Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- The void Moon occurs from 10:05 PM forward (until tomorrow at 5:41 AM when the Moon enters Scorpio).
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred yesterday in the sign of Libra.
- Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

While the day does favor companionship, today’s energies are excellent for independent work as well, dear Aries. You are uniquely able to apply yourself to your work and endeavors right now with Mars in your work and health sector harmonizing with dedicated Vesta. You’re in an excellent place for managing money and details. The Moon in your partnership sector encourages a valuable one-on-one conversation or competent counsel–collaborating can be in focus and beneficial. Mental cooperation is especially important to you at this time. You can gain a better perspective on your own life, thoughts, and ideas through discussion.

You can be particularly focused on details today, dear Taurus, and you can get a lot done now. Work, schooling, or daily life and routines can keep you especially preoccupied and busy. Valuable ideas for business and money, particularly on a detail-oriented level, can come to you now. Today and tomorrow are also strong for applying yourself to your work or devoting your attention to a creative project, child, or romantic relationship. You are exceptionally independent and self-directed right now, and it becomes you! With your heart truly into your pursuits, you can move mountains. Your dedication and commitment are appreciated. You may also seem a little more self-sufficient than usual so that if you do need help, you may need to ask for it.

You’re self-expressive, and your ideas are received well today, dear Gemini. There can be significant or stand-out dialogues, communications, and thoughts about creative or romantic pursuits. You may be entertaining others with your observations in some manner, and you’re drawn to people on a mental level more so than usual. Life engages you now, and you can be feeling especially vital and curious. While the outside world does demand your attention today, you can also benefit tremendously from working on a domestic project that requires intense focus or concentration. As friendly as you are and seem, you are also perfectly capable of doing your own thing today. In fact, you can be determinedly and happily focused on a personal pursuit.

Today can be lively for family, personal, or home life, dear Cancer. You’re likely to come up with standout ideas to improve your domestic world. Even so, you seem to need more space than usual to think, and if you’re comfortable, your ideas blossom. You can enjoy attending to details in the home or conversing with a loved one now. You’re in a particularly good place for dedicating unique energy in support of a friend or a special project. Constructive conversations figure strongly now, and studies fare particularly well. You can make good use of a deliberate pace. You are attracted to a small challenge now, and you’re ready to put in some effort towards achieving goals, particularly those related to learning, communicating, and connecting.

Your curiosity continues to be active today, dear Leo, and today’s energies bring extra focus on learning, sharing, teaching, communicating, and connecting. You’re busier and more communicative than usual, particularly with classmates, siblings, neighbors, or acquaintances. This is a strong time for learning from friends or networks, and also for sharing your knowledge with others. Even so, today is especially active for applying yourself to work or business matters as the day advances. You seem to have more patience or determination on which to draw. It’s a particularly good time for working on a career or money-making project, or for taking steps towards achieving a practical goal.

Today is strong for applying yourself to learning, dear Virgo, particularly something new or an entirely different subject or perspective on a topic. New methods can engage you and absorb your attention. You’re especially interested in building upon your ideas or putting plans into practical action. Material affairs, business, and finances can be in stronger focus now. You’re taking pleasure in planning or organizing your affairs. You’re in an excellent position to educate yourself on financial or commercial matters as well as to develop your talents and resources. It’s a fine time to specialize, so focus on things you know and aim to learn even more about them if possible. There can be a productive boost related to education or publishing. You’re earning respect, particularly for what you know or how you share your ideas. Your dedication to what you do shines today and tomorrow.

Today is strong for working behind the scenes in some manner, dear Libra. It’s a good time to handle things you might usually avoid or put off, as well as for any activities that require determination. Even so, the Moon in your sign suggests the need (or desire) to connect. You want to be heard or acknowledged at this time of the lunar month. You’re talkative, curious, more observant, and perhaps restless or on the go. You seem to have more mental initiative than usual with the Moon’s alignment to Mercury today, wanting to bring life to your ideas. You can benefit from some independence and self-interest right now!

The Moon’s transit of your privacy zone suggests a need for special time to yourself, dear Scorpio, and perhaps some emotional withdrawal and renewal. Your thinking is primarily influenced by (or focused on) past experiences and memories today, and it’s useful to survey recent events so that you can process and digest them. Someone may take you into their confidence, or there can be a fascinating reveal of a secret. Even so, there is great energy for you today and tomorrow for getting things done, particularly with a partner. Putting effort into a group effort can be worthwhile right now, and doing business with friends can also work out well today. As such, it would be wise to divide your time.

Today holds beautiful energy for working towards a specific goal with patience and deliberation, dear Sagittarius. Times like these are excellent for taking things step by step and adopting an organized approach. Others may very well show their appreciation of you, particularly on professional or public levels. You’re focused on doing the groundwork for a special goal. However, there is also a social theme to the day, and it can be a lovely period for novel ideas. You’re gaining inspiration from what you learn through –and share with–others. People are getting in touch with you or finding their way to you now and this week. A valuable conversation with a friend can figure strongly, and you’re thinking outside of the box.

Today is especially strong for applying yourself to something creative or educational, dear Capricorn. Your motivation is building, and right now, the desire to focus on the details takes hold. Doing the groundwork for a specific goal can be satisfying and beneficial now. The good news is that you have the patience to really work on getting something right. You have no interest in rushing out an inferior product. Today, your time is best spent putting effort into a sure thing or perfecting a craft. As well now, there can be a stronger focus on communicating and learning on a professional or public level. It’s a fabulous time for ambitious ideas and forward thinking.

Today is strong for independent study and research, dear Aquarius. The Moon in Libra helps to loosen things up enough that the day feels constructive but enjoyable. There can be a stronger interest in getting away from it all or changing up your routines. You’re focused on long-range visions, ideals, and goals. You might enjoy a pleasant discussion, or you could become inspired by a piece of news today. Some behind-the-scenes work or efforts made in private or solitude can be attractive. There can be progress made on the home front, and if you are working at or on the home, you prefer to apply yourself to something with value over the long-term. It would be useful to get more organized today, as it can help you feel more in control of your life.

There is an emphasis on deep thoughts, study, research, secrets, or mysteries today, dear Pisces. You might learn something unique about your inner workings or motivations. There is good energy with you for applying yourself to learning and studying, not only yourself but other topics as well! A deliberate pace suits the day’s strengths. With a Mars-Vesta aspect, a slow but steady approach yields results. Especially productive conversations can figure strongly, particularly with a partner or in a one-on-one situation. Communicating in real, honest terms can be most effective now. Expressing your dedication or devotion to someone through your actions can be much appreciated.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is September 29, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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