September 2017 – Monthly Horoscope Summaries

September continues the creative, playful theme of August for you, Aries, but the subject of work and health grows stronger and stronger as the month advances. Even with recent romantic and creative excitement, you manage to get a whole lot of work done. In fact, motivation to produce something uniquely useful is powerful as the month progresses.
You can be thoroughly enjoying your work or daily routines –even finding yourself completely engrossed in them–and this shows in the finished product. When it comes to the pursuit of better health and well-being, you’re far more patient with a solid goal in mind, which proves the successful combination now.
The 2-6 is a tricky but eye-opening period of the month. There can be animation surrounding children, a romantic partner, a friend, finances, or a creative project with Mars and retrograde Mercury meeting up in a sector of your chart that rules these matters. In fact, this meetup occurs on the eclipse point and can get the ball rolling for new beginnings in these areas of life. There may be surprises or excitement now, a desire to get to the bottom of a matter, and a need to solve a problem from the past. You can get very fired up about an interest or idea, and may be focused on past ideas, projects, or even people. You do need to watch for false starts (Mercury is retrograde until the 5th) and hasty moves and communications. Aim to resolve old, lingering problems. While Mars moves into your work and health sector on the 5th, the Full Moon on the 6th serves as a reminder to slow down if you’ve been pushing yourself too hard. Once again, it’s a call to deal with old problems so that you can move on. Feelings about a past matter become undeniable, or a previously hidden or secret matter is revealed. This is a time for making the decision to either embrace or let go of a situation, relationship, or powerful feeling instead of staying on the fence — a particularly uncomfortable place for an Aries to be!
From the 5th forward, you’re in a fabulous position to take on challenging projects that you’ve either put off or that improve your lifestyle, daily routines, and sense of well-being. You’re ready to apply yourself with vigor to getting well or producing in your job. This is a time for stepping up or starting a health and fitness program, although official launches may be best after the 20th. From the 19th, Venus enters this sector, and softens your approach, but also stimulates the desire to do something unique, creative, or beautiful in these areas of life. In fact, as Venus and Mars approach an alignment for the remainder of September (and into October), there’s building excitement and motivation as you discover ways to channel your passion into productive pursuits. There could be a stronger desire to get your work “just right.” Perfectionism can be a driving force and powerful motivator, but avoid taking this to counterproductive lengths! You are magnetic now, and could stand out for your services or the work you do. It’s a very fertile time for your work and, for some, relationships blossom through the pursuit of your daily routines. The New Moon on the 20th is an additional boost for shining in the work you do as well as lifestyle changes.
The Sun moves into your relationship sector on the 22nd, turning some of your attention to partnership. Jupiter has been transiting this area of your chart for the last year and is now on the last leg of its journey, but won’t go out quietly! In fact, there can be some drama related to relationships, freedom, and independence in the last week of September. Look for a compromise between togetherness and independence. Look for new ways to relate to others if old patterns are no longer working. Changes should be made organically, not abruptly, for best results.

September features building motivation and a feeling that you’re in sync with the world around you, Taurus. While several planets are influencing your home and family sector as the month begins, your sector of romance and creativity gets increasing attention. The Sun is already in this house, and then Mars, Mercury, and Venus join along on the 5th, 9th, and 19th, respectively. There can be fun turns of events surrounding romance, children, entertainment, and creative projects. Small risks or innovations can be rewarding, especially as the month advances. A relationship or an exciting project builds. As you pour more of your energy and heart into romantic relationships and creative pursuits, your relationships and project take on new life.
All month, but especially from the 19th forward, personal magnetism is excellent. You are attracting positive attention. Enthusiasm for hobbies, entertainment, and other forms of playful expression increases, and opportunities emerge to enjoy yourself more thoroughly. You become increasingly freer of the need to sort out family and home matters, and confidence improves.
The 2-6 is a tricky but revealing period, however. Something from the past might resurface, and it can be refreshing as you uncover needs that you have either denied in the past or overlooked. However, your brain can feel overloaded now as there can be changes of plans and a strong desire to put a matter behind you. Watch for taking action too soon, however, since the information you need to make the right decision is still forthcoming. Mercury’s direct turn on the 5th is useful for progress on delayed or stalled plans. The Full Moon the next day can point to sudden involvement with others, perhaps a friendship matter coming to a head. Love affairs, children, friends, and teams are areas of life that can involve revelations, unveilings, and important discoveries.
Challenges in September are mainly related to expectations in your social life, which can be up and down and not always in tune with reality! These struggles can be more prominent around the 5-6, 19th, 24th, and 29th.
With Mars energizing the area of your chart that rules romance, pleasure, self-expression, and entertainment from the 5th forward, these areas of your life are in focus and invigorated. You are more willing to take personal risks, with your heart and your creative impulses. Romance can become heated, and this can be stimulating or challenging, depending on how you handle the energy! Venus moves closer to Mars from the 19th forward, and this helps soften your approach and leads to more success! You now seem to know when it’s right to make a move and when it’s better to wait for something to come to you! As Venus and Mars approach a conjunction for the remainder of the month, your desire to connect, create, and share your feelings builds. You are on fire in the personal appeal department! While you should watch for impulsiveness, you may be getting the push you need to get going on a creative project, hobby, or even a relationship. This is a good time to bring a more lively spirit to your dating life or to a relationship. The New Moon on the 20th adds extra punch to all of this – you now have the chance to start fresh creatively or romantically speaking.
Jupiter is nearing the end of its transit of your work and health sector and will move on to bless your partnerships for over a year starting next month. For now, Jupiter’s still making a splash. Focus on revitalizing projects rather than throwing them out. If something has indeed outlived its purpose and you’d be better off without it, then this is a good time to recognize the need to rid yourself of excess baggage.

The month begins on a busy note, dear Gemini, but quieter, more familiar and domestic themes pick up steam as September advances. Your ruler, Mercury, turns direct on the 5th and you feel lighter and more informed — “in the know.” It’s easier to make decisions now. The Sun begins the month in your sector of soul/home, and then Mars, Mercury, and Venus join along on the 5th, 9th, and 19th, respectively. These developments bring many opportunities to improve relationships with family — and with yourself. It’s useful energy for creative improvements to the physical home as well, not only to your emotional life. Ideas for making home life more comfortable and livable are abundant. You’ll need to be especially active on the domestic front in order to benefit from these energies the most – Mars here becomes temperamental and disruptive if it doesn’t have something constructive to do! You can be laying down foundations, setting up a base of operations, or improving foundations already in place. You’re thinking in terms of the long haul now.
However, the 2-3 is a potentially loaded period, with the 5-6 running a close second. Mars meets with retrograde Mercury at the eclipse point, and old problems can emerge for handling, setting you on a new path or getting the ball rolling regarding themes activated by August’s eclipses (for you, this is about communication, transportation, and presentation). Watch for hasty communications, moves, and decisions now, however, as Mercury is still retrograde and you don’t have all the answers just yet. As well, arguments entered into now can have a significant impact, so choose your battles wisely. This can be a great time for reviving an old mental interest or idea.
The Full Moon on the 6th can indicate a project reaching a turning point. There can be revelations related to your career or your general life direction. Discoveries made now can be emotionally-charged. Some of you may even discover or awaken to a dream job or path that motivates you in a new direction.
The major challenges in September have to do with juggling family, responsibilities, and relationships. Expectations, both of yourself and others, may be set a little high. This is not to say you should expect less from life, but it’s about being reasonable about what to expect.
From the 5th, Mars charges through the sector of your solar chart that rules home, heart, and family. What you do with the extra energy available to you now will partially determine whether this is simply a period in which you work more heartily on home projects and are more actively involved with family, or if challenges and conflicts ensue on the home front. There can be chaotic energy on the home front if this energy is overdone, but once Venus enters this same sector (from the 19th forward), you’ll find it easier to time making a move or waiting your turn. This can be an excellent period for getting a lot done in your personal life.
From the 22nd, new adventures are in store, as you find ways to satisfy an itch for excitement and recreation. However, you’re still highly focused on your home and family life. It’s a fabulous time for creative projects. The New Moon on the 20th provides an additional shot in the arm to make improvements, and an impending Venus-Mars alignment colors the last week of September with excitement about creating something special. You’re craving more emotional interaction or a deeper connection with someone, or with family in general. You can come up with inspiring and creative ways to improve your home or to enjoy family.
Jupiter is nearing the end of its thirteen-month transit of Libra, ruler of the romance and creativity sector in your solar chart. This planet of plenty will move on and bless your work and health sector starting in October, but for now, Jupiter is shaking things up before it goes! Your social life can be dramatic at this time, possibly related to the balance of attention you’ve been paying your friendships and dating life. For others, there can be a real desire to pursue certain hobbies or pleasures, but this can cause some ripples with friends. The fight to be freer is coming from a real place, but it’s a good idea not to create too much of a stir as you go about making changes.

While the month begins with a play-it-safe attitude, you’re breaking out of your shell and getting out and about far more as September progresses, dear Cancer. Relationships with classmates, siblings, and acquaintances are healthy and in focus this month. Connections are made, and a love opportunity through communications might emerge. You might be the go-to person for information and know-how this month. Studies and mental interests are rewarding.
September is strong for motivation and energy on mental levels, especially. Regarding connecting, learning, and communicating, you have a strong taste for something new, unique, and creative, and your initiative is powerful. You can get along particularly well with a co-worker, boss, parent, or family member now. You’ll need to be fairly active and enterprising in your communications to benefit the most from Mars in this zone of your chart, or you may end up feeling undirected, spinning your wheels, and restless. Impatience is another thing to watch for as it can lead to costly mistakes.
When it comes to your finances and business matters, your mind is racing around the 2-3. Old problems crop up, and you want to put them behind you as quickly as possible. This can also be a time for making a stand about your own worth and the respect you are– or aren’t –receiving. However, it’s important not to make hasty moves now. You are a little more impulsive than usual, and while it’s a good time to revisit old ideas and update them, it’s not the time to go all in since Mercury is still retrograde (until the 5th) and is aggravated by Mars.
The Full Moon on the 6th serves as a reminder of your dreams, wishes, and spirit for adventure. Buried feelings need some form of release. Epiphanies can be significant. Announcements, awards, or completed projects can generate quite a bit of attention. Lunations this month, as well as many Neptune oppositions to inner planets, can point to a real need to clarify your position, direct yourself appropriately in your studies or communications, and pay special attention to facts and figures without compromising your spirit for higher learning, concepts, and beliefs. Where you stand regarding school, travel, or communications and learning endeavors may be in question. Or, you may be feeling overwhelmed with what you need to learn, do, or understand at this time. Don’t shrink from a challenge but rather take a break and make some changes to your plans.
From the 5th forward, you have Mars charging through the house in your chart that rules your mind, attitude, and how you communicate and get around. This transit brings increased energy, motivation, courage, and initiative to your daily life, communications, and mental pursuits. You’ll be making contact, writing, speaking, and learning more fearlessly and assertively during this period. Do watch for impatience while driving, talking, writing, walking, and getting around. Avoid using words as weapons, but do express your frustrations with words in a constructive fashion. When Venus moves into this sector of your chart on the 19th, your timing is better. Venus also helps you smooth out the rough edges and know when it’s better to make your move or wait for something to come to you.
As September advances, in fact, you bring more and more appeal to your communications. You’re also feeling growing passion and excitement for a project or study. Conversations are stimulating, and ideas are uniquely creative. You may be especially motivated to get a project started or to put finishing touches on a project already in progress. It’s also a good time to make a romantic connection, particularly through third house avenues: school, running errands, your neighborhood, your daily commute, and even the phone.
Jupiter is on its last leg of its journey through your home and family sector, but is determined to shake things up before he leaves! Instability with work or feelings of being confined can reach a head now. Family and home matters can be a strong draw, but the need to excel is powerful as well, and there can be a tug of war happening that is the catalyst for making significant changes. You need to break free from some of the things people expect from you, but doing so mindfully will help your credibility. Jupiter will be moving on, but never leaves your chart, so you benefit from this planet of plenty’s influences in another life department starting in October — in your case, romance and recreation are the themes.

The month ahead is one of personal power, dear Leo, as you ride on the energy of last month’s eclipse in your sign and find ways to apply changes you want or need to make. You feel a great need to push your personal interests and projects forward, and, after the 5th, it’s a strong time to do so. There is an increasing focus on the building and development of your projects, plans, and ideas, as well as income, means, and resources. You’re likely to receive gifts or happy financial news in September.
September can be very prosperous for you as you focus on putting your efforts into building and producing. You want results! It’s a great time to explore and put your natural talents to good use. Favorable energy is with you for moving projects forward, gaining momentum as the month advances, but it’s important to do so patiently and gradually. You don’t want to rush through things and burn out — with a substantial showing of cosmic energy in your solar second house, this is a time for patiently applying yourself to those endeavors that mean something to you — or that spell security! While August was for setting goals, September is for pursuing them.
Both Mars and the Sun in your resources sector suggests a bolder approach to business, earnings, defending your territory, and proving your worth. Mercury and Venus enter the picture as well, increasing your opportunities for significant bonuses or gifts, job opportunities, or financial advances. Your attitude towards your practical affairs or business is proactive, confident, fresh, and positive.
However, on the 2-3, there can be some backtracking or frustration that serves as a push to clear the decks for new beginnings. Although this is a positive move, there can be mental tension now that could work against you if you succumb to impatience. Try not to make hasty moves or communications now, as Mercury is still retrograde (until the 5th), and you don’t yet have all the information or resources to push forward. On the 6th, the Full Moon occurs in your intimacy sector, bringing illumination or culmination to a matter related to finances or close relationships. True feelings emerge, or epiphanies happen related to sharing, give and take, power dynamics, ownership, intimacy, and finances. You may be dealing with inflated feelings about a person, relationship, or situation, and this theme can recur from time to time throughout the month. Expectations may need adjustment to get you on even footing.
Energetic and assertive Mars leaves your sign and enters Virgo on the 5th, and this cycle can stimulate a desire to take charge of your money and things, and possibly a drive for more financial independence. Tap into this increased courage to earn what you need and deserve. This is generally a good time for discovering ways to boost your feelings of comfort or security. Venus enters the same sector on the 19th, and Venus and Mars build towards an alignment that won’t perfect until early October, but that generates interesting energy for you now, stirring your passions and creativity and urging you to build, develop, or create something of value. It can be a strong time for creative, enterprising ideas.
Jupiter is on its last leg of its journey through your communications sector and will move on to your home and family sector in October. However, before he leaves, Jupiter is stirring the pot a little at the end of September! This is a call to deal with excesses in your life. Ideas are coming to you so quickly that it’s a real challenge to make progress on any one thing before a new idea takes over your consciousness. Priorities may get lost in the shuffle now, and you may want to remind yourself of what is most important. Avoid abrupt actions, but listen to inner discontent. The Sun moves into your communications sector on the 22nd and Mercury follows suit on the 29th, and you take more pride and interest in your communications, projects, and studies as September draws to a close.

This is your birthday season, dear Virgo, which is always a time for grabbing opportunities. This year, you may get off to a slow start, but you’ll find that the remainder of September compensates. The slow start has to do with the fact that the month begins with Mercury, Venus, and Mars in the sign behind yours, and you may feel a little behind and out of the loop, or simply not quite up to it! But as September moves forward, you come out of your haze, slowly but surely. It’s a month of building ambitions, and it’s a particularly fertile, creative time when you have great ideas and all the right motivation to do the work to get them going.
The 2-3 is a potent time for events related to August’s solar eclipse. Your ruler, Mercury, is still retrograde at this point and aligns with aggressive Mars at the degree of the eclipse. A problem from the past may re-emerge now for handling. Try not to make hasty moves, both on physical and mental planes. In a smaller way, this advice applies to the first three weeks of September in general since Mercury and Mars are traveling so close to one another. Tap into the excitement factor of this combination, but don’t put so much pressure on yourself that you blow your opportunities.
The Full Moon in your birthday month is always about close relationships. It can be a time of coming to terms with your feelings for someone or recognizing needs you’ve overlooked or brushed aside. Some partnership drama is possible around the 6th. This is also the time of Mercury’s direct turn and Mars entering your sign, so there’s a lot going on at this point. Listen to your feelings but don’t make distracted decisions – wait it out.
At many points in September, you may have to wrestle with expectations, likely related to relationships. Dreams surrounding a person or partnership itself can come in and out of focus. This can feel quite wonderful at times, but at other moments, you can feel a little heavy with uncertainty.
Mars in your sign from the 5th forward is energetic, excitable, and exciting. This is the time to assert your needs and pursue what you want. Mars is now supplying you with increased personal energy, initiative, courage, motivation, and drive. Again, watch for hasty, impulsive, or impatient behavior. With that in check, you can use this period to pursue personal goals heartily. This can also be a time when support — emotional or material — can more readily come to you, even though you are more independent than you are usually.
Money matters can be a little problematic at times this month, particularly if you owe someone something (these obligations can extend beyond the material to the spiritual). Your desire to break free from these situations is powerful, but watch for hasty, impulsive, and premature moves in this respect, as you can be a little too anxious to put restrictions behind you.
Personal appeal is fabulous all month, but more apparently so as admirers come out of the woodworks from the 19th forward. You’re both attracting things to you and pursuing who and what you want in September. The New Moon on the 20th makes it all about you. This is the first New Moon in a few years that isn’t an eclipse, and you’re likely to enjoy its more low-key energy, relatively speaking. This suggests you feel on top of things. It marks a new beginning – a time for a mini personal reinvention if you feel the need for a refreshing change. People see you a little differently, so work this in your favor as much as you can. While the Sun moves out of your sign on the 22nd, you still have a host of planets in Virgo boosting you up. This is a powerful time for building something creative that excites you, whether this is a hobby or related to your work.

The month ahead is important for winding down and tapping into your intuition, dear Libra. You’re segueing from a connected, involved period to a period of retreat and rest. You begin September with the Sun in your privacy sector, encouraging you to consider ways to decompress and unwind. Mars checks into the same sector from the 5th, Mercury from the 9th, and Venus from the 19th, and more and more life departments require review and reflection as the month advances.
The 2-3 can present events related to the August eclipse — including friendships, community, and long-term goals and dreams — that push for a new beginning. Look for friendship and expansion opportunities, but wait until later for brand new beginnings when Mercury is no longer retrograde and your retreat period is over. The Full Moon in Pisces on the 6th brings issues related to work and life balance, service, and health to a head. With all Full Moons, seek out balance and compromise, and for this one, consider what’s healthy for you, both mentally and physically.
With assertive, energetic Mars retreating into your soul sector from the 5th on, you’ll be doing some reassessing of your goals, needs, and desires. It’s not the most decisive or energetic of periods in your life, but you find more comfort in private moments and require a little more rest than usual. If you don’t recognize this need, you could encounter circumstances that force you to relax more often! This can also be a quiet or more private time for relationships, especially after the 19th. It’s an important cycle for discovering what you truly desire, and which pursuits may not be as worthwhile for you. You don’t always feel in the loop or noticed this month, but you may very well need a break now.
Until the 19th, you are particularly invested in your happiness goals and social life. The 20th brings a New Moon that reinforces your ability to put the past behind you as you begin a new birthday year from the 22nd. Personal new beginnings are in store! You’re moving into your birthday month a little “sleepy” this year, but you’ll come into your own later in October.
You can feel especially excited about a behind-the-scenes project, activity, or even relationship this month, and this excitement builds through the second half of September. You may be taking an unofficial sabbatical of sorts when it comes to major decisions. While you may not be blossoming in an apparent sense quite yet, this is an excellent period for preparing yourself for busier times to come. Personal appeal is strong now, and creative pursuits can thrive, particularly if you’re doing something behind the scenes or if you’re on the last stretch of a special project. You may be better off saving the huge decisions for after Venus and Mars cross the horizon in your solar chart in October. There is still much going on under the hood this month, and it’s important work, as you’re laying the groundwork now.
Jupiter is on its last leg of its 13-month transit of your sign this month, and it opposes Uranus on its way out. This is a time for confronting matters related to freedom and beliefs in your relationships. You can be feeling some discontent or restlessness with the same old patterns of relating and living, and you’re likely meeting challenges with others in order to realize your own potential. In your relationships, with both sides asserting their independence, it may seem that there is no coming together, but there is the chance to make a compromise. With openness, you may very well reach a breakthrough in a relationship now. Get ready for a new cycle, beginning in October, in which building up your resources, and possibly your bank account, is in focus.

You’re moving from a strong focus on performance, work, and responsibilities to a more social theme in September, dear Scorpio. Creative, attracting Venus, logical, talkative Mercury, and assertive, energetic Mars join the Sun in your sector of community, friendship, teamwork, and long-term goals and happiness plans. It’s a perfect time for making connections, contributing and sharing your ideas, and finding inspiration for new goals and projects.
You are feeling especially confident about what you have to offer. You may be taking the lead in a group or people may be looking to you for guidance. It’s a brilliantly fertile time for networking, creative contributions, teamwork, hobbies, web sites, and money-making ideas.
Even so, events around the 2-3 can seem to push a matter related to career, work, responsibility, and achievement. Watch for impatient moves along these lines, including communications. Your words have considerably more impact than usual at this time! If you say something regrettable, it can be hard to live it down. Mercury turns direct on the 5th, Mars changes signs, and then a Full Moon occurs on the 6th, so it’s an action-packed time when you may not be seeing things clearly, but you’re getting important messages about your feelings related to friends and lovers.
Particularly from the 5th forward and especially with friends and associates, you’ll find yourself in high demand. You are naturally taking the lead in group settings. More invites could come your way now, and you could be actively collaborating with others in group or team efforts during this period.
September’s challenges are largely about wrestling with your expectations in your social life, with friends, and in your personal life. If you can keep them reasonable, you’ll have fewer ups and downs. There can also be concerns about money, resources, talents, or earnings. Look for ways to restructure, organize, and budget as the means to boost up your sense of security.
You’re in especially good form for coming across well on public and professional levels in the first three weeks of September. New people coming into your life could inspire you to make important changes and improvements. Love requires more emotional space, acceptance, and tolerance after the 19th, but it’s also easier — less pressured. Some of you could be finding love through group associations, networking, and friends. The New Moon on the 20th gives your social life another boost.
Jupiter is on the last leg of its journey through Libra and will begin a thirteen-month transit of your sign starting in October — an exciting transit to look forward to and prepare for. For now, it’s about tying up loose ends. It will be important to listen to Jupiter’s message in September that changes are needed in your life, particularly related to work, health, services, and habits, but don’t feel pressured to make sweeping changes abruptly. When it comes to ideas for self-improvement, you can be filled with ambition and ideas now, possibly to the point of feeling overwhelmed. Try to pace yourself. This is a time for tying up loose ends so that you’re ready for the personal opportunities of the next phase in your life.

While there is a continuing focus on exploration, discovery, and experimentation in September, dear Sagittarius, increasingly your career, responsibilities, and life plan goals come into focus. You’re gearing up for a rather ambitious and accomplished period, although all of these matters do have a strong social element to them. Very creative, dynamic energy is with you, particularly as the month advances, for manifesting your goals or for furthering your career goals. You’re excited about a project under development or about what you have to offer, and this is highly motivating!
Seek out connections with people who can further your career or personal interests, if they don’t find you first! The pace may be hectic, but you’re enjoying it. It’s a period for doing a bit of showing off or strutting your stuff.
The 2-6 is a tricky period, however. Problems from the past have a way of emerging now, but there is a tendency to make sudden moves or to speak too soon about a matter. Be cautious about what you express, and if something said to you causes your mind to race, try to wait before reacting, as the tendency to misinterpret runs high. You may be dealing with house repairs, family drama, and possibly even career changes that affect home life around the Full Moon on the 6th. For many of you, this Full Moon is about recognizing your need for family, or it’s a call to action as your personal life needs some attention. You may need to deal with ambiguities related to living conditions or arrangements as they may be interfering with your outside responsibilities and goals.
Courage is with you for trying new things and even for starting something from scratch through redesign or renovation this month. Fiery, energetic Mars moves through your sector of career and reputation from the 5th forward. This is a period in which you may be pumping yourself up professionally, taking the lead and initiative more often, and pursuing your ambitions with vigor, but also with particular attention to detail. Mars at the top of your solar chart can sometimes point to strife on the job or with authority figures, or to challenges with your reputation, but toning down your manner can do wonders to prevent these things from happening. When Venus arrives in this sector on the 19th, you’ll find this comes more naturally. In fact, as September advances, you seem to know exactly when to make the right move — when to go all in and when to hold back and wait for things to come to you. The New Moon on the 20th gives your professional or public life a further boost.
Your ruler, Jupiter, is gearing up to change signs. In October, Jupiter moves into your privacy sector for a thirteen-month stay. This month, you’re bound to deal with finding a balance in your social or romantic life. You can experience a real impulsive streak if you feel confined or restricted by others. Unexpected events can occur that push you along a new path. As much as you enjoy companions, there are times when you need to do things at your own pace. Consider drawing the line if expectations of you are too high. However, it’s important to avoid abrupt moves so that you can keep some measure of peace now. In fact, you’re likely to find some resolutions coming to your social and romantic life in September.

Life is picking up pace for you this month, dear Capricorn, in a most enjoyable way. Introspection has been good for you, but now you’re participating more than observing. You’ll find that moving outside of your normal bounds and routines improves your opportunities, and this theme increases as September advances. You have a great hunger for new experiences and knowledge that feed your mind and spirit with the Sun in your adventure sector, and then Mars, Mercury, and Venus joining along on the 5th, 9th, and 19th, respectively. You bounce back much more easily from minor stresses and problems. You’re blossoming now.
Even so, the 2-3 turns your attention to the past or pulls you inside of yourself. You can be especially busy going over previous work, researching ideas for future plans and goals, or doing editing activities. Try to balance logic and emotion. Be firm and genuine to yourself in your dealings with others but avoid hasty words and moves.
The Full Moon on the 6th brings a sudden awareness of the need to take better care of your daily affairs. There can be deadlines and realities of paperwork or errands to deal with now. In fact, September’s challenges mostly lie in finding a better balance between personal interests and duties, and on a more personal level, some struggles with expectations.
With active, energetic Mars in your solar ninth house from the 5th forward, you’re in a fabulous position to assert your needs and pursue your desires. This comes at a time when Mercury ends its retrograde, clearing up misunderstandings as well. This transit is one in which you’re braver and more courageous than usual. You’re drawn to new experiences and ideas. Mercury’s influence here from the 9th can bring a larger audience or recognition to you for your ideas. It’s a great time to self-publish, publish, learn, teach, travel, connect, and share. You might enjoy an exciting new project or a revival of one already in progress. Studies and the sharing of ideas are fertile grounds for you this month and next. Teaching or guiding can be in strong or stronger focus in the work you do. Opportunities for travel, friendship, learning, and love can emerge. The New Moon on the 20th can help bring all of this together and serves as a further boost to these pursuits.
Personal magnetism is strong and is set to increase, especially once Venus moves into harmony with your sign from the 19th forward. Again, opportunities arise as you reach out beyond your usual routines, and with Venus, these are related to love, pleasure, and money! As September progresses, your passion builds for a new idea, subject, course of study, or travel destination. This can also be a good time for competitions and athletics. Share your enthusiasm with others.
The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart on the 22nd, and you begin an important cycle for career, ambition, performance, and accomplishment. Watch for poor judgment, however, as there can be a real tendency to act out too quickly if you feel restricted in the last week of September. However, the need for change is valid and should be acknowledged – it simply needs to be approached with care. Uncertain home or living conditions could impact your work, plans, or ambitions now. Make small changes rather than abrupt large ones. Aim to work towards significant change, but do so gradually. Jupiter is on its last leg of its journey through your career and reputation sector, so take advantage. Your social life is set for a real boost starting next month when Jupiter changes signs.

You’re coming out of a rather sociable period, dear Aquarius, and moving into a more introspective phase this month. Your private world holds increasing appeal in September. In fact, there can be times when you’re entirely absorbed in quiet activities, research, and projects, and for some of you, close relationships. This is a time for going in deep and enjoying what you do. Support tends to be more and more available to you, that is, if you’re seeking it. It’s easier than usual to muster up some help, material or emotional. Some of you could enjoy support or backing for travel or educational plans.
Self-improvement efforts can be very successful this month. You’re not interested in superficial harmony now — you want to see deep, long-lasting changes. You’re also more focused and able to concentrate now.
For people in love relationships or looking for love, this month and the next are strong for getting closer. Connections deepen. The desire for more intimacy in a relationship, or in your relationships in general, is increasing, and opportunities are likely to present themselves. Benefits come in the areas of finances, love, and pet projects. The themes are related to shared assets and transformational activities.
The 2-3 is a critical time for activities related to the recent Solar Eclipse, which occurred in your partnership sector, that set the ball rolling for change. Watch for hasty moves at this time, however, as you may feel you know the whole story, but there is more to come later! The Full Moon on the 6th comes as an important reminder or turning point related to your money, values, valuables, resources, and talents — in other words, your greatest assets, material or otherwise. New discoveries are possible now, or there is a significant revelation about your assets or business that demands some action. At the same time, Mercury turns direct and delays lift and projects move forward. This is an eyes-wide-open period.
Mars, the planet of action and energy, charges through your solar eighth house from the 5th forward, marking a time for dealing with power politics in relationships, or for taking charge in your intimate life. Desires run more deeply than usual, or they seem a little more complicated! Some of you could be meeting with stronger personalities during this time, and the confrontations that result are learning experiences for you, or meant to draw out your own passions and desires. This can be a powerful time for work behind the scenes or on a special project. Once Venus enters this part of your chart (from the 19th), you’ll find even more reason to get creative. An approaching Venus-Mars alignment affecting the latter part of September is motivating and builds excitement. There could be a sudden emergence of a buried desire. This can be an exciting period for your intimate life, and also a revealing time for understanding your own psychology. You’re bringing more creativity and oomph to what you’re doing now.
Next month, a great career period that lasts over a year begins for you. This month, the current Jupiter cycle is coming to an end, but it refuses to wind down! Your ruler, Uranus, confronts Jupiter near the end of September, and there can be an epiphany regarding an issue that you feel you can no longer tolerate. If you’ve been feeling hemmed in, particularly on mental levels, or restricted regarding what you can say and learn, this can reach a point of boiling over now. Tensions can lead to a breakthrough in your thinking or a fabulous idea for moving forward. Perhaps you finally recognize that a particular line of thinking or course of study is no longer the right one for you. While you are eager to get something started, make it a goal to say no to something new until you get organized. Resolve to make improvements to your life in the areas that are frustrating you, but avoid taking on too much at once.

There is a strong focus on the agendas of others and your close relationships this month, dear Pisces. New beginnings on the job front have been a feature recently, and further developments are likely in September. Health and fitness matters are prominent this month, as you develop new strategies to organize your life and structure your routines. Lots of chatter surrounding work goals and routines figure, and taking some time to get perspective and avoid stress is wise.
However, themes change as the month advances, and close relationships come into bigger focus. Your partnership ruler, Mercury, turns direct on the 5th and then enters its own sector on the 9th giving you a second chance to work things out or enjoy yourself in your relationships, particularly with one-on-one connections, business or personal, as well as counseling set-ups. Negotiations are well-favored.
The 2-6 is potentially loaded. Mars aligns with retrograde Mercury at the eclipse point, and events occurring now can push your buttons, leading to a new attitude towards work or health. Mars opposes your sign on the 5th, Mercury turns direct, and then a Full Moon occurs in your sign on the 6th. These events point to a watershed moment or a personal matter coming to a head. You recognize your true feelings about an issue, which can set you on a new path. You’re making incredible discoveries about your life plan, body, and attitude/outlook. This can also be a time when a close relationship makes headlines in your life.
September’s challenges are mainly related to expectations. The tendency to project problems onto others runs high. As well, people in your life may be bothered by your non-committal attitude. You could feel some pressure to define or lock something down.
You could be meeting with especially exciting or enticing people this month from the 5th forward, and for those in a partnership, a relationship is active and animated — perhaps a little demanding at times, but overall contributing to growth and a learning process. Problems that have been festering have a way of surfacing. Mutually beneficial connections can be made, and networking can be rewarding, especially once Venus enters your partnership sector on the 19th. Some of you could meet a partner through your work. Relationships, in general, can advance to a new level. Be open to new ideas and stimulation, but experiment wisely and creatively. Be sure to get a word in edgewise, even if it’s an important time to consider the input of others. A partner or special friend can inspire or motivate you to follow a dream or to work up to your potential. It can also be a time in which you have more courage to pursue a relationship. Watch that you don’t pass the buck during this cycle – own and acknowledge your role in conflicts or strife that might emerge now.
There has been a tendency to stretch yourself to do too many things at once, and the chaos that emerges from this can reach a head in the last week of the month. Look for ways to make changes without doing so abruptly for best results now. Jupiter’s transit of your intimacy sector is on its last leg. Jupiter will move into harmony with your sign in October, which has its rewards as well, only they’re different ones! You’re awakening to new worlds, experiences, and interests. For now, aim to enjoy Jupiter’s final full month influencing your finances and relationships for the better.
September is an excellent month for a budding interest in a relationship or person. You are certainly magnetizing people to you now, and you’re likely to seek out more excitement or passion in an existing relationship. Partnering up with someone can bring about wonderfully creative ideas, plans, and projects.
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.

When are you going to post the reports for Aries through Leo?
Hello! I am hoping to do so tonight. If I don’t finish them tonight, then the rest will come tomorrow.
Totally understand and it’s not Sept. yet! Great ephemeris. Love your site. Thanks for all the great astrology content!
Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoy it.