*December 2020 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*
You’re in serious need of some mental stimulation, dear Aries, with the Sun and Mercury in your solar ninth house for the first three weeks of December. You’re spirited and self-expressive this month. It’s certainly easier for you to get worked up about opinions and causes as you are a little more sensitive to what’s going on around the world. It’s a fine time to expand your mind and break the usual routine. The desire to develop, learn, and grow is real, and you’re likely to find satisfying outlets for doing so.
Enthusiasm is building, too, with your planetary ruler, Mars, picking up speed in your sign, especially from the 10-11 forward. People more readily pick up what you intend to say, and you’re less likely to have to clarify your intentions. Doing your best to tame impulses to overshoot, promise too much, or defend something too vigorously can be the key to success. It’s an important month to open your mind and heart to new ideas and find more meaning in your life.
It wasn’t too long ago that Mars was retrograde in your sign, and you may have been feeling sluggish. This month, however, your desire to move something forward is building. You’re less inclined only to discuss things, preferring to get on with them.
Until the 15th, you’re in good shape for smoothing out complicated or intricate areas of relationships, sharing, and intimacy. Financially speaking, you may find backing or support. From the 15th, you can be opening your eyes to new and exciting people or pastimes and projects, but it’s also a good time to stoke the fires of an ongoing romance with different activities. There can be excitement, motivation, and possibly even love connected to learning or online activities.
The Solar Eclipse on the 14th reinforces and energizes your need to branch out, make a mark on the world, and communicate. The thing to watch at this time, however, is prematurity. Don’t push something too quickly. Still, you’re likely to enjoy new ideas and experiences as your perspective on your life changes. Expanding your reach or audience can figure strongly for some.
Saturn moves into your social sector on the 17th, Jupiter does the same on the 19th, and both planets align on the 21st. These major events encourage special attention to friends, groups, community, and hopes/wishes. This Saturn transit first occurred earlier this year, lasting only a few months, but now it’s happening until 2023. You’ll be doing some scrutinizing, authenticating, and putting to the test your social life and happiness goals. It’s a time to either make dreams a reality or put them behind you. You’ll be seeing your connections and projects more clearly, although sometimes sternly.
Jupiter is in this sector for the first part of this transit and will be around for a good part of 2021. Career pressures are easing, as you are entering a new long-term trend in which you are less concerned about public image and more interested in long-term happiness goals. Ideally, you’ve accomplished some pretty big things and now have more freedom to pursue goals that are less about performance and more about enjoyment. Jupiter loosens you up in this way. You may very well enjoy your newfound self-discipline or simplification in these life departments. It can be an incredible period for forming or strengthening a lasting alliance with a person, group, or cause.
There can be some stress from your social life if it demands more of you or you want more from it! You can have more influence in a group, possibly naturally taking the lead. A friendship or association that also has some material benefits can be in focus for some of you. It’s a time for making concrete plans for your future.
With Mercury’s move into your solar tenth house of career and reputation on the 20th, your thoughts often turn to your responsibilities. You communicate with more awareness of how your message comes across. People are looking to you for answers, and they’re expecting you to be quite mature and responsible. Business affairs assume more importance, and even more so with the Sun entering this same sector on the 21st. More frequently, your attention turns to your responsibilities, plans, work, and status. You’re more accountable for what you do and say, and you may take the lead in a particular field or with a unique project. There could be new goals or ambitions.
Emotions run high with a Full Moon on the 29th, lighting up your sector of home and family. There can be an epiphany about your domestic or personal life that pushes you to make meaningful changes. It’s good energy for quiet celebrations, and this extends throughout the last week of the year.
December is a strong month for reflection and strategy, dear Taurus. It’s a good time for smoothing over problem areas, counseling, and harmonizing. You may be doing more observing than participating with the Sun and Mercury in your solar eighth house until the 20-21. A lot is going on under the hood, and for some of you, in a close relationship. As the month advances, you’re ready to pursue your goals. December holds a Solar Eclipse and some significant and notable sign changes that set up new trends and areas of focus for the year ahead.
Venus divides its time between your partnership (until the 15th) and intimacy (after the 15th) sectors. You’re in a powerful position for managing your emotions and personal life–your emotional life is animated and energizing. You seem to have the power to put problems behind you. A rational, light approach to heavier topics can help you make sense of things and reach agreements with others. A relationship might get a boost from confidential or intimate talks and clarifications.
You’re feeling ready and willing to take charge of a matter that seems long overdue. In recent months, you’ve battled procrastination or a feeling that you were “on the fence,” and something happens now that clears your head about moving forward or taking a bold step towards your goals or desires. Mind you, Mars is still transiting your privacy sector until January, suggesting you’re in a hatching phase for projects and plans. It’s a time of self-discovery or making a meaningful connection with someone special, and being bold in your emotional life pays off.
Aiming to observe and process instead of charge ahead can keep you feeling on top of things in the first few weeks of December. Financial new beginnings may be in store after the Solar Eclipse on the 14th, and circumstances could very well require that you rethink your financial strategies. This eclipse might open doors to you for following a passion. It can empower you to make lifestyle or psychological changes.
Debts and loans, yours or a partner’s income, or financial backing can figure strongly with eclipses falling along the second (the Lunar Eclipse on November 30th) and eighth house (the Solar Eclipse on December 14th) axis of your solar chart. It’s a persuasive prompt to develop strategies to cut out unhealthy dependencies and habits that prevent you from growing and thriving. This can be a time for taking charge of your finances, particularly money shared with others or coming from other sources than your income.
On another level, this eclipse season can be about boosting your intimate world, whether it’s a relationship with someone or with yourself as you discover your passions and your deeper desires. Going “all in” with a special project or pursuit can be a satisfying focus now.
Saturn heads to the top of your solar chart on the 17th, and Jupiter follows two days later. These two planets meet on the 21st, forming what’s called a Great Conjunction.
These events mark the beginning of a long-term trend in which your career and broader life goals become a high priority or area of focus. Circumstances conspire to remind you of the importance of structure, responsibility, credibility, and reputation in the coming few years. Many of you will be making changes so that your career path better reflects the principles closest to your heart.
The Saturn cycle that lasts until 2023 is a cycle for really putting in the work. Jupiter here will be with you for much of 2021, helping you acclimate to the change. You may feel driven to prove or achieve something substantial during this period. Your performance becomes public or everyone’s business somehow. You may be called to task, and rewards come from hard work, solid effort, sincerity, and respect or humbleness. It’s not a time for getting too caught up in your own press. Aim to learn what you can do and embrace reality if unrealistic goals have been slowing your progress. However, since you’re entering a period of harder work and increased scrutiny, make your downtime truly count. Take care of your body and mind by simplifying and decluttering.
You’re likely to take more interest and pride in your accomplishments, motivating you to shoot a little higher. You might find yourself in a position to manage others, or there could be a promotion or more enjoyable work and goals during this pivotal Jupiter transit.
You may get the chance to clinch a project or job. There can be a career peak of sorts happening now. It’s a fine time to show the world what you can do. Successes can be realized, and an important project can culminate. It’s a time of achievement, accomplishment, harvest, recognition, and the taking on of new responsibilities. If you’ve cut corners, this can be a time of dealing with those consequences and making things right.
You crave more interactivity from the 20-21 forward when Mercury and the Sun head into your spirit sector. These transits ease self-expression and smooth out communications. It feels great to be understood! Energy is likely to be higher, and stress levels lower. You may feel inspired by an idea or learn something that excites you and positively impacts future projects. Your aspirations and ideals are driving forces in your life.
The Full Moon on the 29th can bring a learning or transportation matter to a turning point. It can be a busy final week of the year, but also a warm, celebratory one.
Bringing more balance to your life is a strong theme in December, dear Gemini. A Solar Eclipse prompts you to think about relationship lacks and needs. The month can find you in a generally upbeat, positive mood. You readily take on a challenge, but you’re also quite focused on your relationships, enjoying brainstorming and collaborating. It’s a busy and energetic time for mental pursuits and interests.
Opposing viewpoints help you arrive at a fuller understanding of your own. It can be a good time for opening the airwaves with a partner, significant other, or a good friend.
Friendships can be lively this month, and you can get a second chance to make things right with friends or groups or make changes in long-term plans. You’ve gained new insights into what you truly desire and what makes you happy. Increasingly, you have more motivation and energy at your disposal to work with exciting new ideas and projects. Partnering or teaming up can be satisfying. Your optimism helps you bring projects to completion and to connect more confidently with others. Re-energizing energy is with you through a partner, friend, or associate, especially from the 10-11.
There can be a chance for a new beginning or a cleaning of the slate related to a partnership, negotiation, or commitment mid-month. You might benefit from counseling or pairing up with someone to accomplish something important to you. Themes this year and next can relate to a new or enhanced partnership or can lead to a commitment to go/stay solo. You benefit from taking the time to get in touch with your relationship needs. Observe, take in, and be honest with yourself.
Until the 15th, you’re in good shape for bringing more harmony to your daily affairs, chores, or work.
Both Saturn and Jupiter change signs this month, and they’re both heading into the same one! On the 17th and 19th, these planets move into harmony with your sign, strengthening your outlook. They also increase your confidence in meeting your responsibilities. These transits point to a generally more stable, predictable, and practical time for you. You’re inspired to build something slowly and carefully. It’s also a valuable time for learning practical skills and brushing up on your knowledge. In fact, there can be important accomplishments in publishing or education on the horizon.
The need to make productive use of your time is rising, especially with learning endeavors and long-term goals. You recognize the benefits of concentrating, focusing, and specializing now and in the year ahead. Jupiter and Saturn coming together on the 21st is a fine prompt for you to add more structure to your life by setting reasonable but definite goals.
This can be a time for specializing or learning something practical and useful. If you’ve interrupted your education, you might now return to courses with great success and renewed confidence. You tackle life’s everyday problems with more confidence. Aim to take advantage of your discipline and common sense through a special project. It’s a potentially powerful time for you to get your life on track or launch a new initiative. This can also be a period of guiding or sharing with others what you’ve learned.
Boosting a key relationship through shared activities or finding a relationship through learning or activities outside of the usual bounds can figure strongly.
Mercury moves into your intimacy sector on the 20th, and the Sun follows suit the next day. These shifts point to a growing interest in the hidden elements of your life. You pick up a lot more from your environment than usual, seeing motives, subtleties, and power dynamics more clearly. It’s harder to break your concentration as you are far less sensitive to potential distractions. With this focus, you can move mountains.
It can also be a good time for figuring out something about yourself – a buried desire or motivation, for example. You might uncover something missing, lost, or hidden.
The Full Moon on the 29th can bring money matters, talents, and values into high focus. The need for security and comfort comes on strongly. It’s a time for recognizing your needs, and with more clarity about your feelings, you’ll have a better idea of your next step. This lunation brings a theme of abundance and comfort to the last week of the month/year.
December is a strong period for making helpful edits and adjustments, dear Cancer. Work and health matters are in sharper focus. If you really need to get things done and do preparation work, you’re well-supported and best off to do so sooner than later. Organizing, chores, and health pursuits are favored, especially after the Solar Eclipse on the 14th. A new job, major project, or commitment to wellness can be in the works.
Venus harmonizes beautifully with your sign until the 15th, bringing out your natural charm and attractiveness. It also helps you connect with others in happy, peaceful, and gently stimulating ways. It’s a time for putting your faith in people and enjoying the rewards that follow.
You can experience a strong desire or drive to be efficient this month, and you might often zip through challenges quickly and orderly. Applying yourself to something constructive is satisfying. Putting in the effort to improve your daily routines is enjoyable, and it can feel good to rise to a challenge, especially one of your own making.
Signs that you’re ready to make positive lifestyle changes are everywhere this month. Your confidence with your longer-term goals, career, or life path is strengthening. You’re likely to apply yourself with purpose and intent, and you’re willing to put in the effort to reach your goals. There can be outside recognition for those things that you do above and beyond the call of duty, or you could allow the pride you feel for all of your efforts to motivate you further. After some months of reassessing your career or life path, motivation is returning to grab what you want from life.
This eclipse season gives you a bit of a push to deal with the details and practical side of everyday life, to become more organized, and to take charge of your routines, but they also want you to take the time for rest and regeneration. This is an important time for formulating goals, initiatives, and plans that get you back on track physically and mentally. At the same time, there is a growing theme of companionship, collaborations, and close partnerships in your astrology as the month advances.
After an almost three-year stay, Saturn is now exiting your partnership sector and moving away from its opposition to your sign. This time, it’s for the long-term–Saturn won’t return to this area of your chart for another twenty-six years. There can be a sense of relief or release now. Saturn now turns your attention to financial and intimate arrangements going forward, but the shift taking place now takes the direct pressure off, and it can improve your vitality considerably.
Saturn will influence your intimacy sector until March 2023, but in a rare turn of events, much of its first year here, Jupiter is visiting the same sector. You could be making some changes in the structure of your relationships. Quality over quantity is one way of looking at it, but this can also have to do with a new, deep, consuming relationship for some. There is likely to be more emphasis on deeper, more meaningful relationships with others and some pulling back from team or group settings in the coming period, and this month, you’re beginning to feel some of this energy. It’s also a powerful time to get into deeper touch with yourself, inner desires, fears, addictions, and vulnerabilities.
Combining your resources, talents, and/or money with those of a partner can improve your financial outlook or stabilize your life in key ways in the year ahead. You might instead benefit from managing others’ resources and talents. Or, the work you do can transform your lifestyle in a major way. There can be more joy in simplifying and producing. You may very well make an important commitment or form a powerful alliance or attachment–it’s a good time for gaining a supporter or some backing. You might also straighten out critical areas of your life.
From the 20-21, you have Mercury and the Sun working for your relationships. It’s a great time for relationships that involve advice-giving, agent work, and counseling. While relationships could have challenging moments, you seem to need others’ support and companionship to bring out the best in you now. You tend to attract talkative people into your life or more conversation and interaction in your current relationships.
The Full Moon in your sign on the 29th can serve as a cosmic push to confront your feelings. Something buried or an issue that has been brewing for some time can come to light, finding release. Emotions that surface can point you to areas of your life that need more attention. This puts you in a good place for knowing your heart as you move into the New Year.
December brings good energy for feeling that you’re moving forward, dear Leo. Your enjoyment sector hosts Mercury and the Sun until the 20-21 and Venus from the 15th onward. A Solar Eclipse occurs in this same, favorable part of your chart on the 14th, bringing even more power to areas ruled by this sector, including romance, creativity, hobbies, entertainment, children, and pleasure. Confidence with sharing and expressing yourself more freely is on the upswing.
You are spirited and self-expressive this month. In recent months, you may have been more focused on refining your approach to getting what you want in life than you have been pursuing your desires. Now that Mars is picking up speed, your motivation is rebuilding. It’s an excellent time for pursuing intellectual interests and studies, hobbies, and romantic pursuits.
Until mid-month, you’re in a great position to boost relationships with family, finding new ways to enjoy home life or time spent nesting. Creativity is peaking at this time of year, and you have the chance to find new and exciting ways of expressing yourself. You gravitate towards the things you truly love doing, and it’s where your greater chances of success lie.
On the 14th, the New Moon Solar Eclipse prompts you to express your feelings and do more creating, romancing, enjoying, and entertaining. There can be opening doors, new beginnings, or restarts along creative or romantic lines. You can be enthusiastic about making changes in these areas.
Both Jupiter and Saturn change signs this month and both head into your partnership sector. While Jupiter will stick around here for much of 2021, Saturn will transit this relationship-oriented area of your solar chart until March 2023.
Saturn’s influence here can put some pressure on committed relationships. It’s also traveling opposite your sign, and you could feel that others, or life itself, demands a little more from you than usual. There may be the question of whether or not to commit to someone, or a current relationship may encounter some tests, particularly if it’s been limiting or confining you. Some of you could be slowly but surely easing into a stable relationship.
This transit helps you get to a better understanding of your relationships and partnering needs. You may face some tests to a current relationship’s strength or your sense of what you want from others along the way. This transit can also stimulate a stronger desire for long-term, real connections, or it may bring a more mature or serious partner into your life. While problem areas in a relationship can magnify, eventually, clarity comes. Decisions are more comfortable when you can see people and things for their strengths and weaknesses, so aim for this sweet spot. Once beyond the exaggerated stage of realizations, you’ll be in an excellent position to reassess your needs from your relationships. For some, a problematic relationship irons out or ends, and this can feel right to you.
In a rare turn of events, you have Jupiter in the same sector of your chart for a fair part of the first year of Saturn’s transit here, starting this month.
It’s a fine time to benefit from counseling or partnering. Someone coming into your life during this period can be significant. You learn a lot through your experiences and interactions with an important person.
Alliances might be made, and partnering matters are strong, committed, clear, and beneficial. The realization of a goal may seem even more possible through collaboration or the support of a special person in your life. For some, you might partner up to work or improve your health. Still, with Saturn leaving your work and health zone, not to return for another 26 years, your attitude towards daily routines and work tends to improve.
Mercury and the Sun move into your work and health sector on the 20th and 21st, respectively, and your focus shifts to daily routines, employment, health, and self-care or self-improvement programs. Favored now are activities that get your life and your mind tidy and organized. Your willingness to put in the detail work involved with moving towards a long-term or ambitious goal is admirable.
If you’ve been ignoring your needs for rest and reflection, you could be feeling especially drained and sensitive around the Full Moon on the 29th. While you’re often busy and engaged, this lunation reminds you of the need to slow down and listen to your body’s signals. It’s time to consider ways to regenerate and strengthen emotionally.
Your personal life is in special focus this month, dear Virgo. Family and home matters seem to be top priority now. You want to boost your feelings of security, freedom, or enjoyment on the home front.
Work on or around the house can be more productive, and your motivation to pursue a special project or relationship increases after some months of uncertainty. Things seem to flow more naturally on an emotional level, making it easier to take action and to make effective decisions. You might take steps towards future security goals–you have no desire to dwell on the past at the moment.
If it takes extra energy to help you reduce stress all around, you’re ready to put in the effort. Efforts made around the home, with domestic projects, and concerning activities with family, can lead to remarkable advances. December asks you to acknowledge your feelings rather than push them to the side.
Venus in your communications sector until the 15th stirs your need and ability to share your thoughts and feelings with someone special. You’re bringing more charm and diplomacy to your communications.
A new start with family, home life, or living conditions and arrangements is possible. The Solar Eclipse on the 14th pushes a time for honoring your need for comfort, safety, love, nurturing, and familiarity. Changes in the organization of your home or with family members may be in order.
The current eclipse set falls along your career-home axis, and it’s about achieving a better balance in your life. The challenge at this stage is to bring more of yourself to your personal life instead of being only half present.
Jupiter and Saturn take a big step this month as they leave your sector of fun, creativity, and romance and head into the work and health house of your solar chart. Saturn will stick around here until March 2023. While this influence can sometimes feel restrictive, it encourages you to firm up your routines and add more structure to your daily life. It’s about building some boundaries or disciplining yourself.
Responsibilities to your work, health routines, or daily chores can magnify now. It can be a time for reassessing projects, seeing flaws or weak spots, and facing reality. You take on a no-nonsense approach to work and health. Aim to make changes Saturn-style: slowly, responsibly, and conservatively. The goal now is to make improvements that last years, if not a lifetime. Saturn wants you to work smarter, not necessarily harder. Jupiter here for a good part of this transit’s first year can help a lot on this front.
You are likely to find more joy and satisfaction from your work, and if you’re looking for new work, this is a very employable time! There will be plenty of opportunities to improve and enhance your life going forward. This month, Jupiter and Saturn meet in what’s called a Great Conjunction, and it’s a time of quite a bit of ambition, common sense, and the ability to materialize your plans. You’re in great shape for getting started on a healthy lifestyle change or disciplining yourself to get a job done, and done well!
Home and family may be closely tied to work and health during this period, which can mean you are joining with family to improve health, working from home, bringing more organization or order to your home, or other such connections. You may be working hard but thoroughly enjoying it as you do.
As the month advances, there’s a building theme of love, leisure, and creativity, and you’re likely to find some decent channels for enjoyment. Mercury and the Sun head into your sector of relaxation, self-expression, fun, romance, and creativity on the 20th and 21st. Activities through which you can have fun, impress, create, and share are a strong draw. Others tend to respond well to your ideas and overtures.
Unresolved issues with friends can magnify around the Full Moon on the 29th, giving you just the right boost to make essential changes and resolutions. Or, this lunation can produce a surprise, bringing warmth, emotion, and color to your feelings and possibly your social life. Your need for others or place in the broader community becomes evident. It can be a time of extending your help or support or of awakening to your need for friends and long-term happiness goals.
Learning, communicating, and connecting are in strong focus this month, dear Libra. You’re finding mental inspiration and enjoying new interests and projects. December is useful for sorting out problems and making practical adjustments that will benefit you now and later, particularly related to your studies, transportation, communications, and daily affairs.
Shared activities or helpful brainstorming and conversations can figure strongly. You’re ready to act on a plan or idea, and you’re prepared to take on a challenge. Mars has been sluggish recently, but it’s now picking up speed, and you’re gaining spirit and motivation with others, especially a partnership. You’re in a primarily positive, action-oriented frame of mind, and you can be feeling refreshed and a little braver or more interested in seeing results.
You express yourself more flowingly, and you’re more inclined to reach out to others. There can be plenty of information-gathering and a feeling of being on top of your daily affairs.
Until the 15th, you can be filled with creative ideas to make money or use your natural talents in satisfying ways. The focus is on building your resources now. There is good energy for taking better care of your valuables, for money or gifts coming in, and for enjoyable and perhaps indulgent moments for comfort and pleasure with Venus, your ruler, in your sector of resources.
We’re in eclipse season, and it’s wise to slow down just a little. As they fall along your communications axis, eclipses are stirring your desire for variety, mental stimulation, and contact. The need for new beginnings on the lines of communicating, learning, and commuting can become apparent. Sometimes systems break down and force new ways of doing things. New worlds can open up as you move through the world just a little differently and discover new channels for expressing yourself and connecting with others.
Your dedication to your work or your craft is building. Saturn moves into your creative sector, encouraging you to bring more structure to your creative projects. Meeting responsibilities becomes a whole lot easier and natural for you with this long-term influence that is with you until March 2023. You’ve had a taste of this energy earlier this year. Now, Saturn leaves your family and home sector, moving away from a stressful aspect to your sign, releasing pressure. If you haven’t been feeling very comfortable or settled lately, this situation eases tremendously now.
You could be adding more structure to your leisure time. A hobby can be more consuming, or you work on it more diligently or regularly. This can be a time of special attention to children or creative enterprises. It’s a time to see a more serious side of your relationships, projects, and undertakings. You’ll be drawing up new or improved plans for reaching your goals. Someone or a relationship may inspire you to get your life into better shape.
For much of the first year of Saturn’s influence in this area of your chart, Jupiter’s in the same sector. It encourages you to find more fulfilling activities and ways to enjoy yourself. You might now get in touch with a desire or discover a new interest that can be the focus of your attention for some time into the future. You might solidify a relationship, combining the responsible and more romantic elements of your interactions very successfully at this time. For some, one project or relationship ends while another one begins. Firming up areas of your life that have become wasteful can benefit you in many ways.
This can be a good time for realizing a dream or goal, particularly along creative lines. You might make a happy commitment to a project or to improving your life. It’s a wonderful time to monetize or solidify a hobby. Hunkering down or committing in an area of your life can be joyful.
With Mercury and the Sun moving into your home and family sector on the 20-21, you begin to crave more downtime and comfort. More frequent discussions and thoughts about family, domestic life, your support system, roots, and the past can start to figure strongly. Activity increases in your home, and this can include work or learning and study. Soothe yourself with the familiar and aim to shore yourself up.
The last days of the month/year can bring a revelation that prompts you to make essential changes in your work. Attention to home and family matters increases towards the end of the month, and any imbalances between personal and professional pursuits become less tolerable. While your heart is with home and family, you’re also awakening to a professional goal or dream that’s coming alive inside you now.
You can be intent on bringing recent ideas and endeavors to life, dear Scorpio, and building or developing these projects. You want results, but you’re also very willing to put in the necessary time and energy to achieve your goals. December brings on a strong practical theme. Money and business matters could need some sorting, but efforts put forth now can lead to brave new beginnings down the road and benefits to match.
The month is good for moving your plans forward, particularly those that have to do with money management and work. You’re both enterprising and resourceful, and you can feel a building desire to take action on a money, work, or health matter. It wasn’t very long ago that Mars was retrograde in your work-and-health sector, but is now picking up speed, refueling your motivation to get things done. You’ll feel very accomplished and proud of yourself for taking charge, and as confidence builds, things seem to come together quite nicely.
With Venus in your sign until mid-month, knowing and attracting what you want into your life is straightforward. Personal magnetism rises. People appreciate your style and the traits you express naturally. This cycle puts the focus on pleasure and love.
The month is strong for developing your talents or putting them to good use. You might flesh out an idea with practical details to make it more workable or marketable.
This eclipse season encourages you to start fresh with your money or find improved ways to manage your resources. It can also nudge you toward better spending habits and more faith and confidence in your ability to take care of yourself. A new budget or plan could be in order after the Solar Eclipse on the 14th. If you’re looking to earn more, this can be a time to seek out new channels. Venus helps smooth things over after the 15th, although it also encourages a bit of indulgence.
No-nonsense Saturn heads into your home and family sector on the 17th. This move pulls Saturn out of harmony with your sign and into a position of challenge. Still, it does alleviate some of the pressure or inhibition you may have felt with your everyday affairs or general outlook in recent years. From now and until 2023, matters related to the home, family, personal, and nurturing/sustenance could require increased discipline, realism, tradition, and structure. You’re challenged to bring more order to your home life. Outworn or poor systems may break down now, and it’s time to rebuild. While this transit has a few years to play out, you could see hints of it now with Jupiter coming into alignment with Saturn on the 21st. Saturn favors careful, responsible, slow-but-sure moves.
In a rare turn of events, Jupiter spends much of the first year of Saturn’s transit in the same sector. It brings on a pleasant theme of upgrades and enhancements related to your home, family, and personal life. Living arrangements and conditions can improve.
You can do some hard work getting things straightened out around the home front, but you find joy in so doing. The responsibilities and demands of domestic life can run high, but you’re working towards building a stronger foundation. You’ll find that your mind unclutters as you simplify and organize things. For some, this can be the very beginnings of a business project.
You’re more decisive and confident in December, although as the month progresses, your curiosity can diffuse your focus somewhat. Mercury and then the Sun head into your communications sector on the 20th and 21st. These transits encourage your desire to talk, share, learn, and connect. Getting and keeping in touch with others can benefit you. Fun new interests or exciting news and topics can figure strongly now.
The Full Moon on the 29th can point to the culmination of a project or learning endeavor. The last week of the month/year can be mentally busy as this lunation awakens feelings and awareness of your need for more learning and experience. Still, you’re likely to end the year mindful of what needs doing but patient and relaxed.
December is strong for turning over a new leaf, dear Sagittarius. You begin the month riding on strong instincts and aware of your true feelings on a matter after the eclipse at the end of November. This month, a Solar Eclipse occurs in Sagittarius on the 14th. Venus continues its “hibernation” in your solar chart until the 15th, when it emerges in your sign. Mars is gaining speed, stimulating a desire to create, produce, and lead. While the first two weeks of the month remain a period of reflection with love and money, you benefit significantly from observation. The second half of December finds you coming out of your shell further.
Besides the Solar Eclipse happening in your sign, which is defining, a big headline of December is Jupiter, your planetary ruler, changing signs on the 19th. It moves into Aquarius and your communications sector, where it will spend many months, setting an important theme for 2021. Just two days before this significant move, Saturn enters the same sector of your solar chart. As such, things are evolving. You’re moving away from a strong focus on your resources, money matters, and a building phase of your life, and you’re heading into a stage that’s more about learning, diversifying, and connecting.
December is vital for creative and romantic endeavors, as well as for moving personal plans along. While Mars was sluggish for several months, it’s picking up speed now, and so can your projects and confidence! You pursue your desires more confidently and directly. Your faith in a love relationship, pet project, or your feelings is growing. You may be making some waves, but all in the name of progress! Competitions more often run in your favor.
The Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 14th is a powerful slate cleaner. Something new begins, and it can feel much like a new chapter in your life story. You are ready to kick bad habits, start fresh, and present a more self-assured “you” to the world. Before this date, focus on review, meditation, and activities that help you purge or process and release negative energy.
Going forward, you’re likely to find yourself at a turning point or experiencing a significant shift. Mind you, this eclipse is part of a series that began in the summer and ends next December. You’re in the midst of this powerful process in which you’re reinventing yourself in a meaningful way, getting in touch with your personal power and independence. You’re making changes to how you approach the world, and as you do, you’ll find that you attract different experiences and people into your life.
December can be a power month for you, but it can be stressful at times. Keep in mind that the eclipses on November 30th and December 14th are stronger on you than most other signs, and this can feel draining. It’s a good idea to pace yourself.
Saturn’s move into harmony with your sign on the 17th is a stabilizing one, helping you do just that. This Saturn transit is with you until 2023! It favors skills development and structured learning. As you move forward, you’ll be communicating with more authority and can be in the position to earn more respect for matters of the mind. You’ll also be getting your daily life into better order. This move takes some of the pressure off in business, with money, and regarding practical affairs as Saturn leaves your solar second house.
It’s a time to learn the value of waiting for strategic moments to express yourself and choose your words more carefully. Sometimes, after holding back opinions or concerns until you’ve genuinely processed them, you may no longer find it wise to express them at all. While others may wonder why you’re so quiet, this is, in fact, an important learning experience for you, as you discover that what you say can impact the direction of your life in profound ways. It can be a time of heavy study or an exceptionally busy daily life. This transit will play out over the next few years, but you’ll get some hints of it now, particularly with Jupiter and Saturn aligning on the 21st. You might see a project or endeavor in an entirely new, and likely very realistic, light.
From the 19th, Jupiter moves in harmony with your sign. New ways to communicate, learn, and move about can open up. Your enthusiasm for learning new things and taking on new projects can be incredible now.
With the Great Conjunction occurring in your communications sector on the 21st, this can be a powerfully ambitious and positive time when you find joy in working hard at your studies or personal interests, perfecting your communications or a project, and learning or sharing ideas and information. Your communications can be particularly effective, and your projects can be both satisfying and profitable or rewarding. This is a strong time for producing and enjoying it as you do!
It’s also a time for improving your communications and transportation systems to increase your income. Teaching or guiding can supplement your income.
At the same time, the Sun and Mercury move out of your sign and into your solar second house. The last ten days of the month are good for boosting your comfort, talents, and finances. You put far more thought than usual into business and finances now. You have a unique sense of what is truly valuable to you, as well as your capabilities. The Full Moon on the 29th can be a financial wake-up call. It can also awaken a stronger desire for intimacy as well as previously hidden desires.
Your inner world is a strong draw and area of focus this month, dear Capricorn, and a good part of you is likely to remain a little reserved or withdrawn until after the third week of December. There can be much focus on the past or emotional issues, but you’re building towards a far more active and involved phase as the month progresses.
Your imagination serves you well, and there can be a strong urge to do something out of the ordinary or to take affirmative action, particularly behind the scenes, around the home, or in your personal life. It’s a little easier than usual to put your emotional needs first and put something that’s been weighing you down behind you.
Home-related projects are in great shape. While things may have been sluggish in recent months, they’re picking up speed now.
The Solar Eclipse on the 14th reinforces a need to look within. Current eclipses pull up important themes revolving around whether you’re attending to a healthy work-rest balance. Hunches are powerful and hard to ignore, and feelings that come to you seemingly out of the blue or through dreams can change your outlook and push you along an entirely new path. Rest is in order, but so is mindful attention to your tasks and chores. The trick will be to find the right balance. You’re not exactly putting everything on hold, but there’s a call to take more time for yourself to recharge.
This eclipse helps with the motivation and energy boost needed to deal with the past or private matters, let go of things you no longer need, and attend to your mental and emotional wellness. It’s a great time to clear the decks.
A huge headline this month is about your planetary ruler, Saturn: it heads out of your sign on the 17th, this time for the longterm. It’s bound to take some of the pressure off–you’ll feel freer and lighter. You’re getting serious about money, and this will be a theme for another couple of years (until 2023).
You’re likely to see the solid benefits of work you’ve done in the past few years. Even though Saturn’s tour of your sign has helped you prioritize and take care of all sorts of practical odds and ends in your life, it can feel as if a weight lifts off you now that it’s leaving.
This new Saturn transit will develop over time and is an important period for a more responsible and realistic approach to money and possessions. Belt-tightening is in order and very useful. It’s also a time to declutter, reduce waste, and make better use of your resources.
Jupiter moves into this same sector just two days later, also leaving your sign. This begins a theme of excellent lessons and benefits revolving around money, earnings, possessions, and personal talents. It’s a fabulous time for building on existing resources, a business, or a project and enjoying the rewards of your past efforts. It can be a time of elevated confidence in yourself to manifest your desires.
Jupiter and Saturn join forces on the 21st, and your positive attitude and a sense of joy through increased responsibility and feeling on top of things can help you succeed. You’re in great shape for self-discipline and efforts to realize a goal or dream related to money, things, talents, and personal income.
Certainly, your relationship with money and resources is changing. Your sense of abundance can evolve as well, as you see more value in what you have or identify things that are no longer boosting your sense of security. How you view your earning power, natural talents, and relationship with money can improve and change.
Mercury heads into your sign on the 20th and the Sun on the 21st. You’re in a better and clearer headspace for making important decisions and beginning new projects. Until then, aim to take the time to think things through. Wrapping up projects can figure strongly.
In the last ten days of December, you have more confidence or desire to interact. You’re a self-starter and could benefit from doing some studying. You’re in great shape for gathering valuable resources and information. You’re getting more attention at this time. The Full Moon on the 29th can stir epiphanies in your personal life and awareness of relationship needs. It might bring a personal project or relationship to bloom.
Although you benefit professionally this month, your heart tends to be with non-competitive situations, dear Aquarius. Friendship is fruitful in December, and your image is strong. Mercury heads into your privacy sector on the 20th, followed by the Sun on the 21st, and you gravitate to moments alone or at least out of the fast lane. Your thinking is more intuitive, inward, and solitary later in the month.
The biggest headlines of December are two major planetary ingresses: both Saturn and Jupiter enter your sign on the 17th and 19th, respectively. On the 21st, they align in Aquarius–a rare event that gives you a major fresh start or reset.
Goals that involve joining or strengthening ties in a group project or activity, networking, and making connections are highly favored after the Solar Eclipse on the 14th. There is a strong desire to break with the past and to start anew.
It’s also a good month for payoffs from recent career or business efforts, networking, and connecting. Not too long ago, Mars was retrograde, and since turning direct, has been slowly chugging along. It’s now picking up speed, most notably after the 10-11, increasing energy and motivation levels. This re-energizing influence is perhaps most apparent with your friendships, group associations, neighbors, siblings, and classmates. There can be renewed interest in learning, connecting, and projects. You feel more capable of moving forward, overcoming obstacles, and leaving bad habits behind.
Significant changes are in the works for your social life, hopes, dreams, or community involvement. This trend first emerged in the summer and will continue to develop for another year. If you’ve been pursuing a project on your own, you might now recognize the need to delegate tasks, collaborate, or start something brand new. The change is likely to be an empowering one, even if your first instinct is to resist it. With eclipses, sometimes we have to let go of something–and often, this is simply an idea or preconception–before we fully embrace moving on. A fresh start is possible when it comes to a friendship or group connection. Over the coming year, the people and causes with which you align yourself may evolve.
You’re getting a healthier sense that you’re on top of things. Saturn first entered your sign earlier this year for a few months before retreating to finish up its transit of Capricorn. On December 17th, it enters Aquarius for the long haul (until 2023). Saturn is all about order and structure–designed to build your credibility and confidence, even if it doesn’t always feel like it along the way. You’re on your way to a more realistic understanding of your capabilities and limits. Helping you along is Jupiter, heading into your sign just two days later. The cosmos wants you to be more responsible, and you’re sure to learn that there are many benefits from choosing this path.
This can be a time of increased personal responsibilities, attention to detail, and efforts to maintain and improve health and personal affairs. The challenge is to become more efficient with your energy and time. It’s a cycle for learning which habits and attitudes are working for you and which ones should be left behind.
Jupiter enters Aquarius on the 19th. This celebrated transit will unfold over the coming year. Ideas for future ventures can be golden. You’re not afraid to explore, and you’re making your own opportunities by putting more faith in yourself and your capabilities.
Jupiter and Saturn align on the 21st, and there can be a strong sense of release and freedom from previously limiting, rigid, or stifling conditions. You’re incredibly productive at this time. You might choose to pursue a new channel for self-expression or mental interest with great passion. You can find much pleasure and joy in exercising more self-discipline and initiative. Your efforts to discipline yourself or structure your life can be satisfying and rewarding. You’re strengthening your life and building endurance and patience.
As December advances, you find yourself craving more downtime. The best way to truly process and digest recent experiences seems through some relaxation or retreat. You may need to step back from situations to see the whole story. It would benefit you greatly to focus on what you can get rid of to simplify and improve your life going forward, including attitudes or habits. With Mercury and the Sun heading into your solar twelfth house on the 20th and 21st, some withdrawal, extra rest, and time for reflection are appropriate.
A Full Moon on the 29th can bring a realization about habits and health or work. A matter that you’ve been avoiding may now come to a turning point.
Many strong influences occur in your chart that point to increased commitment to realizing success this month, dear Pisces. You’re more determined, ambitious, and motivated. The need for more structure and order in your life is real. The Solar Eclipse on the 14th is a cosmic nudge in this direction, but so is Mars picking up speed in your resources sector.
You’re applying yourself with purpose, confidence, and intent in December. It’s a good month for making solid progress on practical matters. You can be excited about making improvements and taking on new interests or projects, but it’s best to avoid impulsive or over-the-top actions.
In the first three weeks of December, your communications have more impact than usual, and you enjoy making detailed plans about long-term goals. You could gain recognition for your ideas and methods. It can be a good time for a boost to your reputation.
You might discover the perfect project or pursuit. You can experience a lovely re-energized feeling with business and financial matters. Business and reputation matters are healthy, active, and empowering, particularly if you are showing a spirit for advancement and excitement about the future. Your desire and drive to be efficient kicks in wonderfully now. You may be working your way through tricky problems and challenges with ease.
After the Solar Eclipse on the 14th, there can be new responsibilities, recognition, or a new position or project. You might come into the limelight in some manner now, or you’ll find others are noticing you for your performance and actions. There can be the need to follow the rules or straighten out an area of your life. Changes in goals, plans, and priorities may be necessary. Taking the lead or receiving more attention than usual might initially feel uncomfortable. Still, as you begin to believe in yourself and have confidence in your abilities, you’re likely to enjoy yourself. From the 15th forward, Venus at the top of your solar chart enhances your image. Most importantly, it boosts your feelings of joy and pleasure with what you’re achieving.
Saturn heads into your privacy sector on the 17th, Jupiter does the same on the 19th, and both planets align on the 21st! These pivotal events draw your attention inward, not just now, but in the months ahead. Saturn here until 2023 can signal the need or desire to take better care of yourself on a spiritual level, which may involve putting an end to situations that have crossed reasonable boundaries. However, Jupiter encourages you to enjoy your private time. It’s a time of spiritual renovation, clean-up, and better attention to mental health. These transits challenge you to take care of unfinished business, as well as to regroup, process, and heal.
You’ll be ridding yourself of regrets or perceived failures and disappointments as a Saturn-Sun cycle enters its last leg before coming full circle in 2023 (when Saturn will begin its transit of your sign). Jupiter spends less time in this part of your chart but will stick around for a good part of 2021. It’s a quiet period for Jupiter, but it’s certainly not without its benefits. Past good deeds can bring in rewards. You’re coming to a better relationship with yourself from the inside out. Your sympathetic nature deepens, and you can thoroughly enjoy helping others. Benefits come from behind the scenes.
Jupiter and Saturn’s alignment on the 21st can be a time for working on a project in advance of a launch date or for putting a long-term project behind you. You’re finding joy, pleasure, and confidence in taking care of your spiritual needs and tapping into self-discipline.
A sharper focus on happiness goals, social matters, friendship, and pleasure figures strongly from the 20-21 forward. Connections made now can be very fruitful, and conversations are satisfying. You may be doing some guiding or teaching, and it’s fulfilling. Decision-making improves as you see your prospects more clearly.
The Full Moon on the 29th opens your eyes to your feelings for someone or a current creative project.
Please note that I write the horoscope summaries over the course of a couple of days, and I always start with a different sign each month (the birthday month’s sign).
Monthly Calendar:

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