*September 2020 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries (Worksheet)*
Note that I write these summaries starting with the current month’s featured Sun sign (Virgo in September).
September continues a theme in which work, self-care, health, or services are in the spotlight, dear Aries. You take more pride in the work you do or in your ability to handle the details of your life. If you need to get back on track with managing routines or pursuing health programs, this is a stellar time to do so, as long as you don’t push yourself too hard. The Full Moon on the 2nd can remind you to balance things out. Close relationships and negotiating come into stronger focus as the month advances.
Practical developments can be notable this month. Taking care of mental health is not something to ignore while pursuing your many personal and work goals. Resolve to do your best to respect your natural body energy rhythms instead of challenging them.
Mars moves very slowly and then turns retrograde on the 9th. As your fiery, energetic ruler, you may feel that life is slowing down or that you don’t have the usual energy and direction. It might take some time to orient yourself to this, but once you do, you’ll benefit from taking extra time to pause, reflect, and look back. The entire retrograde cycle lasts until November 13th, and Mars stays in your sign the whole time, making it very personal! There may be some things that catch up with you at this time, and that prompt a need to review, return to a previous condition, or tie up loose ends.
It’s not always that you lack confidence during Mars’ retrograde, but that you often need to look within for answers. Questioning your plans is likely. The temptation to push ahead with personal plans is strong, but circumstances could have you feeling stuck. Watch for temper tantrums since they’re unlikely to go over well. You’ll be at your strongest if you tame impatience and work on plans that need fine-tuning rather than taking on new things. Aim to correct misunderstandings promptly. We often overestimate our physical capabilities during retrograde Mars cycles, and it’s best to keep this in check.
Aim to consider areas of your life that you may have charged past and now can use some revamping or extra attention. You may find some gems in the process.
Fortunately, Venus moves into harmony with your sign from the 6th forward. It’s a good time for creative communications and pleasure. Connecting with people who share similar or complementary interests to yours can figure strongly.
From the 5-27, Mercury opposes your sign and is another strong influence for pleasures and benefits through and with others. It’s a terrific time for collaborating or enjoying more interaction with someone special. You are seeing things from a new perspective and considering the other side of the coin. This transit does reinforce a theme of indecision in your life this month, but it may very well give you a welcome break.
The Full Moon on the 2nd awakens your need to pay more attention to your inner world and intuition. There can be frustrations related to overwork or heightened awareness of your need to rest and recuperate. Watch for impulsiveness since desires come on quickly. If you’re feeling a little on edge or unsatisfied, the temptation to rile others up can come on strongly. With some work, challenges now can result in a new understanding, both of others and your own needs.
You might feel particularly inspired by a work or health pursuit, project, or lifestyle adjustment. Both Jupiter and Saturn turn direct this month on the 12th and 29th, respectively. You’re likely to feel more hopefulness, faith, and confidence, particularly with your career or life direction, long-term goals, and career prospects and outlook. You’re also ready to put in the work. You may have recently questioned whether your efforts have had much impact, and now you feel stronger — ready to take on a challenge. You bring more confidence to your work, or you feel more capable of handling your responsibilities and taking the lead. If a business venture or life path seems to have blocked up in recent months, you are now turning a corner.
Look for ways to reform, renovate, upgrade, and reorganize your work. The New Moon on the 17th is powerful for intuition, particularly regarding your work, habits, health, routines, nutrition, chores, and services, prompting new beginnings along any of these lines. You may feel the need to reorient yourself and explore different ways to manage your energy and time.
Watch for disagreements and impatience when Mars forms tense aspects in the last week of the month. If you observe your actions carefully, you may notice a self-destructive way of shooting yourself in the foot. Matters of opinion and freedom can come to a head. Watch for speaking or acting too soon. If you’ve been pushing ahead too quickly, a slowdown may eventually get you back on course better equipped.
While you’re doing things differently these days, good energy is with you for creative, romantic, and entertaining pursuits. And, even if some relationships are complicated, your personal magnetism is strong.
A continuing theme brings you into greater touch with your need to create, enjoy, entertain, or be entertained, dear Taurus. Love, recreation, and hobbies are in stronger focus. You might approach the world of creativity and self-expression with more boldness. You might embrace a hobby or make more room for play and leisure. A work and health theme emerges as the month progresses.
The Full Moon on the 2nd can bring feelings, a connection, friendship, or a project to a turning point. It’s a time for putting something negative behind you. A social or networking matter may come to full bloom, setting you on a new, fresh path. Consider that the first few days of September are slightly challenged for relating.
However, interpersonal challenges can help you figure out how you truly feel about a person, project, or situation. There can be a significant epiphany or realization regarding your need for social involvement, networking, or friendship. You might see opportunities to share your load, collaborate, or pay more attention to the need for community. Temperamental conditions may seem random, but they’re likely forcing out problems that have already been brewing. Ultimately, this brings issues to light, leading to quicker resolutions, even if it’s a bit rocky going getting there.
Venus moves into your solar fourth house on the 6th, pointing to the need for extra pampering. It’s a good time to remind yourself of the comforts of familiarity. Home life can improve, or you seek out quieter times. Making your domestic world more comfortable and friendly can be a theme now. There can be healing happening through quiet or family activities, or perhaps some solitude.
Mercury in your work and health sector from the 5-27 helps you get organized, gather useful intel, and pay attention to important details.
Mars is retrograde from September 9th to November 13th, and slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations can happen in your private life. It’s best to watch for an obsession with private issues or concerns about the past during this cycle. Although it’s a good time to look back, it’s best not to dwell. This cycle stirs up any unusual, overlooked, or buried anger, feelings, and desires you’ve been ignoring. Thinking twice before venting feelings can be a good idea. You could have an increased need for rest, and your desire nature can be complicated.
Still, you’re in good shape in general for sharing ideas, new interests, rediscovering an old relationship, and creative and publishing projects this month. Both Jupiter and Saturn turn direct after many months of retrograde, and both are currently transiting your spirit sector. These moves can help you feel that you’re turning a corner with your general outlook and faith. Publishing, sharing, or learning matters can move forward, perhaps after a period of limbo. Delays lift or news comes in that renews your interest in and motivation for these pursuits. Slowly but surely, you find new reasons to be optimistic about where you’re heading.
You can be determined to connect more deeply with personal interests, hobbies, and possibly even a person. People you meet or ideas you come across have you looking at the world in new and exciting ways. The New Moon on the 17th can help you start fresh with love, romance, creativity, children, fertility, entertainment, leisure, or hobbies.
Some things are brewing in your emotional world, and there can be tensions related to work and needs for rest at times in the last week of September. It’s all too easy to get wound up, and it’s important not to speak too soon on a matter, especially from a place of impatience. Disagreements can be more frequent or notable. Sudden surges of anger or expressions of tension that seem to erupt out of nowhere can be rooted in buried, unresolved issues.
However, you’re in good shape for warmer, easier relations in your family or personal life. You could find ways to make peace with the past, freeing you up for exciting times to come. Passions are strong, even if love is somewhat complicated. Your personal appeal isn’t suffering, either. Work on bringing expectations down to earth, but don’t let a small reality check discourage you. Self-improvement endeavors can be in focus and successful as you go forward.
Living conditions, relationship with family, or personal life are in strong focus and strengthening in key ways in September, dear Gemini. More involvement with family, traffic/activity at home, reorganization, or renovation can be in focus. Thinking is excellent for finances and domestic concerns, and family life or security matters are strongly on your mind.
The Full Moon on the 2nd can produce interesting revelations about career, responsibilities, long-term goals, or commitments. Frustrations prompt you to recognize that your life needs more balance. Avoid making too-quick decisions and choices if possible in the first few days of the month, particularly if you’re extremely busy or not quite organized. Watch for a slapdash approach to your money or belongings. Sometimes clashes don’t have quick resolutions, but they may help redirect your energy.
While you begin the month in an introspective phase, life becomes more interactive as September progresses. Venus transits your communications sector from the 6th forward–an excellent influence for expressing yourself more charmingly through your words. You derive more enjoyment from your daily life and personal studies or interests. Positive feedback and friendly exchanges motivate you.
Another friendly shift comes from Mercury’s transit of your creative sector from the 5-27, boosting communication success. You might write about something you love and share it with others. Words flow more smoothly. Fun conversations and interactions are more frequent.
Mars is retrograde from September 9th to November 13th, prompting some slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations in your social life. Backtracking is possible, and challenges may surface with friends or networks. A focus on the past is likely. There may be frustration with goals or dreams not manifesting soon enough, when in fact, this retrograde period is useful for making necessary edits to your plans. There can be a return to an old friendship or troubles from the past resurfacing in a current one.
Your enthusiasm for your higher goals, dreams, hopes, group or community activities, and/or friendships may wane before you find your way again, perhaps due to some problems or setbacks. Refocusing and review become necessary and recommended until mid-November when Mars turns direct again.
On the other hand, Jupiter and Saturn end their retrogrades this month, on the 12th and 29th, respectively. You begin to see improvements or forward motion with your intimate life or finances with these shifts. You feel more confident about dealing with tricky emotions and complicated problems. A close relationship may resume, rekindle, or heat up. Or, if you’ve been procrastinating on settling your finances, you’re now ready to roll up your sleeves and take them on.
Jupiter and Saturn are now on their final leg of your solar eighth house, and it’s a great time to make positive lifestyle changes. The give and take in a relationship might improve, or there is more clarity about your feelings or a partner’s involvement. You gain a stronger sense of who and what you want from your relationships. You may see some forward progress with taxes, debts, or financial support.
You can be eager to put an issue, resentment, or regret behind you this month. You’re giving more thought to what you can do to make yourself a better life. An ongoing struggle with your longer-term objectives is possible. If you’re dealing with rumors or ambiguities, you may need a break. Your search for more meaning takes time, and you’re bound to encounter occasional speed bumps along the way.
The New Moon on the 17th is good for fresh approaches or new beginnings related to home, family, living conditions, or your emotional world. The Sun entering your sector of joy on the 22nd boosts a theme of play, creativity, fun, romance, or leisure.
There can be some impatience and resulting tension as retrograde Mars forms challenging aspects in the last week of the month, with some creative ones shining through as well. Frustrated anger can emerge through your words, or you are on the receiving end. It can be unsettling or nerve-wracking, but might also help clear the air. Conversations can be hasty and rough around the edges. Consider that many clashes can have more to do with misunderstandings than true disagreements.
There can be pet projects and ideas that motivate and excite you. Things that you’ve previously resisted learning can now become appealing and relevant. A past friendship or connection can figure strongly.
September can begin on a busy note, dear Cancer, but you tend to settle in and pace yourself as it advances. Your projects, studies, and personal interests continue to figure strongly. You can feel a little less weighed down by material concerns.
The Full Moon on the 2nd falls in harmony with your sign, and you might awaken to true feelings about a course of study or project. This revelation can propel you in a new direction or reinforce your commitment to a current path. Relationship tensions can be pressing in the days following this lunation, and frustrations can motivate you to begin anew with a special pursuit. A lovely change of pace or escape may be just what you need to clear your head. Try to avoid impulsive or dramatic moves that won’t serve you well in the long run.
Venus leaves your sign on the 6th when it transits your solar second house, reminding you of the comforts and pleasures of simple, earthy activities. This period is less about making money and more about enjoying what you have. Attracting rather than chasing resources is most successful now.
Mars is retrograde from September 9th to November 13th, and you may be rethinking some elements of your current path. Enthusiasm for career and public or professional matters may wane, or you may be returning to old projects to firm them up or redo them. You could feel as if you’re going through the motions in your work or with duties until you get into better touch with your desires and needs. Ambiguities might have you second-guessing or reassessing your goals. Aim to conserve your energy and avoid pushing things that require time to develop. It’s a fine period for editing projects already in progress, but not ideal for all-new initiatives.
Jupiter and Saturn end their retrogrades this month, and both planets are on their last leg of their transits through your partnership sector. These are good omens for your close relationships, partnerships, and sense of balance. There can be more clarity or forward movement in a partnership. You experience less fear and more joy now, or you feel you’re turning a corner in a relationship. Your needs are more apparent. There could be more helpful, happy, or pleasing people coming (or coming back) into your life. Realistic expectations of projects and people lead to happier moods.
Others can benefit from your know-how this month, and it can be rewarding to share and exchange ideas. Building faith in a relationship can be in focus and rewarding. Combining talents, abilities, and resources with someone is successful. You might take on an unusual or non-traditional approach to business, purchases, and money matters.
The New Moon on the 17th brings fresh energy or new beginnings with learning, sharing, ideas, mental outlook, communications, transportation, personal interests, or daily life. You’re feeling inspired and encouraged. Even so, with Mars currently retrograde, it’s a good idea to slow down, review, and take on only what you can truly manage.
You crave more security and comfort as the month advances. The Sun heads into your home and family sector on the 22nd. Winding down holds more appeal.
This month, with so much on your mind, consider that impatience or unexpressed anger can lead to mistakes or missteps. Mercury, Mars, and Saturn clash in the last week of September, producing some tension and impatience. Watch for getting too worked up about things that truly don’t matter in the long run. You may be tempted to say or do something out of character. Challenges from the public or professional camp can spill over into other life departments. Resolving conflicts only comes after you confront the issues.
People can be intrigued by your viewpoint or talents. Your unique qualities are more noticeable. Events and situations seem to gently stoke your ambitions or encourage you to do your best. While you’re exploring your satisfaction levels this month, you might also rediscover old passions.
You’re moving into your comfort zone and benefiting from some steadiness in your life this month, dear Leo. Even so, you’re stepping out of it on mental levels. You stand to learn and pick up new information, and you may very well rediscover and renew a past interest. Money matters, valuables, comfort levels, and security are bigger interests and topics in September.
Intimacy, shared assets, support, or dependency can come into focus on the 1-2 when a Full Moon encourages you to get in touch with your true feelings about a relationship or a situation. You may need to straighten out matters of support, ownership, or debt. An intimate or financial affair may come to full bloom, setting you on a new, fresh path. There can be frustrations or heightened awareness about a dependency that requires changes. Tensions in relationships can fuel your desire to improve and grow. There can also be some inner frustration or angst experienced now that can be hard to ignore.
From the 6th forward, Venus transits your sign, highlighting your natural charm. This transit is terrific for personal appeal and magnetism. Others notice your most gracious qualities. It can be an indulgent time when you more frequently pamper yourself. You might discover new ways of having fun or opportunities to express yourself. This influence aids efforts to enjoy yourself, pursue your wishes, and “make nice” with people in your life. September is a decent month for attracting the right resources to you.
This Venus transit can help smooth things over–and you’ll need it with Mars turning retrograde in your sector of self-expression and spirit on the 9th. Be more cautious than usual en route since you tend to rush things. Verbal conflicts are possible now, but some mindful clearing of the air may be just what you need.
Mercury moves through your solar third house from the 5-27, and the Sun does so from the 22nd forward, piquing your curiosity. These transits encourage you to connect, share, and exchange ideas. Your communications often go over well, and others take more interest in what you have to say.
With Mars retrograde from September 9th to November 13th, it’s appropriate to slow down, back up, and review. Enthusiasm for specific areas of life could change, particularly related to publishing, law, education, and belief systems. Your outlook and lust for life are evolving. You might turn to past projects for inspiration, or there can be things that catch up with you, prompting a review, return to a previous condition, or the need to tie up loose ends. There can be treasures in old projects and connections, and the trick is to approach them in new ways.
Both Jupiter and Saturn end their retrogrades, turning direct on the 12th and 29th. Your enthusiasm and motivation build for your work and health pursuits, and a delayed project might now unblock. The motivation to get back on track increases for self-improvement, lifestyle changes, and better routines. Work matters pick up speed. You might get back on track with a diet or fitness plan and work projects. Your approach to meeting and facing these responsibilities is more direct.
The motivation to work and produce takes hold, and money, business, work, and health methods are in generally good favor this month. There seems to be a reason for renewed hope or optimism about finances or work. You may very well discover activities and projects that make fuller use of your talents and skills.
The New Moon on the 17th is powerful for new beginnings related to your finances, income, personal resources, valuables, and self-worth. Matters of comfort, security, usefulness, respect, and stability are subject to new approaches and fresh energy. Some discouragement or letdown with others or shared resources can be part of the fuel that drives a new start.
Taking personal offense at intellectual disagreements can be an issue this month. You may later regret hasty actions or words, especially if they come from a feeling of being overburdened and under-appreciated. You can be battling restlessness at times. There could be a lot of (unnecessary) pressure on you to make a decision and frustrating issues surrounding transportation and mobility.
Positively, you get the chance to resolve conflicts after confronting the problems. While there can be increased frustrations, likely technically-based, there are many positive happenings that inspire and motivate you. Business connected with art, music, and other creative ventures can prosper.
The month ahead is one of personal attention, dear Virgo, and a time for your yearly “new beginning.” Mars does turn retrograde on the 9th, making going after what you want a little more complicated than you might expect. Even so, you’re drawing positive attention and in the position to attend to personal plans and needs in September. The Sun is in your sign until the 22nd and a New Moon occurs in Virgo on the 17th. Your ruler, Mercury, is direct and chugging along nicely. It’s time to put your personal interests first, although be aware that too-sudden changes can stir up opposition.
The Harvest Moon on the 2nd does turn your attention to a relationship matter that can come to full bloom, which sets you on a new, fresh path. There can be frustrations or heightened awareness about your relationship needs that require changes. Your true feelings emerge now. A new perspective on your life, perhaps through the eyes of another, can mark a turning point for you.
On the 3-4, you may think that filling a sudden desire will be the answer to all your problems, but it’s likely to be a mere distraction. Dig deeper, and you’re likely to find that the surface topic has little to do with the real problem. You could feel torn between filling your own needs and pleasing someone, and there could be a sense that you’re out of rhythm. From a bit of conflict, you’re likely to improve cooperation, friendliness, and open conversations. You may gain clarity about a person’s feelings for you or you could thoroughly enjoy a conversation about the future.
Much of the month (from September 5-27), Mercury spends time in your resources sector, and this helps you make sense of money matters, personal talents, income, and possessions or valuables. It’s a good time to sort out your money and things. Business ideas can be stellar, and common-sense thinking increases.
Still, your affections and relationships can be complicated. For one, Venus moves into the sign behind yours starting on the 6th, marking a yearly review period when you’re processing and digesting more than you’re moving forward in the love and pleasure department. As well, Mars turns retrograde on the 9th, happening in your intimacy sector. Desires are hard to understand. It’s better to let things flow instead of push things along–you’ll learn a lot about yourself and your intimacy needs in the meantime.
Mars is retrograde from September 9th to November 13th, making slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations especially important, most affecting intimacy, finances, and sharing. Intimate matters may become more intense and complicated. Joint financial projects or initiatives may stall, or there can be some ambiguity with finances, particularly debts and shared money or resources. Refocusing, backtracking, and review may be necessary.
You’ll be exploring anger and assertion over buried matters, and learning to manage your life on an emotional level in better ways. Mars retrogrades tend to turn your attention to unresolved issues as you may be seeking closure or you may be looking to reopen something that ended a while ago. The steps you take now to reorganize should benefit you greatly down the road.
Especially in the first three weeks of September, and most pronounced around the 8-9, people enjoy your company and seek you out. It’s an excellent time for building bridges or boosting current relationships. Even if love matters are on the complicated side, other connections feel more straightforward. You’re especially inclined to dream big dreams as you focus on renewal and creative refreshment. You may feel freer to express yourself or happy to explore hobbies and other forms of expressive recreation.
While September’s transits tend to raise your spirits, and you’re focusing on advancing your personal interests, there are ups and downs to manage. For best results, focus on the things you love instead of pinning your hopes elsewhere. If you are unprepared or disorganized, any drama occurring now can feel worse than it is. Recognize that you are more sensitive on emotional, spiritual, and physical levels, and do your best to regularly take a break from overdoing or overthinking.
Jupiter turns direct on the 12th, and creative blocks might lift. More clarity or enthusiasm comes to your love life and creative projects as you go forward. Faith and optimism increase. It’s a time of more spontaneous, natural connections. Your excitement or motivation builds surrounding love, entertainment, self-expression, hobbies, and pastimes.
Although this shift is gradual, you can begin feeling more optimistic about relationships mid-month. The week following is a lovely time for seeing others in a particularly compassionate light, and this feels healthy and affirming. Through conversation and observation, you may come to a greater understanding of a private matter or relationship. You are a little more open to sharing something personal, and this can be a pleasant, helpful release. The focus is on unblocking, growing, and improving.
The New Moon on the 17th is yours–it’s in your sign and is powerful for your intuition about starting fresh. It’s about reinventing yourself, as well as fresh starts related to your manner, approach to the world, personal image, independence, and attitude or outlook. Some feelings of discouragement about a relationship or situation can be fuel for starting anew. Mars has just recently turned retrograde in your intimacy sector, and the need to slow down to reexamine matters is strong.
From the 20th, you’ll find more interest, personal power, and fulfillment through your personal interests, communications, studies, or projects. The Sun enters your resources sector on the 22nd, and you’ll begin to pay more and more attention to personal possessions, money matters, natural talents, matters of security and comfort, and intimate relationships.
From the 22-24, there can be some tensions. People can be on edge, nitpicky, and nervous. Matters of ownership can be an especially heavy issue, and it’s a less than ideal time to lend out money or things or even to collect on loans. The debts of a partner can frustrate you, or you might find that a partner is disapproving or unappreciative. Instead, issues of money or respect can make you quite tense. It’s best not to jump into action until you’ve sorted things out.
In the last few days of the month, life and relationships can be pleasantly spicy. You can feel inspired by your conversations and the connections you make, and your intimate life can get a boost with extra attention and natural acceptance. You could be feeling quite passionate about a person or an idea. Popularity increases. Finances and business are also favored with support coming at just the right moment. Saturn’s direct turn on the 29th is another sign that problem areas with creative or romantic pursuits are beginning to sort out. A hobby can unblock.
Still, this can be a time when challenges related to close relationships or finances can be ongoing. While a somewhat troubled period, you get the chance to resolve long-standing problems and conflicts by confronting the issues.
Introspection continues this month on some levels, dear Libra, but slowly but surely, you find your voice. Mercury and the Sun enter your sign on the 5th and 22nd, respectively, and you emerge from a period of withdrawal and emotional renewal. In the meantime, much is going on behind the scenes. You tend to keep your emotional distance and a lower profile.
The Full Moon on the 2nd can bring a work or health matter to full bloom, which sets you on a new, fresh path. Heightened awareness of your state of self-care or your job reveals that you need to change your approach. You recognize that new methods can be useful to achieve your goals. Tense interpersonal relations can fuel your feelings, epiphanies, and realizations now.
There can be a strained atmosphere in the two days following this lunation, although you learn a lot from your interactions. Rhythms in love or patterns in relating can be a little off, and feelings run hot and cold, mainly due to timing problems and impatience. A straightforward approach may go over as insensitive, but holding back may be interpreted as indifference. Ideally, ups and downs lead to new understanding.
You find your voice with Mercury spending time in your sign from the 5-27. Creatively and romantically, you are getting more attention, but your feelings are still in a state of review. You’re talkative and ready to offer your opinion, but you’re still uncertain about your next move in an overall sense. Another outgoing shift occurs on the 6th when Venus heads into your social sector. This move improves your popularity and sense of connectedness.
Even so, Mars turns retrograde on the 9th and will continue in this state until November 13th. Slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations are essential in your relationships, particularly partnerships. There can be weighty issues and delays to manage related to a close connection, legal contract, or negotiation.
You have the chance to reassess how you’ve been dealing with others, and you may be finding new and improved ways of connecting. Taking things slowly is most beneficial.
Particularly from the 8-9, you’re giving off good vibes. Focusing on the big picture and putting aside or resolving small differences and problems in your emotional world, personal life, and home and family matters can do wonders for you. Sharing your happiness with others feels right.
There can be times when you’re dealing with some lack of clarity, especially related to what is expected of you and what you expect from others. It can be challenging to deal with routine matters if you’re not feeling motivated or directed, which is possible now. However, treat this period as a time to regain fuel, motivation, or inspiration. Don’t expect too much of yourself. Much is going on behind the scenes, and you don’t always feel on top of your game due to general distractions.
Jupiter’s direct turn after months of retrograde motion increases your enthusiasm and joy, particularly in your home life and on an emotional level. Gradual improvements to family life are in store, but with Saturn also turning direct here, you’re putting in the work to make things happen. Home improvement projects can resume or pick up the pace, and relationships with family may strengthen. You have a real and growing sense that things are getting better.
Excellent energy is with you for recognizing the need to make changes in your personal life, at home, or within. There can also be some beautiful connections made or particular pleasure derived from friends and plans.
The 17th brings a New Moon that’s powerful for motivating you to address long-standing problems, particularly those of a personal or private nature. You’ll be focusing on putting dysfunctional areas of your life behind you, and it’s exciting. You must slow down and take things easy, particularly with Mars also now rather newly retrograde.
You’ll also find it empowering to pay more attention to managing money from the 20th forward. The Sun enters your sign on the 22nd, and you’re more assertive and engaged. Opportunities emerging now are a little clearer and more straightforward. Personal magnetism moves up a notch. You pay more attention to personal needs and wants, your image, appearance, and health.
There are some hurdles to clear. Challenges between personal space or family and partnerships can be ongoing, but they afford you the chance to resolve conflicts after confronting the issues. Give yourself time on this with Mars retrograde in your opposite sign. Your desire to be free and to act on impulses might frequently clash with the responsibilities you may have to others.
Fortunately, you are gently challenged to improve, take positive action, and go after what you want. While the last week of the month can point to some rising tensions, a Venus-Mars trine can point to some romantic excitement or a rekindling of feelings.
With Saturn turning direct on the 29th, realistically facing your responsibilities puts you in a strong position to manage them. Take things gradually and enjoy the process of bringing more order and security to your personal space and inner world.
September can be a month of personal transformation through projects, friendships, and connections, dear Scorpio. You’re discovering people and projects you love. Promotional and networking or marketing efforts can be particularly fruitful. A slow but steady approach seems to work the best with Mars turning retrograde this month, perhaps redirecting you.
The focus on happiness goals and networking continues this month, but you’ll find more time for rest and relaxation as September progresses. The Full Moon near the start of the month is about a romantic or creative matter coming to full bloom, setting you on a new, fresh path. There can be frustrations or heightened awareness about a matter of the heart that requires changes, or you might awaken to your true feelings about a person or project. Tensions in certain relationships can spur you on.
In your adventure sector until the 6th, Venus inspires your interest in non-routine experiences and a more enlightened viewpoint. Mars, in your work sector until January, encourages you to get the job done. Both can work together if need be, but it can seem hard to integrate in the first few days of September. Consider ways to strike a compromise. People around you can be temperamental and competitive with this transit that tends to highlight differences in needs, desires, and approaches. Be protective of information or feelings that you typically want to keep quiet, as there is an impulsive tendency that could be cause for later regret. Even so, frictions can lead to new insights and a better understanding of yourself and others.
Still, energies are quite excellent for self-expression, social confidence, and improved personal outlook. A more introspective turn starts around the 5th when Mercury heads into your privacy sector for three weeks. On the 9th, Mars turns retrograde. Lasting until November 13th, this retrograde period can produce slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations in your work, health pursuits, daily routines, and habits. There can be weighty issues and delays to manage related to your job or health care, but plenty of chances to sort things out. Ultimately, you’re learning about what truly works for you. Keep in mind that pushing yourself during this cycle will likely lead to frustrations and slowdowns, particularly in these areas of life.
It’s time to review whether you’re pursuing your desires and change your approach to getting what you want from your work, relationships, and self-care programs. Enthusiasm for your current job or health regimes could wane perhaps due to setbacks or stalling, but the adjustments you make now can be invaluable. Watch for pent-up anger and passive-aggressiveness in your daily affairs. Routines or work may feel a little lifeless until you figure out ways to spruce things up. Reorganizing and editing efforts can be very fruitful during this cycle.
Fortunately, you’re in fine shape to enjoy your studies or a special interest. You can see the bigger picture, or a friend can help you see a new, more optimistic perspective. Others might reinforce or supplement your ideas in pleasant ways. Connecting, mingling, chatting, and networking can encourage you or bring opportunities into your life. Contributions from others tend to be useful or motivating.
While it’s a generally good period for your dreams, hopes, and social life, certain unrealized dreams can haunt you a little around the 11th. You might experience some confusion in your relationships, desires, and attractions until you sort things out. You might benefit from taking a break to clear your head and perhaps seek new sources of inspiration.
Jupiter ends its retrograde cycle on the 12th and is now moving direct in your communications sector. Your confidence in studies or your ability to express yourself increases. More clarity is likely in your projects, communications, and personal interests. Positive word of mouth can benefit you tremendously. Your enthusiasm builds for learning and connecting. Conversations open up, and faith and optimism increase.
Business and practical sense both improve with a nice dose of intuition and confidence. Venus helps boost your reputation or career from the 6th forward. You could feel more valued by others, especially those you work with or in a position of authority around the 13-14, although later in September, you can be up and down on this level.
With the New Moon on the 17th, the focus is on your friendships, networks, social life, and happiness goals. New beginnings are on the horizon, and it’s a time when you’re optimistic while recognizing the need to go slowly. A reboot or makeover on a social level can be in order now.
From the 20th, you’re likely to feel a little more ambitious about handling personal and health matters. Still, with the Sun’s move into your privacy sector on the 22nd, you also require more time to unwind and regenerate your energy.
Technical problems or delays may be frustrating in spots in the last week of the month. You may be a little fearful of changes or tense about recent developments, which can reach a head. Or, tensions can stem from worries about things you haven’t done. You could feel scattered, with too much to do, and at a loss as to where to begin.
You might also have a strong feeling that work and daily routines weigh you down when you’d much rather take part in more free-form activities. You might be feeling undervalued for the “unseen” things that you do. While buried frustrations could emerge messily, it’s one way of getting something out on the table. Challenges in your work or daily affairs are ongoing now, but you get the chance to resolve conflicts after confronting the issues. A topic of interest or study can excite you now, and others’ contributions tend to be useful or motivating. These things could make looming deadlines, health concerns, or scheduling issues a little easier to manage.
It can be a wildly creative time for your work or practical goals, too, and your appeal remains quite strong regardless. Saturn’s direct turn on the 29th is another indicator that projects are beginning to move ahead. More structure to your communications, studies, and connections to others can benefit you greatly. Procrastination is costly, and as you meet your goals and responsibilities more promptly, you feel more energetic and confident. You’re also in a high position to evaluate which of your interests, studies, and projects are genuinely worth your efforts.
The focus on life path, goals, and career continues in September, dear Sagittarius, but as the month progresses, you’ll find more time and attention for your social life.
The Full Moon near the beginning of the month brings a home, family, or career matter to full bloom, setting you on a new, fresh path. There can be frustrations or heightened awareness about a personal problem that requires changes. Whatever surfaces is in full view, and this helps get the sorting process started. You recognize your needs for security, comfort, and nurture, and it becomes clear that you should strive towards balancing these things with your worldly goals.
There can undoubtedly be pressures with power dynamics, sharing, and intimacy early in the month. While frustrations may have been building for some time, impatience to handle matters can come on powerfully. Until the 6th, Venus tends to stimulate the desire for emotional intimacy and closeness. Mars is more intent on having a good time as it transits your sector of joy and entertainment. It’s not straightforward to strike a compromise, but possible, and helps you get closer to understanding your deeper needs.
More outgoing energy comes as Mercury moves into your social sector on the 5th just a day before Venus heads into your adventure and spirit sector. These transits pull you out of your shell. You become more interactive, forward-looking, and spontaneous.
Mars does turn retrograde on the 9th, which requires some adjustments. Until November 13th, there can be some slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations with romance, recreation, and creative or heartfelt pursuits. There can be weighty issues and delays to manage. Lackluster areas of your life seem to be in the spotlight, motivating you to get in touch with your true needs and desires. It’s a process that’s sometimes slow-moving, but it’s a valuable one.
Transits positively connecting your work and resources sectors this month inspire enthusiasm for a project, business, or financial matter. They help make obstacles or hurdles more tolerable. People are interested in what you do, particularly around the 8-9.
You’re reminded of the importance of extra magic, imagination, or spirituality in your life. Ambiguities related to living conditions or arrangements, with family, or insecurities about your capabilities can weigh you down in spots, affecting the pursuit of your goals, career, or responsibilities. However, taking a breather so that you can get into better touch with your intuition on these matters can help redirect you. In the process, you might discover new and improved sources of inspiration.
Jupiter, your planetary ruler, turns direct on the 12th after months of retrograde motion, increasing your confidence and joy, particularly with money and your resources and talents. Saturn turns direct in the same sector of your chart later in September, and hard work and organization is part of this, but you’re also enjoying putting in the effort.
This direct turn improves your outlook and prospects surrounding business, income, money matters, and possessions. Your faith in your abilities and skills increases. A money block or delay can lift. You are more decisive about making purchases and confident about pursuing your desires. You’re also a little more faithful and courageous about growing a business.
Acceptance and patience are vital ingredients for successful relationships this month. Sharing visions of the future or new ideas and activities can boost a relationship. Patience is needed, particularly in casual relationships.
With the New Moon on the 17th, a fresh start is possible related to your calling, career, life path, reputation, status, or responsibilities. There can be new beginnings along these lines as you turn over a new leaf.
The Sun heads into your social sector on the 22nd. While your friendships and connections or happiness goals are in stronger focus, there can be misunderstandings or even some misgivings at times. Blocks or slowdowns can be frustrating. There can be some drama with friends, or a child or love interest might be acting out. You could get totally fired up over an issue that, on regular days, you’d overlook or rise above. Sharp words or disagreements are possible as a result. Challenges related to children, romantic interests, dating, and pleasure or pastimes are off and on, but you get the chance to resolve conflicts after confronting the issues. You might also reassess current pursuits and discover new ones.
Still, you’re magnetic and ready to restart if need be. You have no problem attracting admirers. Money matters require more structure and discipline, but they also improve steadily going forward. Paying extra attention to your practical affairs can enhance your life in meaningful ways.
You seek the freedom to explore and discover this month, dear Capricorn, with continuing transits to your solar ninth house. It’s time for a change of routine, moving just a little outside your usual comfort zones, and feeding your mind and spirit.
However, Mercury’s transit of your career and reputation sector from the 5-27 suggests building ambitions. As well, Venus moves into your intimacy sector from the 6th forward, and with matters of the heart and personal pleasures, you’re taking things more seriously. It can be a time of greater attachment, whether to a person, a memory of a relationship, or a project you love. You might negotiate a deal or loan, or you could be navigating tricky matters of sharing and power dynamics in a relationship with more success.
But first, the Full Moon early on the 2nd opens your eyes to matters surrounding your outlook, mental interests, incoming news, studies, and communications or transportation. It’s certainly a time to connect and stay in tune with others and the news. Writing and sharing can be gratifying. You have a lot to juggle, and tensions in close relationships can surface in the first few days of September. Disagreements can be more frequent or notable. Values, goals, or ambitions seem to clash, serving up some frustration—ideally, fueling improvements and course corrections.
Mars turns retrograde on the 9th and will remain retrograde until November 13th. For you, the slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations are most likely to relate to your personal life, including home and family matters. Loved ones may not be as patient with you, or you with them. There could be some stalled projects or delays, but you have plenty of time to sort things out. It’s best to recognize that misjudgments of energy levels and physical capabilities are more prominent during retrograde Mars cycles. This way, you don’t push yourself unnecessarily. In a general sense, aim to rest, replenish, and observe before taking action.
On the other hand, two planets turn direct in September after months of retrograde motion, both in Capricorn. You’ll likely notice a pleasant shift in your mood or outlook as a result. On the 12th, Jupiter ends its retrograde, and you feel more confident in your own power to make positive changes in your life. You’re more comfortable with yourself, and your popularity with others increases. Personal plans gain clarity, and you do far less second-guessing.
On the 29th, Saturn turns direct, and your comfort with facing reality ad taking care of your responsibilities improves, leading to better decisions. This can be a time when specific health pursuits resume or begin.
Plenty of transits this month can serve to highlight your better qualities. People often see you in a favorable light. It’s a good time to get noticed in all the right ways. Your enthusiasm builds for promising prospects. There can be moments when a temporary lack of direction or inspiration can leave you especially sensitive to distractions. It’s best not to commit or speak ahead of yourself while under these conditions.
You’re in deeper touch with your emotional attachments and inner passions. Working through problems with the sharing of money or duties can be helpful. You’re in generally good shape for making lasting changes that refresh your life and that go deep, such as getting rid of bad habits, situations, and attitudes.
The New Moon on the 17th highlights and reinforces the need for a fresh perspective or invigorating extra-curricular activities. New beginnings along these lines can help broaden your horizons. With Mars retrograde, it can be tricky to find suitable and satisfying pursuits, so you’ll need to be creative as you seek options and outlets.
The Sun heads to the top of your solar chart on the 22nd, bringing you to your yearly performance peak. You’re more ambitious, visible, and accountable during this month-long transit. Tense connections between Mercury, retrograde Mars, and Saturn complicate things in the last week of the month. Balancing your personal and professional lives can be tricky these days, and you might often feel like escaping difficult atmospheres on the home front or with family. Tensions can swiftly lead to disagreements. Watch how you express yourself if you’re feeling stressed, as transits occurring now can lead to rash commentary or actions. However, it’s not the time to sweep things under the rug. Confronting problem areas mindfully can eventually lead to significant improvements.
Focusing on personal matters, healing energies, and positive reinforcement can be magical in spots. You might discover creative channels or ways to give voice to some of your inner longings. While under some strain, circumstances move you to get things done around the home. Financial intelligence heightens.
September can be a time of pouring more energy and passion into your pursuits, dear Aquarius. You’re in a great position to look within for answers. You have the will to handle tricky intimacy, ownership, or debt problems.
The first few days of the month open your eyes to the need to make changes. The Full Moon early on the 2nd can be about a financial matter coming to full bloom, which sets you on a new, fresh path. There may be frustrations or heightened awareness about a business, money, or respect matter that requires changes. Aim to rid yourself of burdens or excess for best results now. There can also be pronounced differences in values, ideally leading to new insights and fine-tuning that ultimately improves matters.
Watch for impulsiveness in your communications. Mars in your communications sector can stir up tension on its own, but it’s also turning retrograde this month and forming some challenging aspects. You may be a little too quick to speak about something that needs time to develop or understand.
Fortunately, Venus moves into your partnership sector on the 6th, and you’re in excellent shape for attracting helpful or happy people into your life. It’s a little easier than usual to find yourself in good company, which also applies to virtual connections. Increased cooperation is likely with a key person or partner. Someone’s faith in you can brighten your life. You can feel more hopeful about friendships, partnerships, and your future in general. Others extend more kindnesses to you with this transit.
Mercury moves into harmony with your sign around the same time, leading to interesting developments in your life. There can be an emphasis on pulling yourself out of your usual routines and enjoying some mental refreshment. You’ll have the courage or the motivation to change things up.
Mars is retrograde from September 9th to November 13th, and this transit occurs in your communications sector. Slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations are likely in your studies, daily affairs, communication, or transportation. There can be weighty issues and delays to manage. You may reach a point where a project or course of study feels uninspiring. Challenges with self-expression, pushing/selling your ideas, or with neighbors and siblings may occur during this cycle. Social interactions can be a little strained if you feel the need to hold back or if communications lack some spontaneity. There can be frustration with daily routines or delays or breakdowns. It’s time to rethink, revise, and reorganize your plans. You’ll do best with making important edits of work already in progress.
You might often find yourself strongly attracted to what’s beneath the surface or hidden from sight this month, and you can delight in trying to solve a mystery, do some research, or throw yourself into absorbing pursuits. You might decide to share a burden, secret, or problem. Some form of satisfying release may arrive for issues that have been weighing heavily on you. It’s a time to see the hidden layers or elements of a situation, and it’s to your advantage. It may not be an ideal time for important financial transactions, especially lending. Try not to press for answers and resolve to pay more attention to your spiritual needs while protecting your material resources around the 11th. Watch, too, for hanging onto a false, idealized image of a person, project, or relationship since it puts too much pressure on a connection and leaves you vulnerable.
Jupiter and Saturn both turn direct this month, on the 12th and 29th, respectively. These moves serve to remind us that you’re getting closer to hosting both planets in your sign, beginning in December. They signal that important work is ahead as you prepare. For now, you’re clearing the decks, and you begin to do so with a stronger sense of purpose. The months ahead are golden for the culmination of projects and introspection as you prepare for a more visible and outgoing period ahead. You’ll feel more equipped to put negative habits and attitudes behind you. Gradually, you’re bound to feel stronger and more capable, especially if you’ve been procrastinating on a matter.
Taking charge and tapping into your inner courage makes sense and comes more naturally in September. It’s a time to see self-destructive patterns or tired, old habits in your relationships that could use some renovation.
The New Moon on the 17th can point to a fresh start with finances or resources that sets you on a new path. There can be frustrations or heightened awareness about a business, money, or respect matter that requires changes.
The Sun moves into harmony with yours from the 22nd forward when making connections, exchanging ideas, and learning can be in stronger focus.
Mind you, challenges with communications, education, or transportation can be off and on in the last week of the month, but you also get the chance to iron things out and improve them. Delays or technical problems can surface, and disagreements can be notable. Focusing too much on differences in outlook or opinion can be a struggle at this time. It may be best to avoid jumping to express yourself if you’re already tense. You could be excited or enthusiastic about a renewed project at this time, however. Looking to the past for inspiration can be fruitful.
Close relationships continue to be in strong focus this month, dear Pisces. While the Full Moon early on the 2nd brings your emotional needs and personal epiphanies to the surface, much of the first three weeks of September is about better relating.
Do consider that with Mars turning retrograde, there can be some misunderstandings or slowdowns likely. However, it’s a good month for smoothing things over and balancing or harmonizing your life. You’ll often find it’s better to work with rather than against others and to attend to equality in partnerships.
The Full Moon in your sign on the 2nd can motivate you to make a personal change for the better. Your feelings are undeniable now! Relationship problems are likely, but you also get the chance to handle them rather than allow them to fester. This Full Moon occurs in your sign, and you’re discovering your true feelings. There can be powerful and pivotal realizations about your emotional needs, setting you on a new, fresh path. Frustrations can revolve around getting what you want, but it may be impatience itself that’s tripping you up more than anything. Try to be patient. Aim to let difficult energies blow over or use them to inspire you to improve and produce.
Venus heads into your work and health sector on the 6th, reinforcing a theme of working for your relationships. However, this transit also boosts your enjoyment of your work and routines. Relationships with people you spend time with daily or as you pursue your routines, chores, and health goals can be extra special now. You might discover what you love doing, and aim to do it more often.
Mercury transiting your solar eighth house from the 5-27 puts you in a more observational role. You have much to observe this month, and you could find certain topics or projects especially fulfilling and absorbing.
Mars is retrograde starting on September 9th and running until November 13th. For you, slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations relate to money, personal possessions, belongings, or income. On a psychological plane, it can be about matters of respect and worth. The desire for more financial independence is building, but there can be some matters to sort out during this retrograde. If you feel undervalued, this can be a time to really get to the root of the problem.
On the other hand, Jupiter and Saturn turn direct this month, ending their retrograde periods on the 12th and 29th, respectively. Both planets are on the move in your social sector, and both will move on in December. This suggests it’s now time to work on solidifying recent developments and projects. Enthusiasm builds for friendships or new ventures as blocks and delays lift. Your faith in a plan, dream, or cause increases perhaps after waning motivation levels.
As these areas of life clear up, you gain more insight into where you stand and have a stronger sense of where you’re headed. You more naturally reach out to others and network in the months ahead when you have excellent opportunities to enjoy, build, or form friendships. You get a firmer grip on the reality of your social connections or projects, a long-term plan, aspiration, or goal.
September presents good opportunities to willingly let go of a grudge, do a favor, spread your good cheer, or go out of your way to help. If you’ve felt put upon, aim to take a breather and discover what you honestly think about a matter. Consider whether you’ve been evasive or unclear with someone in your life and take steps to correct the situation. Since it’s far better to attach yourself to dreams that inspire you than those that let you down, don’t be afraid of holes you might see in your current plans and visions. Seeing them can help you do some patching.
Counseling, organizing, negotiating, and networking can be in focus. The New Moon on the 17th can bring a new beginning or fresh start related to close relationships, relationship goals, or a key partnership.
Complications with money, esteem, and respect matters can pop up intermittently as retrograde Mars forms tense aspects in the last week of the month. Tempers may flare, or news about a financial matter could temporarily throw you off center. Watch for impatience and words that you might later regret. While the courage and confidence to get things going are great, you should watch for decisions that stem from restlessness.
There’s good energy for work on past projects that were left on a shelf. You might dust off an old idea and rework it now, mainly related to business, money, work, self-care goals, and health routines. Be open to redirect your focus if need be. The Sun’s transit of your intimacy sector from the 22nd forward helps boost your patience as you see the value of doing your research before moving ahead.
Monthly Calendar:

Is a Leo monthly stil coming?
Thank you for letting me know and for your patience. I stayed up on August 31st through the night until 6 AM to finish Leo (they were long this month), but it seems I forgot to do the final save of the page! On my side it looked complete, but alas.
Note that these monthlies are also found on the daily horoscope pages and monthly horoscope pages on my main site, Cafe Astrology. Under normal circumstances, all signs should be there by the 1st of the month.