Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo until 6:36 AM, after which the Moon is in Virgo.
- The void Moon continues until 6:36 AM (since yesterday at 12:13 PM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 21st, and the New Moon will happen on September 28th.
- Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The day can find you intense on a mental level, dear Aries. You want to get to the bottom of an issue. If you find that you’re quickly becoming obsessed with a matter and it’s interfering with your priorities, you might try rechanneling this passion into a useful endeavor. Otherwise, there could be some tension. With Mercury currently in your solar seventh house, you might try to steer your conversations away from unproductive power-plays. Difficult relationship issues or disagreements could seem more challenging, or your concerns about a reputation or work issue can be at the forefront. Concentrate on improving weak or problem areas. While the extra attention you’ve been giving other people in your life these days is positive and beneficial, if you overdo it, you can fail to recognize your own needs and desires fully. Try your best to get over attitudes or thought patterns that are too negative to do you any good. There can be some challenges coordinating or balancing your sense of independence with others today. While you may not want to stir up past matters, it can be cleansing to do so with some willingness to grow and move beyond problem areas.

Tensions can emerge over differences of opinions or methods today, dear Taurus, with Mercury square Pluto. Something communicated can get to you, or words can bite. If there’ve been problems brewing regarding your workload, they may very well erupt now. Avoid getting caught in power plays which are all too easy with this energy even if sore spots can be revealing. If you’re all wound up, try to take some of the pressure off, as we’re inclined to make mountains out of molehills today. Alternatively, you might try to harness the energy and apply it to a real problem. Avoid obsessive thinking as much as possible, and you’ll feel more in sync with your intuition. Try not to go too far with analyses as this can lead you astray. While work, health, and habits are strong themes in your life, your relationship with any of these things can be complicated today. There may be sidetracking or delays to manage, and you may need to control your reactions to these frustrations.

Your ruler, Mercury, forms a tense aspect with Pluto today, dear Gemini, and the desire for control over a situation can arise if you’re feeling vulnerable. Remind yourself that personal power comes from managing our resources, responses, and modes of thinking constructively, not from attempts to control others. Keep in mind that even without realizing, you may communicate the intensity, and others may respond defensively. Of course, this can lead to trouble, although what comes of it can be revealing. Try to take the lesson from any tension generated now. Your desire to go your own way and to do your own thing is compelling today, but you could also fear leaving something or someone alone. Mixed messages are given and received now. If you’re holding onto resentment, this can come up to the surface in disruptive ways. Consider that just for today, you are thinking in extremes and, as such, your judgment may be a little off regarding financial and love matters. Aim to cool off before making big decisions since today’s energies are tricky in the social or romantic department. It can be difficult to put complete faith into something or someone right now, and probably advisable not to until you have more confidence about the matter.

Today can be tricky, dear Cancer. Uncertainty or insecurities with relationships or direction can interrupt your enjoyment of downtime, family, or home life. If something or someone touches a nerve, pay particular attention–it may be precisely what you need to work on to make your life more comfortable and less guilt-ridden. This is a period for seeking out more comfort and nurture without feeling wrong for doing so! You can feel the heat to decide a matter today, or you may be making too much of a situation that hasn’t yet happened. Of course, this intensity can be useful if you’re motivated to protect your interests but watch for extremes. People may be playing mind games, and consider that there can be strings attached if you go a certain way. You don’t have to be paranoid with others now, but you may want to wait to make big moves until you feel more composed. Trust is difficult when Pluto is active and challenging, and you may get a sense that someone’s withholding or hiding something from you. It’s probably best to wait to come to conclusions regarding matters for which you’re emotionally invested.

Decisions are not easy to come by today, dear Leo. Circumstances can almost seem to be riling you up or pulling out buried frustration, particularly related to intelligence, ideas, and beliefs. Something communicated can get to you. Do your best to learn about why these things are pushing your buttons, as this can bring an emotional release of sorts. Even so, it may be best to avoid pushing an idea or pushing for an answer from someone. Try to channel passion and intensity into something beneficial or productive. You may very well discover something that is need of a rehaul. Watch for thinking in extremes and for over-reactions. You can be so attached to your routines and methods that unnecessary clashes can happen. Save topics that require a soft touch for another day since words can be harsh at the moment. The Moon’s move into your solar second house today suggests that centering and grounding yourself with simple, earthy activities may be best.

Today can be a little confusing or frustrating regarding ownership or sharing matters, dear Virgo. Differing core values can be glaring, or feelings of indebtedness could interfere with healthy interactions. However, this is a time for learning from the vulnerabilities that seem to reveal themselves today. It would be wise to seek out grounding, earthy activities that help you heal and center yourself. With a Mercury-Pluto square active, we can feel suspicious or doubt things. Attempts to oversee or manage people and situations too carefully can be a warning sign that you’re overly attached. Perhaps it’s time to disengage a little! There’s push-pull energy going on that’s likely to frustrate, although if you observe, you might find ways to strike a balance. Particularly with money and relationships, watch for extremes. People can drain you, whether materially or emotionally, or you may be feeling undervalued. Avoid defeatist attitudes as much as possible, and work instead on gaining power through self-control. Aim to be moderate, and carry this over to your thoughts!

There is a particular focus on your plans, needs, and agenda right now, dear Libra. However, you might struggle with your sense of independence and attachments right now. You might also see-saw between feeling slightly uncomfortable when you’re in the spotlight but frustrated if you’re overlooked! You tend to become frustrated if others are not seeing things the way you want them to as Mercury and Pluto form a square. However, no matter how hard you argue, ultimately, you may be only fighting yourself and your vulnerability. If you can’t seem to shake a line of thought that is interfering with your day, do what you can to relax your mind. If this doesn’t work for you, aim to manage an area where you feel especially vulnerable in some small way. This way, you’ll feel you’re going somewhere instead of in circles. It’s time to acknowledge the need to make changes instead of holding on too tightly to things that are no longer working in your favor. Avoid dwelling on matters that you can’t change. Consider that the transits active today can seem to magnify fears and “un-bury” old grievances. Aim to break free from negative patterns.

You may be struggling with finding a balance between work and rest right now, dear Scorpio. As well, events of the day can touch upon some sore spots. However, in the process, you might become aware of where guilt has been undermining your actions, decisions, or relationships. This kind of awareness can lead to improvement and healing. Watch for reading too much into others’ actions and words, as a Mercury-Pluto transit can incline us to look for something wrong. Perhaps because you fear the worst, you’re jumping ahead of yourself trying to find a discrepancy so that you’re not taken off guard. Try to nip this problem in the bud. Defensiveness or suspicion is not going to get you any closer to an answer or to yourself. It’s best not to jump to conclusions, as thoughts and perceptions can be a little extreme right now. Overthinking things can lead to the loss of objectivity. Expressing suspicion is not going to remedy a situation that has a trust problem in the first place. Jumping to communicate may not be the wisest choice just for now.

You might struggle with whether to go it alone or enlist help on a matter today, dear Sagittarius. Or, it can be challenging to see someone clearly, and doubts or insecurities may emerge about a relationship. An old problem area can crop back up, and although tense, it can also be a time for coming to a better understanding of yourself and others. You might feel driven to express your deeper feelings creatively or artistically, and this would be an excellent way to channel frustrations or anger. Do watch for the tendency to push a question or matter too far with Mercury and Pluto clashing today. It’s better not to jump to a quick conclusion since we may be thinking in extremes right now. Something can trigger fears now, and it’s best to control reactions. Aim to relax your mind instead of getting all wound up. Dwelling on mistakes will not erase them. Watch also for overattachment to your traditions and methods.

You have a lot going on at the top of your solar chart, dear Capricorn, and this area is where you meet the world on a public or professional level. Today, there can be challenges balancing all of this with your personal life, living situation, or family affairs. Watch for defensiveness and aim to learn from your interactions with others, even if people seem to be touching a nerve! Do your best to sort out any guilty feelings you may have that are interfering with going after what you want. Communications are loaded today, and insecurities can seem to magnify. Watch for mistakes stemming from fears of not being “in the know. ” Fear of being out of the loop can lead to all sorts of problems. While you can’t control others, you can control where you put your energies. Use your intensity and passion for pursuits that serve you well. Consider, too, that worries may be overblown. Seek to strengthen problem areas rather than overcompensating. It’s probably better not to speak too soon about a matter.

Watch for the temptation to take a roundabout approach to getting answers or what you want today, dear Aquarius. We tend to make things more complicated for ourselves with current transits. Interactions with others tend to trigger old problem areas. Do your best to address issues related to guilt or insecurities today, as you’re unlikely to see them more clearly. While strategic thinking can benefit you greatly today, overthinking is likely to lead you astray as Mercury and Pluto form a square aspect. Be as moderate in your thinking as possible, as taking things too far is where we’re most likely to trip up. Fear misguides us when Pluto is active and challenging as it is today. Find ways to simplify your life–it’s best to be discriminating with what you take in. However, don’t run away from problems today, either. Keep in mind that there’s something precious to learn from your interactions with others. Aim to work on problems one at a time. You’re likely to see where you’ve been over-attached. You may be experiencing difficulties that relate to the keeping of secrets. Consider that micromanaging an area of your life can be unhealthy for you.

Insecurities or uncertainties seem to rise to the surface today, dear Pisces, and they may relate to your income, talents, or what you have to offer. Troubled areas surrounding values, money, intimacy, and ownership can emerge in unusual ways, and likely through loaded interactions with others. Keep in mind that everyone’s a little sensitive, but also consider that it’s time to address problem areas before they grow bigger. The illumination of a tricky subject or a buried frustration can be revealing, but can be annoying as well! It may be better to seek ways to build your sense of self-worth, value, security, and comfort instead of focusing on what’s missing. Relations with others can get heated, whether it’s because someone feels overly attached or threatened by changes you are making. Try not to read too much into a situation, and do your best to channel excess mental energy into something productive and manageable. Since news may be exaggerated now, it’s best not to make big decisions based only on today’s events.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is September 26, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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