
The month ahead is one of personal power, dear Aries, and a time for your yearly “new beginning” or fresh start. You have a New Moon occurring, as well as the Sun and Venus in your sign much of the month. However, your ruler, Mars, turns retrograde on April 17th, making going after what you want a little more complicated than you might expect. Even so, you’re drawing positive attention and in the position to attend to personal plans and needs in April.
Venus is in your sign from the 5-29, and this helps to soften your disposition and aids efforts to enjoy yourself, pursue your wishes, and “make nice” with people in your life. People notice you, want you, and want to be around you. This is a generally good position for money matters, and with Mercury in your finances sector much of the month, and the Sun there from the 19th forward, April is a notable month for making money and for attracting the right resources to you.
The New Moon on the 7th is all about you! It’s time to put your personal interests first, although be aware that too-sudden changes can stir up opposition. The 10-12 is excellent for both work and social life. Innovative ideas and methods can be employed now. Personal appeal is strong now as well.
Mars moves very slowly throughout April, and as your fiery, energetic ruler, you may feel that life is slowing down or that you don’t have the usual energy and direction. You can take some time to orient yourself to this, but once you do, you might find that you benefit from taking extra time to pause, reflect, and look back. The entire retrograde cycle lasts until June 29th and will move through two different sectors of your chart over this stretch. Possible areas of life that can experience delays or require review include legal, publishing, travel, education, and financial matters. There may be some things that catch up with you at this time, and that prompt a need to review, return to a previous condition, or tie up loose ends.
It’s not that you lack confidence during Mars’ retrograde, but that you often need to look within for answers. Questioning your plans is likely, and in fact quite necessary. The temptation to push ahead with personal plans is strong, but circumstances could have you feeling stuck. Watch for temper tantrums – they are unlikely to go over well. You’ll be at your strongest if you tame impatience and work on projects that need fine-tuning or completion rather than adding more to your plate. Correct misunderstandings swiftly. As you grow accustomed to this energy, you’ll begin to realize that reviewing, renewing, and recycling can be the most rewarding activities – look to projects you’ve already begun in the past with renewed interest and motivation, for example. Consider areas of your life that you may have charged past or through, and that could use some revamping or extra attention. You may find some gems in the process. This can be even more important once Mercury is retrograde (from April 28-May 22), as this retrograde is occurring in Taurus and your values sector. You can have good luck with seeing value in projects, objects, and situations that you may have otherwise overlooked.
Pluto’s station retrograde occurs just one day after Mars stations retrograde, on the 18th. This station is far less uncommon and has less of an impact, but does point to the need for extra care with activities from the 16-19. It can also have the effect of initially magnifying work and reputation pressures, but going forward, some of the pressure you’ve been feeling to perform is moved to the backseat.
More attention to personal possessions, money matters, natural talents, matters of security and comfort, and intimate relationships is likely in the last 10 days of the month. Pay close attention to what surfaces around the Full Moon on the 22nd, whether this is new information or new emotions.

Introspection continues this month, dear Taurus, but slowly but surely, you are finding your voice and emerging from the relative backwoods. Mercury, the Sun, and Venus enter Taurus on the 6th, 19th, and 29th respectively, and you emerge from a period of withdrawal and emotional renewal. In the meantime, much is going on behind the scenes. You tend to keep a lower profile and your emotional distance. Major decision making may be deferred until you feel more confident. With Venus, your ruler, behind your sign much of the month, you have more “work” to do on your insides as you do some reorienting and processing of recent events.
You regain your “voice” after Mercury returns to your sign on the 6th. Your interest in some projects you’ve put on a shelf reignites. Creatively and romantically you are getting more attention, but your own feelings are still in a state of review for the most part. This can be a good time for gifts, bonuses, raises, and romantic attention. You’re talkative and ready to offer your opinion in April.
The 9-12 is a good period for personal energy and appeal, coming to agreements, connecting romantically, romantic developments, and making business deals.
Desires are complex this month – they’re either difficult to fulfill or you may not be completely sure you should pursue them. Mars turns retrograde in your intimacy sector on the 17th. The entire retrograde period lasts until June 29th and Mars will move back into your partnership sector towards the end of May, but for now, you’re examining your deeper wants and desires. There is a lot going on under the hood. Some of you could be struggling with addictions, fears, and unusual desires, or a need to review your money situation. Watch your money closely this month and next – lending and borrowing may not bring desired results at this time. However, this is a great time to do some catch-up work and to look to the past for important things you missed the first time through. You may in fact see value in past projects (and possibly even relationships). Whether or not to revive them is a trickier matter. Watch for attraction to impractical ventures, both financial and emotional in nature.
This is an important time for following all the rules in your financial and business worlds. When it comes to direct personal income (your salary), money matters are strong much of the month. Other sources of support can involve some question marks for the time being, however.
From the 19th, you’re more assertive and opportunities that emerge are a little clearer and more straightforward. Personal magnetism moves up a notch. You pay more attention to personal needs and wants, your image, appearance, and health. Around the Full Moon on the 22nd can be a time to reach out to others or to reach a compromise. There could be a personal epiphany and/or relationship drama in your life at this time. This can be a turning point – a time of pleasant surprises.
Around the same time that Venus enters your sign, Mercury turns retrograde in your sign, in the last couple days of April. This points to further boost to your appeal and a good time to pursue personal plans, but some need for further review and attention to what worked for you in the past. This is yet another indicator that it may be best to edit and refine rather than push projects and initiatives ahead.

The month ahead brings a mix of sociable and introspective energy, dear Gemini, with definite attention to wrapping up a busy year and contemplating your next steps, but also quite a bit of focus on friendships, networking, and community or group efforts. Long-term goals towards happiness are spotlighted this month after quite a lot of recent attention to work and responsibilities.
There can be wonderful, practical, and mature advice incoming this month, particularly regarding or from a partnership. There can be the desire to team up in order to accomplish an important practical goal. You can also enjoy some pleasant surprises and spontaneous moments with friends this month. From the 5-29, you can especially enjoy friends and your social life, and there can be benefits from the connections you make – often quite unexpected ones. The 9-12 is particularly strong for personal appeal, relationships, and creative connections. There can be more ease in social situations and possibly romantic excitement.
Lowered vitality is possible this month, however, with a retrograde of Mars beginning on the 17th in your partnership sector. Be sure to honor your need for extra rest. It’s not the time to push yourself too hard, particularly as the Sun moves into your privacy sector on the 19th – another indicator that you need to slow down, rest, reflect, and observe. Mars’ retrograde lasts until June 29th, and the first leg of the journey especially affects partnerships and close relationships, until May 27th. Buried problems can surface in partnerships, and resolving them can seem complicated at first. Dealing with others in a straightforward manner can be difficult for one reason or the other. You may be looking to the past for answers during this period.
On the 18th, Pluto stations retrograde in your intimacy sector, and issues of trust, health, and work maters can come into stronger focus. Over the coming months, review of current wellness programs, routines, work projects, the sharing of power, intimate relationships, and/or shared finances and debt is in order. This is an excellent time for detaching yourself a little in order to see what has been tripping you up, for doing research and collecting information.
At week three of the month begins a period for renewal and rest as you prepare for the Sun’s transit to your sign four weeks later. The Full Moon on the 22nd can open your eyes to the need to improve and advance your health programs. Venus moves into your privacy zone on the 29th and Mercury, already there, turns retrograde the day before. This turns your strong attention, once again, to the past as well as to your inner world.

Your larger, long-term goals are in focus this month, dear Cancer, but the details of your daily affairs can be overwhelming at times, making it difficult to feel free enough to attend to your more worldly goals. Even so, there is increasing attention to your social life.
With the Sun and then Venus meeting Uranus in your sector of career and reputation this month, you have a strong desire for authority over your own life and the need to follow your own inner rhythms. Unexpected professional opportunities can pop up for some of you, particularly after the New Moon on the 7th, which can bring a sense of renewal or revival. You can feel on top of things now. Keep in mind that while you can be feeling especially enterprising, this is not the best month for brand-new ventures. Generally speaking, it’s time to proceed slowly.
Creative and possibly even romantic opportunities can arise through business affairs in April. You are more interested in the long term when it comes to love, although towards the end of the month, friendship and camaraderie assume more importance.
There can be some complications this month with Mars turning retrograde on the 17th and Mercury’s retrograde on the 28th. There can be some tricky matters revolving around work or health matters to deal with. Energy may not be at its best for work and health routines, and you could be feeling sluggish or bored. If so, it’s largely about waning emotional energy (motivation and inspiration) which impact your physical vitality as well. Keep in mind that while there can be delays, slowdowns, and muddled situations, your patience now will be rewarded later. Mars is retrograde until June 29th, and for now, is slowly transiting your sector of work and health, prompting a review of these matters. You may be looking to the past for inspiration now, and considering reviving past projects or reminiscing about previous jobs. Complications are likely in these areas of life, but consider that you already have Saturn here pushing for more maturity, simplicity, and organization, as well as most of August and September to straighten out problems in these areas.
Pluto’s station on the 18th can have the effect of magnifying relationship problems, but going forward, you’re in a strong position to see which areas are tripping you up. The Sun moves into your hopes, dreams, and friendship sector on the 19th, and this can help ease recent performance pressures. You are less likely to put all the pressure on yourself now, and friends can help give you more perspective on any work-related challenges you might be facing. The Full Moon on the 22nd is a light one, but can bring out some wonderfully creative, romantic, and playful feelings that have been long overdue.

You are increasingly tapping into your ambitious side this month, dear Leo. It’s a good month for recognition for your ideas, insight, methods, and intelligence. Your responsibilities to others can, at times, complicate the freedom and mobility you crave, but you’re easing into a more performance-oriented phase of the year.
The 9-12 is one of the more spontaneous times of the month that can offer ease and opportunities. Travel, publishing, educational, romantic, and creative efforts are favored now. New or revitalized interests, studies, and experiences can figure strongly now.
While there is a nice emphasis on fellow Fire signs this month and your confidence is strong, retrograde activity suggests some need to take things slowly, particularly with Mars turning retrograde in your solar fifth house on the 17th. Brand-new initiatives are not favored generally speaking with Mars retrograde until June 29th, but this doesn’t mean projects should be suspended or that you shouldn’t work on plans for new endeavors with a future launch date. In fact, this is a strong period for editing, refining, and fine-tuning work.
With Mars retrograde in your solar fifth house from the 17th forward and for most of May, some of you could be feeling a little stuck creatively speaking. Your social life in general can be quite complicated. Some challenges can surface in a romantic relationship or in relationships with your children this month and next. Avoidance is a strong tendency right now, but not advised. It’s time to make some changes in your approach to pursuing your desires, and for giving others some space. Mars will later back into your home and family sector, but for now, increased attention to your creative and recreational activities is likely. This is a time for reassessing how you approach recreation, work-play balance, lovers, love interests, and dating in general. You may decide to employ more strategy or to think ahead before jumping in.
Mid-month, you can also be dealing with magnification of trouble areas in your daily life, health, or work. This is temporary as Pluto changes direction in your sector of work and habits. In the coming months, you would be wise to loosen some of the tight control you have over your daily routines and work, or for some, the concerns you have sharing the load.
Venus enters your career and reputation sector and Mercury turns retrograde in the same sector in the last few days of April. While this is a good time for public appeal and attention to life path and career goals, you will benefit from some review of these things in the weeks ahead. Again, this is a time for cautious moves and edits or adjustments rather than bold new beginnings. The 21-22 can illuminate a matter concerning home and family, and possibly stir a desire to move or travel.

The month ahead is strong for learning and experiencing new things, dear Virgo. Your ruler, Mercury, encourages you to branch out and entertain new ideas, and possibly even beliefs. It’s a great time to learn more about your own field or interests, but also for exploring new ones. Some of you could be focused on travel, publishing, sharing your ideas in a more formal setting, and possibly some courses.
April is not, however, the best month for brand new beginnings. Mars and Pluto turn retrograde on the 17th and 18th, and then Mercury stations retrograde on the 28th. Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times a year and Pluto does so yearly, but Mars retrogrades only occur every 26 months and they require a little more patience. Mars is retrograde from the 17th until June 29th, and for you, tricky energy can be experienced with family or involving domestic affairs, and later with communications. Watch for passive-aggressive behavior. There may be a need for home repairs, and it’s a good time for taking a good hard look at what you might do to better organize your home life and make it a happier place. Certain endeavors may not go as planned, and there may be a need for a “plan B”. Intimate relationships may be a little difficult to understand. Some of you may need to go over or redo taxes, handle debts, and deal with financial support matters. This is not the best time for people to begin a long-term relationship or to return to an old one, but it’s a fine time to look at things from a different perspective with your eye on making improvements. Patience is a real virtue now.
Besides affecting the physical and mundane affairs surrounding family and home life, retrograde Mars can also stir up some buried emotional frustrations. Issues that may have been overlooked or that you thought had been resolved long ago can resurface now. Sometimes people from your past occur during this cycle. Things may not be moving at the pace you’d like, but it’s important to be patient. Challenges this month mostly revolve around home, family, finances, and personal energy levels. For some, a partner may be facing problems that ricochet back to you. However, opportunities to break the routine and to get away are likely to arise this month and the next. Family tensions and possible home repairs cannot be escaped, but a change of scene from time to time can help your overall mood.
Despite small inconveniences, you’re on a path to new and improved home life and relations with family. You might also clear out some problems with money owed. This can take a few months, but the work you do now will be rewarded.
The 9-12 is perhaps the best period in April for getting things done, making connections, intimacy, and money matters. This month, you can also experience wake-up calls or unexpected events related to finances, dependencies on others, and/or intimate matters. Keep an open mind and heart, and see where they lead you. You can be extremely eager (and possibly impatient) when it comes to making changes in your life, particularly on a deep, internal level. Those of you who are not in touch with this need for change might experience some unsettling disruptions that seem to force you to change the way you depend on others.
The Full Moon on the 22nd occurs in your communications sector. There can be important news coming in, or a culmination of a project, that pushes you into new or different territory. Mercury’s retrograde on the 28th reinforces the idea that treasure is to be found by looking to the past – to ideas, plans, and projects that were put on a shelf. Particularly in the second half of the month, April is strong for reviewing, editing, revising, and reconsidering. It’s not the most decisive month, but future decisions will be stronger if you take the time to reflect now.

You may find the pace of your daily life challenging this month, dear Libra. Usually with Mars in your solar third house, the pace is quick and sometimes hectic. With Mars moving so very slowly this month and retrograding from the 17th forward, there can be a desire to get a lot done but blocks and delays; or, there can be a lot to do but waning motivation and energy levels. Either way, you can feel quite frustrated until you accept the pace and find ways to work with it rather than against it.
Finding the time or energy to run errands and handle paperwork may be a challenge. There can also be some disagreements with siblings, neighbors, or acquaintances. Some of you could experience delays or challenges with education or travel plans. However, this can be a wonderful time for looking to past ideas, projects, and mental interests and finding treasures in these. It can also be good for editing, changing, and otherwise making improvements. Slowing down can be good for you now.
Partnerships may be a little tricky and a partner hard to read as well during this retrograde. Some disconnects can happen now, but giving yourself and a significant other space without pushing can work wonders.
Pluto’s retrograde is a yearly occurrence that is not as dramatic as Mars, but at the time of its stations (on the 18th this month), there can be some magnification of problems, fears, or power trips revolving around finances, family, and home matters.
Yet another retrograde of significance occurs on the 28th – Mercury turns retrograde in your intimacy and sector of others’ resources. This is another indicator that you should be moving forward slowly and working on refining and revamping what you already have. Focus on the past is a big deal this month, and while at first thought it might seem counterproductive, it is in fact important to know where you’re coming from. Future decisions will be better if we take the time to understand the past.
The month puts quite a bit of focus on relationships as well. Venus is in special relationship to your sign from the 5-29, and you’re in a fabulous position to use your people skills to the max. Gaining others’ support and favor may not always be reliable for you these days with Uranus in your partnership sector, but it does come in spurts and can be wonderful indeed. This is not a month for pushing your personal plans – you seem to need others a little more than usual in order to get what you want done. The New Moon on the 7th points to a new beginning in a relationship or a new direction. Outworn attitudes towards relationships have to go. You attract others who bring change into your life. The 9-12 is perhaps the strongest period in April for direct pursuit of your desires. There are wild cards involved, but you are in a good position now. It’s a time to really stay on top of things socially, as opportunities abound and you don’t want to miss out on them. Around the 22nd, look for ways to improve your financial picture.

April is strong for enlivening your work and daily routines, dear Scorpio. You’re bringing more pride, creativity, and warmth to your work or workplace. Your approach can be off-and-on, but when you’re “on”, you are going the extra distance. You might also be exploring alternative therapies and approaches to health and fitness.
The New Moon on the 7th can ignite a strong desire to excel in your work and health pursuits. The 9-12 is a better period of the month for coming to agreement with others, making purchases or business moves, personal appeal, and for relationship strengthening.
The retrogrades this month are stronger on you than most. Mars is your co-ruler and turns retrograde on the 17th. Later in the cycle, it will return to your sign. Pluto, your modern ruler, stations and retrogrades on the 18th. Finally, Mercury turns retrograde on the 28th and is in your opposing sign. All of this points to a need to take things slowly. It’s not a month for pushing things forward.
Mars turns retrograde on the 17th, and will remain in apparent backward motion until June 29th. For the first leg of this cycle, Mars is in your finances and resources sector, until the end of May, after which it will move back into your sign. This month, Mars is moving very slowly through your sector of money, personal possessions, and natural talents, and while matters surrounding these things can seem to be moving similarly slowly, this gives you the chance to take a second look at problem areas you may have missed. Watch for struggles with money or values. There can be some confusion, misunderstandings, and possibly resentments surrounding money, ownership, valuables, matters of self-worth, work, and health. It’s important to watch spending and pay attention to fine print when making purchases or commitments. You could easily regret your purchases later, so take the time to think about it before you leap forward. However, this can also be a time for seeing new ways to make money or for discovering lost items. It’s a good period for redesigning your budget.
On the 18th, Pluto turns retrograde. This is a yearly multi-month cycle that is strong for searching deep within for answers, introspection, and review. Looking to the past without dwelling on it is an important process that can help you to see, more clearly, what things need to change.
Watch that you don’t put too much faith in something that is no longer viable, particularly in the days surrounding these two stations (the 16-20), or give so much that you forget your own needs in the process. If the scales are tipping too far towards a partner, the Full Moon on the 22nd will bring the problem to light. This is a time for recognizing any recently buried or neglected emotions, and a strong time for considering lifestyle changes. Just as Venus moves into your partnership sector, Mercury turns retrograde in the same sector in the last few days of the month. Close relationships get special attention now.

The month ahead emphasizes both work and play, dear Sagittarius, and you can begin April ready to do both hard, but you’ll soon recognize the need to slow things down.
The New Moon on the 7th is likely to feel exciting. On that day and in the days following, you can be feeling quite inspired, particularly on creative or romantic levels, although there can be some drama in the mix. The 9-12 is especially strong for personal magnetism, connecting with others energetically and romantically, and for nurturing budding relationships. You are giving off warm and exciting vibes. You can be receiving gifts or attention and recognition now. Venus spends much of April (from the 5-29) in fabulous relationship to your sign, and this boosts your appeal significantly.
Be careful, however, that in your excitement you don’t take on more than you can reasonably handle or book yourself solid, as there can be a change of heart or slowdowns occurring in the second half of the month. You may not feel like following through, or you simply can’t do so.
With Mars retrograde in your sign from the 17th, you can be more introspective. It’s not that you lack confidence, but you tend to need to look within for answers. Questioning your plans is likely, and in fact quite necessary. The temptation to push ahead with personal plans is strong, but circumstances could have you feeling stuck. Watch for temper tantrums – they are unlikely to go over well. You’ll be at your strongest if you tame impatience and work on projects that need fine-tuning or completion rather than adding more to your plate. Correct misunderstandings swiftly, and don’t dwell on matters you can’t control, although the latter can be especially difficult with Mars in your sign and retrograde, as all sorts of buried frustrations can emerge in unexpected ways. The tendency to stew and to let things get to you is strong now. A romantic interest or lover may be distant or hard to read at this time. Some disconnects can happen now, but can also lead to greater understanding. For now, try not to push matters (or others). Give them space, and give yourself space as well. Mars is retrograde from April 17-June 29, but is in your sign until May 27th.
Pluto’s retrograde on the 18th is less significant as it’s a yearly, multiple month affair, but its station near Mars’ station can temporarily magnify worries surrounding money matters. However, as you acclimatize to the shift, you’ll find this a good period for review and refinement. The Full Moon on the 22nd awakens neglected inner needs and can bring a secret to light. Be sure to answer your need for more rest and time for reflection – with the month’s retrograde activity, this goes double. The last week of April brings a stronger focus on work and health matters. Mercury’s retrograde station further points to the benefits of slowing down, processing, and looking to the past before pushing plans forward.

There is a big focus on home and domestic affairs this month, dear Capricorn, with fresh thinking and new solutions to old problems. However, while this is a nesting phase of sorts, it’s not a time for idling around the home. Your personal life is busy this month. Venus spends much of the month in your home and family sector, inspiring you to bring more harmony, beauty, and warmth to these affairs. With Uranus a long-term visitor of this sector of your solar chart, there can be some surprises and excitement in the mix – you are straying far from the routine, mundane, and traditional. This can also play out on an emotional level, as you may be awakening to unusual needs and desires that you overlooked in the past. The 9-12 can be a good time for self-discovery as well as assistance and support of others. You may get a chance to make peace with the past in some significant manner. It’s a good period for refocusing and re-establishing yourself and your goals. Your major focus is on settling in and keeping the peace, and your attention to domestic matters brings rewards and positive feedback. You might focus on ways to earn money from home.
Another theme that’s gaining momentum in April for you is a creative, romantic, and playful one. The month is strong for making important emotional and creative changes that contribute to a sense of personal empowerment. There is flowing energy with you for expressing yourself and your ideas. It’s fairly easy to drum up support.
The retrograde of Mars this month can be a confusing one for you, however. The entire retrograde spans April 17th to June 29th, and the first leg of it occurs in your privacy sector (until May 28th). You can feel driven by unusual yearnings and desires at this time. If you don’t honor your need for down time and rest, circumstances can conspire to remind you or enforce it upon you. Health or emotional issues might slow you down and occasionally pull you out of the routines of your daily life, and it can feel like this happens at the worst times. In general, it’s not the best time to ask for commitments from others, or to make them. Living in the moment, and enjoying it, without too many expectations is your best bet right now, as long as you don’t go overboard. However, you can also benefit from reflecting on the past and learning from it. While you may be reconsidering certain recent endings, you may simply need a little more time to process things before moving forward, and this retrograde cycle is affording you this. You may seem quite preoccupied, and this can be due to secret conflicts or personal matters that are weighing on your mind.
Pluto in your sign turns retrograde on the 18th as it does yearly. This reinforces the need to look within for answers and inclines you to be contemplative. This retrograde lasts several months, and is a helpful one for getting into better touch with your inner needs. As you become accustomed to the shift, you find it a little easier to ease off on the pressure that you often put on yourself. The Full Moon on the 22nd can bring a social or romantic matter to your attention. Buried feelings can emerge and needs become clearer, although they may be magnified at first.
Usually this time of year is strong for you to start brand-new endeavors. However, this time around, you’re better off working on what you have and making edits than you are pushing something new forward. Take things slowly but surely and aim to take changes of plans in stride.

Uranus is quite active this month, dear Aquarius, and as your ruler and a long-term guest in your communications sector, this puts a big spotlight on matters of enterprise, initiative, independence, communications, transportation, connections, and learning. The New Moon on the 7th aligns with Uranus, and is another push to action or inspiration.
You can discover the right information at the right time, particularly from the 9-12. Your mind is likely to be flooded with exciting new ideas and possibilities now. Things that you’ve previously resisted learning can suddenly become appealing and relevant. You might make connections through the internet, on the phone, or even in the neighborhood that impact your life greatly. Your personal magnetism is strong. Conversations with friends can be inspiring and stimulating. There may be opportunities to meet someone special through groups, acquaintances, and networking. Your creative powers are strong.
Another strong theme running through April revolves around home life, family, and personal matters. Increasingly as the month progresses, you’re looking for familiar, safe, and secure situations and setups. Slowing down, taking time to for yourself, and connecting with family become more attractive as April progresses, and this is a good thing, not only because it’s part of a natural solar cycle, but also because of retrograde activity. While the first half of the month can feel exciting, it’s better not to take on too much, as you might find that it can be difficult following through. Feel the inspiration, but hold off on making big commitments until you’re certain your new ideas have staying power.
Mars is retrograde from April 17th to June 29th, and in the first leg of this retrograde cycle (until late May), your social life can become complicated. A friend may be distant or in a phase of rethinking matters. Friendships, in general, require more care this month and next. Misunderstandings can be frequent and complications can arise. You might also take this time to re-assess your longer-term goals, group associations, friendships, educational situation, and communication projects. The past can look a little more tempting at this time, and this is especially so with Pluto also turning retrograde around the same time (the 18th). There can be a possibly obsessive focus on problems of the past. Take the time to review your feelings, but don’t let them distract you from your current path for very long. The initial intensity will soon subside and you’ll be in a strong position for observing and understanding your deepest desires, fears, and attachments.
Later in the Mars retrograde cycle, you’ll be reassessing long-term goals and possibly your career path or recent choices. Prepare for this, but for now, pay special attention to how you might improve your life on a social level. You may be returning to old groups or even friendships, but not all answers lie in the past, so take a second look but keep your options open.
Fortunately, from the 5-29, Venus is enhancing your overall charm. There can be special invitations and more opportunities to enjoy yourself. The important things to remember this month are to avoid taking on too much and to proceed slowly but surely. Look to the past for some answers, but don’t dwell so much on the past that you miss the beauty of the moment. Around the 22nd, look for opportunities on the career level and be ready to perform – others are taking notice of your talents. However, honor the need for home, family, and support systems as well.

There can be a big focus on your financial status and comfort levels this month, dear Pisces, as well as increasing attention to learning, communicating, and making connections. Career and/or reputation matters can be tricky at times, particularly in the second half of the month, but any delays you face can give you time to rethink and make important changes and edits. While you may want to avoid unnecessary displays of rebellion in your relationships, there may be some things that need to surface so that you can put them behind you once and for all. A tendency to spend too quickly or to throw yourself into a new venture without research can run high, but keep in mind that while there can be a lot of excitement felt in the first half of the month, you may face waning motivation or energy levels in the second half. Move forward mindfully.
The New Moon on the 7th can point to a new beginning on business or financial levels. The days following, and particularly from the 9-12 can feel good. You may be embracing change and accepting that some level of unpredictability is good for you. This is a good period for showing the world your unique qualities and talents. Try not to make firm plans until you’re truly certain you can follow through. Others can be especially intrigued with your talents or the services you offer professionally. You are communicating with special ease and your powers of persuasion are strong.
One of the main reasons for taking things in rather than pushing things forward too quickly is the retrograde of Mars on the 17th. Sometimes people think they should pack all sorts of new beginnings into the days before a retrograde, but this is unwise. Motivation levels can dip and you might change your mind about certain projects and ideas. This retrograde period lasts from April 17th to June 29th, and the first leg of the retrograde journey (until late May) occurs in your solar sector of career and reputation. While it’s likely to cause some disruptions and frustrations in your professional life, you’ll eventually realize that going over plans and making adjustments will benefit you most in the long run. Work requires more strategy and patience, as well as a lower profile. This is not the time to push. You may be experiencing delays and assorted slowdowns. Try to steer clear of differences of opinion and other conflicts that threaten to be too public or unprofessional. Work on improving skills and fine-tuning your work. Past financial or professional problems can resurface now. You might be questioning certain life path and long term choices. Manage your time carefully this month. There can be a tendency to procrastinate and to avoid important responsibilities in the second half of April, so pace yourself accordingly.
With Pluto also stationing retrograde around the same time, there is more reason to revise long-term goals. Try not to feel pressure to do so. Friendships can have a heavy energy hanging over them in the third week of April. You may not be feeling as connected as you’d like. Once the intensity of the station passes, you’ll be in a better position to see which approaches actually work for you, and which attitudes may need to go.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is a happy one, but occurs at a time of transition and a bit of chaos. This is a time for entertaining your more adventurous side, for looking for different ways to express yourself and connect with a higher purpose. The last week of April puts more emphasis on communications in general, and your need for company increases. Mercury’s retrograde begins on the 28th and is in your communications sector, so prepare for it by getting your communications equipment (phones, computers, cars) in good working order.
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.
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