*June 2019 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Aries:
Errands, paperwork, learning, social contact, and short trips are bound to keep you on your toes in June, dear Aries. A burst of energy and confidence regarding any or many of these things occurs after the New Moon on the 3rd. It may be best to focus on a constructive pursuit rather than scattering your energy–less is more this month! You could find the motivation to get going on a learning or communications project, to make new connections, or to get a handle on your daily affairs.
Your communication skills get a boost, and oftentimes are the key to advancement this month. Romance is about a meeting of the minds from the 9th forward. There can be unexpected assistance or kindness from a neighbor or acquaintance. Communications are more open-minded and forward-looking than usual.
All month, you’re likely to experience a lot of energy centering around the home or with family, or this can be a more demanding time for you, in general. You might be redecorating or reorganizing, or you could be receiving many visitors. Channel this energy constructively instead of allowing it to turn into restlessness or conflict. Family matters come into even stronger focus as the month advances. By the 21st, you are investing your ego into domestic and personal matters, and quite ready to take action, perhaps spending more time at home or with loved ones than usual.
There can be a real fight to balance attention to home and demands from the outside world around the 14-19. While you have wonderful energy and motivation to work on and around the home, it can be rather easy to trigger frustrations and buried anger about the past during this window.
The Full Moon on the 17th occurs in your adventure and learning sector – an area of your solar chart that’s already hosting Jupiter. This awakens a need to follow your interests, to pursue a new way of thinking or personal interest, to expand your knowledge, to share your ideas with others, and to break the routine in significant ways. This can be a time when you consider taking a trip or a course. However, with Jupiter square Neptune, it becomes especially important to balance out your life by making more time for spiritual, imaginative, and reflective activities, or you’ll lose some of the motivation and spark you have for these things.
As you focus on stabilizing your work, career, or reputation, you’ll be strengthening your commitment to downtime, rest, and repose with the help of a Saturn-Neptune sextile. Separating work and rest is essential now, and also very successful! You’ll find that you bring a refreshed and perhaps inspired “you” to your responsibilities and that you’ll feel far more entitled to enjoy your downtime with a job well done. Having more faith in the universe can enhance your work as you let go of the need to over-control things. This is a time for more fully tuning out work while resting, for example, and working with few distractions when you’re pursuing your goals. Focus is the key!
The last few days of June are busy for your personal life and excellent for innovative ideas about boosting your security and comfort.

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Taurus:
There can be a special focus on your finances, personal possessions, ability to earn, what you have to offer the working world, and your talents and resources in June, dear Taurus. By the New Moon on the 3rd, you’re ready to put a plan in place and start fresh. New beginnings on a financial or business front are likely. You’re taking an original path, and after a short period of reorientation, you feel more in control. Your natural talents are in demand, and you have a strong sense for using them resourcefully and to your advantage. June can also be a strong time for learning, communicating, and developing skills. You’re putting your feelers out, and your curiosity takes you places.
Until the 8th, all eyes seem to be on you. Friends are in your corner, and you are exceptionally affectionate and generous. People are generous with you as well! From the 9th, love is more about practicality, comfort, and security. Feelings settle, and you seek out ways to make your life more comfortable. Personal finances figure prominently all month. You may get the chance to improve your financial position. There is good energy for taking better care of your valuables, for money or gifts coming in, and for enjoyable and perhaps indulgent moments for comfort and pleasure with Venus, your ruler, in your sector of resources. Your appetite for leisure is strong, and you may be considering ways to enjoy yourself more fully. At the same time, you’re focused on long-term security, and this helps you keep spending within reason.
Learning, communicating, and connecting are all prominent themes again this month with Mars continuing its transit of your solar third house, and even more so now with Mercury and then the Sun joining in as the month progresses. You are super motivated in these areas, although you should watch for haste.
While you can make a lot of headway quickly, there can be some errors or things you overlook. Choose your words wisely since you’re inclined to speak as quickly as you think, and this can sometimes lead to problems, particularly around the 14-19. It’s wise to watch for impatience with your words and movements. Life speeds up, others seem to demand more of your attention than usual, and the pace of your life can seem to run ahead of you at times. This is a great month for a new mental pursuit or project, if only you have a chance to focus on it. The 26-27 is especially suitable for motivating new directions, studies, and interests.
The Full Moon on the 17th can open your eyes to a financial matter that you might have neglected or overlooked. There can be a turning point now, or your feelings for someone could blossom. You should, however, keep your eye out for sudden increases or overexpansion that cause you some personal stress. It’s vital to avoid shooting for an unrealizable goal now if it prevents you from enjoying what you already have.
There may be some confusing situations or a bubble-bursting moment surrounding a long-term dream or a friendship mid-June, but this is a temporary situation. Going forward, you’ll be able to refine a goal or vision to better suit your purposes and current status. A Saturn-Neptune transit helps as it reminds you to balance your spiritual and material pursuits, as well as discipline or study with faith and vision. The formation of long-term friendships through your studies, travels, or personal interests can figure strongly now. There is a real sense that as you build your skills and attend to your practical affairs, you’ll connect with people or causes that inspire and encourage you. You may be learning useful skills that move you closer to your goals.

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Gemini:
June should be a strong month for personal popularity, dear Gemini, as well as for financial initiatives and ideas. New beginnings and resolutions are best made around the New Moon in your sign on the 3rd. You are especially magnetic with Venus in your sign from the 9th. You’ll be getting a lot of attention, sometimes unexpected, in the first three weeks of the month, after which you tend to settle quite nicely into usual routines.
The New Moon in your sign on the 3rd occurs around the time of a Venus-Pluto trine bringing reliable energy for new starts, primarily through understanding what needs to be left behind! It’s a time for setting your intentions for the year ahead related to your personality, independence, personal image, and effectiveness. This is one of the best times of the year to consider making personal changes that empower you. The more positive energy you radiate, the more opportunities open up. This is a time for taking steps to put forth the best version of “you.”
The practical side of life holds great interest for you in June, and even more so as the month progresses. From the 4th, you’re in a better position to figure out the right financial and business moves to make. While this is mostly a mental thing, from the 21st forward, you’re more fully invested.
One of the big headlines of the month is Venus’ visit to your sign for most of June, from the 9th forward. Although Venus is a togetherness love planet, its presence in your sign is less we-oriented than it is me-oriented, and you can be doing some well-deserved self-pampering now. Others are more aware or appreciative of you. Endeavors that benefit from people skills and charm are favored most during this period as Venus in Gemini brings you out of your protective shell with more willingness (and the required inner clarity) to express your feelings. This is a time for mingling, connecting, and expressing yourself.
A partnership can demand your attention around the 17th when a Full Moon occurs in your partnership sector. Feelings blossom, and you’re clearer about what’s in your heart about a relationship or partnerships in general. Aim to pay special attention to what others are teaching you about yourself now. Consider, too, that a Jupiter-Neptune square occurs around the same time of this lunation, and there may be a small disappointment or temporary demotivation before the wind returns to your sails.
With Mars in your resources sector all month, you’re ready to work especially hard for security, and you are also quick to defend yourself. This transit boosts your desire to live in more comfort, too. You more readily identify sources of waste or fear, and you take steps to put them behind you, although this may not be without a struggle around the 16-19. A great idea now might open the doorway to an increase in income down the road, even if it faces some resistance right now.
Neptune’s yearly retrograde cycle begins on the 21st. You could experience a mini-crisis of faith in the surrounding week of this station, likely related to your career path or reputation. This is not designed by the universe to lead you astray, but rather for you to consider ways to strengthen your goals. What feels like a lack of direction can work in your favor as you learn about what you truly want. Observe and make adjustments rather than big, bold moves, particularly as Mercury, your ruler, enters its pre-retrograde shadow phase around the same time. A Saturn-Neptune trine helps guide you, reminding you to balance spiritual and material pursuits. Your expectations even out, and you’re sure to observe some improvements to your life as you let go of unhealthy expectations and pressures. You more readily find guidance, and you might stumble upon a helpful person or project at this time that can change your life, particularly related to career. Alternatively, getting your finances and support situation sorted out can motivate and inspire your work.

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Cancer:
The month begins with a continued need for some extra downtime, dear Cancer, as June usually does for you, and then progresses to a period of personal influence and power. However, Mars in your sign all month keeps you on your toes and ready for action. You find your voice after the 4th when you’re more willing to talk about yourself and your plans. There can be travel or educational plans in strong focus – things are mostly going your way. There is a healthy level of activity in your life, and you seem to be engaged and keeping busy.
The New Moon on the 3rd is a quiet one for you. It can serve as a reminder that you need to tie up loose ends. Take the extra time to rest if you need it, and aim to pay special attention to your intuition which may very well be pointing you in the right direction. If you need to handle a private matter or deal with an ending or a problem from the past, the week following the New Moon on the 3rd is powerful. Mercury enters your sign on the 4th–well before the Sun does–so that you’re mentally prepared to take action when the Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st.
While there is part of you that prefers being in the background or under the radar in the first few weeks of June, you are raring to go when it comes to moving ahead personal plans. Your temper can be quick and some restlessness is possible if you don’t find healthy outlets for excess energy. Be active but avoid haste for best results. Mars spurs you on and motivates you to pursue your desires. You are making things happen, and while you can be a little headstrong and impatient at times, this is generally a good time for knowing what you want and getting things done. Always when Mars transits your sign (which happens for about six weeks every 2-3 years), there is some danger of pushing yourself too far, whether on physical, mental, or emotional levels. However, Mars can help improve your confidence as long as you practice self-control at the same time. Any matter that requires people skills is better saved for after the 21st.
Love is complicated and private most of the month, or it’s simply in the background. From the 9th forward, you may be pulling back from some activities in your social life, as you require some time to yourself. However, from the 21st, the Sun illuminates your sign, bringing you into the personal spotlight. People are noticing you and wanting to be around you. While you may be a little aloof, this is a time for shining on a personal level, so take advantage.
Look for ways to improve physical and mental health through activities and mind-body healing techniques when the Full Moon on the 17th alerts you to the need to attend to your overall well-being. This lunation is likely to prompt a realization related to habits and health or work. You may suffer the consequences of taking on so much that you have trouble taking time for yourself. It can be hard to fit in everything that you want to accomplish now! Find ways to focus and prioritize so that you can take advantage of opportunities that arise when they’re in front of you rather than pinning all your hopes on something in the distant future. There can be a bit of a scramble to get going, but once you’re in motion, you’ll be making some serious improvements to your daily routines.
There is a strong emphasis on both a hidden area of your chart and a visible one in June, and while you’re in demand, you’ll also need some personal downtime as you wind down your solar year and prepare for the next that begins around your birthday for Cancer Suns.
A Saturn-Neptune aspect forming in June gives a powerful boost to your relationships and outlook or spirit. A partner or good friend may inspire you to reach new heights, learn and do new things, and generally live your life more fully. While some things remain up in the air, you’re feeling a little more directed and confident that you’ll find the right path. You can feel quite inspired to reach new heights, explore new places or ideas, or learn a new skill, and you’re finding practical means or ways for doing so.

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Leo:
June should be good for networking, interviews, and enjoying group activities, dear Leo, but there is also a strong need for rest, reflection, and time to yourself. Finding the right balance between the two is essential. A new friendship or a new lease on an existing one may be in the cards after the New Moon on the 3rd. This lunation also speaks to your dreams, aspirations, and enterprising nature, presenting an excellent time for new technological endeavors and a strong period for bonding with people with similar interests or perspectives.
You can find yourself in high demand, but by the 21st, you are more fully on board for extra time to yourself or for recuperation. In fact, with Mars in your privacy sector, the need to rest and relax is persistent all month — it’s just more wholehearted after the 21st. Be especially vigilant about taking breaks and rest periods.
Physical energy can be on the low side this month, but emotional energy and enthusiasm run high. You’re in a planning and dreaming stage, gathering inspiration wherever you can find it. There is a strong focus on detoxifying and cleansing on emotional, mental, and physical health levels in June. When Mars enters your sign on July 1st, you’ll be focused on “out with the old and in with the new,” and this month it’s your job to identify what the “old” in this formula truly is so that you’re ready for the “new.” You can be compelled to finally handle a situation that has been a burden. There can be a renewed interest in spirituality this month and the next with increased activity in your soul and privacy sector.
Your inner mental landscape is very active in June. Dreams, visions, and questions are in strong focus. Review plans as well as work or health endeavors. Watch for impatience and the temptation to take shortcuts that can end up costing you more than you saved, as well as a tendency to speak of a matter too soon particularly when Mercury and Mars join in your privacy sector and oppose Saturn and Pluto–all happening from the 14-19. It’s also wise to keep in mind that things communicated from the 20th forward are likely to come back for review in July.
There can be a flurry of activity surrounding a child, creative project, or romance around the Full Moon on the 17th. This lunation can bring affections and creativity to full bloom. The route to fulfillment may not be immediately apparent, but the first step is acknowledging what it is that you’re seeking. Self-awareness is everything right now.
On the 21st, the Sun moves into your privacy sector for a month-long trek. This yearly event precedes your powerful birthday month and points to an important time for taking a good look at which attitudes, circumstances, and extra dead weight should go before you begin a new cycle. Your spiritual needs come into active play.
Neptune turns retrograde on the 21st, and this shift can temporarily throw you off kilter. It can pull up questions about recent dreams and plans, ownership and sharing issues, or a relationship. Slowing down can help you catch your bearings and get into closer touch with your true desires. The cycle itself lasts until November and is keen for exploring dreams, motivations, and spiritual needs.
A harmonious link between Saturn and Neptune this month makes it a beautiful time for making positive lifestyle changes that will benefit you for years to come. You are better able to manage your time, combining hard work with inspiration, and balancing your attention to your material and spiritual worlds. While problems related to shared finances or financial support can frustrate you at times, you can get to a position to create more balance in your relationships, with money, and regarding diet and habits. Better time management seems the key. This is a time for having the faith that if you take care of the things you can control, those matters that are up in the air will be easier to accept or will fall into place in due time.

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Virgo:
June is strong for your confidence and imagination, dear Virgo. There’s a strong emphasis on your career/public zone, as well as your social sector. Especially after the 3rd, you are raring to go professionally, and perfectly willing to make a change or fresh start if it means greater success down the road.
Some of you could be leading a group or rallying for an important cause with Mars in your solar eleventh house all month. Others are excited about new prospects, friendships, or ventures. It’s easy for you to get quite fired up about issues close to your heart this month. Your feelings about friends can also be more intense in June. All month, you are rather anxious to turn over a new leaf, excited about new ideas, and ready to put plans into motion. You’re willing to put more energy into personal enjoyment and your social life.
New ideas are abundant, although not always easy to put in motion. Those that survive after facing resistance or obstacles (especially around the 14-19), however, are likely strong and successful.
June can also be a time of greater visibility with the public or in your professional life. Even people unrelated to your career might seem to hold you a little more accountable for your actions (or lack of action). As such, this is a time to show off what you can do. It’s also a strong time for reminding yourself of long-term plans as well as the rules of the road. With a Jupiter-Neptune square that can leave some matters in your personal life up in the air, it’s helpful to get your priorities clear in your mind.
Contact with others is fruitful, both personally and professionally, and your image is strong with Venus at the top of your chart from the 9th.
The Full Moon on the 17th points to an awakening of emotional awareness. Your need for family or familiar surroundings is active now, and you’re in a better position to get to the right balance between your personal and professional lives. You can feel that loved ones have your back, and confidence increases as a result. Some tension between relationships and family life is possible, and you should avoid the tendency to try to please too many people at your own expense, but you have all the tools to get things back on track. The key seems to be to pour more energy into the things that are working well for you so that you don’t fall behind.
A Saturn-Neptune link this month helps you focus, and you’re less likely to let your relationship goals interfere with your seeking of fulfillment in other areas of life. In fact, relationship goals may very well inspire you to better yourself. You’re committed to making the most of your talents, and enjoying more self-discipline reflects well on you and your relationships as you feel stronger, more fulfilled, and increasingly more “whole.” You’re at your happiest when you’re feeling better organized and disciplined, and this confidence indirectly improves your relationships. It’s a great period for attending to both the practical and romantic sides of your connections.
The last few days of June are strong for inspiration for studies or topics of interest, networking, and friendships.

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Libra:
Vision, enthusiasm for discovery, and new experiences are active themes in June, dear Libra, but career and reputation matters are strong as well. If you’ve been considering taking a trip or brushing up your knowledge with a course, this is a favorable month in which to draw up or solidify your plans. You might enjoy taking on a new interest or exploring different perspectives or beliefs. Feed your mind, enjoy new experiences, and brush up on skills. Your flavor for adventure runs high, but career matters and responsibilities or ambitions also grab your attention.
The New Moon on the 3rd reinforces and energizes your need to branch out, make a mark on the world, and communicate. You may want to publish your work or make an announcement in the week following this lunation. The thing to watch at this time, however, is prematurity. Don’t push something too quickly.
There can be advances with money from other sources than personal income, such as through a partner or bank loan, and if a loan is desirable, applying for one before the 9th is preferable. Support for home improvements can be in focus for some. A partnership may be especially intimate now. From the 9th, you’re in an especially good position for studies, learning in general, and exploring new interests and options. You express your feelings with ease now.
This can be an excellent month for getting the kind of feedback you need to make meaningful changes, particularly about your career, but watch for naysayers and resistance around the 14-19. For some, this can instead be a time when you’re wrestling with your fears of advancement and success.
The Full Moon on the 17th opens your eyes to the need to express yourself more fully, and this can color many of your actions in the week following this lunation. It can also bring your attention to a communications project or errands that need immediate handling. It’s a generally busy time, but do find some space for relaxation.
The 21st brings the Sun to the top of your solar chart, and this can point to an achievement or a desire to perform. This can be a more ambitious period of the year when you’re especially goal-oriented. Your dreams are very much tied into this, and they or perhaps a family matter can inspire you to make significant, stabilizing changes.
Jupiter forms a square to Neptune, and Neptune’s retrograde cycle begins this month. Around the 15-23, there can be a small disappointment in work, service, or health areas that might be discouraging at first, but ultimately redirects you on a more appropriate path. Keep in mind that this is temporary and serves a useful purpose as questioning can lead to the making of necessary adjustments and reassessments.
However, you also benefit from a Saturn-Neptune transit that first came into your life in January and will leave in November. There is a strong potential for your work and home life to combine in both magical and practical ways. Home, family, work, and health matters all benefit from a more balanced approach. Your routines improve as you pay attention to your material and spiritual needs rather than prioritizing one over the other. Getting organized and disciplined can reflect wonderfully on your work and health pursuits, freeing you up for the time to imagine, dream, and innovate. Your goals are big, but you’re also keeping your feet on the ground.

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Scorpio:
June is a time for moving just a little out of your comfort zone and creating new experiences for yourself, dear Scorpio. Plans might be made now for travel, education, or other forms of exploration. However, the month’s energies also run deep with an emphasis on your intimacy sector. It can be a time for quitting a bad habit with your focus on self-improvement and self-mastery skills. While you’re seeking out a little more adventure from your life this month, your private world holds a lot of appeal. In fact, there can be times when you’re utterly absorbed in quiet activities, research, and projects.
The New Moon on the 3rd is very useful for getting started on organizing your financial affairs, for seeking out support of the material or emotional variety, or for starting a new plan for psychological health and wellness. Generally, it’s better to feel the energy of the New Moon and intuit your next move, and then wait a few days to put plans into motion.
Partnership matters continue to figure strongly this month. People tend to be more helpful and pleasant with you in particular up until the 8th. This is a time for negotiating, compromising, and flattery or diplomacy. The desire for more intimacy in a relationship, or your relationships in general, is increasing, and opportunities are likely to present themselves. Support from others tends to be more and more available to you if you are seeking it, especially after the 9th. Developing your connections with others is strongly favored all month. Also from the 9th forward, you’re in a strong position for dealing with financial matters or problem areas that you might typically prefer to ignore. It’s a generally good time for sorting out debts and taxes, as well as for seeking out a loan.
Mars moving in harmony with your sign all month is a significant boost. Whether obstacles fall out of your way or you move them out of the way ease, it’s a time of a real sense that you’re moving forward.
The Full Moon on the 17th can open your eyes to the need or desire to manage your resources. It comes at a time when Jupiter and Neptune form a square, and awareness of areas of neglect, waste, or overestimation can figure strongly. Be on the alert for overindulgence or a tendency to accumulate too much, which can leave you feeling cluttered or disorganized. Issues related to excess or uncertainty with a romance, personal project or goal, your leisure time, or children may be wild cards now. Take things easy and trust that ultimately you’ll feel stronger for learning which dreams work for you and which may be undermining or distracting you!
Saturn and Neptune form a harmonious aspect this month, and this influence helps to restore a sense of balance to your life, benefiting your communications, relationships, self-expression, and creative pursuits. You’re communicating and connecting in inspired but also very practical, useful ways. While learning, study, and communications projects continue to consume a lot of your time now, this helpful aspect encourages you to expand your horizons and to get out and about more often. Coming up for air will do you a world of good. Loosening your grip just a little on your projects or studies can help you gain perspective, and you’re likely to find more meaning in your pursuits as a result.
The last week of June puts a stronger focus on extra-curricular or non-routine activities that nourish your spirit and build your confidence. It’s a strong time to learn, improve, and enjoy yourself as you do.

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Sagittarius:
Relationships often take center stage this month, dear Sagittarius, and there can be much in the way of negotiating, discussing, and compromising going on in your life. June is a time for attracting or enhancing a partnership, or for some of you, making a commitment. You are more aware of the power dynamics of your relationships as Mars transits your solar eighth house all month, and you can be a little demanding or provocative as a result, although rightfully so. Money matters can be subject to some dispute. Be willing to compromise and to make a fresh start with others, but if you genuinely feel short-changed, now is the time to stand up for your needs and desires.
Activity in your partnership sector this month can motivate you to put forward a solid effort when it comes to relating in positive, rewarding ways. If you want to start fresh or make changes in your relationship state or status, the period after the New Moon on the 3rd is strong for setting your intentions. If you need a fresh start in a partnership, this lunation can provide it. It’s also strong for seeing yourself through others’ eyes, taking steps to improve your connections with others, and finding ways to bring more balance, harmony, and beauty into your life, in general. The 9th forward is perhaps an even stronger period for attracting helpful people into your experience. Energetically, it may not be the most powerful time for personal plans, but focusing on connecting well with others can give your life a real boost.
While you’re friendly and pleasant this month, Mars is currently intensifying your emotions and turning your attention to the hidden or deep elements of your life. This is a necessary process that shouldn’t be rushed or undervalued, but it does seem to keep you working behind the scenes and not always very “present” in your social life. You’re frequently in the position to observe and strategize with your plans. Your money situation can be very much tied up with others – what you share, owe, and what you’re due.
As well with Mars in your solar eighth, there is a retiring quality to your personality, and with your ruler, Jupiter, retrograde, the need for some introspection is reiterated. Mercury is in the same sector most of the month, and the Sun joins in on the 21st. This is a time for stepping back from your goals just a little so that you can gain a new perspective and reorient yourself.
Emotions run unusually high with the Full Moon in your sign on the 17th. While you may not be getting precisely what you want, the results can still be quite favorable even if they’re delayed. This lunation serves to heighten emotions and may prompt an important epiphany in your life. This can be a wonderful time for coming into touch with buried feelings. Mind you, it occurs when your ruler, Jupiter, forms a square to Neptune just before Neptune turns retrograde for five months. Family or housing matters can be a little up in the air for the moment. Some level of discouragement or loss of direction can be experienced now, but focusing on small jobs that need your attention can help counter this. Once you come to a greater understanding of your needs and wants, you’ll be raring to go.
A Saturn-Neptune aspect perfecting in June helps ground and discipline you. You may be focusing on savings or simplifying and decluttering, which helps boost your home and family life. The key to success is to pay attention to both your practical and spiritual needs. Where you’re too hard on yourself, you’re now allowing some leeway; where you’ve been too slack, you see the benefits of some discipline or structure.
In the last few days of June, you’re likely to be making some inspired choices and decisions related to your work and health.

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Capricorn:
June is very often a month of reorganization, work, and special attention to health regimes for you, dear Capricorn, and this year is no exception. However, it’s a more pleasant phase than usual. Work, diet, and other daily routines are in focus, and you’re taking charge of them, particularly after the New Moon on the 3rd. There is a strong sense that you are on top of the “little things” in your life, and this boosts your mood in a big way.
You’re in perfect shape for creating balance in your work and home environments from the 9th forward. Strong energy for consulting, negotiating, and partnering is with you, particularly in connection with your work or health goals. Newfound or increased joy in your work can improve your mood and bolster health. You may have fantastic ideas for improving your daily environment. There can be good connections with the right health care expert for some.
Do take advantage of your increased motivation and energy for work and health routines, but remember that overdoing it will set you back, and if you don’t heed this warning, events around the Full Moon on the 17th might conspire to enforce some rest. This lunation reminds you to pay special attention to your needs for rest and spiritual nourishment.
Relationships can be over-stimulating at times as Mars continues to transit your partnership sector all June. This can bring a lively, stimulating quality to close relationships at the best of times, but also some competitiveness, aggravated around the 14-19 when there can be stand-offs. However, you could also find ways to work energetically with someone towards a goal, and this can be quite successful.
From the 21st, your focus on partnerships and social matters bumps up a notch. You might look toward a special friend or partner for inspiration. You are attracting–or attracted to–strong partners who also have something important to contribute intellectually. It’s an excellent time for relationships that involve advice-giving, agent work, and counseling. While relations have their challenging moments in June, you seem to need others’ support and companionship to bring out the best in you at this time. The 26-27 is particularly strong for sparks flying in your personal life–in all the right ways!
With Neptune’s station on the 21st and a Jupiter-Neptune square mid-month, there can be a small disappointment, perhaps with a project, neighbor, sibling, acquaintance, or an educational matter. However, what brings you down will ultimately push you up further as it gets you in touch with the fantasies and dreams that serve you well, and those that may need to be refined or thrown out. Seek out a fair balance between doing and resting.
As well, a Saturn-Neptune sextile comes back into strong force in June, and it’s a powerful influence for your communications, studies, and connections. You’re both practical and imaginative, celebrating both sides of your personality. Transportation options may open up to you. New and improved ways of getting around or connecting can change your life in crucial, satisfying, and significant ways. Finding new meaning in what you’re learning and communicating can enrich your experience considerably now, inspiring you to take better care of yourself.

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Aquarius:
June is one of the strongest periods of the year for your powers of attraction, dear Aquarius. This is a time when showing the rest of the world that you know how to have fun increases your influence and confidence. It’s time to do a bit of flaunting! You are drawn towards the things you genuinely love doing, and they’re where your greater chances of success lie.
Romantic and creative matters are likely to thrive with a New Moon in your solar fifth house on the 3rd encouraging you to start fresh and go after what you want. This lunation pushes you forward on a personal level. For some, it’s about romance, and for others, personal enjoyment and expression. There’s more clarity in your life now. You are feeling good from the inside out, and this attracts favorable circumstances, and people, into your life. You get further support for creative and romantic ventures once Venus moves into the same house from the 9th forward. Hobbies and leisure pursuits can be in strong and pleasant focus.
Mars in your solar sixth house all month is magnificent for motivating you to take better care of your health, work, or routines. Watch for tensions regarding these matters on the 14-19, but let this transit drive you to get your life back on track.
The Full Moon on the 17th opens your heart to the need for true friendship. Unrecognized feelings can emerge now. This lunation can remind you of your need for others, whether it’s about support or simply a sense of belonging. Reaching out at this time can be therapeutic. Networking efforts can be rewarding.
Even so, a Jupiter-Neptune square now can point to concerns, guilt, excess, or confusion that need addressing before moving forward more confidently, and may involve your income or feelings of self-worth. Use caution when it comes to lending and borrowing, but don’t let insecurities hold you back from enjoying your life and your relationships. Consider ways to improve your feelings of confidence in your talents and resources. One possibility is getting more organized in these areas since part of your insecurity could be about not knowing the facts if you’ve been avoiding them. Neptune’s five-month retrograde begins on the 21st, and it can be a time of some rethinking, introspection, and indecisiveness. This cycle is good for exploring your dreams and spiritual needs, although you may initially experience a temporary loss of motivation.
The 21st also brings the Sun into your solar sixth house and more punch to a work and health theme that’s active all month. You’ll be focusing on developing skills and improving your daily routines. Your thoughts tend to revolve around practical matters, work, and self-care or self-improvement methods. It’s a strong time for making changes, but do so after the New Moon in early July when you’re emotionally invested. The 26-27 is wonderful for innovative ideas related to home and work.
A Saturn-Neptune aspect that first happened in January and will continue until November comes into sharp focus in June, helping to ground and direct you. It also serves as a reminder to soften some elements of your life where you’ve been too hard on yourself and to tighten up in areas where you’ve been a bit slack–essentially, it’s about balance. Focusing on handling outstanding or unresolved issues in your life can boost your sense of security, self-worth, and money situation. This is an exceptional period for balancing your attention to the material world with a renewed focus on emotional renewal and spiritual fulfillment.

Horoscope Overview for June 2019 for Pisces:
Much of June can be dedicated to improving your home and family life, dear Pisces. While these matters are active most of the month, they’re up front and center until the 21st. Even so, a theme of entertainment, fun, leisure, and expression is strong and building in June.
If things are out of whack on the home front, you will do whatever you can to create a peaceful and stable atmosphere at this time. Entertaining in your home can be especially successful. Even so, watch for impulsive decisions or shows of independence. If you’re feeling stifled or held back and family seems a little detached or indifferent about your needs and plans, look for ways to resolve the problem creatively.
This sector of your chart is not only about your base of operations, but it’s also about concern for your security in the long-term. This can be a time to begin long-term career projects that sustain you and yours for many years to come. Most of the month, you’re in a high position to boost relationships with family and to find new ways to enjoy home life or time spent nesting. If reorganizing or redecorating can help you to be even more comfortable, it’s a decent month for making changes. Bringing peace, harmony, and beauty to your home environment can be a definite need.
Romance can heat up this month with Mars continuing its transit of your solar fifth house all month. While you should watch for impatience, particularly around the 14-19 when social tensions and blocks can frustrate you, this is a good time to have the courage to pursue who and what you want. Mars is working in harmony with your sign and bringing energy and animation to your romantic world and creative impulses all month long. You are especially forward-looking, enterprising, and enthusiastic now. This transit has a way of exciting your creative and romantic inspirations, and when the Sun enters your solar fifth house on the 21st, this theme bumps up a notch. You can be especially attracted to people who seem certain or sure of their lives at this time. Friendly competition drives you to do bigger and better things. Even the unfriendly variety can ultimately prompt you to improve your life.
The Full Moon on the 17th can bring a turning point to a career or life path matter. It occurs around a time when Jupiter and Neptune form a square, which can confuse things. Disorganization or personal insecurities can leave you feeling less than capable or may distract from your attention to your worldly concerns. Uncertainties now may be due to some level of self-neglect or lack of awareness of all that you have to offer. Take things step by step, day by day, and trust that you’ll get to all that you need to do in good time.
From the 21st forward, confidence builds, and you are more willing to share yourself and your ideas with the Sun moving in harmony with your sign. Even so, it’s also a time when Neptune turns retrograde. You may be reassessing some of your pursuits or a particular path, but going forward, you’re getting into a stronger position to put your faith in doable, viable dreams and goals, and a Saturn-Neptune aspect can help. Focusing on stabilizing your social life or handling outstanding or unresolved issues related to your friendships or projects will help boost your confidence in yourself and faith in the universe, and it can give you a sense of mission or purpose now. You may very well find support from a good friend or network, or strength from immersing yourself in a dear cause or project.

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