Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio until 11:07 PM, after which it’s a Sagittarius Moon.
- The void Moon occurs from 6:58 AM to 11:07 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on August 30th in the sign of Virgo, and the First Quarter Moon will occur tomorrow.
- Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Venus in opposition to Neptune today can remind you of the need for some extra magic or inspiration in your life, dear Aries. What you see now may not be the full story, and there’s no need to push to know everything just yet. Surrendering to the idea that you may not need to know all the details, for now, can help build healthy patience. Double-check facts and figures and avoid falling for things that seem to be too good to be true. You are not only more emotional than usual about love and money today, but you could also be acting on self-sabotaging impulses. You might feel a little exasperated if you haven’t received the appreciation or results you imagined. However, this can prompt you to aim higher later or come to a stronger conviction about the things that are working for you and that truly matter. As the day advances, you might enjoy a smarter look at a matter that leaves you feeling ahead of the game.

Ambiguities, particularly related to your romantic life, friends, creative projects, and dreams or visions, may require you to regroup today, dear Taurus. A Venus-Neptune opposition aspect can play with you on energetic levels, and you can feel up and down since uncertainty tends to drain you. It’s a time for sorting out your perceptions of people and relationships in your life. Disillusionment may get you to a more realistic and empowering place emotionally, however, and that is likely to be the case now. In fact, later today, you’ll be seeing things much more clearly. Letting go of an outdated dream may very well make room for a new, more meaningful and realizable goal. Certain realities faced now can lead to a freeing feeling of acceptance of things as they are.

Social or romantic issues can feel bigger than life in the first half of the day, dear Gemini. While you could be enjoying a spiritual opening of sorts, you should probably wait things out before coming to definite conclusions. Confusion about long-term goals can interfere with productivity in the present. However, if you can take a healthy escape from responsibilities now, do so, but don’t borrow too much from your future in this regard. Grounding or physical activities can get you to a more stable place. Your judgment regarding intimacy and love, and possibly finances, can be off just for now, but by tonight, you’re ready to embrace the reality of a situation. The Moon spends most of the day in your work and health sector, and focusing on the details can be to your benefit, particularly as the day advances.

The energies of the first half of the day favor taking a step back from overthinking, dear Cancer. There may be some confusion surrounding goals, instructions, and conversations. Something may be sugar-coated, but it may not be an ideal time to set things straight. Aim to defer important decisions and conversations to a better time–even later today can be that time! Focusing can be difficult in the first half of the day, and distractions can be external interruptions or internal feelings that are hard to make sense of for now. The more you talk about a particular plan or try to get an answer from someone, the more confused you become right now. A lot of influences in your chart are revving you up these days, and it’s important to take breaks now and again so that you remain focused and in the moment. As the day advances, clarity comes a lot more easily.

The spirit to create and build is strong these days, dear Leo. However, Neptune challenges today, with more to come in the weeks ahead, can leave you feeling somewhat discouraged now and again. You may not always feel you have the backing or support you need. It can be hard to see a financial or relationship matter clearly today. Avoid putting your precious resources, including energy and spirit, into something before you can feel more fully on board. You may need to dream up new ways to meet your goals. Distinguishing between wishful thinking and intuition may seem near impossible in the first half of the day, while as the day advances, you’re more inclined to want facts and figures. The Moon spends much of the day in your home and family sector, and this is another sign to take things slowly but surely. Tonight, the Moon moves into your more playful, risk-taking solar fifth house.

In the first half of the day, you may be swinging from seeing things as you wish them to be, to seeing them in a discouraging or unflattering light, dear Virgo. This will not be the first time you wrestle with your expectations this month, but it can be a step toward a healthier balance. As much as possible today, aim to be conservative with money and people, as extremes are where you are more likely to go wrong at the moment. You’ll enjoy more peace of mind if you keep things moderate. The people in your life or a particular relationship can feel draining temporarily. In truth, you may need to go within to explore your feelings before you can know and then draw boundaries. Take the time to understand yourself, and don’t confuse others’ needs as your own. As the day advances, you’ll find it easier to focus on practical priorities, and perhaps quite comforting to do so!

With Venus opposite Neptune influencing the first half of today, dear Libra, you may have a hard time following a routine or dealing with routine matters. Distractions are likely, and disorganization can lead you to feel a little lost or behind. Aim to avoid pressuring yourself to find concrete answers to nagging questions, as this can help you build up some healthy patience. However, take some steps to improve your life so that you don’t fall further behind. Your perceptions may not be serving you particularly well for now. Do your best to distinguish between wishful thinking and intuition today. As the day advances, you can feel a little more decisive and clear-headed. However, this is a period in your life when things are not supposed to be explicit just for now, in general, and that’s just fine and even good for you. It’s a time for letting go of unhealthy expectations.

There may be some confusion about a relationship or challenges with boundaries today as Venus opposes Neptune in your social sectors, dear Scorpio. It can be difficult to sort between fact and fiction, and the ups and downs of this process can be draining! The best way to deal with the trick mirrors of this aspect is to give yourself permission to take a break from overthinking or overanalyzing situations. If you’ve been overly accommodating with friends or lovers, the need for some space can overcome you now. However, if you are dealing with practical matters that require hard and fast decisions, then do some fact-checking. As today progresses, you become far more comfortable with the reality of a situation. In relationships, detaching yourself a little can help settle you. The Moon’s move out of your sign tonight has a similar effect.

An opposition between Venus and Neptune today can suggest some wrestling with expectations about a particular plan, goal, or project, dear Sagittarius. It’s possible that certain dreams and ideals you’re holding onto need some updating or a second look. Uncertainty in your personal life may interfere with your enjoyment and performance in other areas. Some things can feel very much up in the air right now, and perhaps you feel on shaky ground as a result. The truth of a matter can be elusive if wishful thinking dominates, and this is very likely with the tricky energies of the first half of the day. Disappointments experienced now may very well turn into opportunities to grow if they redirect you to healthier pursuits or more realizable goals. Take the time to understand your feelings on a matter before going all in. However, don’t let vague feelings of discontent prevent you from seizing an opportunity. Knowing what is a true opportunity is easier as the day advances.

It’s better to work on being conservative with your expectations today, dear Capricorn, particularly along social, financial, and romantic lines. This is your resting state, but challenging aspects involving Neptune today–and more to come in the weeks ahead–can play with your head at times. There may be some confusing or mixed signals experienced in your communications. There may be a need to rethink some ideas or plans. Take note of inspirations and ideas that come to you now, and be careful that you present your message in a way that is easily understood. It’s not the time to jump into something without first considering all the facts. If you’re suddenly feeling somewhat drained or sapped, this can be more about inspiration and motivation than it is about physical energy. If a dream seems less realizable, you may need time to regroup. While you may not know where to direct your energies in the first half of the day, opportunities to turn things around arise later on.

Today’s Venus-Neptune opposition suggests the need to rethink some matters or take a break from overdoing, dear Aquarius. There can be some lack of clarity regarding a person or relationship. Swinging from one extreme view of a situation to the other end is possible now, but it can also be the way to a middle ground. Question whether you truly want or need something before making a purchase or commitment in the first half of the day. The need for some discrimination can become evident now. With Neptune under challenge, it’s best to observe rather than take action. If you’re not in touch with the cause of inner unrest, you may be pinning your hopes on something that you don’t have, thinking it is the answer. As the day advances, life feels clearer. The Moon’s move into your sector of friendships and ideals tonight is a pleasant one. You might enjoy following an inspired idea in the next couple of days.

Others’ responses to you can be mixed or confusing in the first half of the day, dear Pisces, due to a Venus-Neptune opposition. You may suddenly face some needs and wants that you were previously avoiding or too busy to notice. It may be better to defer making major decisions based on the feelings of the moment, as they may be misleading. Be as honest with yourself as possible for best results now, as this is the key to building faith in your own instincts. Consider that you may be drawn to a person, thing, or situation because you see in them something that you need to discover in yourself. Others may seem the answer to any feelings of lack, but in truth, happiness is something that you create. Energies are clearer as the day advances, so take extra time with decisions.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is September 4, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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