*March 2019 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*

March 2019 Monthly Horoscope Summary for Aries: There continues to be a strong focus on the past, emotional issues, your inner world, processing, and healing this month, dear Aries, especially in the first three weeks of March. However, you’re building towards a far more active and involved phase that comes full bloom next month.
Even so, there are some indications that you’re finding moments to connect and mingle. In particular, you have Venus in your social sector from the 1-26, and while you are keeping to yourself in many ways, this does not affect your appeal. In fact, others are drawn to you more than usual. Uranus leaves your sign permanently this month, and while this puts a rebellious, erratic theme behind you, you’ll still be asserting your independence. If others have taken advantage, you’ll demand fairer treatment.
Uranus moving out of your sign for good, and into your resources sector for the long haul, is big news. This is a long-term transit that will take time to evolve, but you can feel hints of it now. You may experience some uncertainty about your income or security that interferes with your desire to have fun or even to pursue your work or health goals from time to time. The hope is to break free from old ways of doing things, especially regarding your possessions, money, and business. There can be excitement revolving around these matters, or for some, a change in financial position or attitudes towards money. You are challenged to think outside of the box for devising viable plans to improve your finances, or you may be seeking alternative sources of income. You may need (or want) to rid yourself of excess baggage. You’re likely to see money a little differently–for its value as a tool used to achieve more freedom in your life. There is a need to be free from certain attachments during this seven-year cycle. It can be a time of freelance work or varied sources of income. You had a taste of this influence for several months in 2018, and now it’s here to stay!
In March, you have a lot of inner work to do, and you have plenty of cosmic support for doing so. In fact, this can be a month of significant emotional breakthroughs. It’s a time for learning more about yourself, your heart, and the people closest to you. If you have resisted taking time for reflection or dealing with the past, the New Moon on the 6th will prompt you to take charge.
While it’s the end of the solar year for you (until March 20th) and this generally signals a period in which you are in the relative backwoods and possibly dealing with endings in your life, there is nevertheless much to be excited about in March. The New Moon in early April will provide the gumption to jump-start the changes you’re dreaming about now, but in the meantime, you’re spending a lot of time getting prepared, and it can be quite interesting.
You’re likely to derive much satisfaction from accomplishing something tangible and measurable this month, even with the stronger spiritual/inner life focus. You find it easier to pick and choose your activities to your benefit. Lovely connections between your money and career sectors can produce nice opportunities to prioritize and to make what you deserve. You seem to be naturally drawn to those ventures and activities that will serve you best. You see the importance of strategy and patience with your practical affairs this month.
The Sun enters your sign on the 20th, kicking off a month-long cycle in which personal influence is strong and personal plans are on the front burner. The Full Moon on the same day, however, is a quick reminder of others’ needs. Whatever comes to light now is tied into brave new beginnings next month. It comes at a time when Venus and Mars clash and tempers are quick to flare if you’re not getting your way! Your desires can feel overwhelming right now, but equally challenging to fulfill. You might choose to roll with the emotional excitement by keeping your expectations in check and enjoying a little competitiveness with others since frustrations now can help fuel motivation to do better.
Venus heads into your privacy sector on the 26th, encouraging you to go within, and then Mars moves into your communications sector on the 31st, enlivening your interest in connecting. These are different influences, but you can manage both well with some creativity. In fact, the last week of the month can find you dealing with tying up loose ends as well as putting a lot of muscle into securing your future.

March 2019 Monthly Horoscope Summary for Taurus: This is a strong month for your social life, dear Taurus, even if there are some complications involved. Relationships, in general, are in focus, and for the most part, people are helpful and supportive of you. At the same time, you’re expressing your independence with flair, and you may very well surprise others with the changes you’re making or the “new you” you’re displaying!
There are many opportunities for good conversations in March, particularly about past matters, resolving problems, and forgiveness. There are also treasures to be found in old projects, studies, and interests. Past friendships might be revisited while Mercury is retrograde from the 5-28. Rethinking some details of recent plans can work to your benefit in the long run.
While in many ways March is an important month for taking care of unfinished business, Mars and Uranus in your sign suggest a real need for change, action, and dynamism. Uranus moves into your sign on the 6th and will visit Taurus until 2026. You had a hint of this energy for several months last year, and now it’s sticking with you. This transit can rile you up, and you may be itching to make some changes, possibly even radical ones. Courage strengthens or builds. Old methods and habits may need to go! You no longer tolerate certain restrictive circumstances.
You’ll find with Uranus in your sign for the long haul that intuitive flashes become a regular part of your daily life. This transit has a lot of time to evolve (seven years!), and during this cycle, you’ll do best if you distinguish between making changes for the sake of change, and making changes that will genuinely move you forward. It’s a time when you’ll be making significant changes regarding the way you express yourself. Changes are also highly likely in your home, career, and partnerships, as well. Inner changes now translate to the outside world, and you’ll be seeking entirely new experiences. It’s a time of a personal revolution in your life, and while this will all play out over time, you’ll be feeling some hard-to-ignore stirrings now.
Under this Uranus transit, conditions in your life that have been stifling or confining become hard to tolerate. There may be unexpected events that free you from confining situations. Uranus is your career sector ruler, and this can mean big changes related to a job for many of you.
The New Moon on the 6th brings new energy to friendships and long-term goals. From the 28th forward, you will benefit from working on clearing up any problems that have cropped up with friends. Venus helps with this task! In fact, lovely Venus heads into your social sector just two days before Mercury finishes its retrograde in the same sector, ready to help smooth everything over. This is a time for feeling personally hopeful, emotionally satisfied, and socially popular. Friendships might be renewed or revitalized.
From the 20th, however, you’re beginning a period best used for emotional renewal, tying up loose ends, and laying low. So, while you’re in good shape for friendly relations, you also need to carve out some time to yourself.
Watch on the 20th for impulsive moves. You may be finding it hard to get what you want without causing a big stir. Someone may be wanting a refined approach from you and can misinterpret your passion as impatience or insensitivity.
Otherwise, the month offers plenty of opportunities to you as Mars in your sign plays well with others. It’s a time for expressing yourself with confidence and vigor. You can be a little more assertive than usual in productive ways. It’s a good time for recalling facts and figures or memories. You instinctively gravitate towards situations and people that help you grow, improve, learn, and expand your perspective.
Having a plan always makes you feel good, and one is likely to form this month, or a recently-devised plan comes into stronger focus. Projects related to publishing, education, travel, and non-routine activities can benefit. Your powers to lead, influence, and support others are stronger than usual. Activities or studies advance and satisfy you. Your stamina stands out.

March 2019 Monthly Horoscope Summary for Gemini: March is good for exploring new approaches in your career, dear Gemini. The New Moon on the 6th brings fresh energy for career and reputation matters, although it’s better to wait until after the 28th to launch new projects. In fact, this is a period for looking at what worked for you in the past and making useful edits and refinements. From the 20th through to the end of the month, your social life comes into stronger focus. Love requires emotional space and acceptance, and some of you could find love through or with friends and groups.
Profound inner changes are brewing this month as Mars and then Uranus transit house twelve in your solar chart, working behind the scenes. The desire to rid yourself of certain unpleasant elements of the past is strong. From the 6th, Uranus heads into your privacy and soul sector for the long haul, and you’re going through a process of detaching yourself from elements of the past that have been interfering with your self-expression. In the coming years, some skeletons in your closet will be revealed and dealt with so that you can move forward, grow, improve, and explore!
You received a taste of this energy last year, and now Uranus is sticking around consistently. Things may come to light that help you let go of negative attachments that have been keeping you from growing and thriving. Holding on tightly to your things and ideas may be about your fear of changes taking place in your social life. Watch for impulsiveness now, but do consider ways to move upwards and onwards. Your dreaming world is vivid and intuition exceptionally active this month. Listen to your inner voice! It’s important to respect any prompts you receive to rest.
March can be a month of some ups and downs regarding career and reputation matters, but also definite improvements to these things, or at least foreseeable ones. You may need to return to an old project or redo and refine something that you thought was complete. There could be a need to go back to the same old conversations or problems. However, this apparent backtracking can lead to significant refinements and the strengthening of areas that were once on shaky ground–perhaps you didn’t even know about the holes, and now you’re taking care of them.
You could be mulling over some major decisions about where you’re headed. Past projects or goals may deserve, or require, a second look. There are treasures to be found in the past, but you’ll likely need to approach them in new ways to get them off the ground the second time around. It’s also a time when inspiration comes suddenly, and you could pick up fresh, and possibly radically different, interests or goals.
The Sun heads into your solar eleventh house on the 20th, changing up the themes of March a little, and bringing new energy into your life that pulls your attention to happiness goals, friendships, and networking. A romantic revelation is possible around the same time. If you find yourself competing with someone over whose needs and desires should be paramount, try to pull yourself out of the game which is likely to end up going nowhere.
If you need to cut out a bad habit or tie up a loose end, March is strong for doing so. You’re filled with inner courage, and the desire to take more control of your life is compelling–perhaps often dominating. The goal should be self-empowerment now. Mercury’s retrograde from the 5-28 and Mars in your hidden sector are two big reasons for laying low. Brand-new ventures may need to wait, but this doesn’t mean you can’t get a lot done. Efforts to cut back or rebuild can be especially fruitful. Obstacles can be overcome more easily with determination. For some, a relationship can reach a new level of intimacy. It’s a good time to handle things you might usually avoid or put off, as well as for any activities that require determination. You have the patience to see something through, or at least to work on a venture that doesn’t have immediate rewards and results. In March, you’re far more interested in putting your efforts into endeavors that will endure.

Cancer Monthly Horoscope Summary for March 2019: There can be a strong focus on networking, friendships, learning, sharing ideas, publishing, and venturing out beyond your usual bounds in March, dear Cancer. Even though Mercury is retrograde from the 5-28, you have many reasons to be hopeful and frequently enjoy moments when your spirits are lifted high.
March is strong for editing and revising, returning to old interests and studies, work on projects you aim to publish, creative works, and social relationships, including friendships and partnerships. The temptation may be to release work or complete a project or study before you’re entirely ready, but it’s important to exercise patience. You may be revisiting old relationships, perhaps only in your head, and ideally learning from past regrets. You’re likely to regain confidence in old plans, ideas, and projects now — there are treasures to be found in works-in-progress that you may have left behind. However, to make them work this time around, you need to approach them in new ways.
Uranus heads into your social sector for the long haul on the 6th. While you had a taste of this energy for a few months last year, this transit is now consistent and will last for another seven years. During this cycle, your relationships with friends and groups will receive a bit of a shake-up, and you’re likely to be meeting new and unusual people who introduce you to exciting ideas and ways of life. As you seek more authenticity in your friendships, you may go through some social ups and downs.
Uranus here can also shake up the way you see your place in the community. Friendships and group associations can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. You’ll be attracting people who are free-spirited, individualistic, and a perhaps bit eccentric. Your social life is bound to be very colorful now and in coming years. Changes in your career direction, intimate experience, or with finances may bring new or different friends and groups into your life. There can be excitement, change, and possibly some romance involved.
While there can be backtracking and delays that allow you to refine and improve your projects, it’s a fine month for getting to a better place mentally. March calls on you to be a little more experimental, spontaneous, and adventurous than usual. Travel or educational plans have a better chance of coming together after the 28th.
You can feel especially motivated to pursue a learning endeavor or further a mental interest, and nothing stops you from applying yourself to a work-in-progress. Conversations with a partner or special friend can be super helpful and encouraging. You’re attracting strong, competent, and loyal people into your experience. This is a good time for working on projects you want to publish, or for expanding your understanding of a subject. You seem to attract others through your words and ideas this month.
Regarding relationships, there are chances to improve a bond or revive intense feelings. Working with a partner towards a common goal may be part of the picture now, or teaming up with a friend can take you somewhere you want to go faster or more successfully. You might decide to take charge of a long-standing problem once and for all, possessing the determination to put it behind you now. Others can be the source of useful resources or advice. Look for allies! Accepting people, projects, and circumstances as they are, and then working with what you have, is the key to success now. There is beauty in seeing people this way, as this reduces pressure and puts everyone at ease.
From the 20th forward, you’re more visible than usual. A Full Moon occurs on the same day that the Sun enters your solar tenth house, and challenging family or home life issues could emerge. Whatever surfaces now is in full view, and this helps get the process of working things through started. You recognize your needs for security, comfort, and nurture, and it becomes clear that you should strive towards balancing these things with your worldly goals, which are coming into stronger focus. With Venus in your intimacy sector clashing with Mars in your friendship sector at the same time, there can be inner conflicts to deal with or clashes with someone in your life. Someone may be giving too much and getting too little in return. If you need to get things out of your system, you might find you have the courage to do so now.
On the 26th, Venus moves into the light and in harmony with your sign, and then two days later, Mercury turns direct. As a result, there can be some nice wins in the last week of March that put you in a very optimistic mood.

March 2019 Leo Monthly Horoscope Summary: Your inner world is a strong draw this month, dear Leo, but you’re also called to duty. You are tuned in to the deeper issues and looking beyond the surface of matters for answers with an emphasis on house eight of your solar chart.
You are encouraged to slow down and possibly back up in some areas of life this month with Mercury retrograde from the 5-28. It’s a good time for rethinking matters, and for you, particularly financial matters, issues of support or debt, issues related to sharing and power dynamics, and intimate relationships. You may tune in to this pace faster than most since you’re naturally inclined to adjust, build, and observe in March. It’s only Mars at the top of your solar chart that wants to push forward. Your professional life or your reputation can begin to take an unexpected direction or turn with Uranus now a long-term guest in your solar tenth house. New challenges present themselves, stimulating more than uprooting you most of the time!
March is a great month for researching, editing, or otherwise going over business, health, and financial matters. There may be a need to redo or revise things and pay stronger attention to what’s owed. Financial support matters may need sorting. You are likely to feel especially motivated to do things that you’ve been letting slide. The trick now is to avoid pushing things that need some extra time and space. Mercury retrograde periods can feel a little slow, but they’re times for catching up in areas where you were pushing too far ahead, so it’s about restoring balance rather than true slowdowns. Brand-new endeavors may not get off the ground, but work in progress can benefit significantly from your attention now.
March can be a month of transformations and renovations, mostly on an emotional level, but also with work and health. You’re returning to old problems with a new attitude or from a different perspective, reconsidering things. It’s a time for taking care of unfinished business and making refinements to projects that are not quite complete. In the process, you may very well dig up some gems.
You are especially dynamic and creative with business, career, and life plans this month with Mars at the top of your chart. Your work is taking a more creative direction in general, but this month you are revving up and making things happen.
New insights into your career are coming as Uranus moves into your career and reputation sector on the 6th. With this long-term transit, it’s important to listen not only to your intuition but also to what seems to be coming from out of the blue. You’ll be learning to express yourself more uniquely and authentically in or through your professional and public life. Changes in your relationships with authority figures or the public, and in your work itself, are likely. The desire for more independence and freedom professionally speaking is marked now and in the coming years, and this process may lead you to discover or pursue a true calling. You had a taste of this energy from May to November last year, and now it’s sticking with you for seven years! This transit suggests some unpredictability with your career, professional projects, reputation, or public image, but these areas can also be highly stimulating and innovative. Partnerships, competition, or a relationship goal can spur you on now. Significant changes are in the works! Sudden or unforeseen career opportunities are possible.
Finances deserve special attention, mainly shared money and property as well as loans and support payments, from the New Moon on the 6th. Energetically speaking, the month picks up the pace after the 20th. You could feel as if you are moving out of the dark and into the light, and you’re likely to find the spirit and motivation to embark on unusual or simply different adventures. When the Sun moves into your spirit sector on the 20th, a Full Moon occurs in your communications sector, and you can be especially busy. This is a reminder to handle your daily affairs. Differences are in the spotlight in your personal relationships, as well. It can be difficult to see eye to eye with people close to you temporarily, and you are more invested in someone’s reaction than usual. There may be conflicts with someone in authority, or you might feel uncomfortable with a person who is coming on too strong. People seem competitive rather than cooperative at this time. Disconnects are likely about values, goals, or ambitions. You might choose to adjust your approach to minimize friction and misunderstanding, or let the friction happen in case it takes you somewhere good! For emotional refreshment, take advantage of opportunities for a change in scenery.
Otherwise, the month is powerful for supporting others through practical help, or for being on the receiving end of such assistance. You might become more aware of the need to take charge of health and fitness matters. You can be noticed for the work you do, particularly things you’ve done in the past. You’re expressing your passion for what you do, and this goes over well. When it comes to problems with business, work, reputation, and health, you can reduce and resolve issues to your advantage. You have a strong sense of what will work in your favor, and priorities become clear. You can be a workhorse now — responsible and reliable, and ready to take on anything that will get you to a good place. You’re also likely to be valued on a professional or public level, even in small ways, as others recognize you for the effort you put forth. Keeping in mind that it’s a time for putting in the necessary groundwork, you’ll get much done.

March 2019 Virgo Monthly Horoscope Summary: A major focus this month is your relationships, dear Virgo, and it’s an important one with a high emphasis on your partnership sector in March. Sorting out problems and enjoying special moments with people in your life are satisfying activities in their own right, but can positively impact many different life departments as well. Mercury is retrograde in this same area of your solar chart from the 5-28, so it’s not without its complications, but it’s a strong time for gaining some perspective and getting your life into better balance.
You’re exploring your feelings and attitudes about partnering, connecting, and mediating, and the New Moon on the 6th tends to get the ball rolling. However, because this lunation occurs just at the time of Mercury’s station and since it’s aligned with Neptune, you’re unlikely to feel as if things are moving forward just yet. Instead, you’re doing some redefining of relationships and relationship needs.
You have good energy with you for reinventing yourself through letting go of bad attitudes and starting fresh in March. In the last eleven days of the month, there can be a surprising or sudden show of support, emotional or financial, and some nice forward movement in a key relationship. Some of you can make a fabulous connection with someone seemingly out of the blue, or there can be an unanticipated financial matter to manage.
A big headline this month is the movement of Uranus into your solar ninth house. It’s true this first happened last May, but due to its retrograde motion, Uranus retreated from this sector in November. Now that it’s back for the long haul, you’ll be exploring some exciting and powerful themes. Most important to mention is that Uranus is now in a supportive angle to your sign, and this will continue for another seven years. There’s a lot more to the unfolding story, but you’re likely to feel some of its themes this month. The way you view the world or how you experience the meaning of life is changing. There will be times when this feels disruptive as it can leave you feeling as if you’re spinning your wheels, especially if your desire to explore the world beyond your usual daily routines is intense, but a plan of action to do so isn’t in place. You might become restless with specific routines and habits, particularly related to learning and communications.
However, overall, this transit encourages you to express yourself more spontaneously and authentically as you discover and embrace your more unique qualities. You may be opening up to new belief systems, traveling, or enjoying other adventure-seeking and mind-expanding activities. The desire to take a new course or to travel or move can come up suddenly as you hunger for new experiences. You may experience a spiritual awakening of sorts and a call to see the world, or perhaps even to save it! Learning needs to be exciting or cutting-edge to keep your interest now. Life experiences are unpredictable and exciting, but especially while you have Saturn also in supportive aspect to your sign (until 2020), you’ll get the chance to dip your toe in the water first before fully embracing change.
The Sun’s move into house eight in your solar chart on the 20th brings on a need for more depth from your relationships and activities. On the same day, a Full Moon happens in your resources sector, and money matters assume big proportions. Energies at this time can bring revelations and possible conflicts to the foreground. There can be a tug of war going on, whether it’s going on within or with someone, over money, possessions, and matters of control. Whatever emerges at this time can prompt a necessary change. The desire to keep things peaceful and humming along smoothly with your routines is strong, but another part of you is hungry for stimulation elsewhere. Restlessness is the result, and this can lead to impatience, but it doesn’t have to go there if you tackle the root of the problem.
Despite Mercury’s retrograde from the 5-28, you’re in a reasonably good position to be heard and understood this month, even if it means rehashing old issues. It’s also a beautiful time for applying yourself to projects that excite you, as well as for connecting with others, sharing ideas, and action-oriented conversations, particularly around the 12-19. Shared activities can thrive, and you can be more courageous to express yourself, share your talents or work, or reach out to a new audience. You’re likely to make serious progress on passion projects or studies. You can come into a resource that helps you work through a problem area or reach your goals. You can move mountains and meet with greater success if you make sure that others see your confidence or recognize your commitment and passion. Doing something different or non-routine with others can be rewarding now, or you could very well discover that your solo pursuits are so satisfying that you come back to a relationship more refreshed, confident, and well-balanced. Self-discipline increases when you’re motivated, of course, and you’re likely to feel especially enthusiastic now, leading to strong efforts at honing a skill, perfecting a craft, or pursuing a heartfelt project or venture.
The 26th brings Venus into your partnership sector — a happy placement that boosts your social life for several weeks — and just two days later, Mercury ends its retrograde in the same area of your solar chart. These improvements come at a great time, just as Mars is about to reach the top of your solar chart, firing up your ambitions. You’ll appreciate that your relationships are smooth sailing so that you can pursue your worldly or career goals more confidently.

March 2019 Monthly Horoscope Summary for Libra: March is strong for making significant adjustments, getting your daily routines and self-care systems into order, and doing editing or revision in your work, dear Libra. Fortunately, you have plenty of support for these activities! Attempting to push ahead new initiatives is not advised for now, however, as there can also be some complications involved, although they’re nothing you can’t handle. This is due to Mercury’s retrograde from the 5-28 in your work and health sector that requires some need to redo, refine, and reconsider matters in these life departments.
March can be a busy month for you with extra details to manage before you can feel that you are truly done and ready to move forward, so aim to be as patient as possible and work at getting things right — you’ll thank yourself for it later! Entirely new endeavors may be on the horizon, but for now, you’ll be in a better place if you focus on works in progress. There may very well be some gems from the past that you overlooked and are now seeing in a new light. Of course, you’ll need to approach things differently to get different results, but oftentimes it’s the timing that was off. The recycling of projects and ideas can be extraordinarily successful now.
This is a time for handling details that may have been missed in the past, reorganizing, clearing up clutter, and attempting to bring more or better structure to your daily life. The New Moon on the 6th motivates you to take charge of your health, self-care initiatives, and work. There may be a project going on that is in development stages that consumes much of your attention, or you could be handling matters that help you get more organized and feel more in control of your life.
Uranus moving into your solar eighth house on the 6th is a significant ingress. While you had a taste of it last year, Uranus will now stay in your intimacy sector for the long haul — until 2026. This, along with Mars transiting here most of the month, is another indication of the need to make adjustments this month.
During this long-term cycle, unexpected events can occur that nudge you along a different path. Insight into your finances or something in your intimate, inner life may emerge. It’s a period of freeing yourself from compulsive behavior that may have been holding you back from growing and thriving. Or, you might experience a moment of truth that motivates you to kick a bad habit and to live a freer life as a result. The ways that you share yourself and your money are set to change and evolve over the coming years. Sudden developments in the financial or emotional support you receive are possible.
This can also be a highly creative time for handling money, talents, and relationships. The important thing with this Uranus transit is to open up to alternative, new, progressive, or non-traditional ways of doing things without throwing practical considerations out in the process. Your private world and shared resources can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting! Uranus typically brings us a lesson in detachment to areas where we may be attached to our detriment or in ways that stunt our growth.
Your intimate life and inner world are animated this month, not only due to the influences of Uranus but also because Mars has been moving through your sector of intimacy and shared resources since mid-February, stirring things up, and continues to do so through to the last day of March. Mars doesn’t appreciate facades, slow processes, or ignoring problems so that wherever it goes, there can be some trailblazing and perhaps rude awakenings at times, but also some useful truths and resolutions to challenges. Ownership, debts, support, or power dynamics problems might come to a head in March, but for the most part, you’re taking charge and in the lead with these things. You could be digging up interesting information now, and research of all kinds can be very beneficial.
The 20th brings the Sun into your partnership sector as well as an emotional Full Moon in your sign. Emotions bubble up to the surface with force, and others may bring surprises into your life, or you surprise yourself as you awaken to strong feelings that you previously hadn’t acknowledged. It can be difficult to fine-tune your approach precisely the way someone else in your life wants you to behave, and besides, you’re itching to express yourself! Your best bet is to tap into frustrations and snatch up the energy for creative inspiration. Consider that impatience itself is what’s tripping you up more than anything now.
You could feel entirely driven to put an idea into action or to pursue a line of thought this month, especially if it’s related to family, home, health, or work. You can become very excited about an idea or project and can devote a lot of time investigating or researching and developing it. You’re especially productive with your work and enthusiastic about pursuing a health program or fitness routine. You want results! You’re ready to toughen up in certain areas if it means making improvements and progress. You may be finding resolutions to long-standing problems, particularly related to your family or personal life. Improvements may involve putting something that has run its course behind you, decluttering, reorganizing, or unloading or unburdening a secret or problem. You can draw upon the inner courage to address an issue or face the elephant in the room. With Mercury retrograde from the 5-28, it may not be the best month for brand new projects, but you can be determined to rebuild or rework things to your benefit.

March 2019 Monthly Horoscope Summary for Scorpio: The sector of your chart that rules creativity, romance, entertainment, self-expression, and pleasure receives special attention this month, dear Scorpio. March can be a lively period for relationships, learning, and sharing, although there can be some seemingly sluggish times with Mercury retrograde in your romance and creativity sector from the 5-28. The New Moon on the 6th can inspire new beginnings and fresh starts in these areas of life, but with Mercury’s retrograde, you’re also paying more quite necessary attention to the past. To clear the way for a fresh start, you may need to take care of some unfinished business. Projects might be on hold until you finish up some important details. Romantic relationships can be a little complicated, or you may be focused on a past connection.
You are especially companionable and open to new experiences, although perhaps starry-eyed at times, in March. The possibility of romantic illusions or self-deception should be considered and watched. With Uranus moving into your partnership sector for the long haul (seven years!) the types of people you attract and relationship dynamics will be changing dramatically over the coming years, and the rumblings are starting now. Accepting that change is necessary is essential. While you cannot control how things unfold, you can certainly plan to take charge of what you can and adapting to what you can’t!
You had a taste of this Uranus transit last year, and now it’s here to stay. During this cycle, there can be times when you find it difficult to rely on others, and especially a partner or close friend, at least not in the ways to which you’re accustomed. Someone’s independence can produce some waves in your own life. Note that this is a long-term influence that will take some time to evolve and unfold, but even this early on in the cycle, you’re likely to sense that it’s time to alter the ways you relate and connect. Attempts to enforce convention or tradition on partnerships will be a lesson in frustration during this period! You are attracted to people who are free-spirited, individualistic, and possibly even eccentric or unstable as close partners during this period; or you draw these types of people into your experience. You’re learning about giving freedom to others, and this isn’t always easy, but it’s ultimately liberating.
Romance or pleasure-seeking are in strong focus all month, but from the 20th forward, a work theme begins to develop. Surprising events and feelings can arise, particularly in the areas of work, daily routines, and health, and hidden issues and information can surface. Sudden feelings or opportunities might nudge you in a different direction. Watch for rash moves, reminding yourself that true desires stick around and don’t have such a short shelf life or timetable. It may be a good idea to remove yourself from frustrating circumstances, if possible, to get a change of scenery, which can help lead to a new perspective.
Otherwise, the month holds much promise for progress, even if outward signs of forward movement are not immediately apparent. You seem capable of putting a creative spin on whatever you’re doing this month. You might easily slip into the position of leader. You might find the courage to address a problem area with someone. Shared activities can prosper, and teamwork or partnering up to accomplish a goal or make a decision can be particularly effective. You are determined to get over a hump. You’re better able to focus on your studies, projects, or relationships to your advantage now. You may be better off saving brand new beginnings for later, but you can still make a lot of progress laying the groundwork or making useful refinements to your plans.
This is a strong month for exploring creative urges, as well as for sharing your affection, joy, and experiences with others. Reconnecting with old passions and hobbies can be in sharp focus. You may not always get the words right, but you’re bound to find different and satisfying channels for expressing yourself, and creative mediums seem your best bet. This is a time for exercising patience – working on building lasting connections and projects is highly favored. Brand-new endeavors may not get off the ground. Fortunately, Venus moves into your joy sector on the 26th, and just two days later, Mercury ends its retrograde in the same area of your solar chart, and what seemed complicated in your personal life now seems to delight.

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for March 2019: There is a strong emphasis on home, family, and personal matters in the astrology of March for you, dear Sagittarius. This is a time for rediscovering old projects, reorganizing the home, and dealing with past problems in new, empowering ways as Mercury retrogrades in house four of your solar chart from the 5-28, and a New Moon occurs here on the 6th. It’s about improving your support system and the support you give to others, as well as paying particular attention to home matters and your personal life.
There can be vivid memories and important discoveries, as you find lost items or uncover resources. You may be facing up to a neglected area of your life that now seems quite important to revisit, and you have a lot to gain as you do. There are treasures to be found in the past! Work matters are in strong shape as well, although with Mercury retrograde for much of the month, you may be better off working on projects already in progress. You’re sure to gain new insight into or receive useful tips or advice regarding business, financial, and other practical matters, and although minor problems or delays can be part of the package, it feels good to strengthen key areas of your life.
Your working or daily life is set to change with Uranus now a long-term guest in your solar sixth house (from the 6th). There can be interesting surprises, and you’ll need to be ready to adapt. Better yet, be proactive and determine what may need to change to make the most of your routines, and then set on a path to adjust. This is a long-term influence that will take some time to evolve and unfold, and this means you have a lot of time to work on these things–it’s a process, not a big rush. The goal now should be to think outside the box, doing things a little differently so that you’re more faithful to yourself, growing and improving rather than sticking to what you’ve traditionally done regarding taking care of your health and concerning the work or chores you do.
You had a preview of this Uranus transit from May to November last year, and now it’s here to stay for the coming seven years. Adapting to a changeful working environment or daily affairs in the period ahead can be stressful in spots, but also more rewarding when you realize you can meet the challenges! It’s a time when sticking to your habits or usual methods fails to satisfy, prompting the need to make changes. Rest assured that you’ll discover new, more authentic ways of expressing yourself through your work. Improvements or other opportunities at or through work can come out of the blue, and the temptation to break out of monotony or other lifeless aspects of a job is intense. You can bring fresh insight to your work now and in the years ahead, although you might be impatient with rules and schedules. Daily routines can be chaotic, and your energy/motivation levels tend to be up and down as you wrestle with inspiration. While it can be a little chaotic at times, especially at the beginning, you are learning to tap into your inner genius.
Do your best to keep open to change and current developments regarding your work or health. Staying abreast of discoveries, new technologies or methods, or contemporary thinking in your field gives you a nice edge, and opening your mind to the need for changes makes the most sense.
The Sun moves into a creative, romantic, and playful sector of your chart on the 20th, and in the weeks ahead of this date, this transit will awaken your feelings and desire to share your affections and creations. On the same date, the Full Moon occurs in your social sector, and a social or networking matter can come to full bloom, setting you on a new, fresh path. There can be some drama with friends and lovers or strong feelings coming to the surface, and you’ll be in a better position to understand what and who you want once the impatience of the moment passes. There can be some competitiveness in the air with Venus and Mars at odds. Keep in mind, too, that quick commentary or announcements may be premature. It’s important to give everyone some space, as there are rebellious, freedom-seeking themes now, but this doesn’t have to be extreme. Conflicts and clashes that might occur now can be highly revealing.
While Venus moving into your home and family sector on the 26th and Mercury turning direct in the same sector on the 28th suggests a continued focus on home life, there is a shift emerging that turns your attention to more outgoing, creative, sociable, and pleasure-seeking activities. As problems smooth out on the home front, you feel freer to explore, experiment, and enjoy new pleasures.
For the most, there are excellent opportunities to make subtle improvements and renovations, particularly to your finances, home, or within family relationships in March. You have a chance to begin anew, and this might involve some reorganizing or possibly relocation in some cases. There may be some backtracking over old problems and conversations or contracts and negotiations. Preexisting problems can blow up but are likely to blow over starting from the 28th.
In fact, March is especially strong for solving problems at home or with business, as well as for optimism revolving around work matters and living conditions, even if forward motion is not yet apparent. Patience helps you to see this! It’s a good time to work on a budget or troubleshoot finances and strategies. Self-improvement efforts can be magnificent with several influences on your solar chart encouraging you to rebuild or rework something to make your life better. This can be a work project, efforts to manage your personal space, time invested in maintaining a prized possession, or a project related to improving your health and well-being. It may be that anger or frustration over your current situation motivates your improvement efforts, and this is a constructive use of Mars energy! It’s a great time to streamline, reorganize and downsize, although paying special attention to intangibles in your domestic world shouldn’t be ignored in the process. Efforts to improve the atmosphere on the homefront can go a long way.

March 2019 Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn: There is a wonderful emphasis on your communications sector this month, dear Capricorn. While a retrograde Mercury from the 5-28 may lead to some misunderstandings, it’s a solid time for expressing yourself with unique flair or for finding satisfying outlets for connecting and communicating. If you focus on slowing yourself down or taking care of works already in progress, this can be a very rewarding month. You may be turning to past projects and interests rather than embarking on all-new endeavors, but there is a lot of good energy with you for devotion and dedication, and you can end up in a stronger position in the end. Efforts made towards editing, revising, refining, and reviving reap rewards. You can have much success with designing, writing, and teaching as well.
You’re likely to discover different ways to connect, whether this is about communicating or commuting, perhaps because current ones are not working well, and you can be quite happy for it. Mind you, there can be some problems to deal with along the way. It can also be a time for revisiting past studies, projects, or personal interests with success. You can frequently find yourself in the position of guide or coach now, and your undivided attention and care can help strengthen close relationships. The New Moon on the 6th is powerful for intuition, particularly regarding your studies, personal interests, transit, mobility, or daily affairs. There can be a learning breakthrough or news you were waiting for arriving now, but there are still details to handle before pushing a venture forward.
Uranus becomes a long-term guest in your solar fifth house starting this month, bringing exciting and perhaps unexpected energy to romance, a creative project, or your attitude towards leisure, entertainment, and playtime. Aim not only to tolerate but embrace this energy, as it’s here to stay for several years to come! You’ve had a preview of this transit last year, but now Uranus is sticking around in this sector of your solar chart until 2026. Of course, it will take its time to unfold and evolve, but you’ll experience some stirrings and hints of things to come this month.
With this Uranus transit, new insights can come in bright, empowering flashes, although some events can feel disruptive until you adapt and adjust to them. These are likely when Uranus is under stress in this area of your chart. During this cycle, you may be attracting unconventional people or unusual set-ups romantically speaking into your experience, perhaps someone who brings change to your life. You’re also likely to expand your interests and discover untapped creative talents. Unique opportunities to meet people pop up or unique and nontraditional love affairs, hobbies, pastimes, or pleasures can be a new thing for you.
All in all, it’s a beautiful time for expressing yourself more freely. You may be very eager to march to the beat of your own drum — it’s liberating! Taking creative or romantic chances is likely, and it feels good to kick back and “do you.”
The Sun moves into your home and family sector on the 20th, and a Full Moon at the top of your solar chart occurs on the same day. Venus, the ruler of your career sector, forms a square to Mars at this time, adding raised passions to the mix. You are moving towards an active period for enjoying and improving family and home life, and this is a time when you open your eyes to the need to manage your ambitions, career, or reputation so that you can give both areas of your life your best. Impatience won’t move things forward if they’re not ready to go in that direction, and it’s likely that you need some time–be sure to take it if it’s possible now. You could be feeling a lot of pressure to perform, but don’t let emotions trip you up. The chances are good that you don’t need to push so hard. Aim to get in touch with your true desires so that you don’t end up chasing superficial ones now.
All in all, however, March is very useful for sorting out problems and making practical adjustments that will benefit you for years to come. This can be a powerful time for fixing problems largely because they’re really getting under your skin, so much so that you want action! Even with Mercury retrograde most of the month, you’re capable of strengthening bonds through your actions and support. You’re in a particularly good position for collecting information, doing in-depth research, and working on refinements and edits. By month’s end, you’ll be ready to move new projects ahead after Venus moves into your third house on the 26th and Mercury turns direct on the 28th. Until then, work on getting things right.
You have more courage to express yourself or your talents and passions this month as Mars in your creative sector forms some supportive connections. Personal changes and improvements may be in focus, but you’re also ready to jump into action when it comes to managing your creative projects, leisure time, hobbies, and romance. You might decide to resolve a conflict or clarify or explain a matter. While you’re drawn to situations that work best for you, you’re not afraid to move a little outside of your comfort zone. Your eye may very well be on repackaging yourself in some manner as you want to break through a barrier that has been holding you back from expressing yourself.

March 2019 Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius: The pace of your home life is likely to quicken this month, dear Aquarius with energetic, assertive Mars in your sector of home and family most of the month as well as Uranus moving into this same sector for the long haul. Keep in mind that whatever’s dredged up now, handling things will move your life forward in fresh ways.
Despite this, the month ahead is an excellent one for getting your bearings in key ways. You are encouraged to slow down, work things out, draw on patience, and build and develop rather than pioneer and innovate. The sooner you accept this kind of pace, the better the rewards! There can be a stronger focus on personal finances, possessions, resources, and business. Money issues or sources of income may change, or they require some reshuffling, particularly from the 5-28. Ultimately, you could be finding ways to increase your income or your earning potential, or there can be new beginnings with money.
You can be more productive than usual this month, particularly if you focus your energies on works in progress. Save big launches for later, but do some editing and revising, which can lead to great things. You might enjoy recognition for past work, and there can be important discoveries. You might renew your interest in a work project or a health and wellness program. Money and business matters need some serious sorting, but efforts put forth now can lead to brave new beginnings down the road and the benefits to match. You are learning about your attachments and earning potential, and a new perspective on these things can be illuminating. Aim to take care of unfinished business. The New Moon on the 6th, in particular, is powerful for intuition about your finances, income, personal resources, valuables, and self-worth.
There can be times when you feel somewhat pressured and stressed in March. Domestic matters, in particular, require changes, and although life may not feel quite as secure as it used to, the changes are stimulating, propelling you forward in useful ways. Plus, you’re getting plenty of planetary support for getting on top of things. On the one hand, there’s a drive to feel more secure, and on the other, there’s the need to detach yourself from those things that are keeping you stuck in a rut.
Uranus resumes its long-term transit of your solar fourth house this month, and this time, it’s going to stick around here for the long haul — for seven years! There can be feelings of being caged in, stifled, or naturally desirous of turning over a new leaf. Changes now seem necessary to your home life. During this long-term cycle, your attitude towards home and family is likely to evolve, or there is a freeing, unconventional, erratic, or changing attitude surrounding domestic matters. Some of you will decide that it’s time to move or to dramatically alter current living conditions. Opportunities to relocate, expand, or shake things up can seem to come out of the blue. Your attitude towards the past and traditions is bound to go through changes, too. You might sever some old ties to your past, and ideally, you are taking the necessary steps toward carving out an identity that better suits or represents you.
The Sun enters your communications sector on the 20th, and a Full Moon happens in your spirit sector on the same day! These events can point to sudden urges and changes, but especially realizations. They bring a busier, more connected theme to your life. Do watch for impatience which can lead to errors in judgment now, mainly since the shifts come on quite suddenly. Communication, learning, educational, travel, attitude, outlook, or publishing matters may come to full bloom, and this sets you on a fresh path. There could be surprising news from a relative or from afar. You may also be dealing with unexpected transportation issues, whether local or long distance.
March is strong for gathering information and for inspired money-making ideas. While you may want to wait before launching your more important business or financial plans until the end of the month, or better yet, well outside of the period of Mercury’s retrograde from March 5-28, pay particular attention to the ideas coming to you this month, and do your research! The month is brilliant for magnetism and attraction. From the 1-26, you host lovely Venus in your sign, and the attention you receive is positive. It’s a time for pampering yourself and taking extra time for personal enjoyment and pleasure. Others find you appealing, they want to spend time with you, and they appreciate your personality, even more so than usual.
You’re often drawn to activities that are regenerative this month. You can be motivated to build, produce, and accomplish something tangible. You might be investing in items for the home, perhaps technological or educational, or you’re working on making changes that help improve and freshen up your domestic world. In business, you may learn something that gives you a competitive edge or advantage. Home-related projects are attractive and worth the effort now. The focus can be on putting a tricky problem behind you.
You’re in a strong position to rebuild and reorganize things. Getting rid of extra clutter can be liberating, whether this takes place on an emotional or physical plane or both. You want to feel more in control of your life, and you can take steps to grow, improve, and empower yourself now. You’re resourceful, and your determination and courage can help you to get a whole lot done. Think in terms of renovating rather than beginning something new for best results. You could be working hard for your future security, and responsibilities are more easily met than usual.

Pisces March 2019 Monthly Horoscope Summary: March is strong for making important allies, dear Pisces, as well as for self-understanding and new beginnings. You’re in a fine position for personal influence, goal-setting, and studies. The New Moon on the 6th launches a period of increased personal power and charisma. There may be job offers and opportunities, and some of you could be receiving significant gifts or bonuses. Even so, you may feel that you’re in the dark at times this month, and it’s best to go along with it, trusting that things will unfold in due time.
While it’s true that Mercury is retrograde in your sign most of the month (the 5-28), it’s a potentially brilliant time for rethinking your life in crucial ways. It’s also strong for doing something with your ideas, even if it’s not about new launches. Laying the groundwork is exciting, even in the absence of a solid plan (yet). You have a real sense for opportunities emerging along the lines of learning, studies, communications, and personal projects. It’s also a beautiful time for attracting romantic attention.
Teamwork, group projects, friendships, and communications are all areas of your chart that are set to improve and animate. It’s a good time to empower yourself through activities related to making connections and getting results from groups and networks. Frequently in March, you seem to instinctively gravitate towards people and projects that help you grow and advance. Rebuilding a project or revisioning a plan or dream may be part of the process now. You’re also making a strong and effective impression on others! While it’s not the best month for brand new projects, you’re in a great position to augment and develop those projects or endeavors already in place. New ways to connect or get places you need to go can emerge and these may very well lead to opportunities and improvements.
Uranus becomes a long-term guest in your solar third house starting this month, and it’s an essential time for paying particular attention to ideas that seem to come out of the blue and unexpected communications. While emotional honesty is a beautiful thing, if emotions are released in spurts, or if you are not representing yourself confidently, then your proclamations may bewilder others at times–something to watch for. Uranus here can introduce you to a broader and perhaps eclectic array of mental interests. This long-term cycle revolutionizes the ways you communicate and connect with the world around you. You’ll be opening up and expressing your more unique ideas more often. As you think differently, you communicate differently. Your daily life is bound to become very colorful although possibly also a little unpredictable or chaotic. Regular encounters with neighbors, relatives, and acquaintances, as well as everyday activities and business activities, may be changing quite dramatically. See to it that you make words work for instead of against you. This transit lasts seven years, and you’ll be getting to know it in due time.
This month, there is a strong focus on your personality and your personal plans, and support for these is forthcoming. Granted, Mercury is retrograde in your sign for much of the month, which makes navigating the waters a little tricky at times, but nothing you can’t handle. You’re inclined to look back before going forward, but a little patience now can bring hefty rewards later. Take care of unfinished business so that you can begin anew with less baggage.
Venus is in your privacy sector most of the month–another hint that you need to tie up loose ends before pushing forward. Watch for hasty actions or words around the 20th and particularly in love relationships. Be ready to put in extra effort towards achieving goals, especially those related to learning, communicating, and connecting. It’s an excellent time, in fact, for brushing up on your knowledge and developing skills. Whether you’re catching up or getting ahead of yourself, efforts to learn can be very successful now.
The Full Moon on the 20th can stir up financial or intimate affairs, bringing a matter to full light or completion. At the same time, you’re entering a more finance-focused period. Venus enters your sign on the 26th, and then Mercury ends its retrograde in your sign on the 28th, and things are slowly but surely getting back on track.
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