*August 2020 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*
August finds you with especially creative ideas, dear Aries, and a motivated and confident disposition. It’s an excellent time to thrive in competition, overcome challenges, or enjoy more intense, satisfying activities. You can be enthusiastic about making changes to a relationship, romance, or hobbies, or you might experience a new desire to move forward in these areas.
Note that next month, Mars will retrograde in your sign, and you may be reevaluating some of your desires, projects, and pursuits. However, for now, a direct approach works wonders. You may be itching to get something done or to put an idea into action. The mundane or routine holds little appeal–you have an urge to sink your teeth into something more challenging and exciting. You are mentally alert and decisive.
The Full Moon on the 3rd can produce a surprise, bringing warmth, emotion, and color to your feelings and possibly your social life. Your need for others or place in the broader community becomes evident. It can be a time of extending your help or support. You’re made more aware of the vital role you play in others’ lives. As Mars and Jupiter form a square around the time of the Full Moon, there can be some excess energy to manage. The tendency to go over the top is strong and can be an agitating factor, potentially even ruining a good thing. Kept in check, you’re in a particularly hopeful, enthusiastic mood.
Your outlook or attitude is mainly positive, outgoing, and refreshing. Ideas flow very well, and your conversations are understood. Part of you is seeking more comfort and safety, and this helps balance you out. Venus has spent an unusual amount of time in your communications sector. On the 7th, it moves into your home and family sector for a month. During this cycle, you are a little more protective with your heart, tending to stick to the familiar and secure rather than venture outwith your heart on your sleeve. Some hesitancy and caution when it comes to love, the pursuit of pleasure, and money are standard with this cycle. It’s a good time for bringing more harmony, comfort, or beauty to your home, and more peace with family members. Real estate matters could be favorable now.
On the 15th, Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle. Even with some worry related to finances or some moving around of funds, ultimately, you’re moving towards a whole new way of living. As you rewrite what you value most, the respect you attract into your life evolves. You are discovering unique natural talents and learning to embrace and develop them and let go of old dependencies or crutches. The coming months will be useful for working on inner attitudes that need to change so that you can move forward more authentically. It’s also a time for dreaming up inventive ways of making money or reviewing and refining current projects.
On the 18th, the New Moon prompts you to express your feelings and do more creating, romancing, enjoying, and entertaining. There can be opening doors, new beginnings, or restarts along creative or romantic lines.
Mercury and the Sun move into your work and health sector on the 19th and 22nd, respectively. As August progresses, your focus shifts to daily routines, work, health, and self-care or self-improvement programs. You can be successful at organizing your work and workspace and seeking out information that helps you improve your health. Favored now are activities that get your life and your mind tidy and organized.
Transits in later August are strong for self-development and laying the groundwork for future success. You can learn something valuable or meaningful, which pushes you on a new path. You are determined to make improvements, and you can devise interesting strategies and plans. It’s a powerful time for work, chores, and wellness. Your willingness to put in the detail work involved with moving towards a long-term or ambitious goal is admirable. Motivation comes from a more definite end goal or sense of meaning.
In August, great energy is with you for dealing with emotional or tricky areas, dear Taurus, and putting problems behind you. You can make some handy adjustments to your domestic world, or you’re particularly enthusiastic about improving your personal life. If it takes a bit of extra energy to help you reduce stress all around, you’re ready to put in the effort. Efforts made around the home, with domestic projects, and concerning activities with family, can lead to remarkable advances.
August asks you to acknowledge your feelings rather than push them to the side. Problem-solving skills are improved. You can quickly find solutions to problems that make you feel more secure, especially having to do with family and expenses. Thinking about the past can be quite productive and useful. While you tend to work behind the scenes more often than not in the first few weeks of the month, you’re opening up to someone special and enjoying positive reactions.
The Full Moon on the 3rd reminds you of the need to pay special attention to your work or reputation. A call to action is possible, and while you could feel some pressure to perform, don’t push yourself too hard. Pace yourself even with emotions running high. You might receive extra attention, or you might be in the position to take the lead. This Full Moon stirs your emotions, and a Mars-Jupiter square stirs your desires. There can be great enthusiasm, and big, beautiful feelings and passions stimulated now, but also some impatience, which you should keep in check for best results. Channeling excess energy into something you love doing can be a winning strategy now.
You tend to seek more security and enjoy a natural and smooth flow of communication with loved ones. Thoughts and conversations often turn to the old days, childhood, home, financial security, domestic pursuits, and personal affairs. You’re in an excellent position to work out of your home or in home-related fields.
Your ruling planet, Venus, enters your communications sector on the 7th for a stay of a month, increasing your need and ability to share your thoughts and feelings with someone special. You’re coming out of a lengthy Venus cycle that emphasized stability and security in your social and love relationships. This new cycle can serve as an important shift that’s echoed later in August with Mercury and the Sun’s move into your sector of joy. You’re moving into a more sociable, curious, and chatty phase. You’re bringing more charm and diplomacy to your communications.
Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle mid-August. While Uranus was direct and in your sign in recent months, confidence in your pursuit of new experiences and expression of your independence has been evident. However, with Uranus now retrograde until January, more is going on inside you than on the surface. Use this time to get in touch with what is driving you, particularly if you’ve been feeling restless or on edge. Examine which fears or attitudes have been limiting your independence and personal truth. Plans may be put on hold or could slow down, whether this is due to circumstances or because you are not as quick to make changes or take personal risks.
The New Moon on the 18th brings fresh energy into your life for personal and domestic pursuits. You might consider this lunation a push to reconnect with yourself — to check in with your feelings and comfort levels before pressing forward. A new start with family, home life, or living conditions and arrangements is possible now.
August transits help you find ways to satisfy both your need for new experiences and your desire to lay low and regenerate. This might mean a restful adventure or new activity that refreshes you.
Mercury and the Sun head into your sector of leisure, self-expression, fun, romance, and creativity on the 19th and 22nd, respectively. As August progresses, activities through which you can have fun, impress, create, and share are a strong draw. Others tend to respond well to your ideas and overtures.
While communications tend to be lighter or more playful, they can be rewarding and refreshing. Sharing your plans with someone and perhaps brainstorming to improve them can be rewarding. Developing satisfying rules or expectations in a relationship can be in focus. You’re in a great position to apply yourself to something fulfilling and worthwhile, whether it’s a hobby, project, or relationship. Your desire to create and share awakens.
The month ahead is particularly strong for your communications and outlook, dear Gemini. Reaching out and connecting can bring unexpected opportunities to you. Learning and projects or personal interests are in good favor. Motivation returns or builds in August. You are bright and alert, ready to embrace change. You’re in a primarily positive, action-oriented frame of mind, and you can be feeling refreshed and a little braver or more interested in seeing results. You may be jump-starting friendships. Increased clarity comes from a willingness to learn from others and encourage them to express themselves. Intellectual matters can thrive.
You’re talkative, expressive, interested, and interactive. You express yourself more flowingly, and you’re more inclined to reach out to others. There can be plenty of information-gathering and a feeling of being on top of your daily affairs.
The Full Moon on the 3rd encourages you to expand your interests and experiences. An idea or interest you’ve been working on can take flight. There can be wonderfully passionate moments and feelings in love and friendship, but perhaps some tension if you try to push a matter too quickly. Decisions involving or made with friends can be too hasty. If dissatisfaction leads to new developments and improvements, or the courage to resolve a problem, then ride on this energy.
Life is taking a creative, more forward-looking energy this month, although as August advances, you crave more downtime and comfort. The first sign of this energy happens when Venus leaves your sign on the 7th after an extended stay. With this transit that lasts until September 6th, you’re in a better position to enjoy yourself without self-consciousness. The focus is on building your resources now. Love is more about security and comfort, and affections stabilize as you value simpler pleasures. Getting along well with others can be one way to boost your business or income, and relationships already in place can benefit from steadier energy.
Another shift is the retrograde turn of Uranus in your privacy sector. This Uranus transit is a long-term one that helps you break free from elements of your life that have prevented growth. The more you let go of the weight of secrets and inauthentic behavior, the freer you are to be yourself. In the upcoming five months, while Uranus is retrograde, you tend to process recent events and changes and deal with your feelings about putting things behind you.
The New Moon on the 18th motivates you to make valuable, happy connections and contacts, improve your skills, and come up with new ideas. You might begin a new course, writing project, or make a new friend.
August can be when you arrive at a comfortable place of intimacy with a friend or see a relationship in a new light. Mercury and the Sun enter your home sector on the 19th and 22nd, respectively. More frequent discussions and thoughts about family, domestic life, your support system, roots, and the past can begin to figure strongly. Activity increases in your home, and this can include work or learning and study.
Your communications or thoughts hold increased power and passion in later August. While the focus was on variety and diversity in the first part of the month, you’re getting to the bottom of a matter, poking, prodding, investigating, and analyzing later. Of course, the outside world will need your attention, but your interests seem to lie in getting comfortable and secure. Soothe yourself with the familiar and aim to shore yourself up. The needs of family and the home environment may not necessarily increase, but you’ll tune into them more strongly. It can be a time for bringing healing, refinement, and organization to your home life and family relationships.
You might often find yourself in the position to lead, manage, or take charge this month, and it goes rather smoothly, dear Cancer. Even so, there is a stronger focus on settling in and getting comfortable. Creative problem solving comes easily, particularly when you apply your thinking to practical and professional matters. You’re more decisive and confident in August, although as the month progresses, your curiosity can diffuse your focus somewhat.
August is strong for income boosts, career connections, and focused building of special projects. You may be motivated to make money, ambitious to improve your situation, or healthy and friendly competition encourages you to shine. Workable solutions to problems tend to come intuitively. Ideas are progressive and exciting, and conversations, although possibly a little rough around the edges, are learning experiences. You might gain support or backing for a work or life-path goal, and this feels good.
The Sun transits your solar second house until the 22nd and Mercury from the 4-19. There can be good news, ideas, and research regarding comfort and security matters or income. It’s an excellent time to develop your talents or put them to good use, pursue hobbies for material gain, or establish yourself in a particular field. You might flesh out an idea with practical details to make it more workable or marketable.
The Full Moon on the 3rd can pull up financial or intimacy issues. You might reach a settlement or make changes in the ways you depend on others. Matters that were previously hidden or left unacknowledged may illuminate. There can be big feelings, but also some impatience. Enthusiasm for reaching your goals skyrockets, and you can be thinking up big plans that excite you.
Venus spent an unusually long time in the sign just behind yours, and on the 7th, it enters your sign. This transit has given you ample time and opportunity to process your feelings and connect with your emotional and romantic past or to nurse some old hurts before gathering the strength to move forward. Until September 6th, you’re more expressive and sure of your needs and affections. People appreciate your style and the traits you express naturally. This cycle puts the focus on pleasure and love.
Uranus turns retrograde mid-August, and for the next five months, things tend to calm down on the social front. It’s a useful period for processing recent changes and events with friends, and it benefits you greatly, helping prevent impulsive, regrettable decisions. When you act from your heart rather than merely reacting to others and circumstances, you do yourself a service.
You approach your finances from a new, refreshed perspective, particularly after the New Moon on the 18th. It’s one of the best periods of the year for money-making ideas. It’s also a good time for getting down to brass tacks when it comes to planning and dealing with your practical affairs. You might make some resolutions related to business, finances, and boosting your sense of security. If you’re looking to earn more, this can be a time to seek out new channels.
Mercury and then the Sun head into your communications sector on the 19th and 22nd, respectively. These transits encourage your desire to talk, share, learn, and connect. Getting and keeping in touch with others can benefit you. It can be a busy time of thinking, talking, moving about, and learning. It can also be a scattered period in spots! Because demands on you–and your own interests–can be very diverse at this time, it can be challenging to work on a particular project with exclusive focus. Even so, it’s more about discovery and branching out than specializing. Fun new interests or exciting news and topics can figure strongly now.
You are likely to feel braver and more outgoing this month with the Sun in your sign until the 22nd and support from assertive Mars, dear Leo. You’re more inclined to express your ideas and personality more freely. Your vision and intelligence empower you, and you seem to instinctively know that change is necessary so that you can improve, develop, and grow. Your good organizational capacities help you get things done with minimal interference and maximum respect.
August helps pull you out of situations that have been weighing you down. Plans may seem to be coming together as your confidence builds. It’s a fine time for activities you genuinely enjoy and for taking on a challenge.
Decision-making is a lot more straightforward than it has been. You’re more forthcoming this month. You benefit from feeling more in control of your thoughts and decisions. Identifying with a friend, pet project, or cause can figure strongly.
While the month encourages your independence in a general sense, the Full Moon on the 3rd can bring relationship issues or needs to light. You might get in touch with feelings you’ve buried or kept at bay, and it can be a wonderful revelation. This lunation tends to encourage you to reach a compromise or find a better balance if you’ve been overdoing things. At the same time, if you’ve been doing far more than your share, you might feel the imbalance more intensely and want to make changes.
A decision to take up different studies or to do something entirely different can come on urgently as Mars and Jupiter form a square on the 3-4. Impatience with routine matters can be a problem since your sights are set very high, so you might want to make small rather than sweeping changes to dull and lifeless areas of your life. Tame the tendency to go over the top.
Venus has spent a longer time than usual in your social sector. On August 7th, it moves on, entering your privacy sector for a month. This transit is one of the very few introspective ones in August. There can be a bit of mystery to your love life, feelings, and affections. You might aim to release old or outdated attitudes and clear space so that new experiences and affections can enter your life. You may be a little more tentative than usual about feelings and even purchases during this cycle.
Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle mid-August. This cycle has a way of inspiring you to examine needs related to your long-term goals, career, or reputation. You’ve been reshaping your reputation and carving out a unique identity, mainly through your status or profession. Now it’s time to analyze, plan, and reassess.
Still, you’ve had much mulling over, processing, and thinking to do in recent weeks, and it feels great to pull out of this mode in August. You may very well delight others with your communications this month. You’ll feel a nice burst of mental energy, and projects that didn’t gain momentum last month now seem more exciting and ready to go.
The New Moon on the 18th occurs in your sign, pointing to a personal new beginning or a sense that you have a new lease on life. You feel more power to make changes and steer your life where you want it to go. You might subtly change the way you greet the world if this can benefit you. You are more noticeable and dynamic than usual, and people appreciate you, often turning you for your input. Communications or mental pursuits and interests can be part of your fresh start.
A theme involving comfort, talents, and finances emerges as the month advances. You might discover clever and novel ways of combining work and adventure, learning, or transportation. You put far more thought than usual into business and finances now. You have an exceptional sense of what is truly valuable to you, and your capabilities.
August energies tend to boost your ability to observe and strategize, dear Virgo. Examining your past or private matters can figure strongly, but you’re also finding more moments to socialize or enjoy yourself, particularly as the month advances. You’re in great shape for cutting through appearances and uncovering something previously unknown or hidden. While you feel much more decisive than usual on an emotional level and benefit greatly from this clarity, the first half of August (at least) is strong for rest and regeneration.
You’re rather contemplative, needing ample space and time to digest and process recent events and ideas. Venus moves into your social sector on the 7th, Mercury into your sign on the 19th, and the Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd. These moves suggest you’re phasing into a more interactive approach as August progresses. Until then, you’re more inclined to keep to yourself, and you’re more interested in thinking about patterns, subtleties, and emotional issues.
The Full Moon on the 3rd could prompt a bit of a scramble to meet deadlines or deal with work or health matters. A matter that you’ve been avoiding may now come to a turning point. Still, tensions in the first week of August stem from a desire to take on too much, too fast. Excess can be a problem in many areas of life right now, but especially romance and entertainment. Creative ideas can be fantastic, nevertheless.
Venus spent longer than usual in your career and reputation sector, which has given you a chance to realign your goals and to soften or enhance your reputation, even with some hiccups along the way. From the 7th, Venus is in an easier, more natural cycle. Friendships can get a nice boost, and activities are more engaging and satisfying.
Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle midmonth. Uranus has been encouraging an “upgrade” of sorts with ninth-house matters, such as belief systems, education, publishing, and communications. If you’ve been making changes too quickly, this retrograde phase helps you balance things out. It’s a time for processing recent changes, beliefs, and experiences.
You might often find yourself reviewing projects, working behind the scenes, and enjoying a break from overthinking in the first part of August.
From the 19th forward, you’ll be in a more lucid state of mind for making quick decisions and beginning new projects with Mercury in your sign, Until then, take the time to think things through. Wrapping up projects can figure strongly. The New Moon on the 18th helps with the motivation and energy boost needed to deal with the past or private matters, let go of things you no longer need, and attend to your mental and emotional wellness. It’s a great time to clear the decks.
Later in August, you’re likely to gain more confidence or desire to interact. You’re finding ways to combine fun and intimacy creatively. You’re also inclined to share more of yourself through talking, writing, and connecting. You’re a self-starter and could benefit from doing some studying. You’re in great shape for gathering valuable resources and information. Meeting your responsibilities and building something useful is most satisfying now.
August is a fantastic month for getting things accomplished, dear Libra, and feeling more spirited and confident. It’s a good time to embrace your need for others with an emphasis on your social and partnership sectors this month. Relationships or a special person can be a motivator, getting you going and firing you up. Healthy competition can fuel the desire to do your very best. Obstacles seem to fall out of the way as you approach life with increased confidence.
You’re in good shape for sharing your ideas and expertise with others. You’re more inclined to reach out to others for inspiration, and they more readily connect with you.
The Full Moon on the 3rd might shed new light on a relationship or special project. Letting something go or releasing feelings can help you make room for a rush of creativity. You can experience a romantic revelation or a powerful desire to create something unique. Your personal life and projects deserve some special attention. A Mars-Jupiter square around the same time generates a feeling of being lucky, but also a tendency to push your luck! There could be a lot of unnecessary pressure on you to make a decision. Positively, however, you can feel a rush of new energy and courage to handle a long-standing problem.
Your planetary ruler, Venus, ends its extended stay in your adventure sector on the 7th, heading to the top of your solar chart for a monthlong visit. You bring a friendlier manner to your professional or public dealings. Social opportunities might emerge through business, or you might enjoy your work and responsibilities much more during this cycle. It’s a great time for a reputation boost or more pleasant connections.
Transits in the first few weeks of August generally encourage a more engaged or energetic rapport with associates, friends, and networks. It’s also an active period for innovative and enterprising thinking.
From midmonth onward, aim to examine how you depend on others and devise strategies to alter dependencies in ways that benefit you and the people you love. If financial or support matters have been up in the air, disorganized, or unreliable, now’s your chance to figure out why.
The New Moon on the 18th brings a boost of new energy to your life. It’s a time for a fresh start with a friendship or new goals, dreams, and plans to look forward to and enjoy. You see your contributions or place with others in a new light. You might discover a new interest or project that’s dear to your heart. August energies may very well reinvigorate your social life and communications, or your feeling of connectedness with others and hopes for the future.
As August advances, you find yourself craving more downtime. The best way to truly process and digest recent experiences seems through some relaxation or retreat. You may need to step back from situations to see the whole story. It would benefit you greatly to focus on what you can get rid of that will help to simplify and improve your life going forward, including attitudes or habits.
August brings increased motivation and good energy for work-related matters, dear Scorpio. You apply yourself with purpose, confidence, and intent. It’s a good month to make solid progress on practical matters. You might take particular pleasure in coming up with strategies, plans, and workable solutions to problems. You’re taking care of business, getting yourself organized and back on track, and learning about or implementing health programs that can help improve your life. This is a very creative, energetic, and motivating time for you with your work, routines, and long-term goals.
While August puts much attention on your responsibilities and goals, the Full Moon on the 3rd brings your focus to home, family, and the heart. Be sure to listen to cues to recharge so that you can give other areas of your life your best. You can be excited about making improvements and taking on new interests or projects, but it’s vital to avoid impulsive or over-the-top actions.
Your communications have more impact than usual. It can also be a time for enjoying making detailed plans about long-term goals or career. Your intelligence may come into the limelight, or you may gain recognition for your ideas and methods. It can be a good time for a reputation boost, learn useful skills, and make long-term plans.
Venus spent a longer time than usual in your intimacy sector, and planets transiting this area of your chart tend to operate as if they are undercover. You’ve spent a fair amount of time observing, remembering, intuiting, and analyzing your feelings. On the 7th, Venus moves on, and it can feel as if you’re emerging into the light. This transit highlights and enhances your naturally attractive qualities. It can bring a more adventurous, spirited attitude to your love life or affections.
You’re gaining momentum for ideas and plans that were delayed. The New Moon on the 18th stimulates forward-looking, take-charge energy, especially for your professional or public life. There may be new responsibilities, recognition, or a new position or project. You might come into the limelight in some manner now, or you’ll find others are noticing you for your performance and actions. There can be the need to follow the rules or straighten out an area of your life.
You’re in fine shape for finding the perfect project or pursuit, and even your calling. A personal interest might transform into a vocation, or work can be more pleasurable, which brings out your desire to do your best. Creative writing or expression can be healing and refreshing.
A sharper focus on happiness goals, social matters, friendship, and pleasure figures strongly as the month progresses. Connections made now can be very fruitful, and conversations are satisfying. You may be doing some guiding or teaching, and it’s fulfilling. Decision-making improves as you see your prospects more clearly.
You’re spirited and self-expressive this month, dear Sagittarius. Romantic prospects are good, although, in the coming months, you might be refining your approach to getting what you want in love. For the time being, a direct approach is in favor.
Your spirit for adventure is running strong in August, and efforts put forth now can somehow leave you with more energy than when you started due to enthusiasm.
The Full Moon on the 3rd can bring a project or long-standing problem to a head. Themes related to learning, communicating, commuting, and connecting are in sharp focus. If you’ve put off some of your daily duties, you now see the need to bring back more balance to your life. The willingness to let go of a bad situation or habit can help you attract more positivity your way.
People more readily get what you intend to say, and you’re less likely to have to clarify your intentions, particularly in the first few weeks of the month. Doing your best to tame impulses to overshoot, promise too much, or defend something too vigorously can be the key to success.
Venus has spent an unusually long time in your partnership zone and opposing sign, putting the focus on relating, mediating, negotiating, and generally getting along with others. Venus into a new sector on the 7th for a monthlong stay. This transit is great for working on the more complicated or intricate areas of relationships, sharing, and intimacy. It’s also strong for getting to understand your own deeper side as well as your innermost desires and motivations. Financially speaking, you may find backing or support.
Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle on the 15th, helping you slow down and examine or even reconsider recent changes, particularly related to your daily routines, work, and health. These areas of life may have been up and down, and looking inward for answers makes sense now. You’re seeking more truth in the work you do or the services you provide.
The New Moon on the 18th is a pleasant, gently motivating influence. Unusual activities or those that take you out of your routine can be particularly beneficial. Publishing, sharing ideas, and learning new things can be particularly favorable, leading to new beginnings and a breath of fresh air. People are drawn to you, and you’re presenting your ideas and thoughts particularly well.
First Mercury on the 19th and then the Sun on the 22nd move into your solar tenth house of career and reputation, turning your attention more frequently to your responsibilities, plans, work, and status. You’re more accountable for what you do and say, and you may take the lead in a particular field or with a unique project. There could be new goals or ambitions.
As you feel more and more comfortable with your responsibilities or duties, things seem to fall into place in your life quite naturally. It’s a time for taking care of business, and the motivation to do so is building. Being productive can satisfy a need. Your practical affairs benefit, and any work you do on advancing toward your goals is likely to be meaningful and prosperous.
You’re in an unusually strong position for managing your emotions and personal life in August, dear Capricorn. Supportive transits connect your home and family sector with your intimacy sector this month. They help boost your stamina, motivation, and confidence levels with emotions and your inner or domestic world. Motivation is strong. Your emotional life is animated and energizing, and you seem to have the power to put problems behind you.
Financial matters, support, and shared resources can be in positive focus for some. You might resolve a long-standing problem or have the energy to handle an important issue. You can be fueled by a desire to get going on something that you’ve been procrastinating on or moved to make decisions and put ideas into action and motion.
The Full Moon on the 3rd can bring money matters, talents, and values into high focus. The need for security and comfort comes on strongly. It’s a time for recognizing your needs, and with more clarity about your feelings, you’ll have a better idea of your next step. Opportunities to advance business and financial goals can arise now. You might also be asserting your independence in surprising ways. You can be excited or feel compelled to make changes and improvements on the domestic front. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself to do everything at once.
A rational, light approach to heavier topics can help you make sense of things and reach agreements with others. A relationship might get a boost from confidential or intimate talks and clarifications. You might take a more passionate interest in your projects, studies, and ruminations. Consultations, research, and analysis fare well, especially until the 19th.
Venus spent longer than usual in your work and health sector, but on August 7th, moves on and into your partnership sector for a month-long stay. This transit goes a long way towards enhancing your social life and one-to-one relationships. It’s a healthy cycle for attracting and enhancing close relationships. Your manner is agreeable, open, reasonable, and respectful of others’ needs and agendas, and these qualities are very appealing to others now.
Uranus has encouraged you to express yourself more authentically and creatively during its long-term transit of your sector of joy. It begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle mid-August, and you’re inclined to slow down with these changes. Life is less about spontaneously reacting and more about considering which reforms are best for you in the long run. Creative projects and possibly even a relationship can benefit from some review and refinement.
The New Moon on the 18th might open doors to you for following a passion. It can stir up a keen interest in learning about your own needs, motivations, and deeper desires, and empower you to make significant lifestyle or psychological changes. You’re prepared to commit to something important to you. You might recognize your inner strength and feel more powerful and effective at bringing needed changes to your life. Taking charge of a matter in which you feel indebted to someone or something can be similarly empowering.
You crave more interactivity as August progresses. Mercury moves into your spirit sector on the 19h, and the Sun follows suit on the 22nd. As already noted, Venus is now encouraging your social interests. You’ll find that transits in later August ease self-expression and smooth out communications. It feels great to be understood! Energy is likely to be higher, and stress levels lower. You’re in good shape for reading, listening, conversing, learning, and absorbing valuable information. You may feel inspired by an idea or learn something that excites you and positively impacts future projects. A new interest or study may be on the horizon. Your aspirations and ideals are stronger driving forces in your life.
August can find you in a generally upbeat, positive mood, dear Aquarius. You’re quick to tackle problems, but you’re also quite focused on your relationships, enjoying brainstorming and collaborating. It’s a dynamic and energetic time for mental pursuits, interests, and projects. You especially enjoy sharing ideas.
You can come to a satisfying position if you combine resources and work together with someone special. You want to get things done, and you’re unusually direct and straightforward with Mars in your communications sector all month. With Mercury in your partnership sector until the 19th, however, you’re also ready to collaborate. Opposing viewpoints help you arrive it a fuller understanding of your own. Even when you disagree with someone, the thinking that results from a debate can help clarify your own thoughts. Still, mental cooperation with others is more important to you than usual in the first half of August. It can be a good time for opening the airwaves with a partner, significant other, or a good friend. People in your life can help you get in better touch with your ideas–conversations with them jumpstart your thinking processes.
The Full Moon on the 3rd gives you a little push to confront your feelings. It happens in your own sign, prompting an epiphany or realization. Something buried or an issue that has been brewing for some time can come to light, finding release. Emotions that surface can point you to areas of your life that need more attention. It can be a time of great enthusiasm, strong drives, and passionate feelings, but also of excess. Consider that your interests are plenty, but your time is limited! Watch for putting so much pressure on yourself to get something done that you end up impatient and frustrated.
Venus enters your work and health sector on the 7th for a month-long visit. While Venus moves out of a harmonious position with your sign, this new cycle is useful for bringing harmony to your daily affairs or work. It can also be a time of increased social opportunities through work, chores, daily routines, or health pursuits.
Your ruler, Uranus, begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle on the 15th. During its tour of your solar fourth house, there have been some up-in-the-air elements related to your home or personal life. Now, during this retrograde cycle, you might catch your breath and examine what you need and want along these fronts. With a slower pace, you have a better chance of understanding what’s going on around you. Your attitude towards security, dependence, attachment to the past, and family or domestic life will continue to evolve over the upcoming years. Until January, while Uranus is retrograde, you might aim to recognize and modify your responses to the world so that changes are less random.
The New Moon on the 18th can point to a significant restart, new start, or new beginning in the relationship department. It can be a time to enhance relationships, strike up deals, negotiate, and connect. You might benefit from counseling or pairing up with someone to accomplish a goal. Alternatively, you may come to meaningful conclusions about your relationship needs.
Mercury moves into your intimacy sector on the 19th, and the Sun follows suit on the 22nd. These shifts point to a strong and growing interest in the hidden elements of your life. You pick up a lot more from your environment than usual and see motives, subtleties, and power dynamics acutely. You might have less patience for conversation, information, or learning that is superficial.
You’re in great shape for instinctively finding the information you need this month. It’s also a fine time for significant lifestyle or financial changes, particularly later in August. It’s harder to break your concentration as you are far less sensitive to potential distractions. With this focus, you can move mountains.
You can experience a strong desire or drive to be efficient this month, dear Pisces. You seem to zip through challenges quickly and orderly, and your innovations are grounded in practical realities. Applying yourself to something constructive is satisfying. Putting in the effort to improve your daily routines is satisfying. You’re less inclined to overthink and tend instead to throw yourself into your activities. You might feel some healthy competition that pushes you to new heights, and it feels good to rise to a challenge, especially one of your own making.
You might frequently answer to your inner rhythms and might feel slowed down if you need to wait for others to catch up with you. You’re in good shape to get organized and tend to the “little things” that are so important in your life.
While you’re often busy and engaged, the Full Moon on the 3rd reminds you of the need to slow down and listen to your body’s signals. You might come to an important realization about your work or health on mental, emotional, and physical levels. If you’ve been ignoring your need for more rest, solitude, and time to catch your breath, circumstances might push the matter now. It’s time to consider ways to regenerate and strengthen emotionally.
Gathering information to help others (or yourself) can figure strongly in August, and while you can sometimes get a bit lost in the details and this can overwhelm you at times, you get the opportunity to resolve problems, organize, and get your affairs in order. You can also be quite excited to get your money straight, earn more, or take on an ambitious project.
After an extended stay in your solar fourth house, Venus moves into harmony with your sign for a month, starting August 7th. It’s a very introspective, even self-protective, sector, and this transit may have kept you a little more withdrawn or quiet than usual. Now through September 6th, you’re more willing to take some personal risks with your heart, personality, and creativity. Your natural charm comes shining through.
Uranus turns retrograde mid-month. This yearly, five-month cycle currently happens in your communications sector. Uranus has a way of pulling some repressed feelings to the surface, and yet you may not feel that you can express them smoothly or fully. In the months ahead, however, you’ll find different–and possibly more satisfying–channels for representing and expressing yourself. You may be re-examining some of your projects or interests, which have recently been somewhat sporadic or sudden.
The New Moon on the 18th brings take-charge, forward-looking energy to work, service, health, and habits. You can be highly motivated to launch new work projects and personal health or fitness programs. The desire to take better care of yourself or to do your personal best can be substantial. Circumstances may be such that you take more pride in your work or your attention to personal wellness.
Mercury and then the Sun head into your partnership sector on the 19th and 22nd, respectively. As such, as August progresses, you tend to seek out others for ideas, companionship, and decisions. You also tend to attract talkative people into your life or more conversation and interaction in your current relationships.
The connections you make or conversations you have can be very revealing and fruitful in later August. An understanding with someone close to you can be supportive.
Monthly Calendar:

Can you please do Aries and Gemini? Thank you!