*May 2022 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*
You’re getting your bearings in key ways this month, dear Aries, and sorting out money or belongings can be part of this. There can be a stronger focus on personal finances, possessions, resources, and business. You could discover ways to increase your income or your earning potential, or there can be new beginnings with money and personal possessions. Venus, Mars, and Jupiter enter your sign in May, and as the month advances, it becomes livelier!
First, a Jupiter-Pluto aspect occurs, and it encourages you to look at a challenging matter or something that you’ve had problems digesting in a more positive light. Releasing a burden can be satisfying now. Your intuition, compassion, or work you did in the past can benefit your current career or reputation. You can get a real sense that if you shine some light on areas of your life that you’ve kept hidden or that have left you feeling guilty, you’ll work more wholeheartedly and feel stronger professionally. It’s a time to put a problem behind you, and you can be quite determined to improve your life further.
Good energy is with you for taking a look at your finances. You’re more proactive, dealing with problems before they get a chance to grow. The need to overcome problem areas or get past something is powerful, so take advantage. There can be a feeling of wanting to make your luck and opportunities. It’s also a time for innovation and inspiration with your business, finances, creativity, and talents.
You’re taking care of business and taking more pride in your work, possessions, and ability to earn or improve your life. A Solar Eclipse has just occurred in your resources sector, and this month is great for starting fresh and taking charge, particularly of a business, project, or money matters and spending habits.
Venus is in your sign from the 2-28, and your personal appeal runs high. Others are drawn to you more than usual. Your ruler, Mars, later moves into Aries (on the 24th), and you can feel re-energized, more courageous, and ready for action.
Perhaps the biggest headline is Jupiter’s move into Aries on May 10th. It’s a longer-term influence that brings you out of your shell, and it’s exciting! This Jupiter transit comes in two parts, the first of which runs from May 10-October 28. Your confidence increases, and you seek more freedom to express and enjoy yourself during this cycle. New ideas and interests can be exciting. It’s a time when you naturally put more faith in yourself and your capabilities.
These influences bring your personality, charm, and attractiveness into the spotlight. Others notice you, and you feel a little more decided and confident. A partner or good friend tends to be on the same page as you, more attentive, and more willing to let you take the lead.
Before these transits of planets in Aries, it’s a good time to examine whether some projects and attitudes have outgrown their value. It’s also a time to listen to your heart and intuition to better judge where to direct your energies, now and in the future, as changes are imminent.
Around the Lunar Eclipse on the 16th, you are opening your eyes to dependencies, matters of support and sharing, and financial realities. This eclipse brings buried or long-brewing situations to the surface. While resolutions may not come just yet, events and realizations can get the ball rolling.
The Sun heads into your communications sector on the 20th, and it’s a time of increased curiosity, learning, and mental activity in your life. Mercury is retrograde this month from the 10th onward, complicating some communications. The impetus is to reach out and communicate more than usual, but there can be obstacles in your way. Even so, this cycle encourages you to explore different ideas, learn new things, or develop current studies and interests. It can also be a time for rediscovering an old interest or recognizing that a current project, venture, or personal interest is no longer serving you well. Ideas now can spark a long-term project, but it’s all very new and not yet mature, so pay attention but take your time with decisions. Exercise patience for best results.
On the 28-29, your planetary ruler, Mars, aligns with the planet of plenty, Jupiter, in your sign! It’s a time of approaching the world more directly and boldly, and you can feel as if you’re winding up and filling up with initiative and courage. You might experience a burst of physical or competitive energy. Aim to use this power wisely. It’s an excellent time for your charisma, sense of enterprise, and initiative. You can feel strongly about doing something on your own or at your own pace, and taking the lead seems to come most naturally right now.
You begin the month with a strong sense of starting fresh, dear Taurus. At the end of April, the Solar Eclipse occurred in your sign, and it prompted you to recognize your need for stronger personal plans, more independence, and a clean slate.
An empowering Jupiter-Pluto sextile encourages your ambitions, bringing opportunities to expand your experiences and impress others. This period of your life can be excellent for making rewarding connections that last. Activities that break the routine or learning endeavors can stir you or connect you with interesting people. There can be publishing, promoting, or learning breakthroughs. Your perspective is shifting in powerful, positive ways, and you have more interest in sharing your ideas and causes with others. You’re motivated to improve or bring something to the next level. It’s a great time to connect with your desires, which could very well lead you in new directions or to different pursuits.
You’re making valuable connections and standing out from the crowd in a very good way. You need to “own” the path you take, and the best way to do that is to get in touch with where you genuinely want to go, without the distractions of other people’s agendas and opinions. You can be a particularly valuable member of a team or group and work independently just as easily.
You’re certainly attracting attention and in charge this month. It’s a time for shining. You see your capabilities for what they are, rather than over- or under-estimating them, which is empowering. It’s natural for you to assert yourself.
While you begin the month quite active with friends and groups, Venus moves into your privacy sector on the 2nd, Jupiter on the 10th, and Mars later in May: on the 24th. There can be some need to pull back from overly demanding and competitive situations, and perhaps people. Close relationships may require some personal sacrifices or privacy. Instead, you could reassess your feelings and attachments or current pursuits. Either way, much is happening beneath the surface or behind the scenes with your feelings and desires. While you could be wrestling with some decisions, you can, in fact, be a real dynamo with a bit of extra solitude and time to yourself. It’s best to divide your time effectively.
Mercury’s retrograde from the 10th forward suggests the need to take things a step at a time. While Mercury is retrograding in your sign from the 22nd, patience is necessary! Take care of unfinished business for the best results. Some personal plans may stall and decisions may not be easy, but you’ll do well for yourself if you give yourself the room and space to get to conclusions.
Jupiter moves into your solar twelfth house on the 10th–a quieter period for Jupiter, but certainly not without its benefits. The full Jupiter transit comes in two parts, the first of which is this one, lasting from May 10-October 28. It’s a time of a meaningful inner spiritual search as you establish a deeper connection with your intuition. You’ll be gaining a better relationship with yourself from the inside out! Your sympathetic nature deepens, and you can thoroughly enjoy helping others. Discovering untapped resources or benefits from behind the scenes can figure strongly. This transit will develop further later in 2022 and into 2023.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th brings a personal project or relationship to bloom. Personal epiphanies and revelations about relationships are likely.
The 18-21 is a powerful few days for better understanding a matter from the past, especially related to money – new information emerges, and you’re better off for it! Recycling old ideas may be beneficial, or you might discover lost valuables.
The Sun leaves your sign and enters your resources sector on the 20th, turning your focus more squarely on your practical affairs, money matters, and building or developing your projects and resources. A slow and steady approach is appropriate, especially with Mars moving into hiding in your solar chart on the 24th.
Especially on the 28-29, energies favor taking care of persistent problems or putting a matter behind you as Mars and Jupiter come together in your sector of endings. A buried matter may emerge, and you’re ready to handle it with courage. Something big is brewing in your private life or deep inside. If you’ve been feeling unfulfilled, this amplifies now, and if it causes discomfort or elicits strong emotions, these can motivate you to take action. You’ll be itching to accomplish something concrete. Or, this transit is about feeling moved to help someone out.
The 30th features a New Moon and a potential new beginning on a financial level.
There can be much focus on the past, emotional issues, and your inner world in May, dear Gemini, although you’re building towards a far more active and involved phase as the month progresses. Key players move into your social sector: Venus on the 2nd, Jupiter on the 10th, and Mars on the 24th. As well, the Sun enters your sign on the 20th.
Still, it’s eclipse season, stirring your inner world. On the last day of last month, a Solar Eclipse encouraged new beginnings with rest, recuperation, and downtime. The Lunar Eclipse on May 16th reminds you of the need to find a work-rest balance. It calls you to action, mainly to take better care of daily routines, wellness, and work matters.
A Jupiter-Pluto transit empowers you–financial backing or moral support can arrive for your longer-term goals or career. Intimacy and psychological growth get a boost. You could be putting a strategic amount of extra resources, such as money, support, or energy, into your work, career path, or life path goals and possibly also getting some solid support for doing so. You’re in a great position to advance your goals in rewarding ways. Belief in yourself is what seems to be the key now.
If you need to handle a private matter or deal with an ending or a problem from the past, the first week of May is powerful.
The month gets off to a motivating start with your career or life-path goals in strong focus and perhaps some extra attention on professional levels. However, the mighty Sun is in a hidden area of your solar chart, until the 20th, suggesting you need personal downtime as you wind down your solar year and prepare for the next one. Still, you quite easily draw upon your memory or wisdom to solve a problem or advance a goal. While you can be somewhat retiring personally, your ambition to triumph, succeed, or win is in force. Do keep in mind that you are bound to bring out strong feelings and reactions in others whether or not you intend to.
Career, professional developments, and responsibilities gradually become less prominent as the month progresses and your social sector lights up. You have more charisma with friends and groups, and relationships can be animated.
Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on the 10th, signaling a need to look back before moving forward. There can be information clogs until next month, but the pause can help you catch up and make different choices and important edits.
Jupiter moves into your friends and dreams sector on the 10th. It’s part one of a transit that will develop even further next year. Ideally, you’ve accomplished some pretty big goals and now have more freedom to pursue objectives that are less about performance and more about enjoyment! Jupiter loosens you up in this way. This Jupiter transit will help remind you of the need to enjoy yourself more often. You’ll be pouring more energy into friendships, networking, personal causes, and community or group associations with this booster transit. Fortunately, these things bring benefits to you. This transit’s first of two parts runs from May 10th to October 28th.
The 18-21 can bring you personal attention, but it can also be a time of remarkable new insights into your emotional life, family, or the past. While this can be subtle, it can leave you feeling better equipped to move forward.
The Sun in your sign from the 20th boosts your sense of personal power and increases your influence and presence. It also brings out the need to share your ideas and use the power of words to improve your life. It’s a fine time to consider new personal initiatives.
You’re particularly noticeable, prouder, and more confident or coming across with more personal strength at this time. Retrograde Mercury aligns with the Sun in your sign on the 21st, making it a significant time to see recent decisions or plans in a new light. Mercury retreats into your privacy sector the next day, and more rumination is likely. Looking at past projects with new eyes can figure strongly. Keep in mind that your words have more impact than usual, but Mercury is still retrograde, so watching what you communicate is important. You have more clout and personal presence, but there can be some mystery surrounding you. Decision-making may be challenging but probably only requires more time. Your mind may be looping back to the same old problems. Some of the decisions made and projects started in April can come up for review.
On the 28-29, strong feelings can stir the desire to pursue a cause, goal, or cherished dream as Mars and Jupiter align in your sector of community. You might meet with interesting people and share your ideas and ideals, or there can be inspirational and motivating experiences with existing friends. Your drive to get something started/moving is active, and while feelings can be raw, you’ll eventually find ways to channel them into something genuinely constructive. There can be a sudden desire or courage to connect with a friend or group or to take action. It’s an exciting time for connecting and collaborating.
The New Moon on the 30th is in your sign, pointing to a brand new beginning. It’s a time of more personal presence and power, and it’s a theme that continues into June. Since your planetary ruler, Mercury, remains retrograde until June 3rd, take things slowly as you consider ways to reinvent or renew yourself.
You’re seeking ways to improve your life experiences and expand your knowledge and wisdom this month, dear Cancer. However, your drive to take care of business builds as May advances. If you play your cards right, this can be a strong month for coming to a good work-play balance.
With a Jupiter-Pluto aspect, there can be rewarding experiences, such as publishing or learning, that positively impact a current relationship or bring a new connection into your life. It can be an important time to question some of the beliefs or attitudes that may have held you back–a process that could be prompted or motivated by a person in your life or your relationship goals. Sharing or learning can be particularly satisfying and successful. New ideas and expectations can lead you in different and exciting directions.
The first three weeks of the month are strong for networking, group efforts, and friendships. Long-term plans look exciting now. You might decide to begin a new venture or join a group or team.
Benefits come from sharing your knowledge or expertise with others. It can also be a great time for initiatives or plans for publishing, teaching, or learning. You find it easier to accept new ideas and explore new subjects, directions, or activities.
Your professional sector lights up in May. Venus visits from the 2-28, and Mars moves in on the 24th. Even more significant is Jupiter’s stay from the 10th since Jupiter spends about a year there only every twelve years. With these transits, you bring more creativity, energy, optimism, spirit, enterprise, and charisma to your career or public life. You could have the chance to shine.
Jupiter’s move into your career and reputation sector on the 10th is significant. While it’s only part one of two parts (Jupiter will be in this solar sector from May 10-October 28, then December 20-May 16), this transit is kickstarting now, and you can feel pleasantly ambitious and goal-oriented. You might get some good feedback and recognition for your work or your effort towards goals. More importantly, you feel proud of your accomplishments, motivating you to shoot a little higher. You might find yourself in a position to manage others, or there could be a promotion or more enjoyable work and goals during this pivotal transit.
However, Mercury turns retrograde on the 10th, and this cycle will continue until June 3rd. Some inconvenient delays or turnarounds can redirect you or temporarily make decision-making more challenging. It’s a good cycle for redoing and refining work already in progress or backtracking over the past to find answers.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th can bring love feelings to bloom or a romantic relationship to a turning point. Since this is a part of a series of eclipses that lasts until next year, you won’t have all the answers yet, but you’re certainly on your way. Awakening to a passion or strong feelings can be illuminating.
You need more time to yourself with the Sun’s move into your privacy sector on the 20th. It’s a powerful time for healing, relaxing, and getting in touch with your inner world. On the 20-21, you may see an old problem or project in a new light. You might reach a turning point after reconsidering various directions or ventures.
Even so, you have big dreams and ideas. On the 28-29, brave Mars aligns with expansive, optimistic Jupiter at the top of your solar chart. Your desire for more freedom can motivate you to do something special and unique. It’s a fine time to recognize the enterprising side of your nature and the desire to improve, advance, and excel. Keeping in mind that your actions have more impact than usual, you can certainly throw your energies into worthwhile pursuits.
May begins shortly after a Solar Eclipse at the top of your solar chart, dear Leo, pointing to a fresh start with your career, social standing, reputation, responsibilities, or performance. You’re more ambitious and focused, ready to apply yourself. As the month progresses, your sense of adventure builds. The need to feed your spirit and engage your mind strengthens.
With the Sun at the top of your solar chart until the 20th, you give extra attention to your career, long-term goals, rules, responsibilities, and performance. It can also be a time of greater visibility–people seem to hold you a little more accountable for your actions (or lack of action). It can be a time to show off what you can do or remind yourself of long-term plans.
A Jupiter-Pluto aspect helps you connect with and embrace your ambitions, and as you do, you enjoy increased influence and support. This transit can benefit your intimate life, work, health, habits, routines, or shared finances. You receive cosmic support for making empowering changes and choices about your attachments and dependencies, your work or chores, your efforts to maintain and improve health, and your daily routines and habits. Making a positive lifestyle change seems to come quite naturally now!
You’re in stellar shape for getting work done, taking charge, and developing new ideas or methods. Showing a spirit for advancement and excitement about the future can be infectious, leading to more opportunities. You might deal with a matter that has your reputation going through changes. You can be exceptionally resourceful, and you have a real desire to come out ahead, triumph, or accomplish something special.
Your intimate life can be lively, and combining your resources or talents with someone can be beneficial for reaching a goal. But while Venus, Jupiter, and Mars begin the month in your intimacy sector, they head into your spirit sector on the 2nd, 10th, and 24th, respectively. As a result, you crave more space and freedom as the month progresses. These influences can boost your spirits and bring more spontaneity into your love life, communications, and everyday experiences. It can also be a super time for promotional or marketing efforts.
On the 10th, Jupiter begins its transit of your solar ninth house. This fortunate transit arrives in two parts, the first of which lasts from May 10-October 28. It encourages you to explore and expand your interests. It’s an excellent influence on courses, studies, extracurricular activities, and interests. You’re also more easygoing in your day-to-day life, as you find it easier to rise above minor problems and put things into perspective during this cycle.
With Mercury retrograde from the 10th forward (until June 3rd), you may need to return to an old project or redo and refine something you thought was complete. However, this apparent backtracking can lead to significant refinements and strengthening of key areas of your life. Waiting for information can be part of the picture.
This eclipse season reminds you to balance your attention to home life and outside responsibilities. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th inspires realizations or epiphanies. Feelings that you’ve kept at bay or haven’t yet acknowledged are impossible to ignore now! Events and revelations clear the path for improvements in your life, particularly related to career, reputation, status, home, and family. Stirring on the home front can remind you to pay more attention to your domestic world. If you’ve been over-extending yourself, you’ll now find ways to get more downtime.
The Sun turns your attention to enjoyment, friends, teamwork, and networking from the 20th forward. Your long-term happiness goals move to the front burner, and you can feel inspired! You can feel quite hopeful about where your life may be heading. If not, this is a time to experiment with new ideas and plans or dream up new visions of more fulfilling activities. You might gain new insight into recent events, decisions, or problems, particularly related to friends and relationships or a significant project or pursuit in your life. Ultimately, this can redirect you, leading to substantial new beginnings.
From the 22nd, it’s best to pay more attention to what you’re communicating, particularly in public or professional settings. You may be too quick to jump to conclusions, but keep in mind that information is likely incomplete temporarily.
On the 28-29, you can be passionate about your ideas or what you’re learning, and this is a time for expanding your horizons or your reach. If life has been feeling a little dull recently, this is the boost or reinvigoration you need.
You begin the month just after a Solar Eclipse occurred in your spirit sector, dear Virgo, and your need for mental refreshment is high. Opportunities to break the routine emerge. Learning, sharing ideas, publishing, studying, or promoting are important themes in your life. Something that connects you with a new, different, or broader audience or with other ideas and cultures can be in focus now, and it’s gratifying. A change of pace or scenery can be beneficial now.
An empowering Jupiter-Pluto transit boosts partnering or gaining new perspectives that improve your life. You could be taking steps to better yourself, feeling motivated by happier or more suitable relationship goals and needs. You’re in great shape for growing your relationships, particularly with a partner, offspring, or romantic connection. This transit also leads you to satisfying ways to express yourself uniquely or creatively. Matters of the heart can have an almost magical quality to them, although also an intense theme! You’re determined to connect with your desires and confidently pursue them.
Early May, you could have a mind-opening experience, or it’s a time of finding inspiration by branching out and exploring places or topics you wouldn’t investigate regularly. Your unique ideas, approach, or guidance can be in the spotlight. Opportunities to impress, publish or promote your services can figure strongly.
Close relationships and partnerships are also in strong focus this month. Transits have a way of revealing strong needs and desires in relationships. Venus, Jupiter, and Mars are animating your partnership sector until the 2nd, 10th, and 24th. However, with these planets moving into your intimacy and sharing sector, relationships in your life may deepen, or you gravitate to more absorbing projects. Certainly, your feelings and desires transform as the month advances. You could be consolidating or combining your resources, gaining financial support, or bringing a little more excitement to your intimate life.
You’re investing quite a bit into others now, and together, you can accomplish much. You benefit from the involvement or company of others, even if you are pursuing your own goals.
Jupiter moves into your solar eighth house on the 10th, and it’s the first of two parts of a cycle that’s superb for financial improvements and your intimate life. This transit begins to unfold now and until October 28th. Increased benefits can come through others, a partner’s income could increase, or you might combine talents with someone to work towards an important goal. Your intimate world is rich and deep, and your connection to someone or a passion project deepens.
Also from the 10th, Mercury is retrograde, and there can be some backtracking and delays. While offputting at times, they also allow you to refine and improve your projects. Redoing work or returning to old material or conversations and problems can make you feel a little stuck at times, but redirections can be helpful in the long run.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th can bring on discoveries, ideas, and changes in your mindset or attitude. Watch for impulsive self-expression, but give weight to your emotions and any epiphanies occurring now. Writing, learning, sharing, publicity, and promotion are themes that reach a turning point. This eclipse reminds you to connect with your true feelings about what you’re learning, communicating, and sharing.
From the 20th, your attention turns to the rules and structures in your life, as well as career and responsibility. Transits stimulate you to reach new heights. This is one of the most goal-oriented times of the year, and it can also be one of the more public ones – people take notice of you, and you can be more accountable than usual. You can get unique insight into a career, performance, or reputation matter, particularly related to recent decisions and choices on the 20-21.
On the 28-29, there can be a connection, incentive, or motivation to get going on a personal or financial matter. You have emotional fearlessness and courage, and opportunities to come to a better understanding of an intimate relationship can emerge, or you might discover new resources or funding. Your resolve and conviction are likely to lead you to make important improvements. The New Moon on the 30th prompts a fresh start to your approach to achieving your goals, or even altogether new objectives and plans.
May is often a month for strategizing, observing, and researching your options, dear Libra. At the same time, your personal life is animated. Your planetary ruler, Venus, spends most of May in your partnership sector, making your connections particularly special. A big headline this month is Jupiter moving into this same area of your solar chart, bringing on a longer-term trend of improvement and growth in partnerships.
May can also be a month of transformations and renovations on an emotional level. You’re returning to old problems with a different attitude, taking care of unfinished business, and making refinements to projects that are not quite complete.
A Jupiter-Pluto transit boosts you as you work on improving the work-home connection or renovate your routines in satisfying, productive, and healthy ways. You might enjoy a renewed commitment to living well at home and in your daily routines. As daily routines and work mesh well with home life, you’ll find yourself in great shape on many different levels. Or, your daily affairs are more rewarding and supportive of your goals. You can be determined to get things in smooth working order.
You’re putting more energy into your routines, chores, or duties. You want to do something out of the ordinary, fresh, and unique. A significant discovery about a financial matter or intimate relationship you make now can set you on a new course. You might experience a wake-up call or unexpected event that stimulates the need to change your dependencies or your approach, particularly to people in your life and with money matters.
As the month advances, themes of partnering, connecting, socializing, and learning increase. Pulling yourself away from work and tasks can be of great benefit. Relationships enliven. Partners can be distracting at times but thoroughly helpful in most ways.
Jupiter moves into your partnership sector on the 10th, and relationship boosts are in store. This longer-term transit lasts from May 10-October 28, and then it continues later in the year, from December 20, 2022, until May 16, 2023. It’s a powerful time for partnering, developing a relationship, coming to beneficial agreements, and benefiting from counseling. It’s a generally fortunate transit for legal and promotional matters. Someone coming into your life during this period can be significant, or a current partnership improves. You might often feel that you have someone on your side during this cycle, and you’re likely to get a sweet taste of this energy starting this month, particularly around the 28-29 when Mars energizes Jupiter.
Money matters can reach a head around the 16th when a Lunar Eclipse occurs in your solar second house. There can be revelations or realizations revolving around finances, valuables, or values. It’s a time to face feelings and make changes and improvements that give you a stronger sense of security, predictability, and safety. Self-sufficiency can be a goal.
From the 20th, you’re coming out of your shell further, exploring new ideas and experiences. It’s an important time for branching out and mixing up the routine a little. On the 20-21, there can be a sense that you need to wipe the slate clean in some manner, and it’s a strong time for seeing old attitudes or projects in a new light and putting them behind you. New insights into recent decisions can help alter your perspective in significant ways and lead you to new projects or lines of thought. This is an excellent time for making resolutions to approach your life in more empowering, positive ways going forward. The New Moon on the 30th brings start-fresh energy and perhaps new directions, studies, attitudes, and personal interests.
From the 22nd, you may need to go over financials or intimate conversations that you thought were final but now need more attention. If problems are re-emerging, then it’s time to look at them a little differently, perhaps by seeing more details or looking at the larger perspective.
The 28-29 is a great time to develop solutions to problems or plans. Someone may be rattling your cage, getting you going, and motivating you, and while it can be a time of some conflict, it’s also a time for getting things out in the open and clearing the air. You recognize that growth comes from confronting matters. Somebody may very well motivate you to pursue a long-time dream or to take charge of your life, or you might team up to get something important done. A relationship can be a catalyst for you to make meaningful changes.
With a Solar Eclipse in your partnership sector just behind you as you begin May, dear Scorpio, you’re in great shape for starting anew. Sorting out problems and enjoying special moments with someone special can be pleasant activities in their own right but can also positively impact many different life departments. You’re motivated to work hard to relate in positive, rewarding ways. If you want to start fresh or make changes in your relationship state or status, it’s an excellent time to set your intentions. Creative pursuits and pastimes are a strong draw, and as the month advances, good energy is with you for daily affairs, work, and wellness.
With a Jupiter-Pluto transit, you could get the chance (and confidence) to deeply involve yourself in a creative or exciting project. A budding romance or a satisfying pursuit can figure strongly. It’s a time to see improvements in your communication skills, mindset, attitude, or ability to reach out and connect with others more meaningfully. There can be excellent, although possibly intense, connections to others through communications. You can be positioned to showcase your creativity, and your studies and personal interests can be enriching. This transit gives you a boost for self-expression and even transformation through writing, art, sharing, or feelings of love. You can feel passionate about a project or relationship.
Outdated ways of relating are falling to the side, paving the way for exciting breakthroughs. Your romantic or creative life might heat up. Fortunately, you’re gaining a deeper understanding of what you need from others and what you’re capable of all on your own.
You gravitate to activities where you can create, compete, or play. You could be excited about taking the lead with or changing a relationship, romance, entertainment, recreational activity, or hobby, or you might experience a new desire to move forward in these areas.
Lovely energy is with you for work, taking better care of yourself through improved or extra attention to your habits and routines, and getting happily on track with your practical affairs in May. Venus transits your work and health sector from the 2 to 28, Mars is there from the 24th, and most impressively, Jupiter enters this area of your solar chart on the 10th. These transits bring unique energy, warmth, and spirit to your daily affairs. You enjoy getting organized, healthy, and in shape.
Jupiter’s transit lasts from May 10-October 28, but it will return from December 20th to May 16th of next year. It motivates you to improve your health, daily habits, work, and routines. Finding more joy and satisfaction from your work is most helpful, and if you’re looking for new work, this is a very employable time! Increased faith and optimism can help you heal, and you can find new meaning in your duties.
With Mercury retrograde from the 10th forward (until June 3rd), you’ll be going over old problems, conversations, and negotiations, and some delays or information clogs are likely. Others may not always come through for you in the usual ways. Ideally, these things redirect you in helpful ways, and the edits you make now support you later.
On the 16th, a Lunar Eclipse occurs in your sign, and you can have an emotional awakening. Truths you face now can be about something with you for some time but that you haven’t yet acknowledged or fully noticed. You can have a revelation about your feelings for someone, your image, or your impact. Events or epiphanies happening now seem to force a desire to make big changes related to your sense of independence. These feelings are real, but take your time with them.
From the 20th, your attention more often turns to your commitments, finances, shared resources, and deepening feelings. There can be a stronger focus on emotional or material support in your life, power dynamics in close relationships, and personal development within. It can be a superb time for exploring a particular topic of interest in more depth. On the 20-21, you’re doing new thinking on financial matters, recent decisions, or intimate relationships. It can be about putting a mental focus behind you, particularly if you’ve been dwelling on a past relationship or problem that has been draining you of energy and keeping you stuck in the past.
On the 28-29, your enterprising spirit is strong, and finding new meaning in a project or endeavor boosts your motivation levels. You want to do your own thing and set your own pace, and you can undoubtedly come up with inventive ways to solve old problems or to perform your duties and tasks. Look for opportunities to expand in the areas of work and fitness, being careful not to take on too much. You’re in the mood to do something new, exciting, different, or challenging in these areas. The New Moon on the 30th further motivates you to start fresh, but take your time with new beginnings until after Mercury ends its retrograde on June 3rd.
May is strong for making helpful adjustments and getting your daily routines and self-care systems into order, dear Sagittarius. It can be a busy time with the Sun in your solar sixth house of work, health, and habits until the 20th. A Solar Eclipse has just occurred in this area of your solar chart, and you want to start fresh. In fact, it’s a beautiful time for making improvements to your daily life.
You bring more pride to your work, habits, and health in the first three weeks of May. It’s a strong time for launching new fitness or health programs and work projects.
It’s important to pay particular attention to your work and chores this month, but if you’re overdoing this and failing to take care of your need for downtime, you’ll get a reminder around the 16th. A Lunar Eclipse keeps you in check. Arriving at a balance between work and rest is a challenge, but it’s within reach, and it can be rewarding.
Your ruling planet, Jupiter, harmonizes with Pluto this month, and you can find more power and resources to establish yourself related to a home or property, long-term business, or learning endeavors/projects. There could be additional resources or money to put into comfort needs, family, or home life. Renovations on either a physical or emotional plane can be most satisfying. The drive to improve or expand your personal or home life is strong, and through these efforts, you feel more confident. Your nesting urges are alive and well, and you’re ready to do what it takes to feel more secure and comfortable.
Still, Jupiter heads into a new sign this month, and it’s an exciting move. On the 10th, this planet of plenty moves into your sector of joy, and this longer-term transit is powerful for encouraging you to express and enjoy yourself. It comes in two parts, the first of which lasts from May 10-October 28, when you’ll find new channels for pleasures, romance, or leisure. This longer-term transit encourages you to come out of your shell and enjoy yourself more thoroughly. You might suddenly get in touch with a desire or discover a new interest that can be the focus of your attention for some time into the future.
Until then, you have more energy for work around the home or taking the lead in your personal life. If your routines have been stifling or confining, you’ll want to break free in some manner. You may very well discover new methods to improve essential systems in your life.
Mercury is retrograde from May 10th to June 3rd, and there can be some delays or information clogs. There may be the need to review, redo, or double-check your work.
Strong creative energy is with you in May, and with key planets moving into your solar fifth house, you could be making new connections and sharing your ideas and creations. It’s a spirited period for all things romantic, creative, and fun. Hobbies can be a strong focus now. You’re also attracting positive attention, and your charm is natural and strong.
From the 20th, the Sun transits your opposite sign, and you seek a more balanced state of being. There can be a stronger focus on companionship or partnerships. With the Sun and retrograde Mercury coming together on the 20-21, you benefit from the ability to see the dysfunctional elements of the past and new insight can nudge you along a different path. A partner can have much to contribute now, or you might make significant mental discoveries through a one-on-one conversation.
On the 28-29, you can feel especially enthusiastic or passionate about a project, creative activity, or relationship. Mars joins Jupiter in your solar house of entertainment, hobbies, romance, talent, showmanship, and self-expression, fueling your courage to make a move, pursue your heart’s desire, or share something of yourself. Big emotions, reactions, and opinions tend to push you in a new direction, as taking action can be a real drive. There can be considerable enthusiasm about a new venture, relationship, or hobby. You stand out for who you are and what you create. You also have more courage to express yourself and to go after your heart’s desire. The New Moon on the 30th brings the need to begin anew, particularly with your relationships. Indecision is still likely until June 3rd, but it’s a good time to observe and set intentions.
The sector of your chart that rules self-expression, creativity, romance, entertainment, and pleasure receives special attention this month, dear Capricorn. You begin the month just after a Solar Eclipse occurred there, inspiring new beginnings and fresh starts in these areas of life. You’re seeking more meaningful and fulfilling endeavors. Especially as the month advances, a quiet, comfortable theme emerges, and you take more time and spend more energy and attention on your personal life.
Jupiter harmonizes with Pluto in your sign this month, bringing meaningful opportunities your way, particularly for sharing your ideas, learning, or guiding. It’s a fine time to put out a positive message or do some marketing or promotion. Communications and studies are areas where you excel. Fortunately, your personality comes through beautifully in whatever personal interest or project you’re involved with now. It’s a potentially brilliant period for using your personal influence and the power of thoughts and words to transform your life for the better.
You may be pushing forward a hobby, romance, or creative pursuit. It’s a strong time for new beginnings or fresh starts. You impress others, and there are easy, flowing influences that highlight your natural charm and encourage self-expression. You can find a lot to enjoy with your studies, personal interests, and conversations. You are motivated and engaged, and you’re also communicating in engaging, enthusiastic ways. It’s a strong time for creative writing and expressing your ideas and affections. You are interested in triumphing, bringing something to a new level, or taking the lead. There is more courage at your disposal, so use it well!
Venus, Jupiter, and Mars head into your home and family sector on the 2nd, 10th, and 24th, boosting and animating your emotional life, inner world, and domestic pursuits as May advances. You’re seeking more spirit, warmth, beauty, and enjoyment in your personal life. In fact, you’re actively creating this atmosphere, and it feels good to do so. You desire positive change in your personal life, and you’re motivated to make life more comfortable or beautiful.
In fact, a major headline of the month is Jupiter’s move into your solar fourth house. During this longer-term cycle, you can experience some nice upgrades and enhancements to your home, family, and personal life. This transit will develop further in 2023, but it all gets started now (from May 10-October 28). It’s a great time to improve bonds with loved ones and enhance or expand the home. Living arrangements and conditions are likely to improve.
With Mercury retrograde from May 10-June 3, you may be returning to old problems or reviewing recent decisions. Misunderstandings and delays are possible, but you also get the chance to see new layers to a situation.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th can bring feelings for a friend to bloom and perhaps some drama to your social life. You might also come to powerful realizations about long-term happiness goals. Events occurring now tend to push you in the right direction, along a more authentic path. You need this background to make meaningful choices later, but consider that it’s best to sit with your feelings for a while to get to that point.
The Sun moves into your work and health sector on the 20th, turning your attention to the important systems in your life, your daily routines, work, and personal well-being. New information or insight surfaces that can open doors for you with work or wellness matters. You’re beginning to see old routines, work projects, and ventures in a new light. While it’s not yet the time for new launches (you might wait until after Mercury ends its retrograde on June 3rd), it can be a turning point of sorts with thinking on these matters, putting you on the path towards increased clarity.
You fill with enthusiasm on the 28-29, and there can be a sudden desire to make a change. Home, security, and family can be your biggest motivators or the areas you want to improve. You can experience more inner courage and stronger resolve, getting you over an emotional hurdle. Ideas for having fun and making your accommodations more livable are abundant. You may want to pioneer a new venture or move towards growing, building, or expanding a current one.
Home and family matters are in strong focus as you start the month, dear Aquarius, after a very recent Solar Eclipse in your solar fourth house. Even so, the month promises special attention to personal interests, making connections, and intellectual stimulation. You’re motivated to take action that helps boost your sense of security and comfort, and you have support from the cosmos for these efforts. Reorganizing your personal space enables you to think clearly and produce more.
A Jupiter-Pluto transit helps connect you with what you truly want and value, and this insight can alter your approach to money, home life, and possessions. With money, talents, and valuables, you could find yourself better positioned to manage or work towards reaching your goals. You may discover old resources or ideas that benefit you in the present. Income boosts can come through imaginative undertakings, helping professions, or behind-the-scenes work. Developing your talents can be satisfying and empowering now. You approach your earnings or belongings more positively, bringing in different results. Turning a financial matter around can be a relief. This transit can drive you to make life a little more comfortable and content.
You’re likely to entertain some unique new creative ideas about money or domestic matters, or your novel approach to problems can help you put a negative situation behind you. Different methods applied to the home, family, money, living conditions, or living arrangements can be helpful. It may be time to upgrade, improve, and innovate. You could be a little bolder in business or with money, and you’re ready to take action on a matter that has been lingering or stagnating. It’s possible you need disruptions to routines for your life to move forward.
There can be some renovations and improvements in your home or with family relationships this month. You have a chance to begin anew, and this might involve some reorganizing or even relocation for some.
Venus, Jupiter, and Mars move out of your resources sector on the 2nd, 10th, and 24th, and into your solar house of communications. As such, May becomes busier and more connected for you as it progresses. There can be new ideas and subjects that capture your interest. It’s an exciting time for communicating with more warmth and spirit and for enjoying your personal interests. You approach learning and communicating in new and exciting ways, and you often feel pleasantly engaged.
Jupiter’s move into your communications sector on the 10th is significant. This longer-term aspect will play out in two sessions–this one is the first, lasting from May 10-October 28. New ways to communicate, learn, and get around can open up for you. There can be a real tendency to want to do it all, forgetting your limits in terms of time and energy, but your enthusiasm for learning new things and taking on new projects can be incredible. Good energy is with you to share your ideas, write, and join a cause.
Mercury is retrograde from the May 10th to June 3rd, and there may be some backtracking over old problems and conversations, and perhaps even contracts and negotiations.
A career matter or responsibility can loom around the Lunar Eclipse on the 16th, but this can also be a time to gain recognition for your hard work. The drive to improve your home life can also motivate you to work harder or pursue a promotion or better position.
The Sun moves into your romance and creative expression sector on the 20th. You’re more confident and ready to enjoy yourself. It’s a smooth, supportive cycle that encourages a more self-expressive, free-spirited approach to your life. If you’ve been working too hard or overthinking, this is a time for finding ways to let go of stress and to add more playful or creative activities to your life. On the 20-21, you’re in a great position to see a past matter related to hobbies, creativity, romance, or children in a brand new way. The information, conversations, or connections you make now can be integral to redirecting you along a new and improved path.
On the 28-29, you can feel much enthusiasm and independence with learning new things and exploring mental interests. You are ready and willing to apply yourself to your projects or work. The New Moon on the 30th is celebratory. You’re finding fun ways to connect with your inner child. It can also be a time for bringing back old hobbies and pastimes.
May begins with a continued strong focus on your sign, dear Pisces, and you’re turning heads. While you’re getting attention, you’re also quite independent, and doing things on your own behalf has the most significant rewards now.
The month begins just after a Solar Eclipse occurred in your communications sector, and it can be a busy time. While a retrograde Mercury from the 10th forward may lead to some misunderstandings, it’s otherwise a good time to express yourself with special flair or to find satisfying outlets for connecting and communicating. This can be a rewarding month, especially if you focus on slowing yourself down or taking care of works already in progress.
Jupiter heads out of your sign this month, but it forms a harmonious angle to Pluto before it goes. This transit stirs your ambitions to grow and improve. You can feel stronger through your ability to establish your independence, but it’s also a good time to explore your desires to connect with like-minded people. This transit is powerful for connecting with your dreams. You might team up with someone to do something extraordinary. Your influence and happiness with friends, groups, or networks are in focus.
Fortunately, you’re learning, transforming, and growing through your connections. Meaningful long-term alliances or associations can emerge. Your innermost hopes, wishes, and dreams can be a driving force behind many of your actions.
You could be incredibly motivated to sort out your daily affairs, pursue a learning endeavor or study, or push a communications project forward. It’s a great time for gathering your facts, although there will be times when you could feel a little harried. The need to overcome problem areas is powerful now, so take advantage.
Drive, enterprise, courage, and energy are in more abundant supply now. In fact, new interests or channels for communicating can change your perspective. There is more energy in what you’re saying, sharing, and doing, and personal magnetism is strong.
This month, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars move into your resources sector, stirring creative ideas for business and money-making enterprises. It can be a time for discovering, developing, and better employing your natural talents. You’ll be finding fabulous new ways to use the resources you already have to your advantage. If you’ve been considering an independent venture or going into business for yourself, you’ll be strongly motivated to get going on this now.
On the 10th Jupiter leaves your sign and enters your resources sector. Jupiter is not yet finished with your sign, however–it will return to complete its transit from October 28th to December 20th–but moves on until then. This begins a theme of excellent developments and benefits revolving around money, earnings, possessions, and your personal talents. It’s a superb time for building on existing resources, a business, or a project and enjoying the rewards of your past efforts. It can be a time of elevated confidence in yourself to manifest your desires. Your generosity increases.
On the 16th, a Lunar Eclipse opens up desires to learn or experience new things, which can be a compelling discovery. This eclipse generates both emotional and mental energy but focusing all of it takes time. It might motivate you to fit more extracurricular activities into your life or expand your skills, knowledge, and reach.
The Sun moves into your home and family sector on the 20th, and you seek more familiarity, safety, and comfort. Domestic matters assume more importance now and in the coming weeks.
On the 28-29, you have big ideas and plans, and there could be a sudden boost in business or with money. A strong motivator emerges now. You feel a strong desire to move forward and take action on a project or idea. Confidence runs high, and your enterprising or pioneering nature comes on in a big way.
The New Moon on the 30th can prompt a fresh approach or changes with living conditions, life at home or with family, and getting the chance to cocoon, feel safe, and get comfortable. Attention to your needs for all that’s familiar is beneficial now, and events happening at this time remind you of their importance.
Please note that I write the horoscope summaries over the course of a few days, and I always start with a different sign each month (the current birthday month’s sign). This month, I begin with Taurus.
Monthly Calendar:

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