April 2018 – Monthly Horoscope Summaries

April 2018 Monthly Horoscope for Aries: Relationships are in strong focus as the month begins, dear Aries, but the major themes of the month are about you, your resources, confidence, work, and independence. As April begins, the Full Moon has just occurred in your partnership sector, and feelings have reached a head. You’re discovering who and what you need, and this helps motivate you to get your act together! Venus has just exited your sign, and spends much of April (until the 24th) in your resources sector, harmonizing with heavyweight planets (Mars, Saturn, and Pluto) in your career and reputation sector, and softening what might otherwise be a rather brusque, tense approach to work or the public. In fact, your business acumen is attractive and appealing this month. Money is in good favor as well.
Mars spends the month in your solar tenth house, meeting with Saturn there on the 2nd and Pluto on the 26th just days after Pluto turns retrograde. Mars is in a good place by sign and house but is somewhat beleaguered until after the 26th, between a rock and a hard place (Saturn and Pluto) until then. You are ambitious but sometimes feel overwhelmed or stressed. Watch for pushing yourself too hard but do put in some real effort now. A conservative, step by step, law-abiding approach in business is necessary when Mars and Saturn meet at the top of your solar chart on the 2nd. You may need to lay down the law if you’re in a position of authority. It might be necessary to make some personal sacrifices in order to get over a hurdle. Eliminating waste in your professional life can be especially helpful now, and you may need to face the reality or viability of a project/goal to know your next step. The key is to be patient and focus on the target. Try not to waste opportunities on battles and frustrations. Saturn and Pluto both turn retrograde this month, and this does mean that while there is a strong focus on your career and reputation, there is some need to review, reflect, and reorganize on these levels.
Mercury ends its retrograde in your sign on the 15th. Regarding work and health, you may be waiting on answers or returning to old problems in the first half of April. In the second half, however, an end is in sight or solutions are found. You can be feeling positive about your health, habits, and routines.
From the 10-14, exciting things are happening in your chart. Others can be especially intrigued by your point of view, talents, performance, or the services you offer professionally. This is a good time for showing the world your unique qualities and abilities. You are communicating with exceptional ease, and your powers of persuasion are strong. Events taking place now may stimulate your ambition and gently push you to do your best. You can be feeling quite motivated, particularly when it comes to business. Relations with others may be exciting, and enthusiasm runs high. Past good deeds or work can be rewarded or acknowledged now. Opportunities abound in your personal life, with career or major goals, and in financial or business arenas. There could be beneficial information or resources coming to you, and this may seem like serendipity. You feel pleasantly capable, competent, and ambitious.
All of this builds to a New Moon on the 15th, which occurs in your sign–a time of personal new beginnings and a chance to reinvent yourself. Chiron enters your sign on the 17th, and while this transit will be a long-term one, sticking with you for 7-8 years, it’s not consistently in your sign until February 2019. Interestingly, the following month is when Uranus permanently leaves your sign! What this means is that there is a lot of work on the horizon involving healing and improving your image, body, self-confidence, and manner in the coming years.
From the 20th forward, financial matters are connected with your pride. Income and talents or resources are themes all month, in fact. Mars sextiles Jupiter on the 23rd, further boosting your confidence. People are more inclined to lend a hand, offering moral or financial support more readily, and you’re getting in good with people in a position of authority or who can help you advance your interests. This is a time for combining energy with action and looking out for opportunities where you may not have seen them before. Timing is quite good. Venus enters Gemini on the 24th, bringing in a more social theme which was very much missing before this date!
The 25-26 is powerful for making your mark, learning or developing a talent that benefits your career, and going after your goals with gusto. You are determined. This may be a time of intensity in your career or with your reputation. You are in the position of leader. You can feel scrutinized now, but feedback may very well fuel your ambition to improve. Taking your ego out of the equation is essential now, although not very easy! You may be going at a project in an entirely new way or revitalizing something important to you. The Full Moon on the 29th provides excellent motivation for sorting out your finances or dependencies, and real strategies can emerge now.
This month, aim to be as calm as possible as there is aggravating, tense energy but also great news and happy moments — in other words, ups and downs.

April 2018 Monthly Horoscope for Taurus: The month ahead focuses on personal appeal, leisure, healing, and replenishing your energy, dear Taurus. Some intense aspects are happening in April, but these are occurring in harmony with your sign, making the month in an overall sense quite useful for making the most of things and helping others, as well.
As April begins, the Full Moon has just occurred in your work and health sector and is a call to action regarding your work, services, habits, and health in the first weeks of April. Even so, there is a strong focus on downtime this month with the Sun (until the 20th) and Mercury (all month) in your soul sector. This is a time for finding the time to rest, be still, reflect, and process recent events.
Venus spends most of the month in your sign (until April 24th). It harmonizes with heavyweight planets (Mars, Saturn, and Pluto) in your spirit sector, and self-expression is perhaps a little strong or heavy but also successful and well-received. Venus does very well this month, in fact, presenting you with excellent opportunities to attract what you want into your life. If you’re looking for work, it’s likely to come to you now. Work and health matters are favored, in general during this period.
On the 2nd, Mars and Saturn meet in your solar ninth house, and you’re facing a reality and putting a responsibility or obligation behind you. This is a time for getting over a hump in your life. Do your best to focus on a game plan or strategy rather than dwelling on the frustration of the moment’s obstacles. You’re putting your life into better order now, and this will ultimately be a relief. Work hard, if possible, as much as you’d prefer to pursue your interests in a freeform manner. Tune out whatever distractions you can and put in extra effort so that you can put difficult situations in the rearview mirror.
You’re very attractive this month, but perhaps a little elusive or undecided until the 20th forward. The mystery, in fact, may add a little more to your appeal! There’s a nice window of opportunity from the 10-14. Your personal magnetism runs high, benefiting you for both work and social affairs. Super energy is with you for connecting on a romantic level, as well as a boost with friends, for learning, publishing, and communicating. Cooperation is vital, but a bit of friendly competition can help inspire improvements. Business connected with art, music, and other creative ventures can prosper, or there can be good timing with money and business now. You might reach mutually beneficial agreements.
Keep in mind, though, that as exciting and hopeful things are now, Mercury only turns direct on the 15th, and the New Moon occurs on that same date, after which things are clearer for new beginnings.
If a money or business matter has stalled, it’s likely to move forward after the 15th, but only gain real traction after the 26th.
On the 20th, your birthday month begins, pointing to a period of personal discovery and awakening. This is a time for reorienting yourself and starting fresh. Sharing ideas and beliefs and taking part in activities that are outside of your usual routine can be magical around the 22-23. All month, you’re in a robust cycle for tapping into your inner wisdom. You may not be making many cut-and-dried decisions, but you’re doing some important thinking and processing.
The 25-26 is a time for learning or advancing in your trade, or for personal experiences that change your perspective. The goal should be to purge and let go, responsibly, if you’re seeking out or defending a truth now. Stubbornness can be a positive when it involves working towards an important goal, and counter-productive when you shut yourself down entirely to valuable alternatives. Watch for over-defending an opinion. It can be a good time for making significant changes to educational, legal, and travel plans, however. The Full Moon on the 29th is brilliant for recognizing the need to make changes, particularly in relationships, and for finding all the tools you need to apply them constructively.

April 2018 Monthly Horoscope for Gemini: The month begins just after a Full Moon has awakened you to the need to express yourself more freely and to more heartily pursue your happiness goals, dear Gemini. At the same time, though, Venus has moved into your privacy sector, and you begin to withdraw somewhat to do some much-needed thinking and processing. This also is a signal to get some well-deserved rest. Until the 15th, your ruler, Mercury, remains retrograde, also pointing to some extra need to take things easy, mainly related to decision-making, health, and friendship or networking matters. From mid-month forward, delays lift, and you get the information you need to move forward. In love, though, it’s not until after the 26th that life seems to pick up the pace.
Mars and Saturn align on the 2nd of the month, and there can be a reality to face or hurdle to clear. This can be a time for pushing yourself harder than usual to make money and to get some work done, possibly to make up for procrastination in the past. Or, this is about a plan coming together that you were aiming for, but you now see more to the story. Traditional methods are likely to work best at the moment, although later in April, you’ll be seeking to make an overhaul. Work on sorting things out, debugging plans, tending to details, and reviewing recent life issues with maturity and realism in the first weeks of April. You may not feel like putting in the work in a relationship right now, but consider doing it for the long-term benefits.
With money this month, or at least until the 26th, take things slowly. This is not a time for taking big risks. In fact, this is true of the year and beyond with heavyweights Saturn and Pluto in your solar eighth house, but with Mars stuck between the two planets for most of April, the temptation may be to push something that can’t or shouldn’t be forced. This applies to borrowing and lending, but it can also affect the resources you share with others, others’ contributions to your life, and intimate relationships. There can be some lack of availability now, and the temptation may be to get angry or push something when it’s better to wait. Clearing obstacles is in focus now. Keep your head down and eyes on the prize!
There is a wonderful window from the 10-14 in which you can enjoy some nice gains, particularly on an emotional level. Relationships can be pleasantly spicy, and your magnetism is good. Your intimate life can get a boost as you give it extra attention and display natural acceptance. You could be feeling quite passionate about a person or a project now, and this feels good. This is an important time for putting faith in and learning from someone you care about, or for trusting in a process. You can come to an understanding about, and see the benefits of, sharing power. Learning something important about yourself and your deeper desires and needs can be instructive and useful, positively touching both your professional and personal life.
Particularly around the 23rd, you are making your fortune by taking definitive action on a matter. Resolution of a problem or the discovery of valuable information can be empowering. There can be a special project you’re working on that now advances or information comes in that acts as a missing puzzle piece and completes the picture for you. Settling old disputes can figure strongly now, and this process can be empowering. From the 20th forward, you’re pouring more of your time, energy, and attention into your private life. This is a time not only for unwinding but also for healing and regenerating. It helps that friendships are more relaxed now.
Venus entering your sign on the 24th is a lovely transit that will extend well into May. Your affections are clearer at this time, and you carry yourself with such sweet appeal that you attract exactly what you need into your life.
On the 25-26, Mars and Pluto come together in your solar eighth house and there can be intensity in a relationship or a compelling need to make significant changes to how you live your life, particularly how you might depend on people or things. If you’ve been frustrated with a situation, it may reach a head now, and you’ll want to do something about it. The good news is that you have the chance to break free or out of a stifling situation, or you simply feel more powerful as obstacles seem to lift. It’s an excellent time for quitting a bad habit or committing to a lifestyle change. The Full Moon on the 29th can move this theme forward even further as you awaken to a need to make changes. You can be incredibly focused when it comes to eliminating something unhealthy from your life or uncovering essential truths.

April 2018 Monthly Horoscope for Cancer: You begin the month having just awakened to the intense need to attend to your personal life, family, and home, dear Cancer, although April as a whole is more about your career, public life, or outside responsibilities than private time. People are seeking you out. Venus has just moved into your friendship sector, gracing your networking and socializing with good, warm energy. Balancing your home life with responsibilities to the rest of the world is essential now, but your professional or public life continues to need your keen attention.
Mars spends much of April in between Saturn and Pluto, which is a rather tough place to be! This can point to the need to work through issues with others, particularly in your one-on-one relationships and partnerships. On the 2nd, a Mars-Saturn meetup suggests a reality check in this area. Others may seem to be blocking you or slowing you down, or responsibilities to others can feel weighty. If a relationship withstands pressure, this can be a time for coming up with a new and improved plan to go forward.
The 3-5 can be a tougher point in Mercury’s retrograde cycle – a time when certain projects or initiatives stall, or when you need to deal with technical problems that seem to set you back. However, these things may very well be blessings in disguise, either because you end up discovering alternative methods that are better, or you get the time to make edits that help you in the long term. The retrograde period ends on the 15th, and things seem to blocks seem to naturally loosen and you have the information you need to move forward.
The 10-14 is a nice little window for making relationships work. At times this month, you can feel more comfortable in the pressure-free world of acquaintances than in close partnerships. However, you have the chance to bring everything together, particularly during this window. You are gently challenged to improve, take positive action, and go after what you want now. It’s a good time to repair or enhance a friendship and for shared activities. You’re making a good impression on others now. Forgiveness and grace are reigning over insecurities. Imagination soars, and inspiration can be found through friends and new experiences. Working through relationship bumps and bruises is a big part of April, as it’s not a time for pushing your agenda too far. This is a time for learning about the needs and concerns of important people in your life and how this can positively impact your life.
April holds terrific opportunities for finding satisfying ways to express yourself uniquely or creatively. Matters of the heart can have an almost magical quality to them, although also intense! Ups and downs are par for the course right now.
The 15th features Mercury’s direct turn as well as a New Moon at the top of your solar chart. While it’s important to take it slowly, it’s a fine time for pulling together recent endeavors and efforts related to your reputation, career, responsibilities, and long-term life path goals and taking the initiative. It may not be until after the 23-26 that significant others seem to get on board with your plans, though.
The Sun’s entrance into your networking sector on the 19-20 helps alleviate some of the pressure to perform. Fortunately, Venus has padded the way for you, and you’re in particularly good shape with groups and friends. The 22-23 can see a relationship, romance, or creative project advancing. You are making your own luck under a Mars-Jupiter connection that encourages you to follow your heart with courage. You may be going out on a limb to express your affections. Even if the reception seems a little cool right now, you’re likely to make a good impression. Alternatively, a relationship or significant someone may be boosting your confidence in yourself. Pairing up with somebody can be beneficial now. While cooperative action is favored, you can also do well in friendly competitions. It may be only after the 26th when relationships feel less implosive, however! Even so, the 24th brings Venus into your privacy sector, and you may feel the need to review, question, or simply take time processing your feelings and affections. This is a prelude to Venus’ transit of your sign when you blossom (starting on May 19th).
On the 25-26, you are attracting intense energy into your life through your relationships. For some of you, it’s a time of fierce competition or difficult people getting the upper hand in your life. For others, issues of trust may be at the root of conflicts or reunions, or power dynamics become difficult to tolerate. Any disputes between you and someone close to you that have been stewing for some time can emerge now and demand action, and avoidance isn’t an option! The mood is dense, sensitive, and complicated. Aim to be strong within yourself so that you can project this strength outward, as people around you can be trying to get their way or could be more forceful and assertive than you. The 29th brings a Full Moon to your romance and creativity sector, and feelings to bloom! This is a time for recognizing true feelings that you may have kept at bay. It can also be a call to pay more attention to your personal life if you’ve been overdoing outside commitments and activities.

April 2018 Monthly Horoscope for Leo: You begin April having just experienced a Full Moon in your solar third house, dear Leo, which awakened you to the need to connect, learn, and share. This can be a busy time of the month, and this pace continues throughout the month in some shape or form with a strong showing of planets in your sector of work, health, and routines. However, you also have your eye on extracurricular activities and learning, so you have a full plate now. This needs managing for you to enjoy April more heartily since demands on you are high.
Venus is at the top of your solar chart until the 24th, and you’re in a lovely light on professional and public levels. Venus helps out, in fact, with the tension and pressure related to everyday work, effort, health routines, and the daily grind. You may very well gain some appreciation for the behind-the-scenes efforts you put in that aren’t always noticed.
Mars aligns with Saturn on the 2nd and then with Pluto on the 26th. In between those dates, energetic Mars can feel stuck between a rock and a hard place! There can be pressured situations or possibly even implosive circumstances at times. However, you’re in a good position on the 2nd for solving problems, getting work done, and getting over emotional hurdles. You could be working particularly hard at improving your working conditions. Putting in extra effort, following the rules, and facing realities are all important now and will lead to good things, even if you’d rather be picking up the pace. Facing up to facts with work and health matters can be in focus now, and this allows you to make solid, realistic plans of action.
The 10-14 is a creative, imaginative, and fruitful window, especially for your work and practical goals. Competitiveness can spur you on now, even if it’s only competing with yourself (improving on your personal best)! You should find your stamina level strong, and you might find it easier to get the job done without having to waste extra energy. It’s a good time for business sense and professional appeal, and a visionary approach serves you well. There is an intuitive understanding of others’ feelings and moods, and this affects your dealings with them. It’s a good time to engage an audience, group, or significant someone in your life. You may have been ramping up a health routine or work project these days, and you can benefit from doing so in creative or imaginative ways — you might go dancing rather than to the gym, or work on design elements of a project, for example. Even so, with Mercury turning direct and a New Moon occurring on the 15th, brand new beginnings should wait until these two events pass.
The New Moon on the 15th can prompt a new beginning related to education, travel, or other mind-expanding activities. Even so, a slow take-off is most appropriate now. On the 19-20, the Sun moves to the top of your chart. Venus has padded the way for you, and while Venus leaves this sector of your solar chart on the 24th, the Sun remains here until May 20th, extending special attention to career, public image, professional dealings, and life path goals. You’ll want to perform exceptionally well during this period!
Venus moves into your friendship sector on the 24th and into harmony with your sign, boosting your enjoyment of activities with others, groups, or the community. Networking can benefit you now. People receive you very well, enjoying your company even more than usual.
Just before this move, on the 22-23, you’re in excellent shape for taking part in activities that heal, replenish, and renew your spirit. You’ll also want to resolve a problem or take action on a matter to further your goals, as you’re not content to only think about what you want to do at this time. Work and home life are areas of particular interest on these lines. This is a good time for finding ways to improve and advance your projects. You are more determined than usual to make things happen, and with your heart engaged, you can move mountains. Mind you, Mars is likely to perform better, or at least a little more freely, after it passes Pluto on the 26th.
Speaking of, the 25-26 is a time for completely reworking a project or resolving a problem, likely related to work or health. You’re likely to want to wipe the slate clean and begin anew in some area of your life. Changes are essential now, and while tension can run high, this can help push you to new heights. You might decide to eliminate habits in your routine that are counter-productive in order to focus on those that serve your higher goals. Watch for power struggles with others or succumbing to frustration when being productive makes more sense. The last few days of April pull your attention to home and family life. It’s an excellent time for making plans to improve your personal life.

April 2018 Monthly Horoscope for Virgo: When the month begins, you’ve just experienced a call to action related to money, resources, comfort, and health, dear Virgo. You start April very alert to the need to take care of personal business. Priorities are clear. This is an important time for sorting out your affairs. As well, if you’ve been feeling unfairly treated, you’ll want to do something about it now.
You may be facing some obstacles or second thoughts about a plan on the 1-2, however, but being “in the know” is better for you. It can be easier to meet goals with a stronger sense of purpose motivating you now, even if you feel a little deflated at first glance. In your romantic or creative life, there may be a reality that you need to face. This is a time to employ self-discipline even if you become aware of complicated logistics in a relationship, with an endeavor, or with a creative project. Take the time to digest things rather than reacting too quickly. This is a time for taking things one step at a time based on new, more realistic information.
Mercury remains retrograde until the 15th. Possibly the most inconvenient time for this cycle is the 3-5 when retrograde Mercury clashes with Mars and Saturn. You may need to correct technical problems, or deal with delays or confusion about your next step now. By the 15th, these things begin to turn around. Delays may be blessings in disguise, in fact, as they can point you in the direction of alternative methods that end up working out better for you. An example may be the breakdown of a car that leads to the discovery of a mechanic that becomes your favorite.
With Mars in between Saturn and Pluto from the 2-26 in your solar fifth house, it can be difficult to find time to let your hair down this month! You can, however, make some serious progress if you aim to be patient, thorough, and determined. Attempts to rush things during this period tend to meet with slaps on the wrist. Rewards seem to only come after concerted efforts and can be delayed or deferred, to boot! However, you can be quite successful at simplifying, editing, and rebuilding specific projects.
Venus spends time in your sector of the non-routine in your life until the 24th, and you’re in great shape for learning new things or enjoying compelling new experiences. Mind you, you don’t always have the extra time to explore or expand your interests this month, but the times you get are high-quality moments.
There is a nice window from the 10-14 for such moments, as well as for expressing creative urges and sharing them. Others tend to be cooperative and helpful. You can be feeling spirited and confident, especially about a relationship or creative endeavor. There is a nice flow of friendliness between you and others. Gentle competition nudges you to do your best. It’s a good time for connecting with people who benefit you romantically or spiritually, as well as your wants, needs, and desires as you’re less inclined than usual to fight or ignore them! You’re approaching life, people, business, and projects with more creativity and passion.
While on the 24th Venus leaves your adventure sector, the Sun enters it on the 20th — a further excuse to seek out ways to expand your mind and experiences. On the 22-23, a confident and courageous attitude makes things happen for you. You have a stronger than usual ability to express yourself powerfully yet warmly, which can open up new possibilities, connections, and interests to you. At this point, Mercury is direct, the New Moon is behind you, and you’re feeling a little freer, although you’ll feel far less pressure after the 26th. You can be quite ardent about pursuing your desires and projects, as well as moving past obstacles that are starting to feel considerably less intimidating.
On the 25-26, you’re motivated to fix problems and clear obstacles in your path, particularly with creative expression, relationships with a child, your dating life, or your hobbies. You are ready to go out on a limb now to make empowering changes. This can be a time for putting in extra effort to make room for more enjoyment in your life. Venus is now at the top of your solar chart, paving the way for an improved reputation or more satisfaction with your work and responsibilities. The Full Moon on the 29th can stimulate a lot of mental activity and movement or busyness in your life, but it’s also excellent for recognizing the projects or personal interests that are most dear to your heart. Taking better care of yourself on a mental level becomes a stronger desire now, and you have all the tools to balance out your life in satisfying ways now.

April 2018 Libra Monthly Horoscope: You begin the month especially aware of your emotional needs, dear Libra, with the Full Moon in your sign awakening you to your true feelings on a matter at the end of last month. With this new awareness, you may make some plans or adjustments that improve your life. However, it’s a little slow going from the 2-4. Mars meeting with Saturn in your sector of heart, home, and family can slow you down so that you can concentrate your energy on priorities, particularly in your personal life or with family and household concerns. There may be some hard work involved with getting a problem area handled. People around you can be ornery or stubborn, as well, from the 2-4. Mind you, even though problem areas can crop up at what seems like the worst possible times, they can prompt you to improve your living conditions or home life and can lead to long-term benefits. The focus should be on strengthening and simplifying things and then rebuilding later on in the month.
Venus moving through your intimacy sector most of the month (until the 24th) is rich for building up your inner world or an intimate relationship, and most importantly, your relationship with yourself. While there can be some disruptions in your personal life in April, Venus is there to support you and to pull up opportunities for growth and enjoyment. You might thoroughly enjoy delving into a challenging project or exploring your own psychology during this period.
Mercury continues its retrograde transit in your partnership sector until the 15th. Conversations and projects begin to move forward after that date. Further, a New Moon occurs on the same day Mercury turns direct (on the 15th) in your partnership sector, paving the road to a new beginning of sorts, mainly related to close relationships. This can be a time for bringing fresh energy to your connections and interactions, and if you can benefit from turning over a new leaf in these areas, it’s a fine cycle in which to do so, although “slow but sure” is the best approach now and for most of April.
While you’re best off saving brand new beginnings for after the 15th, there is a nice window for progress and opportunities from the 10-14. It can be an excellent time for support, nurture, and peace, particularly making these things happen with a hands-on approach and clear actions that improve your life. You can be extremely eager when it comes to making changes in your life, especially on a deep, internal level. You can also get many things done around the home. For some, this can be a powerful time for an intimate relationship or a special project. You’re also seen in a favorable light at this time, although not necessarily understood, and this can suit your purposes quite nicely for the moment! Creative talents can assist you in advancing your work, health, or domestic goals. Physical and emotional healing are very much tied together. Renovations on a physical and/or emotional plane are rewarding now.
The Sun enters your solar eighth house on the 20th and Venus leaves it on the 24th, so that there’s always some attention in this area of your solar chart in April, bringing light to your passions as well as your need to connect intensely with someone or something. It’s a fine time to connect with your deeper feelings and desires. On the 22-23, you’re in good shape for taking action on a home, family, business, or money matter. This is a time when you want to take action and get things moving along. It’s a good time for home and family-related projects, as you are especially resourceful right now. Anything that improves your sense of safety and security will appeal now. Creative projects can be published or launched, although it may only be after the 26th when you feel you’re genuinely moving forward.
The 24th brings Venus into harmony with your sign, and while Venus benefits you in some manner no matter its relationship with your sign, this can be a time of more obvious rewards or ease. You can find learning and sharing or exploring new places and experiences particularly gratifying now and for the first few weeks of May.
On the 25-26, you can experience the need or desire to start over in a particular area of life so that you can feel more in control. Mars and Pluto align today in your sector of home, family, and soul, and you may very well choose to renovate or rework something on the homefront or deal with tricky feelings and dynamics with family. If there have been problems brewing with loved ones, they’re likely to beg for airspace now. You may be challenged to confront and manage emerging issues that have been buried, swept under the carpet, or otherwise hidden. The Full Moon on the 29th is good for awareness and understanding of your means and resources, as well as a possible plan for making improvements.

April 2018 Scorpio Monthly Horoscope: You begin April with a heightened awareness of your need to take extra downtime or moments to yourself, dear Scorpio. While this is important, April’s larger themes are more about getting your work and health routines into order and focusing on your close relationships.
Mars is moving through your communications sector, igniting your curiosity and exciting you about various personal interests, communications, and learning or teaching all month. As quickly as Mars would like you to move, however, it aligns with heavy Saturn on the 2nd and then intense Pluto on the 26th. As such, for much of the month (from the 2-26), Mars can feel under pressure, confined, or restricted. This can be frustrating and even implosive at times, but you can make this energy work for you instead of against you by tapping into Saturn’s and Pluto’s positive traits, which include patience and determination. On the 2-4, some tension is possible, but it can also motivate you to make improvements. You have added power for actualizing your dreams, but you are faced with the need to take responsibility for past mistakes, follow the rules, and put in hard work. News can arrive that prompts you to get serious about a matter, or conversations occur about serious issues. You are likely to recognize that there are plenty of details that need attention, and old problems can crop right back up and slow you down. Approach problems one at a time and step by step, even if you’d rather skip through things more quickly. There can be miscommunications and some delays or repairs to deal with now, but ultimately improved channels for commuting and communicating, so be as patient as you can.
Mercury turns direct on the 15th on the same day that a New Moon occurs in your sector of health, work, and habits. After these dates, you’re in a strong position for a new initiative along these lines, whether this is a new job or additional work, a new work project, a service contract, a health and wellness program, or a commitment to learning new skills. Before then, there can be a significant focus on learning from the past or doing editing work and making adjustments. Some of you may be waiting for medical tests or information that will help you know your next step.
For most of the month, Venus is in your partnership sector (until the 24th), and the Sun enters this sector on the 20th, stimulating special attention to one-to-one relationships. You are in a great position to benefit from your relationships with others, to attract helpful or companionable people into your life, and to enjoy pleasant company. It’s also a fine time to see where your life may have become a little off-center and see ways to balance it out in crucial ways.
A lovely window from the 10-14 brings a delightful flow of energy and warmth in relationships and possible excitement and enthusiasm for an idea or project. Love relationships, partnerships, and close friendships are favored. There is a desire to move ahead, get things done, and not merely wait for things to come to you. Relationships can improve as you notice things to appreciate about someone that you may have previously overlooked. This is a good time for creating, writing, and making art or music, or for appreciating and enjoying imaginative art, theater, writing, and music. You might take action to correct things that have been making you unhappy. You are finding ways to make communications of all kinds (speaking, writing), travel, and transportation work for you, but you should wait for after the 15th to launch initiatives along these lines. Your personality comes through beautifully in whatever personal interest or project you’re involved with now. This is a time for appreciation and praise from others, as well as fabulous rewards for your efforts. Especially as the month advances, you’re using the power of thoughts and words to transform your life for the better.
On the 22-23, you’re in an excellent position to get the ball rolling or go out on a limb to move something forward. Your confidence helps you get where you want to go or to make a meaningful connection. On the 24th, Venus moves into your intimacy sector, and this encourages you to take a project or relationship a little further. Your passions are stirred.
The 25-26 brings Mars and Pluto together – something that’s been pending for awhile before this date. You’ve been particularly ambitious and passionate about your projects, studies, and ideas, and this is coming to a head. There can be a significant intellectual competition or a general feeling of being mentally wired, ready to take a project or situation to a whole new level. There can be a tendency to push too far or to test yourself and your limits which shouldn’t be taking too far. This combination has the potential of being either very productive or destructive.
There is a Full Moon on the 29th that occurs in your sign, pulling up feelings that are now impossible to deny! This is a nice, supported Full Moon which means you are more likely to feel equipped to do something beneficial with your newfound discoveries or epiphanies. In fact, you may very well dream up new plans or redirect your energies as a result.

April 2018 Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope: You begin April with a stronger awareness of your social needs or your feelings about special people in your life, dear Sagittarius. In fact, it’s an important month for arriving at a better understanding of your social or romantic connections as well as your special projects and personal objectives. There’s also a growing theme of attention to work and health matters this month. Relationships with the people you spend time with in pursuit of your daily goals are set to improve. There is more joy in your work or routines, as well.
Mars is charging through your resources sector all month, encouraging you to pursue a better lifestyle or financial objectives with more confidence. Even so, from the 2-26, Mars is caught between two heavyweight planets — Saturn and Mars — and will need to slow its roll to get where it wants to go. This requires patience and determination. On the 2-4, you may be facing financial realities and getting to a realistic idea of your capabilities. Activities that enhance your feeling of being on top of things and in charge of your life can be in focus now, and hard work can be involved. Paying particular attention to rules or pacing yourself can be your best bet now. There can be some misunderstandings or delays to deal with now, but nothing you can’t overcome. In fact, irritating delays or blocks may end up revealing better methods for getting to where you want to go.
Mercury’s retrograde cycle until the 15th can point to some slowdowns or delays. You may not have all the information you need to move forward on a matter, mainly related to work, relationships, and creative projects or other heartfelt pursuits. After the 15th, blocks lift and you see forward movement. However, it’s important to keep in mind that April is a month for exercising patience. It may only be after the 26th that you feel freer to pursue your goals, but there are certainly some sweet spots along the way.
One such window is the 10-14, when there’s good energy with you for coming to agreements with others, making purchases or business moves, personal appeal, and for relationship strengthening. Opportunities now can come from behind the scenes or hidden sources and through your strong connections to others. You might come up with brilliant ideas for business, work, or health routines. Routines and work tend to flow along well, and others seem supportive. Healing and health-building activities are especially rewarding now. You might take particular pleasure in offering your help or services. You can be the go-to person, and you enjoy the chance to share your skills or knowledge. You’re finding the motivation to do something more with your talents, resources, or money, and you’re discovering meaningful or creative ways to do so. Brand new beginnings are best not attempted just yet, but you can still get a lot done now.
Look for old resources or ideas that benefit you in the present, or consider drawing upon your talents and resources that you’ve been underutilizing. The New Moon on the 15th is not without its problems, but it does prompt a new beginning after a dry spell and delays related to your creative or romantic pursuits. The 22-23 finds things picking up further. You more readily identify sources of waste or fear and take steps to put them behind you. Volunteer work or some other behind the scenes activity can be especially rewarding. Your appeal is through the roof at this time.
Venus moves into your partnership zone from the 24th forward, and your focus is increasingly more social. This is an excellent time to attract warm, helpful, or pleasant people and relationships into your life, as well as for more thoroughly and freely enjoying current relationships.
While it builds for a good part of April, Mars and Pluto finally form an alignment in your resources sector on the 25-26, and what you make, own, and believe in can be sensitive topics. If you’ve been unhappy with your money situation or with how others treat you, frustrations can reach a boiling point at this time, and you’ll want to take action to make significant changes. It’s a good time to eliminate certain expenses or redundancies in your spending, get rid of excess clutter, or rework a budget. It’s also a beautiful time to work towards a new goal or recommit to a business goal. You have a powerful sense of what matters, although everything can be magnified and exaggerated in your mind in the heat of the moment. You can feel driven to gain more control over your life and your material resources. The Full Moon on the 29th is also a more emotional or passionate time of the month. This lunation occurs in Scorpio, the sign behind yours, and for you, is one of the most psychic, intuitive lunations of the year. Listen to your intuition now, as it has valuable information for you! You may awaken to your true feelings on a matter.

April 2018 Capricorn Monthly Horoscope: A Full Moon at the end of March has lit up a new path for you, dear Capricorn, and you begin April more aware of the need to make changes in your personal life, with family, or in your domestic affairs. Even so, there is a big theme of career, reputation, and responsibilities this month, and you’ll continue to sort out your goals and follow your ambitions in April. Indeed, your many personal goals can compete with professional ones, but you stand to gain some momentum after first establishing your priorities and pacing yourself just right. Venus is in a lovely position vis a vis your sign until the 24th, and friends and lovers, or potential ones, see you in a most favorable light. While other areas of life can be weighty at times, you seem to find the time to enjoy leisurely activities and relationships this month.
Mars in your sign all month can pump you up, but from the 2-26, Mars is in between Saturn and Pluto, and you’ll need to adjust your approach to make the most of this tricky configuration. On the 2-4, you could have a hard time adjusting, but refinements you make now can make life more satisfying and straightforward later. There can be reminders to take better care of yourself, follow the rules, be thorough, and take matters step by step so that you get things right. Be conservative but keep moving forward, slowly but surely, for best results. Disconnects with others or irritating delays can be part of the picture, particularly related to home or family life, but they also have a way of pointing out new ways to do things that you may not have seen otherwise.
Mercury is retrograde in your home and family sector until the 15th, after which delays or blocks lift, or the information you need to move forward comes through. This is the same day that the New Moon occurs in the same sector of your solar chart, pointing to new beginnings and fresh energy for making improvements. Until then, progress can be made, but it’s slow going and brand new beginnings should probably wait.
One particularly useful window in the first half of April is the 10-14. This is a strong time for creative, romantic, and entertaining pursuits. Others are drawn to you, particularly for your frankness or independence. Relationships might strengthen in subtle ways now, and you’re giving off exceptionally warm or exciting vibes. You could receive attention that helps boost your confidence. More importantly, you’re proud of your accomplishments. You can feel on fire with passion and creative energy, and you could be excited about prospects, ideas, and projects. Do pace yourself, though. Pushing ahead too quickly is not advised for much of April. This can also be a nice period for moments to release some pressure or combat stress. Your romantic imagination is stimulated now, which can be expressed or applied through relationships or artistic creativity. A generous, open approach leads to rewards. Even so, a bit of mystery is helpful in your work. You’re coming on quite strongly these days, with more energy at your disposal and more directness in your requests, but at this point of the month, you benefit from a little more subtlety.
All month, you’re in a good position for creative and romantic pursuits, but you’re also in wonderful shape for friendships, group associations, banding together with others, and learning, transforming, and growing through the process. Helping others helps you! This can be a time for forming significant, long-term, and positive friendships, alliances or associations. While Venus will move out of your creative sector on the 24th, the Sun moves into it on the 20th, and this is a terrific month for recognizing your need to play, enjoy yourself, have some fun, and share your affection or creations with others. It’s a time to shine!
On the 22-23, your social life gets a nice boost. Both cooperative and competitive efforts can thrive now. Sharing activities with others can lead to something special and enterprising, or you may be gathering up a team or group or drawing upon the resources of an associate in order to move a project forward.
Venus is the first to move into your work and health sector, and these themes will come into stronger focus in May. For now, you’re gearing up for more enjoyment with work or the pursuit of your daily goals. Work opportunities emerge, or you find ways to enjoy your current work more fully.
While it has been building through much of April, Mars finally meets Pluto in your sign on the 26th, after which it may feel a little freer, and so will you! You might feel especially motivated to reach a personal goal now, but you could also feel quite pressured. People may be looking to you to take the lead, and you might choose to embrace this and take charge. The power to shape your image is strong. The Full Moon on the 29th calls further attention to your social need or particular feelings for a friend or project, as well as the need for more attention to enjoying your life and finding your happiness. It’s a particularly good time for celebratory activities or the recognition of your attachments and allegiances.

April 2018 Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: Your taste for experiences outside of the ordinary is notable at the beginning of April, dear Aquarius, and while you’d do well to explore them, April can find you rather frequently dealing with your mundane affairs. There is also a growing theme of extra attention to your home or family life, and there can be fantastic opportunities to bring more harmony, comfort, enjoyment, and beauty to your personal or domestic world in April.
On the 2-4, there can be some obstacles to clear as Mars and Saturn join forces and clash with retrograde Mercury. Old problems that you thought were behind you may now crop up again. You may need to face an issue that you swept under the carpet or otherwise neglected or overlooked in the past. If you’re feeling ignored or overruled now, it may very well motivate you to make essential changes. Patience is required of you now if you want to make progress. Focus on building strength and devising long-term strategies for reaching real goals, as you see these more clearly now. If circumstances are such that you need to slow down, you may very well need the extra rest or time to reflect this affords you.
Mercury is retrograde in your communications sector until the 15th, after which the information you need to move forward comes through, or delays lift. You may return to old conversations or topics during this period, and while some of this can be frustrating, you might also pull up something valuable in the process. The New Moon on the same day can also prompt a desire or need for a new beginning /approach to your life when it comes to communications, connecting with others, and getting around town. New communication or transportation channels may open up to you in the second half of April.
While brand new beginnings should probably wait until later in April, the 10-14 is a good window for improving relationships and enjoying yourself. You may feel driven to take action on a personal matter or to put something behind you. Family matters can be particularly warm, comfortable, and natural. You may be finding ways to make peace with the past, freeing you up for exciting times to come. Passions are strong, even if love is somewhat complicated. Business connections may lead to social or even romantic opportunities. You’re in a good position for getting in touch with your innermost desires, as well.
While the month can be slow-moving at times, you’re building more faith in your career or the direction in which you are headed. You’re inspired to do your best. Around the 22-23, you could be taking action on a personal or professional matter, solving a problem, or moving a project or plan forward now. Venus moves out of your family and home sector on the 24th, but the Sun moves into this part of your solar chart on the 20th, and there is a continued focus on your domestic world.
Venus moves into your romance and pleasure sector on the 24th, and until May 19th, you’re in a wonderful position for having some fun and enjoying yourself. This cycle is great for dating, entertainment, hobbies, and leisure time. You can find satisfying ways of expressing yourself and you’re well-liked.
While it’s been building for some time in April, a Mars-Pluto alignment occurs on the 26th in your sector of all that is hidden, and you have a lot going on beneath the surface. There can be some fixation on past events, guilty feelings, and missed or lost opportunities. Those things buried or hidden can emerge in unexpected ways. The focus now should be on letting go and releasing rather than building up more frustrations and resentments. This energy can also point to intense, exciting connections, personal revelations, and projects that motivate and thrill you. The 29th brings a well-supported Full Moon at the top of your solar chart, prompting some special attention to your performance, work, or responsibilities. It’s an excellent time for reputation matters, as well as for drawing up plans for reaching your goals. In fact, this can be a time when you awaken to a true calling.

April 2018 Pisces Monthly Horoscope: The month ahead is an important one for sorting out your finances, paying particular attention to your valuables and resources, and building your talents, dear Pisces. You’re also paying more attention to your comfort levels, and you can spend quite a bit of time on making your life more secure. While some predictability is an objective now, you’re also in a curious frame of mind and might thoroughly enjoy a change of scenery from time to time. Venus frames you very well until the 24th, particularly through your communications, even with Mercury retrograde until the 15th. You’ll find learning, sharing ideas, and connecting very gratifying now, and benefits can come through the extra effort you’re putting into these things.
Mars is assertive and energetic and is moving through your social sector all month. However, from the 2-26, Mars is caught between heavyweights Saturn and Pluto, and this can feel confining at times. Of course, this configuration can point to some troubles with friends or projects, especially if you’re hoping to move something forward that isn’t quite ready to budge. On the 2-4, Mercury retrograde woes may be at a peak. Considering your limits is vital at this time. Practical considerations or obligations may seem to slow you down, but fixing problems now can lead to massive improvements or the discovery of a better way of doing things for future reference.
From the 10-14, you’re in fantastic shape for making connections. It’s true that Mercury is retrograde until the 15th, but you can still connect well with others, have stimulating conversations, and grow relationships now. Others can help motivate you to be your best, particularly related to mental interests and projects. There can be opportunities to meet someone special through groups, acquaintances, and networking, as well. Returning to old subjects, studies, or personal interests can be appealing and rewarding. You may feel inspired to help someone in need, and you can be soothing and healing with others. Your personal appeal is tremendous at this time.
Your contributions to a group or team effort can be appreciated, and a bit of imaginative exploration can lead to fun and useful discoveries. You’re in a strong position to advance your interests through your connections with others, and the experiences you have are rewarding, educational, and empowering.
After the 15th, you’re in a good position for money coming in or for moving a business or practical matter forward. You now have the information you need to make effective decisions and to take charge of your personal affairs, finances, and resources.
Venus transits your communications sector until the 24th, and the Sun moves in this same area of your solar chart on the 20th. As such, learning, commuting, and connecting are in focus on some level all month. Collaboration is good for you at this time. On the 22-23, you can experience a confidence boost, particularly on a social level. You can be feeling especially passionate or enthusiastic about a dream, belief, or idea now. This can be a strong time for publishing a piece of work, joining a group or workshop, furthering a cause, or making a new friend. There can be a connection made with someone who can end up playing a significant role in your future. From the 24th forward, you’re in a particularly good place for your reputation or special enjoyment of your work and responsibilities. You can feel on top of the world now, or at least your life!
The 25-26 can involve a breakthrough, after which life seems to move a little more smoothly. If there have been interpersonal problems brewing, they’re likely to come to a boiling point now. You could be in the position to make changes to your circle of friends, and decisions can be tough, or alterations are necessary for a plan or project to continue to be relevant and viable. However, the “cleaning up” energy with you ultimately brings you to a stronger place. Focus on rebuilding and recycling for best results now. The Full Moon on the 29th can bring an idea or project to bloom, and you can feel very strongly about a project. It’s a wonderful time for recognizing a calling, new interest, or the desire to take on a new study or to travel.
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.
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