*February 2020 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Aries:
There’s a pleasing emphasis on making connections and enjoying your relationships as February begins, dear Aries, and with Venus moving into your sign on the 7th, you’re personally popular. Still, you’re finding more and more reason to take things easy or take personal time as the month advances, and it’s good for you.
There is some de-emphasis of career or life-plan goals now, although these things don’t altogether drop off the radar for very long these days! You’re taking more interest in finding your joy or making a contribution. You have a stronger influence on friends and groups until the 18th, and you’re in good shape for trying on new styles and ideas.
While there is a stronger focus on the past as the month advances, when it comes to Venus-ruled areas (including love, enjoyment, pleasure, and money), you’re awakening from a period of hibernation, so to speak, from the 7th forward. Others may be taking a special interest in you, and your most attractive traits seem to be highlighted. You’re more inclined to attract things and people into your life as opposed to pursuing them directly and actively, and you are exceptionally well-equipped to do so! It’s a fine period for personal appeal and magnetism.
The Full Moon on the 9th reinforces this playful, attractive theme. Love, creativity, fun, entertainment, and self-expression are in focus. You’re in an eyes-wide-open period regarding a romantic or creative issue. You might have an epiphany that leads you to the conclusion that you should enjoy yourself more fully. It’s a time for embracing your feelings and letting them guide you! This lunation can bring buried or unacknowledged emotions to the surface, and it feels great to release them.
The first of three Jupiter-Neptune aspects strongly influencing the year occurs this month. With so much recent activity in your career and reputation sector, this transit’s boost of inspiration, a sense of purpose, and compassion are most welcome. It’s a time for seeking and finding inspiration. You may benefit from past work, good deeds, and experience, particularly in your profession. While you’ve been going hard in some areas of your life, this transit helps you find moments to detox, relax, decompress, detach, and rest. It also reminds you of the value of feeding your spirit, imagination, or romantic needs alongside your more worldly pursuits. As you pay more attention to mental and emotional health, your life takes on more meaning.
Mercury’s retrograde in your privacy sector from the 16th is another sign that you benefit from more attention to your inner world as February advances. Some of the decisions made and projects started in the last couple of weeks can require reconsideration, or there can be delays to manage. It’s a time for redoing and refining work that is already underway, for journaling, and for backtracking over the past to find answers that were not obvious then, but entirely relevant now.
Still, on the same date, Mars heads to the top of your solar chart, and circumstances seem to push you to improve and reach a little further. There can be times during the retrograde when you feel life is as slow as molasses, but you can make some excellent refinements. Plus, Mars forms some supportive aspects that suggest you’re making progress even if it’s not always obvious just yet. You can be feeling freer, more optimistic, and more inclined to take the lead, particularly regarding your business or practical affairs. You’re working under the radar or behind the scenes with the Sun’s move into your privacy sector on the 19th, but you can also be branching out and coming up with novel ways of expressing yourself. When it comes to money, personal possessions, and valuables, you’re doing things just a little differently. A change of pace can feel right.
You’re encouraged to dig deep and find ways to put unproductive elements of your past behind you in the last week of February. Circumstances reveal that you need more time to rest, reflect, and “just be.” This is an important time for you to look back and review, process, and digest recent events. There can be crucial new insights into your innermost feelings, the past, or a long-term problem. You are coming to a new understanding of a past matter through new or further information, or looking at something with fresh eyes, and this will eventually allow you to move forward with less baggage.
While you can be somewhat retiring personally, your ambition to triumph, succeed, or win is active. It’s a work hard, rest hard time for you! You quite naturally take the lead or act independently, and your sense of where to go or what to do next is strong.

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Taurus:
February is good for bringing more effort and personality to your public or professional life, dear Taurus, and for connecting with long-term goals and dreams.
You stand out more than usual until the 18th. You can arrive at a high point of the year with your career or reputation, although there is more of this to come in April and May. You’re motivated to perform and accomplish.
While you’re more noticeable in certain ways, Venus moves into your privacy sector on the 7th, and you’ll find some pleasure and comfort in extra rest, relaxation, withdrawal, or privacy. There can be a greater love of private moments or a focus on the past. Some of you will be enjoying a certain measure of solitude, and help can come from behind the scenes. Others might be doing some soul-searching about their love life or their feelings.
The Full Moon on the 9th is a call to attend to home and family and recognize your needs for nurture, safety, and comfort. You’re challenged to balance your attention to your outer and inner worlds, home and family, or public and private life. There can be a release or culmination of a matter, and it’s healing and helpful.
The first of three Jupiter-Neptune transits influencing the year occurs in February. With this imaginative, inspiring influence, exceptional support comes from friends and associations. You’re inspired to grow, improve, explore, discover, and move outside of your comfort zone as a result. This is a busy time for bonding through shared interests or ideas. Friendships grow or begin. Networking, courses, or extracurricular activities introduce you to new ideas and people that encourage you.
Mars moves into harmony with your sign starting on the 16th, and it comes as a nice boost to your energy and motivation levels. With Mercury turning retrograde on the same day, this Mars transit helps you find beautiful channels for expressing those needs that are difficult to verbalize through studies, travel, or interesting excursions outside of the ordinary. Even if there can be some delays or misunderstandings to manage, you’re mostly spirited, positive, and ready to take on a challenge.
Mercury’s retrograde from the 16th forward suggests that some recent ideas, plans, or decisions can meet with delays, or they may require review and reconsideration in the second half of February. Past friendships can figure more strongly in your life.
Nevertheless, educational and travel plans can hold some excitement, and good news along these lines is likely. It’s a fine time for gaining a fresh perspective on your life and enjoying activities that break the usual routine. You’re broadening your horizons by making connections, opening your mind to new ideas, or by venturing out into the world. Willpower is actually very strong at this time, even if you might suffer some bouts of indecision.
The New Moon on the 23rd is powerful for your intuition, particularly regarding your friendships, networks, social life, and happiness goals. New beginnings are on the horizon, and you’re feeling encouraged, inspired, and hopeful. However, there is some need to look back before you move forward. In other words, taking things slowly makes sense now.
In the last week of the month, there’s good energy for something spontaneous, sharing ideas with friends, networking, learning something new, and possibly working towards a cherished dream or goal. You find it easier to accept new ideas and explore new subjects, directions, or activities right now. Insights occurring now may be new and not fully formed, but they put you on the road to brand new beginnings. Memories or surprise meetings can change your perspective.

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Gemini:
February is an excellent time for focusing on nurturing your mind, body, and spirit with different activities, books, courses, cultural activities, or connections with people who have different ideas and perspectives, dear Gemini. Or, this can be a time for doing more studying, learning, and venturing out and about. Your calling, career, life path, and long-term goals take on more importance as the month advances. They’re complicated, but in focus and, ultimately, rewarding.
Venus is in your social sector from the 7th forward, enhancing your personal appeal and supporting your connections with friends or groups. You might be giving and taking more space in your relationships, or you feel freer to explore and discover on a social level. There can be a nice feeling that people in your life are supportive. You more readily attract friends and those who share common interests at this time.
The Full Moon on the 9th is another influence that encourages making connections. It can be a time of a revelation or epiphany regarding a learning, transportation, connecting, or communications matter. This can be an exceptionally busy time when you need to take care of important errands or tie up loose ends. It’s a powerful time for understanding and a wide-open mind. Your true feelings on a matter can overcome you, and while your emotions might surprise you, they also get you into a better position to make choices and decisions. You’ll enjoy some beautiful opportunities to learn new things and make real progress on your projects.
A transit beginning this month and running until October offers a subtle boost that increases your feelings of purpose and meaningfulness. It’s an uplifting transit that suggests a new way of looking at your life path, relationships, projects, and lovers that benefits you greatly, as you see the romance, imagination, and beauty in your connections and aspirations. This is a timely and welcome transit considering there has been much focus on the realistic or practical side of life. You’re encouraged to find moments to detox, relax, and enjoy yourself. You’re enjoying more imagination and compassion in your deep relationships, career, and attachments.
Group cooperation might further your career, or you might connect with someone who shares your ideas and interests, and this reinforcement feels right. Idealistic and humanitarian impulses come to the fore, or openness to possibilities, in general, can help you advance towards your goals. You could be finding more tangible ways to express your compassion.
Mercury, your ruler, turns retrograde on the 16th, and it may be better to stick to projects that are already in the works rather than take on brand new endeavors for now. Some delays or mix-ups are possible, but do look for opportunities in the coming weeks to make valuable refinements and changes. It can be a super period for looking to the past for answers on how to manage current responsibilities, as well as for observing trends and reconsidering past plans and projects.
On the same day, Mars moves into your solar eighth house, releasing its direct pressure on your sign that’s been in effect since early January. From now until March 30th, you’re in a good position to sort out issues related to sharing and power dynamics in relationships, and for exploring your deeper desires, as well.
While the retrograde Mercury cycle suggests some need to look back before moving forward, there are plenty of reasons to feel confident and hopeful in the second half of February. You’re reminded of areas of your life that are doing well, improving, or showing great promise. You might draw upon experience and wisdom to solve a problem, likely related to your career or reputation. Letting go of attitudes that keep you stuck in the past comes naturally right now. New ideas, developments, or motivations regarding your career, life path goals, life path, reputation, status, and responsibilities are in the works. Watch for relying too much on others’ resources now. The path to fulfillment seems to be about going your own way and trusting in your own talents.
There are treasures to be found from reviewing and reconsidering old methods and projects. This can be a fine time for success on professional levels, especially with a bit of competition motivating you to advance. Thinking about life direction and long-term goals in new ways can be fruitful now, and can also lead to significant ideas. You could come to a vital conclusion about your next step or about particular directions you’ve been taking. Your communications have much more impact now, so it’s best to be selective with your words. While this is not yet the time for making sweeping decisions, your observations can be invaluable.

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Cancer:
You’re in good shape for focused attention on special projects and relationships this month, dear Cancer. This is a time of year when you crave a little more from life or when you rid yourself of a bad habit or attitude and thus gain more personal power and a stronger sense of personal accomplishment. You’re likely to get to the bottom of a complex matter. As the month advances, you’ll find more and more reason to get out and about, diversify, explore, and discover.
The first half of the month is a powerful time for insights into your money situation, your sense of autonomy, and your work. You can have an epiphany regarding your needs and wants around the Full Moon on the 9th, and this helps clarify certain decisions or a path to take. Whether you’ve been ignoring your need to pamper yourself or you’ve been overdoing it recently, it’s time to balance the scales.
Venus spends time in your career and reputation sector from the 7th forward, bringing increased social opportunities through your business or professional dealings. Or, you might take more interest in the image you are projecting to others. Your helpfulness and kindness seem to come shining through on the job or with superiors at this time.
This month, an opportunity period begins, lasting until October, for your relationships and your sense of adventure and discovery. This can be a time for enjoying alternative or extra-curricular activities with a partner or for connecting with someone significant through mind-expanding experiences or non-routine activities. A partnership can be a source of inspiration, and the realization of a happiness goal seems more likely now through the support or positivity of someone special in your life. A new way of looking at your life benefits you, and it’s a time of increased personal meaning and purpose, particularly through your contacts and explorations. This booster transit will unfold further as the year advances, but you’re likely to see some benefits starting in February.
From February 16th forward, Mercury is retrograde, suggesting the need to slow down before pushing forward. You may need to review travel or educational plans, or there can be some mix-ups that introduce delays into your life. You’ll benefit from taking a look at things from a new or different perspective, however, so even if blocks are irritating, you might get the chance to reconsider certain plans to your advantage.
Mars moves into your partnership zone mid-month, meaning that Mars is also opposing your sign and you can sometimes feel challenged. This transit, lasting until near the end of March, brings animation to your life through others, and especially partnerships. Clashes are possible, but so are resolutions to long-standing issues.
Travel, courses, networking, teamwork, and publishing opportunities can be areas of improvement or inspiration, although there can be some backtracking, too. Friends and alliances formed through your studies or extracurricular activities can be in focus and successful. It’s probably best not to ignore invitations from friends, as there may be a door opening for you in the process. You may be strengthening your connections through positive, encouraging communication.
There are new beginnings and a fresh start possible related to education, publishing, promotion, travel, adventure, and sharing ideas after the New Moon on the 23rd. With its alignment to retrograde Mercury, you may be looking back before moving forward. Watch for overattachment to the opinions of others at this time, but consider that clashes may be revealing. Sometimes, conflicts stir up hidden desires and show us sides of ourselves that we haven’t yet recognized.
Ideally, you’re feeling more alive and vital, and this may be accomplished through other special people who are encouraging you. Perhaps a relationship or person motivates you to pursue a particular goal. You are inspired to pursue a learning endeavor or further a mental interest, especially in the last week of February.

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Leo:
Relationships and associations are in strong focus for you in February, dear Leo. You may be discovering yourself through your interactions with someone special. You’re challenged to find a balance between independence and accommodation, especially around the 9th when the Full Moon occurs in your sign. This is a time for taking more pride in how you get along with the people in your life, and how well you find a balance in your personal environment. Still, if you’ve been losing yourself in the process, the Full Moon will help you bounce back.
Venus moves into your sector of the higher mind on the 7th, boosting your powers of attraction and often bring desired things your way – you are a bit of a magnet right now. You’re seeking a little more variety and diversity in your life. Shared ideas, beliefs, studies, or travels can be in focus and can really move a relationship forward. For some, meeting special people through these activities can be in focus.
Your Full Moon on the 9th is particularly fortunate this year. Realizations, revelations, epiphanies and turning points are about what’s in your heart but have been burying or overlooking. This can be a brilliant time for love and self-expression as you open your eyes to your true feelings on a matter. There can be important personal revelations, possibly about a partner or relationship, and the enthusiasm stirred up now can take you far.
A long-term transit that’s in influence until October begins this month, and it especially supports your sense of a higher purpose and general enjoyment of your work and daily affairs. You take more interest in your psychological health and how it impacts your physical health, and you may receive rewards on financial and/or intimate levels. With so much happening in your work and health sector these days, you need this subtle boost. It’s an uplifting transit that suggests a new way of looking at your efforts, work, services, and chores can benefit you greatly. While this year is about going hard, this transit helps you find moments to detox, relax, and enjoy yourself. It also reminds you of the value of feeding your spirit, imagination, or romantic needs alongside your practical pursuits. Finding ways to heal can be life-changing now.
Even so, Mars heads into your work and health sector on the 16th, and this transit can rev you up. You have more energy to pursue your work, routines, and health pursuits.
Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th, and while there can be some slowdowns, you’ll find the second half of February useful for reviewing and revising certain matters. You could discover that you’re frequently turning to the past to understand the present better. This is a beneficial process, in fact. It’s best to budget rather than do too much in the way of spending and borrowing at this time.
While there can certainly be some backtracking, you seem to be very positive and enthusiastic. You’re in good shape for recognition from people at work, in your field, or in a position of authority, especially for your unique insight or methods. A relationship might play a significant role in your motivation to reach a goal or ambition, or a common purpose with a significant other can form now. You’re encouraged to think outside of the box for solutions to problems. You can experience a real desire for positive change, and motivation increases further after the New Moon on the 23rd. You’re receiving a cosmic nudge toward sharing, supporting, and enjoying a relationship or project in more depth. New beginnings with shared finances or debts are in store. A fresh start in an intimate relationship or with a special passion project is also possible now.
Finances deserve special attention, mainly shared money and property as well as loans and support payments. You could benefit greatly from investigation or research. It’s time to put a little extra oomph into, or make a change with, lifeless routines, chores, or duties. You’re not inclined to want to be told what to do, so aim to do something that allows for an independent pace.
Particularly in the last week of February, you can be inspired to delve into your personal psychology or explore and analyze your feelings, intimate thoughts, desires, finances, and power dynamics in a key relationship. Thoughts, ideas, news, or conversations about confidential or tricky matters can be helpful and particularly creative, leading to important directions or developments in your life. You might see new layers to a situation that make a world of difference to your viewpoint.

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Virgo:
Work, daily routines, and health goals are in focus as you begin the month, dear Virgo. As February advances, you’ll be taking more interest in the social side of your life. This is a time for taking care of the details that help get your life into smooth working order. Pride in these systems, your work, or your self-care programs is pronounced now, motivating you to make impressive improvements. Your ruler’s retrograde from the 16th forward suggests a slower pace in the second half of the month.
Venus moves from your partnership sector to your intimacy sector on the 7th. You remain interested in developing your connections, but you are becoming more focused and exclusive, and aiming to bond on deeper levels, not only on the surface. This transit is fortunate for shared money and resources, including indirect personal income, such as through loans, benefits, supplements, and support. You could find yourself more attracted to complicated or intricate areas of relationships, sharing, and intimacy, and smoothing things out.
While you’re particularly busy and involved until the 18th, the Full Moon on the 9th reminds you of the importance of balance. There can be very important dreams or intuitive flashes occurring that encourage letting go of things and attitudes that no longer serve you well. This Full Moon illuminates a matter that puts you into dramatic touch with a feeling that you’ve been burying or ignoring. Allowing yourself some time for stillness, rest, and rejuvenation can do wonders for you now. This can also be a time of an important idea, hunch, or intuitive flash that sets you on a new, more fulfilling path. Actively seeking opportunities to heal and improve your private life can be in focus and quite satisfying now.
A long-term transit beginning now that runs until October is a potentially magical influence on your relationships. Creative partnerships might be formed during this period, or partnerships can be enhanced with increased attention to creativity, imagination, and recreation. Your sector of joy is currently hosting serious planetary guests, and now you’re finding new meaning in your efforts. You’re finding new ways to enjoy yourself and others. A new, more uplifting way of looking at your projects, entertainment, the love in your life, your relationships, and your relationship needs can help round out your experience.
Mercury’s retrograde in your partnership sector from the 16th suggests some slowdowns or delays, likely related to a significant person in your life. On the same day, Mars moves into your romantic and creative sector for a stay that will last almost until the end of March. While retrograde Mercury does pull you back, Mars helps support your energy levels as well as courage, self-assertion, and confidence. With Mars animating your sector of joy, heart, creativity, and leisure, you’re motivated to throw yourself into activities you genuinely enjoy. You have more courage to express yourself or your talents and passions. While you’re drawn to situations that work best for you, you’re not afraid to move a little outside of your comfort zone. Your eye may very well be on repackaging yourself in some manner as you want to break through a barrier that has been holding you back from expressing yourself.
People are contributing much to your life now, and it can feel enjoyable and fulfilling. Aligning yourself with others who are progressive, adventurous, and forward-looking can be very beneficial now. The New Moon on the 23rd encourages you to start fresh in a close relationship or partnership. Do watch for over-attachment to old ways in love and romance, or for keeping everything to yourself. This New Moon is about embracing a new approach to partnering or counseling and negotiating, with an eye for what held you back in the past.
You’re exploring your feelings and attitudes about partnering, connecting, and mediating, but you’re unlikely to feel as if things are moving forward just yet. Instead, you’re doing some redefining of relationships and relationship needs.
You can be desiring more activities in which you can create, compete, or play as the month advances. You could be excited about taking the lead with or making changes to a hobby, romance, or recreational activity. A romance or crush can be energizing, possibly even motivating you to better yourself or to do your best. Illumination or insight about partnering needs or a person in your life may come now, and it can change your attitude or direction. Even if you don’t have all the answers yet, it’s nevertheless a powerful time for seeing problems and people in a new light. You see the dysfunctional elements of the past, but you also have a strong sense of the future, growth, and improvement, and this helps round things out.

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Libra:
You’re in good shape for energy and inspiration for creative efforts, entertainment, and relationships, dear Libra. You more naturally celebrate and express your talents, abilities, and affections. You’re more inclined than usual to reach out and seek feedback and reinforcement until the 18th. Enjoying and expressing yourself in fulfilling, heartwarming ways can be in strong focus now. You might pay more attention to personal hobbies or recreation and entertainment at this time of year. As February advances, you’re increasingly interested in work and more routine matters.
Venus heads into your opposite sign on the 7th, and you’re more likely to attract helpful people into your life. You tend to seek out happy company. This is an especially good time for negotiations of all kinds, which can be beneficial later this month when Mercury is retrograde and misunderstandings are more likely.
The Full Moon on the 9th is another prompt to share and connect. It can be a wonderful time for breaking through a social barrier, or for recognizing your true feelings for a person or project. You’re gaining new insight into your feelings regarding love and friendship, and it’s a fine time for celebrations. This lunation can open your heart to the need for true friendship. Unrecognized feelings can emerge now. If you’ve been engrossed in your personal or romantic life and have been neglecting friends in the process, this is a time for reaching out and correcting the problem.
While Mercury turns retrograde in your work and health sector on the 16th, you have plenty of supportive influences for improving these affairs. The start of a long-term influence–a Jupiter-Neptune harmonious transit–inspires you to pay attention to layers of your daily routines and home situation so that work and health benefit. You can be improving relationships with family and co-workers through increased understanding. It’s an uplifting transit that suggests a new way of looking at your work, services, and health can benefit you all around, particularly improving your spirit. You might also feel more valued and valuable in the work you do, and inspired to take better care of yourself.
Mars moves into your family and home sector on the 16th, and you’ll be pouring more energy into domestic activities. You may get to the root of any lingering problems with family during this transit. As well, you can bring more energy and initiative to home-related projects. Positive vibes can lead to small breakthroughs in your personal life.
While there can undoubtedly be some delays or slowdowns to manage, it’s an important time for understanding your work needs, plans, and goals. You might come to realize that you’re holding onto behaviors or goals that no longer serve you well, and it’s a good time to think about new methods and improved routines. February can be a busy time for extra details to manage before you can feel that you are truly done and ready to move forward, so aim to be as patient as possible and work at getting things right. The recycling or editing of projects and ideas can be extraordinarily successful now.
The New Moon on the 23rd motivates you to take charge of your health, self-care initiatives, and work. There may be a project going on that is in development stages that consumes much of your attention, or you could be handling matters that help you get more organized and feel more in control of your life.
You can be super-motivated to solve problems or to rearrange or reorganize your setup and living arrangements in some way. This is a turning point of sorts, moving you from a state of indecision to increased clarity even if your path is not yet fully illuminated.

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Scorpio:
Extra attention to your roots, foundation, and closest ties continues this month until the 18th, dear Scorpio. It’s a time for healing, refinement, and organization in your home life and family relationships. You’re getting into close touch with what’s in your heart, and you’re anchoring and nesting on a psychological level. Worldly ambitions tend to take a backseat now, although the Full Moon on the 9th brings them to the front burner temporarily. As February progresses, you’re seeking more channels for expressing and enjoying yourself.
Venus spends time in your work and health sector from the 7th forward, helping you bring more harmony to your daily life and/or work. You can experience a powerful urge to restore balance in relationships with co-workers or people you spend time with daily. Social opportunities through your work or daily routines can emerge during this cycle.
Around the 9th is a powerful time for epiphanies about money, career, status, and reputation. This lunation is about a career or family matter coming to full bloom, which sets you on a new, fresh path. A sudden awareness of your duties and responsibilities can nudge you to take action. There can be a sudden push into the spotlight or the need to perform and take the lead, and it’s likely to be a comfortable one.
While Mercury turns retrograde in your sector of joy, creativity, and romance on the 16th, you have some fantastic support for all of these things this month. A Jupiter-Neptune influence begins now, for one, and it encourages your creativity even as you’re structuring your life and putting in the effort. This booster transit influences you until October, and it’s great for inspiration. Your imagination blossoms, and creative writing, speaking, and other such pursuits can thrive. It’s a good time to expand your mind and connect with others through the mind. Falling in love through the power of words is not out of the question with this influence. You might find more meaning and purpose through your relationships, creative pursuits, children, or recreation and hobbies.
On the same day that Mercury turns retrograde, Mars moves into harmony with your sign and into your communications sector, stimulating your desire to learn and explore. In some ways, it may be particularly important to watch for coming across too brusquely. Otherwise, it’s a busy time for communicating, connecting, and commuting. It’s a wonderful time to push yourself a little, as long as you respect your need for rest and healthy living. Brand new launches should probably wait until March.
Even with some slowdowns and delays, the second half of the month is terrific for dreaming up ideas and enjoying different interests. You’re open to others, and they to you. Fresh approaches to relating are in order. Circumstances remind you that your love life is alive and well — or at the very least, showing promise! A partner might inspire a creative idea.
The last week of the month is intense for releasing old attachments to projects and communication channels that are consuming too much of your resources, time, and energy, or for doing them in new ways. It’s a time for embracing more time for creativity, imagination, leisure, and entertainment. New beginnings with pleasure, love, and romance are in store, but reflecting on the past may be in order before moving forward.
To clear the way for a fresh start, you may need to take care of some unfinished business. Projects might be on hold until you finish up some important details. Romantic relationships can be a little complicated, or you may be focused on a past connection. You are interested in triumphing, bringing something to a new level, or taking the lead. Use extra boosts of energy to fix problems, work enthusiastically at your projects or current interests, and look for ways to clear up the clutter in your life. Fix what you can and avoid stressing over the things that you cannot. New methods or solutions can come to light through a review of the past, and these can be very important in the months to come.

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Sagittarius:
February is big for matters related to connections, thoughts, studies, and the mind, dear Sagittarius, until the 18th. You’re branching out and learning new things, and it’s a busy but enjoyable period. It’s a good time to dabble, gather information, and take in interesting news. You see what can do with some healing, repair, and improvement in your daily life, environment, communications, and interactions with others. A growing theme of family, rest, comfort, and safety emerges as the month progresses.
Helping round things out is a Venus transit from the 7th forward that accents your natural charm and appeal. People are noticing you, wanting to be around you, and more attracted to you than usual. It’s also a good cycle for more thoroughly enjoying the arts, entertainment, and pleasure-seeking activities. While April can be a little insular in spots, Venus in this sector of your chart can be a nice release from pressures.
There can be a particular enjoyment of creative projects, hobbies, and recreation now. The Full Moon on the 9th is another creative, spontaneous influence. Communication, learning, educational, travel, attitude, outlook, or publishing matters may come to full bloom, and this sets you on a new, fresh path. Your mind is wide open, and you’re ready to take on something new. This lunation can awaken in you a new way of thinking or personal interest, and you can feel compelled to expand your knowledge, share your ideas with others, and break the routine in meaningful ways.
Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th, and this can introduce some delays and other obstacles or slowdowns. However, there is much to enjoy and learn, even if (and perhaps because) you’re waiting. A Jupiter-Neptune transit starts now, and it’s set to boost you up until October. With a powerful emphasis on the practical side of your life this year, this transit is most welcome as it reminds you not to forget your ideals, dreams, and imagination in the process. You’re finding more meaning and purpose, mainly through your home life, business, and family. There can also be tangible benefits related to your home, family, or real estate. Improving home life can tie in with a better income or attitude toward money and talents during this trend.
Also on the 16th, Mars moves out of your sign and into your resources sector. This transit boosts your desire to live in more comfort and with a stronger feeling of security. You’re motivated to take action meant to improve your current circumstances during this transit that lasts through to almost the end of March. It’s important not to invest too much of yourself or your resources into a new venture just for now, but ideas can be in the hatching stage and entirely worth your attention. Work, health, and family life benefit from a creative, non-traditional approach, too.
The urge to start fresh regarding your family, domestic world, or living conditions/arrangements is strong, especially after the New Moon on the 23rd. Watch for clinging to objects and habits, as these may be preventing you from making improvements. Still, there can be some old projects worth rediscovering now. It’s a good time to improve your support system and the support you give to others. The last week of February is also active for solving problems at home or with business. Hopeful and optimistic feelings revolve around work matters and living conditions. You may come to a new understanding of a home or family matter.

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Capricorn:
Energies in February help ground and stabilize you, dear Capricorn, but also call your attention to your emotional or spiritual world, rounding things out. You’re in particularly good shape for building upon your newer and most recent ideas as well as new projects or pursuits. Security is a driving force for you right now, and you can be entirely focused on what makes you feel comfortable and what you genuinely value. As the month advances, you’re inclined to branch out and make exciting connections.
From the 7th forward, you’re finding ways to bring more harmony, warmth, and beauty to your home and close relationships. Your heart may be playing it safe with new people, but you can fully enjoy what’s currently in place in your life, and it’s satisfying. Entertaining in the home or decorating the home can also be quite favorable at this time. You want to settle in and keep the peace, and your attention to domestic matters brings rewards and positive feedback. You might focus on ways to earn money from home.
Around the Full Moon on the 9th, emotional rumblings are strong, and your intimate life is now showing signs of progress. You might open your eyes to a financial matter that you’ve been overlooking, or there can be blossoming feelings in your love life.
Jupiter in your sign this year is an encouraging force but sometimes pumps you up a little too much. Fortunately, it moves into harmony with Neptune this month, and this uplifting transit is with you until October. With it comes a new way of looking at your life, projects, and friends that benefits and supports you. You need to feed your spirit, imagination, or romantic needs alongside your more worldly pursuits, and this influence helps you do just that. It can be a time of increased personal meaning and purpose, particularly through your projects, studies, and contacts.
Mercury does turn retrograde on the 16th, but while it might lead to some misunderstandings, it’s a fine time for expressing yourself with unique flair or for discovering satisfying outlets for connecting and communicating. If you focus on slowing yourself down or taking care of projects and pursuits that are already underway, this can be an enriching period. You may be turning to past projects and interests rather than embarking on all-new endeavors, but there is a lot of good energy with you for devotion and dedication, and you can end up in a stronger position in the end. Efforts made towards editing, revising, refining, and reviving reap rewards. You can have much success in designing, writing, and teaching.
Interestingly, on the same day that Mercury turns retrograde, Mars enters your sign. If you’re not careful, you might come across rather brusquely as a result. Otherwise, it’s a time of increased motivation and energy. If you don’t yet know where to direct all of this extra energy, you could feel a little overwhelmed, but soon enough, you’re sure to put it to good use. It’s a good time for personal initiative and enterprise. You seek more independence while Mars is in Capricorn until March 30th.
This can also be an ideal time for discovery, particularly along mental or intellectual lines. The information you uncover in the last week of the month can be especially valuable. Having a little fun with life leads to the most innovative and useful approaches right now.
New means of communicating or commuting can figure strongly, although they may come about due to mechanical problems or delays, after the New Moon on the 23rd. For example, you might discover different ways to connect because current ones are not working well, and you can be quite happy about it. It can also be a time for revisiting past studies, projects, or personal interests with success. There can be a learning breakthrough or news you were waiting for arriving now, but there are still details to handle before pushing a venture forward. Even with Mercury retrograde, you’re perfectly capable of strengthening bonds through your actions and support. You’re in a particularly good position for collecting information, doing in-depth research, and working on refinements and edits. You can be eager to handle a matter, to come out on top, and to pursue your desires and interests. It’s a good time for recalling facts and figures or memories.

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Aquarius:
February has a way of boosting your confidence and visibility, dear Aquarius. If you’ve wanted to make positive changes to your image, then this is an excellent time for doing so. You have considerable impact and personal presence.
From the 7th forward, Venus boosts your communication skills and personal appeal. It becomes more comfortable and natural to say the right things at the right times. Love and friendship are enhanced with good conversations and communications. Others are especially attracted to your ideas and perspective.
Around the Full Moon on the 9th, you recognize your need for someone–or for some quality feedback! Through epiphanies occurring now, you’re awakening to your relationship goals or your true feelings on a matter. If you’ve been ignoring your feelings for someone–or a relationship itself–this is a time when these things demand their share of your attention.
February is a fine month for beginning to look at your finances, self-worth, talents, and resources in new ways. You’re more imaginative, ready to consider potentials and possibilities. It’s a time of increased personal meaning and purpose on an emotional level, as well as through your relationship with your practical world, resources, money, business, and belongings. You can find imaginative and inspired ways to boost your self-image, finances, or income at this time. If you’ve had tricky problems with money, there can be solutions on the horizon. You’re in excellent shape for improving your psychic sensitivity, powers of perception, and understanding of what you truly want and value. It can also be a time of increased generosity and hospitality.
Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces on February 16th, and will eventually dip back into your sign in early March. For now, there may be a change of mind or interest. The need to review your finances or budget can emerge. It’s a period for looking to the past for answers to current problems or for delaying some matters while you make changes and refinements, especially related to finances.
On the same day, Mars moves into your privacy sector, pointing to a period ahead of transformations and renovations, mostly on an emotional level. This transit seems to subtly but effectively turn your attention to problems that you may have overlooked or buried. You can indeed feel a little less energetic as your priorities shuffle around or a project ends. Still, you might find that redirecting your energies into a work-in-progress can be most satisfying. Put together, these shifts suggest it’s better to ease down in the second half of February. Major new launches or beginnings should probably wait for a brighter time.
Increasing focus on your resources and comfort levels continues, especially from the 19th. On the 20-22, especially, your inner world or private life can be busy or exciting. There may be a pleasant break from the past, or something secret or private that’s exciting and warm. You might enjoy some unique insight into a practical matter, especially financial, that surprises you or seems to come out of the blue. This is a time for approaching your family life, money, and domestic affairs in refreshing new ways and making small improvements that help you feel more in charge.
Particularly when it comes to money, business, valuables, talents, and personal possessions, incoming news, feedback from others, and hunches coming from within yourself can be significant, leading to a turning point. While it’s not yet time to finalize decisions since there’s likely more to an unfolding story, you’re in great shape to observe and analyze things. You might decide to give someone, an old project, or a situation another look or the benefit of the doubt, and this feels right.
You may be seeking a fresh start with money, resources, or belongings. The New Moon on the 23rd is wonderfully supportive of boosting your income or sense of self-worth and self-respect. The need to overcome problem areas or get past something is compelling now, so take advantage. You are ready to take on intellectual challenges, and your problem-solving skills are above par. Tricky issues or ideas can be tackled now with greater ease.

Horoscope Overview for February 2020 for Pisces:
You’re paying more attention to spiritual, non-material, and emotional matters this month, dear Pisces. Still, there is an increasing focus on coming out of your shell as the month progresses. You can find yourself resurfacing emotionally! You might start the month inclined to withdraw from more worldly endeavors, but later, more attention comes your way, and in turn, you seek a stronger connection to the world around you.
While Mercury moves into your sign on the 3rd, increasing your desire to be heard, Venus moves out of it on the 7th. Affections stabilize, and you begin to value simpler pleasures. You’re also more able to wait for things you genuinely want. There can be a strong social element to your business or earnings. Your desire for beautiful or luxurious things can undoubtedly increase, but you are also reasonably practical at this time, which can serve to even things out.
The Full Moon on the 9th falls in your work and health sector, and can serve to awaken you to a need for better routines and health. The motivation to improve your life and to make lifestyle changes is powerful indeed since it’s coming from deep within. Blockages that come to light can be revealing, if raw, but this lunation is particularly useful for motivating you to take action on your feelings and epiphanies.
A Jupiter-Neptune transit beginning now (it will stick with you until October) points to an inspired time for enjoying your social life and feeling a stronger purpose as a result of your interactions or new projects and plans. You feel particularly comfortable in your own skin, and it’s a glorious feeling! It’s a brilliant period for transforming your connection to others, particularly friends and groups.
Even so, Mercury, transiting your sign, turns retrograde on the 16th. There may be the need to look to the past for answers before pushing forward. Watch for talking about something prematurely during this period. Conversations and interactions can be tricky in spots. Some personal plans may stall or appear to move backward when, in fact, they can benefit from a review. This retrograde also affects your yearly New Moon in Pisces, happening on the 23rd–another sign that you want to move forward, but need to pause to allow your emotions to catch up with your mind. As such, delays occurring now can be blessings in disguise.
Mars moves into your social sector on the 16th, harmonizing with Uranus on the 20-21. The Sun moves into your sign on the 19th and harmonizes with Uranus on the 21-22. These influences boost you up in subtle ways. There can be exciting insights into your social life or a reawakening of an old interest or connection. New or surprising discoveries are made about a friend or friendship. You are less interested in the details than you are the overall effect of any particular plan. Fortunately, people appreciate you even more than usual. This can be a time for shaking up the usual routine a little, or for reaching out to someone you’ve meant to reconnect with. A spirit of innovation is with you.
The last week of the month is fantastic for entertaining a dream or wish, the spirit of which carries you forward. You see your capabilities for what they are, rather than over- or under-estimating them, and this is empowering. Your vision of a past situation seems to be through a wider-angled lens, and this nudges you towards new insights. It may be time for reconsidering an old problem or seeing a matter in a new way. Observations made now can lead to new ideas, improvements, or other developments that you could put into action later. All eyes are on you now, but it’s just fine if you need a little more time to make a decision. Haste makes waste!
Monthly Calendar:

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