Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer all day.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- We are in between the Full Moon, which occurred on the 13th in the sign of Aries, and the Third Quarter Moon, which will occur tomorrow.
- Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

This is a day for feeling satisfied and empowered through a realistic viewpoint of a financial or relationship matter, dear Aries. Venus and Saturn harmonize, turning your attention to the pleasure of keeping things simple and natural. Realism and truth can help settle your emotions. Simplifying your life is important and can get you feeling on track. Things seem a little more clear-cut, and this helps you make better choices and decisions. Making lifestyle changes thrives now, mainly because your heart is in it! Expectations are more realistic, and it feels good to have perspective. The Moon spends another day at the bottom of your solar chart, and it’s crucial to build up your stores of energy.

You may very well delight in some stability and steadiness now, dear Taurus, with the influence of a Venus-Saturn transit. You may be drawn to someone wise and mature. Or, it’s a time for bonding with a person through your values or beliefs, connecting with a subject or guide, and enjoying a sense that you’re learning something valuable. Developing useful skills is taking more precedence over innovative new techniques now. Partnerships are improving, and you can feel happily reinforced as you count on someone, and they pull through for you. Stable and supportive relationships can help you reach your goals. Honoring the past or tradition can be rewarding. Your view of others is realistic today, and it can feel good to appreciate them as they are.

You’re finding stability and even predictability especially comforting today, dear Gemini, due to a Venus-Saturn influence. Getting organized and taking care of business can be enjoyable, and you’re likely to come up with great ideas about doing business, making money, or improving methods and efficiency. Be conservative and moderate in all that you do right now, in both work and play, and you’ll come out ahead with current energies in your life. Today is also strong for giving thought to how you can improve your work or income, and conversations about your practical affairs or the information you come across now can be helpful along these lines.

You’re likely to find routine comforting on many levels today, dear Cancer. Following some rules or getting something into order can be satisfying and even pleasurable for the time being! It’s nice to have guidelines. Realities faced now can lead to the acceptance of things as they are, which feels good today. It’s a commitment-friendly time. Your instincts are excellent for putting your energy into activities that are set to thrive and leave you feeling accomplished or empowered. Partnerships are a little more reinforcing, although you may feel the need to go your own way, too, with the Moon in your sign all day. Actions speak louder than words today, and in your relationships, you’re seeking stability and equilibrium.

You’re likely to find it easier to concentrate and focus on making yourself happy, dear Leo, and simple pleasures can be more satisfying than usual today. Practical matters and tasks tend to do the best today with clear guidelines, expectations, and goals. Socially and emotionally, you’re finding great value in people who’ve been there for you or who’ve already proved themselves. It’s a good time to do something for the people you love and appreciate. Actions and gestures go over well with Venus in harmony with Saturn, and they’re favored over words alone. Sharing work with someone can be enjoyable and gratifying. It can be a fine time for bonding through practical support and companionship. Work around the home can also be useful and even enjoyable.

While you may resist it at first, the day is active for taking care of your responsibilities, dear Virgo. A focused and deliberate frame of mind takes over! You have a stronger sense of the future and a reverence for things that are expected to last so that you’re not rushing things–or rushing into things–and a bit of strategy goes a long way today. Feelings even out and affections stabilize. Simple gestures and actions seem to work best, and conservative moves are favored. While you can begin the day wanting to branch out but lacking a plan for doing so, you’re likely to end it feeling satisfied with working on projects that you already have going for you, and it’s very likely the better approach for now.

You may want to settle into a routine or work on refining a project that you already have going today, dear Libra. Simplifying rather than branching out or innovating seems to be the best approach with your ruler, Venus, in harmony with steady Saturn. You can make some nice progress around the home or with family, and you more clearly appreciate the practical value of material things, focusing on those that are most useful or that will grow in value and importance. You are a little more discriminating and prudent with money and resources today, and this helps you sort things out. Patience is rewarded now! There is also good energy for creating something worthwhile and useful.

You’ll find it easier to focus on the practical side of things today, dear Scorpio, particularly those things that genuinely make you happy. Shiny, new things are not so appealing with a Venus-Saturn aspect strongly influencing the day. You might enjoy fulfilling your responsibilities more so than usual, and you come into your own as you manage your expectations. It’s a time for conserving your energy and building your confidence and patience. Others seem more dependable than usual, and your determination is on the increase. Be conservative now, and enjoy increased peace of mind as a result. Practical matters and communications projects are in good shape, and a step-by-step approach wins the most points today.

You’ll find it easier to manage your expectations today, dear Sagittarius, and this helps even and smooth out your mood. Venus is currently transiting your privacy sector, and you seem to need extra time to process and digest recent experiences. Today, Venus gets support from Saturn. Some level of comfort comes from learning the truth about a matter, or by coming to a perspective that is more realistic than the one you’ve been hanging on to, and knowing the rules can be comforting. Accepting things for what they are and appreciating them as they are–not as you wish they would be–is the key now. It’s a strong time for getting a real sense of how you can better use your resources. Playing by the rules today is your best bet, and in fact, can win you favors. Aim to learn your genuine needs or work on creating your happiness rather than looking outside of yourself for others to bring you joy.

You can feel more and more empowered by facing realities and truths today, dear Capricorn, or simply by appreciating the things that are working well in your life. Focusing on one particular task at a time is comforting and beneficial as Venus and Saturn form a harmonious aspect. This transit feels right to you, and it can help increase your appeal as you feel more comfortable with yourself. Your energy reserves are healthy today, and you may want to take on projects that require concentration. It’s a good idea to take things one step at a time, and if you can stick with this attitude, it can take you places, even if it’s a slow ride! Taking things easy and slowing your approach can work wonders, and it can also even out your mood.

You’ll find it quite straightforward to rectify problems or clear up misunderstandings if needed today, dear Aquarius. It’s a good day for adopting a steady pace, as well as for stabilizing your emotions or a key area of your life. There can be some helpful advice coming from behind the scenes or in your private world. Benefits can come through your work or from others. You have a smart sense of priorities, and you may be able to further practical or business goals and feel quite accomplished as you do. You’re feeling quite satisfied with a job well done. You have good insight into what is excessive or what is weighing you down, making it easier to lighten your load. You’re also more able to see value in what you already have rather than reaching for something new. Sometimes advantages come from what you pass over! You may be able to turn around a financial or emotional problem with a step-by-step, patient approach.

Venus connects with Saturn today, dear Pisces, and being grounded in reality is increasingly more attractive. This energy encourages you to simplify, honor what’s already working for you, and enjoy a steady pace. You can be motivated to tackle tasks that were left unfinished or that you put off. It’s a good time for showing your loyalty to someone, too, as actions are speaking louder than words today. Your display of strength of character can open up opportunities to you, and good energy is with you for coming to the aid of a friend today. You may gain an edge in a group, team, or with associates now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is October 20, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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