Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Gemini all day.
- The Moon is void from 11:37 AM forward (until tomorrow at 2:00 PM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- We are in between a Full Moon (which occurred on the 24th) and the Last Quarter Moon (which will happen on October 2nd).
- Mars is in its post-retrograde shadow until October 8th (Mars was retrograde from June 26th to August 27th).
- Venus is in its pre-retrograde shadow (Venus will be retrograde from October 5th to November 16th).
- Pluto turns direct today (Pluto was retrograde from April 22nd to September 30th).
- Current retrogrades: Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Chiron Rx.
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Pluto ends its retrograde cycle today, dear Aries, and this yearly event helps unblock matters related to career, financial, and intimacy matters in your life. Even so, this can be an intense time for happenings in your career and your personal life. Extremes of feeling are likely as the shift occurs. Sound energy is with you for making necessary changes in relationships with a parent or boss going forward. If there is a negative attitude or bad habit that you need to kick, this is the time to do so! This morning, you may have a tough time making clear choices, and it may be that you need more time to intuit your next move. This may be a sign that you need to take care of unfinished business before moving forward.

Pluto ends its retrograde period today, dear Taurus, and problems with a partner or close friend that have been brewing under the surface of things, or swept under the carpet, are beginning to make themselves known. You now feel more equipped to handle these matters and to make broad, long-lasting improvements. While the shift occurs today and tomorrow, people may be more emotionally reactive, but in the coming weeks and months, you’ll gain clarity on a partnership, travel, educational, legal, and promotional matters. Faith in a system or conviction for a particular belief could return, and your desire to explore the world increases with Pluto’s change in direction. Today, you may need to settle with not knowing, as much as you’d prefer to sort something out.

Pluto has been retrograde since April and turns direct today, dear Gemini. This is a time for feeling more confident and motivated to take charge of your life, particularly as it relates to your work, daily routines and habits, health, and finances. You are less concerned about having made the right choices in the past and more focused on your current path and your prospects. This is an intense time for identifying unnecessary elements in your routine or attitudes, making it easier to streamline. You may be actively doing research, and you can apply yourself with focus and dedication now. Results may be realized this week. Today, avoid extremes. The shift can magnify worries, although soon you’ll be able to gain perspective. Also today, you may need to accept that there are some ambiguities and uncertainties and wait out a decision.

Pluto has been retrograde since April and now turns direct, dear Cancer, and there can be a feeling of a breakthrough in or about close relationships. Now and in the coming weeks, more clarity comes to your love relationships and partnerships, although an upcoming Venus retrograde cycle can point to some backtracking. Meeting someone who stimulates you to think in new ways is possible, or you notice forward movement, growth, and improvements in a partnership. You might come to a decision that has been a long time coming. Today, though, you may not be sure whether you want to stick with what’s safe or branch out and do something entirely new. You can also have some troubles concentrating on facts and figures, finding that your mind wanders! Plans may not pan out to the letter, but sidetracking may very well lead to new ideas.

Pluto turns direct today after over five months of retrograde motion, dear Leo, and you’re on the verge of some exciting insights into how you can better manage your domestic life, work, and health. A work project or a job can move forward now and in the coming weeks. Motivation to pursue a new or previously shelved health program can return. You are feeling on the ball and ready to rise to any challenge! In fact, you can feel quite empowered now. Even so, intensity is likely now as the shift occurs, so take a wait-and-see approach this week. Keep in mind, too, that Venus will turn retrograde in your home sector on October 5th, and some of the pursuits you begin now can encounter delays later. Today, a decision may not be quite as clear-cut as you imagined it to be. Wait for a time when your intuition and mind are working together harmoniously, if possible.

After its yearly retrograde period, Pluto turns direct today, dear Virgo, and in the coming weeks and months, enthusiasm is likely to return for intellectual interests, hobbies, learning, and creative projects. New insights into relationships have come to you during the retrograde phase, but at this time of year, it’s about applying them. You’re ready to make essential changes, and it all starts with your attitude and motivation levels. Romantic feelings, your dating life, personal interests and projects, and creative pursuits are areas of life that get a nice boost now. Today during the shift, emotions can be exaggerated or seem overwhelming, but this is only your way of adjusting to the changes. This morning, you may want to sort out your practical affairs, but distractions are plenty. Don’t fret too much about it since being temporarily out of sync can have the effect of redirecting you out of a rut and into an exciting new direction.

After over five months of its yearly retrograde motion, Pluto turns direct today, dear Libra, and there can be a sense of moving forward. There might be some chaos with the shift before things truly begin to take off for you in the areas of finances and domestic matters. Plus, there can be some backtracking in the money department with Venus’ upcoming retrograde. Relationships with family and family roles are changing, and your determination to resolve challenges is building. Acknowledge the need to make changes and improvements for best results now, and own it! Letting go of something you have been using as a crutch may be part of this energy now. Home-related projects can move forward in the coming weeks. This morning, you may not have all the facts before you to make good choices and decisions, and waiting things out may be the best idea. Past disorganization can prevent you from finding all the necessary tools to finalize a project or get to a satisfying conclusion.

This morning, you may feel vaguely guilty about needing some time to yourself, dear Scorpio. Be honest with yourself as you assess whether you could make some improvements by being more emotionally present with others, and then make adjustments or put it behind you. Do keep in mind that you can’t always be “on.” Also today, your ruler, Pluto turns direct after over five months of its yearly retrograde cycle. Your life becomes clearer, even if today can be a little chaotic! Take care not to jump into action without thinking of the consequences. More clarity is likely to come to your communications, and issues that have been buried or swept under the carpet might emerge now for better handling. You might finally come to a decision or conclusion about something you’ve been stewing over for some time. A project can unblock, or news arrives that pushes your studies or a venture forward. With clarity, motivation and energy levels take off. Mind you, Venus will turn retrograde in your sign on October 5th, which can lead to some need to reconsider or backtrack.

This morning, unfinished business can have a way of hanging over your mood, dear Sagittarius. Doubts might crop up, and if you do experience some lack of energy, it might only mean you need to take a break or a bit of time to adjust. Also today, Pluto turns direct after several months of retrograde motion, and slowly but surely, you’ll be taking charge of your life, even if at times you worry too much. You can feel empowered to make significant changes, primarily related to issues surrounding self-esteem, worth, money, and income. This is a time for proving what you are worth in the work you do, and it’s time to let go of automatic behaviors that have not served you well. During the shift itself now, concerns can intensify but should decrease as you make sense of them. A business or financial matter can move forward or unblock.

This morning, with Mercury (your mind) at odds with Neptune (your intuition), dear Capricorn, it’s better not to make big decisions or talk off the top of your head. You may need a break from overthinking things. Also today, Pluto turns direct in your sign after over five months of retrograde motion, and you might enjoy a distinct feeling that you’re moving forward and more in charge of changes in your life going forward. You are less likely to dwell on problems and more likely to take matters into your own hands, take charge of your impulses, and resolve issues. Opportunities can emerge this week to make long-lasting friendships or to make changes to your friendships and group associations that benefit you for some time to come. Income from a business can spike for some of you.

You are intrigued by new ideas and experiences these days, dear Aquarius, but this morning, you may be lacking a clear plan or worrying about unfinished business related to money or business. You don’t have all the answers today, and you may not need them. Also today, Pluto makes its yearly direct turn after many months of retrograde motion, which augurs well for your career and reputation. With Mars in Aquarius direct, too, you’re taking matters into your own hands. In the coming weeks and months, you’re less likely to brood and more willing (and equipped) to make changes and improvements. You might revive or renew projects that you have been working on behind the scenes or that were left unfinished. There is a sense of moving forward and doing so in a positive, growth-oriented way. Keep in mind that during the shift today, there could be some frustration or suspicion, and thoughts or communications can be extreme or exaggerated.

Consider that you may not have enough information about money matters, joint business ventures, or shared resources to make satisfying conclusions this morning, dear Pisces. Also today, Pluto turns direct after its yearly retrograde cycle, and there can be some forward movement and a stronger sense of being in charge of your life, particularly for educational pursuits and friendships or group endeavors. During the shift occurring today and this week, do your best to tune into your inner rhythms so that you act rather than react. Going forward, you’ll find uncertainties clear up. Friendships may be intense, but instead of dwelling on problem areas, you are motivated to make necessary changes that bring you closer to the resolution of long-standing problems. Small changes made now can impact the future in significant ways. New ideas and approaches to your social life can emerge and empower you.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is September 30th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
Today’s Transits (Eastern Time)
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Gemini
Description: The Moon in Gemini
We are attracted to new ideas, but we need to discriminate more so that we don’t become too scattered. Communications mean more to us than usual.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 11:37 am
Event: Moon goes void of course
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 3:36 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Ven
Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Venus
Love relationships or feelings can be unsettled. There can be a conflict experienced between family and friends/lovers, or between comfort and the pursuit of pleasure. Try to relax and not obsess, and show restraint.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 4:41 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Cer
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Ceres
We can be feeling pleasantly attached to, or supported by, our loved ones or family. We are seeking out security, nurturing, and warmth, and we are more likely to express these things towards others.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 8:54 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Pal
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Pallas
Our judgment may be temporarily impaired by excessive emotions, or emotional bias. We may be experiencing a conundrum. Someone’s belief or idea can make us feel insecure or out of sorts, or otherwise rub us the wrong way. There can be sensitivity to others’ opinions experienced now.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 10:58 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Nep
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Neptune
There can be confusion, misunderstanding, or some level of chaos and uncertainty. Avoid money transactions or new business initiatives – it can be difficult to think clearly. There may be deception or self-deception to deal with. We might have an emotional urge to escape. Feeling out of sorts and don’t know why? Relax and listen to some inspirational music. Honor your need to feed your more refined or spiritual side, and the difficult feelings will soon fade away.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 11:37 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Mer
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Mercury
Ideas flow freely. We express feelings with clarity and thoughts with sensitivity. An excellent time for cooperative projects. A good time for taking tests, writing, promoting, public speaking, and studying. We are alert, observant, and our memory is good.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 2:28 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Ura
Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Uranus
We can easily find ourselves all wound up and nervous. Unpredictable responses from others (and ourselves). Emotional eruptions are possible. Not a good time to make permanent decisions, particularly about relationships and family/domestic matters.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 6:04 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Pll Nod
Description: Transiting Moon Parallel Transiting North Node
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 6:07 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Nod
Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting North Node
There may be the need to pause to adjust things before moving plans forward. We could feel at odds with others on an emotional level. Public relations are not as favorable now.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 6:28 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Plu
Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Pluto
We may not be aware of our more demanding or controlling tendencies. We may feel vaguely frustrated, powerless, or tense. There can be undermining going on in our interactions and relationships. Wait for the tension to subside before taking action.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 10:21 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Mar
Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Mars
We can overreact and exhibit impatience. However, this can also be a time of self-motivation.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 6:21 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Qnx Nep
Description: Transiting Mercury Quincunx Transiting Neptune
We may not be seeing things clearly, or we are second-guessing our perceptions. There can be difficulties concentrating and focusing, and it can be challenging to discern between reality and fantasy.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 9:06 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Cpl Jun
Description: Transiting Mercury ContraParallel Transiting Juno
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 3:02 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Sqq Jun
Description: Transiting Mercury SesquiSquare Transiting Juno
There can be misunderstandings now. We may be expecting others to fill our mental needs or to communicate with us/listen to us, when they have other ideas and preoccupations. There can be fickleness, an inability to listen to others, and nervous energy. This is not the best time for focus and connection.
Date & Time: Sep 30 2018 10:03 pm
Event: Tr Plu D
Description: Transiting Pluto Stationary
Strong Signs, Elements, Modes
Today’s Emphasized Signs of the Zodiac
Agile, versatile, inquisitive, flowing, conversational, airy, many ideas. Can be volatile, superficial, changeable, restless and inconsistent.
Even-handed, harmonious, artistic, diplomatic, balancing, strong sense of fairness. Can be over- compromising, appeasing, judgmental.
Intense, magnetic, penetrating perception, power to confront. Can be destructive, vengeful, jealous, overly dramatic.
Today’s Elemental Balance
We are not very goal-oriented right now, or motivation to pursue our goals may be waning/lacking. Changes feel overwhelming. Enthusiasm may be low, we argue less, and we think more than we take action.
Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. We tend to favor rational, objective thought over emotions, impulses, and feelings at this time. We are more intellectual, fair-minded, and logical in our approach, Ideas flow easily and quickly, we are more communicative and guided by principles, and also somewhat dispassionate or impersonal.
Today’s Modal Balance
The modes are balanced.
Today’s Lunar Phase
Moon 135 to 90 degrees behind the Sun.
Sharing our knowledge with the world is a major motivation at this stage. We believe we have gained much knowledge and wisdom through our experiences, and want to ensure others have the benefit as well.
The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EDT) on September 30th:
Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected–or will perfect–in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies.
Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours so that if an aspect involving the Moon is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today).
**I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime).
The Moon through Pluto: Signs, Aspect, & Degree
We are attracted to new ideas and are especially curious. We may need to discriminate so that we don’t become too scattered. Communications mean more to us than usual.
Part of Body: Pleura
Sabian Symbol: A woman agitator makes an impassioned plea to a crowd.
TRINE MERCURY Orb 0°11′ Separating
Our hearts or emotional needs and our minds seem to be cooperating, and we are able to communicate effectively. It’s a good time for publicity, marketing, writing, and studying.
SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 0°35′ Separating
We may feel a need to escape or to rewrite our lives in various ways – by seeing what we want to see, for example. This is a short time in which there can be lack of clarity. Emotional and physical sensitivity.
This is the time of year for seeking out more harmony and balance, and paying special attention to our close relationships.
Part of Body: Nerve supply to kidney and renal pelvis
Sabian Symbol: A blazing fireplace in a deserted home.
CONJUNCTION MERCURY Orb 7°25′ Separating
Thoughts and communications about ourselves and our goals. We are expressing ourselves confidently, directly, and clearly.
TRINE MARS Orb 1°37′ Separating
Energy and vitality are strong. A good time to take the initiative. Effective decision-making is possible now.
SQUARE SATURN Orb 4°25′ Separating
We can feel temporarily blocked or thwarted, and possibly less than confident. We might want to delay important decision making until a more enlightened, positive time.
You are a diplomat and peacemaker, often acting as a go-between in relationships. You a good communicator, putting others at their ease. Arguments may upset you, as you prefer harmony in communications.
Part of Body: Right inguinal lymph nodes
Sabian Symbol: Circular paths.
QUINCUNX NEPTUNE Orb 0°24′ Separating
We may not be seeing things clearly, or we are second-guessing our perceptions. There can be difficulties concentrating and focusing.
SQUARE PLUTO Orb 3°53′ Applying
We can be worried or troubled, a little paranoid, and possibly suspicious with this combination. We are defensive about our ideas, intelligence, or perceptions, and might take it personally if others are not agreeing with or adopting our opinions.
There is a love of investigation, intimacy, depth connections, and consuming relationships and pastimes.
Part of Body: Penis, Labia majora
Sabian Symbol: A drowning man rescued.
SQUARE MARS Orb 4°31′ Applying
You may have some difficulty being patient with loved ones. You can be aggressive and irritable when others fail to keep up with your activities. You can be equally impatient with yourself.
TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 4°07′ Applying
We are more sensitive to others’ needs and wants, and more desirous of harmony, love, beauty, and balance. We are generous, compassionate, open, and vulnerable. Spiritual/emotional concerns trump material ones at this time.
You will fight for just causes. You are unpredictable, but will probably be a group leader. You may become rebellious when angry.
Part of Body: Nerve of left fibula
Sabian Symbol: A performer of a mystery play.
SQUARE URANUS Orb 4°20′ Separating
The desire to assert independence and to dominate can be strong. Impulsiveness can be a problem. We can be rebellious and willful, ignoring others’ needs in the process.
You may experience difficulty being assertive and finding the drive to succeed, or alternatively you may have a tendency to misdirect your energies. Your current life lesson to express your energy positively and assertively. Your talent for independent action needs to be developed.
We are drawn to depth experiences and deep, transformative changes. Prosperous areas are psychology, investigation, agencies, directing. (October 10th, 2017 to November 8th, 2018)
Part of Body: Nasal bone, fimbria of Fallopian tubes
Sabian Symbol: A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy.
Conservation, moderation, definition, structure, simplicity, and realism are themes now. We might also be striving for more authority in a particular area of our lives now. This is a time for making clear choices and decisions, for weeding out what isn’t working for us, and for letting go of lost causes, particularly related to our life path choices, careers, and long-term goals. (from December 19, 2017, to March 21, 2020; and then from July 1 to December 17, 2020).
Part of Body: Cutaneous nerves of lower leg
Sabian Symbol: A party entering a large canoe.
TRINE URANUS Orb 1°32′ Separating
You have a talent for investigation. You look at new ideas and are able then to put them into action. In business you achieve much in your own independent way.
SQUARE CHIRON Orb 3°13′ Separating
There can be fears now of not being competent or effective enough to meet our responsibilities, or we could find it hard to strike out on a unique path, again due to fears or insecurities. The desire to break from the status quo is strong, but we may not have the necessary confidence to do so. We may have difficulties empathizing with others and understanding ourselves.
(1934 – 1942) We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable. (May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, then March 6, 2019, to July 7, 2025, and then November 7, 2025, to April 25, 2026).
Part of Body: Palate
Sabian Symbol: An electrical storm.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)
Part of Body: Left cutaneous veins
Sabian Symbol: An officer preparing to drill his men.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Ligaments of left knee
Sabian Symbol: A child of about five with a huge shopping bag.
Chiron, Major Asteroids, and Moon’s Nodes: in Sign and by Degree
Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011 to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018 to February 18, 2019).
Part of Body: Toenails of left foot
Sabian Symbol: The great stone face (being the projection of an ideal).
You place importance on structure and order in the workplace. You have great discipline and personal ambition, and can succeed in administrative and management positions. Workers will turn to you for a sense of stability and authority.
Part of Body: Cutaneous nerves of knee
Sabian Symbol: People rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance.
You have an analytical mind which you can apply to detailed and exhaustive projects. Your powers of discrimination are strong. You also have executive abilities. You may become involved in the field of health.
Part of Body: Cystic arteries
Sabian Symbol: A family tree.
You want variety and stimulation within your relationship. Talking, swapping ideas, writing, planning and studying are all ways in which you may meet your needs to communicate with your partner.
Part of Body: Trachea
Sabian Symbol: A glass-bottomed boat drifts over under-sea wonders.
You feel cared for when your loved ones create an atmosphere of peace and beauty. You like to co-operate with those close to you.
Part of Body: Left renal system
Sabian Symbol: Miners emerging from a mine.
Part of Body: Right saphenous veins
Sabian Symbol: A child born of an eggshell.
Part of Body: Zygomatic muscle
Sabian Symbol: An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia.
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Left carotid artery
Sabian Symbol: A man formally dressed and a deer with its horns folded (hanging on a club-house wall).
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Left fibula
Sabian Symbol: A healer.
**Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars on September 30, 2018.**
Aspects to Ura 01°Ta28 +11°27′
Cnj 00°Ta40 MIRACH In harmony to be receptive
Aspects to Chi 29°Pi47 +03°13′
Cnj 29°Pi38 SCHEAT To be a thinker or intellect
Aspects to Jun 00°Ge04 +05°11′
Cnj 00°Ge15 ALCYONE Mystical but judgmental.
what is venus in Aries in the eight house mean?