Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio.
- The Moon is void from 7:12 PM (until tomorrow at 5:52 AM yesterday).
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- We are in between the New Moon (which happened on the 8th in the sign of Libra) and the First Quarter Moon (which will occur on the 16th).
- Venus is retrograde (Venus is retrograde from October 5th to November 16th).
- Current retrogrades: Venus Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Chiron Rx.
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

There can be some tendency to worry about your performance, professional matters, or achievements today, dear Aries, and these can impact your relationships, especially if you’ve recently been feeling that someone in your life doesn’t entirely understand your concerns, worries, or goals. While your concerns are necessary to address, consider that you may be stressing yourself out unnecessarily, or that if there are looming problems, you’re better off working on making improvements. Watch for a possible obsession with a problem or line of thought that stresses you out. Try to let your guard down with someone you trust and use Mercury’s objectivity to talk things through, as we have an especially beneficial Mercury aspect with us now that can bring us back to earth. Making lists and plans can be helpful for clarifying your thoughts, worries, and goals. It’s a good time to fine-tune plans and to add special details to projects. You might thoroughly enjoy investigating a matter further and doing research. Expressing the more responsible and competent or mature side of your personality can have tremendous benefits for you at the moment.

With the Sun and Pluto heading into a square aspect, dear Taurus, tensions can emerge over differences in methods, approaches, and opinions today, which can disrupt your daily routines, work, or general feeling of being on top of things. If there have been problems brewing related to workload or relationship dynamics, they may come to a head now. Avoid getting caught up in power plays. Sore spots can be revealing, however, since they’re areas of your psyche that need extra attention. Take the pressure off, and consider that with this aspect, it’s all too easy to make mountains out of molehills. Helping you gain perspective is a Mercury-Saturn aspect, also active today. This is a good time for accomplishing something practical, in fact, and for anything that involves counseling, consultation, or collaboration. Essential or useful information can result. One-on-one communications can be quite successful and productive today if they focus on the practical side of things. This is a strong time for prioritizing your long-term goals. You might be considering other viewpoints with maturity and benefit from this willingness. Demonstrate your loyalty and reliability now for best results.

This is not an easy day to stick to routines in spots, dear Gemini, although sticking to things you know may be comforting if you can manage it. With a Sun-Pluto square, there can be some tension until you figure out the fears or frustrations behind any stress you may be feeling. You, on the one hand, crave lighthearted, fun connections and on the other, long for something more profound. Mixed messages can result, and they may be given or received! If you’re holding on to resentment, this can come up to the surface today in unexpected ways. Your desire to go your way and to do your own thing is compelling right now, but you could also fear leaving something alone. It will be important not to act out as a result of this inner tension. Take a step back to get perspective so you can see where detachment could benefit you. With work or diet and routine, you recognize the value of small efforts, a step by step pace, and patience for long-term success. Find an area of your life that can do with some organization and focus on it.

The Sun and Pluto form a square aspect today, dear Cancer, and you can experience some extremes of feeling, or fears can be stronger than usual. However, these may motivate you to protect your interests more effectively, so allow yourself to feel it, but take the pressure off to resolve the problem right away. Even so, do watch for people playing mind games. You may experience tension if you or someone in your life is holding on too tightly to a belief or method. Whether you’re the one who is trying to control a situation or a partner is attempting to control you, the root problem is fear of change, so you may want to nip that in the bud. Big decisions about finance, business, and love should wait. However, this is a strong day for applying yourself to communications and creative pursuits. The primary key to happiness today involves both balance and patience. Relationships can benefit from a serious conversation or a more precise definition, or you feel stronger through your association with someone.

Life may not feel very carefree with your ruler, the Sun, forming a square to Pluto today, dear Leo. You may be so attached to your routines and methods that friction occurs with others, or you may be putting quite a bit of pressure on yourself to get too many things done, which can stress you out. Until you realize you’re not superhuman, you may be stressed out and overtaxed. Power games may be part of today’s picture, particularly with people who share your daily schedules, work, or routines. Save topics that require gentleness for another day, but do try to tap into another powerful influence today — a Mercury-Saturn sextile. You can make a dent in your to-do list if you approach matters step by step. Organizing matters related to the home, work and services, and habits or health can be productive. It’s a great time for tackling chores or filling responsibilities. You gravitate towards projects and tasks that help you feel secure. The information you discover today can benefit you now and for years to come. A practical bent serves you well today, but the trick now is to be moderate.

There can be a somewhat charged atmosphere at times today, dear Virgo, with the Sun and Pluto doing battle. Even so, you also benefit from a pleasant aspect between your ruler, Mercury, and Saturn. Worries about money and love, or even how money and love mix, can surface now, but talking things through in an orderly, practical way can help. For some of you, there may be competing desires for security and excitement, and it can be challenging to satisfy both needs. Attempts to over-control or micromanage people and things can be a warning sign that you’re overly attached. Easing this pressure even a little at first can be helpful. Fortunately, you can be very persistent on a mental level, and this can improve clarity. It’s an excellent time to focus on a pet or creative project and make substantial progress. With a practical approach, you can sort things out. Activities related to commuting, teaching, writing, learning, and connecting can come into realistic focus. People value your opinion and input even more than usual.

A Sun-Pluto square influencing the day has a way of magnifying our fears, dear Libra, and we can feel a little paranoid in spots now. Concerns about personal matters can undermine your confidence in other areas of life, or unresolved issues from your past can emerge and have your head spinning with old hurts and grievances. Avoid dwelling on matters that you can’t change, and don’t worry excessively about issues that haven’t happened. Another aspect coming into play can help you sort things out logically. Mercury and Saturn form a sextile, and this gives you a practical or realistic view of a situation. Look for a balance. Avoiding problematic issues is not the answer, as you can do some work at breaking you away from past negative patterns, but acting moderately is a good idea. You have good energy with you for taking care of important business, particularly if your finances, valuables, personal possessions, or home life can use some tidying and upkeep. The goal is improved feelings of security, which can lead to inner clarity.

With the Sun and Pluto forming a square today, dear Scorpio, reading too much into others’ actions and words can stir up more friction than you need right now. If you fear the worst, you might jump ahead of yourself trying to find it so that you’re not taken off guard. Do your best to avoid this. Your powers of observation are legendary, but your senses may be working overtime and could lead you astray. As well, others’ signals may not be working up to par. A Mercury-Saturn transit may come to the rescue. The key to benefiting from this influence is to exercise some patience and moderation, which is challenging today, but not impossible! You can be full of good advice now, even if you’re not advising yourself well at the moment, and others could be turning to you for your insight. You may very well feel quite satisfied handling business or sorting things out. You might benefit from positive word of mouth.

A Sun-Pluto challenge today can pull up buried frustration in disruptive ways, dear Sagittarius, but this can put you in the right frame of mind to sort things out. Tame the inclination to dwell on the negative elements of your life unless you’re ready to do something about problem areas. If you’re far too attached to your methods, you may experience friction with others now. You or someone close to you may feel a little threatened by potential changes, which can be a natural reaction, but talking things through can help settle your minds. With Sun-Pluto active today, it’s best to ask ourselves whether we’re pushing for the truth or just power-tripping! Make plans to improve your life rather than dwell on past mistakes. A Mercury-Saturn aspect, also active today, helps with self-discipline and concentration. Focus on tidying up and organizing your life so that you can put an end to guilty feelings. Money matters or taking special care of valuables can figure strongly now.

Concerns about a work project or function can be magnified today as the Sun at the top of your solar chart clashes with Pluto in your sign, dear Capricorn. Watch for regrettable behavior stemming from fears of not being out of the loop. While you may be frustrated with people who seem to have an agenda, you have the power to rise above it and focus on doing your best. Use the extra intensity of the day for constructive projects. Fortunately, you have just the right kind of support for this with a Mercury-Saturn aspect coming into play. You may gain clarity or insight about a friendship, goal, or project now that aids your decision-making process, or a friend or associate can be of practical assistance to you. Your self-discipline improves, and a steadfast, conservative approach wins points. The keys to success today are moderation and discipline. Helpful information is likely to set you on the right track.

With the Sun and Pluto forming a square aspect, dear Aquarius, events of the day can reveal where you’ve been over-attached. Ideally, this clarifies what steps you can take to free yourself from fear in these areas of life. You may be experiencing difficulties that relate to the keeping of secrets, or differing belief systems can trigger buried frustration today. Consider that micromanaging or obsessing over a problem is likely to be self-destructive right now. Helping you to detach enough to regain your composure and perspective is a Mercury-Saturn sextile, also in play today. Focusing on tasks that require discipline and order can be helpful, particularly if they help alleviate some of your worries. Tidying up areas of your life that may be causing you guilt or dread can be useful. This aspect encourages a step-by-step approach which can come in handy from time to time! Interactions and information surfacing today can be helpful, and an important point can be clarified for you.

Consider that you may be reading too much into a situation today, dear Pisces, with the Sun and Pluto in hard aspect. Difficulties experienced now may be getting you into better touch with your vulnerabilities, so it’s best to take note, but do watch for making quick decisions that are more about fear, guilt, or dread than common sense. Sorting through the truths and deeper emotions that surface now can be helpful, and another aspect influencing the day can help you do just that: Mercury sextile Saturn. You might consider sorting through recent ideas or projects from a practical perspective. Helpful information or news can be part of the picture. You’re in excellent shape for getting serious and picking up handy information. Consider areas of your life that can do with concentrated focus and attention to detail, and use this steady energy to take care of business. Teaming up to get something accomplished or brainstorming with others can be productive.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is October 11th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
Today’s Transits (Eastern Time)
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Scorpio
Description: The Moon in Scorpio
Contemplate the deeper things in life. Avoid unnecessary conflict, but if it’s going to improve your life, go ahead and make waves. Tune in to your intuition. This is a good time for investigations, looking into a matter further, doing research, connecting to others with a shared passion, solving a mystery, and devising a strategy. When the Moon in Scorpio is strained, we may take our passions too far.
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 7:12 pm
Event: Moon goes void of course
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 0:46 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Ura
Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Uranus
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 1:11 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Nep
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Neptune
This is a feel-good time if we allow ourselves to relax and tune into the subtle aspects of life – art, nature, beauty, dreams, and spiritual realms. We absorb things easily, our senses are in good form, and we more naturally accept things and people as they are. There is no need to look for definite answers right now.
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 1:23 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Chi
Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Chiron
Hurt feelings may be opportunities for healing. Now is the time for building bridges, not burning them.
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 8:55 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Sat
Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Saturn
We could feel burdened, restricted, or limited during this brief influence. We could be feeling a little down on ourselves, excluded, or lonely. There can be some awkwardness or stiffness and difficulty showing affection and feelings. Patience is a virtue right now; otherwise we might succumb to feelings of frustration and sadness. All good things come to those who wait.
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 9:10 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Pal
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Pallas
There is a good ability to successfully combine logic and intuition, and to understand problems taking into account the human element. There is sensitivity to people’s issues now. Cooperation. Effective, sensitive decision making.
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 9:23 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Plu
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Pluto
This can be a good time for getting loans, for taking care of business, and for dealing with money matters. It’s also good for getting in touch with feelings and managing them effectively. There can be a boost to our intimate life, creative impulses, and self-understanding. Events occurring now might involve some kind of karmic repayment or benefit. We could discover new information, hidden information, or a lost item. This is a time for recycling – seeing new uses for old items. True feelings come to the surface.
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 10:27 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Pll Mer
Description: Transiting Moon Parallel Transiting Mercury
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 5:09 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Ves
Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Vesta
We can be a little stiff with our emotions, and we can be distracted from our work or focus. There can be difficulty expressing tenderness, concern, or care.
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 7:12 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Jup
Description: Transiting Moon Conjunction Transiting Jupiter
We want to do good and to honor our inner code. We are generous with our energy, time, and money. Our feelings expand or are magnified, for better or for worse. It’s generally a good time to teach, learn, write, express ourselves, reach out, travel, publish, and promote. We may go over the top.
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 9:46 am
Event: Tr-Tr Sun Pll Nep
Description: Transiting Sun Parallel Transiting Neptune
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 12:45 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Sqr Nod
Description: Transiting Mercury Square Transiting North Node
This is not the best time for dealings with the public or promotions. Ideas or communications may not be going over well. There can be a need to look at things from a new perspective, and/or to change plans.
Date & Time: Oct 11 2018 3:02 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Plu Tri Pal
Description: Transiting Pluto Trine Transiting Pallas
This can be a brilliant time for strategy and insight. We are wise, and willing to invest our energy into solving problems. Our natural talents, as well as acquired resources, are highlighted and positive. This is a good time for healing, regenerative activities, particularly to do with the mind/thinking.
Strong Signs, Elements, Modes
Today’s Emphasized Signs of the Zodiac
Even-handed, harmonious, artistic, diplomatic, balancing, strong sense of fairness. Can be over- compromising, appeasing, judgmental.
Intense, magnetic, penetrating perception, power to confront. Can be destructive, vengeful, jealous, overly dramatic.
Today’s Elemental Balance
We are not very goal-oriented right now, or motivation to pursue our goals may be waning/lacking. Changes feel overwhelming. Enthusiasm may be low, we argue less, and we think more than we take action.
Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. We are more compassionate, emotional, and intuitive than usual, and we may react emotionally to situations, possibly at the expense of logic or practicality.
Today’s Modal Balance
The Fixed signs are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. We are thinking about the long view, seeking out security and stability rather than change. We may be committed, focused, resistant to making changes, and stubborn.
We can have a hard time adapting to changes and to others’ agendas.
Today’s Lunar Phase
Moon 0 to 45 degrees ahead of the Sun.
This is an energetic, impulsive, and subjective period of time. We are looking for new projects and opportunities.
The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EDT) on October 11th:
Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected–or will perfect–in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies.
Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours so that if an aspect involving the Moon is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today).
**I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime).
The Moon through Pluto: Signs, Aspect, & Degree
You have an emotional intensity, and a strong need for drama. Under stress you will create drama and intensity in your life. You may have been born at a time when your mother experienced a crisis, or your birth may have been traumatic. Your mother may have been possessive and intense.
Part of Body: Nasal septum
Sabian Symbol: Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one man.
We want to honor our inner code. We are generous with our energy, time, and money. Our feelings expand or are magnified, for better or for worse. It’s generally a good time to teach, learn, write, express ourselves, reach out, travel, publish, and promote. We may go over the top, however.
TRINE CHIRON Orb 6°08′ Applying
There can be new or easy understanding of our feelings and impressions now. We have a greater understanding of, or compassion for, others’ problems. We are more emotionally present and involved.
This is the time of year for seeking out more harmony and balance, and paying special attention to our close relationships.
Part of Body: Calyx major
Sabian Symbol: A gang of robbers in hiding.
SQUARE PLUTO Orb 0°16′ Applying
We may be tempted to control or manipulate events and people, and can have difficulty reaching a compromise. We might need to reevaluate expectations, face our fears, manage power struggles, and deal with urges to control others and situations.
You use resources well. You have a tendency to delve into the core of matters, preferring this to superficial knowledge. You may also be a worrier. Communications with you are intense.
Part of Body: Prostate, uterus
Sabian Symbol: A house-raising.
CONJUNCTION VENUS Orb 7°14′ Applying
We are more agreeable, sociable, and focused on balance and harmony. Conversations flow nicely.
SEXTILE SATURN Orb 0°40′ Applying
We are seeing our priorirites, taking things seriously, and applying ourselves to important matters. We are drawn to activities that are purposeful and practical. We can be conservative and cautious with our methods, opinions, learning, believing, and communicating. Thoroughness.
OPPOSITION URANUS Orb 1°49′ Separating
Disagreements are quite possible. We may be more interested in defending our opinion or idea than listening and learning from others. However, opposing ideas can be illuminating now if we open our minds to them.
There is a love of investigation, intimacy, depth connections, and consuming relationships and pastimes.
Part of Body: Penis, Labia majora
Sabian Symbol: A drowning man rescued.
SQUARE MARS Orb 0°32′ Separating
You may have some difficulty being patient with loved ones. You can be aggressive and irritable when others fail to keep up with your activities. You can be equally impatient with yourself.
TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 4°06′ Separating
We are more sensitive to others’ needs and wants, and more desirous of harmony, love, beauty, and balance. We are generous, compassionate, open, and vulnerable. Spiritual/emotional concerns trump material ones at this time.
You will fight for just causes. You are unpredictable, but will probably be a group leader. You may become rebellious when angry.
Part of Body: Right cruciate ligaments
Sabian Symbol: A man tete-a-tete with his inspiration.
We are drawn to depth experiences and deep, transformative changes. Prosperous areas are psychology, investigation, agencies, directing. (October 10th, 2017 to November 8th, 2018)
Part of Body: Coccyx, Fallopian tubes
Sabian Symbol: An x ray.
TRINE CHIRON Orb 5°07′ Applying
You have the gift of wisdom. You trust your own intuitive nature, and are able to teach others on the spiritual path. You are able to encompass other people’s personal philosophies without feeling threatened, so that others trust you with their spiritual problems.
Conservation, moderation, definition, structure, simplicity, and realism are themes now. We might also be striving for more authority in a particular area of our lives now. This is a time for making clear choices and decisions, for weeding out what isn’t working for us, and for letting go of lost causes, particularly related to our life path choices, careers, and long-term goals. (from December 19, 2017, to March 21, 2020; and then from July 1 to December 17, 2020).
Part of Body: Cutaneous nerves of lower leg
Sabian Symbol: A party entering a large canoe.
TRINE URANUS Orb 2°30′ Separating
You have a talent for investigation. You look at new ideas and are able then to put them into action. In business you achieve much in your own independent way.
SQUARE CHIRON Orb 4°14′ Separating
There can be fears now of not being competent or effective enough to meet our responsibilities, or we could find it hard to strike out on a unique path, again due to fears or insecurities. The desire to break from the status quo is strong, but we may not have the necessary confidence to do so. We may have difficulties empathizing with others and understanding ourselves.
(1934 – 1942) We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable. (May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, then March 6, 2019, to July 7, 2025, and then November 7, 2025, to April 25, 2026).
Part of Body: Palate
Sabian Symbol: An electrical storm.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)
Part of Body: Left cutaneous veins
Sabian Symbol: An officer preparing to drill his men.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Ligaments of left knee
Sabian Symbol: A child of about five with a huge shopping bag.
Chiron, Major Asteroids, and Moon’s Nodes: in Sign and by Degree
Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011, to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018, to February 18, 2019).
Part of Body: Toenails of the left foot
Sabian Symbol: The great stone face (being the projection of an ideal).
You place importance on structure and order in the workplace. You have great discipline and personal ambition and can succeed in administrative and management positions. Workers will turn to you for a sense of stability and authority.
Part of Body: Nerves of knee
Sabian Symbol: An angel carrying a harp.
You have an analytical mind which you can apply to detailed and exhaustive projects. Your powers of discrimination are strong. You also have executive abilities. You may become involved in the field of health.
Part of Body: Oesophageal groove
Sabian Symbol: A swimming race.
You want variety and stimulation within your relationship. Talking, swapping ideas, writing, planning, and studying are all ways in which you may meet your needs to communicate with your partner.
Part of Body: Trachea
Sabian Symbol: A glass-bottomed boat drifts over under-sea wonders.
You feel cared for when your loved ones create an atmosphere of peace and beauty. You like to cooperate with those close to you.
Part of Body: Suprarenal arteries
Sabian Symbol: A retired sea captain.
Part of Body: Left saphenous veins
Sabian Symbol: Beautifully gowned wax figures.
Part of Body: Zygomatic muscle
Sabian Symbol: An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia.
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Right coronary artery
Sabian Symbol: A woman having her hair bobbed.
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Right fibula
Sabian Symbol: A deserter from the navy.
**Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars on October 11, 2018.**
Aspects to Jup 24°Sc10 -18°06′
Cnj 24°Sc02 AGENA The pain of learning
Aspects to Ura 01°Ta02 +11°18′
Cnj 00°Ta40 MIRACH In harmony to be receptive
Aspects to Chiron 29°Pi17 +03°00′
Cnj 29°Pi38 SCHEAT To be a thinker or intellect
Aspects to Ves 08°Cp04 -25°44′
Cnj 08°Cp33 FACIES — Ruthlessness or the victim.
Aspects to Jun 00°Ge39 +03°06′
Cnj 00°Ge15 ALCYONE Mystical but judgmental.
Aspects to SNo 02°Aq32 -19°35′
Cnj 02°Aq02 ALTAIR To explore, to be bold.
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