
Relationships, sharing time with others, and learning are favored in many ways all month, dear Aries, but the positive benefits are pronounced from the 1-12. There is incredible cooperation between your relationship and spirit sectors during this period, making it an excellent time for collaboration, particularly with a partner. It can also be a good period for PR, publishing, legal matters, learning, and sharing ideas. Being generous with your optimism, time, and energy will help maximize the benefits of this energy. For some of you, there can be love connections with people far away.
Mars in Aquarius has been a particularly productive and positive influence for you since Uranus entered your sign in 2010-2011, and is active from November 9th to December 18th. This is a time when your innovative and enterprising qualities are in full play and perhaps acknowledged by others. Take advantage of Jupiter’s involvement on November 30th to December 1st for brilliant ideas and new enterprises. There is courage to pursue something you’ve never tried before.
You’re ready to branch out and try new things from the 9th forward and will stop at nothing to pursue a cause you deem worthy. Debates can become exciting – sometimes too much so – but the important thing is that you’re feeling passionate about learning, sharing, and expanding your knowledge and interests. There is quite a bit of experimentation going on in your life this month. But while you’re looking to mix things up in many of life’s departments, your approach to love and pleasure is likely to be a little more serious and reserved from the 11th forward. In fact, you can find much to love about your work and may feel particularly excited about setting goals for yourself and reaching or surpassing them. This desire only builds in the coming weeks, peaking in December and January, and you’re getting a pleasant taste of it now. Love is a little more weighty now. You’re thinking about the practical side of your interactions and seeking out relationships that are mutually beneficial. Your approach is less scattered and more deliberate. Partnering up with someone for business is not out of the question now. The 25-26 can be most excellent for promoting yourself or your work, and perhaps for such a pairing. However, there is some danger of overdoing and overreaching now as Jupiter and Pluto form a challenging aspect. Keep this in mind and your expectations in check, and you’ll do just fine.
You value your independence, but you’re finding ways to enjoy and benefit from some level of collaboration with others. Friendships can be in good stead this month. The freer you are to do your own thing in your relationships, the better.
Despite the excitement of new enterprises and the spirit of innovation this month, you are in a good position for learning your next move through observation. Draw on patience and employ strategy in your business affairs especially. The New Moon on October 30th gave you a shot in the arm for making positive lifestyle changes, and this energy is with you for much of November, so take advantage.

This is a big relationship month for you, dear Taurus. Even if your relationship situation remains virtually the same on the surface of things, this is a time for revelations and contemplations about your needs and wants, intimacy, and whether or not you’re growing and evolving through and with significant others in your life. The New Moon on October 30th launched a cycle that serves to motivate you throughout November to improve relationships or to seek out a lasting bond with someone.
You’re also getting super serious about your work or your major long-term goals. One of the most active periods of the year for goal chasing begins from the 9th forward and lasts well into December. Luckily, your drive matches your ambition, and this peaks towards the end of November. Opportunities to advance and truly get somewhere are likely now and into next month. Your enterprising spirit is through the roof – you are not so content with doing the same old, same old, as comforting as that may be.
Until the 12th, you’re in an exceptional position to improve working conditions and health or nutrition. Research can be fruitful.
Venus’ move into your adventure sector on the 12th is a big deal because Venus is your sign’s ruler. The areas of life ruled by the house in which Venus transits take on more importance in your life. Venus did well in your intimacy sector, but now you’re ready to chase your needs and desires rather than only contemplate them. This influence helps you get along well with others. While your professional interests are in strong force, Venus here gives you an extra edge on a personal level. You might thoroughly enjoy long-distance exchanges and new or renewed studies and personal interests.
The Full Moon on the 14th is in your sign, but it’s a little scattered in its influence. You can come to significant personal epiphanies and realizations now, although it might take some time to sort out your strong feelings or to integrate them into your life in useful ways.
Work you’ve done in the past benefits you this month and the next, or you are cruising along primarily because you are drawing upon your knowledge and you’re shining for it. Ambitions are pressing from the second week of November forward — mostly pleasantly so. Mars at the top of your chart does very well this month – it gets into few and only minor skirmishes, and is in mutual reception with innovative Uranus. This translates to an easier time pursuing your goals with few obstacles standing in your way. There should be some caution with urges to buck authority, but all in all, this is a good time for striving to improve your performance, meeting or exceeding your goals, and proving your leadership qualities.
There can be some tension or difficult decisions, with Jupiter and Pluto pitting work and travel or familiarity and adventure against one another. The danger with this aspect is overdoing – thinking that you can take on everything you want to do and also manage everything you need to do. If you act confidently yet moderately, however, you’ll do quite well for yourself.

Throughout November, there is planetary representation in your partnership sector, dear Gemini, and relationships are in high focus. Until the 12th particularly, you have divine energy with you to enjoy, enhance, or begin a relationship. The two Benefics, Venus and Jupiter, are cooperating with one another and supporting your creative pursuits, negotiations, relationships, romance, contracts, mergers, children, hobbies, and partnerships. At the same time, your mind is on work and practical matters, getting fit (or fitter!), and taking care of important details.
Beyond the 12th, you’re still interested in developing your connections, but you are becoming more focused and exclusive, and aiming to bond on deeper levels, not only on the surface of matters. Intimacy reaches tense but exciting levels on the 24-25. The trick will be to avoid going over the top with this. Relationships continue to be in stronger than usual focus all month, but there is something a little magical about the period until the 12th. Aim to take full advantage of opportunities to mingle, connect, share, and enjoy others’ company. It’s a great time for dating, entertainment, and hobbies.
From the 9th, a beautiful theme emerges that follows you well into December, benefiting your friendships, studies, and networking, and also supporting legal and travel matters. People are drawn to your innovative ideas and progressive methods now. Teaming up for learning and studying, or even traveling, can be in the picture and quite favorable.
Health, physical wellness, fitness, and nutrition are bigger topics than usual this month. In fact, the New Moon at the end of October launched an important cycle for beginning anew in these areas if you can benefit from doing so. Returning to past resolutions may be in focus now, or you may be excited about new programs and enhancements. Getting healthy can be fun and motivating, touching all areas of your life in positive ways. This is a good time for connecting with people who can help you on this path, particularly on the 2nd and 6th.
Work and services can also be a major theme in November, and the focus is on improvement. You are taking more interest and pride in your work. You might thoroughly enjoy doing some form of research and analysis, making lists, and gathering information that helps you get a handle on your daily affairs. Some of you will be taking on new work projects or responsibilities now.
If you are in need of a fresh start of sorts when it comes to a partnership, look to the weeks following the New Moon on the 29th. However, be certain that you’re building upon realities rather than wishful thinking or false promises. Certainly, you’ll be willing to put in the necessary work.

November can be an especially expressive, creative month for you, dear Cancer, but you’re also in a strong position for making lifestyle changes, improving your habits, and finding more meaning and happiness in your work.
There is a happy theme that connects your home and family sector with your work and health sector in positive ways, running until the 12th. There can be positive developments on the domestic front — it’s an excellent time for connecting with family and doing something productive together. You may be enjoying your work and home life more than usual, and combining it in satisfying ways, such as by working from home or putting better systems in place that improve your ability to do so. You’ll find family members more cooperative, in general.
Mars in your partnership and then intimacy sectors this month can certainly heat up and animate your closest relationships. While there can be some difficulties with an overbearing or controlling partner to deal with for some of you, this is a good time to make changes and put some of the building tension to rest. This period favors confronting problems head-on with direct and assertive Mars involved. From the 9th forward, you’re in a particularly good position to observe and strategize your next moves. With Uranus in Aries a long-term guest in your career and reputation sector, you’ve been doing a lot of feeling things out in the career department, not always acting deliberately or with forethought. Mars’ special relationship (mutual reception) with Uranus and its placement in your perceptive and strategic solar eighth house can help you to make considered plans and moves.
Your intimate life is guaranteed to heat up this month, and this will continue well into December. Venus moves into your partnership zone on the 12th, and this certainly helps to smooth over your interactions. You’ll find much to enjoy about your relationships. It’s a particularly smooth move as Venus serves to replace Mars here, entering this sector only a few days after Mars has left it. However, with intense Pluto a long-term guest in your partnership sector, there is always something serious or heavy to deal with, even when happier, lighter planets are transiting this area of your chart. This is likely to occur around the 24-25 when problem areas are magnified. If you’ve been dealing with control issues in a relationship, they’re liable to surface then. You have a lot of work to do in the months ahead along these lines, so don’t put pressure on yourself to resolve everything immediately, but certainly take some steps towards that goal.
Around the Full Moon on the 14th, there may be some drama in your social life, but once the dust has settled, you’ll be in an “eyes wide open” state that allows for better decision-making. This is a time for confronting feelings and problems.
Work and the practical side of life take on increasing importance as November advances, although they’re active areas all month. This a brilliant time for list making, getting organized, and taking care of business. The focus should be on improving your daily life and habits, and you’ll have plenty of opportunities and motivation to do so. You may be tempted to take on a little too much, however, after the New Moon on the 29th, but if you can tame this tendency, you’ll be in great shape for getting your life into better working order.

A strong domestic theme continues this month, dear Leo. The New Moon on October 30th encouraged a homebody streak and will color most of November. You’ll want to improve living conditions and enjoy life at home or with family now. However, there are also powerful relationship and communication themes to the month that deserve special attention.
There is planetary representation in your sector of romance and creativity all month, making this a great time for exploring creative pursuits or hobbies, enjoying romance and recreation, and sharing your creations with others. The period from the 1-12 is particularly strong for all of these things. There can be playful or flirtatious communications, creative writing, and intellectual games enjoyed now. Discussions with children or a lover open up. Artistic talents are in focus. While there can be quite a bit of frivolity now, this may very well be precisely what you need at this point in your life!
The Taurus Full Moon on the 14th illuminates a career or reputation matter. This is a time for seeing your goals more clearly, or for reaping the rewards of hard work you’ve done in the past. If you’ve been focused too heavily on your personal life, this might also serve as a wake-up call to pay more attention to your responsibilities to the outside world! Recognition for your talents and skills can act as a pleasant motivator to perform at your best. Around the same time, Venus moves into your work and health sector, and you’ll be deriving more pleasure from your work. However, this can reach a near-obsessive level around the 24-25, competing with your equally compelling desire to learn and pursue your personal interests. The danger here is thinking that you can manage it all without compromise. Try not to burn yourself out.
From the 9th, partnerships heat up. This is a time for facing conflicts head-on. Passions rise, but so do tempers! There is more assertiveness in your relationships now. Issues that have been buried or working under the surface now emerge for handling. While these matters should be addressed, focusing some of this excess energy on shared activities can be helpful for taking the pressure off from time to time. Considering Mars’ special relationship (mutual reception) with Uranus in your sector of adventure and spirit this month and well into December, this might involve travel, new experiences and activities, or learning new subjects with someone special.
With Neptune a long-term guest in your solar eighth house, there is little that’s clear about shared finances and intimacy in recent years, but with Neptune’s direct move on the 19th after a period of retrograde, you’ll feel somewhat less stuck or in the dark along these lines. Neptune does align with the Moon’s South Node in this sector, however, and you’d be wise to watch for the tendency to gloss over important details regarding debts, support, and the sharing of money and resources.
The New Moon on the 29th can rekindle or cement your commitment to enjoying yourself and exploring romance or creative avenues. It’s important to watch that you don’t put yourself into debt or ignore other commitments in the process. If you keep things moderate, this is a wonderful time for personal enjoyment and discovery.

A theme of learning and busy-ness in November suits you very well, dear Virgo. The New Moon on October 30th occurred in your sector of communications, motivating you to turn over a new leaf. This cycle colors most of November and awakens a desire to learn new things, update current projects, and pursue your personal interests. There is a scattered feel to this area of your chart, but the New Moon’s connection with Neptune encourages a creative, spontaneous flow to your work and projects that adds to the enjoyment. You are communicating with special style and flair. Although you may be exceptionally busy, this doesn’t always feel chaotic. However, if you’ve been a little too focused on personal interests at this time, the Full Moon on the 14th will serve as a healthy reminder to aim for a better balance. You may need to pull yourself out of your books and projects and get out and about from time to time in order to set things right.
Your sector of family and home is activated all month so that a domestic theme weaves its way through November. The period from the 1-12 is particularly favorable for developments at home or with family. At this time, a mutual reception between Venus and Jupiter encourages warmth and cooperation on the home front, as well as work or business in the home or related to real estate and domesticity. You may be investing more resources into the household and bringing more harmony, beauty, and comfort into your home life.
Venus enters your solar fifth house on the 12th, shortly after Mars leaves it. This serves to soften your approach to your children or a love interest. From November 12-December 7, you’re in an especially charming cycle. You don’t need to do much to attract romantic interest, although you can certainly take advantage of the positive vibes by mingling instead of hiding out! There can be a special enjoyment of creative projects, hobbies, and recreation now. This is excellent for you, but it can reach near-obsessive levels around the 24-25. Watch for going overboard with money and pleasure-seeking now. Tensions in or about love can also surface at this time, particularly if you are putting all your eggs in one basket. Aim for moderation now. Neptune’s alignment with the South Node also warns of falling back or depending too much on others, and particularly a partner. This is a time for embracing your independence, whether or not you’re partnered up. More good things will happen in your life if you’re creating your own happiness rather than waiting around for others to bring happiness to you.
From the 9th and well into December, you are in an excellent position for attention to work and health, however, which can benefit you greatly. This is one of the best periods of the year for making positive, healthy lifestyle changes. Mars and Uranus are in a special relationship (mutual reception) at this time, and there can be an exciting spirit of innovation and progress regarding self-improvement, health programs, and work development.

November is an important month for taking charge of your money and resources as well as the practical side of your life, dear Libra. Even so, it’s also a brilliant time for diversifying, sharing, and connecting with others. You’re in excellent shape for communicating your ideas and plans with a distinctive flair. You’re attracting quite a bit of attention for your unique perspective.
Your ruler, Venus, forms a special relationship (mutual reception) with Jupiter in your sign from the 1-12, and this can bring many blessings to you. Although this isn’t the best time for consistency or focus, it’s a great period for learning, teaching, and connecting with others in happy, supportive ways. You’ll find that others follow your lead and go along with your plans without too much ado. Your words are particularly appealing and charming. Your input and intelligence are sought and more fully acknowledged and appreciated. It’s a strong time for presenting or publishing your ideas. You can have many projects going at once, but you’re likely to enjoy this extra busy-ness.
You also benefit from a Mars-Uranus boost to your relationship sectors from the 9th forward. Mars and Uranus are also in a special relationship, and while Mars can be a little too brusque or impatient at times, it’s cooperating well with other planets this month. Desires are strong but realizable now. Relationships have a lively quality to them, and you’re likely to get the feeling that you’re headed in the right direction both romantically and creatively. You are courageous about seeking out what you want in your relationships, and this confidence is attractive.
Venus moves into your home and family sector on the 12th, just days after Mars leaves this area of your chart. You’ll begin to see a marked improvement in your relationships with family and increased harmony in your home life with these shifts. You can take particular pleasure in domestic activities during this period, but do watch for this going a little too far around the 24-25. There is a tendency now to think that you can have it all or do it all when compromise serves you much better.
The New Moon on the 29th has similar themes, but the subject is different. This is a time for new beginnings with a communications project or course of study, and the weeks following this New Moon are great for enjoying your personal interests. However, there is a tendency to overcommit and then feel overwhelmed. Tame this, and you’ll be in an excellent place. One of the major keys to enjoyment in November is moderation.

The period from the last week of October to three weeks into November is typically “your time,” dear Scorpio, when the Sun returns to your sign, and you begin a new solar cycle. This is a time for shining! While there may be some things you’re putting behind you, you’re looking forward now. You’re more noticeable and even more magnetic than usual.
This year, the New Moon that occurred on the 30th was particularly supportive, particularly of your ability to express yourself and appeal to your “audience.” This theme sticks with you at least until the 29th of November, and in many ways all year, particularly if you were born between October 25th to November 4th. It would behoove you to seek out opportunities to showcase or present your ideas and creations. Artists can be in a special position, but all Scorpios can benefit. Romantic life can sizzle. Although this time of year is best for developing the self, some romantic attention can certainly be a fun distraction.
There is also a very happy money and family or home life theme in your life in November. Something is happening in your money sector at every point this month, but the best period for building a nice feeling of security or for enjoying the fruits of your labor is until the 12th. Many of you will be investing in or putting money into improvements of the home. Most family businesses can thrive now.
Another excellent theme this month runs from the 9th forward, and then well into December. It also involves home and family and increased feelings of safety and security, but it also pulls in work and health matters. Some of you may be focusing on, developing, or starting a home office.
Improving your work and services can be fun, exciting, and productive as well, benefiting you for years to come, although other life departments are competing for your attention. A difficult theme entering your life this month is manageable and ultimately rewarding but can introduce some challenges. This theme runs until August of next year and involves your ruler, ambitious, intense Pluto, in a tense aspect with Jupiter. You can feel a little haunted by past mistakes, worry, and fear during this period. You can also feel a strong desire to produce, but it’s imperative that you keep things at least somewhat moderate or else life will become far too chaotic to get anything substantial done.
Venus in your communications sector from the 12th forward brings more warmth and charm to your conversations, speeches, and writing engagements, and perhaps love into your life through connections made online, in the neighborhood, through the pursuit of your studies, and even on the phone. You’re in love with learning, personal interests, and sharing your ideas in November, although this is sometimes at the expense of your work and health. While it’s hard to do with Venus and Pluto converging in the last week of November, you may need to slow down a little just to make right in other areas of life! Make an effort to fill your work and health responsibilities as well as your responsibility to yourself and your emotional health, and you’ll be in great shape. Certainly, you have significant powers of communication on your side in November.

Your social life should be in good shape this month, dear Sagittarius. Your sign is well-represented all month, and while you’re technically in a period of relative slumber until the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st, you’re certainly attracting positive attention. Until the 12th, you have excellent planetary support for personal appeal, friendships, networking, team efforts, group associations, hearty health, beauty, body ego, and style. Others thoroughly enjoy your company and want to be around you. Your dreams and plans are received well.
There is a wonderful theme emerging from November 9th forward (until December 18th) that involves communications, learning, connecting, and commuting. Mars spends time in your communications sector every two years or so, and in recent years, it’s in mutual reception with Uranus, a long-term guest in your romance and creativity sector. Additionally, Mars is in a mostly happy relationship with other planets this month, not to mention with your own sign. What does this mean for you? While you can be a little rushed at times, you are communicating with extraordinary magnetism and sizzle, saying what’s on your mind and enjoying the responses you stimulate, and learning things at a rapid pace. This transit benefits your creative projects, dating life, and relationship with children as well. There can be innovative new projects. You are anxious to put your ideas into action. People are enjoying your conversation, writing, and creations. Intellectual games can be exciting and are favored, and hobbies are satisfying now. You are more courageous with your ideas and art, and you’re ready to share them. The lines of communication open with love interests, children, and friends.
The more challenging themes in November involve impracticality and perhaps some laziness when it comes to paying attention to important details. You might also be going a little too hard in your social life or going overboard in a business or with spending, to the detriment of other areas of your life. Watch carefully for obsessive attention to certain pursuits. While it can be tough to do right now, aim for moderation. A deadline or important responsibility can need your immediate attention around the Full Moon on the 14th. The 24-25 is tricky, but you’ll be in great shape if you avoid launching a project too soon or spending too much. The tendency is to invest too much of your energy and resources into new beginnings before doing the necessary research.
The Sun moves into your sign on the 21st, launching an important month for turning over a new leaf. The New Moon in your sign on the 29th is good for new plans, but the tendency is to overlook details, so watch for false starts or committing to impractical ventures. You’re shining brightly in your communications most of November, so take advantage! While a little rocky, the last week of November is about opening your heart to a new year and perhaps a new image, attitude, or look to go along with it.

All month, you benefit from work behind the scenes and rest or moments for reflection and repose, dear Capricorn. However, you’re in excellent shape for these things in particular until the 12th. You may be doing quite a bit of work in relative solitude, or you complete a project and is ready to make its debut. Attempts to bring more spiritual rewards and imagination to your career and your long-term goals are successful now. Love is quiet and perhaps involves some level of sacrifice or increased privacy.
From the 12th forward, however, you enjoy Venus as a welcome guest in your sign. This is a yearly event that serves to boost your appeal and bring positive attention your way. This comes shortly after Mars has spent time in your sign, and because Mars can be a little gruff and unpolished, this further emphasizes the soft appeal of Venus. There is considerably more gentleness in your approach, and your diplomatic qualities are highlighted. You can attract what and who you want quite easily with this transit. Venus meets Pluto in your sign on the 24-25, and while this can super-charge the benefits of this transit, it comes at a time when Jupiter is challenging Pluto – the first of three such transits that span now until August 2017, pointing to possible excesses and immoderation. While it can be beneficial to pay attention to your image and reputation, resist the urge to overdo maneuvering these things. Work on self-control instead. Finding a balance between attention to your personal and professional lives is necessary now for optimum success.
There is also an exciting theme this month that positively links money matters with home and family. From the 9th and well into December, you can be working hard at improving your home life, and the money, energy, and resources you invest into your family and home can be well worth it. It can also be a good time for making important purchases or investing in property. This is an opportune period for improving a business and pursuing profits or increased income. You may be working at home or on the home with great success. You are interested in building for the future.
The 2nd and 6th are strong days for networking and meeting with people who can help you achieve your goals. The Full Moon on the 14th brings feelings to light quite dramatically. This is a playful, expressive, and creative time. Romantic relationships get a boost. The New Moon on the 29th brings your strong attention to rest, repose, and healing, launching an important period of looking for answers within.

Friendship is in high focus all month, dear Aquarius, but is especially favorable until the 12th. Venus and Jupiter are in a special relationship during this period, linking your sector of friendship and wish fulfillment positively with your sector of higher learning and spirit. This is a wonderful time for networking, connecting, traveling, learning, and publishing. It’s also favorable for a financial boost. Friendships may be made with people far away. Teamwork can go particularly well.
Mars moving into your sign on the 9th can feel like a nice rush, although it can overstimulate you at times, particularly if you don’t have a goal to work towards. However, Mars is in great shape now and is in a special relationship with your ruler, Uranus. This is a potentially brilliant period for pursuing your plans and dreams, communications, learning, and reaching out to others. You can be excited about your projects and personal interests, and making happy connections through these things. Even though your independence is in strong force, you’re fully enjoying connecting with others, learning, and sharing here and there. Opportunities to learn, teach, share, travel, or publish are emerging now.
With so much going on socially, you may think there’s little room for career matters. However, the New Moon that occurred on October 30th powered up your career or life path goals and may have dropped an opportunity or new responsibility into your lap. This is a professionally busy time, and your life is full. You may need to do some juggling now, but you’re up to the task! Look for opportunities to connect with people who help you achieve your goals or who support your ambitions and make you feel better about your performance and capabilities, particularly on the 2nd and 6th.
You are especially valued for your unique vision and perspective, gaining new friendships through this highlight. When Venus enters your privacy sector on the 12th, however, there can be times when you crave and seek out some form of retreat. It’s good for you now, and it also helps you sort through your feelings, preparing you for a more visible, active time for expressing your feelings when Venus transits Aquarius (from December 7th to January 2nd).
Even so, love can be a little complicated later this month. A lot is going on below the surface, and there can be times when you’re not always aware of how your feelings are affecting your actions. This can lead to quite a bit of restlessness and uncertainty. There can be tremendous urges to experience new things, but a part of you that only wants to hide away.
The Full Moon on the 14th illuminates a family matter. You may need to pay particular attention to your domestic life or family relationships at this time. There can be a scurry of activity on the home front. The New Moon on the 29th can motivate you to start a new project, join a group, or reach out to an old friend.

There is activity in your career, reputation, and responsibility sector throughout November, dear Pisces, and this benefits your professional or public life. However, the period from the 1-12 is particularly favorable for your image as well as support from others to pursue your goals. There can be a turnaround in a reputation matter after a period of misunderstanding. Brand new beginnings and projects related to business and finances are best left for the weeks following the New Moon on November 29th, but your efforts to connect with others and to seek out advice can be very fruitful now.
Seeking out new studies or advancing current ones can be very successful this month. The 2nd and 6th are good for networking and gaining new insight or advantages through your friendships and teamwork. There can be lively exchanges of ideas and beliefs. You’re in the position to learn a lot from your dealings with acquaintances. The Full Moon on the 14th ironically brings you back down to earth if you’ve been focusing too heavily on outside interests and neglecting your daily affairs. It’s important to get on top of errands and paperwork in order to bring a better balance to your life now.
From the 9th, there is a pleasing exchange between Mars and Uranus. There is a definite move towards behind the scenes activities and less decisiveness now, but you can be quite busy and actively working on new and innovative business ideas. You might also get the chance to work through some annoying personal problems. While there can be problems getting to the root of irritation or anger with Mars’ transit through your solar twelfth house, you can find much to enjoy as you attempt to understand your inner workings now. There can be wonderful “aha!” moments. Your actions in the real world may not seem as effective or they could go unnoticed, but self-knowledge helps you a lot and prepares you for the exciting transit of Mars through your sign from December 18th to January 27th. It’s also a time for rediscovering the joys of doing things simply for the intrinsic rewards. This can also be a good time for recycling old ideas into innovative new ones, and for discovering your talents and perhaps even resources that you never knew you had.
Venus in your friendship sector boosts your popularity and increases enjoyment of your social life, and is in particularly good shape from the 19-21. You can thoroughly enjoy contributing and sharing now. Even so, Neptune’s alignment with the South Node this month may point to some tendency to isolate yourself when you’re experiencing problems. Watch for maintaining your more superficial connections and avoiding intimacy in your deeper relationships. This can alienate special people in your life, and might even lead to estrangement, so be careful with this tendency. While you can have no problem connecting with acquaintances, classmates, and so forth, you may be shutting out people closest to you on some level. You can make a million excuses to yourself for not reaching out, but even if you need some independence, you can keep up communications to let important people in your life know that you still care about them. Fortunately, Neptune turns direct on the 19th, and this helps bring you out of your protective shell. You’ll also find that people begin to understand you better as you become clearer within yourself. You might also discover new and improved ways of presenting yourself to others. Little tweaks and adjustments can go a long way towards more rewarding relationships.
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.
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