the First Quarter Moon that occurred on the 4th and the Full Moon that will happen on November 12th.
- Mercury Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from October 31st to November 20th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The desire to feel more independent and empowered is strong, dear Aries, and you gravitate toward situations that feed this need today. You benefit from finding a better balance between material and spiritual focus. As you focus on stabilizing your work, career, or reputation, you’re also strengthening your commitment to downtime, rest, and repose. Separating work and rest is your success story right now. It’s a time for more fully tuning out work while resting, and working with few distractions when you’re pursuing your goals. You’re in a somewhat reflective cycle these days as the Sun transits your solar eighth house, and today particularly, you see the value of both preparation and foresight. Your ambition is stimulated in a pleasant, and you’re thinking about the long term instead of seeking instant gratification. There can be a happy focus on a task or a sense that you can manage your life on many different levels as long as you keep things moderate. Inspiration may come from a private moment with someone, or from within yourself.

You’re in good shape for bringing more balance to your life through particular attention to both spiritual and material pursuits these days, dear Taurus. You’re building your skills and attending to your practical affairs, and you’re also connecting with people or causes that inspire and encourage you. It’s a good time for improvements to relationships or for pairing up to accomplish something productive. Positive gestures and actions taken now have a real and favorable impact on your future, without all the fanfare. Your sense of responsibility is particularly developed now, and it’s an excellent time for establishing better habits and patterns in relationships. You are a little more ambitious and motivated to face issues or tackle details that you might miss or ignore on other days. A gentle spirit of acceptance or support in a friendship can only boost things further. It’s better to listen, share, and heal than push or probe at this time.

Transits now help you to let go of unhealthy expectations and pressures, dear Gemini, and doing so leads to feeling more balanced. You more readily find the right guidance, and you might stumble upon a helpful person or project that can change your life, particularly related to career. Getting your finances and support situation sorted out can motivate and inspire your work. The Sun’s current transit of your solar sixth house puts much focus on health, routines, and getting sorted. It encourages you to focus on the nuts and bolts of your life, and its harmony with Saturn and Neptune today helps you further. You’re in a fabulous position for self-development and laying the groundwork for future success. Getting on top of the little things in your life can do enormous things for your confidence and general outlook. A plan for better health and habits can come together. At the same time, you’re paying special attention to the spiritual, artistic, and emotional side of your life. Balancing your attention to the material and non-material layers of your world can benefit you greatly now–and it’s very much within reach.

You might find ways to reconnect with those activities that nourish your spirit and encourage expressing yourself more freely now, dear Cancer. A partner or good friend may inspire you to reach new heights, learn and do new things, and generally live your life more fully. At the same time, you’re willing to work hard towards a goal now, even if its rewards seem very far off or long-term. You are happy to commit yourself to something that can pay off considerably down the road. It’s easier than usual to put aside problems and accept responsibilities right now. You might arrive at both practical and imaginative ways to make a relationship, project, or situation work for you. While there continue to be valuable life lessons and perhaps challenges in a close connection, you’re finding outlets for any related stress or tension, and it feels good to see progress and growth. Bonding with a person with whom you share a common interest can be especially rewarding now.

You might discover a good reason for letting go of a grudge or frustration with a supportive configuration between the Sun, Neptune, and Saturn, dear Leo. You’re in great shape for a positive lifestyle change, or you find yourself managing your time more efficiently and feeling good about doing so. You’re in an improved position for bringing more balance to your relationships, with money, and regarding diet and habits. More clearly separating work and downtime can be critical to this. This is a time for having the faith that if you take care of the things under your control, matters that are up in the air will be easier to accept or will fall into place in due time. There is great value in a careful or cautious approach to life right now, but you’re also encouraged to pay attention to your needs for imagination and inspiration. Your attention span is longer, and long-term satisfaction is the goal. There’s much to enjoy and even savor regarding your interests or projects right now.

You may be seeing a person or relationship in a new way these days, dear Virgo. You’re generating more warmth and trust with important people in your life, and it can also be a time when a significant idea or hunch sets you on a new path. Relationship goals may very well inspire you to better yourself. You’re at your happiest when you’re feeling better organized and disciplined. You’re committed to making the most of your talents, and with improved self-discipline reflecting well on you and your relationships, you feel stronger, more fulfilled, and increasingly more whole. You’re in a cycle that’s especially good for picking up all sorts of information, and today, you’re ready to apply it. The focus is on stability, steadiness, and effort. Making small improvements to your life is especially favored now, on emotional, mental, and physical levels. Doing the responsible thing feels good today! At the same time, you might have an opportunity to show your support for someone who needs mental or spiritual help. Your words or gestures may charm and delight someone.

Home, family, work, and health matters all benefit from a more balanced approach right now, dear Libra. Your routines improve as you pay attention to both your material and spiritual needs rather than prioritizing one over the other. Balancing work and home life can be an essential key to your happiness now, or your work and home life can combine in fantastic ways. It may be a good time for working from home or perhaps on domestic projects. Getting organized and disciplined can reflect wonderfully on your work and health pursuits, freeing you up for the time to imagine, dream, and innovate. You’re likely to feel grounded and enjoy focusing on getting things in order, and activities that remind you of the simple pleasures in life are in high favor now. Current influences favor moderate actions that benefit you in the long-term. It’s a time for finding ways to strengthen or stabilize your life in crucial ways, particularly when it comes to your valuables, your finances, or your home, any of which may need some maintenance or upkeep. It can be satisfying to be responsible today! At the same time, even with a practical focus, you’re considering your hunches and intuition.

This is a time for communicating and connecting in inspired but also highly practical and useful ways, dear Scorpio. You’re finding it more comfortable to balance out your hard work with imaginative pursuits, and this helps round out your relationships and daily life. Loosening your grip just a little on your projects or studies can help you gain perspective, and you’re likely to find more meaning in your pursuits as a result. Perhaps more importantly, you feel more relaxed and whole as you avoid over-attention to specific areas of your life. At the same time, it’s an excellent period for seeking out ways to empower yourself through activities that improve and strengthen your life and your future. You enjoy small accomplishments today. You might also discover ways to channel and structure your creative ideas or for doing something tangible with your talents. As well, like-minded people tend to make their way to you today and this week.

You’re in particularly good shape for focusing on saving, simplifying, and decluttering with current transits, dear Sagittarius, and for feeling good about doing so. Paying particular attention to both your practical and spiritual needs comes more easily than usual, helping you to find a healthy balance in your life. You’re in great shape for activities that help you strengthen a project or your situation. You might enjoy working behind the scenes, which can help you regroup and renew your spirit. You can learn something that fills in the missing puzzle pieces of a situation, and this improves your judgment all around. Getting time to yourself can be particularly helpful and grounding as you come into better touch with your needs. You’re also in an excellent position to tie up loose ends, get closure, or resolve a long-term problem from your past, which can do wonders for your confidence and overall sense of well-being. You may find support for your needs for privacy and emotional renewal, or quiet activities with others can be satisfying.

You’re in good shape for finding inspiration, particularly in your studies, personal interests, and communications, dear Capricorn. You’re both practical and imaginative as Saturn and Neptune harmonize, highlighting your range! Finding new meaning in what you’re learning and communicating can enrich your experience considerably now, inspiring you to take better care of yourself. Your focus on your social and humanitarian or personal happiness goals is a little more serious or earnest than usual, and you see the value of slowing down and taking things more deliberately. It’s a good time for considering your longer-term plans and taking steps to secure or strengthen them. You’re likely to derive particular enjoyment from taking the lead, managing a situation, or pouring special love into an important project or ambition. New and improved ways of getting around or connecting can change your life in crucial, satisfying, and significant ways.

Increased faith in your talents and your value leads to positive developments now, dear Aquarius, even if you seem to be looking to the past more often than usual these days. As you focus on handling outstanding or unresolved issues in your life, you’re also boosting your sense of security, self-worth, and perhaps money situation. The Sun harmonizes with your co-ruler, Saturn, which has a steadying effect. Others appreciate and value your common sense. It’s a good time for taking steps towards meeting your goals or strengthening your life in small but key ways. Business endeavors are in good favor, and work that you did in the past or behind the scenes can come in handy now. It’s a time for applying your inner wisdom and experience to your work and feeling particularly proud of yourself and your accomplishments. The key to moving ahead seems to be taking care of old business or tying up loose ends with the Sun also in harmony with Neptune. You might enjoy learning or experiencing something new about the past, or possibly an interesting discussion or exchange of ideas gets you going now. Your intuition may draw you to the right resources for moving your goals forward.

You’re at the right place for arriving at a decent work-life balance with current transits, dear Pisces. Focusing on stabilizing your social life or handling outstanding or unresolved issues related to your friendships or projects can help boost your confidence in yourself and faith in the universe. It can also provide you with a sense of mission or purpose. You may very well find support from a good friend or network, or strength from immersing yourself in a cause or project. Ideally, you’re drawn to both meaningful and practical pursuits now, leading to crucial improvements across the board. While the Sun is currently transiting an outgoing and adventurous sector of your solar chart, you see the value of a slow-but-sure pace right now as the Sun connects to both Saturn and Neptune. You’re ready to put the extra effort into gaining new experiences and feeding your spirit. You might find the motivation to take care of practical affairs that strengthen or improve your life in small but measurable ways. You are thinking about what’s best for you in the long term, not just today or this week, and this can benefit you greatly. You have the enthusiasm to get going on your plans and initiatives, but it’s your patience now that makes all the difference. You can also feel especially inspired by a new interest, topic, or idea.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is November 8, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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