*February 2021 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*
There is a pile-up of planets in your solar eleventh house this month, dear Aries, spotlighting your aspirations, social life, sense of the future, and inventiveness. Your ideals and long-term happiness goals are a huge focus now. Not everything runs perfectly in these areas, particularly if you’re feeling a pinch with money, talents, or resources, but there are also plenty of opportunities to make meaningful changes.
The last week of February brings a greater need and desire for time to yourself for personal renewal and recuperation, and this will continue into March. Because the first few weeks of February may have been hectic, this can come as a welcome relief. The last few days of the month require attention to work goals with a Full Moon in your sector of work and health.
Still, February is strong for reconsidering, reorganizing, reconnecting, and generally pouring special attention into your social life or feeling of connectedness, in general. You’re making room for connections, relationships, and projects that empower and excite you. The benefits of a reset are great, even if they’re not immediately apparent, and the New Moon on the 11th helps pull everything together.
Mercury is retrograde until the 20th, and although you’re full of ideas and feeling inspired, there can be some backtracking or waiting to do before you can truly move ahead with plans. There can be notable conversations or good “thinks” in February, mainly about past matters, resolving problems, and forgiveness. There are treasures to be found in old projects, studies, and interests. You might revisit past friendships.
Rethinking some details of recently-made plans can work to your benefit in the long run. Watch for missing information or fuzzy thinking. It’s best to be more alert than usual with dealings with friends, associates, and groups, as well as business income. You’re gathering valuable information this month, and it’s a great time for processing and rediscovering old interests or plans.
From the 1-25, you seek people and situations that make you feel at ease about expressing who you are. You more readily attract friends and those who share common interests. Considering Mercury is retrograde in your social sector until the 20th, Venus in the same area of your solar chart to the 25th can help iron out differences and smooth things out.
It’s satisfying to accomplish something tangible and measurable this month as Mars moves through your solar second house. Strong connections between your money and career sectors can produce nice opportunities to prioritize and make what you deserve. You seem to gravitate to those ventures and activities that serve you best. You see the importance of strategy and patience with your practical affairs this month.
Still, Mars clashes with bodies in your social sector at various times in February. Aim to tame impulses to overdo, overspend, or push since there’s a small possibility that impatience could lead to damage, loss, or disadvantage. Conflicts with others over money or values and matters of respect are possible. It’s best to recognize when/if ego issues are taking over and unnecessarily straining relationships. You may think that filling a sudden desire will be the answer to all your problems, but it’s more likely a mere distraction. As excited as you are about new happiness goals, it’s better not to jump into something too soon. If you keep your expectations in check, you may be able to roll with the competitive energy and allow it to fuel your motivation to up your game. For best results, identify your priorities and recognize that you can’t do everything at once.
On the 11th, Venus and Jupiter align, and a New Moon occurs in your solar eleventh house. A new friendship, group connection, love interest through networking, or friendship goals can be in the works. Connections formed now can be enriching and beneficial. This can be a time of social refreshment and for detoxing from pressured situations and goals. You’re feeding your soul and reminding yourself that happiness counts!
You’re in an excellent position to come up with non-traditional ideas that motivate and inspire you this month. You might seriously consider a significant purchase or valuable changes made to your spending or saving habits.
A Saturn-Uranus square first forming this month affects the year ahead, and some tensions emerge related to shifting money sources or a changing attitude toward personal possessions. There can be conflicts with friends about fundamental values. Friendships that survive any ups and downs this year tend to be mature and worthy.
There can be times when you’re anxious to expand and grow, but worries about resources or funding can undermine you. You might wrestle with wanting to take risks, but a simultaneous fear of change can hold you back. You may need to watch for borrowing from your future–drawing upon savings meant for other goals, for example–for the time being, which can cause some stress in 2021 as Uranus in your money sector goes to battle with Saturn in your social sector–it all begins this month.
The Sun moves into your solar twelfth house on the 18th, and Venus does the same on the 25th. February becomes increasingly more about emotional renewal, tying up loose ends, and laying low. Although you remain in good shape for friendly relations, you also need to carve out some time to yourself. Mercury’s direct turn on the 20th can help un-block information that’s kept you in limbo.
The last week of the month is solid for special insight into what will truly work for you, and what won’t. If you need to get rid of excess, waste, bad habits, clutter, and other things that may be holding you back from success, you feel far more equipped to do so. You might uncover a resource that truly works for you, particularly on financial, business, and career levels. There can be opportunities to make valuable, meaningful, and useful connections. Improving your communications and approachability is part of this–getting on top of your quickness to respond to others and willingness to reach out can be especially important.
The Full Moon on the 27th prompts an awareness of the need to manage your daily affairs with more punctuality or determination. You might see a flaw in a plan that sets you on the road to improvement, or events occurring now remind you of the need to manage your time more effectively. There can be a turning point or revelation about your work, health, or desire to be productive and useful. With an increased need for renewal and relaxation, you must prioritize finding a better balance between work and rest.
There is strong planetary influence in your solar tenth house this month, dear Taurus. These influences emphasize tenth-house areas, such as your larger life plans, responsibilities, performance, career and career goals, public life, direction, status, reputation, and achievements. While these things aren’t always running smoothly, you have the power to make brilliant changes and improvements.
As the month advances, get ready to network! You begin to crave more pressure-free environments. Until then, there’s a significant focus on your ambitions and goals. You’re taking charge.
February is strong for exploring new approaches in your career. The New Moon on the 11th brings fresh energy for career and reputation matters, although it’s better to take new endeavors slowly with Mercury retrograde in the same sector until the 20th. In fact, this is a period for looking at what worked for you in the past and making useful edits and refinements.
Improvements are in the pipeline. Apparent backtracking can lead to significant refinements and the strengthening of areas that were once on shaky ground–perhaps you didn’t even know about the flaws, and now you’re taking care of them. You could be mulling over some major decisions about where you’re headed. Past projects or goals may deserve a second look. There are treasures to be found in the past, but you’ll likely need to approach them in new ways to get them off the ground the second time around.
It makes sense to take a little extra care when communicating with the public, superiors, associates, friends, and co-workers during this retrograde period (until the 20th). Strive to be as straightforward as possible to minimize misunderstandings. You might also be waiting for information before you can move ahead.
Venus at the top of your solar chart until the 25th certainly helps smooth things over. Others see you as helpful, charming, attractive, and kind on a professional or public level. It’s a time for catching some breaks if needed.
While the attention to your life path and responsibilities to the outside world is important, Mars remains in your sign for all of February, stirring you to action. Courage strengthens. It’s a time for expressing yourself with confidence and vigor. You can be a little more assertive than usual, often in productive ways.
Having a plan always makes you feel good, and one is likely to form this month, or a recently-devised plan comes into stronger focus. Your powers to lead, influence, and support others are stronger than usual, and your stamina stands out.
However, Mars often clashes with planets in your career sector in February, generating some tension. Excess energy can quickly lead to aggravation if you can’t find a good outlet for it. Impatience can trip you up. It’s easier to bruise your ego than usual, and you can sometimes have a harder time overlooking small frustrations. Conflicts with those in authority can occur now, or you may feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and personal goals, finding little time in the day to get everything done. It makes sense to avoid overstating your case or speaking too soon or too quickly on a matter. Impatience with getting our needs met can lead to all sorts of minor tensions.
Approaching life direction and long-term goals in new ways can be fruitful now, perhaps leading to significant new ideas. You’re doing a lot of work on yourself and your relationship with your inner world. This reflects positively in your ability to manage your responsibilities and thrive or succeed in the outside world. For some, becoming your own boss can be in focus.
The New Moon on the 11th is spectacular in its concentration of planets in one sign, and it occurs when your ruler, Venus, aligns with lucky Jupiter. These influences encourage long-term vision and expand feelings and pleasures related to your career or reputation. While this can lead to some excess, if expectations are kept moderate, it’s a fine time to connect and cooperate.
You can be more confident in your path or happier about where you’re headed. Doors might open up on professional or public levels. Interruptions or delays to plans are possible, but you’re making things work for you. You’re radiating just the right amount of confidence.
A Saturn-Uranus square is one of the longer-term trends that color the whole year, and it begins this month. Your personal needs for more freedom, spontaneity, and independence are clear, but you’re also quite driven to forge a stable path. It can be challenging to integrate these two powerful drives. When you try to express your originality or individuality, you could feel a bit off-center and ungrounded due to a simultaneous and strong pull to get yourself secure through career or ambitions. Occasional clashes with authority are possible. This is a time to free yourself from certain old habits but also to establish new and healthy habits or routines.
The Sun heads into your solar eleventh house on the 18th, and Venus does the same on the 25th, presenting a slight shift of energy toward happiness goals, friendships, or networking. Love requires emotional space and acceptance, and some of you could find love through or with friends and groups. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 20th, and the information you’ve been waiting for can arrive.
You’re in good shape for personal advancement, publishing, self-publishing, educational endeavors, and reaching out to a larger or foreign audience around the 23-24. It’s a good time to further your education or get a certification, and for using the accreditation you already have to your advantage. Your powers to influence, lead, and persuade are strong.
A romantic revelation is possible around the Full Moon on the 27th. It can open your heart to buried feelings and your eyes to situations that need your attention. A social matter or project can reach a turning point now, or there can be an epiphany or breakthrough that motivates you to make changes. A love relationship or a project close to your heart can be in sharp focus, demanding your full attention.
Your solar ninth house has considerable power this month, dear Gemini, placing a spotlight on learning, experiencing, and venturing beyond your usual routines. This sector also rules publishing, promotion, adventure, belief systems, world cultures, higher education, and the law, and any of these areas, if appropriate to your current conditions, can figure strongly. While it’s not all smooth sailing in these life departments, you’re growing and improving, and it feels great.
Mercury’s retrograde until the 20th and Mars in your hidden sector are two big reasons for doing some laying low in February. Still, there can be pleasant opportunities to pursue an interest, expand your understanding of a matter, and learn new things this month. You might review your current opinions or beliefs or struggle to choose a particular learning path. Even with a tendency to more quiet moments than usual, you can also enjoy activities that lift your spirits high.
February is strong for editing and revising, returning to old interests and studies, work on projects you aim to publish, creative works, and social relationships. You might revisit past projects or relationships, perhaps only in your head, and ideally learn from past regrets. The temptation may be to release work or complete a task or study before you’re entirely ready, but it’s wise to exercise patience.
While there can be backtracking and delays that allow you to refine and improve your projects, it’s a good month for getting to a better place mentally. February wants you to be a little more experimental or spontaneous, pushing your usual boundaries on a mental level. You seem to attract others through your words and ideas this month.
With Mercury as your ruler, your mind often moves much more quickly than the rest of you, and Mercury’s retrograde until the 20th is a time for catching up. Take care when it comes to presenting ideas, corresponding, and doing detailed work. You may not be seeing the whole picture, but you could be looking at things from a valuable new perspective.
At the same time, the month is strong for your powers of attraction. You’re not overthinking your love life or your feelings, and you’re more inclined to seek out the things and the people that make you happy. You have more power to direct your life experience, education, and activities that broaden your mental horizons, as well as more faith in your ability to connect, learn, share, and expand your experiences.
Your dreaming world is vivid and intuition exceptionally active this month. Listen to your inner voice! It’s important to respect any prompts you receive to rest. You may very well need a chance to work at your own pace or more personal space to function well.
Note that Mars frequently clashes with planets in your solar ninth house this month, and it’s best not to allow impulses and complicated feelings to control you, even if circumstances seem to have you focusing on frustrations. Restlessness can sometimes threaten to take over as you consider all the things you’d like to do, but another part of you is not quite ready to partake. You can experience some irritability facing obstacles to your plans, which can signal the need to slow down and think up a better approach. You might feel that you’re in the dark on a specific matter, and it can eat away at you, but only if you let it. You could also feel somewhat drained or demotivated, but the pressures to perform and get things done are just as strong, which can result in some inertia.
The New Moon on the 11th and transits connected to it promote good feelings and optimism. Of course, this does mean you should watch for overestimation. It can be a time of romantic possibilities with someone offering you an entirely different perspective on life. Stirrings of restlessness can motivate you to make improvements to your life. A fun and healthy escape or mind-expanding experience may be in the offing and can be a real refresher. For some, a legal outcome leads to more freedom, or changes that put you back into the driver’s seat are imminent.
Looking at past subjects, relationships, or viewpoints in new ways can be stimulating. Friendships might emerge as you discuss politics, beliefs, or interesting topics. You might make valuable connections, and you can have a stronger than usual urge to be included. As well, you have more faith in your abilities to build bridges. Studies or experiences now contribute much to your personal growth.
A Saturn-Uranus square occurs this month, and while it will influence you until December, it tends to stir up some tension now. There can be some struggle with letting go of the past or long-standing problems–these matters can sometimes interfere with your pursuit of a more structured, responsible lifestyle. Alternatively, restrictions you’re currently experiencing can lead to inner unrest, unburying issues, or secrets emerging. Frequent side-tracking can be problematic. Disruptions in your personal or private life can distract your efforts to buckle down.
From the 18th forward, you’re more visible than usual, and you connect more directly with your ambitions and goals. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 20th, and information surfacing then can move a plan forward.
The Full Moon on the 27th can stir up family or home issues. You recognize your needs for security, comfort, and nurture, and it becomes clear that you should strive towards balancing these things with your worldly goals, which have been coming into stronger focus. Circumstances push you to recognize the need for improved time and energy management as well as a better work-life balance.
February offers you many opportunities to open and free your mind as you discover motivating interests and much to ponder and share.
Your solar eighth house has considerable power this month, dear Cancer. This is the sector of your chart that rules regeneration, transformation, other people’s resources (that affect you), and debts, both spiritual or emotional and material ones.
You can experience a more vital need for deep, rich, meaningful experiences. You’re paying more attention to the power dynamics and intimacy level of a relationship, or there can be a powerful focus on your own needs for change, evolution, and self-mastery. With retrograde Mercury in the same sector until the 20th, there can be some backtracking or waiting involved nevertheless.
Your inner world is a strong draw this month–you’re tuning in to the deeper issues and looking beyond the surface of matters for answers. You might rethink certain financial matters, issues of support or debt, matters related to sharing and power dynamics, or intimate relationships. Even so, Mars wants you to push forward, occupying your sector of friendship, happiness goals, and experimentation all month.
Mercury retrograde periods can feel a little slow, but they’re times for catching up in areas where you were pushing too far ahead–it’s about restoring balance rather than real slowdowns. Brand-new endeavors may not get off the ground, but work in progress can benefit significantly from your attention now.
As you seek more authenticity in your friendships, you may go through some social ups and downs. Mars sometimes clashes with planets in your solar eighth house this month, which can stir up some tension. Your best bet is to avoid getting under the control of impulses. Make a point of not confusing drama with happiness in your social or love life. The need to do something special is with you now and can be productive, but there can be some conflict between friends and lovers or your desire to go in deep with projects and a simultaneous desire to experiment. In relationships, someone may be giving too much and getting too little in return.
The month is good for delving into your feelings, personal psychology, and intimate thoughts. If you’re a little self-absorbed now, it may very well be a valuable exercise. Word on a loan or debt might arrive, changing your perspective. You’re likely to gain a clue, but it may not be time for a conclusion or unveiling until after the 20th. New insight into an old relationship can be helpful and enlightening.
There can be meaningful ideas, conversations, and developments in your private life. Insecurities about your ability to reach your goals may lead to uncomfortable situations or tension in your relationships in spots. You might recognize that you’ve been dwelling too much on a past relationship or problem, which has unnecessarily weighed you down. You are now feeling the need to move on.
Interactions are more complex and complicated, but often quite pleasantly so! You may find it easier to open up about a passion of yours or about a matter that you’ve been keeping under wraps. It’s a time for sharing responsibilities and combining resources or talents to advance your goals. Money or support may come through, or financial dealings can be successful. The New Moon on the 11th puts you in charge of making a fresh start. You might gain a supporter, backing, or counseling/advice. There could be a confidant that helps you release some frustrations.
A Saturn-Uranus transit in influence until December begins this month. With it, challenges can emerge as your social life is a little more eclectic (or unreliable), and you’re getting serious about your inner world or intimate life. The desire to experiment can feel at odds with your need to specialize and focus on one absorbing project or relationship. There could be clashes or cross-purposes between a friend and a lover that needs special attention.
Energetically speaking, the month picks up the pace for you after the 18th. Your spirit for different activities and new topics of interest is building, along with the motivation to take on something new. Further boosts occur on the 20th when Mercury ends its retrograde and from the 25th forward when Venus moves into harmony with your sign. There can be great developments in a significant relationship. There can be some nice wins in the last week of February that put you in a very optimistic mood.
A Full Moon occurs in your communications sector on the 27th, and you can be especially busy. It brings with it a reminder to handle your daily affairs. This lunation prompts you to explore ideas, learning, communications, transportation, and connections, which in turn can motivate you to make changes and improvements.
Your solar seventh sector holds considerable power this month, dear Leo, and there can be a big focus on relationships, especially one-on-one interactions. This spotlight can relate to a partner, counselor or adviser, business partnership, or another such union. Negotiations and agreements can figure strongly in February.
Sorting out problems and enjoying special moments with people in your life are satisfying activities in their own right, but they can also positively impact many different life departments. Mercury is retrograde in this same area of your solar chart until the 20th, and it’s not without its complications, but it’s a vital time for gaining some perspective and getting your life into better balance.
You might explore your feelings and attitudes about partnering, connecting, and mediating, and the New Moon on the 11th can move things forward. Even so, some redefining of relationships and relationship needs are still in order before you truly feel things are advancing.
Fortunately, delays can help you better understand your situation as you see details you may have missed in the past. You’re open to seeing both sides of a situation, making negotiating or counseling worthwhile.
Venus moves through your partnership sector from the 1-25. During this cycle, you’re in great shape to attract or enhance close relationships. There can be pleasing social situations, in general. This transit certainly helps to smooth over frustrations.
You are exceptionally dynamic and creative with business, career, and life plans this month with Mars at the top of your chart all of February. You have the spirit of enterprise and the courage to do something a little differently. You’re revving up and making things happen, but watch for impatience with these life departments. Frustrations on the job or with responsibilities and business matters are likely due to a tendency to want to rush through things or be the pioneer.
While you should undoubtedly acknowledge your ambitions and your enterprising or competitive side, these things can clash with relationship goals this month. It would be wise to release some of the pressure you may have put on yourself to reach goals.
On the 11th, a New Moon occurs just as Venus and Jupiter align in your partnership sector, and there can be distinct opportunities to win others over or to enhance a relationship. There can be mutual benefits through others, whether it’s about counseling, business, or romance. You are expressing real confidence, and you have a strong desire to move forward through forgiveness and acceptance. You’re dealing with interrupted plans or disagreements with a spirit of forgiveness and cooperation. This can be the beginning of eventual resolutions for long-standing problems in your relationships.
Activities, significant events, and opportunities can emerge related to your one-to-one relationships. There can also be meaningful opportunities to learn about yourself through a significant other. You have more power to direct into a relationship or pursue a better balance in your life. Before you begin anew, you might seek resolution or closure regarding a past matter. You may see a new side of a person or situation, and someone could see you in a new, more positive light.
This can be a time for making a meaningful connection. You might have a standout conversation or come to an agreement.
A Saturn-Uranus transit occurs this month, although it brings up a theme that’s with you much of the year. There is a heavier, more committed, or traditional element to partnering this year, while your career or life path goals are more unconventional. At times, these areas of life clash, and you can feel torn between different goals. However, you’re also likely to recognize that you’re growing through more responsibility or maturity in your relationships, even as you work on the tougher stuff.
The Sun moves into house eight in your solar chart on the 18th and Venus does the same on the 25th, bringing on a need for more intensity in your endeavors, activities, or relationships. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 20th.
Communicating your passion for what you do can lead to benefits in the last week of February. You’re in good shape for solving difficult problems on work and health lines, as well as efforts to streamline, revamp, recycle, and prioritize your work, projects, and tasks. Efforts to improve your health may pay off now, or you might discover a previously overlooked resource that helps you improve your daily life, work, or business.
The Full Moon on the 27th happens in your resources sector, and money matters assume bigger proportions in your life, so you may be juggling. This lunation can bring revelations and possible conflicts to the foreground. There can be a tug of war going on, whether it’s going on within yourself or with someone in your life, over money, possessions, and matters of control. Whatever emerges at this time can prompt a change for the better.
There is an unusual amount of activity in your solar sixth house this month, dear Virgo, as planets line up in the sign of Aquarius, which places a strong emphasis on any matter associated with this zone of your chart. Work, chores, health, routines, services you render, daily affairs, diet, and habits are some of the significant areas in the spotlight. While it can be a time to manage and improve these things, there can be backtracking and delays (until the 20th). You may be reworking projects or returning to old jobs that need attention.
A more social theme emerges later in the month, and the Full Moon on the 27th is in your sign, bringing your heart’s desire to the surface. However, until then, you have a lot of tidying and organizing to do! Fortunately, you’re likely to enjoy it.
February is an important month for making significant adjustments, getting your daily routines and self-care systems into order, and editing or revising your work. Attempting to push ahead with new initiatives is not advised for now–there can be some complications involved, although they’re nothing you can’t handle. This is due to Mercury’s retrograde until the 20th in your work and health sector, requiring some need to redo, refine, and reconsider matters in these life departments.
There can be extra details to manage before you feel that you’re truly done and ready to move forward. Aim to be as patient as possible and work at getting things right. Entirely new endeavors may be on the horizon, but for now, you’ll be in a better place if you focus on works in progress. There may very well be some overlooked gems from the past that you now see in a new light. Of course, you’ll need to approach things differently to get different results, but often it’s the timing that was off. The recycling of projects and ideas can be extraordinarily successful now.
Mercury retrograde periods can feel a little slow, but they’re times for catching up in areas where you were rushing, so it’s about restoring balance rather than real slowdowns. It’s a time for handling details that may have been missed in the past, reorganizing, clearing up clutter, and attempting to bring more (or better) structure to your daily life. The retro period can serve to sway your thinking and change your mind about past decisions.
Nevertheless, Venus in your solar sixth house from the 1-25 helps you find work or health routines more enjoyable. Venus here can help soften rough edges.
As well, Mars transits in harmony with your sign all month, and you can be discovering a passion for new ideas, politics, learning something new, or sharing your opinions and views. Your personal interests can frequently grab your attention, which can clash with your need/desire to handle details and get your daily affairs into order. Try not to expect to see both the details and the bigger picture at once. Aim to be as flexible as possible, and watch for displays of ego if you clash with someone over an opinion. Debates can consume far too much of your time and energy this month.
The New Moon on the 11th motivates you to take charge of your health, self-care initiatives, and work. There may be a project in its development stages that consumes much of your attention, or you could be handling matters that help you get more organized and feel more in control of your life.
This lunation occurs at the time of a Venus-Jupiter alignment and a powerful showing of planets in the same sector. You’re likely to discover ways to improve or enjoy your daily life and happily attend to your health and wellness. You more fully enjoy getting things done, working, helping, guiding, assisting, or being of service. You might also be feeling quite motivated to do meaningful work. The pleasing elements of your daily routine or work can be in focus. Drawing upon your people skills or attending to the aesthetic side of your daily affairs can benefit you.
New insights into your health and wellness can figure strongly now, leading to new beginnings and outlooks. You’re growing through a firmer commitment to what you’re doing. As you release habits that have brought you down, your health, work, and chores improve or become more fulfilling.
A Saturn-Uranus transit that plays a big role in the year’s astrology first occurs this month. Your duties, health programs, and self-care efforts can seem to clash with your increased desire to learn, debate, and share. Getting to a better balance can be a challenge and goal. It can be challenging to be productive without succumbing to distractions. Seek ways to balance your activities and responsibilities so that you don’t feel too overwhelmed or divided.
The 18th brings the Sun into your partnership sector, and Venus follows suit on the 25th. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 20th, and these shifts point to a more social, cooperative theme in your life.
You’re more courageous about sharing something of yourself, your talents, your work, or your ideas with a larger or different/new audience in the last week of February. You’ll appreciate a smoother flow in your relationships now.
The Full Moon on the 27th is in your sign, and you can awaken to strong feelings that you haven’t yet acknowledged. Even with a relationship-focused cycle in force, you’re connecting with your needs for some independence, a voice, or personal time.
There is considerable power and focus on your solar fifth house this month, dear Libra. Themes and life areas associated with this sector include pleasure, recreation, hobbies, children, romance, dating, creative endeavors, creative self-expression, leisure time, and fulfillment through play. These may not always be smooth areas with Mercury retrograde in the same sector until the 20th, but certainly, opportunities emerge to improve, grow, and make meaningful changes.
February can be a lively period for relationships, learning, and sharing, although there can be some seemingly sluggish times with Mercury retrograde in your romance and creativity sector to the 20th. The New Moon on the 11th can inspire new beginnings and fresh starts in these areas of life. With Mercury’s retrograde, you’re also paying quite necessary attention to the past. To clear the way for a fresh start, you may need to take care of some unfinished business! Projects might be on hold until you finish up some important details. Romantic relationships can be a little complicated, or you may be focused on a past connection before you break free and move ahead.
This is a powerful month for exploring creative urges, as well as for sharing your affection, joy, and experiences with others. Reconnecting with old passions and hobbies can be in sharp focus. You may not always get the words right, but you’re bound to find different and satisfying channels for expressing yourself, and creative mediums seem your best bet.
To the 20th, it’s a period for filling in the details and checking that the decisions you’ve recently made are still viable. You’re thinking and expressing yourself in different ways. There may be the need to revisit old issues, or people from the past tend to come back or become a mental/emotional focus.
You find much to enjoy this month–your heart is in your hobbies, relationships, recreation, or art. Even so, Mars spends the month in your intimacy sector, and you’re often inclined to want to immerse yourself in more absorbing activities. Your intimate life and inner world are animated this month. Mars doesn’t appreciate facades, slow processes, or ignoring problems–wherever Mars goes, there can be some trailblazing and perhaps rude awakenings at times, but also some useful truths and resolutions to challenges. Ownership, debts, support, or power dynamics problems might come to a head, but you’re taking charge and in the lead with these things for the most part. You could be digging up interesting information now, and research of all kinds can be very beneficial.
Mars does clash with several planets in your solar fifth house this month, and if you don’t recognize the need for a challenge, you might challenge others! A part of you could be attracting, or attracted to, some level of drama if you are not in touch with what it is that is upsetting your equilibrium. Situations can trigger buried feelings, and you might get the chance to rid yourself of old resentments.
Reviewing past ideas can lead to valuable new methods, which can redirect you in positive ways. Someone from your past could reappear, and an old issue might wrap up and clarify.
The New Moon on the 11th occurs around the same time Venus and Jupiter align in your solar fifth house. Good energy is with you for expanding your horizons through creative endeavors. Love can be magical, and your powers of attraction are strong. You’re generous with your heart and time. There can be meaningful opportunities to enjoy or express yourself more fully. You have more power at your disposal to direct into your creative, love, or leisure pursuits. Putting something behind you or pulling yourself out of a rut can lead to new beginnings on romantic, recreational, and creative levels.
You can be excited by ideas, conversations, or hope that make you feel especially vital and connected.
A Saturn-Uranus square that’s with us until December first forms this month. Giving too much of your time or resources to others may be an issue and could leave you feeling discouraged if they don’t seem to appreciate your efforts. The desire for freedom from certain obligations to others can seem to clash with more commitment in your love life, children or dependents, or creative and leisure pursuits. You’re breaking free of unhealthy dependencies and attachments this year, and it can be somewhat rough going as you figure out what those are! Ultimately, however, it’s a good time to clear the deck for new beginnings. You’re no longer tolerant of unsupportive relationships and superficial pastimes or hobbies.
Still, it’s a powerful time for authenticity, particularly in your relationships, partnerships, dating life, with children, and in your creative/leisure world. You’re more realistic and humble, or you’re attracting people with these qualities into your circle.
The Sun heads into your work and health sector on the 18th, and then Venus does the same on the 25th. The last week of the month can be work-intensive but can also pull up the need to balance your rest-play cycle.
It’s also a strong time for dealing with long-term problems and finding resolutions, which might involve putting something that has run its course behind you. You might connect with someone you love with new understanding or insight or with someone who helps you grow, learn, and move forward in a more empowered way. If you have a passion for a pet project, person, or idea, this is a great time to pursue it with more determination and a stronger sense of purpose.
The Full Moon on the 27th can bring sudden feelings or opportunities that nudge you in a different direction. You might discover the need for extra time alone or rest, healing, and regeneration. It’s also a good time for connecting with your intuition.
There is a powerful focus on your solar fourth house this month, dear Scorpio. Any (or many) of the following fourth house affairs can be in the spotlight: personal plans, home life, domestic affairs, family relationships, roots, heritage, support system, parents and parenting, and psychological foundations. Mercury is retrograde in the same sector until the 20th, and all is not always smooth sailing in these areas, but it’s a fine time for taking charge and making long-lasting improvements.
February can be a time of rediscovering old projects, reorganizing the home, and dealing with past problems in new, empowering ways as Mercury retrogrades to the 20th, and a New Moon occurs here on the 11th. It’s about improving your support system and the support you give to others, as well as paying particular attention to self-nurture, your inner world, home matters, and your personal life.
It can be a time of finding lost items or uncovering valuable resources. You might revisit a neglected area of your life to your benefit. There are treasures to be found in the past! You might see your life from an entirely different perspective, particularly your emotional world and family and home matters.
Venus spends the 1-25 in the same sector of your solar chart, further awakening the self-protective or cautious part of you, primarily related to money, love, and pleasure. Familiarity and security are themes, and you’re enjoying yourself as you pay more attention to your personal life and inner world.
Mars spends the month in your partnership sector, and this fiery planet sometimes clashes with planets in your home and family sector this month. There can be times when you feel torn between going it alone and taking along a companion. You crave cooperation, but others tend to be competitive at times when you’re seeking some peace and harmony. While tensions can surface, possible solutions might emerge as well, but do change course if you are getting nowhere–sometimes too much is too much.
Otherwise, February’s good for doing some gentle exploring, as ideas that emerge from your conversations and thoughts can be particularly significant. Exploring different ways of relating and communicating is satisfying. There is a strong inclination to analyze, sort, and make sense of past matters, particularly with or about family. While it’s an important month for taking more downtime, energies support your natural courage, initiative, and enterprising spirit.
The New Moon on the 11th features an unusual number of bodies in the same sign, and it occurs with Venus aligns with Jupiter in your solar fourth house. It’s a beautiful time for feeling warmth or a feeling of abundance, particularly related to your family, the comforts of home, or your personal life. There can be an opportunity to bring more love, beauty, or harmony to a relationship or your domestic world. You might receive a gift–or give yourself one–that benefits the family or home. It’s a time for emphasizing cooperation, trust, and faith. It can also be an excellent time to clear space around the home. Whether you’re going bigger or creating the illusion of more space, it feels good!
There can be a lot of mental activity at home, possibly with learning or work. Your ideas are big and ambitious and your conversations particularly hopeful. There can be nice progress on a long-term project.
A Saturn-Uranus square that sticks with us until December begins this month. For you, it further ties your sector of home and family and your sector of partnership, and finding a balance is the challenge! It may mean that disagreements between a partner and family or about family are part of the picture. Or, your needs for rest, repose, downtime, and comfort/safety conflict with developments in close relationships. You might be a support system for a significant person in your life, which can cause some friction at times.
There can certainly be times when an unreliable or erratic theme with one-to-one relationships can disrupt other life departments. There is more substantial attention to your domestic world and your needs for nurture, comfort, and safety, and an unpredictable theme in relationships can compete with or disrupt these goals.
The Sun moves into a creative, romantic, and playful sector of your chart on the 18th, and Venus follows suit on the 25th. In between these dates, Mercury turns direct, and life feels a lot smoother and natural. These transits awaken your feelings and desire to share your affections and creations. You are determined to get over a hump or resolve a problem, and you’re likely to succeed at this. Others can find you particularly influential or attractive.
The Full Moon on the 27th occurs in your social sector, and a social or networking matter can come to full bloom, setting you on a new, fresh path. There can be some drama with friends and lovers or strong feelings coming to the surface, and you’ll be in a better position to understand what and who you want once the impatience of the moment passes. The Full Moon can bring people to you, or it can stir up a lot of activity/feelings in your social life. This can be a time of a sudden demand for your help, support, or company.
This can be an especially busy and engaging but sometimes scattered month, dear Sagittarius, with a tremendous pile-up of planets in your solar third house. This sector rules communications, learning, studies, connecting, short trips and errands, classmates, siblings, neighbors, transportation, and your personal environment.
Those things that help you connect to others (including vehicles, devices, phones) are also ruled by this area of your chart and could figure strongly, although not always smoothly! While there can be some communication or transportation breakdowns with Mercury retrograde in the same sector to the 20th, there can also be opportunities to take a new look at old problems. You might rediscover a past interest, edit a current project, gain insight into past relationships, reconnect with a relative or acquaintance, or pick up a past study where you left off.
Generally, the special emphasis on your communications sector this month is pleasant and beneficial. While Mercury’s retrograde to the 20th may lead to some misunderstandings, it’s a solid time to express yourself with unique flair or find satisfying outlets to connect and communicate. If you focus on slowing yourself down or taking care of works already in progress, this can be a gratifying month.
You might discover different ways to connect, whether this is about communicating or commuting, perhaps because current ones are not working well. You can be quite happy about these new methods. The New Moon on the 11th is powerful for happy new beginnings, particularly regarding your studies, personal interests, transit, mobility, or daily affairs. There can be a learning breakthrough or news you were waiting for arriving now, but there are still details to handle before pushing a venture forward.
Venus spends the 1-25 in your communications sector, boosting the enjoyment factor and smoothing over the rough edges. You’re bringing more diplomacy and charm to what you’re saying and writing. In the spotlight at this time are enjoyable learning activities, positive word of mouth, and pleasant/loving communications.
Mars spends the month in your work and health sector, revving you up. It can be a real challenge to channel excess energy productively at times. There can be frustration and impatience if things are not moving at a reasonable speed. Be a little more vigilant when it comes to situations that could lead to mishaps as there is a tendency to rush through things.
Ideas that come to you this month, particularly about areas related to learning, mental interests, communication, neighbors, connections, and siblings, can be significant. They may very well kickstart a long-term pursuit. Improved or streamlined communications might benefit your creative goals and romantic prospects.
The New Moon on the 11th occurs around the time Venus and Jupiter align in your communications sector. It can be the start of wonderful new ideas and projects that you’ll explore years into the future. Sharing ideas can be in pleasant focus. You can enjoy opportunities to expand your knowledge, connections, or mental interests. You might enjoy new or improved means of transportation and communication, and you have more power to direct into your daily life, personal interests, and communications projects.
The energies of a Saturn-Uranus square occurring now will stick with you until December, challenging you to find a balance. Watch for nervousness, tension, and changes that interfere with your comfort, health, and equilibrium or work output. Stress or pressure in your daily affairs or with learning and connecting can weigh on your outlook and health or job and chores. It’s a good idea to watch for stressing yourself out. Unreliable routines or erratic tasks and work schedules may take their toll on you this year without care and management. Inattention to details can also be a problem if your approach is a little too slapdash.
The Sun moves into your home and family sector on the 18th, and then Venus follows suit on the 25th. In between these dates, Mercury ends its retrograde, and the vibe of later February is changing. You’re inclined to want to wind down more often. Still, you might discover resources for making improvements as you narrow your focus to key areas. It’s a great time to streamline, reorganize and downsize.
Still, the Full Moon happens at the top of your solar chart, which is a public, professional place. You might awaken to feelings of what you want to do or the realization that you should get your priorities clear. It’s best to aim for a balance. This lunation can bring a project to a head and a sudden need to tend to business.
There is a considerable and unusual emphasis on your solar second house this month, dear Capricorn, placing a strong focus on the affairs ruled by the second house: money, valuables, belongings, personal possessions, resources, and talents. Your feelings of self-worth also come under the rule of this house, and matters related to your earnings, comfort levels, and sense of security are in the spotlight in February.
Money matters can certainly assume more importance. Money owed might be returned to you, or you might find lost valuables or objects of sentimental value. There can be old problems surrounding ownership resurfacing as Mercury is retrograde in the same sector to the 20th. You could feel incredibly motivated to build a business or project, or you might focus on a desired object/endeavor as your source of inspiration.
The month is potentially excellent for getting your bearings in key ways. You are encouraged to slow down, work things out, draw on patience, and build and develop rather than pioneer and innovate. The sooner you accept this kind of pace, the better the rewards! There can be a stronger focus on personal finances, possessions, resources, and business. Money issues or sources of income may change, or they require some reshuffling. Ultimately, you might find ways to increase your income or your earning potential, or there can be new beginnings with money.
You can be more productive than usual this month, particularly if you focus your energies on works in progress. It may be better to save big launches for later, but do some editing and revising, which can lead to great things. You might enjoy recognition for past work, and there can be important discoveries.
Venus spends the 1-25 in your resources sector, helping to boost enjoyment of your current circumstances and simple pleasures. You’re finding more joy in the world of the five senses, appreciating your pastimes and entertainment, and taking special care of prized personal possessions.
At the same time, Mars spends the month in a more outgoing, risk-taking sector of your solar chart–the fifth house. You have more courage to express yourself or your talents and passions. You’re ready to jump into action when it comes to managing your creative projects, leisure time, hobbies, and romance. You might decide to resolve a conflict or clarify or explain a matter. While you gravitate to situations that have traditionally worked best for you, you’re not afraid to move a little outside of your comfort zone.
Aim to direct excess energy constructively, such as through moderate physical activity. Watch for conflicts that have high ego drives at the root. Tension may result from pressure to perform or meet a goal that is currently too out of reach. It might also be about differences in values and approaches with others.
There’s fertile energy with you for reviewing old problems and coming at things from a fresh perspective. You might focus on recycling old ideas, and it can be a valuable process.
Your efforts to improve your money or security position can benefit your work and routines, and even your health. This goes the other way, as well–as you get a handle on your routines and lead a more balanced life, your relationship with money and your self-worth improve. It’s a win-win!
The New Moon on the 11th is unique in its strong focus on one sign, and it happens when Venus and Jupiter come together in your solar second house. You can enjoy a special appreciation for recent blessings, and others appreciate your talents. There can be a pleasant feeling of abundance or a stronger drive to enjoy certain freedoms or the fruit of your labor. It’s an excellent start to a period in which you’re determined to enjoy the moment. Matters related to money, comfort, and taking care of business are in strong focus, with a creative and warm touch. On a mental level, you can be pumping yourself up, especially regarding business or money-related matters.
A Saturn-Uranus square on the 17th is the first of three such aspects. The other two will occur in June and December. With this influence, there can be times when you’re battling yourself or money matters, or your desire for security seems to be at odds with your need to branch out. Part of you is focusing on steadying your life, building a sense of security and safety, and managing your resources this year. However, these themes are often at cross purposes with another part of you that wants to take a chance or go out on a limb once in a while!
Restrictions on your explorations can be material or spiritual as you wrestle with a need for security, frugality, and predictability. You’ll have time to work through these issues, and you might get started this month.
The Sun enters your communications sector on the 18th, and Venus follows suit on the 25th, bringing on a busier, more connected theme.
You have more courage to express yourself or your talents and passions. Personal changes and improvements may be in focus, but you’re also ready to jump into action when it comes to managing your creative projects, leisure time, hobbies, and romance.
The Full Moon on the 27th encourages you to pay attention to your need for more stimulation and connection to the outside world. There might be a sudden desire (or need) to depart your usual routine or do something more refreshing, meaningful, and life-affirming.
With a powerful showing of planets in your sign this month, dear Aquarius, there is a lot of attention on you. February is brilliant for self-development and personal power. Mercury is retrograde until the 20th, which does bring in some trickiness. While you’re in the spotlight, it’s also essential to take some time to reflect, withdraw, reconsider, and review some areas of your life in the first three weeks of February.
The last week of the month brings on developing themes of comfort, business, security, and money, and the Full Moon on the 27th can bring awareness of matters of ownership or debt that require attention.
In the first two-and-a-half weeks of February especially, the sign of Aquarius is in powerful emphasis. A high number of points occupy the sign of Aquarius at this time, including the Moon on the 10-12. The New Moon on February 11th pulls all of this together. It’s a time when the world speaks your unique language, and you’re taking the lead. You’re focusing on personality development and independence, self-assertion, and self-expression. It’s a powerful time for personal popularity and charisma.
With so many influences in the sign of Aquarius, you have more power to direct your life, take charge, and influence others. You’re also likely to attract significant romantic attention, particularly through past connections.
February is strong for making essential allies, as well as for self-understanding and new beginnings. You’re in a fine position for personal influence, goal-setting, and studies. Even so, you may feel that you’re in the dark or limbo at times this month, and it’s best to go along with it, trusting that things will unfold in due time.
While it’s true that Mercury is retrograde in your sign until the 20th, it’s a potentially brilliant time for rethinking your life in crucial ways. It’s also favorable for doing something with your ideas, even if it’s not about new launches. You’re inclined to look back before going forward, but a little patience now can bring hefty rewards later. Aim to take care of unfinished business so that you can begin anew with less baggage. Laying the groundwork is exciting, even if a solid plan isn’t yet in place.
Venus is in Aquarius from the 1-25, and you’re feeling comfortable in your own skin, more readily attracting what you want into your life. You’re freer with your feelings, perhaps inclined to pamper or enjoy yourself more fully. You radiate good energy, attracting positive feedback. It’s a fine time for boosting self-acceptance.
Mars spends the month in your home and family sector, and the pace of your home or personal life is quicker than usual. Mars here can certainly dredge things up, but handling problem areas can move your life forward in fresh ways.
Mars does clash with planets in your sign this month, presenting some potential conflicts or raising tensions. There can be times when you feel you’re just spinning your wheels, pumped up about something but unable to do much about it. Other times find you too close to a situation or influenced by pressure to see things clearly. It may be better to watch for conflicts brewing before they take off or get blown out of proportion. Waiting on an outcome or agreement with high expectations can put undue pressure on your life. Keep yourself busy if you’re feeling this kind of impatience.
People hear you but don’t always see the whole picture, making it crucial to be clear and mindful about what you’re saying and writing while Mercury is retrograde in your sign until the 20th.
Particularly around the 7-8, you’re in great shape for reviewing recent plans and decisions. Observations made now can lead to new ideas, improvements, or other developments that you might put into action later.
February holds great energy for working on personal interests and projects, making connections, and taking on useful or satisfying studies.
A Venus-Jupiter alignment in your sign on the 10-11 puts you in excellent shape for personal appeal and charm. You would do well to put a past grudge behind you, as this is a good time for generous moves. As well, with the New Moon occurring around the same time (on the 11th), it’s a time to start fresh. You may be sharing your feelings, happiness, art, talents, and joy now–the tendency is to go big! You’re feeling incredibly confident about who you are and about dealing with life, in general.
Every year, a New Moon occurs in your sign, and there is a chance for a new beginning. However, this one (on the 11th) features many planets occupying your sign, not just the Sun and Moon. It’s a powerful time for personal reinvention, a new look, or a brand new approach to your life. People see you with fresh eyes. There can be more attention and focus on you than usual, and you might frequently be the subject of conversation. New light may shine on a matter regarding personal plans or health.
While you’re likely to receive some good feedback, you’re also in an independent frame of mind. Small, smart, and conservative moves fare best.
Saturn forms a square to Uranus on the 17th, and it’s the first of three such aspects that strongly influence the year’s astrology. You can sometimes face a conundrum–you’re maturing and growing in 2021, which can seem to clash with your home or family life in spots. It could be that changes or unexpected situations in your home or personal life sometimes upend your personal plans or initiatives. You have time to work through these issues this year–answers don’t come quickly, and it can be a process. However, you’re feeling these rumblings now.
There may be times when changes on the home front or with family can interfere with your efforts to get back on track, but overall, it’s a period for strengthening your life and building endurance and patience. While you could sometimes feel left to your own devices, you may very well discover that you function quite well in this position. You’re building your self-reliance even if you experience some rebellious feelings as you do.
The 18th brings the Sun into your finance sector, where it will stay for a month–a steadying influence. Mercury turns direct on the 20th, and Venus enters your solar second house on the 25th. A slower pace is likely, but you also benefit from answers to recent questions or news that moves you forward as delays lift.
Especially from the 23rd, you’ll find it a substantial time for rebuilding, reorganizing, or reworking things, and this can relate to your home and family life, or it might work on an emotional plane. You can be remarkably resourceful, and your determination and courage can help you get a lot done. Help from an unexpected source or from behind the scenes may be part of the picture.
The Full Moon on the 27th can bring revelations about debts, support, what you owe, or dependencies. The balance of power in a relationship, debts, a partner’s income, or other shared resources can be in sharp focus and subject to stronger feelings. It’s a time for wanting to release yourself from a burden.
There is a powerful emphasis on your solar twelfth house this month, dear Pisces. It’s a sector of privacy, endings, reflection, the past, that which is hidden, the soul, service, and karma. As such, this is an important time to discover what you might lay to rest in your life to move forward more freely and positively. It can mean more personal time and perhaps some level of retreat or withdrawal so that you can renew yourself.
This unusual amount of cosmic activity in your privacy and soul sector suggests a period of clearing up elements of the past that get in the way of your present and future. Putting an end to situations that have involved too much sacrifice or too little benefit to you can figure strongly now.
The Sun will enter your sign on the 18th and Venus on the 25th. Until then, tune into your intuition and pay attention to critical spiritual signposts. You might need more time to yourself to firm up projects or simply digest, reflect, and restore your energy. Consider your dreams, and take time to reflect, which will allow you to see more clearly what you’ve missed, neglected, and overlooked.
There continues to be a strong focus on the past, emotional issues, your inner world, processing, and healing. However, you’re building towards a far more active and involved phase that comes full bloom next month.
February is a month for learning more about yourself, your heart, and the people closest to you. If you’ve resisted taking time for reflection or dealing with the past, the New Moon on the 11th will stir you to take charge.
Even so, be ready to put in extra effort towards achieving goals related to learning, communicating, and connecting. It’s an excellent time, in fact, for brushing up on your knowledge and developing skills. Whether you’re catching up or getting ahead of yourself, efforts to learn can be very successful now, although it’s important not to rush things through impatiently, including communications. Hasty movements are also something to watch for with Mars in your solar third house all month, not always playing well with others.
Rebuilding or revisioning a plan or dream may figure strongly with Mercury retrograde to the 20th. While it’s not the best period for brand new projects, you’re in a great position to augment and develop those projects or endeavors already in place. New ways to connect or get places you need to go can emerge, which may lead to opportunities and improvements.
Watch for impatient moves and communications as there is a general tendency to rush through things that require some patience, speak before thinking, and come across as tense in your dealings with others, which can be a vicious circle.
It would be wise to be especially clear when communicating about your inner world now or take this time to re-examine issues rather than sharing them prematurely. You may want to watch that you don’t reawaken a topic that truly does belong in the past. For some, there can be the re-emergence of a person from your history that sparks all sorts of memories.
Your ideas are powerful, and you’re getting essential cues from your impressions, dreams, and within. There could be a secret revealed, a eureka moment, or you could otherwise be seeing old problems or a past matter in a very revealing new light.
You can be working on a money-making idea or a boost to your sense of self-worth or self-esteem with great success. You’re learning to use your resources more effectively. Working on healing your fear of loss of your resources can be highly useful at this time.
On the 11th, Venus aligns with Jupiter, and a New Moon occurs. You might free yourself from a burden or unhealthy attachment, or there can be forgiveness and understanding that help you move on and embrace your future. If you need to clear the air, try to do so in the most positive way. This can also be a brilliant time for behind-the-scenes work that prompts new beginnings. Take things slow and steady for best results.
Hindsight is especially valuable now, and you may feel energized after you’ve helped someone out. Miscommunication can lead to a frustrating delay. Even so, this may also slow things down long enough that you find a better plan.
Saturn and Uranus form a square aspect this month, and they’ll meet in the same way in June and December before parting ways. Watch that fear of the discovery of past mistakes, or perhaps of letting others in, doesn’t interfere with communicating and connecting freely. While you’re working on answering to your intuition, you may not always have a lot of faith in your instincts, often overthinking things. Aim to avoid communicating too quickly or compulsively, as you may be self-sabotaging. Your timing can be a little off if you can’t entirely trust your intuition.
You might connect with vague fears and insecurities that undermine your confidence in your mental output. Decision-making can suffer as a result. You are not always completely sure what to believe or trust, but you’re learning how to manage this issue.
The Sun enters your sign on the 18th, kicking off a month-long cycle in which personal influence is strong and personal plans are on the front burner.
The last week of February is good for making important allies. Priorities emerge as you almost instinctively gravitate towards people and projects that help you grow and advance. New ways to connect or get from point A to point B can emerge, and these may very well lead to opportunities and improvements.
Venus enters Pisces on the 25th, and you begin to feel considerably more at ease and comfortable with yourself, more readily putting yourself out there. People appreciate you more than usual. This can be a time for shaking up the regular routine a little or for reaching out to someone you’ve meant to contact.
Revelations related to relationships and relationship needs occur around the time of the Full Moon on the 27th. It’s a powerful time for connecting with a partner or to your true feelings about a person or relationship needs. Whatever comes to light now is tied into brave new beginnings next month.
Please note that I write the horoscope summaries over the course of a couple of days, and I always start with a different sign each month (the birthday month’s sign).
Monthly Calendar:
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