Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo until 3:29 PM, after which the Moon is in Virgo.
- The void Moon occurs from 1:19 PM until 3:29 PM today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Third Quarter Moon happened on the 21st, and the New Moon will occur on October 27th.
- Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- The Sun enters Scorpio today (the Sun transits Scorpio from October 23rd to November 22nd).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Sun moves into your intimacy sector for a month-long transit, dear Aries, and you’re likely to be more introspective in the weeks ahead. This cycle holds strong potential for healing, developing strategies, and using your powers of observation to your advantage. You’re more interested in digging deep than skimming the surface of things during this phase. You take more notice of the hidden elements of circumstances and people around you. This area of your chart governs sharing on intimate and financial levels, personal empowerment, attachments, and deep emotions. Support, whether emotional or material (or both), is a big focus now, and more easily attracted, if necessary! Research is favored, as well as anything that requires considerable mental effort. There can be a focus on financial matters and resources shared with a partner or that come from other sources than your income. A deeper, more passionate attitude towards life emerges.

A cycle that puts relationships in the spotlight begins today, dear Taurus, and in the month ahead, your broader focus turns to partnerships, negotiations, and self-expression through your contacts. It’s a time for gaining perspective and balance. Personal energy levels may not be at their best during this cycle, but it’s an excellent time for partnering, counseling, and connecting. Your improved ability to compromise and negotiate brings rewards. This transit seems to bring benefits to and from your relationships. You take more pride in how you get along with others or how well you find harmony and balance in your personal environment. This is a cycle in which others in your life assume more importance to you, and when you are more sociable, agreeable, and willing to compromise. You are looking at things from two sides, more aware of imbalances, and eager to make changes to restore order to your life.

The Sun heads into your solar sixth house for a month-long stay today, dear Gemini, making this an ideal period for renewing your work and health goals and for taking charge of your self-care programs. Particularly after the New Moon in this sector on the 27th, you can feel as if you’re starting fresh in these areas. Firming up your routines can be in focus. You’re taking pride in what you do and how you take care of yourself. It’s a cycle in which to fix problems and take care of details so that your life runs more smoothly. Aim to cultivate positive habits and routines. New information or circumstances can arise that motivate you to lead a healthier, more organized, and more productive life. It’s not the best time for recognition or worldly success, but it’s an excellent transit for self-development and laying the groundwork for future success. Feeling on top of the little things in your life can do enormous things for your confidence and general outlook.

You are ending a rather introspective solar cycle today, dear Cancer, and a month-long cycle starts in which you’re tapping into the more playful, creative side of your nature. Your focus shifts to more creative and entertaining pastimes, romance, or sport, although Mercury and Venus have been exciting your interest in these areas recently. With the Sun now complementing your nature, you’re feeling freer and happier, as well as more confident and outgoing. Love and attraction might be on your mind more than usual, creative projects may be renewed or refreshed, new avenues for self-expression and entertainment can open up, and the need for positive feedback is very strong, especially after the New Moon on the 27th. A more spontaneous, playful, and affectionate approach to your life is natural now and can attract more excitement into your life. It’s a time for recognizing your inherent need for some “play” time. This cycle lasts until November 22nd.

The Sun begins its transit of your home and family sector today, dear Leo, and your attention turns to your personal life and domestic concerns. Mercury and Venus are already in this area of your chart, and you can be quite focused on making yourself feel comfortable at home and in your own skin. Building up inner strength and nurturing the self as well as loved ones are in the spotlight in the coming weeks. It’s a good time for taking more pride in your home and for improving living conditions and family relations. You can be reconnecting with a deep need for inner peace and comfort, enjoying quieter and perhaps emotionally safer activities, as well as collecting your thoughts and centering yourself. Your concern now tends to be the long term rather than quick fixes. The Moon moves out of your sign and into your resources sector, further stabilizing your mood today.

The spotlight is on movement, ideas, communications, and learning with a new month-long cycle beginning today, dear Virgo. This cycle can put you into more frequent contact with others, bring extra activities into your world, and keep you on your toes. It’s a good time to pick up all sorts of information, and you can be doing quite a bit of multi-tasking. Focus may not be your strong suit at this time. On the other hand, this can be an excellent period for introducing more variety into your life and for learning new things. It can also get you out and about more often, and this can help satisfy your curiosity. You might increase your contact and communication with others, or throw yourself into learning exciting new things. Because demands on you, and your own interests, can be very diverse during this cycle, it can be challenging to work on a particular project with exclusive focus. Even so, this cycle is more about discovery and branching out than specializing. Today, the Moon enters your sign for a couple of days, and you see things from a rather emotional perspective.

The Sun now puts a spotlight on your resources sector until November 22nd, dear Libra, and life is about settling in and making yourself more comfortable and secure. It’s a fine time for taking charge of your finances and valuables, but it’s also an excellent period for recognizing your own value! The focus is on building and laying down strong foundations. It’s a good time for taking stock of what you already have and enhancing your feelings of abundance in the process. Learning to appreciate your life in the present is an essential key to happiness. Finances can undoubtedly be in focus in the weeks ahead, but it’s also a cycle in which you get into greater touch with your spiritual resources. You’re shifting gears now as you turn your attention to stabilizing your life and putting ideas to work for you. The Moon heads into the sign behind yours today, and you may very well enjoy some quiet time for a couple of days.

The Sun begins its yearly, month-long visit to your sign today, dear Scorpio. In the weeks ahead, you are at a personal peak of sorts. More often than not, you take mindful action rather than react to what is going on around you during this period. This begins a new birthday year, and you have all the power to make resolutions for improving your life. As more attention comes to you, you quite naturally want to get your act together. You are more readily attracting what you need into your life now. Watch for impatient words today, but keep your eye out for opportunities to empower yourself through activities that improve and strengthen your life and your future. It’s time to let your personality shine. There is a stronger desire to start fresh, and you’re afforded the opportunities to do so in the weeks ahead. If there’s a time of year for reinventing yourself, this is it. You can experience increased vitality, a sense of starting fresh, and a much-needed focus on your personal needs and goals.

The Sun enters your soul sector today and will continue its transit until November 22nd, dear Sagittarius. During this cycle, it’s the time of year for renewal, healing, rest, and reflection. You may be dealing with endings, tying up loose ends, and taking part in activities that cleanse, heal, and repair your mind, body, and emotions. You have help from Mercury and Venus in the same sector. You may be going over the past and analyzing it more than usual, and it makes sense to think in terms of detoxing and decluttering. Recognize the power of being alone and enjoying it from time to time in the weeks ahead. You’re likely to experience a greater need for a break from competitive energies or demanding situations as you need periods devoted to reflection on, or processing of, the activities of the last year. Look for ways to bring some resolve to issues from your past that are hanging around you, and focus on taking better care of your mental and emotional health as you go forward.

The Sun enters your sector of connections, friendships, wishes, and hopes today, dear Capricorn, for a month-long stay. It’s a friendly, idealistic cycle that stimulates your need to connect with people who share common ideals and aspirations. This transit also brings your desire to seek happiness to the fore–it’s no longer a sideline! Contributing to your community can be satisfying, and putting ego needs to the side in favor of group efforts can be helpful. You can be filled with new ideas and dreams for the future during this cycle. You do well in your associations or through your networks in the weeks ahead. Your expectations are strong but reasonable, and your mood improves. Today, sharing ideals or visions with others gives you a boost, and you get more satisfaction than usual when your actions positively impact others.

You begin a new solar cycle that turns your attention to professional matters, ambitions, material and social success, and your reputation today, dear Aquarius. It’s a month-long cycle of increased recognition, and possibly increased responsibility to match. You are in the position to take charge of your professional or public life, although you’re likely to feel more powerful in this regard after the New Moon on the 27th. You are more goal-oriented at this time of year, and primarily focused on or invested in your performance, responsibilities, accomplishments, image, and life path. You could find yourself in higher demand than usual, and possibly also quite accountable — people are noticing what you’re doing, and what you’re not doing! You quite naturally take the lead– and the spotlight.

The Sun begins its yearly, month-long transit of your adventure sector today, dear Pisces. This area of your chart is gaining quite a bit of importance. If a getaway, new course, promotional campaign, or a publishing project are possible, the weeks ahead are excellent for doing so. The Sun here encourages you to expand your mind and your reach. You can experience a greater fondness for, or interest in, philosophy, religion, travel, and education during this cycle. This transit encourages you to reach beyond your usual limits, boundaries, and routines so that you can experience and learn new things. You’re likely to feel more in form and confident in the weeks ahead. The habitual or mundane elements of your life appear more black-and-white as you seek out more colorful life experiences. This transit turns your attention to your broader life-affirming goals, and you may be seeking out new ways to feel and be free.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is October 23, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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