*April 2019 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Aries: The month ahead is an important one for new beginnings, dear Aries. While the Sun in your sign is your yearly power period and the first three weeks of April are no exception, you get off to a bit of a slow start on emotional levels. Until the 17th and 20th, respectively, Mercury and Venus continue to transit your privacy sector, suggesting a lot is going on inside or behind the scenes. You’re gaining attention, though, throughout April, and it’s likely to be quite positive.
With Mercury now direct, your intuition grows sharper. Your interest in the past continues to be strong until mid-month from which time you’re looking forward more often than not. Decision-making becomes clearer. The New Moon on 5th brings a whole new orientation, a blast of personal energy, and a sense that you’re getting going. Until the 20th, your head and your heart may not be on the same page as your heart remains attuned to the past and is quite possibly in need of extra care and time. Your feelings will catch up in due time.
You meet your daily responsibilities with gusto in April with your fiery, enthusiastic planetary ruler, Mars, in your solar third house all month. You’re excited to learn, communicate, or pursue your personal interests, and for the most part, you seem to work best solo, although you’re playing relatively well with others, too! The pace is quick when it comes to learning environments, communications, and daily life. It can certainly be hectic at times, but you’re up for the challenge. Particularly around the 13-14 when the Sun in your sign connects with Jupiter in the 9th, you are super motivated when it comes to learning, sharing your ideas, and putting extra effort into mental pursuits. Watch for a tendency to react too quickly when emailing or texting. You can be quite fired up over what others are saying or relaying to you right now. Try to respond to frustrations with more deliberation and from a place of calm, which is, admittedly, hard to do at this time!
While it’s your month to shine, it’s also a time when you may need to get serious or might be asked to prove yourself as planets in Aries this month and next ultimately form squares to Saturn and Pluto in your career and reputation sector. Events and epiphanies around the 9-12 can certainly involve reality checks. Manage that pressure well, and it’s a substantial period for personal influence, general vitality, and happiness. Areas to pay special attention to are your career, reputation, finances, and responsibilities – areas influenced by Saturn and Pluto in your chart. You can be so passionate about, and preoccupied with, these things to the point of overwhelm, obsession, and possibly fear. Loosening your grip at least a little can help you to more fully enjoy other areas of your life, and to actually see opportunities in other areas when they do arrive!
Around the 19th, imbalances in your life become glaring. Relationships are in strong focus, and important epiphanies may be reached now. Recognition of relationship needs and feelings can come in a rush.
You have a real sense that you are not a victim of your fears, guilty feelings, and past as Mercury finishes up its transit of your solar twelfth house after a longer spell there than usual. You can take steps to use your increased imagination and compassion in positive, constructive ways in April. You communicate more than usual in the second half of the month, and people are listening! You’re making executive decisions, feeling independent and energized.
Saturn and Pluto turning retrograde in the last week of the month can initially magnify work and reputation pressures, but going forward, some of the pressure you’ve been feeling to perform is moved to the backseat. This is likely to feel good for those who have been feeling a little bogged down recently.
This is also an important time for personal goals, revisions, new beginnings, and makeovers (physical and otherwise). You are always in charge of your life, but there are times when you have more confidence to take action, and when you are more effective, and this is one of those periods!

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Taurus: April is about renewing your energy and clearing out the deadwood in your life, dear Taurus, as you ready yourself for new beginnings. You’re likely to enjoy yourself along the way–it’s not all psychological work, in other words–with Mercury and Venus working their magic on your social life until the 17th to 20th, respectively. The Sun in your sign then picks you up from the 20th forward, so it’s not all deep diving into your psyche. Even so, you’re in a fabulous position to learn more about yourself and your needs so that when your new beginnings present themselves, your instincts will be serving you well.
With Uranus now in your sign–and the Sun’s first meeting with it on the 22nd–you’re growing accustomed to a whole new way of “doing” your life. Uranus’ long tour of your privacy sector in recent years was revealing and sometimes upsetting, but now that your private enemies or personal demons have been exposed, and you’re starting to get over the shock of it all, you’re ready to start fresh. Even though your career sector is not a place of special activity or interest this month, its ruler, Uranus, is sitting right in your sign, so for many Tauruses, this is about your true calling. But it’s also about your personal initiative, presentation, and attitude. You’re working for yourself first and foremost, and freedom to “do you” is more important to you than ever, perhaps and quite surprisingly, more so than security and certainty.
April is an important month for tying up loose ends and retiring or closing projects, attitudes, or goals. It’s a good time for retreats and breaks if you can manage them. The last week of the month features an increase in activity, as well as your taste for it! Even so, there is still much, and perhaps even more, going on behind the scenes at this time–you’re just more visible and noticeable. The only caution involved with this change of pace is to avoid being too impatient for results and hasty getting where you want to go.
A newer theme this month is Mars moving through your resources sector, bringing a stronger focus on your money, valuables, funds, assets, and talents. There can be good opportunities for applying yourself to business and practical affairs. Do watch for impulsiveness with your money. You could feel some reason to defend yourself, your values, and the respect you deserve. There can be a focus on more self-reliance when it comes to money. Finances can also be a hot topic with others, and there can be some volatility involved, but ultimately, stronger motivation to take charge.
Drama in your work and daily schedules can occur around the 19th. This can be a prompt either to focus on better self-care or to make changes with how you do your work or routines. The need to get organized and active in these areas comes on insistently at this time.
Friendships seem to improve day by day right from the get-go this month, mainly related to reliability and clarity. Still, there is a private or contemplative theme woven throughout the month, and you could be dealing with a lot behind the scenes, and possibly some challenges you’ve chosen to keep under wraps. Events can be such that you seek and get closure on various matters. You could be dealing with personal limitations stemming from your service-oriented responsibilities to others.
The final week of April finds you more noticeable but not as connected as one would expect with this visibility, as you still have a lot to sort out. Travel, publishing, educational, or promotional affairs require some rethinking. Consider reviving old studies or streamlining your approach to learning now.
Take every opportunity you can to learn new skills or develop your current ones. There could be an intense focus on training, learning, and connecting on the way. If there are weaknesses in a campaign or your current level of skill, then this is a time for handling problem areas. For some of you, there could be issues with a parent’s daily affairs that require more responsibility on your part.

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Gemini: There can be quite a bit of activity in your social life this month, dear Gemini, and ups and downs are likely, with the chances for major improvements from the 20th on. At the same time, career or reputation matters get a nice boost in April. Clarity is with you, and this helps decision-making.
Most of the foggy elements related to your career, life path, goals, connections with authority figures in your life, and reputation can clear up right from the start of April, or projects get the green light and move forward. You’re feeling much more confident and faithful in these areas, and you feel that you’re more actively participating in creating your future. Your social life draws considerable attention, too, and people begin to seek you out more often. The New Moon on the 5th brings the chance to start fresh socially or with a particular friend, or it renews your interest in pursuing a particular happiness goal. Mercury and Venus moving into your social sector on the 17th and 20th respectively are helpers, connecting you with others and stirring your interest further.
There can be a pressing need to reassess some of your long-term goals this month, and reminders (as well as opportunities) for doing so are emerging. There can also be reality checks to manage as new information sheds light on the more impractical elements of your current plans. There could also be issues with friends, associates, or group associations that involve limitations or life lessons. There may be the need to do some level of conforming in order to benefit from others’ input, or you may feel the need to push forward with less support in certain areas, and this prompts you to look for new alliances or associations. For some, troubles in an intimate relationship can prompt you to turn to friends or activities that get you connected with new people or goals.
Your life is busier than usual this month, although in the last week of the month, the Sun moves into your privacy sector and you’ll feel the distinct need for some form of relief or break from the more competitive or demanding elements of your life. Friends can be wonderfully helpful, however, and increasingly so as April progresses. They might offer up pleasant distractions and encouraging words.
All month, you’re especially self-motivated with energetic Mars in your sign. You might often fill the role of leader, or work towards your goals independently, at your own pace. This is a period of increasing independence and confidence, in fact, and it’s set to increase further in the coming months. You may need to practice some self-control, as you can easily feel bored or impatient with Mars here. You seem to be the first to start and the first to finish! You have personal initiative, making this a wonderful time to pursue goals that have been put aside. Some self-centeredness is good for you at this time. Personal needs can seem pressing and desires strong. Conflicts with others may occur with this transit and are more likely when Mars is challenged, such as on the 7th, 12th, and 26-27, but these may very well motivate you to become more self-reliant– something you may very well need at this time in your life.
As well, from the 17th forward, Mercury, your ruler, is in a special relationship with Mars in your sign called mutual reception, and this serves as a nice boost to your pursuits, communications, and activities. You’re sharper, stronger, and more confident. The Full Moon on the 19th can bring wonderful opportunities for understanding your feelings for someone or for a project. While they’re full-blown now, even when you come down from the initial rush of discovery and connection, you’ll feel confident about what to do next.
The last week of April is good for financials, intimate matters, and overall faith in your own judgment, although the 26-27 requires some care. It’s an important time for getting some time for yourself – some solitude can feed the soul now.

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Cancer: April brings a sharper mental focus and easier decisions, dear Cancer, but also a general need to carve out special time for rest and detox. Both your career and adventure sectors are quite active this month, and you’ll have several prompts to take care of business, update your skills, and answer to calls to refresh your spirit. At the same time, Mars spends all of April in your privacy sector, and this is much like running on a low battery — you need to take the time to recharge!
There can be focused attention to your professional goals or responsibilities in April, but you may not always have the personal energy to match some of the demands on you. Do your best to keep up with opportunities, while avoiding pushing yourself to inhuman levels. You’re more accident-prone and inclined toward making errors during this period, but only if you are not listening to your body’s signals to slow down.
The New Moon on the 5th brings a renewal of professional steam and the ability to overcome stumbling blocks in your career. You may have been distracted from the larger plan or the bigger picture in recent weeks with Mercury retrograde in your solar ninth house, but with that now firmly behind you, you’re finding it more natural to reach higher in the coming weeks. There can be improvements or a feeling of more effectiveness in educational or promotional pursuits. You’re more likely to actively create and shape your life than to simply let others make decisions for you.
There can be some slowdowns, reality checks, or a break in momentum occurring in your professional life nevertheless, but it’s also a time when you can get back on track and organized. Stops and starts can frustrate, but they can also motivate! While things may not be moving forward very quickly, you can be gaining important ground in less overt ways, such as by earning respect from people you work for (or with) and developing new skills that benefit you in the future. For some of you, there can be a need to restructure.
As you reach for your goals, you may encounter some resistance from someone in your life, or you can feel divided between a relationship and an ambition. This cross-purposes problem seems ongoing, and you’ll have time to work through it, but it can cause you some tension this month, particularly around the 9-13. Wonderful opportunities with work or health can emerge around the 14th, though, and it’s a nice boost to your confidence. Love is adventurous in the first three weeks of April, and a little more serious after the 20th. Money opportunities come through a partner or management of others’ resources.
As the month progresses, you become increasingly interested in fulfilling happiness goals and less focused on performance. With Mars in your privacy sector all month, there could be an emphasis on working in isolation or behind the scenes. Your energy levels may not be at their best, as you require more time for rest and contemplation. You might also be dealing with a reshuffling of your priorities, desires, or projects, and this can be a temporary drain on your levels of motivation. Working on your own at your own pace would be ideal if you can manage it. But with a strong showing in the very public part of your chart, and more specifically, Venus there from the 20th, it would be a great idea to avoid cutting yourself off altogether. Connecting with others is important now, bringing you some great benefits. Mars will enter your sign on May 15th, by the way, and then you’ll be feeling more outwardly effective, assertive, and decisive. It’s not that you’re struggling until then–it’s more about observing, recharging, and healing, and/or preparing for the upcoming active period.
Delays related to education or travel clear up, and you have a better idea where you stand. This is true for personal and business partnerships as well.
Give special attention to home and family around the Full Moon on the 19th. Further developments on the domestic front deserve your time and energy and can serve to help balance your life with so much focus on your responsibilities to the outside world these days.
The Sun’s move into your social sector on the 20th and its meeting with lively Uranus there on the 22nd are strong for your social life and your sense of community, both romantic and business partnerships, negotiations and agreements, and group involvement. There can be a new beginning of sorts with a friend, or you could be broadening your horizons through networking and meeting interesting people as you head into May. Existing relationships can be rejuvenated.

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Leo: April brings lively energy to your life as Mars works in harmony with your sign all month, dear Leo, as well as a strong showing in your sector of adventure and spirit. You are being pulled up and out of yourself, more willing to take on a challenge, to reach out to others, and to invest in your belief in yourself. Even so, your intimate sector continues to hold some weight until the 20th, and there is much going on under the surface of things. Ideally, you’ll come to a nice balance between doing and observing.
April is likely to bring your fair share of excitement as well as opportunities for relationship and intimacy “repair” if needed. Your magnetism is in many ways fueled by your ability to bond and discuss personal matters in the first three weeks. Even so, you’re especially active and in demand now. The tempo does change to a certain degree in the last week of the month, when ambitions are kindled.
There may have been some confusion about boundaries with others, your personal limits, or about finances in March, and now, clarity is with you. April is a time when you’re clearer on what you have and what you need, as well as what you can provide for yourself. Procrastination or delays are now, for the most part, a thing of the past. All month, there can be extra attention to your work and health routines, although these needs and drives might often seem to clash with your very real need for more adventure or a break from the routine this month and next. There is a change of tempo related to these themes in the works, too.
There is much activity in your sector of beliefs, adventure, and ideals in April, and you’re encouraged to bring more of the world into your personal life. You could be enjoying new interests or doing a lot of thinking about your plans in a big-picture way. There can be quite a bit of temptation to bend the rules. There can be some forgetfulness or moments of feeling quite scattered, too, but Saturn and Pluto weave in and out of the picture this month, reminding you of your limits and ambitions, and while sometimes their input can be unwelcome, it can also be useful to pace yourself.
Still, this can be a fine time for attracting positive feedback, as well as for feeling especially liked and reinforced. You are more likely to make happy connections through activities that take you outside of the routine or onto unfamiliar ground, and this is especially likely after Venus moves into your solar ninth house from the 20th, although the 14th is also strong for this.
There may be difficulties with a friend or group stimulated around the 10-12, but gains are coming through your connections as well, so be patient. Motivation and enthusiasm are stimulated to begin new goals with Mars in your solar eleventh house all month. This gently stimulating transit will stick with you until mid-May. Also beginning mid-month, you develop a stronger taste for expressing yourself freely and spontaneously. Educational, travel, communication, and networking pursuits are favored. This is a time for really branching out and reaching far beyond your normal boundaries. If romance is featured, it has a flavor of freedom and adventure. Areas of life that benefit the most include travel, education, romance, creativity, children, hobbies, publishing, and recreation. There may be opportunities to expand and promote. However, do your best to get your personal affairs in order so that you can take better advantage of opportunities that do arise.
The Full Moon on the 19th can mark a turning point related to a relationship with a sibling or classmate, your studies, or a special-interest project. While there has been special attention to the body side of the mind/body balance, this month encourages you to factor in the health of the mind and spirit.
The last week of April brings a breath of fresh air to your career, professional interests, or life direction. There may be some form of recognition for your accomplishments or work, and incentives, benefits, or awards can figure strongly. This energy, too, will follow you into May and build further. The winds of change are blowing in these areas of your life with Uranus at the top of your chart, and for now, it can feel like a pleasant breeze. It’s a fine time to intuit where you may want to head. With the Sun and Uranus coming together at the top of your solar chart, a partnership in or through business can figure strongly now and in coming years.

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Virgo: You’re in a fantastic position of increased clarity in April, dear Virgo, after playing waiting games in March. As well, the month is a potential power period for your career or role as leader/caregiver. You are ready and willing to perform, more ambitious than usual, and energized about pursuing your goals.
Developments in close relationships continue to be significant until the 19th. Challenges are likely, but resolutions are rewarding. Money matters, especially debt or shared resources, move forward. For many, this can be about getting the loan, support, or resources needed, or it may simply be about getting news that clarifies things and makes decisions more straightforward. You’re thinking ahead and focused on growing, changing, and making improvements. There can be a feeling of restored or increased faith and optimism, and a general sense of harmony with the key people in your emotional life–or with yourself! This theme is especially strong around the 13-14.
Despite a rather public push and an important partnership theme, there is a distinctly introspective or self-protective flavor to April for you. It’s true that your partnership sector is active and you may be depending on others more than usual. At the same time, you are in strong touch with your ambitions. Your goal is to be more self-reliant, and you have a better chance of achieving it with a gentle approach towards the end of the month when your load tends to lighten, or at least you perceive it as such!
People may recognize you as a leader or a pioneer this month – at the very least, competent and take-charge. More importantly, you are confident in this role, excited and enthusiastic about your goals and ready to take on a challenge. You’ll enjoy more developments on these fronts later in May and through June, but energies experienced now can serve as an energizing push or jumpstart.
There can be realities to face when it comes to intimate relationships, sexuality, finances, emotional or financial support, taxes, and debts this month. It’s to your benefit to strategize, plan, and restructure. It’s a super powerful month for kicking bad habits and addictions. A little self-honesty goes a long way right now. There is a lot of pressure coming from a relationship or creative project, and managing these things can go a long way towards greater fulfillment in other life departments. You may need to downplay some of these things so that you can bring fuller attention to financial matters, or cut out some of the more frivolous of tasks so that you can pour more attention into the bigger priorities.
If you’ve been working hard on a creative project or seeking out more stability in your love relationships, this can be a good month to make things happen, monetize a hobby, bring more structure to your leisure time, or discuss problem areas with a special person in your life. The need to be stricter with yourself and others can become obvious, and you have all the tools available to tidy things up. Even so, with Saturn and Pluto aligning with the South Node and both turning retrograde in the last week of April, there can also be the need to pull back from these things–to release some of your control on these areas– so that you can give other areas of life more attention, energy, and love.
The Sun’s move into your sector of spirit and adventure on the 20th brings a theme of discovery to your life–something that will expand and develop further in May. You’re taking on new and perhaps unusual or radically different interests, and it’s exciting.

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Libra: While wellness and work continue to hold your attention this month, dear Libra, there are growing social themes emerging. April is a month in which the focus shifts considerably away from your personal concerns and towards the needs of your close relationships and partnerships. Cooperating more than innovating seems the best option in terms of overall happiness and success.
There may be times when a partnership or relationship is tested this month or when mature action is necessary in your personal life. Strong alliances strengthen, while specific relationship problems or connections may feel more difficult to endure. Circumstances at times can bring out the more unflattering side of people close to you, or at least you see things in this light at this time. However, at other times, the opposite occurs – you can see the support and effort coming in. As a result, you’re in the position to find a balance. Responsibilities and attention to the family are likely heated topics with a partner, or you can often find yourself divided.
Emotions are as full as the Moon in your sign around the 19th. A personal revelation can occur now. Emotions that you’ve brushed aside can emerge, and while a Full Moon happened in your sign in March as well, now you see things more clearly, emotions are matured and ripened, and it’s easier to know your next step. This lunation brings feelings to the surface and can lead to surprising epiphanies. There is some finality to what’s happening as if you’re now privy to the whole story.
While some of your personal plans may be on the back burner this month, your spirit is adventurous with Mars moving in harmony to your sign from your spirit sector. Your pursuit of travel, education, or new beliefs and experiences can be aggressive. You are asserting yourself in healthy ways for the most part, and your increasing confidence and verve are unmistakable.
The last week of the month brings a new focus on understanding your relationships on a deeper level, including the relationship you have with yourself, as it’s also a time for connecting with your deeper needs, habits, and attachments. From April 20th into May is one of the best periods of the year for self-improvement, particularly when it comes to recognizing bad habits and doing something about them. You might attract support on emotional or financial levels if you need it. Home and family life improves by leaps and bounds, or you feel that you can pull back from some of its demands so that you can pour more energy into other life departments. It’s generally a good time to get a loan or the opposite, reduce debt, depending on what’s most appropriate in your life right now.
Pretty much right from the get-go in April, work matters or health issues sort themselves out, and this is great for your mood. Recent communication challenges or delays you experienced in March are likely to subside. Getting a handle on your work, health, and daily routines will help clear your mind and free you from guilt. The key now is that you’re enjoying them, and it shows in the final product! Your attention is divided, however, and breaks from the usual routine are especially desirable now, as you need a change of scenery. The last week of April is excellent for money matters, particularly new money-making ideas. Love can become more serious or committed this month.

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Scorpio: April helps lift blocks as creativity and romance flow more freely, dear Scorpio, and it also strengthens work and health themes for you. There is a pretty much equal focus on work and play in April, and while the potential for reaching an ideal balance is certainly with you, there can be times when you feel quite divided. You’re in good shape for tightening up and enjoying health, wellness, work, and self-care habits or programs. Events and circumstances tend to point you in the direction of taking better care of yourself. However, there can also be blocks involved, and you’ll need to do some juggling and prioritizing.
You might come to the realization that you are not using your talents to their full potential in what you are currently doing, and increasing efficiency in the routine elements of your life may be the solution, as it can free you up to use your talents more often or more fully. Watch for overwork that subtracts from your overall well-being and happiness. The New Moon on the 5th helps clear the path for new beginnings related to self-care, work, and wellness. It’s an excellent time for embarking on new or improved projects.
Helping you further to eliminate bad habits is Mars in your solar eighth house all month. This transit will follow you into May, running until May 15th. You are feeling stronger and more powerful on the inside with this position. Whether the desire to make changes comes from conflict or stronger motivation to understand yourself, you’re willing to take charge of problem areas from the inside out. Watch for boundary issues or frustrations with friends or with creative projects. Power struggles are possible now. If debt is out of control, you can be more willing to take action to make changes. It’s important, however, with this Mars transit to avoid stewing in resentment, as this can impact you quite negatively. It may only be in mid-May that you feel freer to express yourself straightforwardly, but you’re doing important work in the meantime.
As well, your social life begins to draw more of your attention this month, and people begin to see you out and about more often. The last week of April begins a four week period that is one of your best all year for partnering and relating. This comes at the same time that work matters improve considerably.
Work matters are often a priority in April, and they improve considerably as the month advances. Your romantic life is spirited now, and while you may be a tad withdrawn in other areas of life, romance and entertainment are where your heart is in the first half of the month. The 14th is particularly strong for personal appeal and charisma. Opportunities to grow your finances or career (or both) can emerge now, and you seem to be taking a step in the right direction. You might learn something new about a health or work matter that puts you in a good mood, or you can see and feel forward progress in current projects. Cooperation on the job helps your outlook, clarifies your goals, and adds to a good feeling about your contributions and about what you do.
Issues of freedom in your close relationships are sure to emerge now, as you are making fresh changes to how you approach partnering–or, in some cases, it may seem that life is doing this to you! Either way, partnering is not as it used to be with Uranus now consistently moving through your solar seventh house.
Shifts this month are also signaling the need for a break from pushing yourself too hard mentally. Some projects may, in fact, seem to stall or may simply need some editing, adjustments, and refinements. Going forward, you’ll find it easier to detach yourself a little from areas where you’ve been over-controlling or pressured.

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Sagittarius: There is a strong focus on your creative or romantic life in April, dear Sagittarius, with an emphasis on your solar fifth house. This is the house of joy and heartfelt pursuits, and whatever these things are to you at this point in your life, they’re sure to take a front seat in your life this month. Planets here inevitably clash with heavyweight planets in your money sector, and April and May are no exception. As such, there can be some rough patches to get through. Recreation, hobbies, pleasurable pastimes, artistic pursuits, and love/dating are areas of increased activity, but also of some scrutiny or subject to blocks and obstacles. There can be important realizations and increased awareness of (and frustration with) situations that have prevented you from enjoying yourself or expressing yourself spontaneously and freely in these areas. Money, resources, or even fear of change may be at the root!
All month but particularly in the second half of April, you’ll enjoy improvements, more clarity, warmth, fantasy, and positivity in your romantic world, with creative self-expression, in your creative and artistic pursuits, relationships with children, and dating or recreational life. The Sun harmonizes with Jupiter in your sign mid-month, and you’re in particularly good shape for creative self-expression and relating in fresh, healthy, and positive ways. You may be establishing trust with others now, or something opens up for you, perhaps a new channel for expressing yourself, and this can feel empowering. A surge of enthusiasm brightens your life. From the 20th, the expression of affection is easy and natural, and your appeal gets a boost.
Mars transits your sector of partnerships all month, and when this transit is at its best, someone could motivate you to be more courageous, to do things you’ve wanted to do but haven’t yet taken on, and to believe in yourself. At its worst, you could feel that others are directing your life and this can be frustrating. However, conflicts stirred with an important player in your life can lead to valuable discoveries and increased motivation to make needed changes. A close relationship can move forward, in other words, with resentments bared.
Your social life is changing, and emotions surrounding love and friendship are strong, especially around the Full Moon on the 19th. Last month, you experienced a similar lunation, but your feelings were fresh, new, and raw. Now, you have fuller, more rounded-out epiphanies. Feelings about people who have been critical or disapproving can emerge, too. It’s not always about love! This is a time for a last or final word on a matter.
From the start of April, while some key planets are still in your insular sector of home and family, you enjoy some nice feelings of freedom and lightness. There can be stronger (and increasing) feelings of growth and faith in yourself as well as your support system. Delays lift and home life feels more straightforward.
There can be a lot of sentimentality in matters of heart this month. Enjoyment is in strong focus. From the 17th, a special relationship between your romance and partnership sector can point to an especially strong period for your love life.
Purchases tend to be for the home and family. Prompts to take steps to reduce pressures to control or micromanage your practical affairs should be answered. Your social life is active, although in the last week of April, life’s less glamorous responsibilities demand more of your attention. It’s a time that brings new energy for work and health and good conditions for business and money matters. Increasingly, you need a fresh or different approach to how you do your job, handle routines, and manage health and wellness, and this is in strong emphasis now.

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Capricorn: There continues to be a strong focus on your home and family life, as well as your support system this month, dear Capricorn. Work and health matters rev up, and communication problems that seemed to be a way of life in March now clear up. Decision-making, in general, is sharper and more straightforward.
Old family problems might resurface in need of attention, mature action, and leadership in April. Certainly, though, this is powerful month overall for getting your personal life into order. Ultimately, this means more enjoyment at home or with quiet moments to yourself. You’ll feel the benefits most strongly when lovely Venus transits your sector of home and family from the 20th forward, but the potential is with you all month. A personal matter might weigh heavily on you at times this month with Saturn and Pluto in your sign in conflict with planets in your home sector. You’ll need to allocate time and attention well for building your nest and solving problems.
A career or reputation matter can emerge suddenly around the 19th, although it may have already been in the works. In fact, a Full Moon only just occurred in this same sector in March, but feelings then were new and perhaps a little raw. Now, your epiphanies are mature, big, and more rounded, and you’ll get a much stronger intuition for what your next steps might be.
If it’s possible to set your own pace when it comes to work in April, do so, as you’re not in the best frame of mind to work under others’ direction (happily, at least). As well, you’ll want to take advantage of the increased self-motivation to get things done which is a gift from Mars as it transits your solar sixth house all month (and half of next month, too). This can also be a good time for fitness, as long as you “listen” to your body and its signals so that you don’t push its limits. The need for change in the areas of work, health, or service comes on strongly now, and while tension can run high, it might also push you to new heights. You might decide to eliminate habits in your routine that are counter-productive so that you can focus on those that indeed do serve your higher goals. Watch for power struggles with others. It may be better to compete with yourself than others at this time. You can do so by aiming to beat your personal best.
Right from the beginning of April, you’ll begin to see communications improve, especially as you enjoy more clarity about what you want to convey, as well as confidence returning regarding certain projects, learning endeavors, and mental pursuits and interests. While it remains an essential time for centering yourself, you’re feeling much more confident. It’s a robust time for tapping into your intuition. Radiating an expectation of success with people you love does wonders for you now. Relaxing, recreational activities can appeal and can even be a little therapeutic now. Introspection does some wonderful good for you.
There is a special relationship between your sector of home and family and your sector of work and health from the 17th forward, and this can mean satisfying work from (or on) the home, or improving both areas in mutually beneficial ways.
The last week of April can bring a feeling of rejuvenation and spirited energy into your life. The Sun heads into your creative sector for a one month stay. This is one of the most creative and expressive periods of the year, and for many, the most romantic. Signs point to the need for you to detach yourself a little from areas of over-control or energy drains.

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Aquarius: This can be a busy, communicative, and connected month for you, dear Aquarius, but also one of important shifts that enrich your inner and emotional world. Throughout the month, there can be varied tasks, jobs, and errands to manage, and perhaps there is little in the form of rest or predictability at times. Restlessness can be transformed into productivity if you manage your energy well, and Mars moving in harmony with your sign this month can help loads on this front. Avoid stress by making lists and plans rather than taking a scattered or haphazard approach. Orderliness will certainly help.
The New Moon on the 5th brings your attention to the need to make changes in how and what you communicate, or it can motivate you to take on new studies or a special-interest project. Perhaps renewing an old plan or project can be in order now–the idea is that you’re starting fresh. There can certainly be a lot coming in, many things to do, and a generally quick pace. As such, it can be fairly easy to miss vital details or information, but with Mercury now out of its retrograde period, things should run along quite well. You may need to face the reality of specific projects and interests, or even courses of study, coming to an end. Or, there can be the need to take a hard look at your daily activities to decide what might be bringing you down or preventing you from growing and devoting time to new, more stimulating activities. The Full Moon on the 19th can help illuminate which of your pursuits are most worthy of your time and energy.
Mars is in harmony with your sign all month, and this helps to keep energy levels strong and steady. It also bolsters your confidence and faith in yourself that you’re capable of taking on challenges. Mars is encouraging you to take some creative risks and to believe that you have something unique to contribute to the world. Relationships with children can be especially active, and sometimes on the tense side. Romantic relationships for some of you could intensify, sometimes in unpleasant ways, but mostly to your benefit. At times in recent months, you may have felt at the mercy of the whims and moods of an important player in your life, or others in general. Perhaps due to a decrease in energy or courage, you have let others direct your mood, and in some ways, your life. Now, you’re ready to take charge of your happiness. It’s a fine time for enjoying your hobbies, leisure time, or a creative pastime.
Slowing down is appropriate at key times in April, and is often a better strategy than going all out. There are times, though, when expansion makes sense, especially when the Sun and Jupiter connect on the 14th. There can be wonderful success with communications, networking, personal interests, and friendships. Conversations are generous, open, and meaningful. This is a time for thinking in bigger terms than your norm, particularly about long-term plans for happiness and your social life.
Mercury is now direct, and certain matters clarify after the first week of April. Your financial picture can improve, or you find it much easier to live with some uncertainty as your faith builds. You’re sure to see potential benefits and resources in places you hadn’t previously looked or acknowledged.
The last week of April brings a significant energy shift towards home and family matters as well as to your private life. Real comfort can be found with people you love. You can be happily introspective during this period. Mind you, the Sun and Uranus aligned here on the 22nd reminds you that life on the homefront needs a brand new approach for it to fulfill you. It’s time to do things differently!

April 2019 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Pisces: You begin the month in many ways in the spotlight, dear Pisces, although there is a distinct theme working its way through April that focuses on you building and developing your resources and talents. April is a good month for taking care of business, attending to practical affairs, and devoting some time to finances. You may need to get serious about money. There can be a wake-up call, of sorts, that pushes you to make essential changes, but avoid snap decisions, even if you’re feeling a lot of pressure. Be diligent, mature, and cautious when faced with slowdowns, if possible. However, keep your eye out for opportunities to grow, as they’re sure to surface, too, although perhaps not as loudly as delays!
Your voice is strong now, and this can be a good thing as you feel heard and have influence, but it also means you have more impact and the words you use are remembered! The first three days of April are super for personal appeal. You are especially magnetic when it comes to sharing ideas, reaching out, and communicating. Close partnerships can be emotionally charged. With Mercury now direct in your sign, you’re feeling increasingly more confident about your personality, contribution, appearance, and manner. Personal goals seem more doable. You’re coming back into your own, reaching out to others more often, but at the same time feeling more self-sufficient.
There can be a fresh start involving money, finances, business, and career with the New Moon on the 5th. New energy is with you for creating success, and ambition increases, but don’t jump into the first project you see. You should embrace your increased faith, but do take solid steps to make sure you’re grounded as well. Saturn and Pluto will remind you if you forget!
While there are indeed some checkpoints to deal with as well as a need to pace yourself this month, you’re excited to grow something, and money and work matters can improve with your spirit of enthusiasm. Others notice your efforts, talents, or accomplishments. You may draw in the right people or resources to advance your goals. Widen your comfort zone, help others, and make the first move around the 14th with a Sun-Jupiter trine lighting the way.
The Full Moon on the 19th could bring a scurry of activity surrounding a money matter. For some of you, there may be epiphanies about a close relationship. Pay close attention to what surfaces now, but do wait until you’ve gained some perspective before jumping to conclusions. Mind you, this lunation is likely to be about finalizing something or getting the last word on a matter.
There can be much activity on the home front and with family this month as Mars spends all month in your solar fourth house. Excess energy can lead to some conflicts, however, as this is the nature of Mars! Try not to dwell on the past. Even so, it can be important to get problems out into the open, and if problematic patterns are repeating in the present, you’ll want to deal with the root problem. Working on making your home environment supportive and operating smoothly may be a priority now. Problems at home can reverberate quite negatively to many different areas of your life, much in the same way that lack of restful sleep wreaks havoc on the entire body.
If there have been problems with control, resentment, or fears of loss with a friendship or in your social life, in general, then you are now in a better position to gain perspective. Reducing pressure in your social life makes the most sense now so that you can give more time and energy to other life departments.
The last week of April brings a bit of a shift. This is a busier, more sociable and connected time, and also a rather fortunate period for friendships, communications, and group connections. Networking is especially important now with the Sun’s move into your communications sector and its meeting with Uranus there. New interests or channels for communicating are opening up for you.

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