
This is a busy, connected time for you, dear Aries. You’re likely to be doing some juggling — assorted work and errands figure strongly, with little rest or predictability. However, you can accomplish much, particularly if you take the time to add up all of the little jobs you put behind you. Orderliness is something to strive for, particularly as Saturn challenges Neptune this month. Your ruler, Mars, remains retrograde until the 29th, so managing your time and establishing priorities is especially important. Family matters come into stronger focus as the month advances. There can be movement and opportunity in your career in the last few days of June. Business should subtly improve, and financial obstacles may fall to the side.
Venus and the Sun travel closely together in your communications sector in the first half of June, and this points to happier conversations and personal appeal through what you write and say, particularly on the 6th and 11-12.
Neptune turns retrograde on the 13th and then squares Saturn on the 17th. You would probably be better off delaying important decision-making for a time when you’re clearer about what you want, and instead focusing on doable, realizable goals. During the retrograde Neptune cycle that lasts until November, you have the opportunity to come to some level of peace about a disappointment from the past. For now, however, it’s important to work on tidying your affairs. There may be adjustments required to plans involving publishing, travel, legal matters, or education. Mental and emotional health should improve as you put attitudes that no longer serve you well behind you.
Venus, the Sun, and Mercury move into your family and home sector on the 17th, 20th, and 29th respectively, and Mars turns direct in your intimacy sector on the 29th. These influences tend to shift your overall focus to your emotional life and finding more emotional satisfaction and replenishment through your closest relationships and touching base with your inner needs. It’s a time for some self-nurture and establishing yourself.
Good energy is also with you for work, habits, and health. You may be connecting with people and information that encourage growth and improvement in these areas. For some, it’s about connecting with a good caregiver, for example. You could be doing more specialized work, or could find that you’re in especially big demand and work increases or improves. As well, getting your daily schedules, routines, and health programs into shape is a focus, and can contribute to your growth, professionally and personally. Financial complexities begin to unravel this month after the 29th. Dealings with a partner and with financial institutions become more straightforward after a feeling of treading water. You’ll have more energy and direction about these things in the coming weeks.

There is a stronger desire to establish yourself and to build and develop projects this month, dear Taurus. Later June brings circumstances that motivate you to reach out, connect, learn, and share. Until then, ambition surrounding business affairs, material concerns, and finances can be stimulated, although there can be some complications with shared resources, intimacy, and friendship matters. There is a stronger focus on personal possessions and valuables, sensual comforts and pleasures, financial security, and money matters, and with Venus traveling closely with the Sun, good energy for attracting support, gifts, and bonuses, particularly around the 6th.
Neptune’s retrograde on the 13th can point to confusing or ambiguous situations surrounding friends or dreams/goals, and a Saturn-Neptune influence peaking on the 17th suggests a need to face reality. There can be a push from the universe pointing you in the direction of reassessing your goals and paying more attention to, or taking better care of, your spiritual needs, while also balancing your need to manage practical affairs and responsibilities. Friendships can eventually resume with renewed faith, with refinements and adjustments. There could be difficulties balancing friendship and your intimate life for some of you. There can be a temptation to escape the pressures of a partnership through connection with a friend, but be careful not to idealize people at the expense of other relationships. Some of you may be dealing with addictive behaviors, difficulties with a friend, or disillusionment about a long-term goal that no longer seems quite as feasible or supported. Take things one step at a time and know that there is a solution to any problem you encounter now – be patient and open to new ideas.
There can be nice developments on romantic and creative levels later in June. An epiphany about your feelings or final word on a financial matter can emerge around the 20th. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury move into your communications sector on the 17th, 20th, and 29th, respectively. You are more inclined to make connections, branch out, and reach out, and this conveniently comes around the time that Mars turns direct in your relationship sector, improving your confidence in a relationship or with others in general. Good energy is with you for expanding your personal horizons through creative endeavors or romantic relationships now. You are commanding more attention in a positive way, and you are approaching your life with more confidence and self-assurance. Opportunities to travel, learn, teach, and connect are likely to emerge.
Mars moves retrograde in opposition to your sign until the 29th, when it turns direct. Dealing with others in a straightforward manner may have been challenging, but from the 29th forward, relationship dynamics smooth over and problems can be dealt with more directly.

The month puts a strong focus on your personality and on fresh starts, dear Gemini. Attention is coming your way. Mars remains retrograde for most of June, however, making it less than ideal for pushing all-new projects ahead, but this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the energy boost provided by the Sun in your sign until the 20th, Venus until the 17th, and Mercury from the 12-29. These positions also boost your ability to attract what and who you want into your life, and the means or confidence to talk things out.
The Sun and Venus, in fact, travel rather closely to one another most of the month and in your sign. This is a wonderful influence for your powers of attraction, pride, and confidence.
The first week of June, however, is a little tricky. The New Moon in your sign occurs on the 4th, and this is a good influence for giving you a sense of a personal reboot – a chance to start fresh. However, the lunation is tied into a configuration that can play with your expectations, which demand some readjustment. You may be swinging from positive to negative thinking now, particularly related to partnerships, home and family life, and career. Disappointments are possible, but the good news is that you seem to remain in charge, even if life is pulling you in all sorts of directions.
Planetary shifts on the 13th point to a changing relationship to career and responsibilities. You could be doing some questioning of your career/life path or reputation issues. The design here is for you to check in with your goals to see if any refinements need to be made so that you can strengthen them, ultimately. You are constantly evolving so that periodic checkpoints are important. What feels like a lack of direction is temporary and can actually work in your favor as you learn about your true ambitions and goals. The trick is to incorporate your emotional and spiritual goals into material or practical ones in order to round things out.
A recurring Saturn-Neptune challenge perfects on the 17th, and there can be more of this kind of energy – this is about rearranging and reorienting thins. You could find that others are more demanding or strict with you these days. Strains on a relationship can occur as the result of your struggle with finding a life path or defining your career, or uncertainties in relationships can affect your motivation levels in the material world.
The second half of the month is rather strong for money matters. Some of you could have much success with artistic or spiritual fields now.
The 20th can bring a project to a head or a relationship to full bloom. A turning point can be reached now. The last week of the month is exciting. Solutions related to house and home and/or family can present themselves now. Money you’ve been waiting for, particularly related to home or real estate, might come through. You can get support or backing now. Mars’ direct turn on the 29th points to slow but sure progress in partnerships and with work and health endeavors in the coming weeks. In fact, the summer is excellent for second chances in these areas.

June is an important month for getting the rest and time for reflection you need, dear Cancer, especially as life will pick up pace as the month advances. It’s not an ideal time for pushing projects ahead, but it’s strong for processing and digesting recent experiences and, ultimately, getting a better sense of your needs and desires.
When Neptune turns retrograde on the 13th and in surrounding days, you can experience unusual emotions and desires, and this can lead to some indecision, or a feeling that you’re suddenly without a real direction. A mini crisis of faith in a belief system, and for some of you an educational path, can occur this week, but while it can be confusing at first, it can also help you to realign yourself with goals or beliefs that truly reflect your current needs. A disappointment is possible, but it can lead to a better situation overall if you use it as a learning experience.
You’re also reminded, particularly around the 17th, of the need to tidy up your daily affairs and put better programs in place for taking care of your health and wellness. You may need to put some of your bigger dreams on hold as you attend to practical affairs, but try not to lose your faith in the process. Surrendering yourself to the unknown and getting the work that’s in front of you done – taking things step by step and day by day – can get you into a positive place. The Full Moon on the 20th can help motivate you to clean up a work or health-related problem.
Venus enters your sign on the 17th, and until July 11th, you’re in an especially positive light. People are drawn to you, and around the 26-29, even a little mesmerized by you! It’s a nice period for personal appeal. The Sun moves into your sign on the 20th as well, launching your yearly, month-long cycle of visibility and personal power. You’re in charge and starting anew, particularly after the New Moon on July 4th, but this is building in June.
While early in the month friendships may be a source of confusion, as June progresses, there can be wonderful opportunities emerging through or about friends. News, communications, and information can open, bringing on a new perspective and connecting you to others in new ways. Your views toward love and commitment can transform. This is a strong period for learning, sharing, and relating.
The 29th brings Mercury into your sign, increasing reasoning and communicating skills, as well as Mars into direct motion in your romance and creativity sector. You’ll begin to see forward movement with creative pursuits, in your dating life, and in your career, and you’ll have many weeks before you to get back on track in these areas.

There is strong focus on your social life, friendships, and happiness goals and aspirations this month, dear Leo. Love, communication, learning, and pleasure are also strong themes as your ruler, the Sun, travels closely to Venus most of June. For some, this can mean a strong connection to an old or new friend. While the first few days of June can bring some ups and downs related to your relationships and money matters, you’re in a good position to make changes and adjustments that will ultimately improve the viability of your goals and projects as well as the quality of your relationships. You have loads of charm, particularly with associates and networks, and you’ll do well to mingle.
Neptune’s retrograde turn on the 13th may be felt as deflating initially, particularly in terms of your faith in a relationship or financial project. There might also be some confusion over ownership matters or shared finances. These experiences may in fact prompt a review of, or checking in with, goals and dreams. Slowing down makes sense. A Saturn-Neptune square on the 17th was first with you in November, and will occur again in a few months before separating. For some, there could be a creative block or the facing of a financial reality that make it difficult to pursue a particular project or possibly even a relationship. There may also be some confusion over property and possessions, shared resources, or business. Keep in mind that adjustments made now will free up space for more meaningful and realizable goals, projects, and connections to enter your life.
The 20th brings a Full Moon and a nice opportunity to follow your heart or finalize a creative project. This is also a time when good news or helpful connections can figure strongly, particularly related to money, gifts, bonuses, or personal talents. The Sun moves into your privacy sector at this time, launching a cycle in which you are inclined to review and reflect about recent events, feelings, goals, and endeavors.
The latter part of June is also strong for pursuing health, financial, and work goals. Opportunities to heal the body and mind can emerge, and so can chances to make good use of your natural talents in work and projects, perhaps monetizing a hobby at this time. Mars turns direct on the 29th after several weeks of retrograde motion, and you’ll enjoy more clarity about home and family matters over the coming weeks. A project might pick up pace, reach a turning point, or resume now.

Your career, social standing, and life path goals are in stronger focus than usual this month, dear Virgo, and while you can be quite goal-oriented and interested in performance, there are also nice opportunities to socialize, mingle, and enjoy yourself in June. Some of these can happen through work or business dealings, and certainly you are in good shape in terms of popularity in your professional dealings now, but as the month advances, it’s more about friendships, networks, and group settings.
Neptune’s retrograde turn on the 13th is an annual event that has, in recent years, been occurring in your partnership sector. An important relationship, past or present, can be on your mind now, and over the coming months, you’re likely to do some ruminating as you begin to look at a relationship or your relationship needs in general in new ways. There can be some confusion about partnerships now. Give people space, and give yourself time before coming to important conclusions. Positively, you may get to a point where you come to terms, or peace, with a past disappointment during this retrograde cycle.
Saturn forms a square with Neptune on the 17th, echoing events or circumstances that may have occurred or began last November. This influence presents a challenge to bring more structure to your life in areas that are weakening your resolve and faith. Flaws in a dream related to partnerships may reveal themselves now, or you may be questioning whether, with all of the things you need to do, you are getting what you need on a spiritual or emotional level from a partner or relationship. The unreliability or absence of a partner could be discouraging at a time when you would benefit from spiritual support the most. Demands from people in your life can be draining your energy, and you’ll need to work out a plan that helps you to better divide your attention between self-care and attention to others. Take things step by step, day by day, and trust that you’ll get to all that you need to do in good time. Wrestling with expectations is very likely this month, but getting them to reasonable levels can be empowering.
The 20th can bring a project to completion or a matter related to family and home life to a turning point. You’re also in a good position to meet people who help boost your confidence or encourage you to reach your potential.
Venus’ move into your friendship sector on the 17th, and the Sun following suit on the 20th, indicates a shift towards more enjoyment of life through connections with others and the nurturing of long-term dreams and aspirations. You begin to feel less pressured to perform and produce, and more accepted and supported by others.
The final Jupiter-Pluto trine in a set occurs on the 26th and points to nice personal opportunities in the second half of June. Confidence and focus increase and improve, as well as your power of persuasion. While this period is more about you and your personality, romantic expression might also reach new heights. This is a good time for boosting your appeal and improving your image, as well as for picking up or renewing a satisfying hobby.

Your desire for new and interesting experiences, mind expansion, and activities that take you away from your routine is strong this month, dear Libra. It’s an excellent time for revision and building skills, particularly when it comes to true interests and self-directed learning. Your attitude is more forward-looking, and as June advances, your ambition and motivation increases as well. By the end of the month, you can be especially interested in getting ahead in business and other practical areas of life. Your ruler, Venus moves along closely with the Sun most of June, and this also helps to light your way. It can also point to more support from friends and networks.
Neptune’s retrograde turn on the 13th, however, can point to certain work matters going on the shelf for now, or coming up for review. Problem areas may be exaggerated temporarily mid-month with a Saturn-Neptune square also coming into sharper focus and drawing your attention to what may be missing in your life. You will likely need to deal with some shifting of schedules, daily routines, or work. Issues that have to do with health, energy levels, or uncertainty with work may surface. Aim to organize and simplify as much as possible. Look for areas of life that are suffering from neglect, clutter, waste, or disorganization. Spend extra time working out routines that truly work for you, and that make some space for activities focused on improving health and well-being. It can be difficult to juggle all that you want to accomplish, particularly if you’re feeling discouraged about a particular dream or goal that requires adjustments, but focusing on the essentials step by step will get you to a better place.
Three weeks into June, you are in a strong position to set goals and to connect with people and situations that truly help you get where you want to go. You may be finishing up the details of a major learning endeavor or project around the Full Moon on the 20th. Venus moving to the top of your chart helps your reputation or status and enhances your relationship with parents, bosses, or superiors.
The last week of June finds you more motivated to take care of business and to pursue your goals. Finances, family and home matters, and personal development are high up on your list, and largely in good shape now. There may be more support from or for family and home affairs. You could also be experiencing more emotional bravery, finding it easier to face your feelings and your past, and this can be empowering. A Venus-Neptune connection is strong for finances and resources, and Mars turning direct on the 29th can point to a turnaround in financial and business-related areas. A partnership may also resume or gain more clarity and purpose, and these things are only set to improve in the weeks ahead.

There is a strong theme of introspection and strategy this month, dear Scorpio, that begins shifting as June advances. By the end of June, you’ll be readying yourself to take on almost anything! June begins with a strong need for inner change, transformation, and self-mastery. Increasingly through June, your focus turns outward, but the inner work you do is powerful. The first few days of the month can find you rather indecisive and conflicted, largely revolving around money and resources on a mundane level and matters of ownership, respect, and trust on an emotional level. It’s a time for observing and processing rather than taking new action, and this theme is echoed by retrograde Mars in your sign until the 29th.
Neptune turns retrograde for over five months on the 13th, and shortly after this station, Saturn and Neptune meet in a square. Attachments can be confusing now. There can be some challenges related to your faith in a creative project or relationship temporarily. Trust that ultimately you’ll be in a stronger position after you do some sorting through what is realistic and what may only be wishful thinking. It’a time for identifying and then working towards dreams and goals that are realizable. There may be a dilemma that revolves around money, resources, recreation, children, or dating/romance. If you’ve been spending too much on entertainment or romance, you’ll feel the pinch during this period and will need to take some steps to cut back. There may be a strong reminder or awareness of an addiction, oversight, overindulgence, or neglect in some area of your life that now requires a reality check and some buckling down so that it doesn’t drag you down. Look for ways to reduce and eliminate waste, particularly in spending.
The Full Moon in the last degree of Sagittarius on the 20th at the same time that Jupiter and the North Node align can bring a pleasing end or turning point to a financial matter and support/recognition from a friend or group. Venus moves into a position of harmony with your sign on the 17th, and then the Sun follows suit on the 20th and Mercury on the 29th while Mars turns direct in your sign. These point to increased confidence and a stronger sense of effectiveness. It’s a good time for pursuing new interests and studies, for reaching out to others and sharing ideas, and for travel or other forms of adventure-taking. You may be putting more faith in people in your life, relationships, and life itself.
The final Jupiter-Pluto trine occurs in the last week of June and gives you a lovely boost, particularly on practical levels but also faith in yourself. You may have been experiencing a stronger need for more meaning and purpose, or personal influence, with friends, networks, or groups. This is a wonderful time for making those connections, communicating, building ideas, and sharing. You are also developing a stronger belief in your future and what you have to offer others. You might happily take the lead or become the expert that others turn to. Mars turns direct in your sign on the 29th, and in the weeks following, you’ll be building your resolve and pushing personal plans and projects forward. Energy and motivation levels increase as plans of action seem more straightforward.

The month ahead continues a strong focus on relationships and connections that began towards the end of May, dear Sagittarius. The first week of June can stimulate some struggle with decisions, perceptions, and expectations, but the New Moon on the 4th can bring energy for a fresh start. Resistance, competitive feeling, and problem areas continue to require some work, but you begin to sense that you can get past them. Still, June is very much a transition month for you. It’s a time for developing strategies and making adjustments rather than pushing ahead with all-new endeavors.
Neptune turns retrograde in your home and family sector on the 13th and then forms a square with Saturn on the 17th, pointing to emerging issues that require some restructuring. If your home life and relationships with family are askew, it can be very hard to get other areas of life into order, and you’re now encouraged to sort things out. Your home is your base, and it’s important to treat it as such – work on it first and see other areas of your life blossom by extension. Avoiding issues will keep you in a rut, so resolve to make changes and to grow with and through them. You’ll be deciding which plans, dreams, and goals are truly realizable, and this gives you the chance to direct your energies constructively. For some of you, establishing boundaries with people who frequently overstep them may be necessary. You may need to deal with inconsistencies, neglect, or bad habits from the past in order to improve your life in the long term. A Jupiter-Pluto trine later this month can help you to hone in on what you want the most.
Venus, the Sun, and Mercury move into your intimacy sector on the 17th, 20th, and 29th respectively. Your focus on the hidden, deeper elements of your life strengthens. It’s a good time for looking within for answers, and also for gaining the support of others if needed. You experienced a Full Moon early in your sign last month, and this month, another one occurs, this time in the last degree of Sagittarius. This is a powerful time for coming into touch with buried feelings, needs, and desires.
Your ruler, Jupiter, forms its final trine with Pluto in a set in the last week of June, and you get a nice boost of confidence and verve. This is a time of increased ambition and confidence in your natural talents. Whether it’s about work or an important goal, you’re more focused on getting results, yet also patient enough to take enough time to achieve them. Some of you could be transforming and growing relationships with parents or bosses. This is generally a good period for money, as you are more resourceful.
Personal energy levels remain on the low side this month, but your outlook improves as the month advances. It’s easier to turn to others, if needed, as they tend to be there for you. From the 29th forward, once Mars has turned direct, you are less inclined to hold onto resentments and while further inner work is necessary, it’s clearer what exactly that is now. Mars will continue to stay in the background, directing your attention behind the scenes, for a while longer, but when Mars does re-enter your sign on August 2nd, you’ll be raring to go.

This is a strong month for increasing efficiency, getting organized, improving health, and harmonizing/connecting with others, dear Capricorn. Aim to solve problems, make adjustments, reorganize, and deal with practical details for best results in the first few weeks of June, and for generally getting a handle on the “little things” that make your life run more smoothly. This process is not without its challenges, but will be rewarding.
Neptune is retrograde from the 13th forward (until November), and around the time of its station, a Saturn-Neptune square perfects. If you experience a disappointment around this time, it’s likely to spur you towards better understanding of your dreams and expectations. Now is a time for working towards small, realizable goals. Challenges related to studies, a personal interest, a transportation or communications matter, or a relative can be in focus now. Soon enough you will be able to more clearly see the fantasies and dreams that serve you well, and those that may need to be refined or thrown out. You will eventually get to a place where your goals are a more authentic reflection of you. Bringing more structure to your daily life or to a project that is already underway can be important and empowering now. Working on something step by step is important if you can’t yet envision where you’re headed exactly, as this way, things will fall into place as you go along. Keeping up with your communications and making connections may be more challenging. While it’s important to stay connected with people you care about, you also need to set some boundaries, gently, if you need more space.
The Full Moon on the 20th is good for finalizing a project or for reaching a turning point. For some, this is about realizing the need to feed your spirit. You may need to take some time for yourself so that you can bring your renewed self back to your work and self-care programs. There can be good news related to higher learning, travel, or publishing now, and you can connect with the right people and information to feel that you’re heading somewhere you want to go. Venus moves into your partnership sector on the 17th, and then the Sun arrives here on the 20th and Mercury on the 29th. This stimulates stronger interest in, and reliance on, your relationships. It’s a great time for counseling and partnering up to get things done.
The final Jupiter-Pluto trine in a set occurs on the 26th, engaging your ambitions and confidence. You may be reaching more people, building a following, teaching or guiding others, and sharing important ideas. Travel and educational opportunities may be part of the picture.
Friendships and romance begin to straighten out from the 29th when Mars turns direct in your sector of happiness goals and friendships. This comes after a period of possible confusion of boundaries or emotional complications. You’re learning who is truly in your corner, and your own desires and affections become clearer. Your social circle is considerably warmer towards you going forward.

There is strong focus in June on your social and romantic life, creative endeavors, friendships, hobbies, and the need for more satisfying outlets for expressing yourself, dear Aquarius. With the Sun and Venus moving close to one another in your sector of creativity and pleasure in the first half of the month, you’re in a strong position for personal appeal. Something totally goes your way, and you may find new or renewed ways to express your playful side or to release tension in pleasurable ways. There are some challenges related to expectations, particularly in the first few days of June and from the 14-17, but you’re on top of these, making adjustments and finding your way. The 11-13, while confusing on practical levels, can be strong for powers of attraction and relationships.
Neptune turns retrograde on the 13th and then forms a square with Saturn on the 17th. This is a time for rethinking and introspection, particularly regarding financial and social goals. Indecisiveness can sometimes serve us quite well, as it can lead to holding off decisions or conclusions that need more time and strategy. Keep an eye out for inconsistencies, especially surrounding practical affairs and finances, as these can be skewed by wishful thinking or a feeling of temporary deflation. Efforts to tidy up your finances or to bring more structure to the training and development of your skills can be especially useful now. Friends or group affiliations may seem more demanding of your time and energy, or for some, there can be a lull in your social schedule these days. Friendships or causes can drain you at times if you are giving too much while ignoring your own needs. With finances, focus on identifying areas of waste or neglect. Protect your resources and aim to bring dreams down to earth.
Venus, the Sun, and Mercury move into your sector of work, routine, and habits on the 17th, 20th, and 29th, respectively. This points to a shift of focus to taking better care of your daily affairs and health. Mars’ direct turn in your career sector on the 29th suggests a pleasant turnaround regarding confidence in your future, goals, business, career, and practical affairs. Where you’re headed becomes clearer.
Jupiter’s final trine to Pluto in a set that began last Fall occurs in the last week of June, and this is an empowering influence on emotional levels. The desire not only to get to the bottom of any emotional issues or problems in your life but also to move past those problems that have crippled you in the past is strong now. This can be a time for resolving long-standing problems and finding more courage to go after what you want and need on a soul level. Support, financial or otherwise, is more readily available to you. Career matters can improve, whether this has to do with conditions or attitudes towards work and your larger goals. You are working more on your own terms, and Mars’ direct motion at the top of your solar chart on the 29th further supports this. It becomes easier to get straight answers from bosses and co-workers, and from yourself about your own goals and ambitions. There is a stronger sense of direction andmore time spent on moving things forward as you move into July.

There is a large focus on family and home matters this month, dear Pisces. Your nesting instinct is keen and your instincts to rest up and improve your sense of security and safety are important ones. Romantic, creative, and expressive energy increases later in the month, when you feel readier to share yourself, your feelings, and your ideas with others.
Challenges involving your ruler, Neptune, suggests some wrestling with personal goals, clarity, and expectations this month. Neptune turns retrograde on the 13th, and is retrograde for about five months. This is an annual cycle that is strong for getting some much-needed introspection. Its station occurs shortly before Saturn and Neptune form a square on the 17th, and there can be some feeling of being sapped or drained temporarily before you find ways to redirect your energies. This is the way of the cosmos turning your attention to problem areas – things you’ve been missing or overlooking, and likely that have to do with your spiritual, soul needs. There is a need to balance attention to your responsibilities and obligations with your personal plans and need for imaginative activities. As you sort this out, aim to take special care of your health and body, as demands on your time and responsibilities to others can take their toll on you. There can be some issues raised surrounding freedom, independence, reputation, and life path. You may be called upon to get organized or to become more goal-oriented, and it can be difficult knowing when to stand your ground and when to accept current conditions.
Venus, the Sun, and Mercury move into harmony with your sign on the 17th, 20th, and 29th, respectively. As well, Mars, also moving in harmony with Pisces, turns direct on the 29th, further boosting and supporting energy and confidence levels. Obstacles seem to clear away as June advances. Less effort is spent on getting others to understand, see, and support you and your ideas. There can be an epiphany experienced surrounding home and career.
The Jupiter-Pluto influence that began last Fall forms on the 26th for the final time in this set. This reinforces strong connections with friends and/or a partner. Relationships can prosper, transform, and grow in meaningful, although not always easy, ways, and mutually beneficial partnerships may be formed. The direct turn of Mars on the 29th can point to a turning point or forward movement for studies, projects, publishing efforts, personal finances, legal affairs, or travel. Pressure eases as people respond more warmly to your ideas and opinions, and transportation or commuting problems experienced in recent weeks are ironed out.
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.
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