*December 2022 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*
You have your eye on the long term this month, dear Aries, and you’re not always content with routine. It’s a great time to explore and discover new ideas and experiences. As the month advances, however, your ambitions build, and the need to set goals or work toward special objectives grows.
There can be some restlessness with Mars, your ruling planet, still retrograde all month. An overloaded, demanding schedule is possible, but even if you’re not in high demand, you can resent being tied down, making it sometimes challenging to stay on top of daily work and responsibilities. Education, debate, obligations to others, or inner restlessness can interfere with your daily affairs.
The Full Moon on the 7th occurs when the Moon aligns with retrograde Mars. This brings an especially busy note to your life. It’s a time for special attention to your daily affairs, studies, and goings-on in your neighborhood. You can feel a strong desire to be understood. There can be an epiphany about your daily life, mobility, studies, or general mental outlook and communications. These areas of your life are complicated again this month with Mars retrograde. However, as you become more aware of your needs, you’ll discover ways to make improvements. This Full Moon helps you release and purge, and a revelation about your feelings can spur you on. There can be more edits or reviews necessary before you get there, but discoveries now help you see the right path.
Even so, larger themes in the month encourage you to reach beyond your routine to explore new ideas, concepts, places, and activities. December can bring fantastic opportunities to learn, share, or teach something valuable. You might pay special attention to activities that help you unwind and decompress, but do make some room for freeform activities that feed your spirit and satisfy your itch to learn and discover. Money ideas or money itself can also emerge in unusual ways.
Career or life path matters come into stronger focus as December advances. Increasingly, your sense of responsibility comes into play. Mercury and then Venus move to the top of your solar chart on the 6th and 9th, and the Sun does the same on the 21st. These moves give you a professional or public voice and are vital for improving your reputation or strengthening your goals.
The New Moon on the 23rd can pull all of this together and may present you with an opportunity to start fresh in your career or regarding your life path direction, long-term goals, or reputation. A new plan can unfold now and fill you with high hopes and a sense of purpose.
Mercury is retrograde from the 29th forward, however, and rethinking some of your goals or waiting on information can figure strongly. You may need to backtrack over work that you thought was complete. It eventually can work to your advantage, as you’ll be better prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way, knowing what it is you want.
Mars will continue its retrograde until January 12th. There can be some frustrating slowdowns, or you can feel tense about deadlines and impatient with matters that aren’t accelerating at the pace you’d like. Disorder in your daily affairs, as well as with communications and transportation, can be disruptive.
Nevertheless, two important moves involving your sign in December give you a good sense of optimism. For one, Chiron turns direct in Aries, and people more readily recognize your charm and unique personality. A pleasant change of pace is in store, and a realization or discovery that pushes you to take charge of your life can come. Avoiding problems has likely been an issue in the five months of Chiron’s retrograde, but this can cause anxiety that creeps into many areas of life and subtly undermines general happiness. As you advance, you feel more confident that you can overcome insecurities that may have kept you from doing things you’ve always wanted to do.
For another, Jupiter heads into your sign for a stay until mid-May. New ideas and interests can be exciting. You naturally put more faith in yourself and your capabilities. In the months ahead, you’ll be exploring more personal opportunities.
Socially and mentally, there are some high points in December, dear Taurus. You begin the month with much activity in your intimacy sector, encouraging you to work on power dynamics and sharing in a relationship. Of course, getting to know your own capabilities, limits, and worth is a healthy part of any exploration of dependencies on others or outside sources, and it’s what the Full Moon on the 7th is about.
You get the chance to dig deep and get to the heart of a relationship or private matter in December. You’re in good shape for emotional repair, healing, and deep understanding. Emotional honesty is essential and rewarding now.
The first week of the month does have a way of bringing various buried frustrations to the surface with the triggering of retrograde Mars. Try to settle debts or make plans to do so and avoid taking on more. Ownership matters can be a source of conflict. There can be strong defensive reactions to problematic situations and people. Suppressing resentment or anger risks it bursting in unpleasant ways. Retrograde Mars can nevertheless stir up buried problems related to money, respect, and values. Issues aggravated now tend to be about boundaries, possessiveness, or respect on an emotional level, and money on the material plane. You want to hold your own with Mars currently transiting your solar second house, and if you are in the position to depend on others, it can frustrate you. There can be a tug-of-war with someone (or within yourself) over money, possessions, and matters of control.
The Full Moon on the 7th can be a call to manage your money, resources, and talents. While emotions run high around the time of a Full Moon, they can prompt the formulation of a new plan for improving your life. If you’ve undervalued your contributions, whether to work or a relationship, this is a time for recognizing and affirming your worth, value, and capabilities. You come face to face with needs and wants that you’ve kept at bay, and it’s a great learning experience.
Still, a broader theme of December involves developing and building your close relationships and special projects. It’s a great time to focus and specialize. You’re also rebuilding your faith in your friendships, goals, and alliances. You might hear from a friend after a long absence or pick up an old project and begin reworking it.
The 6th and 9th bring Mercury and Venus into harmony with your sign and into your sector of spirit and adventure, easing the flow of expression. The Sun enters this house of your solar chart on the 21st, and as December advances, your personality opens up to the rest of the world and new experiences. It’s a brilliant time to reach beyond your usual routines and explore new ideas, activities, and places. A time to learn, teach, and share thoughts, you can feel raring to go. You’re communicating with particular panache, and it’s a good time for thinking outside the box, education, communications, travel, projects revolving around technology and new-thought topics, and for work and health matters.
It’s true that your need to explore, learn, and enjoy some measure of freedom or freeform activity can sometimes clash with your ambitions to take care of business, work, routines, and health. However, finding a balance is within reach. Mercury turns retrograde in your solar ninth house on the 29th, indicating the need to slow down and reconsider some elements of your plans, programs, or ideas.
You’re inclined to seek new or renewed learning experiences and detours from the usual routine in December. Mercury’s retrograde turn on the 29th may seem to slow you down, but in fact, it helps you pace yourself.
Tidying up areas of your life that may be causing you guilt or dread can be useful with Chiron turning direct and Jupiter heading into your solar twelfth house. Helping others or learning new things can be especially pleasurable.
December is often about your connections and specialties, dear Gemini, with a focus on your sectors of one-on-one relationships and intimacy. Your powers of attraction are strong, and you’re more interactive and connected. It can be a time of reaffirming a commitment to a particular path regarding relationships. You’re seeking harmony and balance this month.
The Full Moon on the 7th is more emotionally-charged for you than usual since it occurs in your sign and aligns with retrograde Mars in Gemini. It’s a motivating time of self-discovery and recognition of feelings and needs you may have been holding at bay or brushing to the side. It comes at a highly relationship-focused time with strong activity in the partnership sector of your solar chart. After all, recognizing your feelings and needs is an essential process as you explore your partnerships, dependencies, and relationship needs.
Around this Full Moon, built-up anger and frustration can come to a head. People may be reacting to your sporadic assertiveness, and it’s best to release frustrations in healthy ways. Be willing to implement needed changes in your life, both inside and out.
Transits highlight your need for companionship or balance and harmony. A career matter, direction, goal, or significant project can unblock. If you’ve been on the fence about a path to take, you’ll intuitively begin to move in the right direction. You are open to new insights and understanding, and you can be pretty pleased with your work and the things you’ve accomplished. Conversations can help you move forward.
Mercury and Venus move into your intimacy sector on the 6th and 9th, and the Sun does the same later in the month, on the 21st. With these ingresses, you become more and more introspective as December progresses. Conversations and interactions tend to be a little more profound than usual, or they don’t hold your interest for long! It’s a great time to get closer to a special someone or project. You’re more focused, interested, and present.
This can be a time of redefining what you want and need from others–as well as what you can expect from yourself. And, if intimate relationships can benefit from a new start or vision, the New Moon on the 23rd directs you. You can be motivated to work out ordinarily tricky emotional issues or power dynamics, as you’re bringing quite a bit of objectivity and fairness to these matters. You’re expecting a little more from your projects and relationships.
Mercury turns retrograde in your intimacy sector on the 29th, and there can be minor complications with money, sharing, intimacy, and dependencies. It can be a time for reassessments or waiting for answers on financial and relationship fronts, but it can also give you the opportunity–in the form of a blessing in disguise–to better pace yourself.
Jupiter moves into your friendship sector on the 20th and will continue there until mid-May, helping you find more joy and satisfaction in your social life. Chiron is already a guest in this area of your solar chart, and on the 23rd, ends its retrograde cycle. Friendships or group associations seem more robust, and you’re more influential and charming with others. You’ll feel increasingly better equipped to deal with problem areas. You’re helping and understanding others rather than allowing insecurities slow you down.
December begins with a strong focus on your sector of work, service, health, routines, and habits, dear Cancer. It’s a potentially excellent time for discovering ways to heal and mend or improve wellness and habits. As the month advances, you’re more interactive and relationship-focused.
With shifts this month, there can be a turning point in a project or an attitude, and plans related to education, legal matters, or publishing might move forward. Your ambitions are stirring, and your confidence is building. Recent distractions from the bigger picture start to fall to the side, and it’s easier to feel optimistic.
If you’ve been tense with hectic schedules and demanding daily life, it can come to a head around the Full Moon on the 7th. You quickly become bored with going through the motions of daily routines at this time, but a new position or task, or an increased workload, keeps you especially busy. With the continuing retrograde of Mars, you can have a low threshold for boredom at times this month. While inner restlessness can push you to make important changes, it can also attract some trouble if you are living on auto-pilot and not consciously directing your energies into productive channels.
This Full Moon can bring a secret or private matter into awareness. Learning your true feelings on an issue can be exciting, although you could initially feel a bit flooded. There can be a reminder of a need for extra rest or attention to your emotional life now, especially if you’ve been going hard in other life departments.
Transits encourage special attention to the nuts and bolts of your life–you’re laying the groundwork for future success. Getting on top of the little things in your life can do wonderful things for your confidence and general outlook. When you’re not procrastinating and avoiding things, you feel more in control. A plan for better health and habits can come together.
As December advances, there is less focus on your routines and increasing attention to your relationships. Mercury and Venus move into your partnership sector on the 6th and 9th. Later in the month–on the 21st–the Sun does the same. You might rely a little more on others in your life, and improving your relationships or attracting helpful people into your orbit can figure strongly. People have something to show you about yourself! Conversations and interactions are eye-opening, and collaborations can be valuable and fun. Especially after the Sun arrives in this area of your solar chart, you pour a lot of yourself (energy, attention, and expectations) into relating and partnering. It’s a great time to iron out problems, bring more balance to your life, and harmonize.
With the New Moon on the 23rd, there can be new developments in close relationships. Different attitudes refresh your outlook and your connections. Mercury does turn retrograde on the 29th, pointing to some need to backtrack, slow down, and reassess things. Going over old territory in a relationship can be useful now.
Jupiter heads to the top of your solar chart, and Chiron, already transiting there, turns direct. These moves motivate you to shoot a little higher with your goals. Your ambitions, career, business goals, and reputation will improve, grow, and develop. You’re attracting good favor and pursuing your interests confidently. These themes will improve further after the end of the Mars retrograde cycle in mid-January. For now, you’re revving up and building plans.
With an emphasis on your sector of joy as you begin December, dear Leo, you’re more expressive, creative, and love-focused. In focus are your hobbies, leisure time, and entertainment. It’s a wonderful time to find ways to round out your life through more fulfilling activities.
There can be some drama in your love or social life with retrograde Mars aligning with the Moon at the time of the Full Moon on the 7th. Frustrations you’ve let build up inside you can surface. What comes to light now provides valuable insight into a brewing problem, likely friend-related, and you can feel purged and empowered. True feelings about a person, relationship, or project can emerge, or light is shed on your hopes and wishes and perhaps some dissatisfaction with your progress towards them. These revelations can lead to amazing changes and improvements. While you’ve been more engrossed in your personal life and doing things on your own, this can be a time when you recognize the usefulness of collaboration.
This Full Moon awakens your feelings about your social life, connections, happiness goals, and sense of community. Mars is retrograde in this same sector, and it’s complicated! While feelings are big now, it may not be the time to act on them. Aim to restore balance to your life by including friends, considering communal needs, and enjoying the benefits of teams and groups, even if you’re exceptionally wrapped up in your personal or romantic life these days.
As December progresses, work or duties needs more of your attention, and the New Moon on the 23rd can bring events that clear the path for new beginnings in your daily life or regarding health and wellness.
On the 6th and 9th, Mercury and Venus move into your sector of work, service, health, habits, and routines, and the Sun does the same on the 21st. These shifts put you in a great position to bring more attention, heart, and intelligence to your work and services. You may enjoy what you do on a daily basis more thoroughly now, or you might make aesthetic or mood-boosting changes that improve your enjoyment of work, health pursuits, and daily goal-reaching. The social element of daily living and work can get a nice boost. People outside of your routines may not see you as much, however! You can be quite busy and involved with getting your life into order.
Mercury retrogrades in this area of your chart starting on the 29th, suggesting a need to backtrack, reassess projects or launch dates, and redo or rework specific tasks. Information clogs can make this a waiting period. Still, it’s a great time to do edits and focus on works in progress.
You’re rebuilding faith in your ability to work through problem areas this month. There can be a nice sense of coming together or mutual understanding in the works with someone important to you. You can also come up with fresh ideas or think up wonderful new methods for accomplishing your goals. While you may not be crystal clear on your next step, it’s a fine day for exploring your options.
Jupiter moves into harmony with your sign on the 20th, helping lift your spirits as you tune into the bigger picture and gain perspective. You’re more optimistic and confident with this transit that will stick with you until mid-May. There can be new opportunities to learn, publish, communicate, or promote. Chiron is already in this sector of your solar chart and ends its retrograde this month. You feel better equipped mentally and emotionally to deal with issues that were buried or swept under the carpet. You’re also less inclined to allow insecurities to hold you back from pursuing your desires, particularly those related to education, travel, sharing your ideas, and speaking your mind.
Your private life gets top billing as you begin December, dear Virgo, and you can be more sentimental and nostalgic. You’re ready to create a peaceful and stable atmosphere, and you feel that if things are good from the ground up, you’re in the best shape. Until the 21st, your focus is strong on inner psychological growth, after which you’re more interactive.
You’re bringing new energy to your family or private life this month. You’re also building your faith in a relationship or friendship. Focusing on the positive, beautiful, and magical qualities of life and love can be rewarding. If you’ve felt at the mercy of the whims and moods of others or undecided about how to improve your life regarding relationships, you’ll feel a little more faithful now.
You work harder to find peace with those closest to you or make physical improvements. You are taking more pride in the functionality of your domestic world. Organizing, editing, and rearranging are in favor.
Try to avoid overdoing or overworking, as you may not always judge your energy levels accurately with the continuing retrograde of Mars. It’s harder to gauge what you can manage with this transit in play. As well, motivation levels are up and down. If you’ve been bottling up resentful feelings, especially about your work or responsibilities, they can emerge in unexpected ways. Avoid reacting mindlessly to challenges and instead, consider what is important to you before taking action.
The Full Moon on the 7th can prompt you to attend to your responsibilities to the outside world, ambitions, and reputation. A reward, award, or culmination of a project can pull you out of your shell. It comes at a time when your home, family, and personal life are in sharper focus and reminds you to round out your life. You might arrive at important realizations about your work, true calling, business, career, reputation, or true feelings about your life’s direction. Listen to your intuition, but take your time before acting on it.
The 6th and 9th bring Mercury and Venus into your sector of leisure, enjoyment, and heartfelt activities. The Sun will enter this area of your solar chart on the 21st, pushing these themes further. With these shifts, you’re in a more expressive and playful frame of mind. You might enjoy new hobbies, creative outlets, and love interests or renewed attention to these things. Your ideas go over well, and people seek you out for your advice and your company. Hobbies and leisure pursuits can be in pleasant focus.
Mercury’s retrograde from the 29th can mean backtracking in these areas of life. You may not always get the words right, but you’re bound to find different channels for expressing yourself, and creative mediums seem your best bet. Brand-new endeavors may not get off the ground. It’s a time for patience – working on building lasting connections and projects is highly favored.
Your sector of intimacy and shared assets is ruled by Mars, and Mars is still retrograde (until January 12th). However, Jupiter moves into this area of your solar chart this month, and it will stick around until mid-May, bringing wonderful benefits. As well, Chiron turns direct here, and you feel increasingly better equipped to deal with problems. There can be financial gain, deepened relationships or more joy in an intimate relationship, and a generally easier time attracting moral or economic support. You’re connecting with your deeper needs more fully in the months ahead.
December is a busy month for you, dear Libra. You’ll have plenty on your to-do list, but you may need to cut down that list to gain some peace of mind. While there can be some hectic energy, it can be a pleasant month with a lot to learn. A mental connection with someone is most important to you now.
Enthusiasm for learning brings you rewards this month, and your mind is especially sharp, but at times overtaxed – you may need to remind yourself of your limits. After all, decision-making can suffer with too many things on your mind.
People may be seeking out your words of wisdom, and when you feel needed this way, you are at your best. On another level, this can be a magical time for a new study, project, or personal interest. Connecting, learning, and sharing are in favor.
You’re also turning a corner and feeling better about your efforts to improve your work, health, and daily routines. It’s a time to renew your faith in what you do or in the idea that more meaningfulness is to come.
You’re picking up a real variety of information, and you see the value of making small improvements to your life on emotional, mental, and physical levels.
The Full Moon in your adventure sector on the 7th is eye-opening. A project or pursuit can blossom now, or you may recognize the need to get away from it all and take a break from the usual routine. Be choosy about what you take on now, however, since Mars is retrograde in the same area of your solar chart. It’s best to fight impatience and instead take the time to feel, learn about, and understand your desires and drives. Frustration can center on intellectual planes, so do watch for speaking prematurely or making too much of a matter.
Even so, the prominent themes in your chart for December tend to keep you closer to home. A strong focus on the solar third house suggests extra attention to your daily affairs, current projects, people close to you, and studies. As December progresses, home and family life grab more and more attention.
The last week of the month brings a more vital ability to focus and concentrate and more emphasis on home and family. In fact, this is a progressive thing–as December advances, these themes emerge.
Mercury and Venus move into your solar fourth house on the 6th and the 9th, and the Sun heads in on the 21st. These ingresses shift your attention to home and family and facilitate warmer, more easygoing, and peaceful conditions on the domestic front. There can be real opportunities to expand, strengthen, and enhance family relationships; on some level, you may find peace with your past and yourself. There can be inventive solutions to home-related problems and new approaches with family and loved ones.
There are treasures to be found in the past, particularly after the 29th when Mercury turns retrograde in this area of your chart. Some projects or ideas may go on a shelf. Delays are possible, and pacing yourself makes sense now.
Jupiter moves back into your partnership sector, where it will stay until mid-May. This influence can boost close relationships or connect you with helpful people. Because Mars, the ruler of your partnership sector, is currently retrograde, you may not feel the good vibes full-on just yet. However, resolutions are in the works for long-standing problems.
Further, Chiron turns direct in this area of your solar chart, and you’re in a more active position to deal with complicated feelings–you’re more willing to face them and sort them out. You may be able to get to the bottom of an issue that was previously confusing. It’s time to consider ways to improve your connections with others, particularly a partner.
December brings a strong focus on establishing yourself, money matters, making connections, learning, and commuting, dear Scorpio. You pay more mind to issues of security and the enjoyment of the good things in life. Financial activity, including pressures or concerns, can be themes, but so can comfort levels and goals that help you feel more secure.
However, the Full Moon on the 7th pulls your attention away from your own needs towards matters of sharing and support. Emotions escalate surrounding money, ownership matters, and your intimate life. It can be a time for recognizing your need for others or dealing with issues of support that need sorting.
Retrograde Mars in your intimacy sector continues to stir up previously buried matter. Resentments can surface if people in your life are not taking something (or you) seriously enough. This transit can slow things down, particularly with finances, support, and relationships. Mars might awaken a need to reorganize your finances or stir up feelings about a past relationship, especially around the 7th, when the Full Moon aligns with Mars. There can be more to this unfolding story, but revelations now are integral to future change and improvement. They help get the ball rolling, in other words!
This month, you’re well-positioned to discover more about yourself and your needs — what you truly want and value — through conversation, interactions, and reflection. You can benefit from natural or earthy activities that renew your connection to the world around you or the world of the five senses.
Activities that remind you of the simple pleasures in life are in high favor. Seek ways to strengthen or stabilize your finances, valuables, or home through maintenance or upkeep.
Mercury and Venus move into harmony with your sign–and your communications sector–on the 6th and 9th. While a retrograde Mercury from the 29th may lead to misunderstandings, you’re expressing yourself with wonderful flair. If you focus on pacing yourself, this can be an advantageous period. Your charm shines through in your communications and gestures during this period.
Especially after the 21st, when the Sun also transits this sector of your chart, you can have much success with designing, writing, and teaching. You might discover new or improved ways to connect, whether this is about communicating or commuting. You’re in good shape to exchange ideas, which can be valuable for lifting spirits.
You’re also looking at your projects, entertainment, love in your life, relationships, and relationship needs in new ways. While there can be some communication fits and starts, projects dear to your heart can be most satisfying this month. You enjoy studying, teaching, and connecting. You’re likely to have various interests or projects in the works that excite and motivate you. While life is busy, it feels energizing rather than chaotic much of the time.
The New Moon on the 23rd brings new and improved energy for learning, studying, and connecting. It’s a great time to put out your feelers for interesting ideas.
Jupiter moves back into your solar sixth house this month, and until mid-May, your motivation to improve your health, daily habits, work, and routines increases. Finding more joy and satisfaction in your daily affairs can figure strongly during this period. Things will improve further after Mars turns direct on January 12th. You might find new meaning in your everyday life and duties. Your confidence in making healing, helpful, and empowering changes is building.
December is a personally powerful month for you, dear Sagittarius. The focus is very much on personal goals and development. December is strong for you regarding personal influence, goal-setting, and finances.
You have a greater desire to be independent and care for your needs in December. At times, there can be frustrating or inflamed situations with a partnership or significant person. With Mars not working at its best and in your opposite sign again this month, you can sometimes feel that you’re swimming upstream. Others could be meddling in your affairs, or there can be a tendency to butt heads over issues. Competitiveness can stimulate you to do more but can also stir up conflict. Tensions can surface in disruptive ways, and the demands of relationships can be strong. Important epiphanies along these lines are likely around the Full Moon on the 7th. If you’ve been defiantly denying your need for others, this is when recognition comes in a rush!
This month, there can be interesting and notable conversations, mergings, and connections. You’re appreciated or sought out for your unique and special qualities. You’re also more confident about expressing your unique opinions, style, and direction.
You can enjoy more clarity or forward movement with living conditions and arrangements. Applying yourself to mental and learning pursuits can bring wonderful rewards down the road.
Mercury and Venus leave your sign on the 6th and 9th and move into your finances sector, and the Sun follows suit on the 21st. As such, there’s increasing attention to your money, resources, and talents this month. It’s a great time to explore different ways of building your sense of value and worthiness. You might seek ways to increase your income or earning potential, although this may be more about ideas and thoughts than taking action until later in December. Important discoveries emerge.
However, with Mercury turning retrograde on the 29th and in a shadow period from the 12th, take your time with new beginnings. You might turn your attention to works in progress for better results. Revamping a project can be an excellent move now. Social and romantic opportunities could emerge through business or work. Instead, this can be a time to connect with people who help you reach your business goals.
The Full Moon on the 7th occurs in your opposite sign, and while you’re in a yearly personal independence peak, this reminds you of your feelings for someone or a powerful relationship. Senses awaken and are insistent. While some impulsiveness can get in your way, it’s a great time to get in touch with your emotions and needs. Relationship goals may need refinement. You’re approaching your relationships differently now, so expect different results as a matter of course!
The New Moon on the 23rd nudges you to take better care of your money and resources. It’s a great time to begin anew, even if it’s only on a mental level.
Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde in your finances sector from the 29th forward, and it makes sense to look back before moving ahead with money matters.
Your ruling planet, Jupiter, heads back into Aries this month, and it’s exciting! Until mid-May, you’ll be finding more ways to enjoy yourself. Hobbies, romance, or leisure pursuits can be a strong draw and more fulfilling. This transit will be even more rewarding after Aries’ ruler, Mars, turns direct in January.
The wounded healer, Chiron, turns direct this month, and this, too, can lead to a personal epiphany or circumstance that pushes you to take charge of a problem area. You might come to an understanding of a challenge from the past, helping you move forward.
You continue to make room for downtime, rest, release from routine, and escape from the humdrum of your life in December, dear Capricorn. You’re reviewing your need for time for yourself, behind the scenes, and away from the spotlight. It’s a valuable time to think in more holistic rather than detail-oriented ways.
There can be times when the month brings buried frustration, resentment, and needs to the surface. With the continuing retrograde of Mars, tempers can flare in your daily life, or schedules are interrupted, disrupting the flow of things. Old problems can resurface, frustrations with people and situations you’ve been tolerating can now seem untenable, and neglected health matters might come to a head.
The Full Moon on the 7th occurs in your work and health sector, and you’re in an eyes-wide-open period for your work endeavors, health programs, and routines. It’s a time for new information or revelations. This Full Moon brings your attention to deadlines or pressing matters related to work or health. You’re awakening to the need to improve your work-rest balance by paying more attention to your need for order in your daily life.
As the month advances, you feel more independent, effective, and courageous. First, Mercury and Venus enter your sign on the 6th and 9th, and the Sun follow suit on the 21st. You have more personal impact and a stronger voice. Your more unique qualities are emphasized and appreciated. A New Moon occurs in your sign on the 23rd, and your own needs and goals become a priority. You may have spent a lot of time tending to others’ needs, wants, and expectations. You’ve recently been feeling a lot of pressure to prove yourself to people in your life, but the power has begun to shift. Dreams, goals, and projects you’ve put on a shelf seem more feasible.
While the Sun’s move into Capricorn on the 21st is perhaps the most significant sign of your “new beginning” phase, the Mercury-Venus ingress on the 6th and 9th represents a shift in your focus, attitude, feelings, and especially expression. You’re more obviously attractive and communicative.
The New Moon on the 23rd is a push to put the past behind you with plans, actions, or even symbolic actions. Since Mercury is retrograde in your sign from the 29th forward, it may help to be a bit more thoughtful than usual when communicating with people misunderstanding your intentions.
Mercury in your sign most of the month ensures you’re busy and engaged, although sometimes too “on” for your own good. Take opportunities to clear your head from time to time. The retrograde period may help with just that — it’s a time for catching up. There can be times during the retrograde when you feel life is as slow as molasses, but you can make some excellent refinements.
Nevertheless, the last week of the month is more personal, active, and hands-on. You can also find yourself inspired by ideas and dreams. While the ruler of your home and family sector, Mars, will be retrograde until January, this sector is beginning to enliven this month. Chiron turns direct in this area of your solar chart, and Jupiter moves in, for example. You’re feeling more equipped to handle problems in your personal life. Jupiter here until mid-May is excellent for upgrades and enhancements with your home, family, and personal life. The months ahead are strong for improving bonds with loved ones and enhancing or expanding the home.
Long-term goals toward happiness and fulfillment are spotlighted this month, dear Aquarius. It’s a good time to collaborate with others or connect with the community, especially in the first week of December. As the month progresses, you make time for extra rest and recuperation.
Helping others, connecting with friends, mutually beneficial relationships, liberating conversations, and great ideas can be in strong focus. You might enjoy advances in a pursuit that takes you closer to achieving your happiness goals. Your approach to relationships is fresh and new, and your generosity of spirit and willingness to be vulnerable is in the spotlight and appealing. You seek emotional satisfaction and wholeness, and people in your life can lead you in the right direction.
You see new ways to rejuvenate your social life in December. You’re awakening to yearnings for kinship, friendship, and involvement on the soul level. You may be taking care of others, or you may be seeking support. Investing more of yourself in your projects and ideas can be exhilarating, filling you with a stronger sense of purpose.
Confidence is also building in your ability to make the living you want or attract the right resources. You’re putting more faith in your intuition with business and financial matters. A money matter that was in limbo may now release and progress forward.
There can be some challenges centering around friends, lovers, or creative projects. Ironing out problems can be complicated this month with the continuing retrograde of Mars, particularly when it involves others’ issues. Some introspection is in order, and a more mature look at others and your own relationship needs can empower you.
The Full Moon on the 7th excites your senses. It’s a time to celebrate the fun or playful side of your life. Revelations about how you feel about a person or pursuit can come and, in many ways, define your attitude and approach to life in the week following. A review of recent choices or endeavors seems important before you regain motivation.
As the month advances, a stronger need to get extra rest and time to yourself emerges. You can be a little more insular. Mercury and Venus are the first to move into your soul and private sector on the 6th and 9th, with the Sun following suit on the 21st. These ingresses point to a building need for an escape from the standard routine, healing and rest, attention to mental health, personal reflection, or a focus on background matters in your life. Ideally, you take extra time to come to conclusions and consider paths you can leave behind you. These transits can stir up issues that were swept under the carpet.
Opportunities to connect with neglected needs are plenty, so take advantage! Mercury’s retrograde in this area begins on the 29th and points to a need to review, reflect, and perhaps redo or return to old projects and ideas. There are lessons and possibly a few gems involved with this backtracking.
While the ruler of your communications sector, Mars, will remain retrograde until January, there are signs of forward progress. For one, Jupiter enters this sector, and it’s an excellent period for building up your skills until mid-May. You’re excited to learn new things and share your ideas and interests. With Chiron turning direct in the same area of your solar chart, you’re adjusting the ways you communicate or your mental outlook, bringing benefits your way. You close the year feeling inspired and positive about what the future might hold.
You’re paying more attention to professional and public matters as the month begins, dear Pisces. Your drive for authority over your life is strong, and you want to follow your own rhythm. With your planetary rulers now direct, you’re feeling more confident and optimistic. You’re also in high demand! There can be times when your responsibilities to others complicate the freedom and mobility you crave. However, it’s a fine time to connect with your ambitions and formulate goals. Your work could require more communication than usual, and you speak with more impact.
With the continuing retrograde of Mars, there can be some challenges with family or home matters. Problems brewing in your personal life or on the domestic front can reach a head around the Full Moon on the 7th. However, it’s a great time to “unbury” problems and deal with them. Revelations about your personal life or a strong need for support and comfort can be in focus around this time. Certainly, the outside world tends to dominate the month’s themes, but this Full Moon reminds you that your support system is essential and needs special attention.
You might recognize needs you’ve recently brushed aside or overlooked, helping you move on and forward. Suppose you’ve been focusing too much on your responsibilities to your career and the outside world. In that case, the need to arrive at a balance with more quality attention to your personal life can become apparent. If you’ve been overextending yourself, you need to find ways to get more downtime. This Full Moon reminds you to recharge so that you can give other areas of your life your best. You may benefit greatly from catching up with family or your own heart.
You can feel inspired to dream big, and your loftier goals, dreams, and ideals are in the spotlight. People are catching on to your unique approach.
Your social life takes on more importance as December advances. The people you connect with stir new ideas. They’re also very interested in you! On the 6th and 9th, Mercury and Venus enter your social sector, with the Sun following suit on the 21st. Your attention and focus shift from professional to social pursuits.
These transits encourage you to explore your needs for friendship, new faces and places, and a sense of community.
You can feel an overall greater sense of well-being in December. There can be forward motion in projects or personal plans, and you have more confidence and faith in your dreams. Something can inspire you to reach for greater heights. You might approach the world in new, more empowered ways.
Jupiter moves out of your sign and into your resources sector on the 20th. It’s a time to slowly but surely get in touch with new goals and aspirations that are powerfully motivating. Influences are strengthening for your money and belongings and, on a psychological level, your self-worth and value. The months ahead–until mid-May–are excellent for building on existing resources, a business, or a project and enjoying the rewards of your past efforts.
The New Moon on the 23rd can help give you a push forward or a new start with friendships, networking, happiness pursuits, and causes. Involvement and collaboration are in focus now. Consider that Mercury turns retrograde in this sector on the 29th, and looking back or reconnecting with past friends or projects can be in order before moving ahead.
Monthly Calendar:

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