
Relationships are in strong focus this month, dear Aries, with the Sun and Mercury in your intimacy sector for the first three weeks of November, and both Venus and Mars moving into your partnership zone.
However, you also have a strong, continuing theme in which work, daily routines, and health endeavors are highlighted. The first week of November is especially good for bringing new, more creative energy to your daily life, or the work you do and services you provide. This is not the time for coloring within the lines – entertain new possibilities, perhaps involving taking a friend or partner along as you pursue fitness goals, or looking around you for different ideas and input from people you may not have thought to consult in the past. You can be working especially hard for your earnings these days, but you’re also finding ways to inject routine work or daily life with more excitement.
The New Moon on the 11th is very useful for getting started on organizing your financial affairs, for seeking out support of the material or emotional variety, and for starting a new plan for emotional health and wellness. Generally, it’s better to feel the energy of the New Moon and intuit your next move, and then wait a few days to put plans into motion. The 10-13 is strong for partnering, career efforts, appreciation from others, and important new revelations.
Venus and Mars moving out of this sector of your chart on the 8th and 12th respectively doesn’t pull your interests away completely. In fact, Jupiter is here to stay for another ten months, and a new guest, the North Node of the Moon, is also here for a year. You’re encouraged to play with new ideas for work, and you can find much to enjoy in the process. It’s also a time to focus on your health and well-being. A visit to the doctor can be more helpful than you know.
Beginning in the second week of November and even more so in the third, you’re focusing on your social life, partnering, connecting, and exploring new adventures or experiences and ideas. Pulling yourself away from work and tasks can be of great benefit now. Relationships enliven. Partners can be distracting at times, but thoroughly helpful much of the time.
The last week of the month is trickier for all signs with Saturn and Neptune forming the first of three square aspects, and both the Sun and Mercury activating (and possibly aggravating) this challenging influence. For you, there could be issues to deal with regarding independence and freedom, legal matters, matters of confinement or hiatus, or the need to care for others. You could be challenged to mature more quickly than you had anticipated, or to face certain areas of neglect or waste. Be proactive – you probably have an idea which areas of life you’ve been avoiding and that need some tidying.
The Full Moon on the 25th brings your attention to a communications project or errands that need immediate handling. It’s a generally busy time, but find some space for relaxation.

November begins with stellar influences for your love life, dear Taurus. If relationships are your focus now, you have strong energy for bringing more excitement, pride, and fun to your interactions.
Your ruler, Venus, continues to travel rather closely to Mars. On the 2nd, they align, bringing building tension to a head. After this time, you’ll be less impulsive and impatient, and this can point to a more enjoyable experience of this creative, romantic, and sexy combination. Venus and Mars are moving through your sector of romance, entertainment, and creative expression until the 8th and 12th, respectively, and this frames you in a very nice way. You’re looking good and feeling good.
Boosting your relating sensibilities further is the presence of both the Sun and Mercury in your partnership sector for the better part of the first three weeks of November. You are attracting strong and intelligent people into your life, and you’re also taking more pride in your close relationships. This motivates you to put forward a solid effort when it comes to relating in positive, rewarding ways.
If you want to start fresh or make changes in your relationship state or status, the period after the New Moon on the 11th is strong for setting your intentions. The 10-13 is a good period for coming together with others, working towards your goals, strengthening a relationship or your own resolve, and communicating in imaginative ways.
Finances are tied to your relationships with others. Paying a little more attention to a partner’s endeavors can be important this month.
Venus and Mars move into your work and health zone on the 8th and 12th, respectively, and while this move takes some of the focus away from entertainment and creative expression, Jupiter and the North Node continue to emphasize these things for many months to come. You are encouraged to find your creative voice, to seek out activities that you truly enjoy, and to discover and share your unique talents. There are plenty of rewards for you here.
As well, from the 8-12 forward, you’ll enjoy a better work-play balance in your life as you find more enjoyment in your work, taking care of your daily life, improving your routines, and tending to health matters.
Mercury and the Sun move into your intimacy zone on the 20th and 22nd, turning your attention to commitments, finances, shared resources, and deepening of feelings. However, the last week of the month brings some hurdles to jump. It will be important to work on a solid plan for organizing your money. You’ll also want to deal with some of the trickier elements of your relationships instead of letting problem areas grow. Some of you may need to deal with addictive behaviors, difficulties with a friend, or disillusionment about a long-term goal that no longer seems quite as feasible or supported. Take things one step at a time and know that there is a solution to any problem you encounter now – be patient and open to new ideas.

November begins with continuing focus on home and family, as well as work and health efforts, dear Gemini. There is strong creative energy and quite a bit of animation in your personal life, with family, and around the home. The first week of the month is strong for decorating and organizing around the home, success with real estate or work from the home, bringing in new ways to enjoy entertainment on the home front, and finding creative ways to interact with the people closest to you.
This energy will continue on some level even as Venus and Mars move on from your sector of home and family, which happens on the 8th and 12th, respectively. This is because Jupiter is here to stay for ten more months, and a new guest, the North Node of the Moon is in this same sector, promising rewards for extra attention to family, personal matters, and domestic affairs.
When Venus and Mars do move on (the 8th and 12th), you’ll be up to getting out and about, making new connections, dating, and sharing your ideas and creations. This is in fact a strong time for all things romantic, creative, and fun. Hobbies can be a strong focus now. You’re also attracting positive attention, and for the romantically inclined, your personal charm is natural and strong.
You also have the Sun and Mercury bringing more pride and intelligence to your work, habits, and health in the first three weeks of November. It’s a great time to use common sense in these areas as well as to make improvements to your habits and daily routines. The week following the New Moon on the 11th is strong for launching new fitness or health programs and work projects.
Mercury and the Sun, moving close to one another all month, begin transiting your partnership sector on the 20th and 22nd, and close relationships come into strong focus. You’ll be inclined to want to pair up to make important decisions.
The last week of the month brings a Full Moon in your sign, heightening emotions and stimulating an important epiphany in your life. This can be a wonderful time for coming into touch with buried feelings. Even so, there is tricky energy surrounding this Full Moon with Saturn and Neptune forming a square aspect, suggesting a conflict or challenge to deal with. Some of you could encounter a conflict between attention to partnership and attention to long-term goals, or conflicting goals. Strains on a relationship can occur as the result of your struggle with finding a life path or defining your career. Take a good look at areas that you’ve neglected or in which there has been a lot of waste or inattention to detail, and start a plan for tidying things up.

November begins on a sweet note, dear Cancer. You are making pleasing impressions on others on many different levels – physically, emotionally, and mentally or verbally. This is due to Venus and Mars in your communications sector in harmony with your sign, and the Sun and Mercury also harmonizing with Cancer from your romance and creativity sector. These are easy, flowing influences that highlight your natural charm and encourage self-expression.
You can find a lot to enjoy when it comes to studies, personal interests, and conversations. You are motivated and engaged, and you’re also communicating in engaging, enthusiastic ways. It’s a strong time for creative writing, and expressing your ideas and affections.
Venus and Mars move out of your communications sector on the 8th and 12th, and while this area of your chart becomes a little less busy, it’s still highlighted with Jupiter here for another ten months and a new guest, the North Node of the Moon, also for the longer term, encouraging you to learn, share, and connect.
The New Moon on the 11th brings new energy and a take-charge attitude to your creative world, and in the week following it, you may be pushing forward a hobby, romance, or creative pursuit. It’s a strong time for new beginnings or fresh starts. Look for ways to express and enjoy yourself more fully.
You’ll also find that your communications are getting attention, and that for the most part, you’re getting your message across. Intuition is strong this month, and is often leading the way.
After the 8-12, there is fine energy for activities with family and on the home front. You can be feeling especially desirous of positive change in your personal life. You not only have creative vision, you’re motivated to make something more comfortable or beautiful. Enlist the help of family and make it fun.
Mercury and the Sun move into your work and health sector on the 20th and 22nd, respectively, and this turns your attention to the important systems in your life, your daily routines, work, and personal well-being. With Saturn already here early in the sign of Sagittarius, you’ll be expected to mature rather quickly, get organized, and know your priorities.
The Full Moon on the 25th can bring a blast from the past into the present. This occurs around the same time that Saturn and Neptune form an exact square, the first of three, the final two of which will occur in June and September 2016. This introduces a theme that could involve wrestling with a desire to escape the duller, seemingly lifeless elements of your routine in order to bring a little more order to your life. With Saturn in your work and health sector, this is in fact a strong time for simplifying and structuring your life, but you’ll need to make the time to do so, and this can involve boosting your faith in a higher plan to your life that you may not be fully aware of quite yet. Surrendering yourself to the unknown and getting the work that’s in front of you done – taking things step by step and day by day – can get you into a positive place. You might want to enlist the help of a partner or good friend to help with motivation levels.

You can be strongly motivated to take action that helps boost your feelings of security as well as your comfort as the month begins, dear Leo. You have wonderful support from the cosmos for these efforts. It’s a great time for bringing creative flair to business endeavors, discovering new ways of earning more, and making your home life more enjoyable and comfortable. You might also reorganize your personal space in such a way that you can think more clearly (less clutter) and produce more, and production is what you’re particularly focused on right now, as you want to see tangible results for your efforts with a lot of activity in your solar second house.
Family may be especially cooperative or willing to lend you a hand with your endeavors. The 10-13 is particularly strong for putting in the effort and for reaching out to others as well.
With the Sun and Mercury in your family and home sector for the better part of the first three weeks of November, this is a strong time for opening up conversations with family, drawing up plans and lists of priorities, and spending a little more time on activities and endeavors in the home. In the week following the New Moon here on the 11th, brand new projects can get off to a great start. This sector of your chart is not only about your base of operations, it’s also about thinking about security in the long-term. We often begin long-term career projects that sustain us and our families for many years to come with new cycles beginning in this sector.
Venus and Mars move out of your resources sector on the 8th and 12th, respectively, but while you’ll be diversifying going forward, there remains strong energy in this sector that will stick with you for at least the next ten months. Jupiter is here, and a new guest, the North Node of the Moon, begins its year-long journey, encouraging you to spend time firming up your income, developing your talents and business, and taking better care of your money and personal possessions.
From the 8-12, there is great energy for connecting and reconnecting with people around you, not only with your networks. Siblings, acquaintances, friends in the neighborhood, and classmates can be in focus. There can be wonderful new ideas and subjects that capture your interest.
Mercury and the Sun move into your sector of romance and creative expression on the 20th and 22nd, respectively. While this shift can turn your attention to entertainment and “play”, Saturn’s presence early in the sector points to a need to get serious about these things rather quickly. The need for more structure in your recreational life becomes apparent now. Saturn moves into an exact square with Neptune – an influence that will go in and out of exactitude in the coming ten months. For some of you, this can point to a struggle with some form of creative block or financial realities that make it difficult to pursue your craft. A dream or project may not be getting the support you anticipated, and motivation levels can drop off temporarily. There may also be some confusion over property and possessions, shared resources or business. For some, a love relationship can be confusing or demand commitments that you may not be ready to make. Be especially vigilant with your financial affairs.
The Full Moon on the 25th occurs at the same time that this tricky energy is reaching a head, and can bring out strong feelings surrounding a friendship or cherished dream/ideal. Pay attention to what emerges now, but wait out taking action until you are more level-headed.

November begins with continued strong focus on your own sign, dear Virgo. You are turning heads and making things happen. While you’re getting attention, you’re also quite independent now, and in fact, doing things on your own behalf has the biggest rewards now. New initiatives may be best saved for the week following the New Moon on the 11th, but you’re certainly going to be busy before then.
Finances are stronger than usual all month. Your financial ruler, Venus is in your own sign until the 8th, after which it’s in its own house. It’s a great time to pay special attention to your income, how you spend your money, and your valuables. You’ll have great ideas for how to improve your bottom line, as well as how to better make use of the resources you have. Venus is also moving rather closely with Mars all month, a secondary financial ruler in your solar chart. After the Venus-Mars alignment on the 2nd, these planets are close but separating, and this allows you to be more level-headed and less impulsive with money.
There is also an important theme around communications, learning, and siblings or acquaintances this month. Some of you could be considering working with a sibling or classmate towards an important goal, for example. You could be especially motivated to sort out your daily affairs, get going on a learning endeavor or study, and push a communications project forward. It’s a great time for gathering your facts, although there will be times when you could feel a little harried. You’re encouraged to experiment with different ideas and projects, but don’t let it get to a point where you’re living life in a nervous state. You’ll miss out on the real opportunities that are bound to present themselves, particularly from the 10-13.
Venus and Mars move out of your sign on the 8th and 12th, respectively, but some longer-term guests remain in Virgo: Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good graces, and the North Node of the Moon, which encourages independence and confidence. This is a year of confidence building and of expressing yourself in new, exciting, and positive ways.
From the 8-12, creative ideas for business and money-making enterprises are in focus. This can also be a time for discovering, developing, and putting to better use of your natural talents. You’ll be finding fabulous new ways for using the resources you already have to your advantage now. It’s a great time for getting the support you need, but perhaps more importantly, making things happen on your own. If you’ve been considering an independent venture or going into business for yourself, you’ll be strongly motivated to get going on this now.
Mercury and the Sun move into your home and family sector on the 20th and 22nd, respectively, and while this can often bring a little more calm to your life, they rather quickly meet with Saturn, already in this sector, and this can demand that attention is paid to important structures in your life. Responsibilities to family or domestic affairs can be a little weighty now. For some, there could be the need to parent or finance someone (parenting a parent for example), and possibly repairs to deal with. With Saturn forming a square with Neptune, a relationship may be strained with increased attention and responsibility to the home or family. People in your life can be draining your energy now, and you’ll need to work out a plan that helps you to better divide your attention between self-care and attention to others. The Full Moon on the 25th can bring a turning point to a career or life path matter. Take things step by step, day by day, and trust that you’ll get to all that you need to do in good time.

There is a lot of energy that draws your attention the past as you begin the month, dear Libra, and much going on behind the scenes or within your own mind. It’s an important time for considering whether some projects and attitudes have outgrown their value. It’s also a time to listen to your own heart and intuition in order to better judge where to direct your energies, now and in the future, as changes are imminent. Venus and Mars in your privacy sector until the 8th and 12th, respectively, can leave a lot to your imagination and perhaps keep you on a fence as you consider all your options. It can also bring animation and liveliness to your private world. After the 8-12, your secret garden continues to delight, but doesn’t take up quite as much of your time and energy.
The Sun and Mercury spend the better part of the first three weeks of November in your resources sector, making it a strong month for also attending to the present when it comes to financial affairs. You’ll be taking care of business, and taking more pride in your work, possessions, and ability to earn or improve your life. You could gain some appreciation or admiration for your talents now as well. The week following the New Moon on the 11th is good for starting fresh and taking charge, particularly of a business, project, or money matters and spending habits. This is an especially rational and logical energy that can be applied to practical affairs.
Venus and Mars move into your own sign on the 8th and 12th, and this can bring your personality, charm, and attractiveness into the spotlight. Others are noticing you, and you’re feeling a little more decided and confident. This is a strong time for partnering as well. A partner or good friend tends to be on the same page as you, more attentive, and more willing to let you take the lead.
Be sure to put yourself out there, make connections and appearances, and pursue some of your personal plans, needs, and desires. This is about you, and you fully deserve some extra attention. The 10-13 is particularly strong for personal appeal and intuition. Your talents can be getting attention, or your advice may be sought out now.
Mercury and the Sun move into your communications sector on the 20th and 22nd as well, further bringing you out of your shell. This is a more sociable time for you generally speaking, but both bodies meet with Saturn rather quickly into their transits, and this points to a need to get serious about your daily affairs and responsibilities. Aim to organize and simplify as much as possible. Look for areas of life that have been neglected or where there is too much clutter, disorganization, or waste.
This is a time for getting your communication and transportation structures into good shape. When Saturn and Neptune form a square in the last week of the month, health matters or uncertainty with work can present new challenges. You’ll feel some pressure to clean up your routines and focus on priorities. Work on increasing your practicality and reliability, and make it a goal to procrastinate less for best results now. Spend extra time working out routines that truly work for you, and that make some space for activities focused on improving health and well-being.

November has the potential of being a quieter month for you, dear Scorpio, even though it’s a power month in some key ways. You are certainly attracting attention and in charge. After a couple of months in which you tended to keep to yourself more than usual, you’re considerably more engaged and ready to make things happen.
Others are noticing and hearing you loud and clear in the first three weeks of November. This is a time for really shining and for feeling more in control of your life, particularly having to do with your image, body, and personality. The New Moon on the 11th is in your sign, and gets a nice boost from Jupiter and Pluto. This brings strong energy for new starts. Begin your solar year with confidence and mindfulness. In the week following the New Moon, you may decide to begin important projects. There can be important new business or financial initiatives now.
Even so, while you begin the month quite active with friends and groups, two key planets, Venus and Mars, move into your privacy sector on the 8th and 12th. This points to some need to pull back from overly demanding and competitive situations, and perhaps people.
With Venus and Mars in your solar twelfth house for the remainder of November and beyond, close relationships may require some personal sacrifices or privacy. A lot is going on beneath the surface or behind the scenes, particularly having to do with your feelings and desires. You could be reassessing your feelings and attachments, or current pursuits. While you could be wrestling with some decisions, you can in fact be a real dynamo with a little extra solitude and time to yourself.
Your social life will continue to assume importance with Jupiter in your social sector for another ten months and the North Node now here for a year. In fact, important benefits and lessons come through connections with friends, associates, and groups. However, it now becomes essential to divide your time effectively.
The Sun and Mercury moving into your sector of resources, natural talents, and self-worth on the 22nd and 20th respectively stimulates a desire to build up your resources, improve your bottom line, and develop what you already have.
The last week of the month is a little tricky. A square between Saturn and Neptune that will be with us until September 2016 off and on comes exact. This can introduce a dilemma that revolves around money, resources, recreation, children, or dating/romance. If you’ve been spending too much on entertainment or romance, you’ll feel the pinch and will need to take some steps to cut back. This can manifest in several different ways, depending on your current life situation, but generally will involve awareness of an addiction, oversight, overindulgence, or neglect in some area of your life that now requires a reality check and some buckling down so that it doesn’t drag you down.
Do your best to examine the ways you spend money, and eliminate wasteful practices and attitudes, as well as redundancies. Look for creative ways of making do with less. Consider writing, teaching, or otherwise communicating your ideas in order to improve your financial status.

The month gets off to a motivating start with your career or life-path goals in strong focus, dear Sagittarius, and perhaps some extra attention on professional levels. The Sun and Mercury are transiting a hidden area of your chart, however, for the first three weeks of November, and this points to the need for some personal down time as you wind down your solar year and prepare for the next one that begins around your birthday (for Sagittarius Suns).
Career, professional developments, schooling, and responsibilities continue to be strong, even with Venus and Mars leaving the sector at the top of your solar chart on the 8th and 12th. This is because Jupiter remains here through to near the end of summer, 2016, and now you have the North Node of the Moon in this area, encouraging you to reach for the stars and do your best. With a little less emphasis, you may in fact come to a better balance in your life. In fact, Venus and Mars moving into your social sector can be wonderful for added charisma with friends and groups. It also helps to animate your relationships with business associates.
If you need to handle a private matter or deal with an ending or a problem from the past, the week following the New Moon on the 11th is powerful.
The 12-13 is strengthening, when others tend to support your endeavors and you may very well form a new, long-lasting alliance.
Mercury and the Sun move into your sign on the 20th and 22nd respectively. This boosts your sense of personal power and increases your influence and presence. It also brings out the need to share your ideas and use the power of words to improve your life. You also have Ceres boosting your ability to get your message across eloquently. This is also a good influence for career and partnership matters. Of course, you always count regardless of attention from others, but now you seem to be getting outside reinforcement as well. Use this extra boost of visibility to further your plans. It’s a fine time for considering new personal initiatives, making changes to your presentation or appearance, and updating your year-ahead resolutions.
A Saturn-Neptune square is with us now and to some degree until September 2016. This can pull up a need to deal with inconsistencies, neglect, or bad habits in order to improve your life in the long term (Saturn is always about success in the long term). Uncertainty with family or domestic affairs can present some challenges for some of you. There can be a feeling that you’re on your own or that you need to take on more responsibilities – to mature more quickly than you had anticipated – from time to time as this influence moves towards and away from exactitude in the coming ten months.
Pay special attention to what others are teaching you about yourself around the 25th when a Full Moon occurs in your partnership sector.

You continue to look for ways to improve your life experiences and increase your knowledge and wisdom this month, dear Capricorn, although as the month progresses, you are ready to take care of business as well. If you play your cards right, this can be a strong month for coming to an important work-play balance.
When Venus and Mars move into your professional sector on the 8th and 12th, respectively, you don’t put aside your quest to enjoy life beyond the ordinary routine or expectations. In fact, Jupiter and now the North Node of the Moon stay in your adventure sector for many months to come, encouraging you to reach out further. However, you are also in the position to bring more creativity, energy, and charisma to your career or public life. The 12-13 is especially good for personal and professional influence. Draw upon your past experiences or work for success in the here and now. You have the chance to shine. You also have the opportunity to show just how loyal and reliable you are.
If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with responsibility or that you have been shouldering extra work, then this is a good time to restore some balance. You have the ability to be both warm and firm now, and this helps you to get ahead without too much in the way of opposition.
The first three weeks of November are also strong for networking, group efforts, reaching out to the community, and friendships. You can expect more invites or communications from people in your networks. Long-term plans look exciting now. Your month is looking quite full!
The New Moon on the 11th brings wonderful energy for making connections and leveraging the power of an ongoing Jupiter-Pluto connection that is particularly strong for you. Opportunities arising now have the potential for longevity and meaningfulness. In the week following this New Moon, you might decide to begin a new venture or join a group or team.
While this can be a full month, it’s important to pace yourself with your ruler, Saturn, coming to a challenging aspect with Neptune in the last week of November. This influence will return to perfect two more times, in June and September 2016, and you’ll have some time to work through any dilemmas it may call up. There could be some feeling of being drained by daily life – particularly keeping up with your communications. You begin to need more time to yourself with Mercury and the Sun moving into your privacy sector on the 20th and 22nd. You may now face a need to clean up waste or neglect in your daily affairs. While it’s important to stay connected with people you care about, you also need to set some boundaries, gently.
Look for ways to improve physical and mental health through activities and mind-body healing techniques when the Full Moon on the 25th alerts you to the need to attend to your overall well-being.

The first three weeks of the month features both the Sun and Mercury at the top of your solar chart, dear Aquarius, and you’ll be in a great position to look after the major structures in your life. This is a time to give extra attention to career, long-term goals, rules, responsibilities, and performance. It can also be a time of greater visibility with the public or in your professional life. Even people unrelated to your career might seem to hold you a little more accountable for your actions (or lack of action).
As such, this is a time to show off what you can do. It’s also a strong time for reminding yourself of long-term plans as well as the rules of the road. Particularly because Saturn is heading towards a square with Neptune, it’s important to get your priorities clear in your mind.
An especially strong time for getting important structures into place is the 10-13. This is also a good period for career advancement and connecting with people who help you to feel more confident about reaching your goals.
The first week of November is also good for making connections. It’s a time for enlivening your intimate life, and also for getting a better sense of what you can count on in terms of monetary and emotional support, whether this is through a partner or if it’s about subsidies, loans, refunds, and the like. Counseling work can be beneficial now. It can also be a rich time for understanding yourself or an intimate partner better. Desires that have been buried or left unacknowledged can emerge now. Combining your resources or talents with someone can be beneficial for reaching a goal.
Venus and Mars move into your adventure sector and into harmony with your sign on the 8th and 12th, respectively. These influences can boost your spirits and bring more spontaneity into your love life, communications, and everyday experiences. It can also be a super time for promotional or marketing efforts.
Mercury and the Sun move into your friendship sector on the 20th and 22nd, turning your attention to enjoyment, friends, team work, and networking. You’ll also be more inclined to entertain long-term happiness goals now.
However, the last week of the month is definitely the trickier period of November to navigate. Saturn and Neptune connect via a challenging square aspect, introducing a theme that will recur throughout the first three quarters of 2015. This can play out in a number of ways. Some of you could be feeling taken advantage of, or that your values are clashing with friends or group associations. There can be a need to identify areas of waste or neglect, particularly with money and personal possessions, and tidy these things up. You might discover that a plan doesn’t seem quite as viable on a financial level. Lending and borrowing to and from friends is generally considered tricky, but can be especially so for you now. This applies not only to money, but also time and energy. Friendships or causes can drain you at times if you are giving too much while ignoring your own needs. Protect your resources and avoid avoidance! Problems won’t go away if you pretend they don’t exist.
The Full Moon on the 25th can bring affections and creativity to full bloom. The route to fulfillment may not be immediately apparent, but the first step is acknowledging what you’re seeking.

Close relationships and partnerships continue to be an area of focus this month, dear Pisces. The first week of November can reveal some strong needs and desires in the area of partnering. There is excitement stimulated through your relationship with others.
Venus and Mars move out of your partnership zone on the 8th and 12th, respectively, but Jupiter stays there for the longer term, and a new guest, the North Node of the Moon is here as well (for the coming year). So, while some of the immediate excitement and attention is moving on, you’re still getting encouragement to reach out to others. Valuable lessons are coming through your close relationships, whether it’s a romantic or business partnership or a very close friend. Ups and downs are part of the package, but ultimately you are learning about connecting, sharing, and compromising.
The Sun and Mercury are spending the first three weeks of November in your sector of spirit and adventure, and this pulls at your need to learn, share ideas, and reach out beyond the usual routine or the mundane in your life. If you’re considering a getaway, a new course, or a publishing project, the week after the New Moon on the 11th can be a good time for drawing up new plans. This can be a great time for taking on a new interest or exploring different perspectives or beliefs. Feed your mind, enjoy new experiences, and brush up on skills.
The 10-13 is strong for career and financial opportunities. This can also be a strong time for helpful information coming in, so keep your ear to the ground now. Opportunities to impress, publish or promote your services can figure strongly now.
Your intimacy and sharing sector becomes important from the 8-12 forward. Any new relationships in your life may deepen. Certainly, your feelings and desires transform, deepen, and grow a little more complex or layered. This can be a time for consolidating or combining your resources, gaining financial support, or bringing a little more excitement to your intimate life.
Mercury and the Sun enter your career and reputation sector on the 20th and 22nd, bringing your attention to rules and structures in your life, as well as career and responsibility.
The last week of the month can bring some challenges as your ruler, Neptune, forms a square with Saturn. This aspect will go in and out of orb until September 2016, and can point to a challenge that involves cleaning up areas of neglect or waste. It’s going to be especially important to take better care of your health and body. Demands on your time and responsibilities to others can take their toll on you. You might also struggle with your reputation or issues of freedom and independence. You may be called upon to get organized or to become more goal-oriented. It can be difficult knowing when to stand your ground and when to accept current conditions. Patience is necessary now.
The Full Moon on the 25th can be a time for recognizing the need for family and the comforts of familiarity and the home.
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.
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