*May 2019 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Aries:
A comfortably busy and uplifting month is in store, dear Aries. The New Moon on the 4th cleans the slate for a new beginning related to money and personal possessions, and a fresh approach to how you spend, save, and accumulate is in order. It’s sure to feel revitalizing. Mars continues to keep your interest in projects and learning or sharing high until mid-month, after which your fiery ruler heads into your home and family sector, keeping you busy on the home front.
The desire to connect or create something wonderful is strong in the first half of May. Personal appeal is super, and you can be charmingly forthright, sincere, and straightforward with your requests and communications. People are falling in love with your unique style, and you manage to be both assertive and charming.
The Full Moon in week three of May can pull out strong feelings from you and can stimulate a revelation or epiphany. This can be about the need for someone or support, whether this is emotional, moral, or financial. The balance of power in a relationship, debts, a partner’s income, or other shared resources can be in strong focus and subject to stronger emotions. For others, this can be about attachments, as you can see the light about releasing yourself from a burden. It’s a powerful time for allowing strong feelings drive improvements and new missions.
While Mars exits your communications sector on the 15th, you welcome both the Sun and Mercury in this area of your solar chart on the 21st. Learning, paperwork, errands, and other “busy work” all figure strongly. You’re invested in your learning pursuits, communications projects, and the connections you’re making with others. You’re looking to feed your curiosity, connect with others, get out and about, and become more active in your neighborhood or with acquaintances. On the 21st itself, there can be a significant discovery, clearing of the air, epiphany, or conversation. You have a can-do mindset that takes you places.
The last week of May is excellent for discovering new ways to improve your practical affairs. You are especially resourceful, finding new ways to make good use of your talents, time, energy, and money. You’re thrilled about making improvements and progress. New ways of relating to family or of presenting yourself to others can yield surprisingly good results now. Your life demands a bit of outside of the box thinking and acting. Organization around the home or in your work environment can help move things along. You’re also quite willing to focus on things that may need changing on the inside, not just the outside.

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Taurus:
The month ahead is one of personal power, dear Taurus. If you’ve been feeling demotivated or underwhelmed, this is the time for things to turn a corner. You’ll feel more energy and enthusiasm, and after the New Moon on the 4th, ready for a fresh start. Love may be complicated or undercover until mid-month, when circumstances reveal themselves, after which you are more decided and clear about your affections. This can apply to a particular project rather than a relationship for some Taureans. Your presence is powerful all month, and your voice particularly strong from the 6th forward. The opportunity to make impressive progress with a project, talent, or business idea can arise toward mid-month. Releasing stress through physical or creative activities can be excellent for you now.
The Full Moon on the 18th is relationship-oriented, but it’s mostly about getting in touch with your true feelings about a matter, and it can be a real epiphany. You can find yourself highly motivated to earn, collect, and build all of May, and later this month, you’re likely to be gung-ho about learning a new skill. This can be an important time for releasing a block, forgiving someone, or moving past a situation that has kept you from moving forward. It’s a green light month in a general sense, even if your heart is a little slower than the rest of you to take off.
Mars has been pushing your buttons, motivating you to make your life more comfortable for some time now, and while Mars exits your solar second house on the 15th, the Sun and Mercury join it on the 21st. You’re particularly invested in your things, values, money, valuables, and talents now and in the coming weeks. On the 21st itself, you see a financial or respect issue with more clarity and objectivity. Something dawns on you, or there is important news coming in now that helps you make decisions about money, income, and relationships. You have the energy to invest in your plans and move them forward.
In the last week of May, you can feel especially inspired regarding new ventures or enterprises related to communications, ideas, learning, and teaching or guiding. Your pioneering and progressive ideas are winners, and you can be successful in putting an inhibition related to expressing yourself behind you.

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Gemini:
May is often a subdued month that comes in like a lamb and out like a lion for you, dear Gemini. In some ways, this is true this year, but not entirely. This is because you begin the month with Mars still in your sign, animating your desires and pushing your agenda. As well, you have sociable Mercury and Venus in your social sector, getting you in touch with others and busy with events or activities. The 13-14 is particularly strong for your social and love life. Reaching out to others and taking the lead or initiative brings rewards. You may meet someone special through a group, friend, or networking, or the appreciation of a friend may motivate you to go after what you want.
The New Moon on the 4th can serve as a reminder to touch base since it is, despite appearances, the time of year for spiritual renewal, slowing down, reflection, and rest.
By the time of the Full Moon on the 18th, you’ll need to come to a good balance between work and rest, but it’s important to give your needs for downtime their due attention. You’re winding down a year’s cycle, after all, and you’ll want to begin the new solar year with clarity and energy.
You really come alive, however, from the 21st, when the Sun and your ruler, Mercury, enter your sign and promptly align. It’s a potentially brilliant time. You are the star at this time, and you can be especially mentally alert and filled with ideas and possibilities. It’s sure to be a big idea year ahead of you. You’re moving into a particularly awakened, outgoing, active period. Ideally, extra rest or deep thinking in recent weeks is now paying off. You project quite a bit of strength now, you’re more talkative and energetic, you can be busier than usual, and you’re also in demand. It’s a time for being quoted and noted! There can be significant realizations, epiphanies, and clarifications occurring now. It’s a time of mental renewal and increased decisiveness.
The last week of May is strong for money ideas or sources, which can be a most pleasant surprise. Unusual and fresh approaches to business or money management seem to be your best bet at the moment. Mars in your resources sector from mid-month energizes your desire to get comfortable, make money, or organize your personal possessions.

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Cancer:
There is much focus on both work and recreation this month, dear Cancer, with nice opportunities emerging in these areas. While your yearly call to rest, replenishment and reflection happens in the third week of May, you’re likely to keep your engines revving in many ways with Mars, the planet of assertion and action, enters your sign for an invigorating visit mid-month. You’ll do some juggling, but it’s all quite manageable and motivating–perhaps even balanced. The New Moon on the 4th can point to a new beginning or turning point related to a friendship. It’s time to lean on others a little.
You’re likely to enjoy more dynamism and creative expression in your work and possibly your private life. Keeping some things to yourself while smiling for the camera seems to be what works for you at many points in May! You are likable on a professional or public level. You are coming across a little mysteriously right now, even though you are very noticeable and making a mark, and this adds to your appeal, particularly around the 13-14.
The Full Moon on the 18th opens your heart to buried feelings and your eyes to situations that need your attention. There can be epiphany or breakthrough that motivates you to make changes. This can be a time for announcing or discovering love or a project close to your heart. Epiphanies can be about your true feelings, and connecting with them can lead to significant personal choices.
The 21st brings another turning point related to getting time to rest, renew yourself, and perhaps let go of matters that have been unhealthy or that have run their course. It’s an excellent time to actively and confidently seek out time for healing and renewal. Relaxing, meditative activities can be a boon. Still, you’re in excellent shape for teamwork, making friends, expanding your group, or enhancing relationships with associates in the last week of May. For some of you, this is about new long-term projects that invigorate and excite you. Personal opportunities can come through group activities or friends of friends, who are finding you particularly impressive.

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Leo:
This should be a busy, rewarding month, dear Leo, with the potential to come to a good work-life balance and to enjoy some engaging activities. A fresh start related to your career or a life path goal is in the offing from the 4th, and you can feel very much a sense of mission as you make changes or refuel with motivation to pursue a particular goal. It can be a significant time for a boost to your reputation.
There is a taste for the exotic or different this month, continuing from April. You might enjoy opportunities to meet special people through long-distance communications, cultural events, higher education, acquaintances, or groups; or you can find pleasure and inspiration through these things. A forthcoming approach truly works in your favor now with two social planets, Mercury and Venus, in harmony with your sign until the 6th and 15th, respectively. Mid-month does present an energy shift, however, as Mars moves into your privacy sector and you’re in need of a reboot of sorts. Taking more time to yourself or for rest is vital now.
The Full Moon on the 18th can stir up revelations about home and family or personal needs. You may need to manage a family or personal matter if you’ve been too heavily invested in your work or responsibilities to the outside world. Such imbalances can become glaring now, and you recognize the need for improved time and energy management as well as a better work-life balance.
The 21st brings help with the Sun and Mercury both entering your social sector and meeting there on the same day. It’s a brilliant turning point that can find you filled with bright ideas and hopes. You might see a plan or friendship with greater clarity, perhaps deciding to clear the air and make your intentions known or simply make a connection. You can be excited about emerging new ideas for long-term plans and projects, or the full details of a plan come together now. In the last week of the month, extra effort behind the scenes can reap rewards. There can be a sudden need to put a long-standing problem behind you or deal with a secret that has been weighing you down. You’re highly motivated to free yourself in some manner, so take advantage! Resources are likely to reveal themselves.

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Virgo:
The desire for a change of routine is strong this month, dear Virgo, and it’s a great time to do things just a little differently for refreshment and a new perspective on your life. Investigation or seeking out hidden answers or resources can be successful. There can be progress, improvement, or excitement in an intimate relationship or with a passion project. There can be a buzz of excitement in your personal or professional life, and a bit of competition can motivate you to give a little more to what you’re doing. The result is the upping of your game, and it feels good. Particularly around the 13-14, you can enjoy a boost of charisma on the job or you find that others are backing you. By mid-month, life seems to roll along more smoothly with Mars now moving in harmony with your sign. Excitement about putting a dream into action or about new ventures begins to build.
The Full Moon on the 18th stirs up feelings from deep within and makes current conditions feel larger than life. Discoveries related to ideas, learning, communications, transportation, and relatives can motivate you to make changes and improvements, particularly if you’ve been living with sub-par conditions or problems in these areas for awhile. The need to buckle down and deal with errands, appointments, or deadlines is a strong possibility for many of you, especially since your mind has been somewhere else altogether recently!
The 21st sees a real shift of energy as the Sun and Mercury begin their transits of your career and reputation sector, joining together quickly and stimulating powerful ideas for change and progress. There can be a vital clarification or a meaningful realization that pushes an idea or project forward. The last week of May is a good time for having a little adventure, sharing ideas, learning something exciting, and connecting with people who inspire and excite you. Romantic opportunities or meeting friends can be in focus for you now, and they’re likely to come through extra-curricular activities. If you’re teaching, guiding, or otherwise influencing and inspiring others, your enthusiastic presentation invites people to follow your lead, making it a particularly excellent time for promotional or networking activities and otherwise spreading the word.

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Libra:
The month ahead brings strong energy for both your close relationships and personal commitments to making changes and improvements, dear Libra. It’s a fine time for special attention to a particular project, as your focus improves and you seem to be able to meet challenges with confidence and even enthusiasm. From the 4th, you’re in wonderful shape for making a positive lifestyle change.
Relationships, and especially those of the one-on-one variety, can be in focus and successful. May provides a great environment for pairing up and enjoying special activities or conversations with a special person in your life. Even a counseling session can be especially fruitful as others have something to reveal to you about yourself. A bit of competition or an exciting possibility can motivate you to give a little more, and this reaps rewards. You could find yourself on the same or compatible page as a significant other.
Mid-month, Mars moves to the top of your solar chart, and while there is much emphasis on your relationships and personal life, this move suggests building ambitions and a desire or need to get your professional life on track or perhaps even the fast track.
The Full Moon on the 18th can bring on new information, a turning point, or culmination surrounding a practical, ownership, business, or financial matter. This Full Moon falls along an axis that has to do with talents and resources, as well as sexual and intimate relationships, and new feelings or discoveries may revolve around any of these things. The 21st brings another interesting shift as both the Sun and Mercury move into harmony with your sign. Sudden motivation to explore, learn, and discover new things can emerge now. Excitement and motivation to soak in information and acquire new knowledge figures strongly. You want to move out of your comfort zone when it comes to learning, thinking, and doing. Aim to seek out inspiration from new people, places, information, or experiences. The last week of May is also good for grabbing the lead with quiet confidence. You’re also likely to be ahead of the competition if you’re even noticing them at all. You might turn a limiting situation that has weighed you down in the past into a powerful motivator for new goals and ambitions.

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Scorpio:
Work, wellness, and relationships all make headlines for you this month, dear Scorpio. The New Moon on the 4th brings a fresh start in or about a partnership. Good energy is with you for digging deep with a special project, and also for getting various important chores done. Look for positive channels opening up to you for healing and health-building pursuits. This can be a good time for physical therapy of some sort. Love matters get a nice boost this month, and some of this can involve work or routines. More enjoyment of these things can figure strongly, or a social/love connection might be made as you pursue these things.
Mars moving into harmony with your sign mid-month is an energetic boost. This transit seems to help things move along more smoothly and ups your confidence such that obstacles either fall out of your way or you clear them more easily. For some, there can be some exciting travel or new courses that enliven the spirit, and for many, it’s simply about taking a fresh approach to the usual routine that serves as a refresher.
The Full Moon on the 18th is yours, occurring in your sign and bringing your emotions to the surface quite suddenly and perhaps dramatically! It might bring some attention your way or can have the effect of stirring up quite a bit of excitement and activity around you. You might experience a personal revelation or epiphany. If you’ve been particularly relationship-focused or doing a lot for others these days, which is more than likely, then you are bound to recognize your needs for some independence, a voice, or personal time. This is a time for listening to your heart, but not for jumping into things impulsively.
The 21st brings another shift of energy that’s inward-focused. You can experience a strong nudge towards looking within for answers as well as for the seeking out of deeper involvement in or commitment to a project, venture, or relationship. You’re not interested in fluff at the moment as you pursue more meaningful or absorbing experiences. As such, some endeavors are likely to fall by the wayside. You might reach conclusions about a relationship or yourself, as you see a matter more clearly. Still, your sense of adventure persists in the last week of May. Encounters can be unusual or surprising, or a significant someone in your life adds a healthy dose of excitement to your life. A sense of progress, improvement, or growth is a powerful motivator right now.

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Sagittarius:
The potential for a nice balance of attention to work, health, and love runs high in May, dear Sagittarius. The New Moon on the 4th can bring about a new beginning or fresh start related to the work you do or to a self-care, health, or wellness program. It’s a fabulous time for making a change or commitment to making improvements. Relationships are likely to be charged, mostly in very pleasing ways. Others may spur you on, encourage you, or inspire you to action. Relationships are ever so slightly competitive or spicy, and this can motivate you to give a little more. It’s also an excellent time for creative work or pleasure-seeking activities. Feedback from others can be motivating.
The Full Moon on the 18th, however, is a checkpoint time. If you’ve been overdoing the work or busy-ness angle, it’s a time for a sudden discovery of the need for extra time alone or rest, recuperation, and regeneration. There can be unusual coincidences or unexpected discoveries of your feelings about a person or project now. Intuition is powerful. This can also be a time when you recognize the need to heal, unwind, and relax, even if for a short time before you pick up the pace again.
The 21st brings another shift of energy. Mars has been traveling through your opposing sign in the first two weeks of May, and now both the Sun and Mercury follow suit. Not only that, these bodies align with one another on the same day. This can come as a surprise or a rush and can point to quickly changing circumstances. Going forward, there can be an accelerated, energized pace to a relationship or negotiations. There can be a lot of activity related to your social life or partnerships. Do check in with your feelings before rushing ahead since Venus is not yet on board. The last week of May brings a more innovative approach for solutions and to new ideas or enterprises. You might bring new ideas or methods to work, health, or relationships now. Investigations, analyses, and research are highly starred now and are likely to lead to important and valuable discoveries. Here too, try something different or offbeat.

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Capricorn:
A fresh start creatively or romantically can figure strongly in May, dear Capricorn, with the New Moon on the 4th occurring in your sector of joy. You’re in good stead on the domestic front, with nice opportunities to connect with loved ones or to understand your needs better. Mars charges through your work and health sector, ensuring you attend to your work, chores, and health pursuits, and while it moves on mid-month, the Sun and Mercury head into the same sector week four, renewing your attention to the work, details, and practical side of your life. May is looking quite balanced and diverse.
Action around the house or with work can be therapeutic. You’re likely to feel more comfortable at home or in your personal life, and if not, you’ll go lengths to make it so. Harmony is important at the root or at home base at this time–it helps you concentrate elsewhere. The Full Moon on the 18th can bring people to you or can stir up a lot of activity in your social life. It can also motivate you to get moving on a new plan or project that’s fresh and exciting. Inner stirrings prompt you into action. There can be the illumination of a friendship or romantic matter, or your feelings can become hard to ignore now, even if you’ve been keeping them at bay! This can be a time of invites or a sudden demand for your help, support, or company. A pleasant feeling of being needed and needing others can be experienced, but if this lunation serves to simply magnify a feeling of lacking in these areas which is sometimes the case, it’s likely to propel you into action to fix the situation. The theme now is recognizing your need for others.
On the 21st, the Sun and Mercury join your solar sixth house almost in unison, and in the coming weeks, your focus on your daily routines, fitness, health, nutrition, work, and habits is high. While it’s not the best cycle for recognition or worldly success, this is an intense period for self-development and laying the groundwork for future success. As they align on the 21st itself, good energy is with you for sorting out and gaining clarity about work and health matters in a logical manner. There can be an epiphany or realization about a health issue or solution or a work or service matter. You can enjoy a sense of excitement now. Seek out new or alternative health programs and work methods, as problems in these areas of your life can come to quick resolutions.
From mid-month, Mars heads into your partnership sector, and while there (until July 1st) is set to animate and energize your close, one-on-one relationships. In the last week of May is an excellent time for connecting with others in unique, inspiring ways. Someone might propose a fun adventure for you or encourage your creative side. Channeling your energy into special causes or projects can be productive. Focus on eliminating those things that have been weighing you down.

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Aquarius:
The month ahead is strong for pouring special attention into your home and personal life, dear Aquarius, but it also seems to keep you well-connected with others and with your creative spirit as well. A feeling that you’re starting fresh on the domestic front, perhaps with a new and improved approach to “doing” home life, self-nurturing, filling comfort and safety needs, or connecting with family, is likely from the 4th forward.
Your need for creative or romantic interactions continues to run high and might even stir you to reach out and express your feelings to someone special. Or, you might turn to physical activities or games to release built-up tension. Creative self-expression flows smoothly for the most part, and you may feel inspired or motivated to up your game in a most pleasant way with good results. Mid-month, Mars leaves your creative sector, but the Sun and Mercury head into it less than a week later, so it continues to be a position of power in May. However, the second half of May can find you with building ambition and energy to take care of work, chores, and health.
The Full Moon on the 18th draws your strong attention to your performance, career, reputation, or responsibilities. You’ve been particularly absorbed in your personal life these days, and now you’re called into action. This Full Moon increases your visibility. While you may not completely enjoy that your life seems to be everyone’s business now, you are in a good position to straighten things up and iron things out. Paying closer attention to the rules is important now. If your personal and professional lives are out of balance, this is a time for recognizing the need for better management of your time, energy, and focus. It’s also a fine time for a work or goal turning point.
On the 21st, both the Sun and Mercury join your solar fifth house, and even more attention to pleasure-seeking activities, romance, creative projects, and hobbies is in store. A shift from a focus on your inner world to a more creative, interactive period is occurring now–this is all about pursuing your passions. On the 21st itself, there can be a clearing of the air, a moment of epiphany, news, or an overdue conversation related to any of these themes. In the last week of May, you’ll find wonderful energy for innovative ideas, projects, and endeavors related to home and/or work. You’re more likely to get the results you want if you embrace change, even if what you’re working so hard for is about making life more secure! You’re putting a new spin on these things and your confidence is strong. Solving work or family matters requires an entirely different, fresh approach with Uranus a long-term guest in your solar fourth house.

Horoscope Overview for May 2019 for Pisces:
May is sure to be lively and engaging, dear Pisces, but with the right balance of busy-quiet moments to keep you feeling comfortably challenged. The New Moon on the 4th can bring a new development or fresh start related to your general outlook, your communications, studies, personal interests, and connections. It’s about connecting with others and with the information you need. Significant new projects or the birth of better communications or transportation systems in your life can figure strongly now.
You have a stronger desire to make something beautiful in your home or with your business this month, and a creative business idea may come together beautifully around the 13-14. Personal comfort, artistry, aesthetics, decoration and prized possessions can be in high focus. You are confident about what you want, and you seem to magnetize the right people and things to you. Home life can be animated at times this month, but the purpose of this is to stir up change rather than to cling to stale or dysfunctional ways of living that are doing nothing for you.
While this is generally a time for sticking close to home or familiar settings, around the Full Moon on the 18th, there might be a sudden desire to depart your usual routine, go on a trip, or do something more refreshing, meaningful, and life-affirming. For some of you, this is about receiving news, launching a publishing project, legal matters, education, or travel. For others, a great idea comes to you or one in the works fleshes out now. Whatever emerges now sets you along a new path regarding your beliefs and attitudes.
On the 21st, the Sun and Mercury move into your solar fourth house, and the weeks ahead are good for improving relations with family and living conditions, as well as for settling in and getting comfortable with yourself. On the 21st itself, there can be big ideas and meaningful conversations or ideas related to long-term projects, improving security, family, and home. You’re gaining clarity in your personal life. May is excellent for preparation or downsizing efforts.
The second half of May sees another shift as Mars moves into your creative sector. It’s a helpful, confidence-boosting transit. Mars gains the support of Uranus, encouraging you in a wide range of enterprising activities, and favoring creative learning, romantic expression, and entertainment. You might even take a hobby, game, or even a relationship to a new level. Rewards come from activities that engage your heart. Your powers of communication, especially your willingness to speak more frankly and openly, heighten your personal magnetism.
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