Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred on August 30th in the sign of Virgo, and the First Quarter Moon will occur on September 5th.
- Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You benefit from a Venus-Saturn aspect in the first half of the day, dear Aries, and it’s healthy for getting your priorities straight. You can be quite pleased with your work and the many things that you’ve accomplished. There can be pleasure derived from doing a job well or a sense of accomplishment after taking care of important details. As the day advances, the Sun and Mars head toward alignment. This dynamic combination brings high energy and excitement to the sector of your chart that rules health, routines, and work. A strong desire to start or step up a fitness or health program, ambition and enthusiasm about your job or services, or an impulse to get organized and in better shape can be in focus. Do what you can to avoid the downside of Sun-Mars — impatience, arrogance, and ego can get in the way of its apparent benefits, which are courage, initiative, drive, and vigor. Being active or taking on an active role makes sense. Otherwise, excess energy can lead to impatience or brusqueness with others and unnecessary stress. You’ll want to take the lead now, and this may be at the root of frustration–channel all of this dynamic energy into beneficial pursuits.

A Venus-Saturn trine is most potent in the first half of the day, dear Taurus, and helps boost your appeal. It’s also strong for efforts to make improvements or to firm up a project. The focus might be on bringing a plan or idea down to earth. It’s an excellent time for attention to details with money, business, and creative projects. Pastimes and pleasures that have something to teach you seem to be a real draw, or you put more effort into the practical side of your hobbies and relationships now. While this energy favors conservative moves, a Sun-Mars influence points to building excitement as the day advances. You can feel rather excited or restless, in fact. Fifth house matters are potential areas for stimulation, energy, impatience, or thrills, and these include romance, relationships with children, recreation, sports, creativity, and self-expression. The desire to have more fun is strong these days, but is especially insistent today! It can be a highly-charged and animated time. It’s a fantastic time to follow your passions, but do so mindfully, and be sure you know what they are.

Venus in your solar fourth house reaches out harmoniously to Saturn today, dear Gemini. This transit presents a good time to invest some energy and attention into your comfort, home, security, and safety. Maintaining something you love can be in focus and quite pleasurable. You’re in good shape for harmonizing with people you love. While this influence certainly favors and rewards moderation, as the day advances, a Sun-Mars alignment comes into power. It’s an energetic combination that can be intense. If you find the right channels to express it, a more courageous and bold approach to your life opens up doors. Watch out for ego conflicts and impatience, however. Being direct is useful, but sometimes, too much is too much. Aim to pour extra energy into a household project or invigorating activity with family for best results. Being active and productive is the most satisfying use of today’s energies.

A happy connection between Venus and Saturn today keeps things rather tame and reasonable in the first half of the day, dear Cancer. You seem to gravitate to people who are mature, wise, and reliable. You’re less impressed with excitement and newness as you are with reliability. It’s a great time for learning and sharing useful information and ideas. Studies can thrive. Pacing yourself feels mature and good for you. As the day advances, however, the Sun and Mars head toward alignment, and this combination is quite fiery. Occurring in a very active area of your solar chart –your communications sector–and your enthusiasm to get things done, succeed, and excel is through the roof. Motivation and the desire for action seem most evident with learning, sharing, and connecting. You should probably watch for impatience and speaking before thinking. Try not to voice your unsatisfied desires if they’ve come on very suddenly — give them time. Pour excess energy into pet projects, courageous moves, making contact, or following through on a missed connection.

A Venus-Saturn transit is terrific for making reasonable assessments and judgments, dear Leo, mainly related to work, finances, and health. Whether you’re shopping, working, or connecting with others, you seem to gravitate towards the right things. You’re also more mindful of being moderate in whatever you’re doing, which appears to be the key to success right now. There can be a bonding moment or a general understanding of someone special. Your judgment is sound. While this influence favors making conservative, studied choices, as the day advances, the Sun heads toward an alignment with impulsive Mars. With this influence, you can accomplish a lot by tapping into the bravery, courage, initiative, and enthusiasm of this combination, particularly related to your income, business matters, and talents or other resources and assets. Be self-aware, and aim to downplay or sidestep the more egocentric, impatient, and rash side of this combo. Impulsive spending is a potential problem, for example. You may very well need to take a risk, but the more aware of your needs that you are, the better judge you are of your next move. Business or money matters move forward or require action.

Venus in your sign connects harmoniously with Saturn in your creativity sector today, dear Virgo, putting you in great shape for taking care of business. Perhaps more importantly, this influence is excellent for realistic confidence and for showing your reliable side. People value you for your common sense. A relationship, role, or creative project can ground and stabilize you today. Agreements made now tend to last in the long term. While conservative moves are favored over flashy ones under this influence, as the day advances, the Sun and Mars head toward alignment in your sign. This combustible energy was teased in the recent New Moon. It points to increased courage and energy, or, if you’re not careful, childishness or impatience! You must be as self-aware as possible to benefit from this transit. Observe what’s happening around you and what you feel so that if you need to make quick decisions, you’ll be in the right headspace. Taking charge, taking the lead, and being direct and straightforward are all favored now. However, it wouldn’t hurt to tone things down if you’re feeling hot and bothered. Confidence is attractive; impatience leads to poor choices. Solo efforts seem to work well today and tomorrow–your independence is highlighted.

The first half of the day holds incredible energy for prioritizing tasks and focusing your energies, dear Libra, with your ruling planet in harmony with Saturn. It’s a time for buckling down, catching up, and taking care of business. A cooperative agreement may form today. Feeling content with what you have invites good judgment and patience, which in turn seems to lead to success. Organizing or other “work” related to home and family can be comforting and enjoyable. As the day advances, the Sun and Mars head towards alignment in the sector of your solar chart that rules secrets, privacy, service, charity, self-undoing or self-sabotage, anonymity, and endings. Feelings about the past or a private matter have been complicated recently. With this alignment, however, you can have a sudden surge of desire to put a problem behind you, rid yourself of a burden, or bring an end to a situation that’s been dragging you down. You’re courageous, in charge, and taking care of yourself and your needs. Watch for acting too quickly on a matter or for chasing a desire that is not an accurate reflection of your wants. Anger that you’ve buried or hidden can now emerge, and you feel strongly about doing something about it.

There can be a constructive conversation with a friend or associate that figures strongly today, dear Scorpio. Feeling some level of relief regarding a matter can be part of the picture. The first half of the day is strongly influenced by the chemistry between Venus and Saturn, and you can be quite productive, particularly with shared activities. There can be special enjoyment of reading, learning, or studying now as well, and the more constructive the activity, the more appealing! The Sun and Mars head toward alignment, exciting your senses as the day progresses. This energy can come on quickly and demand a fast answer, so being self-aware helps you make better decisions in the excitement of the moment. Your social life is likely to be very animated. Enthusiasm can be stirred, and so can competitiveness or aggression, so be mindful of your choices. If a change is necessary in friendship, this can be a time when the issue is forced. It can also be a time for getting the courage to reach out to someone.

In the first half of the day, your sense of your priorities or your business sense is strong, dear Sagittarius. You have particular influence with others on professional levels, or people are seeing and appreciating your talents. Relationships are productive right now, and agreements tend to work out well. As the day advances, an impending Sun-Mars alignment serves to rev you up. You’re ambitious, ready to take charge or take the lead. You’re in an excellent position to take charge of your life now. You want to stay on top of matters and reach for something better. You can feel a real surge of desire to take action. However, be careful that you don’t push something or someone too hard or too quickly. Draw upon the courage and initiative of the combination, and avoid the impatient or egocentric side of this transit. Your performance is in the spotlight, and you’re making a huge impact. Activity increases involving career, reputation, or relationships with parents and authority figures. You have a desire to do things your way, or you’re showing a more confident, braver, and bolder image to others.

A Venus-Saturn influence pulls out your responsible side today, dear Capricorn, and it helps you shine. With Saturn in your sign, recognition comes in small and quiet but satisfying chunks. This is a good time for showing your worth and integrity without having to go to lengths to prove yourself. It’s also a fine time for studies, companionship, and direction. Work benefits from more patience and acceptance. As the day advances, a Sun-Mars alignment comes into influence. This occurs in your sector of learning, expansion, and beliefs–an area of your solar chart that’s holding most of the activity these days. You may feel a strong desire to stand up for your ideas or to state your case. You may be craving more action, life experience, or a change of pace. You can get the courage to pursue a long-coveted goal. Travel, publishing, promotion, announcements, education, and learning can be part of the story. The desire for an adventure can take hold now. Competitive activities can thrive, and these include physical and mental ones. Seeking instant gratification can distract you from genuine desires and needs, so watch for this.

A stabilizing influence on the first half of the day encourages using a structured approach, dear Aquarius. You have a realistic view of your relationships, yourself, and recent situations, and this boosts up your decision-making abilities. Your judgment is excellent. As the day advances, the Sun and Mars head towards an alignment in your intimacy sector, stirring up assorted desires from deep within. When these two bodies join forces, they stimulate courage and impulse but sometimes rashness as well, so aim to be mindful of what you’re pursuing. Seek to know what you truly want before gunning for something, in other words! The desire to feel more in control of your life or empowered can take hold, and the courage to make changes or take action towards these ends can take hold now. You’re seeking emotional and physical stimulation, and it makes sense to listen to your desires but choose wisely when it comes to putting them into action. A new business, money, or intimate relationship may emerge.

Today’s Venus-Saturn influence may produce a key conversation or interaction that empowers you, dear Pisces. There can be a happy focus on stability or faithfulness in love and friendship. Advice circulating now can be practical and useful. As the day advances, the Sun and Mars head toward alignment in your relationship sector. This influence may be about you getting the courage to make changes or take action in a partnership. Someone may be bringing out strong feelings and desires in you, and conflicts entered into now may serve as a useful reflection of your own desires for action and reaction. Or, someone may be encouraging you to take action. Conflicts are possible, particularly if you don’t know where to direct excess energy. On the other hand, pairing up to get something done can come naturally and can be very stimulating. This is a potentially excellent day for going after what (or who!) you want.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is September 1, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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