*June 2020 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*

June brings some extra interest in learning, connecting, communicating, and branching out for you, dear Aries. It’s not the best time for focused concentration, but you’re in great shape for feeling out your options and picking up new information. June is excellent for studies, particularly self-taught or home-learning endeavors.
Mars continues to transit your privacy sector until the 27th, and it makes sense to strategize, rest, reflect, and tie up loose ends. This may not always be easy to do, but it’s a vital process. Mars here alerts you to areas of unrest of which you haven’t been consciously aware until now. The desire to heal and move on is strong. You may not always know how to channel your energy effectively, but this leads to creative ways to deal with challenges. There can be quite a bit of action in your private world or with your health. This comes at a time when Venus retrograde until the 25th and when Mercury turns retrograde on the 18th, reinforcing the benefits of slowing down and taking your time with decision-making.
Pay special attention to activities that help you unwind and decompress in June for best results, but do make some room for freeform activities that feed your spirit and satisfy your itch to learn and discover.
As you see past relationships and expectations in a different light, you naturally redefine what you now want and need from your connections and projects. Further information can surface that shines a light on a past issue, or there can be a connection made with someone from your past. Either way, you can feel as if you’re starting fresh, but it’s important to note that there will be more to the story after Venus turns direct on the 25th. There can be a chance to redo a significant project or to return to a project or research that once seemed to be a lost cause. Instead, you could recognize a line of study, personal interest, or another “calling” that’s a better fit for you.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th is powerful for gaining perspective on a past matter, helping you start fresh through this new insight. Your worldview is changing, affecting your choices, decisions, and path forward. Tension is likely, but it’s motivating. This eclipse stimulates your senses–buried feelings and desires can emerge in powerful ways now. It can serve to illuminate a matter of spirit, adventure, learning, or a fruition of a project. If you’ve been ignoring your needs for mind expansion, then circumstances now tend to force the issue. An idea that you’ve been toying with may blossom now. Take your time to process and digest new information coming your way. Complicated feelings can quickly bubble up to the surface, but while they can be confusing, aim to deal with them. Avoid impatient communications or moves. Try not to take on new projects that you may not have enough time or energy to complete.
Mercury’s retrograde in your home and family sector from the 18th forward can point to then need to fix some problems or deal with delays. However, it’s a time of great ideas and increased enjoyment of your domestic life. Positive action or support can come from behind the scenes or unexpected sources.
The Sun moves into your home and family sector on the 20th, and a Solar Eclipse occurs in this area of your solar chart the next day. New beginnings on the home front and with loved ones are in store. There may be a disruption before there’s a new beginning, and it’s a time for considering reinventing yourself, simplifying, or hunkering down. A fresh start may arise from a feeling of being stuck or blocked by others now, necessitating a new approach. You might make significant improvements to your home life or living conditions in the weeks following this eclipse.
You can be quite focused on bringing more harmony to your communications, daily life, and relationships in June. You might concern yourself with understanding matters from the past, mainly related to your relationships and projects, and you may be returning to old conversations, ideas, or studies. From the 3rd forward, you’re processing these new insights, and from the 25th onward, applying them. While some areas are moving forward, others are requiring some review. Venus’ direct turn helps you come across as you intend, but Mercury’s retrograde can introduce some complications with this, so it’s up and down. Keep your cool and take your time with important decisions.
Mars enters your sign on the 27th, and this can be a persuasive prompt for you to charge ahead. You are experiencing a re-awakening of sorts with this transit. You feel comfortable in your own skin, and more energetic and confident. Be sure to use this energy to get things accomplished. You prefer to do things on your own, to be the first, to pioneer, and to take the lead.
In the last few days of June, you can be quite happy to work on fine-tuning, editing, and refining a project. Getting yourself organized and together fills a need now. Your ambitions and energy to pursue your goals are on the increase.

There’s a focus on your resources this month, dear Taurus, and a good part of you wants to settle in and secure or develop essential systems in your life. Your valuables, finances, and material affairs gain more attention. Another theme threading through June revolves around learning, communicating, and connecting. You might find a confidant or enjoy more interesting perspectives and ideas. Mercury’s retrograde from the 18th forward can stimulate the need to review how you’re communicating and getting around. Small repairs may be necessary with computers and transportation, for example.
June is also a month for developing your natural talents. You’re taking stock of what you have and building your feelings of abundance and comfort with yourself. Activities that act to ground you can be particularly useful now.
Energy levels are decent with Mars moving in harmony with your sign for most of the month (until the 27th), but Venus is retrograde until the 25th, and there can be some slowdowns or obstacles to manage. You might get a new look at a project, purchase, or relationship. You might find it easier than usual to let go of personal possessions or other attachments that are cluttering your life, both literally and figuratively speaking. A bit of detachment can help you understand what you truly value and need, and with this new information, you’re setting out on a new path.
You’re likely to focus on balancing your checkbook, upkeeping your valuables, beautifying your home, or attending to your personal comfort. You may be reviewing these things and looking at them from a different perspective until the 25th, after which you’re in a better position to make changes and adjustments based on these observations. It’s a good time for finding lost objects, money, or areas of weakness in a budget. A delayed payment, gift, or bonus may come through later in the month. If you’ve been dissatisfied with your income or business matters, now is a time to explore your options.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th is good for releasing something related to an intimate or financial matter. A debt owed or coming through to you can require attention, or an event that puts you in a position to defend and honor your worth and value might emerge now. This lunation awakens you to matters surrounding sharing, give and take, power dynamics, ownership, intimacy, and finances. There can be epiphanies about financial and emotional support or dependencies. You may be dealing with inflated feelings about a person, relationship, or situation. These topics are sure to be big ones for the coming two years, and epiphanies or discontent experienced now can get the ball rolling towards making important changes along these lines.
There is some tendency to butt heads over issues that have been frustrating you from the 5-12. You can be feeling defensive with others or especially anxious to move a project forward, but it isn’t easy to find the support you need. Some competitiveness can stimulate you to do your best or to take care of business, however, and if this is the case, it’s a great time to tap into it. Pacing yourself is crucial now, and in some ways, most of June. Try to conserve energy rather than waste it on issues that have little meaning in the long run. This is a time for finding or renewing a passion.
Friends or associates can be a source of opportunity to expand your knowledge and experience this month. You may be exposed to a broader viewpoint through your connections, and this changes your personal philosophy in positive, growth-oriented ways. You can be feeling especially passionate or enthusiastic about a dream, belief, or idea.
The Sun heads into your communications sector on the 20th, and a Solar Eclipse occurs the next day. It’s a brilliant time of new hope and beginnings related to learning, commuting, sharing, and communicating. Improving your communication skills or taking bigger risks with learning and communicating may be in focus in the weeks ahead of this eclipse. You’re expressing yourself in new ways or through different channels. New equipment or transportation options might open up. There can be motivation to let go of outdated attitudes, mindsets, or conditions so that the path is clear for new beginnings, or incoming news can set you in a new direction. Take your time with decisions now. Several shifts and changes of direction can fog up your vision temporarily.
Mars enters your solar twelfth house on the 27th for an extended stay, and you’ll be reorganizing your goals and desires, perhaps questioning things before you gain clarity. You might require more rest than usual, and more time to come to decisions. Your need for solitude and time to yourself increases. Your energy levels can be at a low, or they can fluctuate during this cycle.
In the last few days of June, work matters tend to flow along well, primarily because you’re facing and even embracing responsibilities. You have more self-discipline to draw upon, and getting organized helps you out. You can feel excited about a project, idea, or venture, and you’re embracing your desire to grow and improve.

There’s a spotlight on your personality, needs, and plans this month, dear Gemini. Healthy self-focus is appropriate now, and others take notice of you more than usual. You may continue to enjoy increased ambition and competition in June. It’s a dynamic period that may challenge you at times, but that can also be invigorating and refreshing. You may resent interference sometimes, and if you can work at your own pace, you’re in great shape since you have self-starting energy with you this month.
Venus remains retrograde in your sign until the 25th, and it’s an important time for reviewing matters of the heart, pleasure, and satisfaction. You see yourself, your relationships, and your experiences in a new light, and you’re redefining what you want and need from your relationships. A Lunar Eclipse happens in your partnership sector on the 5th, and this is the first of several eclipses directly affecting your sign for the coming two years. It prompts an exploration of partnering and independence in your life. There can be significant discoveries or epiphanies about your feelings or about a close relationship. If feelings of discontent magnify, they help motivate you to make improvements. Partnerships are changing, and this is a time when your needs for others become more apparent.
You can find yourself wrestling with your expectations and perhaps with people in a position of power at times this month. You may feel that you need to fight to get your needs met. However, if you can center yourself and draw upon your inner wisdom, you’ll see that butting heads with others will not resolve anything. As much as you want to do it all right now, it’s important to pace yourself. Lack of clarity on the job or about your life direction, in general, can seem to interfere with all sorts of life departments. If goals are too far-reaching or not very clear now, take things a step at a time and pursue smaller, more realizable goals. Let time tell the truth of a matter–June is not a good month for direct answers. A waiting game is likely.
It’s a time for opening your heart to new possibilities, particularly regarding your life path, career, or status. You might consider ways to find more meaning in the work you do. Your energy levels are very dependent on your motivation levels with Mars and Neptune at the top of your solar chart.
Mercury turns retrograde on the 18th, making review necessary before moving forward, particularly when it comes to your finances. While there can be some communication breakdowns, particularly from the 17-26, there are also rich opportunities emerging in this period. Combining your resources with a trusted someone can work to your benefit. Others tend to lend a hand, offering moral or financial support more readily. Your integrity is shining through, and this may be part of the reason for attracting prosperous circumstances. There can be a strengthening connection with a parent or boss, or you get yourself into an advantageous position to advance your interests.
The New Moon on the 21st is a Solar Eclipse, and it affects your resources, including money, belongings, and talents. Consider ways to make improvements to your financial position and feelings of security. In the coming weeks, you’ll be starting fresh in some way when it comes to your finances, business affairs, and how you present yourself. There can be substantial discoveries about your earning potential, attachments, and spending habits. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to a lifestyle or financial habits that haven’t been serving you well, you’ll see the need for a change.
Neptune’s yearly retrograde cycle begins just a day after the Solar Eclipse. You could experience a mini-crisis of faith in the surrounding week of this station that likely has to do with your career path or reputation issues. What feels like a lack of direction can actually work in your favor as you learn about what you truly want. Aim to dig deep to discover your true calling. Observe and make adjustments rather than big, bold moves, particularly with eclipses and stations occurring now.
There can be quite a bit of preoccupation with your personal affairs in June, and it’s a good time to review what’s worked for you and what’s gone against your best interests. Venus retrograde until the 25th has you looking at things differently related to your personality, image, attitude to anything new, initiating qualities, immediate responses to stress, self-identity, and personal presentation. From the 25th forward, you begin to feel your life moving forward as your feelings clarify.
Around the same time–on the 27th–Mars moves into harmony with your sign, helping you make the most of the transition. Your energy levels and drive are on the upswing. This is a great time to reach out and organize activities. Your social life is likely to be more animated now and through July. Feeling like you can rely on the people in your life helps lift your spirits. It can be a great time for helpful actions and information, as well as a strong desire to go the distance for a person in your life or to share a learning experience with someone. You’re in good shape for going in deep, advancing your goals, attracting support, and enjoying a deeper connection with a person or project. The last week of June is also strong for finding lost items or repurposing things to make them as-new.

There is much going on under the hood for you this month, dear Cancer. It’s not a time to push ahead for all, and this may be particularly the case for you, although the last week of June is certainly a motivating period.
This is an important time of the year for renewal, healing, rest, and reflection. You’ll find that you’re often thinking about the past, assessing individual projects (and on occasion for some of you, relationships) for their viability, and dealing with culminations. You could find you’re playing a waiting game often enough this month, but for the most part, you do it in style! Activities that repair and heal your spirit and help you renew your energy stores are particularly appropriate and beneficial. You’re not in the best position to move your projects forward, but it’s a great time for getting your bearings. Keeping things low-profile seems appropriate.
Still, Mars is moving in harmony with your sign until the 27th, and you’ll find it natural to assert yourself. Energy and confidence run higher than they usually do in the weeks before your birthday. You believe in your dreams! Certainly, Mercury spends all of the month in your sign, and some of it retrograde (from the 18th forward). Small problems are likely to crop up, but with Mars in your corner, you mostly feel on top of things.
Until the 25th, Venus remains retrograde, and it’s tucked away in your solar chart, out of sight. More information may surface about a private or past issue that will help you make better plans and future decisions. From the 3rd forward, you may be a little clearer about which actions to take based on recent revelations. Still, it’s best to process and digest things rather than finalize. Slowly but surely, life feels a little more straightforward in love and with pleasure and comfort from the 25th forward.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th is a signal that eclipses are beginning to transition out of your sign axis. It’s likely to pull up some discontent and dissatisfaction, but it’s also good for motivating you to make improvements. Work, health, and routines or habits come into strong focus now. There can be a bit of a scramble to get your life into better working order, and the benefits of doing so are significant. You’ll be doing a lot of balancing of work/rest and emotional health and physical health in the next couple of years, and realizations occurring now can spur this process along. The first week of June tends to bring dysfunctional areas of your life to your strong attention. Desires can come on with great force, and while you should certainly listen to them, take your time with their pursuit, as emotions are heightened and it can be difficult to be objective.
Tensions can arise if you have too much on your plate or feel the need to rush things. Philosophical debates can all too quickly escalate into arguments or run into personal territory with the Sun in conflict with Mars and then Neptune from the 5-11, so watch for wasting energy on them. These transits work behind the scenes in your solar chart, obscuring the real source of your discontent. If you’re becoming restless with your routine, it’s best to make changes to it rather than avoid it. You’re looking for experiences that add more meaning to your life and that nourish your spirit. Entertain new feelings and desires, but take your time when it comes to pursuing them.
While it’s a go-slow month in many respects, there are some real opportunities to enjoy yourself. You might feel you’re growing through your contact with someone special, and sharing a perspective philosophy can bring a relationship to a higher level of understanding.
The Sun enters your sign on the 20th, and then a Solar Eclipse occurs in Cancer the next day. This potent New Moon is one of the final nudges in a set of eclipses that prompt a new direction with a better understanding of your relationship needs and sense of independence. Reshaping your image if it needs tweaks can also be in focus. This is the final Solar Eclipse in your sign for many years, so make it count! It’s a time to reinvent yourself in some personal way, such as with a new look or manner of expressing and presenting yourself. Still, ease yourself into this dynamic phase of your life.
Keep in mind that situations can appear more complicated than they are with Neptune’s retrograde station happening around the eclipse, but you’ll get used to things sooner than later. Mars moves to the top of your solar chart on the 27th, and you might be tapping into strong ambitions or a new sense of direction. You may have been focusing on making your life more enjoyable and interesting, but you’re gradually shifting your attention towards taking care of business, performing, and handling your responsibilities. You can feel highly motivated to go forward on a professional or lofty project or goal.
You’re likely to enjoy a sense of purpose in the last days of June. You have more stamina and patience than usual to see something through, or to work on an endeavor that doesn’t have immediate rewards and results but that will produce for you over the long term. It’s a good time to quit a bad habit, or to take steps towards that end, and for a boost in your reputation or credibility.

There’s a special focus on your friendships, hopes, and dreams this month, dear Leo, and it can be a time for reinvigorating your social life or focusing more intensively on plans, projects, and happiness goals. Involvement with your community, networks, or friends can be in the spotlight, although with Venus retrograde until the 25th, there can be some related problems to iron out. Intensity in your intimate world can also figure strongly, sometimes clashing with your social life. Issues with money can crop up. You may need to take the lead or to take action in connection with shared finances, loans, or debts.
There can be a distinct focus on matters of the past with projects, friends, or lovers until the 25th. As problem areas magnify, you might formulate a whole new approach to friendship matters, group connections, or long-term happiness goals and projects. As you recognize what’s tripped you up in the past, you get yourself on the path toward making improvements. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th brings a brand new theme into your life related to romance, creativity, children, or hobbies. A big turning point can happen in your social life, or with a creative project. This is a time for being brave and shedding some of your inhibitions. Listen to your heart, but take your time before jumping into action. Your true feelings about a person, romance, or a project can come on like a flood, and can change everything! For some, letting something go makes room for a rush of new creativity flowing.
June can be a good month to throw yourself into a passion project, research, investigation, or mystery. But because it’s a slow-moving one, it’s best to channel excess energy into positive channels. You may be doing some waiting, and it’s best to enjoy yourself along the way. Disagreements with others can emerge due to underlying competitiveness or buried frustrations. Confusion about boundaries or commitments in a relationship may be at the root. It’s probably a good idea to keep an eye on your money, especially if it’s in someone else’s hands, and to stay abreast of what’s going on with shared resources around the 5-11. Setting too high or unrealistic expectations can cause problems, but if you’re feeling uninspired, this shouldn’t be ignored.
Still, your interactions can be enlightening in spots this month. You can be enthusiastic about finding an answer to a problem, and work can be rewarding and motivating. So can putting in the extra effort to improve your health.
The Sun heads into your privacy sector on the 20th, and a Solar Eclipse occurs the next day. A new cycle of rest and replenishment is upon you, and it’s a period of letting go, reviewing, and recharging your batteries, both spiritual and physical. You could find more personal fulfillment through compassion and service, or you find it natural to withdraw or retreat a little to do some soul-searching. You may feel you’ve done the rounds and now need more time to yourself, or with yourself! In the coming weeks, you can put a long-standing, lingering problem behind you. While Neptune’s retrograde turn the next day can pull up questions about ownership or sharing issues, it reminds you to slow down and get your bearings. It’s another reason to refuel.
Venus turns direct on the 25th, and then Mars moves into harmony with your sign on the 27th, and you’re feeling far more confident. In truth, it’s not yet “all systems go” with Mercury’s retrograde (beginning on the 18th) and a focus on your privacy sector. However, your spirits are rising. Allow your mind to catch up with your heart before pushing ahead, and you’ll be in good shape now. You benefit from the ability to accept and appreciate things for what they are. You’re allowing room for others to be themselves without pressure to perform or to measure up. You may be taking on work or obligations rather willingly as you feel prepared to manage them. Steady energy is working for you on both personal and professional levels as June comes to an end.

While there’s a strong emphasis on your responsibilities, duties, and performance continuing this month, dear Virgo, relationships are a big focus. You are particularly goal-oriented in June. You’re more personally invested in your accomplishments and might be in higher demand than usual. At the same time, areas of discontent can magnify with Venus retrograde until the 25th. You’re taking more definite consideration of your levels of satisfaction, and a plan for making improvements can develop this month.
Your relationships can be an area of much excitement and perhaps some commotion while Mars transits your partnership sector until the 27th. People seem to rile you up more often, frustrating you at times and motivating you other times. Some “push and pull” can eventually get you to a better feeling of balance or equality.
June can be a month in which you’re reevaluating some of your projects and goals. You may be looking behind you before moving ahead. There can also be a focus on past relationships, but with a new perspective. You see things differently during the Venus retrograde until the 25th, and areas of discontent are more prominent than usual. Revelations can motivate you to begin fresh, particularly with business, career, professional matters, or public image and reputation from the 3rd. Money and belongings can also be areas where a new attitude is developing.
You may be going back over old ground to correct and refine matters before moving forward from the 25th onward. In the process, you’re gaining valuable insight into your working relationships, reputation, and the satisfaction you’re feeling for your current work projects or long-term goals. The edits you do now can be instrumental.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th stirs up feelings about living conditions or arrangements, personal life, emotional world, home, or family. Finding a better balance between your professional and personal life is a growing theme in your life this year and the next, and this eclipse can get the ball rolling. There may be home repairs, moves, family drama, or changing living conditions for some.
Action in both your social and professional lives can leave you feeling divided at times in the first half of June. You are learning how to use challenges and obstacles to your advantage, and it can be a bumpy ride in spots. It can also be a time for dealing with illusions that have blinded you to progress and growth. If you feel a bit drained or enthusiasm is up and down, consider it a reminder to take a pause. The need for inspiration in a partnership or with others is pronounced now. Someone might motivate you to get moving on a long-time dream or to improve yourself, and possibly your family and home situation.
Mercury’s retrograde begins on the 18th, suggesting it’s time to review your long-term goals and attitudes towards friends, groups, and networks. Still, this doesn’t stop you from following your heart courageously. Expressing your affections comes naturally and directly as the month moves forward, and this confidence tends to be well-received by others.
The Sun enters your social sector on the 20th, and then a Solar Eclipse occurs there the following day. These events stir keen interest in your personal happiness and the people around you, as well as your standing and position with friends and groups. There might be some drama in your social life that shakes things up enough to get things going. A new or renewed friendship is possible in the weeks ahead of this eclipse.
Mars moves into your solar eighth house on the 27th, and on-the-surface heat in relationships can lessen but some deeper issues may emerge during this extended transit. This cycle tends to animate and energize your private world. You may put considerable energy into your relationships and/or self-understanding. You are more interested in making internal changes now, which can be the result of external conflicts.
Research and analysis are favored in the last few days of June — you’re determined and patient, ready to dig deep into a project or investigation. Both business and personal matters can thrive now with added thoroughness and attention to detail, or your determination to overcome obstacles is stronger. There can be a transformation happening with hobbies, creativity, self-expression, or your romantic life, and you’re motivated to pursue things that bring you joy.

You’re seeking richer experiences and more mental stimulation this month, dear Libra. You can also enjoy immersing yourself in challenging, motivating projects. You may be energizing your daily routines or health programs.
Mars in your solar sixth house until the 27th revs you up and motivates you to take care of business. You’re challenging yourself to do better. Difficulties with workload or excessive demands on you can now be acknowledged. Avoid overstrain and enjoy yourself as you get your life back into shape.
Your ruler, Venus, continues in retrograde motion until the 25th. You’re gaining a new perspective and might be redefining some of your beliefs, ideals, goals, and dreams. You might also more clearly see which approaches or expectations you had in the past that sent you along the wrong path. It’s a good time to set up new intentions, particularly related to health, vitality, beliefs, studies, love, passion projects, and interests. There can be a sense of emotional renewal and a fresh start or a new beginning based on current revelations about what you love and value the most from the 3rd forward.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th stimulates your senses and can lead to a revelation. Try not to be too hasty with movements and communications. Whatever develops under this Full Moon, it’s meant to push you forward, even if at first it slows you down. Watch out for processing too much information or for sensory overload — be discriminating with what you take in.
You could experience some restlessness in spots as your desire to improve your daily affairs sometimes competes with the need to break the routine. Take the time to consider ways to incorporate more imagination and creativity into your everyday life for the best results.
Mercury turns retrograde on the 18th, pointing to the need to rethink goals. You may need to backtrack over work that you thought was complete. This eventually works to your advantage, as you’ll be better prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way, knowing what it is you want.
Despite many shifts, retrogrades, and eclipses slowing things down in June, certain plans can be coming together well, particularly those involving work or home life. You are more determined than usual to make things happen. With your heart engaged, you can move mountains now.
The Sun makes it to the top of your solar chart on the 20th, and the next day, a Solar Eclipse occurs there. This is a time for approaching your career, business plans and goals, or general life direction in a brand new way. There can be a pleasant feeling of reinvigoration when it comes to your life path goals. There can be substantial changes in your life when it comes to your influence or authority, or with authority figures in your life. Some of you will make career changes, and for others, a significant shift occurs in your reputation or with leadership and management.
Mars enters your solar seventh house on the 27th for an extended stay, enlivening your relationships with others, sometimes stimulating conflicts, but also generating excitement, passion, and activity.
In the last few days of the month, you can experience a strong desire to put things into order and make sense of things, and you can become entirely absorbed in what you’re doing. You are determined to make improvements that go deep in your home, family, and personal life. It’s an excellent period for purging, releasing, emotional renewal, and starting fresh. It’s also an excellent time to pour more focused energy into the home. The spotlight is on security, and you will go to greater lengths to achieve it.

You’re seeking more depth or intimacy from your experiences this month, dear Scorpio. While energies are not especially concentrated in June, there is some emphasis on your intimacy sector. Venus (all month) and the Sun (until the 20th) move through this zone of your solar chart, which rules regeneration, transformation, other people’s resources (that affect you), and debts, both spiritual or emotional and material ones. There can be a more definite need for profound, rich, and meaningful experiences, more attention to the power dynamics and intimacy level of a relationship, and a focus on your own needs for change, evolution, and self-mastery.
Still, until June 25th, Venus continues its retrograde, and you could be seeing your past in new ways, and this process eventually helps you with choices and decisions about the future. While you may have felt in the dark about your feelings last month, new awareness and the beginnings of a plan of action are likely to emerge from the 3rd forward. You are redefining what you want and need from others and what you expect from yourself.
Even with this inward-turned energy, Mars continues to bring dynamic energy to your romance and pleasure sector until the 27th. Life shouldn’t be dull with this transit that enhances your experience on many different levels. Your romantic or creative life might heat up, although there can be some impatience in these areas. You’re seeking playful ways of expressing yourself and social amusement or hobbies as outlets.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th suggests a full, emotionally intense atmosphere. It’s the first Eclipse in a set that affects your money and sharing axis until December 2021. Unrest or discontent stirred now can get the ball rolling for making important changes with how you make, spend, and share your money, talents, and resources. Lunar Eclipses tend to mark important turning points in our lives, and emotions are heightened. There can be an illumination of matters that were brushed aside or hidden. Whether it’s an important revelation about business or a situation that calls for standing up for yourself, this is a time that demands necessary changes. Watch for impatience and hastiness, however. Take in, but wait until you have digested new information before drawing final conclusions. This is a somewhat chaotic time, but in the end, it’s about bringing more predictability to key areas of your life.
Tensions can come from impatience, and it’s best to avoid taking risks, particularly with money, and especially from the 5-12. Let things (or your own feelings) calm down before making important conclusions or decisions. If you’ve been filling your more logical or practical needs at the expense of your spiritual or imaginative side, you could feel disoriented until you get to the right balance. Seek better ways to satisfy your needs for imagination, creative expression, and spiritual meaning, even if this temporarily takes you away from pursuing your more worldly goals. Emotional desires and whims can feel urgent right now, but you’ll be in better shape if you take the time to learn which ones are based on genuine need.
Mercury turns retrograde on the 18th, just a week before Venus ends its retrograde! There can be some delays or complications to manage. You have a strong interest in broadening your mental experiences this month, in general, although it’s not always straightforward to get to where you want to go. While June mostly brings us take-it-slow energy, you benefit from some transits that encourage you to reach your goals on creative and romantic levels. You’re finding solutions, support, and opportunities. You might be able to move a creative or communications project ahead or find satisfying ways to enjoy your endeavors. You can be quite ardent about pursuing your projects, as well as clearing obstacles that now seem less intimidating.
The Sun enters your spirit sector on the 20th, and then a Solar Eclipse occurs in this area the following day. This Eclipse encourages your spirit to grow, explore, and expand beyond your usual experiences. Events happening in the weeks following can serve to push you out of your routine and your comfort zone. You can experience more passion about an idea, ideal, or course of study, and you can feel compelled to share your thoughts. Neptune’s retrograde turn around the same time as this Eclipse can point to a small disappointment that ultimately works in your favor as it fuels you to make changes.
Until the 25th, you may be reviewing your financial arrangements or relationship commitments. You may be looking at your intimate life or your dependencies from a different angle, and reassessing whether you’re satisfied with how you’ve been approaching these matters. This can give you valuable clues for making changes, which you ideally make after the 25th. Although there may have been some confusion or stagnation in your love life, romantic expression and attention come more easily from this date forward.
Mars enters your work and health sector on the 27th for an extended stay, energizing your daily routines. If you’ve wanted to pursue better methods and programs for health and work, then this is the time when you are ready to take action. You can be super-motivated to get more work done and take better care of your body through more aggressive health and nutrition programs. Difficulties arise if you feel others are pushing their job on you or telling you what to do.
In the last few days of June, concentration and commitment help you get a leg up on work or health routines. You’re pursuing your desires with more passion, and you’re determined to improve your life and achieve something significant. You might discover that you can improve your life through your studies and projects or feel a sense of mission about learning, teaching, and sharing.

There is a strong focus on your home life and relationships in June, dear Sagittarius. The transits of your ruler, Jupiter, suggest that despite a general emphasis on relationships and others, it’s a strong month for personal progress, motivation, and determination. Take your time before taking on new investments and loans this month, not only with Venus retrograde until the 25th but also because Mercury is retrograde in your solar eighth house from the 18th forward.
Negotiations and agreements can figure strongly this month. There can be some emotional distance experienced, and perhaps some focus on the past with Venus retrograde until the 25th. Old relationships or past problems may resurface. You have much to learn about yourself through your interactions with others, and much to discover about significant others.
Mars brings animation, energy, and perhaps a bit of commotion or agitation to your personal life, home, or family matters until the 27th. Directing energy into household projects and family activities can be constructive and satisfying. Conflicts with family may be valuable, too, if they serve to renew and revive your relationships, but some can be unnecessary or unhealthy. Perhaps your home or personal life is a little too busy, chaotic, and otherwise overstimulating at times. Part of you wants to keep things to yourself, and another part is excited to reach out and make connections.
With Venus retrograde until the 25th, you’re coming to a new understanding of your relationship needs. Through revelations in early June, you gain further insight into an old problem, or you might reconnect with someone from your past, sparking a new approach. It’s a time to set intentions and goals that better reflect your redefined wants and needs or your expectations of others. There can be a focus on whether or not you’re receiving satisfaction from a relationship. Or, there can be a feeling of limbo during this period of review, after which you can start to put all of the pieces together and feel more confident about making changes. From the 25th forward, you’ll begin to see changes and forward movement. Still, Mercury turns retrograde just a week before Venus ends its retrograde cycle so that the pace can remain on the slow side.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th is in your sign, and it marks the start of an important eclipse set that affects you directly in the coming two years. You’ll be exploring independence and interdependence issues, and the emotions, feelings, and revelations happening now are pivotal. This eclipse can bring a personal matter to a head. Even with inner contradictions likely now, this is a time for recognizing a need for positive change.
There has been a lot of attention to your relationships recently, and circumstances are such that you’re reminded to take care of your own emotional needs. Passions run high. Keeping in mind that sudden urges and desires may be more about internal unrest than emotional truth, it makes sense to take more time to arrive at conclusions. Some competitiveness can be stimulating and might lead to positive change and improvement if channeled productively and not wasted on bickering or impatience. Whether or not to put your faith in someone or a situation can be a struggle. If insecurities have led you to accept behaviors in others that cross lines, you may be facing problems now. Or, if you’ve been attending to others’ needs at the expense of your own, this is a time for feeling the imbalance.
While the month often seems to ask you to wait, observe, and slow down, it holds some easy energy for certain home and family-related projects. Enthusiasm runs high for making money and taking care of personal possessions. An endeavor that improves your sense of safety and security will be most appealing.
The Sun enters your intimacy sector on the 20th, and a Solar Eclipse occurs in this part of your solar chart the next day. While you may experience a setback or a feeling of discontent before you turn things around positively, it’s a time for turning over a new leaf. The weeks ahead of this eclipse are powerful for making a lifestyle change or ending an unhealthy dependency. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to a relationship or a financial arrangement, then this is a time for coming to terms with the dependency. Levels of sharing are deepened, but suspicions might also increase. This eclipse can send you on an inward journey in which you deal with issues of trust. In the weeks ahead, you may resolve a long-standing problem with sharing, money, or love. Opportunities to pool your resources with someone can emerge.
Mars enters your solar fifth house on the 27th, marking a turning of the corner for you. You’re more confident, involved, and spirited with this transit. Mars will stick around here for many months. During this cycle, you are likely to pour a lot of your energy and initiative into the pursuit of a rewarding love life, social amusement or hobbies, and pleasure in general. You are in a personally magnetic and attractive cycle.
In the last few days of June, you can successfully channel your energy into creative or productive pursuits. It’s a great time to apply yourself to important works in progress. You have more influence and persuasive power than usual. You’re feeling more ambitious, confident, and ready to pour more energy into building your talents or resources.

You can be quite busy getting your life into better order this month, dear Capricorn. Taking charge of your work and health routines is rewarding now as you experience a need to lead a more organized, productive, and healthier lifestyle. There is a significant emphasis on chores, work, health, routines, communications, learning, services, daily affairs, diet, and habits in June. While you may be managing and improving any of these things, it can also be a time of some dissatisfaction, motivating these adjustments.
Mars continues its transit of your communications sector, and you’re enthusiastic about your ideas, personal interests, and learning. Mercury turns retrograde on the 18th, and there can be some communication challenges from that day onward, but this Mars transit can fill you with the confidence to overcome these issues. Do watch for impatience, but take full advantage of the mental resourcefulness and sharpness of this transit.
You may be reworking projects or returning to old jobs that need attention. You’re likely to learn new things about past problems, mainly related to work, health, and relationships. Seeing where you may have been tripping up or chasing the wrong things in the past can lead to better decisions later.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th is the first of a set of transits affecting your work/health axis in the coming two years. It can mark a turning point related to a work or health matter. You can become actively aware of the need to take time to recoup, balancing attention to your physical health with care of your emotional health. It can also be a time of great hunches and intense awareness of situations that are no longer working for you and that need to change going forward. It’s not the time to make sweeping decisions, however. Instead, this is a time for recognizing your feelings, instincts, and hunches, and then gradually letting a plan to handle things unfold.
From the 5-12, watch for impatient communications and moves. Before voicing your unsatisfied desires, see if the feeling passes, particularly if the urges come on very suddenly. You can be on edge, especially if you have so much to do that you don’t know where to begin. Aim to use any competitive energy experienced now to fix problems.
The month as a whole holds much in the way of go-slow energy–it’s not a great time to push ahead in a general sense. Still, there is some beautiful energy for learning, studying, sharing, and useful conversations. It’s a good time for solving problems related to a communication matter or for breakthrough thinking. Perhaps you’re able to deal with a paperwork matter that clears a path forward. You might get the desire and courage to contact someone important to you.
The Sun moves into your opposing sign on the 20th, and the very next day, a Solar Eclipse occurs. It’s the final solar eclipse in a set that has occurred along the Cancer-Capricorn sign axis, with the final lunar eclipse set to occur in your sign in early July. This set started two years ago (in July 2018). One-to-one relationships, autonomy, and balance are big themes for you now, and it’s a time for coming to important conclusions. There can be a significant new beginning in a key relationship or a new mission related to companionship, relationship needs, and goals. You’re likely to move in a new direction or towards a new, enlightened perspective.
From the 25th forward, you’ll see more opportunities to bring harmony to your everyday life. Confidence in yourself, your work, and your relationships builds. On the 27th, Mars enters your solar fourth house for an extended stay, pointing to a busy domestic life. It can be chaotic or turbulent at times, and very productive at other times. Used well, you can get a whole lot done around the home.
The last few days of the month are reliable for making the most of your resources. Your confidence grows as you pursue your personal goals and present yourself in a new and improved way.

There’s a healthy emphasis on pleasure, creative self-expression, romance, and entertainment in June, dear Aquarius. You are motivated to express yourself in unique ways, and you may be paying more attention to personal hobbies or recreation and entertainment. A stronger urge is with you to create, put talents to use, show others what you can do, and share your love. Even so, Venus remains retrograde until the 25th, and it’s not always straightforward, but you’re learning a lot.
As the month advances, work and practical matters assume more importance. Mercury retrogrades in your work and health sector from the 18th forward, and you may need to backtrack and review what needs special attention or editing. It might feel as if things are stalling or even moving backward, but the refinements you make during this cycle can be most beneficial.
Creatively speaking, you can fill with ideas and plans for realizing a dream. Mars continues its transit of your resources sector until the 27th. You might spend more time and energy working hard at stabilizing your life, and a stronger desire for financial independence can be a driver. Note, though, that this Mars transit can also be impulsive, and this applies most to spending habits, as the desire to accumulate objects can be heightened now. For best results, focus on building your resources.
With Venus retrograde until the 25th, you’re learning about what you truly enjoy and love, and as you do, you build your appreciation, and it becomes easier to seek out people, projects, and pastimes that truly fit you. You might reevaluate critical areas of your life, mainly related to creativity, hobbies, romance, and friendship, in terms of whether or not they genuinely fulfill you. You might reconnect with an old love, project, or friend, or learn something new about a previous relationship.
You can be especially focused on harmony in your romantic life or on getting in touch with your creative muse in June. It may not be until later this month or in July when you’re likely to feel that things are moving forward. Still, it’s a good time for looking at your creative and romantic life, as well as your hobbies and pleasures, differently, leading to lovely insights. Questioning current attachments is likely now, and it can be a useful process, either serving to strengthen your commitments or alerting you to stale areas of your life.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th brings on a new theme in your life, on cue with the North Node’s recent move into your sector of joy, romance, and creativity. You’ll be seeing your friendships, connections, and happiness goals in a whole new way. You are awakening to a need for kindred spirits, more involvement with friends or the community, and self-expression through creative mediums. Getting your income, bearings, or security and stability sorted seems critical to all of this, but impatience can spoil things if you succumb to it. This eclipse has a way of turning your attention to areas of your life that have become dysfunctional or unsatisfactory. Your attention draws to limitations and ambitions regarding resources (including money), and this clashes with personal enjoyment, a romantic venture, or with filling your desires. Balanced attention to practical matters now brings rewards later. Competitive or frustrated feelings can challenge you to make meaningful changes and improvements, however.
While June, in a general sense, is not ideal for pushing forward, it has its opportunities. Benefits come from hidden places or from resources you never knew you had. An action taken might open the doors to an increase in income down the road. You can feel motivated to improve your current circumstances, sense of security, and money or resources.
The Sun enters your work and health sector on the 20th, and a Solar Eclipse occurs in this same area of your solar chart the following day. This eclipse can prompt a new beginning or final decision related to a work, health, habit, or self-care matter in the weeks following. It’s a time for breathing new life into old routines. Perhaps due to a dilemma experienced, a reinvigoration process begins with this eclipse, whether this is about taking better care of yourself or recommitting to a work project. Whether circumstances seem to force the matter, or motivation comes more spontaneously, the days and weeks ahead are active for building some structure into your daily life. As always with eclipses, remind yourself to hold off on making big decisions until more clarity comes.
Mars enters your solar third house on the 27th for an extended stay, pointing to a busy, communicative time. Motivation to learn, connect, and pursue your mental interests is strengthening. Impatience can be a problem if you feel others are not keeping your quick pace.
In the last few days of June, your energy reserves are strong, and you may want to take on projects that require concentration. You might uncover answers to complicated problems.

There’s an emphasis on home and family this month, dear Pisces, and you’re in good shape for improving your sense of safety, security, and comfort. It’s a time for bringing healing and wholeness, as well as some refinement and organization, to your home life and family relationships. It’s also an important period for anchoring on a psychological level.
Even so, Mars continues to rev you up as it transits your sign until the 27th. You’re more confident, direct, and ready to move plans forward. Even so, June doesn’t always allow you to push forward. Venus is retrograde until the 25th, Mercury turns retrograde on the 18th, and so does Neptune, one of your planetary rulers, on the 22nd. It’s important to watch for impatience. This transit is good for feeling comfortable to assert yourself and pursue your desires. Drive, enterprise, courage, and energy are in more abundant supply. This can also be a time when money comes in, as Mars rules your income sector.
Until the 25th, Venus is retrograde and Mars is in your sign, and this combination can be a bit tricky. You may come across as insensitive at times. It’s a good idea to soften your approach just a little, or you could unwittingly make more problems for yourself than are necessary. However, you’re redefining and refining what you find valuable and worth your while. It’s a fine time for looking at something from an entirely different perspective, particularly family relationships, home life, living conditions, and projects or studies. You could be working on problems with family or in the home, or making solid plans to improve things.
You’re likely to focus on bringing harmony, balance, and peace to your home life and family dynamics. There can be resurfacing problems to deal with, but you are looking at these matters in new ways, and as things move forward after the 25th, you’ll have a more definite idea of what’s most important to you and what to do about it.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th comes as a major push to start fresh regarding a better balance between your home and working life, professional and personal life, attention to performance and attention to quiet. You can experience an epiphany or realization, and it’s an important time for discovering your true feelings about a matter. This eclipse can illuminate a matter related to your career or a major life goal. You may be in the position to show off your professional and responsible side, or there may be revelations about your career and responsibilities. Watch for displays or outbursts, as they can be more public and impactful now than you expect. Emotions are heightened around any Lunar Eclipse, and this one is complicated by a challenging aspect to impulsive Mars in your sign, which can encourage immature behavior.
You can feel somewhat torn between sticking with what’s comfortable and taking a risk in the first half of June. You may be itching to do something productive, but if things are not happening soon enough, you can quickly become frustrated. It may be best to avoid fretting by seeking the positive in what’s in front of you. Remind yourself that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
The Sun heads into your sector of joy on the 20th. Then a Solar Eclipse occurs the following day, prompting a restart or reinvigoration of a project, hobby, or dating life in the weeks following. It’s a time of new beginnings regarding heartfelt pursuits. Events happening can stir your romantic feelings, desire for pleasure, and creativity. You are more aware of your need to entertain, be entertained, celebrate, enjoy, and share yourself with others. Those things/projects/people holding you back from expressing your authentic creative self may come under scrutiny.
Keep in mind that thinking is a bit fuzzy around eclipses, and the eclipse on the 21st happens very close to Neptune’s retrograde station. Be a little more cautious and precise than usual with essential documents and projects at this time. Energy levels might dip temporarily.
Mars enters your resources sector on the 27th for an extended stay, bringing a stronger than usual desire to bring abundance into your life. You can feel motivated to make money, but you are capable of impulsive purchases during this period as well.
In the last days of June, focused energy and determination can help you turn around a financial or emotional matter. Satisfaction comes from a job well done. It’s an excellent time for getting rid of excess baggage in your life, as you have a stronger ability to see what needs to be left behind.
Monthly Calendar:

How come you only list 3 signs and not the rest this month?
The remaining signs are on their way!