Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo until 4:19 PM, after which the Moon is in Libra.
- The void Moon occurs from 8:59 AM to 4:19 PM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- We’re in between the Third Quarter Moon, which happened on the 21st, and the New Moon, which will occur on October 27th.
- Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

For the most part today, you are likely to feel a heartening sense of purpose, dear Aries. Your need to expand your horizons on a personal level is powerful right now. Something can inspire a new idea or interest, and you’re exercising more faith in your attitude towards life in general. You’re also quite hungry for experience and knowledge. Today’s energies are fantastic for nurturing a personal interest, explaining yourself, and putting a positive message out there. Later today, it can be challenging to make a satisfying choice as you could be feeling you’ll lose out no matter what you choose. Even if you try to avoid things, guilt or worry can hang in your aura, and as a result, some people may doubt you. People are a little sensitive and are likely to pull away if pressed or cornered. Tricky issues include matters of personal boundaries, sharing of responsibilities, and ownership.

The desire to improve and grow continues today, dear Taurus. You might also feel compelled to open yourself up emotionally. Sharing can bring benefits, and extending a caring gesture or sensitive touch in a relationship can improve a bond many times over. As you approach others positively, warmly, and openly, you seem to be getting the right responses from them. Tonight is not a time to fall back on relating patterns that haven’t served you well in the past, however. Repeating these old patterns can stimulate others to focus on the negative things from your relationship’s history. It would serve you well to keep your mind open to improved ways of connecting and interacting. Use any conflicts stimulated now as fuel for motivation to improve yourself.

The first half of the day is excellent for fulfilling interactions with a particular person in your life, dear Gemini. You are projecting especially loving and supportive qualities at this time. You can readily and naturally guide others towards understanding and resolve through your own stories and actions. Someone can be generous with you, and it feels good to receive such care and warmth. Something could be forgiven, or a relationship problem might be resolved. You need, more than anything, some space and a sense of freedom within your connections. Any signs of smothering can leave you feeling that something’s not right. While you can be finding special joy in a relationship, clarity is unlikely regarding a work or health problem later today, primarily because you’re too close to the situation or worrying unnecessarily. Even with old issues resurfacing, a new talk about these matters is not the best idea, as it may very well run in circles. Look for patterns that are no longer serving your better interests.

You can feel quite the sense of mission or deep satisfaction from helping someone today, dear Cancer, or from your work and routines. Pouring extra love, attention, and perhaps some generosity into what you’re doing can be rewarding. You may need to consciously avoid over-committing with today’s enthusiastic energy. Otherwise, it’s a pleasurable time for going the extra mile. Doing the right thing is quite a buzz for you right now! Later today is not ideal for getting advice or listening to your own worries regarding a relationship. You may be at a loss when it comes to understanding the motivations behind someone’s actions, words, or disinterest. It may be better to enjoy a sense of autonomy for the moment, and then circle back to issues when people are more self-aware.

You might thoroughly enjoy boosting up someone you love today, dear Leo, and it seems you’re more than fit for the task! Your need to create and express yourself is also strong, and you’re ready to pour extra love into a project, too. Your creative fire burns brightly right now and nurturing a person or project can be where you’re shining today. You are especially open and creative and willing to share your light with others. You may be taking on a very active nurturing role. Later today, however, is not ideal for seeking a commitment or direct answer. Something can feel up in the air. While working on a hobby and doing your own thing can continue to thrive, responses from others are less reliable. It can be difficult to know whether to stick with the tried and true or to branch out and do something all-new.

Today’s energies seem to encourage you to gain strength and a sense of purpose from your idealism and integrity, dear Virgo. Your support of others, whether practical or emotional (and usually a healthy dose of both!), is unique and appreciated. The drive to improve or expand your personal or home life is strong right now, and through your efforts, you feel more confident. Your nesting urges are alive and well, and you can fully enjoy taking special care of your health and the well-being of loved ones. You find much joy in your current projects and efforts. Later today, there can be some resistance to teaming up with someone, as you prefer to go your own way and act independently. Even so, mounting insecurities can lead to a situation in which you are very indecisive or left on the fence. You can feel a little drained or burdened as a result, but you may only need a bit of space to sort it all out.

You can experience a strong drive to connect with people and share ideas or learn something useful today, dear Libra. You can benefit significantly from information flowing around you right now, and you can feel especially alive and vital. Your mind is fertile, and conversations are supportive and imaginative. You may very well enjoy guiding or teaching someone now. Mediation or otherwise bringing others together can figure strongly. It’s also a good time to put out a positive message or to do some marketing or promoting. Do watch for taking on too much, but enjoy the creative flow now. Later today, you can experience some indecision or temporary doubting of a partner or a business endeavor. As much as you would like to get a decision made and behind you, try not to rush into one, especially if it has to do with critical financial matters or a partnership.

You especially appreciate comfort and harmony today, dear Scorpio. While your perceptiveness can intimidate some people at times, you seem to be an expert at putting people at ease today. You’re feeling particularly generous and in the mood either to pamper or for pampering! You can be entirely driven to make life a little more comfortable and content. This is a time for enjoying yourself and settling in. Still, it’s also a day for finding excellent ways to improve your resources and the practical side of things in your life. You can feel quite high on the idea that you can take care of yourself and your loved ones right now. Later today, there can be some uncertainties or doubts setting in, but nothing that can’t be sorted through. Decisions shouldn’t be made lightly, but if you can’t fix something, try not to worry too much about it and save it for a time when you’re more patient and have more time to get to its core.

Emotional intelligence levels are very high today, dear Sagittarius, and you are particularly connected and feeling vital. People are attracted to your friendly and healing vibes. You can feel thrilled and satisfied with your efforts to support or nurture others. Still, you seem to feel stronger through your ability to establish your independence. Or, this is a time for putting extra love into what you’re doing, and it’s quite wonderful. Your confidence is natural and radiating. It’s a good day for getting into a positive groove. It can be challenging to stick to a schedule later today with distractions and interruptions. You could be feeling somewhat unsettled or undecided, so try to be flexible. Keep in mind that small disruptions or doubts can ultimately lead you to bigger and better things.

You may be taking on a supportive role today, dear Capricorn. You’re exceptionally intuitive and psychically sensitive, and your integrity shines through your gentle support. The ability to help without making a big show of it can be much appreciated now. It’s also a fine time for looking at a challenging matter or something that you’ve had problems digesting now in a more positive light. Releasing a burden can be satisfying now. Your imagination is unusually fertile, and so is your dreaming world. Later today, however, there is slightly destabilizing energy or timing is a bit off, but nothing you can’t handle or sort out. Focusing on things that genuinely make you feel grounded and secure can help.

Others appreciate you even more so than usual for your unique qualities today, dear Aquarius, as they’re especially endearing right now. You enjoy extending caring and friendly gestures to others. Benefits come from reaching out to others. A friendship may blossom, or a bond improves with special attention and small kindnesses. You have great intuition and sensitivity to people and situations right now, helping you establish common ground. You can feel good about spending extra time on your plans as well. Many signs point to teamwork today, but there is also a somewhat independent, individualistic energy to the day as it advances. However, there can be difficulty focusing on important tasks with a restless mind. Try not to rush decisions tonight.

You’re motivated by a sense that you’re doing the right thing today, dear Pisces. Following your higher values or guiding principles feels good, and you’re particularly shining in your work or through your responsibilities. You might instead thoroughly enjoy taking care of business and pursuing your goals. Pouring more attention into what you’re doing has excellent benefits now, not the least of which is filling you with a stronger sense of purpose. Your dedication is shining today, and people seem to recognize you for your commitment or integrity. Later today, there can be some minor disappointments or worries to manage. You could feel let down by sources that you usually trust, or you may have a hard time making a decision or choice. It’s better to take in and observe than to jump into action just until you sort things out.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is October 25, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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