*July 2024 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*
July is excellent for new beginnings with your personal, home, and family life, dear Aries. There’s special attention to your roots, foundation, and closest ties, and you’re getting into close touch with what’s in your heart. You’re anchoring and nesting on a psychological level. What stands out most is your desire to make yourself more secure. The month is also brilliant for romance, creativity, personal interests, hobbies, and heartfelt pursuits.
There can be new beginnings or attitudes toward living arrangements and family and home-related affairs after the New Moon on the 5th. This New Moon invites new beginnings and approaches to these matters. You could be making changes and tweaks to the personal systems in your life, so that home and family life is more fulfilling in the long run.
You’re seeking, making room for, and finding emotional replenishment. In the week following the New Moon, brand-new projects can get off to a great start. It could be time for a domestic makeover. Opportunities can emerge to boost your relationships with loved ones.
At the same time, you’re well-positioned to feel more confident about your own worth and value, and efforts to ask or work for things you want can be very successful now. There may be additional resources or money to put into the family and home life now, or efforts to make you and yours feel more secure and safe have payoffs. You’re in perfect shape for committing yourself to a particular task and getting things done. While you may want to tame impulses to spend that come on too suddenly, circumstances are pushing you into new and hopefully improved directions with money and business.
You could be seriously considering a significant purchase or changes made to spending. Even eliminating a redundancy can be very satisfying now–the goal is security over the long term. It’s also a good time to work on a talent, focusing on fine-tuning and minor but critical improvements.
From the 20th, you have the motivation and energy to pour into pet projects, studies, local events and trips, and making connections with others. You’re enthusiastic about learning and sharing with Mars now in your solar third house. Teamwork or networking can get results, and you might form or enhance strong connections. You’re making a good impression and could discover interesting ways of getting your message across or getting where you want to go. New or improved ways to connect or get from point to point can emerge, which may lead to opportunities and improvements.
The Full Moon on the 21st is a potent reminder of your obligations to the outside world. This is the second Full Moon in your career, reputation, and public sector (one occurred last month). There may be pressing demands in your professional life and perhaps a bit of scrutiny. Still, whatever this lunation brings to your attention, you get the message that it’s time to restore some balance between your personal and professional lives. You might attract attention for positive efforts or a good deed.
As the month progresses, you’re far more interactive. Mars heads into your communications sector on the 20th, and the Sun and Venus join Mercury in your creative sector. With learning, connecting, and communicating, your initiative is through the roof! The motivation to learn or express yourself is strong. Recreational activities can appeal and might even be therapeutic now.
With an increasing focus on your sector of joy, you experience a building desire to play, enjoy, share your feelings and affections, and create. This can be one of the most creative, expressive, or romantic periods of the year.
The last week of the month is intense for embracing more time for creativity, imagination, leisure, and entertainment. It’s a great time to share your high spirits with others and watch for the opportunities that open up as you do. Romantic intensity is pleasant now, but you’re also engaged mentally. Talking, chatting, and sharing are active forces in your life now. Information or news coming in can be exciting, perhaps even moving something forward. Your enthusiasm for your projects, creations, and ideas stands out. You are interested in triumphing, bringing something to a new level, or taking the lead.
July begins on a busy note and ends on a quieter one for you, dear Taurus. You pay extra attention to projects, learning, connecting, and personal interests. Opportunities to speak about matters that are important to you, share your ideas and knowledge, teach, guide, and connect are strong. There can be satisfying success with communications, connecting, and personal interests. Later in the month, you more often crave and enjoy the security of home life.
The New Moon on the 5th invites new energy and approaches for matters related to communications, studies, projects, mental interests, connections with others, clearing up your daily affairs, and transportation systems in your life. You’re in a great position to improve or begin plans that help you lead a more connected, organized, and fulfilling daily life.
It’s a good time to tweak your studies, communications, or even your attitude or mindset. Your impact is strong, and an approach that shows self-restraint benefits you remarkably now. With Mars currently transiting your sign (until the 20th), you have extra energy to spare, and channeling all of it is not always easy, but at this time, you’re doing so constructively. It’s a fine time to work on physical skills and focus on fine-tuning. Others are very interested in what you do and say, and they readily respect you for taking the lead or for your actions right now. You can be the go-to person when it comes to advice or leadership.
Mars and Saturn harmonize with this lunation, bolstering your efforts to advance a project or pursue your goals, particularly related to studies, communications, sharing ideas, and writing or speaking. You’re infusing more of your personality into your ventures, which is proving to be highly successful. You’re feeling a strong sense of control and mastery over your tasks, which is a testament to your hard work and dedication.
It’s also a brilliant period for using the power of thoughts and words to transform your life for the better. This month, you’re in a perfect position to make new acquaintances or connect with others more meaningfully. You’re making a difference with what you say. Your interests are expanding, and you may feel ready to push forward a project or line of study. It’s a good time to turn over a new leaf regarding making connections or sharpening your skills. Establishing mental rapport with others can be in focus.
From the 20th onward, you’re in a prime position to make a concentrated effort to improve your income or build an important project, business, or venture. You’ll find it natural to pour your energies into earthy and comforting activities that help ground you. You’re more assertive about what you want and need, and as such, the latter part of July is excellent for focusing on building and developing current projects, ideas, and personal talents. You’ll have great ideas for improving your bottom line or making better use of your resources, sparking optimism. You might uncover a resource that genuinely works for you, particularly on financial, business, and career levels. It’s a time to go after what you want or need.
The Full Moon on the 21st is a creative, spontaneous influence. Communication, learning, educational, travel, attitude, outlook, or publishing matters may come to full bloom, and this sets you on a fresh path. Your mind is wide open, and you’re ready to take on something new. A lunation in the same sector last month may have awakened a new way of thinking or personal interest, and this one can further compel you to expand your knowledge, share your ideas with others, and break the routine in meaningful ways.
Increasingly, however, you’re more home-oriented or craving predictability and familiarity. A growing theme of family, rest, comfort, and safety emerges. Mercury transits your home and family sector from the 2nd to the 25th, and Venus and the Sun move into this zone from the 11th and 22nd. You’re certainly shifting your focus to more secure, familiar, and grounded activities. You can be happily introspective during this period.
You’re finding ways to bring more harmony, warmth, and beauty to your home and close relationships. Your heart may be playing it safe with new people, but you can fully enjoy what’s currently in place in your life, and it’s satisfying. You want to settle in and keep the peace, and your attention to domestic matters brings rewards and positive feedback. You might focus on ways to earn money from home.
Your desire for action is a pleasant motivator in the last week of the month, prompting you to get going on a business or financial matter. One of the best things about current transits is that you concern yourself less with others’ validation or approval and more with fulfilling your needs and desires. As you make progress on your financial matters, you’ll feel a sense of pride and satisfaction in your accomplishments.
July begins with steady energy for getting your footing, dear Gemini, and it enlivens as it advances. Your steady second house is in the spotlight as you begin the month, and you crave more predictability. As well, Mars is transiting the background of your solar chart until the 20th, and you can benefit from some rest and replenishment.
The New Moon on the 5th invites new approaches to money, resources, talents, comfort, and security. You’re ready to make improvements to your finances and sense of stability, and you’re especially interested in fulfillment not just right now but far into the future. You can develop a stronger sense of self-worth and value as you gain a better understanding of your capabilities and what you already have–your personal resources, material or otherwise, including natural talents.
You’re in great shape to get back on track, in fact. A responsible theme becomes and benefits you now. Work or practical matters tend to flow along well, primarily because you’re embracing your obligations. As you draw on self-discipline and tie up loose ends, getting organized comes more naturally.
You may be doing more work or putting in extra effort in the background, which benefits you. It might please you to do something charitable, or you might take action on an important matter anonymously now. You have fantastic support for your efforts from your intuition or behind the scenes. You’re learning what and who you genuinely value from the inside out, and it’s likely to alter your whole approach to money and possessions for the better. Seek opportunities to turn around a difficult financial situation if this is a problem, as you have all the power to overcome challenges now.
Mars enters your sign on the 20th, and with inclinations toward impulsiveness tamed, you can go far. If you don’t yet know where to direct all of this extra energy, you could feel a little overwhelmed, but soon enough, you’re sure to put it to good use. It’s a good time for personal initiative and enterprise. Others are noticing you, and you’re feeling a little more decided and confident. It’s a time to more heartily pursue your personal plans, needs, and desires. Your energy levels run high, and your pioneering instincts are strong. You can feel especially empowered, putting negativity behind you and pursuing your goals.
Mars in your sign can be a motivator and sometimes an aggravator. With its harmony with Pluto, you instinctively gravitate toward situations and people that help you grow, improve, learn, and expand your perspective. Projects related to publishing, education, travel, and non-routine activities can thrive. Putting what you’ve learned to good use can figure strongly, and your powers to lead, influence, and support others are potent. Activities or studies advance and satisfy you.
Around the Full Moon on the 21st, emotional rumblings are strong, and your intimate life shows signs of progress. You might open your eyes to a financial matter, or there can be blossoming feelings in your love life. Since last month’s Full Moon in the same sector of your solar chart, you are far more aware of what you have, need, and want. Now, you’re ready to make changes, and the signs are promising.
As the month progresses, you’ll find a growing focus on socializing, connecting, learning, and sharing. Mercury spends time in your communications sector from the 2nd to the 25th, and Venus and the Sun are guests from the 11th and 22nd onward. These shifts bring more movement and general busyness to your life. Others are hanging on your words, turning to you for advice, and enjoying your company. Your influence and support are potent, and others’ recognition of your abilities leave you feeling appreciated and valued.
You are ready to take on intellectual challenges, and your problem-solving skills are above par. Tricky issues or ideas can be tackled now with greater ease. You’re inclined to branch out and make exciting connections. This can be an ideal time for discovery, particularly along mental or intellectual lines. The information you uncover in the last week of the month can be especially valuable. Having a little fun with life leads to the most innovative and useful approaches right now.
You have more confidence and desire to take action as you close out the month. You can be excited to put your ideas and plans into motion. You’re braver with giving voice to your ideas and opinions, and you may want to take the initiative with independent work or projects. There is more energy in what you’re saying, sharing, and doing now.
July empowers you, dear Cancer, boosting your confidence and visibility. It’s a time to shine and feel in control of your life personally. This sense of control extends to your finances, self-worth, talents, and resources, encouraging you to explore them in new and revitalizing ways.
The New Moon on the 5th is powerful for you since it occurs in your sign. It prompts a period for reinventing yourself, starting fresh, and putting personal updates or upgrades into motion. It’s a time to show others a fresh new face — one that better reflects your current stage of growth — and break out of outworn patterns of greeting the world and presenting yourself. You might enjoy a boost of energy and motivation to get started. If you’ve wanted to make positive changes to your image, now is an excellent time to do so. You have considerable impact and personal presence.
This lunation prompts a whole new orientation, a blast of personal energy, and a sense that you’re revving up. It’s also a beautiful time for self-honesty as it encourages you to be more self-aware.
Supporting your goals is Mars in your friends and community sector until the 20th, pointing to the powerful benefits of activities with friends and collaboration. Even though your first instinct may be to go it alone, this is an important time for connecting with others and sharing experiences or expertise. You can experience a strong desire to go the distance for someone in your life or share a learning experience with someone. Activities that build and support you in the long term capture your interest more than those that only make you happy at the moment
Around the Full Moon on the 21st, you recognize your need for someone–or for some quality feedback! Pay special attention to what others reveal. Through epiphanies occurring now, you’re awakening to your relationship goals or true feelings. If you’ve been ignoring your feelings for someone–or a relationship itself–this is when these things demand their share of your attention.
Still, Mars moves into your privacy sector on the 20th, pointing to a period ahead of transformations and renovations, primarily on an emotional level. This transit subtly but effectively turns your attention to problems you may have overlooked or buried! While you can feel less energetic as your priorities shuffle around or a project ends, redirecting your energies into a work-in-progress can be most satisfying. Combine this shift with the Sun’s move into your stable second house on the 22nd, and you get the general message to ease down. Major new launches or beginnings should probably wait for a brighter or more innovative time. Creative pursuits can thrive if you’re doing something behind the scenes or on the last stretch of a particular project.
Money matters begin to make headlines this month. There’s an increasing focus on your resources and comfort levels with Mercury in your second house from the 2nd to the 25th, Venus from the 11th, and the Sun from the 22nd. These shifts stir a desire to build up your resources, improve your bottom line, and develop what you already have.
Particularly with money, business, valuables, talents, and personal possessions, incoming news, feedback from others, and hunches from within yourself can be significant, leading to a turning point. Your natural talents, the areas where you shine, and your savvy are readily discoverable and perhaps on display from the 11th.
But from the 25th, your desire to diversify and stronger curiosity leads you to interesting experiences and projects. There is also good energy with you to look at your finances. You’re proactive, dealing with problems before they get a chance to grow. The need to overcome problem areas or get past something is powerful now, so take advantage. Others may be in the market or mood for your unique talents. Your inner or private world is more animated than usual, and tapping into your inner courage and finding your passion can come more readily.
July begins with Mars at the top of your solar chart, motivating you and stirring your ambitions, dear Leo. However, the Sun and Venus are transiting a hidden area of your chart until the 22nd and 11th, respectively. This signals the need for personal downtime as you wind down your solar year. You are understandably more private or insular than usual, and it’s important to respect this need for solitude. Neptune’s retrograde turn can pull up questions about ownership or sharing issues, reminding you to slow down and get your bearings. It’s another reason to refuel.
The New Moon on the 5th is a powerful catalyst for emotional development and dealing with loose ends in your life. It marks a new beginning, offering hope and optimism as you put a project, situation, or chapter of your life behind you. You can greatly benefit from doing an emotional inventory of sorts before this date. If you need to handle a private matter or deal with an ending or a problem from the past, the week following this New Moon is powerful.
Mars in your solar tenth house until the 20th signals a need to identify, recognize, and nurture your ambitions for the best results. You’re in a great position of confidence to take on responsibilities, take the lead, or work hard for what you want and need.
It’s a natural time of year for some level of retreat, withdrawal, or even a sabbatical, contributing to emotional and physical renewal before your birthday month. This could be symbolic only but important as you recharge and refresh. Some things may be up in the air now, and these things need additional time to mature. It’s not the time to rush.
Look for ways to improve physical and mental health through activities and mind-body healing techniques when the Full Moon on the 21st reminds you to attend to your overall well-being. It’s the second big prompt to do so (the first one happened last month). It’s also a time when you recognize the need to improve how you manage your daily affairs. You’re now raring to go if you stalled on these things last month.
When blockages come to light, it can be a revealing, albeit raw, experience. The Full Moon on the 21st is particularly useful for using these revelations to your advantage. It’s a time to take action on your feelings and epiphanies. Don’t let these blockages hold you back. Instead, use them as a catalyst for change and growth.
Working with a partner towards a common goal may be part of the picture, or teaming up with a friend can take you somewhere you want to go more successfully. You might decide to take charge of a long-standing problem once and for all–you’re determined to put it behind you. Others can be the source of valuable resources or advice, or networking and teamwork can be particularly beneficial to you, so be on the lookout for allies.
Mercury enters your sign on the 2nd and visits until the 25th. Venus heads in on the 11th and the Sun on the 22nd. You can find yourself resurfacing emotionally! More attention comes your way, and in turn, you seek a stronger connection to the world around you. You’re likelier to come out of your shell or quietly begin attracting attention. Feelings, goals, and interests become more apparent, and confidence that you can impact the world around you is increasing.
Venus in your sign (from the 11th onward) is excellent for personal charm and healthy indulgence or self-pampering. People are attracted to you and enjoy your company or presence. These transits boost your sense of personal power and amplify your influence and presence. They also bring out your need to share your ideas and use the power of words to improve your life. Use this extra boost of visibility to further your plans. It’s a fine time to consider new personal initiatives, change your presentation or appearance, and update your year-ahead resolutions.
The Sun heads into your sign on the 22nd, and Mars supports your efforts and goals from the 20th as it visits your sector of dreams, wishes, and hopes. Energies are indeed shifting as July progresses! It can be a time of special activities with friends or particularly dynamic friendships or group associations. It’s a brilliant period for seeing yourself more clearly and presenting yourself in a manner that expresses you authentically for this stage of your growth. You could build a following for your ideas or work. You may be taking the lead in a group, or people look to you for guidance. New people coming into your life could inspire you to make important changes and improvements.
The last week of the month is fantastic for entertaining a dream or wish, the spirit of which carries you forward. You see your capabilities for what they are, rather than over- or under-estimating them, which is empowering. At the same time, your courage is strong and building. You radiate positive vibes and may well be the focus of attention. This is a time for being inspiring or feeling inspired and running with it. You’ll also find it more comfortable than usual to put plans or ideas into motion. In fact, you’re craving a hands-on or active role.
July finds you focusing on your social life or happiness pursuits, dear Virgo, although with some inclination to retreat and rest, especially as the month advances. You’re taking more interest in finding your joy or making a contribution. Expanding your mind and exploring extracurricular activities can also be rewarding. You seek ways to improve your life experiences and increase your knowledge and wisdom. Sharing ideas can figure strongly. It’s a time for feeling freer and happier as your knowledge of the world around you grows.
Long-term plans look exciting now, and your optimism is in the spotlight. The New Moon on the 5th is strong for friendships, alliances, networking, and happiness goals. It positions you well for sorting out your social life or status with friends, groups, and networks. With your motivation levels high, making solid plans is a strong possibility. Making connections and solving problems can be exciting. Emerging opportunities have the potential for longevity and meaningfulness. You might begin a new venture or join a group or team.
Supporting your goals is Mars in your adventure, spirit, and learning sector, and Mars connects well with Saturn in your partnership house. You may enjoy opportunities to expand your experiences and impress others simultaneously, and this theme will stick with you in a general sense throughout the month. This is a beautiful time for making connections that last and ones that support your interests to boot. While it’s a good time to pursue improvements, you also recognize the beauty in what’s already in place, and it’s empowering. Realistic assessments can come in handy now. For instance, you might see an area where you’ve been pressuring yourself unnecessarily, and it’s satisfying to simplify your life.
You’re also allowing room for others to be themselves without pressure to perform or measure up. It’s easier than usual to listen to others and offer quietly supportive advice or commentary. Concentration comes more readily, and you may take on work or obligations more willingly as you feel prepared to manage them. Your perspective is shifting in powerful, positive ways, and you’re likely to want to share your ideas and causes with others. It can be a time of happiness and fulfillment through expanding your mind or connections to people of a different cultural background than you. It’s a potentially powerful time for seeing an educational path, belief system, personal interest, and mental focus or attitude differently. There can be distinct moments when you crave more life experience and freedom of movement. An impulse to explore, discover, and learn can come on strongly–you want to stretch yourself and improve.
Even so, from the 20th onward, Mars at the top of your solar chart stirs your ambitions to perform and succeed. There can be some issues or conflicts with people in positions of authority, but overall, this cycle encourages a hands-on, active role in your career, taking on responsibilities, and pursuing your larger goals.
The Full Moon on the 21st can bring affection and creativity to full bloom. Last month’s Full Moon may have stirred your desires; now, a revelation about romance, children, or creative endeavors is in the spotlight. You’re in an eyes-wide-open period regarding a romantic or creative issue. You might have an epiphany that leads you to the conclusion that you should enjoy yourself more fully. It’s a time for embracing your feelings and letting them guide you! This lunation can bring buried or unacknowledged emotions to the surface, and it feels great to release them.
Mercury is the first to move into your privacy sector on the 2nd, Venus comes next (on the 11th), and the Sun follows on the 22nd. You’re transitioning into a period of the year best used for taking extra time to yourself for rest and reflection. This is a time to release, let go, purge, and heal. Reassessing certain projects, alliances, goals, or attachments can be in focus until these bodies move into your sign (July 25th for Mercury, August 4th for Venus, and August 22nd for the Sun). You’ll want to be renewed and refreshed for these unveilings!
Taking the time to relax, refresh, and get in touch with your inner world can be in order, even with a stronger focus on your ambitions as July advances. You might see old problems or projects in a new light. Life is a little quieter as you find more time to slip into the background to enjoy private moments and times for rest and reflection.
You’re working under the radar or behind the scenes later in July, but while you can be somewhat retiring on a personal level, your ambition to triumph, succeed, or win is also active. It’s a work-hard, rest-hard time for you! You quite naturally take the lead or act independently, and your sense of where to go or what to do next is strong as you close out the month. You seem to have all the right tools at your disposal for solving challenging problems related to work or health. Pouring your energies into streamlining or revamping your work or various important projects can be quite successful now, and the potential for success is high, leaving you feeling confident and capable.
July spotlights your long-term goals, career, or reputation, dear Libra, but as the month progresses, the focus turns to your social life and happiness pursuits. The month has all the potential to be well-rounded, with opportunities emerging on both personal and professional levels.
The New Moon on the 5th brings new energy to your life-path goals and invites special attention to your status, reputation, or professional life. It’s a powerful prompt to tweak or refresh your work, image, and goals to be more meaningful and fulfilling for your current needs.
Mars in your intimacy sector until the 20th supports your goals and helps you pursue the backing you need or draw on your inner well. Your strength and persistence shine through in July, and you may very well gain recognition or reward for the work you’ve put in recently. This recognition can be a powerful motivator, acknowledging your efforts and encouraging you to continue your hard work. You’re strategic until the 20th, after which you are more direct and straight to the point. Others recognize you for your actions, and your work or duties can thrive as a result. It’s a potentially fantastic time for research and analysis — you have the patience and determination to dig deep. Your pursuits can thrive with added thoroughness and attention to detail.
There can be more activity on the career front or additional responsibilities, and the need to take on a managerial role can emerge. You might connect with just the right resources and tools (or courage) to help you on your path, and you have the right attitude to use these to your advantage. You might find the motivation to kick a bad habit or work towards reducing a particular dependency in your life.
You’re nicely positioned to manage the major structures in your life. As you pay more attention to rules, responsibilities, and performance, you feel more capable and organized. This can also be a time of greater visibility. It’s a fine time to bring more personality to your work or duties. You’re highly motivated to perform and accomplish.
Mars in your solar ninth house from the 20th forward brings on decidedly different energy as it boosts your spirits and spontaneity. Personal magnetism is strong and increasing. You’ll find that moving outside of your normal bounds and routines improves your opportunities. There can be a great hunger for new experiences and knowledge that feed your mind and spirit. This hunger can be invigorating, sparking your curiosity and excitement for what’s to come. A fun and healthy escape may be in the offing and can be a real refresher.
The Full Moon on the 21st can be a time for recognizing a stronger need for family and the comforts of familiarity and the home. It challenges you to balance your attention to your outer and inner worlds, home and family, or public and private life. There can be a release or culmination of a matter, and it holds strong healing potential.
Mercury moves into your friendship sector on the 2nd, Venus on the 11th, and the Sun on the 22nd, turning your attention to enjoyment, friends, teamwork, and networking. You’re entertaining long-term happiness goals now. These transits enhance your personal appeal and support your connections with friends or groups. You feel freer to explore and discover on a social level. You more readily attract friends and those who share common interests at this time. The courage to express yourself, share your talents or work, or reach out to a new audience is with you now. You can also make serious progress on passion projects or studies.
In the last week of the month, there’s good energy for something spontaneous, sharing ideas with friends, networking, learning something new, and possibly working towards a cherished dream or goal. You want to explore new subjects, directions, or activities. You can feel quite inspired or supported through friends or networks. Your enthusiasm drives you. You might tap into your courage to enjoy an altogether unique experience. This potential for a unique experience can make you feel adventurous and open-minded, ready to embrace new opportunities. Romantic relationships can improve with shared activities or visions. Doing something different or non-routine with others can be rewarding now.
July is a time of adventure, spontaneity, and learning, dear Scorpio. As the month progresses, your focus shifts to your long-term goals. While others may demand more of your time and energy, you’re also embracing your curiosity and enjoying the journey of self-discovery. This is a period when you’re more open to experimentation and new experiences than usual.
The New Moon on the 5th invites new energy into your life related to learning, adventure, spirit, travel, sharing ideas, publishing, beliefs, perspective, attitudes, and mindset. Following this event, you’ll be ready to make meaningful changes or tweaks to your attitude towards living your life and the principles under which you live.
Supporting your goals, Mars in your partnership sector animates your relationships, and others have much to share with you. Someone in particular or your relationship goals can motivate you and encourage your desire to improve, explore, and expand your horizons. A change in the routine can refresh you, and activities that lead you on different paths are an excellent place to start. Educational interests or extra-curricular activities may be in focus, and new beginnings along these lines can open up now.
This could be a time for meeting people who introduce you to new ideas, concepts, and even lifestyles, and you can feel reinvigorated by a different perspective on your life. Advice tends to be wise, or you’re seeking solid, mature answers. It’s a time when you’re more inclined to show you care through actions and practical support. Relationships or someone in your life helps you feel stronger as an individual. Making the most of current transits means specializing rather than scattering your energies.
This period is ripe for personal growth and self-improvement, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and explore new ideas, people, and experiences. You may find yourself inspired by someone who boosts your confidence or courage, either directly or indirectly. The people and lessons that come into your life during this time can challenge you to grow and improve. New developments in a relationship can demand new approaches.
From the 20th forward, you’ll have more things happening behind the scenes or inside you with energetic Mars moving through your intimacy sector. This can serve to rev up your intimate life and a close, deep relationship. While this transit can sometimes stir up some trouble, it’s the kind of trouble that leads to resolutions, particularly related to shared money or power. This can also be a time for taking care of debt or asking for the support you need.
Around the Full Moon on the 21st, you can be especially busy and enjoy good news or contact with a special friend. It’s a generally busy time, but do find some space for relaxation. It can be a time of a revelation or epiphany regarding a learning, transportation, connecting, or communications matter. Your true feelings on a matter can overcome you, and while your emotions might surprise you, they also get you into a better position to make choices and decisions. You’ll enjoy some beautiful opportunities to learn new things and make real progress on your projects.
You experience more motivation to realize your business goals with Mercury’s move to the top of your solar chart on the 2nd, Venus on the 11th, and the Sun on the 22nd. These transits are shifting your attention to the rules and structures in your life as July advances. Your calling, career, life path, and long-term goals take on more importance.
You’re especially resourceful in the last week of the month, and you genuinely desire to come out ahead, triumph, or accomplish something special. It can be a fine time for success on professional levels, especially with a bit of competition motivating you to advance. Or, you can be eager to discover unique ways to manage your life. You might uncover a resource that pushes you forward. It can be exciting to find something to completely absorb your attention now.
You might connect with someone you love with a new understanding or with someone who helps you grow, learn, and move forward more empowered. If you have a passion for a pet project, person, or idea, this is a great time to pursue it with more determination and a stronger sense of purpose. Matters related to the home, finances, or intimate issues can also benefit from your increased determination.
July shines the spotlight on your inner world, dear Sagittarius, and your need for more meaningful experiences. It’s also a solid time for improving daily routines, building health, and taking care of business. Relationships are lively this month.
The New Moon on the 5th invites new beginnings with shared resources and intimate relationships — with yourself and/or others. It’s a time for a new or different approach to money, power dynamics in relationships, debts and support (material or emotional), dependencies, and personal empowerment. This lunation could prompt you to organize your financial affairs, seek support, or start a new emotional health and wellness plan. You can be excited to study a topic in more depth or find solutions to long-standing problems.
Supporting your goals is Mars in your work and health sector. You’re making empowering changes and choices with the services or labor you provide, your efforts to maintain and improve health, and your daily routines and habits. Work or health matters can fuel motivation to renovate and organize your money or intimate life. The desire to live happily alongside a partner or dear friend can also feed your willingness to work harder or smarter or to get fitter and healthier. It can go both ways or either way!
Events now provide you with a more unobstructed view of what you want from yourself and others. Something can open your eyes to the need to handle debts, manage support, and share responsibilities more efficiently. Projects that require precision and attention to detail are also a big draw. At the same time, the motivation to change your chores, work, health, or habits can come on suddenly. You might use this spark of energy to correct conditions that hold you back from achieving good health and habits or from more fully enjoying your daily life, including your work and chores.
Whether you’ve ignored your need to pamper yourself or overdo it recently, the Full Moon on the 21st reminds you that it’s time to balance the scales. Feelings, realizations, or revelations stir you to get on top of your finances or show your abilities in the best possible way. If you’ve been holding emotions back, they can fill you up now and are impossible to ignore!
As July advances, your focus begins shifting to your social life, partnering, connecting, and exploring new adventures, experiences, and ideas. Pulling yourself away from work and tasks can be of great benefit now. Relationships enliven.
Mars heads into your partnership sector on the 20th, animating your life through your relationships and highlighting your needs from others. Clashes are possible, but so are resolutions to long-standing issues. An outward focus and more outgoing feelings figure strongly.
With Mercury (from the 2nd to the 25th), Venus (from the 11th onward), and the Sun (from the 22nd forward) transiting your solar ninth house, it’s about the broader vision emerging and a pleasant feeling of confidence to explore and discover taking over. Opportunities to break out of your regular routine abound and inspire. You’re likely to find the spirit and motivation to enjoy extracurricular activities. You’ll find more and more reasons to get out and about, diversify, explore, and discover.
A relationship or person may motivate you to pursue a particular goal. You are inspired to pursue a learning endeavor or further a mental interest, especially in the last week of the month. When reaching out to others or moving out of your usual comfort zone, you are more willing to take some personal and creative risks. It’s a good time for both competitive and cooperative activities, and you’re likely to feel that someone is encouraging you to be the best version of yourself. Fortunately, you’re quick to pick up on inspiration or gain motivation.
You may find the courage to move a relationship forward or address a problem area with someone. Shared activities can prosper, and teamwork or partnering up to accomplish a goal or make a decision can be particularly effective. Others can find you particularly influential or attractive now. It comes naturally to focus on your studies, projects, or relationships in positive ways.
July is a relationship-oriented month for you, dear Capricorn, but it’s also strong for exploring your creativity and different ways to enjoy yourself. You could be approaching a relationship in a new way this month, and your needs from others or partnerships are clearer than usual. You attract strong and intelligent people into your life. You’re also taking more pride in your close relationships, motivating you to make a solid effort to relate in positive, rewarding ways.
The New Moon on the 5th invites new approaches to close relationships. Negotiations, agreements, one-on-one relationships (business, love, counseling), and gaining a more balanced perspective on your life are all themes and areas of high energy, especially for change and improvement. You may be discovering yourself through your interactions with someone special.
Supporting these goals, Mars in your creative and romantic sector until the 20th helps you balance your relationships. This balance brings a sense of security and stability, allowing you to express yourself uniquely and creatively. Connecting more deeply with your heart’s desire is integral to this mission. Being more deliberate in your communications and taking more time than usual to craft your words can also help tremendously.
At the same time, you can tap into the motivation to express yourself in unique ways or break free from a confining situation or label. Feelings, passions, and enthusiasm can help point you along paths that encourage growth and self-improvement.
From the 20th forward, you’re pouring more energy into your work or efforts to improve health. You’re raring to go! You’re in great shape to bring more order to your daily life, enhance your productivity and daily routines, and initiate new programs or projects.
The Full Moon on the 21st is in your sign (again)! It’s your second and perhaps more insistent prompt to connect with your true feelings. One month ago, a Full Moon occurred very early in your sign, and now, there can be a revelation about your ability to stand on your own. This one can help point you in the right direction toward correcting imbalances, particularly in the me-you department in relationships. If you’ve defined yourself mainly through your relationships, now is the time to draw up your terms. The challenge may be to find a balance between independence and accommodation. This lunation puts you in the spotlight and can find you in demand. To find this balance, it’s important to communicate your needs and boundaries clearly, while also being open to compromise and understanding your partner’s perspective.
The motivation to do something meaningful with your time is strong as July advances! Mercury transits your intimacy zone from the 2nd to the 25th, and Venus and the Sun head into this area of your solar chart from the 11th and 22nd onward, respectively. These shifts turn your attention to commitments, finances, and shared resources. It’s a time of deepening feelings and increased focus. You might connect deeply with someone seemingly out of the blue, or there can be an unanticipated financial matter to manage, such as a sudden expense or a new investment opportunity. You might share some of your deeper feelings with a trusted person in your life.
So, as the month progresses, you remain interested in developing your connections. However, you are becoming more focused and exclusive and aiming to bond on deeper levels, not only on the surface. You’re in good shape for shared money and resources, including indirect personal income, such as through loans, benefits, supplements, and support. You could find yourself more attracted to complicated or intricate areas of relationships, sharing, and intimacy, determined to smooth things out.
You might also want to put a little extra zest into–or make a change with–dull routines, chores, or duties. An independent pace could be more productive now, as it allows you to work on inspiration and enthusiasm. You want to excel and advance. At the same time, providing a service or helping someone can be rewarding. You might see new layers to a situation that make a world of difference to your viewpoint. Self-improvement efforts can be wonderfully successful, and special attention to your practical affairs can also bring rewards.
It makes sense to put special effort into managing your personal space, home, money, or prized possessions in the second half of July. A project related to improving your health can also thrive. Frustration about a current situation can be the motivator behind improvement efforts, and if this fuels you, why not work it to your advantage? You’re ready to apply yourself, and it can be deeply rewarding.
July encourages a special focus on your daily affairs, home life, work, and health, dear Aquarius. You’re making empowering changes. As the month progresses, your relationships come into stronger focus, giving you a sense of control and confidence.
The New Moon on the 5th invites new beginnings with your daily routines, habits, health, work, and self-care programs. You’re in a great position to improve the systems in your life that keep you organized and more efficient. With the tweaks you make, they serve you well not just now but later, too. It’s a time for getting your life in good working order, starting with the details. Excellent energy is with you to identify your priorities and focus on them. You enjoy a sense that you have a handle on your practical affairs.
As you seek workable solutions, you feel stronger and more determined to find answers. It’s a good time for budgeting, considering important purchases, particularly for family or the home, and for special attention to detail. You might make or renew a commitment to living well at home and in your daily routines and work with beautiful results. This can be a good time for making successful home-health or home-job connections.
Strong creative energy and animation are themes in your personal life. You’re also bringing more pride and intelligence to your work, habits, and health. It’s a great time to use common sense and improve your habits and daily routines. You could intuitively gravitate to a new healing path or a work method that serves you well. You might get the chance to strengthen relationships with co-workers or with yourself and your attitudes towards work.
Mars moves into harmony with your sign from the 20th onward, and you’re in great shape for enjoying and often excelling at fun competitions, romantic relationships, dating, sports, games, and hobbies. Personal appeal is strong. Creatively speaking, you’re motivated and ready to take on a challenge.
While you’re particularly busy and involved, the Full Moon on the 21st reminds you of the importance of balance. Significant dreams or intuitive flashes can encourage you to let go of things and attitudes that are holding you back. This Full Moon puts you in touch with a feeling you’ve buried or ignored. Allowing yourself time for stillness, rest, and rejuvenation can do wonders for you now, bringing a sense of calm and peace. This can also be a time of an important idea, hunch, or intuitive flash that sets you on a new, more fulfilling path. This Full Moon is the second one to occur in your sector of endings (one happened last month).
You’re more interactive and outgoing as July advances. You’re in good shape for romantic, creative, and fun activities. Hobbies can be a strong focus now. You’re also attracting positive attention, and your charm is natural.
Mercury travels through your partnership sector from the 2nd to the 25th, and Venus and the Sun are guests from the 11th and 22nd onward. You’ll be inclined to want to pair up to make decisions. Cooperation is key, but some playful competitiveness works as well. You could be excited about taking the lead or changing a relationship, romance, recreational activity, or hobby, or you might experience a new desire to move forward in these areas. You want to come out ahead and perhaps stand out for what you do. A relationship may serve as a powerful motivator to better yourself or do your best. It’s also time to find ways to add a little spice to a relationship or project.
Fortunately, you attract helpful people into your life at this time. It’s an especially good time for negotiations of all kinds. Your appeal is strong, and you dare to express yourself or your talents and passions with fabulous results. You could be repackaging yourself in some manner as you want to break through a barrier that has been holding you back from expressing yourself. At the same time, people are contributing much to your life now, and it can be enjoyable and fulfilling.
July encourages special attention to expressing and enjoying yourself more fully, dear Pisces. While there can be times when you feel mentally wired, it’s an exciting time for passion and motivation to get things done, learn, connect, and share. Romantic relationships, creative projects, and special interests are in strong focus. As the month advances, you pay more attention to home, work, and health pursuits.
The New Moon on the 5th heralds new beginnings and fresh approaches to creative projects, self-expression, hobbies, romance, entertainment, and heartfelt pursuits. It positions you well to make changes and tweaks that result in long-lasting and more fulfilling activities. You get your message across more maturely, and others take you seriously. This can be the start (or successful relaunch) of a wonderful project or a budding romance that becomes more regular and reliable. A more involved, connected approach is particularly successful and rewarding now.
Opportunities to begin anew along romantic, creative, and playful levels are likely to emerge — you’re encouraged to explore, express, and share your passions and creativity more heartfully. You may be tuning into a new creative focus or a renewed interest in a hobby or activity, and this takes over your life in happy ways. Channels for expressing and enjoying yourself can open up to you.
You more naturally celebrate and express your talents, abilities, and affections in July. You’re also more inclined than usual to reach out and seek feedback and reinforcement. Exciting discussions, personal interests, transportation, news, or developments with studies and learning can figure strongly. You’re more daring about expressing your independence and enterprising spirit. Consider that hasty communications can be disruptive as Mars transits your communications sector until the 20th. But with some care, this can be a time to push a matter you’ve wanted for some time.
You’re attracting attention due to your specific manner of communication, ideas, and personal experience. You’re curious and often seeking mentally engaging activities. It’s also a time when you’re especially connected. But from the 20th, you’re pouring more energy into your domestic world. You can be excited about developments in your personal life. Conditions are animated and lively! Ideas for having fun and making your accommodations more livable are abundant. You can bring more energy and initiative to home-related projects. Positive vibes can lead to small breakthroughs in your personal life.
It’s an excellent time for rebuilding, reorganizing, or reworking finances, home, and family life. This can also work on an emotional level–you want to feel more in control of your life, and you can take steps now that will eventually help you grow and improve. Help from an unexpected source or from behind the scenes may figure strongly, providing you with the reassurance and confidence you need.
Last month’s Full Moon may have opened your heart to the need for true friendship. This month’s Full Moon, on the 21st, is similar but more insistent. Unacknowledged feelings can emerge now, and these emotions may be about someone or can serve to rekindle an interest in a project you haven’t yet fully pursued. This lunation can bring a friendship issue to a head. It can be a wonderful time to break through a social barrier or recognize your true feelings for a person or project.
Mercury moves through your work and health sector from the 2nd to the 25th, and Venus and the Sun head into this area of your solar chart on the 11th and 22nd, respectively. As such, you’re turning your attention to the important systems in your life, your daily routines, work, and personal well-being. It’s a good time of the year to handle the details of your life and tweak your daily routines, showing that your well-being is a priority and you are valued and cared for.
You can be super-motivated to solve problems or rearrange or reorganize your setup and living arrangements in the last week of July. You can experience a strong desire–or a sudden need–to be productive. You want to make something happen, push something forward, and solve problems. You’re also confident you can take on a challenge, and ideas for work or health are solid. It can be satisfying to offer your practical support to others.
Monthly Calendar:

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