
This time of year generally brings a bigger focus on home and family life for you, dear Aries, as the Sun moves through your solar fourth house until the third week of July. This year, Venus and Mercury are here as well (until the 12th and 14th, respectively), and you’re likely to feel especially domestic. It’s a time for making memories with family and special people in your life. It’s certainly a more introspective time for you, and your ruler, Mars, in your solar eighth house all month reinforces this theme even further. Even so, as July progresses, you’ll focus more and more on ways to have fun, break out of routine, and express yourself in special ways.
New insights, ideas, and plans emerge on the 4-6 related to your personal or domestic life. You are taking more pride in your home and/or family, and it shows. It’s a strong time for talking through problems with people you love, or those you live with. You might arrive at an interesting and useful view of your personal history. You’re less concerned with public approval or meeting societal expectations this month, and this can be very strengthening – you need this now. You are more interested in making creative changes in your personal world. Career and responsibilities do need some attention, of course, and they’re likely to emerge around the 6-7 and 19th. Your know-how can be in demand, particularly around the 18-20.
There can be good news or more clarity in your financial life this month. Work moves along more smoothly. Energy levels increase. For some of you, your intimate life is also picking up speed, or you have a stronger sense of who you want, and what you want from your relationships.
As the month advances, you emerge from your shell. More and more, you are working with what inspires you and gives you energy. This is a wonderful month for rebuilding your strength and confidence. It’s a charming, attractive period for you, particularly from the 26-31, although also a potentially impulsive time as well. Watch for speaking before thinking on the 29th in particular. Surprises are in store, and they’re pointing you in new directions. New hobbies, creative outlets, and love interests are possible now. This is a time for making pleasant connections.

The first half of July is especially strong for communicating, learning, and collaborating, dear Taurus. The fog over a relationship is lifting, and increased clarity about where you stand with others is empowering. You can begin the month quite busy and in demand, but mostly pleasantly so. You may be dealing with more than the usual emails, texts, paperwork, phone calls, and errands. It’s not always easy to concentrate, but you’re keeping busy and mentally stimulated now.
The 4-6 can be a great time for birthing ideas, especially revolving around information systems, communications, and learning. You could begin fresh or doors can open to you related to connecting and commuting – a new way of communicating or transportation can emerge now. Relationships with siblings, classmates, friends, and even neighbors can improve.
Opportunities arise to get out and about and in contact with interesting people. While you can enjoy this in many ways, as July advances, you’ll begin craving a more focused and slower pace. Home and family are a stronger focus. Increased pride in your domestic life can stimulate you to make pleasant changes and improvements. Love can be found very close to home, perhaps even in the neighborhood.
Matters concerning higher learning, travel, or legal affairs can reach a head or turning point around the Full Moon on the 19th. This is also a great time for solid progress with a home, real estate, or financial matter. An unexpected opportunity for travel may present itself, or new opportunities to further your education could arise. The people that you meet tend to stir you into new ways of thinking. You can take an idea to the bank or a project comes to a satisfying conclusion.
You may be turning to a partner to take the lead this month, or you are attracted to especially confident people. Relationship ups and downs are possible, but you can also feel more involved and in the know, which is a good place to be. Changes in your family dynamic or home life are necessary, and may be a long time coming. Watch for temper tantrums or communicating impulsively around the 29th, but be sure to embrace change, progress, and improvement from the 26-31.

Inspired business ideas, new interests, and increased motivation to take care of health and work are themes this month, dear Gemini. You have a strong need to settle in, address comfort and security issues, and enjoy the more predictable side of your life in the first half of July. A desire to build your “nest” is with you, and opportunities to do so abound. While finances are subject to ups and downs, you’re nevertheless likely to come out ahead. There is more pride in what you own and what you make, so that it’s a good period for thinking about ways to improve your business and/or home life, for asking for a raise, and for taking care of valuables. Patience is a real virtue now.
The 4-6 is especially strong for insight into money and business matters, as well as for wiping the slate clean and moving forward with a new and improved plan or budget. This is also a strong month for improved motivation for pursuing work and health goals. Blocks lift and projects are moving ahead.
Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into your communications sector on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd, respectively, gradually stimulating a need to branch out. More transportation options might open up, and for some, you enjoy, or create, more free time to get out and about. Relationships with siblings, acquaintances, classmates and neighbors improve and can be a source of happiness. There can be more success with studies or new interests that inspire you. Opportunities to find love may very well come through schools, your own neighborhood, the phone, or online with your ruler, Mercury, and Venus, the planet of love and your romance ruler, aligning in your solar third house.
Even so, competitive or independent activities are generally favored over cooperative ones this month. Work can be demanding but also motivating. Conflicts with co-workers may arise, but if you tame impatience and attempt to work independently at your own pace, their likelihood decreases. The 26-31 is strong for making friends and enjoying new experiences and interests. However, watch for impulsive communications on the 29th.

This is a month for moving your personal projects and interests ahead, dear Cancer. You can pretty much count on increased vitality and personal appeal. While you may have been making everyone else in your life happy lately, now it feels quite natural and necessary to take care of your own needs. Clashes in values or conflicts over money may be issues in July, but money matters improve overall. It’s a strong month for making an investment or for clearing some debt.
July is an important period for personal influence, goal-setting, and finances. The New Moon on the 4th launches a period of increased personal power and charisma. You are bolder than usual and motivated to pursue what you want, and to prove your value as well. There may be job offers and opportunities, and some of you could be receiving significant gifts or bonuses. Generally speaking, things are playing in your favor.
The 5-6 can bring a great idea to fruition. Illumination of an important idea or plan can come now. You’re in a solid position for setting a new goal or for beginning a new project, as well as for presenting an idea.
This is a strong period for educational matters, communications, learning, and publishing. People are not only hearing you, they’re “getting” you, making it easier to express yourself without the need for many disclaimers. Word of mouth can be helpful in your professional life.
Romantic and creative energy runs quite high in July, and while this can be fun and exciting, this heightened energy can also serve to frustrate you at times, especially around the 3rd, 13th, and 29th. Conflicts or stand-offs with others can occur during these periods. However, most of the month you are more likely to make this energy work for you, and particularly on the 6th, 10th, and 16-17.
Be cool around the 19th, when emotions can be wacky and relationship drama is likely. Surprises are in store in a close relationship. You might also reach a turning point in a partnership, and a decision about whether to make it official and merge your resources can be a pressing matter for some. You may be tempted to indulge yourself with a big purchase.
The energy of the 26-27 can stimulate a financial breakthrough. Opportunities to advance business and financial goals can arise now. You might also be asserting your independence in surprising ways – if others have been confining or criticizing you, this can be a time when you defend yourself and demand fairer treatment. This is a powerful time for discovering new business ideas or improved methods of getting things done.

The first couple of weeks of July tend to be quiet for you, dear Leo, at least on the surface of things. Try to treat this period as a time for gathering your energies and for closing important projects and endeavors – even a relationship for some of you.
You can be rather withdrawn until mid-month as you prepare for a new astrological year and build up your energy reserves. Personal charisma runs high, however, and love matters are strong. A relationship may benefit from some anonymity or time spent under the radar now. Your private life is especially animated in July. There are some loose ends to tie this month. Those endeavors, and possibly relationships, that are private or behind the scenes tend to figure strongly and thrive. The 5-6 is excellent for research of a financial or business strategy – it may be something that you’ve come up with in the past, but now deserves special attention. People from your past could be involved now. Someone could confide in you, a secret might emerge, or you can have an epiphany about a past event or relationship. Your romantic life becomes considerably more straightforward after the 12th, or at least your wants and desires from romance are less complicated.
Family life can also be quite lively. Living arrangements and conditions can be clearer. You may need to watch what you say around the 13th and 29th. You should also guard against hasty or impatient actions, which can make you more accident-prone. Your mental energies are quickened from the 14-31 while Mercury is in your sign, favoring any task that involves getting your point across effectively!
As July progresses, it can be as if you are awakening from a slumber with planets, one by one, emerging from your privacy sector and moving into your sign. By the 14th, Mercury and Venus are in your sign, and others are really taking note. You’re speaking up more often and can find yourself in demand. This is a fabulous period for charm and attractiveness. The 22nd brings the Sun into your sign, and the four weeks following that date are strong for new resolutions, an updated image, and personal power.
The 26-31 is a strong period for you, but it can also be an emotional and impulsive time. Try not to overdo it! You can be rebellious, innovative, and progressive. Publishing, promotion, education, and travel are especially favored.

July is strong for feeling a comfortable level of forward movement, dear Virgo. Conversations open up this month, and you stand to either make a new connection that lasts in the long term, or to enhance the bond of an existing one. Projects begin to gain some momentum. Your social life is lively and seems to go your way for the most part. While the desire to be with friends is strong this month, however, be careful that you don’t over-commit in the process, as you’re likely to feel the weight of your obligations later in July if you do. Be helpful and involved, but avoid the tendency to forget your own needs in the process.
The New Moon on the 4th can bring new energy to friendships and long-term goals. This is a time for feeling personally hopeful and emotionally satisfied. Friendships might be renewed or revitalized. This is a good time to join groups or associations that interest you, but be careful not to overdo it, as later this month, you’re in need of extra privacy and rest. Venus, Mercury, and the Sun begin to drop out of sight – into your privacy sector – on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd, respectively. Take extra time to process and digest recent events in your relationships, with projects, and in your career. Get extra rest and treat any slow-downs as a sign that you may need more time to recoup or reconsider. You are beginning a period best used for emotional renewal, tying up loose ends, and laying low. The better you do this, the more prepared you will be for planetary activity in your sign in August and September.
Increased clarity about a love affair or creative matter can come around the Full Moon on the 19th, when buried feelings for someone are acknowledged for some of you.
Jupiter is now in its final leg of its journey through your sign (it finishes its transit in September), so take advantage of any opportunities that this happy planet provides you. The 1-2 and 7-10 are particularly strong for attracting both people and positive circumstances into your life. July is also good for bringing more organization and structure to your home life. Living life under the radar in the second half of the month can seem a little slow on the surface of things, but can also give you some extra breathing room for important self-discovery as well as much-needed rest and relaxation.

Your ambitions are stimulated this month, dear Libra, but you also enjoy contributing to a team or group effort, where you can also shine. Your support is rewarded, as others can come to your aid or inform you of an opportunity for personal advancement. With your strong involvement with friends, associates, and career, you will need to find a balance when it comes to attention to family, who will remind you of this around the Full Moon on the 19th.
The first half of the month is particularly strong for streamlining your routines, rewarding research, and high motivation levels for work and health. The New Moon on the 4th brings fresh energy for career and reputation matters.
July is also a month when inspiration comes suddenly, and you could pick up new, and possibly radically different, interests or goals at this time. Others continue to take notice of you more than usual, and it’s time to show them what you can do. Your performance is noticed. Look for distinct opportunities to advance your career interests or improve your social standing in the first half of the month. Some of you will enjoy increased recognition, an award, or even a promotion.
“Happiness” goals slowly but surely replace professional ones this month as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into your solar eleventh house on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd, respectively. The 26-31 is very strong for your social life. There can be surprising happenings with friends or acquaintances and possibly a love relationship. Unexpected meetings or changes that point you in a new direction can occur now. Love requires emotional space and acceptance, and some of you could find love through or with friends. Networking can be in focus. Don’t hide yourself away at this time, but also be wary of overdoing your pursuit of pleasure.
There can be real rewards this month from helping others, volunteering, and other forms of service. Spirituality is strong and your innate compassion is highlighted. Money matters improve and even thrive, but do watch for impulsive spending.
Recognition and possibly increased remuneration for your work is very possible this month. It’s a time to shine your light. Be humble, but don’t hide your abilities. Physical and mental healing are also in focus. In just a couple of months, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion (and what some might consider luck) will enter your sign for a year-long stay. Choose this month and the next to become clear what it is you’d like to change, seek, and conquer.

The month begins spiritedly, dear Scorpio. Mars is now moving direct in your sign, and while it’s still moving relatively slowly, it’s picking up speed. Your independence and freedom are especially important to you in July, and your desire nature is very powerful. You’re much clearer about what you want and personal projects are moving forward. You may need to tone it down a little, but if you use this period well, you’ll have all the courage necessary to make your dreams happen. Your energy levels run high — sometimes too high –and your pioneering instincts are strong.
This is a time when you are more experimental, spontaneous, and adventurous than usual, and your need to “get away from it all” is strong. While you can be especially enthused with education or absorbed in special interests in the first half of the month, you might feel somewhat bogged down with responsibilities as the month progresses, so be careful not to take on more than you can handle.
The month becomes more goal-oriented as it progresses with Venus, Mercury, and the Sun moving to the top of your solar chart on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd. Developments in your career are mostly favorable, although they can sometimes clash with your strong need for independence and spontaneity. You experience more motivation to realize your business goals and might form alliances that further your professional goals. Around the Full Moon on the 19th, you can be especially busy and enjoy good news or contact with an old friend.
You have a bigger desire to define your relationships from the 12th forward, or to come to a deeper commitment. Your relationship status is a little more public or noticeable now. You are selling yourself in your career – it’s a time of more charm and influence, particularly around the 16th and 19-20. Business or money opportunities can emerge in the last week of the month. There can be recognition of your talents and skills.

The first half of the month is rather introspective, dear Sagittarius, and quite valuable for picking up on things you might normally miss. You can get very special insight into an intimate relationship and/or your own intimate needs, particularly on the 6th, 10th, and 16th. Your perceptions are especially keen. You might also begin to look at long-term financial plans from a new and improved perspective from the 5-6.
You have all of the necessary tools at your disposal to make important changes to your spending and borrowing habits this month, particularly in the week following the New Moon on the 4th. It’s in fact a great time for devising plans and strategies, researching, studying a topic in more depth, and finding solutions to long-standing problems. There can be lovely support for career projects and goals. Finances deserve special attention, particularly shared money and property as well as loans and support payments. A refund, bonus, or loan may come through, or there can be an income boost for a partner.
Opportunities to break out of your normal routine abound and inspire as the month advances. An outward focus and more outgoing feelings are experienced as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into your solar ninth house, on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd, respectively. Brush up on skills, study, and learn while your mind is a learning sponge. Energetically speaking, the month picks up pace. You’re likely to find the spirit and motivation to embark on unusual or different adventures. Even so, Mars spends the entire month in your privacy sector. While Mars is no longer retrograde, you’re still in a hatching stage – taking solid action on important matters should probably wait until after Mars moves into your sign on August 2nd.
Love might be found, or enhanced, through experiences and ventures far beyond the usual routine from the 12-14 forward. Even so, affectionate feelings can be complicated this month, particularly if you focus too intensely on problem areas. The second half of the month is a generally good time to schedule a vacation, if possible, or to leave your weekends free for mini-getaways. Educational, publishing, or travel opportunities can present themselves. The 26-31 is a strong period for creativity, love, communication, travel, and making connections.

Relationship matters figure strongly this month, dear Capricorn. Any lingering frustrations with a partner or concerning relationships can reach a head around the Full Moon on the 19th, but ultimately you’re turning over a new leaf and seeing nice improvements to your interactions this month.
Stimulating friendships and group activities, as well as increasing energy, are featured in July. Not only do you seem to need the energies and support of others, they are more dependent on you as well. Do your best to promote mutually beneficial relationships. You have plenty of cosmic support for getting relationships back on track. New insights come, particularly from the 4-6 with a New Moon in your partnership sector and a Sun-Mercury alignment there as well. This is a time for seeing relationships from a new angle. There can be much in the way of counseling, advice, negotiations, and business agreements going on now. Others may be looking for a commitment from you this month.
With Mars moving slowly but now direct, goals are becoming clearer and there’s a general sense that you can move towards them more straightforwardly. Jupiter is generally supportive this month, and this helps to lift your spirits and keep your mind focused on the more important things in life.
As the month advances, it becomes more and more favorable for emotional and material support, taking out loans, and refinancing. You might connect intimately with someone seemingly out of the blue, or there can be an unanticipated financial matter to manage. This is also a favorable period for sharing some of your deeper feelings with a trusted person in your life. July is a good time for repairing your relationships and for reminders of your need for closeness or companionship. The 26-31 is strong for talking about your needs – others are responsive and the usual barriers seem to drop. This can be an especially persuasive, charming month. While you may have been sticking to yourself more than usual in the past months, you now have plenty of opportunities to make right with important people in your life.

The month ahead is strong for more clarity and direction, dear Aquarius, particularly regarding career and life path goals. You’re also in a very strong position to pick up, resume, or step up health improvement programs. Work, health, and routine matters absorb much of your attention and time in the first half of the month, and you can be quite productive. The 4-6 is strong for fresh new beginnings on these fronts, as well as for gaining important insight into a work or health issue.
Doing your best work and taking pride in what you do are a focus for you now. Be careful that you don’t take on more than your share. Frustration can come to a head around the 19th, when the need for some quiet time can become apparent. This is unlikely to be a dramatic discovery – in fact, it can be quite heartening and pleasant. Bodies in your work and health sector reach out to, as well as gain support from, Jupiter and Mars. This points to increased motivation, sense of purpose, and ambition for taking care of your daily life. You could be digging up interesting information now, and research of all kinds can be very beneficial. Organizing the little things will go a long way towards a stronger sense of accomplishment. You can work longer hours than usual, or push harder in health and fitness routines. Career matters or relationships with those in authority are stimulating although sometimes rocky.
Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into your partnership sector one by one, on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd respectively, and your attention shifts from producing and tidying to companionship and togetherness. More and more, you seek out feedback and company. This begins one of the better periods of the year for partnering. Admirers are never short in supply. Certainly by the last week of the month, there is quite a commotion in your partnership sector. It’s a powerful period for your relationships, and spontaneity is important. Others bring surprises into your life. Be open to new ideas and stimulation, but experiment wisely and creatively. The 26-31 can be powerful for attracting or enhancing a close relationship, and for livening up your life with new ideas, feelings, and events.

There can be many opportunities to enjoy and express yourself in creative ways this month, dear Pisces. Entertainment, hobbies, good times, and perhaps some romance in the first half of July. You are likely to find nice outlets for self-expression now, particularly through unusual, adventurous, educational, and creative activities. You have many interests.
Projects surrounding publishing and learning can move ahead this month. Energy levels are increasing and creative abilities are in great form. You have a taste for the exotic, adventurous, and perhaps speculative. Conversations are more productive now, providing answers to problems that may have previously divided you with Mars no longer retrograde and slowly but surely picking up speed. There can be an epiphany about, or new insight into, a romantic or creative matter around the 4-6. Conversations or information surfacing now can be pivotal. Much of July, you are especially companionable. You’re open to new experiences and enjoy exchanging ideas with others.
Venus, Mercury, and then the Sun move into your work and health sector on the 12th, 14th, and 22nd, respectively, and your focus gradually shifts to taking better care of your daily life, body, and work output. If your regular routine is less than satisfactory, this is a great time to begin to make changes, although the first week of August will be even better for lifestyle makeovers. Lay down the groundwork now. Good ideas and new methods can motivate you, particularly around the 26-31, although you’ll also need to battle some restlessness and perhaps impulsive moves. Sudden events or opportunities can push you in the right direction in your work or with health endeavors. Be open and willing to make necessary changes, but avoid overly hasty or rebellious actions.
You might find that people are increasingly more receptive to your ideas, beliefs, and opinions this month. Transportation, commuting, or travel problems may begin to iron out. Mars in your solar ninth house all month is mostly helpful and motivating, but at times it can stimulate some impatience or a feeling that the grass is greener somewhere else. Tame or feed your need for stimulation and experimentation in moderation, and you’re in good shape.
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.
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