*April 2022 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*
While you’re sure to get attention this month, dear Aries, there is some sense of holding back as the month advances. The month begins with a New Moon in your sign, symbolizing a fresh start and new beginnings. Still, Venus enters your soul sector on the 5th, and Mars, your planetary ruler, does the same on the 14th. You might need some sort of a sabbatical with major decisions, in general, and perhaps relationships. Creative pursuits can thrive if you’re doing something behind the scenes or on the last stretch of a particular project. Money matters are increasingly making headlines.
The New Moon in your sign on the 1st puts personal power in your hands, and it occurs around the time of a healing, problem-solving Sun-Mercury-Chiron connection. It stirs a whole new orientation, a blast of personal energy, and a sense that you’re revving up. It’s also a beautiful time for self-honesty.
You’re inclined to connect with what you truly want from your life and where improvements can be made, particularly how you approach the world, take the lead, and present yourself. Your natural talents, the areas where you shine, and your savvy are readily discoverable and perhaps on display. Mercury is in Aries until the 10th, and you want to be heard and share your thoughts.
You’re considerably more engaged and ready to make things happen. Others notice and hear you loud and clear as you begin the month. It’s a time for really shining and feeling more in control of your life personally. Aim to start your solar year with confidence and mindfulness. In the week following the New Moon, you may decide to begin key projects.
Even so, while you begin the month quite active with friends and groups, two key planets, Venus and Mars, move out of your social sector and into your hidden sector on the 5th and 14th. There’s some need to pull back from overly demanding and competitive situations, and perhaps people. Your perceptions heighten, and you’re learning important things about your inner world, most profound needs, and loved ones. You could be contemplating and perhaps hesitating with affections and feelings. It’s healthy and natural as Venus closes out a cycle, and you prepare for a new one in early May, when Venus enters your sign. In the meantime, undercover feelings could be in focus, or there’s a tendency to look behind you before starting anew.
Jupiter is in your privacy sector, too, reinforcing the personal, private, and inward focus that often dominates the month’s energies. While you could be wrestling with some decisions, you can, in fact, be a real dynamo with a bit of extra solitude and time to yourself.
If you’ve been overdoing special interests or your social life, a Mars-Saturn alignment on the 4th can remind you to slow down. Considering your limits is wise. A Jupiter-Neptune alignment on the 12th colors the month with quite a bit of imagination, however. There can be an increasing feeling of spiritual protection, spirituality, heightened intuition, and understanding. Your dreaming world is active, and your faith in the unknown strengthens. Rewards for past good deeds or projects can emerge, or events expand your innate compassion, warmth, or inner eye. There can be hidden or elusive elements to your communications, interests, and studies.
Pay special attention to what others reveal around the 16th when a Full Moon occurs in your partnership sector.
The Sun and Mercury move into your sector of resources, natural talents, and self-worth on the 19th and 10th, respectively. These shifts stir a desire to build up your resources, improve your bottom line, and develop what you already have.
Pluto turns retrograde on the 29th, and you may be learning of areas where you’ve been over-attached, worried, obsessed, or a bit paranoid. The coming months are excellent for reworking career and planning initiatives, doing the research and legwork, and refining projects. It can initially magnify work and reputation problems, but going forward, some of the pressure you’ve been feeling to perform is moved to the backseat. This is likely to feel good for those who’ve been a little bogged down recently.
A Solar Eclipse occurs on the 30th in your solar second house, prompting new directions with money and things. You could bring your recent ideas and endeavors to life and build or develop these projects. You’re moving towards a more patient and moderate approach to life that truly works for you.
You might free yourself from a burden or unhealthy attachment, or there can be forgiveness and understanding that help you move on and embrace your future. With Jupiter soon entering your sign, now is the time to clear the path for new beginnings.
April gets off to a motivating start with your career or life-path goals in solid focus and perhaps some extra attention on professional levels, dear Taurus. Nevertheless, the Sun and Mercury are transiting a hidden area of your chart until the 19th and 10th, respectively, pointing to the need for personal downtime as you wind down your solar year. You may be a little more private or insular than usual.
It’s a natural time of year for some retreat, withdrawal, or a sabbatical — emotional and physical renewal before your birthday month. This could be symbolic only but important as you recharge and refresh. Some things may be up in the air now, and these things need additional time to mature. It’s not the time to rush.
If you need to handle a private matter or deal with an ending or a problem from the past, the week following the New Moon on the 1st is powerful. Responsibilities are strong on you around the 4th, but ease off as the month progresses. You could be in the position to take the lead or make a decision, and it weighs on you as Mars and Saturn head into a meeting on the 4th.
While insular on a personal level, your reputation, career, professional developments, and responsibilities continue to grab your attention as you begin the month. Still, things are shifting as the month progresses, and Venus and Mars head into your social sector on the 5th and 14th. These transits are remarkable for added charisma with friends and groups. Jupiter’s already in this sector, and it aligns with magical Neptune on the 12th. Venus-Mars-Jupiter keeps you engaged, creative, popular, and curious.
All in all, it’s shaping up to be a powerful time for your social life, networking, and communicating as April progresses. You could build a following for your ideas or work. You’re making connections and sharing your ideas, and you enjoy experimenting and entertaining new ideas. Fortunately, you’re more confident in what you have to offer others and the community, and you have faith in your happiness goals and dreams. You may be taking the lead in a group, or people look to you for guidance. New people coming into your life could inspire you to make important changes and improvements. Love requires more emotional space, acceptance, and tolerance. Then again, it’s possible you find love through group associations, networking, and friends.
With Jupiter and Neptune coming together this month, friendships can feel magical or confusing! Certainly, your dreams and ideals play a considerable role in your social life. More faith in the universe is possible through your connections.
Look for ways to improve physical and mental health through activities and mind-body healing techniques when the Full Moon on the 16th reminds you to attend to your overall well-being. It’s also a time when you recognize the need to better manage your daily affairs.
Mercury moves into your sign on the 10th, and you find your voice. The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th, boosting your sense of personal power and increasing your influence and presence. These transits also bring out the need to share your ideas and use the power of words to improve your life. Use this extra boost of visibility to further your plans. It’s a fine time to consider new personal initiatives, make changes to your presentation or appearance, and update your year-ahead resolutions.
Pluto turns retrograde on the 29th, and you’re more aware of evolving relationship needs. Strong feelings about partnership or a specific person can emerge. Still, you may need to back off a situation just a little so that you can gain perspective and see where you’ve been too attached, controlling, or tense. You may be reassessing, observing, and gaining a new vision of a close relationship, publishing project, educational path, or belief system in the months ahead.
The 30th brings a Solar Eclipse in your sign, acting as a powerful slate cleaner. Something new begins, and it can feel much like a new chapter in your life story. You are ready to kick bad habits, start fresh, and present a more self-assured “you” to the world. However, this can emerge from a feeling that you’re very much not in control or in charge, so there can be some discomfort involved. The eclipse receives nice support, suggesting that efforts put forth now lead to successful, rewarding changes. Before this date, focus on review, meditation, and activities that help you purge or process and release negative energy.
Going forward, you’re likely to find yourself at a turning point or experiencing a significant shift. This eclipse is part of a series that began last November and ends in October 2023. You’re in the midst of this robust process in which you’re reinventing yourself in a meaningful way, getting in touch with your personal power and independence. You’re changing how you approach the world, and as you do, you’ll find that you attract different experiences and people into your life. This can be a time of social refreshment and detox from pressured situations and goals. You’re feeding your soul and reminding yourself that happiness counts!
You continue to look for ways to improve your life experiences and increase your knowledge and wisdom this month, dear Gemini. Expanding your mind and exploring extracurricular activities can be rewarding. Sharing ideas and focusing on your happiness goals can figure strongly. It’s a time for feeling freer and happier as your knowledge of the world around you grows.
When Venus and Mars move into your professional sector on the 5th and 14th, respectively, you continue to enjoy networking and learning. However, you are also in the position to bring more creativity, energy, and charisma to your career or public life. The 11-13 is especially powerful for personal and professional influence–you have the chance to shine. You can be both warm and assertive, helping you get ahead.
With the Sun in your solar eleventh house until the 19th, it’s a great time for networking, group efforts, reaching out to the community, and friendships. Long-term plans look exciting now. The New Moon on the 1st brings wonderful energy for making connections and solving problems. Emerging opportunities have the potential for longevity and meaningfulness. In the week following this New Moon, you might decide to begin a new venture or join a group or team.
Even though career, responsibilities, and life plan goals come into focus as the month advances, they do have a social element to them. Very creative dynamic energy is with you, particularly from mid-month, for manifesting your goals. It’s a time for getting noticed for your performance. You might connect with people who can further your career or personal interests. Through others’ faith in you or wisdom, you are encouraged to reach your potential. Your intuition, compassion, or creativity can play a decisive role in your career. Support or connections can seem to appear suddenly or out of nowhere.
The Full Moon on the 16th can bring affections and creativity to full bloom. The route to fulfillment may not be immediately apparent, but the first step is acknowledging what you want.
You begin to need more time to yourself with Mercury and the Sun moving into your privacy sector on the 10th and 19th. There is a natural inclination to withdraw and rest more. Taking the time to relax, refresh, and get in touch with your inner world can be in order. You might see old problems or projects in a new light. Life is a little quieter as you find more time to slip into the background to enjoy private moments and times for rest and reflection. New opportunities can emerge that turn your attention behind the scenes.
Pluto turns retrograde on the 29th, and if the give-and-take or trust in a key relationship has fallen out of balance, you’ll feel it more intensely now. Health and work matters, primarily related to control or fear issues, can also come into sharper focus with this shift. Over the coming five-plus months of this retrograde, you’ll benefit from reviewing or reassessing current wellness programs, routines, work projects, power dynamics, intimate relationships, shared assets, or debt.
A Solar Eclipse occurs on the last day of the month, reinforcing a need to look within. Current eclipses pull up important themes revolving around whether you’re attending to a healthy work-rest balance. Hunches are powerful and hard to ignore. You’re not exactly putting everything on hold, but there’s a call to take more time for yourself to recharge.
In the weeks ahead of this eclipse, you’ll have the motivation and energy boost needed to deal with the past or private matters, let go of things you no longer need, and attend to your mental and emotional wellness. It’s a great time to clear the decks. You can be more confident in your path or happier about where you’re heading.
Life is picking up speed for you this month, dear Cancer, in a most enjoyable way. You seem to be balancing work and play well right now, with opportunities emerging on both personal and professional levels.
With the Sun and Mercury at the top of your solar chart to the 19th and 10th, you’re in a great position to look after the major structures in your life. It’s a time to give extra attention to career, long-term goals, rules, responsibilities, and performance. It can also be a time of greater visibility and for reminding yourself of long-term plans and the rules of the road.
The New Moon on the 1st can boost career efforts and your reputation. There can be a sense that you can start fresh. Transits are good for revitalizing your intimate life and getting a better sense of what you can count on in terms of monetary and emotional support. It can also be a rich time for better understanding yourself or an intimate partner. Combining your resources or talents with someone can be beneficial for reaching a goal.
Venus and Mars move into your spirit sector and harmonize with your sign from the 5th and 14th. Jupiter is already here, blessing this area of your solar chart. These influences can boost your spirits and bring more spontaneity into your love life, communications, and everyday experiences. Promotional or marketing efforts can prosper.
As the month advances, you may get the chance to apply your knowledge and skillset in practical ways, or your ideas reach a larger audience and gain recognition. Publishing, learning, and teaching come into stronger focus. You might enjoy an exciting new project or a revival of one already in progress. Personal magnetism is strong and increasing. You’ll find that moving outside of your normal bounds and routines improves your opportunities. There can be a great hunger for new experiences and knowledge that feed your mind and spirit. With Venus, Mars, and Jupiter moving in harmony with your sign, you’re likely to easily bounce back from minor problems.
Jupiter and Neptune meet this month, producing magical energy for finding a special line of study or personal interest. Increased faith or enriching cultural activities can figure strongly, and you especially love any art that elevates the human spirit. It’s a strong time for hooking into a cherished dream or plan and feeling more hopeful as a result.
The Full Moon on the 16th can be a time for recognizing a stronger need for family and the comforts of familiarity and the home.
Mercury and the Sun move into your friendship sector on the 10th and 19th, turning your attention to enjoyment, friends, teamwork, and networking. You’re entertaining long-term happiness goals now.
With Pluto turning retrograde on the 29th for over five months, you’re likely to identify areas where you’ve been pushing too hard or where you’ve been too attached for your own good.
A Solar Eclipse occurs on the last day of April, and changes are in the works for your social life, hopes, dreams, or community involvement. This trend first emerged in November and will continue to develop until this year and the next. If you’ve been pursuing a project independently, you might now recognize the need to delegate tasks, collaborate, or start something brand new. With eclipses, sometimes we have to let go of something–and often, this is simply an idea or preconception–before we fully embrace moving on. A fresh start is possible when it comes to a friendship or group connection. In the period ahead, the people and causes with which you align yourself may evolve.
It can also be a time of romantic possibilities with someone offering you an entirely different perspective on life. Stirrings of restlessness can motivate you to improve your life, such as through a new course or adventure of sorts. A fun and healthy escape may be in the offing and can be a real refresher.
The month begins spiritedly, dear Leo, and learning, sharing ideas, and relating are in strong focus. You’re more experimental, spontaneous, and adventurous than usual at this time of the year. Benefits come from learning pursuits, transportation, and general spirit or attitude towards life. While you can be especially excited by your special interests in the first part of April, you become more concerned with goals and responsibilities as the month progresses, making it best not to take on more than you can handle.
Close relationships and partnerships continue to be an area of focus this month–transits are likely to reveal some strong needs and desires in the area of partnering. There is excitement stimulated through your relationship with others.
A New Moon occurs at the beginning of April, pushing your need for refreshment. Opportunities to break the routine, learn, publish, promote, or share can emerge. Something that connects you with a new, different, or broader audience or with other ideas and cultures can be in focus now, and it’s gratifying. A change of scene or mental refreshment can be beneficial now.
You’re exploring and discovering more frequently this month, but Venus and Mars head into your intimacy sector on the 5th and 14th, respectively, where Jupiter and Neptune meet. For people in love relationships or looking for love, this month and the next are vital for getting closer. Connections can deepen. While you’re seeking out a little more adventure from your life this month, your private world holds a lot of appeal. In fact, there can be times when you’re utterly absorbed in quiet activities, research, and projects. Your feelings run deep, and your intimate world is richer and more profound. Private time is special as April progresses. You feel more supported and more genuinely confident now. This can be a great period for intimacy, pouring extra energy into passion projects, or taking action on a private matter.
Under these transits, any new relationships in your life may deepen. Indeed, your feelings and desires transform, deepen, and grow more complex or layered. It can be a time for consolidating or combining your resources, gaining financial support, or bringing a little more excitement to your intimate life. It’s a time for sharing responsibilities and combining resources or talents to advance your goals. Money or support may come through, or financial dealings can be successful. Do keep an eye on your shared resources as you explore boundaries.
Around the Full Moon on the 16th, you can be especially busy and enjoy good news or contact with a special friend. It’s a generally busy time, but do find some space for relaxation.
You experience more motivation to realize your business goals with Mercury’s move to the top of your solar chart on the 10th and the Sun from the 19th. These transits are shifting your attention to the rules and structures in your life.
Pluto turns retrograde on the 29th, putting you in the position to review and reassess work and health matters in the coming months. You might more clearly see where you’ve been over-attached or where you’ve been putting too much pressure on yourself. You may decide to delegate or let go of some initiatives so that you can catch your breath and find more time to explore, expand, and flourish.
A Solar Eclipse occurs on the 30th, and there can be new responsibilities, recognition, or a new position or project in the weeks following. You might come into the limelight in some manner now, or you’ll find others are noticing you for your performance and actions. There can be the need to follow the rules or straighten out an area of your life.
Changes in goals, plans, and priorities could be on the horizon. This eclipse set challenges you to pay more attention to balancing your inner and outer worlds. It started in November and will stick with you this year and the next. Right now, the thrust is for better managing your responsibilities to the outside world.
You continue to focus on work, health, and relationships as April begins, dear Virgo. You’re pulling back a little, strategizing, observing, and researching your options.
The New Moon on the first day of the month prompts you to organize your financial affairs, seek support, or start a new plan for emotional health and wellness. You can be excited to study a topic in more depth or find solutions to long-standing problems. Finances deserve special attention, mainly shared money and property or loans and support payments. This can be a time of a refund, bonus, or loan coming through for some.
If you’ve been pushing too hard towards a work or fitness goal, there could be a roadblock or slowdown in the first few days of April that reminds you that long-term success requires pacing yourself. You could be working particularly hard at improving your health or working conditions. Look for ways to simplify so that you can move forward in the best possible direction.
As April advances, your focus begins shifting to your social life, partnering, connecting, and exploring new adventures or experiences and ideas. Pulling yourself away from work and tasks can be of great benefit now. Relationships enliven.
Venus and Mars head into your partnership sector on the 5th and 14th, animating your relationships and highlighting your needs from others. Jupiter and Neptune are already in this area of your solar chart, and these bodies come together in a magnificent alignment. As such, there’s some special magic with you for one-to-one connections. Negotiations are well-favored. Exciting or enticing people could be part of the picture now. For those in a partnership, a relationship is lively, perhaps a little demanding, and a valuable learning process.
Relationships, in general, can advance to a new level. Your sense of security is strongly reinforced by close partnerships this month. A partner might rely on you for emotional support, existing partnerships may be especially nurturing, quiet, and moving, or you tend to buddy up with a family member.
Be open to new ideas and stimulation, but experiment wisely and creatively. Be sure to get a word in edgewise, even if it’s a necessary time to consider the input of others. A partner or special friend can inspire or motivate you to pursue a dream or work up to your potential. It’s a time when you may not only seek some feedback or one-on-one, but you’re also likely to benefit significantly from it.
As April advances, expressing love, pleasure, warmth, and affection comes more naturally than usual, and you’re likely to find others especially enjoy your company. Cooperating or merging with others can be in focus.
With Mercury on the 10th and the Sun on the 19th moving into your solar ninth house, it’s about the broader vision emerging and a pleasant feeling of confidence to explore and discover taking over. Opportunities to break out of your regular routine abound and inspire. An outward focus and more outgoing feelings figure strongly. You’re likely to find the spirit and motivation to enjoy extracurricular activities.
Pluto turns retrograde on the 29th, and in the months ahead, you’ll be gaining a new perspective on learning, connecting, romance, creativity, recreation, communications, and transportation. Ultimately, you’ll see where fear and over-attachment may have been working against you in these areas. This retrograde period is powerful for gaining self-knowledge.
The Solar Eclipse on the last day of April reinforces and energizes your need to branch out, make a mark on the world, and communicate. The thing to watch at this time, however, is prematurity. It’s better to observe and intuit in the days following an eclipse and avoid rushing ahead. You’re likely to enjoy new ideas and experiences as your perspective on your life is evolving. Expanding your reach or audience or exploring different topics can figure strongly in the months ahead.
The month ahead is pivotal for your relationships, dear Libra, and for exploring your needs and wants. As April advances, creative ways to spiff up your daily routines can figure strongly. Your motivation to do something meaningful with your time is strong in April.
There’s a New Moon at the beginning of April, and it can point to a new beginning related to a partnership. New insights arrive, particularly with a Sun-Mercury alignment at the same time. You see relationships from a new angle. There can be counseling, advice, negotiations, and business agreements.
Venus and Mars move through your romance, entertainment, and creative expression sector until the 5th and 14th, respectively, framing you well. You’re looking good and feeling good! Boosting your relating sensibilities further are the Sun (until the 19th) and Mercury (to the 10th) in your partnership sector. You attract strong and intelligent people into your life. You’re also taking more pride in your close relationships, motivating you to make a solid effort to relate in positive, rewarding ways.
Still, you have lovely energy building for work, taking better care of yourself through improved or extra attention to your habits and routines, and getting happily on track with your practical affairs. Venus and Mars move into your solar sixth house on the 5th and 14th, boosting your daily life. Good energy for consulting, negotiating, and partnering is with you, mainly connected with your work or health goals. You could be teaming up with someone to pursue wellness programs or complete a project, for example.
Newfound or increased joy in your work can also bolster health. You are especially inventive, creative, and enterprising, particularly with your work, methods, and pet projects. With Jupiter and Neptune aligning in the same sector, you benefit from increased faith in your job, daily affairs, or work/health routines. It may even be the case that you land your dream job or find yourself working from home or with someone special. There can be more activity and communication on the job. You can be especially mentally active and engaged with your duties or chores. You more fully enjoy getting things done, working, helping, guiding, assisting, or being of service.
The Full Moon on the 16th is in your sign, and there can be a big reveal, or you awake to your true feelings on a matter. There can be a personal epiphany as you recognize feelings you may have buried due to busyness or distraction. This lunation puts you in the spotlight, and can find you in demand.
Mercury and the Sun move into your intimacy zone on the 10th and 19th, turning your attention to commitments, finances, and shared resources. It’s a time of deepening feelings and increased focus. You might connect deeply with someone seemingly out of the blue, or there can be an unanticipated financial matter to manage. You might share some of your deeper feelings with a trusted person in your life.
Pluto turns retrograde on the 29th, and you’re getting in the position to review, reassess, and gain a new perspective about finances, matters related to security and comfort, family, and home or domestic life.
A Solar Eclipse occurs on April 30th, and there’s more to a developing story revolving around money, ownership, sharing, and intimacy. This eclipse can prompt you to develop strategies to cut out unhealthy dependencies and habits that prevent you from growing and thriving. It can be a time for taking charge of your finances, particularly money shared with others or coming from sources other than your income.
On another level, this eclipse season can be about boosting your intimate world, whether it’s a relationship with someone or with yourself, as you discover your passions and your deeper desires. Going “all in” with a special project or pursuit can be a satisfying focus now.
There’s a continued focus on home, family, work, and routines as you begin April, dear Scorpio. Strong creative energy and animation in your personal life are themes. You’re finding new ways to enjoy entertainment on the home front and innovative ways to interact with the people closest to you. In truth, there are many different fields of focus this month.
You’re also bringing more pride and intelligence to your work, habits, and health. It’s a great time to use common sense and improve your habits and daily routines. The week following the New Moon on the 1st is excellent for launching new fitness or health programs and work projects. You want –or need– to turn over a new leaf now. It’s a beautiful time for improving your habits and daily affairs, and it’s a time of fresh energy and new beginnings. You could intuitively gravitate to a new healing path or a work method that serves you well. You might get the chance to strengthen relationships with co-workers or with yourself and your attitudes towards work.
You’re more interactive and outgoing as April progresses. You want to share and enjoy yourself after Venus and Mars head into your sector of joy on the 5th and 14th. This is, in fact, a vital time for all things romantic, creative, and fun. Hobbies can be a strong focus now. You’re also attracting positive attention, and your charm is natural.
With these transits, there can be exciting turns of events surrounding romance, children, entertainment, and creative projects. You seek, and probably find, more meaning in your projects, hobbies, and friendships. As you pour more energy and heart into romantic relationships or creative pursuits, your relationships and projects take on new life. Personal magnetism is through the roof. You are certainly attracting positive attention as your more playful impulses surface. Enthusiasm for hobbies, entertainment, and other forms of lively expression increases, and opportunities emerge to enjoy yourself more thoroughly.
Jupiter and Neptune align in this same sector, and it can be pretty magical! It encourages you to be more expressive with romantic notions or your ideas and art. Your faith in romantic relationships increases. You could be discovering your creative potential or putting more trust in your creative abilities. You could be monetizing a creative hobby.
It’s a potentially incredible time for creativity, imagination, romance, fantasy, and wonder. Your income might increase as you explore and make the most of your talents, make connections, pursue a skill or unique craft, or other such ventures. Or, you might invest more of your time, energy, and money into creative or romantic pursuits.
You feel more natural, spontaneous, and ready to seize the day. You’re commanding attention! It’s an excellent period for competitive activities, exams, learning, and creative activities.
Mercury moves into your partnership sector on the 10th, and the Sun does the same on the 19th. Close relationships come into strong focus. You’ll be inclined to want to pair up to make important decisions.
Pluto turns retrograde on the 29th, putting you in a more reflective frame of mind. It’s a great time for searching deep within for answers.
A Solar Eclipse on the last day of the month prompts you to think about relationship lacks and needs. It brings a charge of energy to relationships. The months ahead are important for exploring your need for partnership, whether this is about starting a significant relationship, committing to enhancing an existing one, or recognizing changing needs regarding relationships in general.
There can be excellent opportunities for self-expression through your contact with others. You could be expanding your horizons through your pleasures and pastimes. Love can be magical, and your powers of attraction are strong.
Romantic, creative, and playful pursuits are in focus as you begin April, dear Sagittarius. You’re curious and often seeking mentally engaging activities. You’re also quite connected this month.
April begins with a New Moon on its first day, bringing a nice charge of motivation for creative and entertaining pursuits or a new start in a romance. In the week following this New Moon, you may be pushing forward a hobby, romance, or creative pursuit. It’s a strong time for new beginnings or fresh starts. Look for ways to express and enjoy yourself more fully. You’ll also find that your communications are getting attention and that, for the most part, you’re getting your message across.
The month begins on a sweet note–you impress others on many different levels. This is due to Venus and Mars in your communications sector in harmony with your sign, and the Sun and Mercury also harmonizing with Sagittarius from your romance and creativity sector. These are easy, flowing influences that highlight your natural charm and encourage self-expression.
Jupiter and Neptune meet in your sector of soul and home this month, and Venus and Mars head into this area of your solar chart on the 5th and 14th. As such, it promises to be a solid month for your emotional life, inner world, and domestic pursuits. You’re seeking more warmth, beauty, and enjoyment in your personal life and on the home front. In fact, you’re actively creating this atmosphere, and it feels good to do so.
Conditions are animated, lively, and magical in your personal world! These transits present many opportunities to improve relationships with family and with yourself. Creative improvements to the physical home, not only emotional ones, could be a theme for some. Ideas for having fun and making your accommodations more livable are abundant. It’s possible you come into financial support or backing for establishing yourself in a career or home.
You can be feeling especially desirous of positive change in your personal life. You not only have creative vision, but you’re also motivated to make something more comfortable or beautiful. With Jupiter and Neptune aligning this month, you’re investing more of yourself and your dreams in your family or home life. In general, your faith in family and home life increases. You’re in great shape for a more imaginative, creative, and even blissful period in your domestic life. However, it’s important to avoid overinflating expectations because you’re hungry for more idyllic conditions in these areas.
It’s a time for emphasizing cooperation, trust, and faith. It can also be an excellent time to clear space around the home. Whether you’re going bigger or creating the illusion of more space, it feels good!
The Full Moon on the 16th can open your heart to the need for true friendship. Unacknowledged feelings can emerge now, and these emotions may be about someone or can serve to rekindle an interest in a project you haven’t yet fully pursued.
Mercury and the Sun move into your work and health sector on the 10th and 19th, respectively, and you’re turning your attention to the important systems in your life, your daily routines, work, and personal well-being.
In fact, a Solar Eclipse occurs in this area of your chart on the last day of April. It can prompt a new beginning with work, habits, health, or routines in the coming weeks and even months, as its range of influence is long. It’s a time for reworking or committing to improved daily routines, work projects, healthy habits, lifestyle changes, or even a new job or line of work for some. Be sure to pace yourself and don’t jump into something without thinking. A new direction will come, and you don’t have to push for it!
The month ahead is powerful for motivation and energy levels, dear Capricorn, especially mentally. It’s also strong for strengthening your resolve and self-confidence, opening up conversations with family, drawing up plans and lists of priorities, and spending a little more time on activities and endeavors in the home.
You begin the month with a continued focus on your personal life, domestic world, and desire for familiarity. You’re motivated to make your life more secure. A New Moon occurs on the first day of April, and it invites you to start fresh in these areas. Support comes from behind the scenes, and you’re seeking, making room for, and finding emotional replenishment. In the week following the New Moon, brand new projects can get off to a great start. It could be time for a domestic makeover. Opportunities can emerge to boost your relationships with loved ones. Relaxing, recreational activities can appeal and might even be therapeutic now.
As the month progresses, you’re far more interactive. Venus and Mars move into your communications sector on the 5th and 14th. With learning, connecting, and communicating, your initiative is through the roof. The motivation to learn or express yourself is strong. Wonderful new ideas and subjects that capture your interest are themes. There can be a supportive meeting of minds, or you might be the go-to person for information and know-how. There could also be new or improved connections and friendships.
Something magical is happening in this sector of your chart this month. Not only do Venus and Mars visit, but Jupiter and Neptune align. There can be lovely exposure to different ideas, opportunities, and possibilities. Your imagination blossoms, and creative writing, speaking, and other such pursuits can thrive. You could be writing or otherwise communicating your more personal thoughts and feelings, perhaps focusing on the past or more private material. The lines of communication are opening in extraordinary and possibly unusual ways.
You’re likely to enjoy some lively, stimulating, and creative connections, not only with people but with projects, ideas, and pursuits you find wonderfully fulfilling. In April, relationships improve, build, and elevate with better communication and concern. More involvement and interest can boost your experiences.
The Full Moon on the 16th can bring a turning point to a career or life path matter or pull up a responsibility. You might attract attention for positive efforts or a good deed.
Mercury and the Sun move into your sector of joy on the 10th and 19th. These transits stir a desire to play, enjoy, share your feelings and affections, and create. This can be one of the most creative and expressive periods of the year, and for some, the most romantic. Signs point to the need for you to detach yourself a little from areas of over-control or energy drains.
A Solar Eclipse occurs in this same sector on the 30th, ushering in change and new beginnings with how you enjoy and express yourself. You might begin anew on creative levels now. In the months ahead, you’ll find it natural to pursue heartfelt projects or relationships. You are likely to attract favorable attention from others, especially romantically or creatively speaking. A new hobby or pastime can come into high focus.
Pluto turns retrograde on the 29th, and as the shift occurs, there can be some magnification of unresolved matters, fears, or compulsions. However, once you get beyond the shift, the retrograde cycle itself, lasting until October, is excellent for detaching yourself from these things enough to see where you may have been overly worried or obsessing. You’re in a fine position to review and reassess your approach to self-starts, new beginnings, friendships, and group connections.
The month begins with a New Moon in your communications sector, dear Aquarius. Your interests are expanding, and you may feel ready to push forward a project or line of study. It’s a good time to turn over a new leaf regarding making connections or sharpening your skills. Establishing mental rapport with others can be in focus.
It’s a great time for putting your feelers out and gathering information, although there will be times when you could feel a little harried. You’re encouraged to experiment with different ideas and projects, but don’t let it get to a point where you’re living life in a nervous state. You might find new channels or platforms for self-expression, and these can be more imaginative, creative, and ultimately, more fulfilling. You can attractively present original and unique ideas, helping others open up in kind.
April also begins with a continued focus on your sign–you’re turning heads and making things happen! While you’re getting attention, you’re also quite independent now, and in fact, doing things on your own behalf has the most significant rewards for the time being. The desire to express yourself and share your experiences with others is nevertheless powerful.
As the month progresses, it’s excellent for focusing on building and developing current projects, ideas, and personal talents. Venus and Mars move out of your sign and into your resources sector on the 5th and 14th, respectively. It’s a great time to pay special attention to your income, how you spend your money, and your valuables. You’ll have great ideas for improving your bottom line or making better use of your resources.
You could be discovering or developing your natural talents. If you’ve been considering an independent venture or going into business for yourself, you’ll be strongly motivated to get going on this now. You are bolder than usual regarding business and earnings, and you’re motivated to produce and prove your worth. Financial breakthroughs are possible. Your attitude towards your practical affairs is proactive, confident, fresh, and positive.
With Jupiter and Neptune coming together in this same area of your solar chart, you have more faith in your ability to make money, or you find a purpose in what you’re doing. You’re seeking more idyllic conditions regarding money, comfort, and security. You bring a fresh, positive, and confident attitude towards your self-worth and value or to your practical affairs, including work. You could be more enthusiastic or optimistic about earning a living. A money problem may clear up, or a major purchase or sale can figure strongly. It can be a time of a significant memento or financial benefit from a friend, a wonderful personal possession, or a windfall related to a visionary or progressive approach. There can be a pleasant feeling of abundance or a stronger drive to enjoy certain freedoms or the fruit of your labor.
Mercury and the Sun move into your home and family sector on the 10th and 19th, respectively. You’re certainly shifting your focus to more secure, familiar, and grounded activities as April advances. You can be happily introspective during this period.
If you require a fresh start with family, the Solar Eclipse on the 30th can get the ball rolling. It encourages improvements to your domestic world that are likely to have long-lasting, positive effects on your life. Changes to organizing and enjoying your home or downtime can be in the works. The weeks and even months ahead of this eclipse are excellent for applying yourself to a meaningful project or endeavor. It’s also a good time for laying the foundation for a major project or business.
April is a wonderful month for taking charge of your practical affairs, dear Pisces, but it’s also excellent for your personal life and confidence levels.
You’ll be taking care of business and taking more pride in your work, possessions, and ability to earn or improve your life. You could gain some appreciation or admiration for your talents now as well. The first week of April is good for starting fresh and taking charge, particularly of a business, project, or money matters and spending habits. Money matters and business projects are likely to move forward–it’s one of the better times of the year for financial prosperity.
You begin the month with a New Moon in your resources sector and the chance for a new beginning or commitment to a money goal. There’s also a lot of energy drawing your attention to the past as you begin the month. It’s an important time for considering whether some projects and attitudes have outgrown their value. Venus and Mars in your privacy sector until the 5th and 14th, respectively, can leave a lot to your imagination and perhaps keep you on a fence as you consider all your options. It can also bring animation and liveliness to your private world.
After these dates, Venus and Mars move into your sign, bringing your personality, charm, and attractiveness into the spotlight. Others are noticing you, and you’re feeling a little more decided and confident. This is a strong time for partnering as well. It’s a time to more heartily pursue your personal plans, needs, and desires. This is about you, and you fully deserve some extra attention!
Your energy levels run high, and your pioneering instincts are strong. It’s good news for personal appeal and attracting what you want into your life. It’s a potentially fabulous period for charm and attractiveness, and this trend continues into May. You can be feeling especially empowered, putting negativity behind you, and pursuing your goals.
Even more potent is Jupiter moving into alignment with Neptune in your sign. You have the drive to make your vision a reality, and your ideas are no less than monumental. You can feel that you’re growing as you build your confidence in your communications, projects, and studies. A spirit of altruism, generosity, expanded faith, and a resurgence of your belief in achieving your dreams are themes.
You may need a reality check here and there to keep your expectations realistic and your feet on the ground. It would be best to exercise some caution with legal matters, finances, and practical affairs, as the tendency to ignore critical details is present. Your heart is very open–protect it with realistic expectations, and this can be a good time to elevate your life in key ways.
You may be sharing your feelings, happiness, art, talents, and joy now–the tendency is to go big! You’re feeling especially confident about who you are and about dealing with life, in general.
Mercury and the Sun move into your communications sector on the 10th and 19th, further bringing you out of your shell as the month advances.
With Pluto turning retrograde on the 29th, if there have been problems with control, resentment, or fears of loss, you are now in a better position to gain perspective. Problem areas could magnify around this date, but as you grow accustomed to this shift, you’ll find ways to release some of the pressure.
A Solar Eclipse occurs on the last day of April, and your mind is curious, excited, and hungry, and opportunities to feed it are likely to pop up when you need them most. Improved connections are in store as transportation and communication channels open up for you in the period ahead, although this can stem from a challenge. It’s time to diversify!
Please note that I write the horoscope summaries over the course of a few days, and I always start with a different sign each month (the current birthday month’s sign). This month, I begin with Aries.
Monthly Calendar:

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