*September 2024 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*
September is a powerful month for you, dear Aries, a time to take charge and manage the details of your life. It’s a period to gain control over your chores, work, or mundane affairs. By putting a new spin on your routines, daily duties, and tasks, you can make significant improvements and get back on track. Organizing vital areas of your life will bring a sense of accomplishment. You might find yourself working longer hours or pushing harder in health and fitness routines. You’re shining in your work and with lifestyle changes. The news you’ve been waiting for finally arrives, adding to your sense of moving forward.
Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde on the first of September. Despite some initial concerns about finances or rearranging funds, you’re ultimately moving towards a whole new way of living. As you redefine what you value most, the respect you attract into your life evolves. You are discovering unique natural talents, learning to embrace and develop them, and letting go of old dependencies or crutches. Until January 30th, the retrograde Uranus cycle presents an opportunity to work on inner attitudes that need to change to move forward more confidently. It’s also a time for dreaming up inventive ways of making money or reviewing and refining current projects. However, some projects or even friendships (since Uranus rules your social life in your solar chart) might stall, and all-new launches in these areas may not get off the ground.
Pluto’s move back into your solar tenth house means further (and final) work is necessary with your long-term goals, responsibilities, reputation, and career. You could return to the past in these life departments until November 19th; scrutiny is needed. Fortunately, it’s a powerful time to tie up loose ends and resolve problems of being over-attached, worried, or obsessed in these areas.
Your desire to be productive, useful, and helpful motivates you to start fresh after the New Moon on the 2nd. It’s a powerful time to improve your well-being and routines. You’re motivated to bring creative, happy energy to your work in the weeks ahead. A new health program or fitness routine could be in the offing, or you could do a top-to-bottom reorganization of your workspace. Keep in mind that while there is an opportunity to start fresh, your goals should be gently challenging and reasonable enough that you don’t psyche yourself out before even starting. Pace yourself! You’ll need to battle divided attention and an urge to do it all–try not to run ahead of yourself.
While September’s themes include a strong focus on effort, work, and duties, the Full Moon Eclipse on the 17th serves as a gentle reminder to slow down if you’ve been pushing yourself too hard. It’s a time to find balance. Feelings about a past issue become undeniable, or a previously hidden or secret matter unearths. You might embrace or let go of a situation, relationship, or powerful feeling instead of staying on the fence. This eclipse is a reassurance that balance is key, and it’s okay to take a step back and reevaluate.
This Lunar Eclipse is the first in a set of eclipses that challenge you to correct your work-rest balance in the coming years (this set continues until February 2027). It can mark a turning point related to a work or health matter. You can become actively aware of the need to take time to recoup, balancing attention to your physical health with care of your emotional health. It can also be a time of great hunches and intense awareness of situations that no longer work for you and need to change going forward.
It’s not the time to make sweeping decisions, however. Instead, this is a time for recognizing your feelings, instincts, and hunches and then gradually letting a plan to handle things unfold. In truth, there’s always some missing information surrounding an eclipse, and it takes time to get to a well-rounded point.
Work or services that benefit from sharp thinking skills are in particular favor from the 9th to the 26th. If you need to get back on track with managing routines or pursuing health programs, this is a good month for doing so. The urge to sort out minor problems, iron out flaws, and eliminate waste or excess drives you, so use this extra energy boost to clear up the clutter in your daily life.
There is strong creative energy and quite a bit of animation in your personal life, with family, and around the home with your ruler, Mars, visiting your home and family sector from the 4th forward. There can be increased activity in your domestic world and a more demanding time overall.
You’re also interested in bringing more balance to a close relationship. Close relationships, partnering, and negotiating are in focus this month, but they take top billing from the 22nd forward. Conversations can be mind-opening. You’re more inclined to consider feedback or collaborate when making decisions. There is a sense that reaching out to others is good for you and can help move you forward. At the same time, you might want to watch for falling back on old habits in your relationships.
Shared resources and finances can also get a nice boost from the 22nd forward. Easygoing energy is available for the more intricate, complex, and tangled side of relationships. Attracting resources from outside sources comes more easily. It’s an excellent time to work out money problems with someone.
Pleasure, love, and creative expression take center stage for you in September, dear Taurus. It’s a time of spirit-feeding, pleasurable experiences, but it’s also a month where you can find a balance between enjoying life and fulfilling your work and duties. Your personal charisma is on the rise, and you might find yourself investing more energy and time in entertainment, leisure, love, or hobbies. The feeling of being in sync with the world around you can be a powerful motivator. A theme of enhancing your daily affairs and routines also runs through September, keeping your practical matters at the forefront of your mind.
Uranus turns retrograde on the first of the month and will remain so until January 30th. While Uranus was direct in your sign in recent months, your confidence in pursuing new experiences and expressing your independence was evident. In the five months ahead, more of this growth is happening inside you than on the surface. Use this time to delve into what drives you, especially if you’ve been feeling restless or on edge. Examine which fears or attitudes have been limiting your independence and personal truth. Personal plans might slow down or go on a shelf, whether due to circumstances or because you are not as quick to make changes or take personal risks, but this is a period of internal growth and self-discovery.
Pluto’s move back into your solar ninth house on the same day indicates some backtracking with educational, legal, publishing, or travel matters until November 19th. You could return to the past in these life departments as you work on resolving problems. This is the final leg of Pluto’s transit of this area of your solar chart, and crystallizing life lessons can be in focus. You’re prepping to truly move on!
The New Moon on the 2nd can open doors for you on romantic and creative fronts in the weeks following. It’s a time to reorient yourself in a new direction on an emotional level. You’re eager to start fresh in creative or romantic matters, and the prospect of expressing and enjoying yourself more fully is exciting. While there may be some concerns about money or comfort issues, it’s a great time to embrace new and improved approaches to leisure, love, dating, pleasure, or pastimes. New hobbies or avenues for entertainment and creative expression could be just around the corner.
This lunation encourages you to explore your passions and creativity more heartfully. Aim to pace yourself and allow the process to unfold–it’s never a good idea to rush things around New Moons. It’s a time for turning over a new leaf–mindfully–and current events can bring out your feelings, romantic inclinations, and creative urges. Feeling blocked or restricted may even be part of the reason you want to begin anew.
Mars moves into your communications sector on the 4th, and your desire to learn, share, or connect increases. You can feel particularly passionate and motivated to study, exchange ideas, and work on pet projects. You may occasionally come across a little abruptly or impatiently, but you have a lot going on and much to keep you busy and engaged.
As you pour more mental energy and heart into romantic relationships and creative pursuits, your relationships and projects take on new life. Flowing influences highlight your natural charm and encourage self-expression. You can find a lot to enjoy when it comes to studies, personal interests, and conversations. Challenges this month mostly relate to feelings of restriction, responsibility, or limitations in your social life or regarding the community.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 17th brings on a new theme in your life as it’s the first of a set of eclipses to shake up your love and friendship axis until February 2027. You’ll see your friendships, connections, and happiness goals in a whole new way. Gradually, you’re awakening to a need for kindred spirits, more involvement with friends or the community, and self-expression through creative mediums.
This eclipse has a way of highlighting areas of your life that have become dysfunctional or unsatisfactory. Your attention draws to excesses regarding resources (including money), and how they clash with personal enjoyment, a romantic venture, or fulfilling your desires. Balanced attention to practical matters now brings rewards later! Competitive or frustrated feelings can challenge you to make meaningful changes and improvements, however.
There can be sudden involvement with others or perhaps a friendship matter coming to a head. It’s a time of revelations, unveilings, and important discoveries. Nevertheless, it’s a time of magnification of one area of life at the expense of another, and objectivity isn’t yet with you, so take your time with your feelings.
This eclipse set also has a way of challenging you to balance your attention to your personal life with outside responsibilities. If you’ve been paying too much attention to a love affair to a point that friendships are suffering, for example, you’ll begin to see the need to make changes.
The Sun and Mercury move into your work and health sector on the 22nd and the 26th, shifting more of your attention to your wellness goals, chores, duties, and routines. Schedules, habits, and organization assume more importance, making the weeks ahead especially useful for taking care of details that help get your life into smoother working order. You’re taking more pride in these systems.
On the 22nd, Venus moves into your partnership sector, bringing pleasant interactions or even people into your life. You are adaptable and companionable, and you seek more harmony and balance. It’s a solid time to recognize the power of your relationships and connect with people who gift you with an essential perspective on your life. Self-improvement efforts are gratifying now, and ideas to improve your life in key ways are abundant.
Your domestic world is in stronger focus in September, dear Gemini. It’s a month with the potential to strengthen and improve your ties to loved ones and/or living conditions. You can learn something important about the past or revolving around hidden or lost information, and new insights can be intensely revealing. Avoid pushing too hard, but allow yourself to cross the usual thresholds, as you can make great strides with disarming honesty combined with respect and concern.
Your relationship with your inner self is also in the spotlight. Fortunately, the improvements you make will reverberate in many different areas of your life, as the sector of your solar chart in focus now is all about foundations and roots. Domestic life is busy, and it’s a vital time for home projects and strengthening ties with those closest to you. Coupled with Mars in your resources sector from the 4th forward, you’re ready to work to make your life more secure. You might also reorganize your personal space in such a way that you can think more clearly (less clutter) and produce more, and production is what you’re particularly focused on right now, as you want to see tangible results for your efforts.
Uranus turns retrograde on the first of the month and will continue in retrograde motion until January 30th. The current Uranus transit to your solar chart is a long-term one that helps you break free from elements of your life that have prevented growth. As you let go of the weight of secrets and inauthentic behavior, you are freer to be yourself. With Uranus now retrograde, you more often process recent events and changes and deal with your feelings about putting things behind you. It’s internal and private, a powerful process that helps you identify areas of over-attachment. Certainly, it can also be a time of unusual dreams and strong hunches or coincidences.
Pluto’s move back into your solar eighth house on the same day points to further psychological work in the areas of intimacy, debts, and dependencies. You could return to the past in these life departments in this final leg of Pluto’s transit of this area of your solar chart, lasting until November 19th. It’s powerful for clearing up problems with power dynamics or debts once and for all!
The New Moon on the 2nd happens at the bottom of your solar chart, inspiring you to focus more heartfully on your home and family life. New beginnings in the weeks ahead of this lunation likely relate to home, family, comfort, safety, familiarity, and long-term business ventures. You can feel excited to start fresh or approach these life departments in novel ways. Future goals can be redecorating your home or establishing greater peace and comfort with your loved ones. It can be the time for a domestic makeover! A sense of mission is building regarding your domestic world or living conditions or arrangements.
It’s a time of rest, replenishment, and familiarity. It’s a generally good time for opening up conversations with family, drawing up plans and lists of priorities, and spending a little more time on activities and endeavors in the home. It can be most satisfying to focus on something that has long-term potential. You can be a motivating force in your personal circle. Relaxing recreational activities can appeal and can even be therapeutic.
The Full Moon on the 17th spotlights revelations about your career or general life path. The discoveries you make now can be emotionally charged. You may even discover or awaken to a dream job or path that motivates you in a new direction, sparking a new wave of excitement and motivation in your professional life.
This Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse and is the first of many cosmic pushes (until February 2027) towards a better balance between your home and working life, professional and personal life, attention to performance, and attention to quiet. This eclipse can illuminate a matter related to your career or a major life goal, although it’s also temporarily hiding or downplaying some information. As such, listen to your feelings but wait to make judgments.
You may be in the position to show off your professional and responsible side, or there may be revelations about your responsibilities. Watch for displays or outbursts, as they can be more public and impactful now than you imagine. Emotions heighten around any Lunar Eclipse, and this one is complicated by a challenging aspect to Jupiter in your sign, which can encourage premature actions or excessive behavior. However, your dreams, hunches, and intuition can help you work out your feelings.
Your romantic life begins to assume more importance as the month advances. A creative, playful theme is building. From the 22nd, you pay more attention to recreation. You’re branching out and coming out of your shell more often. It’s a fabulous time for creative projects.
Venus moves into your work and health sector on the 22nd, and you seek more harmony and pleasure in your daily routines and working life. There can be social or romantic opportunities through your job or pursuit of your duties, health, and wellness. Venus here helps inspire a feeling of joy in doing your part. You might find that detaching yourself from expectations and being in the moment leads to greater pleasure with the work you do or services you provide, as well as in the relationship department. As you approach the world in a more relaxed, creative way, you’re likely to develop intelligent solutions to practical problems. You could receive–or give–unexpected support.
Your desire to thrive is vital as you close out the month. You can feel strongly motivated to improve your current circumstances, sense of security, and income or resources. This focus on personal growth can inspire and motivate you to work towards a better future.
September brings an important theme around communications, connectedness, and learning, dear Cancer. You could be especially motivated to sort out your everyday affairs, get going on a learning endeavor or study, or push a communications project forward. It’s a great time for gathering your facts, although there will be times when you could feel a little harried. Transits encourage you to experiment with different ideas and projects, but it’s best to keep this moderate. This is an excellent month for a new mental pursuit or project if only you have a chance to focus on it!
With a busy communications sector this month, you’re likely to find much to do, and your interests are many! With plenty of items on your to-do list, tension is sometimes entirely possible. However, keeping busy comes naturally and mostly pleasurably. You’re particularly motivated to learn, communicate, and connect. The last week of September should be more peaceful. Until then, your curiosity leads the way to a variety of experiences.
Uranus turns retrograde on the first of the month, and in the five months of its retrograde (from September 1st to January 30th), some things calm down on the social front. It’s a valuable period for processing recent changes and events with friends, which benefits you immensely, helping to prevent impulsive, regrettable decisions. When you act from your heart rather than merely react to others and circumstances, you do yourself a service during this retrograde phase.
Also on the first, Pluto moves back into your partnership sector for the final time, suggesting more attention is needed to renovate a close relationship or manage your relationship goals and needs until November 19th, when it moves on for good. While it may seem you’re going over old ground, this review can ultimately work in your favor. It’s Pluto’s very last leg of its transit of this area of your solar chart, where it has been for a decade and a half! It can be a time to put problems of overcontrolling or resentment behind you, particularly with one-to-one relationships.
With the New Moon on the 2nd, new beginnings related to communications, mobility, and commuting are in the works for you. You’ve recently awakened to a stronger desire to reach out, learn, connect, and share your ideas, and with this New Moon, you’ll feel more directed and in charge. Learning new or improving current skills, making new acquaintances, or connecting with others more meaningfully can figure strongly. You’re making a difference with what you say or how you connect with others. This New Moon is about starting fresh mentally.
This month stands out for motivation and energy on both physical and mental levels, and it’s good to find ways to ride these things to your advantage. September 4th brings Mars into your sign and symbolically out of “hiding” in your chart. Confidence returns with force. Actively pursue your desires, which can be plentiful for the time being! You’re making things happen, and while you can be a little headstrong and impatient at times, this is generally a strong time for knowing what you want and getting things done. You’re connecting with your independence and personal courage, overcoming any existing fears of trusting your instincts or going it alone. You feel pleasantly motivated. People are attracted to your wit, independence, and originality.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 17th is powerful for altering your worldview, affecting your choices, decisions, and path forward. Tension is likely, but it’s motivating. This eclipse stirs your senses. Buried feelings and desires can emerge in powerful ways now. It can illuminate a matter of spirit, adventure, learning, or the fruition of a project. If you’ve ignored your needs for mind expansion, circumstances now tend to force the issue. An idea that you’ve been toying with may blossom.
While you could feel overwhelmed with what you need to learn, do, or understand at this time, discontent now can spur you to make meaningful improvements. Take your time to process and digest these things because even though some things are magnified, others are hidden or downplayed, and it can take time to arrive at a balanced perspective. Complicated feelings can quickly bubble up to the surface, but while they can be confusing, aim to deal with them in your own time. Avoid impulsive communications or moves. Try not to take on new projects based on the moment’s exaggerated inspiration, as you may not have enough time or energy to complete them later.
While you could feel overwhelmed with what you need to learn, do, or understand at this time, discontent now can spur you to make meaningful improvements. Your urge to truly live and experience things rather than go through the motions can dominate now. This eclipse introduces a new theme into your life that will stick with you until 2027! It’s about communicating, transit, getting where you want to go, and exploring ideas and beliefs.
The Sun and Mercury move into your home and family sector on the 22nd and the 26th, encouraging a stronger desire to enjoy the peace and security of home life and less interest in venturing out. There can be nice opportunities to bond with those closest to you. Meaningful conversations about or with family are likely.
From the 22nd, Venus transits your joy and pleasure sector, enhancing your attractiveness and boosting your sense of fun. You’re expressing a playful, deserving, and confident energy that draws others in. It’s good energy for awakening your inner artist and exploring fun interests and hobbies.
September promises a comforting and productive journey for you, dear Leo. As you focus on building and producing, the themes of finances, security, and communications will be your guiding stars. You have a remarkable ability to use your talents more resourcefully and to your advantage this month. While you enjoy a steadier pace, you’re also connected and interactive.
Uranus turns retrograde for a cycle that lasts five months, inspiring you to examine needs related to your long-term goals, career, or reputation. You’ve been reshaping your reputation and carving out a unique identity, mainly through your status or profession. Now, it’s time to analyze, plan, and reassess. Easing back or detaching from things can help you see your life-path goals and ambitions in a new light.
Pluto moves back into your work and health sector for the final leg of its transit, pointing to further renovating your practical affairs, daily routines, or health matters. Pluto will remain in this area of your solar chart until November 19th, after which it leaves permanently. It’s a great time to assess where you’ve grown and crystallize the lessons of this transit. Problems with over-attention to the details of your life might now find some resolve.
The New Moon on the 2nd occurs in the sector of your solar chart that rules your earning power, comfort, and security. It can signal the need for new approaches to your finances, income, personal resources, valuables, and self-worth. You’re likely to feel encouraged, inspired, and determined to make positive changes. A take-charge attitude can emerge from a feeling of lack, a dream, or sudden fear that you’re not on top of things–even from an event that reminds you of who or what you value most. Sometimes, feeling temporarily insecure about your situation is enough to motivate you to strengthen your position. While money management can be in focus with this lunation, it’s also a fantastic time to enjoy earthy and grounding activities.
Independent or competitive activities are highly favored this month and less so cooperative ones. Transits tend to stir your desire to improve business affairs, material concerns, and finances. You’re ready to make a fresh start when it comes to making your life more secure and taking better care of your assets.
You’re taking care of business and taking more pride in your things or your ability to earn or improve your life. You could gain some appreciation or admiration for your talents now. You also more fully enjoy your personal interests, learning, and sharing. There’s more charm and warmth in your presentation. Sharing ideas and activities can lead to something very special and quite enterprising. You can feel a sense of self-mastery through specialized learning and skills development, fostering a feeling of competence.
Focus on detoxifying and cleansing from the 4th forward with Mars visiting your privacy sector. There can be some indecision during this cycle, but it’s necessary now as it’s a time for reviewing plans and desires. This transit does keep you on a fence in some areas as you consider all your options. It can also bring animation and liveliness to your private world. Your personal influence runs high, and although life is not always exciting this month, chances to improve your feelings of security are strong.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 17th is powerful for releasing something related to an intimate or financial matter. A debt owed or coming through to you can require attention, or an event that positions you to defend and honor your worth and value might emerge now. This lunation awakens you to matters surrounding sharing, give and take, power dynamics, ownership, intimacy, and finances. There can be epiphanies about financial and emotional support or dependencies.
Certainly, you may be dealing with inflated feelings about a person, relationship, or situation around the time of this eclipse. These topics are sure to be big ones for you until 2027, and epiphanies or discontent you experience now can get the ball rolling toward making meaningful changes along these lines.
Doing things patiently and gradually is your best bet. While last month was for new ideas, September is for fleshing out the practical details. It’s a generally good time for discovering ways to boost your feelings of comfort or security. It’s also solid for enterprising ideas. You want to rely on yourself.
The Sun heads into your communications sector on the 22nd, and Mercury follows suit on the 26th. Because your interests and the demands on you can be very diverse at this time, it can be challenging to focus, but branching out can serve you exceptionally well now. It’s a great time to follow your curiosity and collect and share information.
Venus moves into your sector of heart and home on the 22nd, and your love of home, familiarity, comfort, and security increases. It’s an excellent time to get extra rest, settle in, and learn about yourself and your emotional needs. Making peace at home or with family can figure strongly.
As such, you end the month rather well-rounded, even though you can remain somewhat retiring. It’s a mentally busy time, but finding the moments to center yourself is also important.
During your birthday season, dear Virgo, you’re not only reinventing yourself, you’re stepping into a new, empowered version of you. While you might feel a bit out of sync or not fully aligned until the 9th, the rest of the month more than makes up for it. You’re beginning a phase of increased engagement and readiness to make things happen. From the 9th to the 26th, you’ll find yourself expressing your thoughts and ideas more confidently and assertively.
The Sun is in Virgo to the 22nd, and Mercury is in your sign from the 9th to the 26th. You have great ideas and all the right motivation to do the work to get them going, especially with Mars supporting you from your social sector from the 4th forward. Your own needs feel paramount this month, and if you’re not getting what you want, you’ll likely take a stand. Generally speaking, things are playing in your favor, but you’re also more active with friends or networks.
Uranus begins its retrograde cycle at the top of September, which will last almost five months. In recent years, Uranus has been encouraging an upgrade of ninth-house matters, such as belief systems, education, publishing, and communications. If you’ve made changes too quickly, this retrograde phase helps you restore balance. It’s a time for processing recent changes, beliefs, and experiences. You’re no longer running ahead too quickly in these areas!
Pluto moves back into your sector of joy, pleasure, and romance for the final leg of its transit of this area of your solar chart. This move indicates further (and final) renovating of your love life or creative world. Pluto will remain in this area of your solar chart until November 19th, after which it leaves permanently. Resolving some of the deep feelings, resentments, and desire for control in these areas can be in the cards now.
After the New Moon on the 2nd, you might be undergoing a personal makeover of sorts. Not everyone in your life is gung-ho, but you may very well need to go off in your own direction now. Especially if others are stern or unhelpful, you’ll recognize the need to fall back on yourself. In truth, partner feedback can sometimes be stark this month, fueling your desire to be more self-reliant. Fortunately, you can feel freer and more inspired by your special interests, topics, and adventures. You may experiment with new ways of presenting yourself and approaching the world.
This New Moon in Virgo marks a new beginning or a refreshing change. People see you a little differently, and you might want to work this in your favor as much as you can.
Group and friend activity is dynamic this month. You might have more courage to make a new friend or to take the lead in a group or friendship setting. Very often, September is about being bold and brave as you make no apologies for being yourself.
The first three weeks of September are strong for attracting money, gifts, favors, and valuables. You are gracious when handling yourself and more likely to take the high road if needed. Increased self-respect reverberates and benefits you. You are attracting the good things in life! Energies are solid for putting effort into growing something, whether a business, relationship, or project, and enjoying the process. Generosity or openness can feel great, too. A sense of inner joy and peace can be with you, which boosts your magnetism. Your conviction strengthens further if you find more meaning in what you are doing, which is likely now.
While the spotlight is certainly on you this month, and it’s important to take care of personal matters, it can also be a time for reaching a turning point in a partnership.
The Full Moon around this time of year is always about close relationships. It can be a time to come to terms with your feelings for someone or recognize needs you’ve overlooked or brushed aside. This year, it occurs on the 17th and is a Lunar Eclipse, which is most potent. Some partnership drama, such as misunderstandings or conflicts, is possible. Listen to your feelings, but don’t make decisions while distracted – wait it out.
This eclipse is the first of several directly affecting your sign for the coming two and a half years! As this series prompts an exploration of partnering and independence in your life, the discoveries you will make are likely to be highly significant. If feelings of discontent magnify right now, they help motivate you to make improvements. Partnerships are changing, and this is a time when your needs for others become more apparent.
During the course of this eclipse set, lasting until March 2027, as you explore your needs for relationship and independence, you may find that these needs sometimes seem to conflict–they may even feel pitted against each other. However, the goal is to find a balance that allows you to maintain healthy relationships while also honoring your independence. Events and feelings occurring this month seem to get the ball rolling on this journey of self-discovery and balance.
Venus visits your communications sector from the 22nd forward, and your words can get you closer to others, at least in spirit. Collaboration can be wonderful. You might enjoy sharing or publishing, joining a group or workshop, furthering a cause, or communicating with a new friend. It’s a great period for finding pleasure in your connections and personal interests and improving relationships with siblings, acquaintances, and neighbors.
The Sun moves out of your sign on the 22nd, and your focus shifts as your instincts guide you to build something, whether it’s a hobby, a particular interest or idea, or a work project. Circumstances may be such that you recognize the need to let go of certain possessions or even attitudes towards business and money matters to move forward. You can benefit from special activities that pull you out of the usual routine, particularly with someone special, in the last week of the month.
With an emphasis on your privacy sector in September, dear Libra, it’s a time when rest and reflection suit you. It can be a period of gathering your energies and closing projects. Even so, others notice you and want your input or companionship, and your worldly ambitions are activating. As such, while you can be somewhat retiring, you’re in demand. You’re ready to share yourself more fully later in September. Until then, you’re doing prep work and reassessing primary goals or work. It can benefit you to pay unresolved matters their due attention!
While it may not be the most opportune time to launch new ventures, September presents an excellent period for developing new plans and strategies. You might find yourself taking an unofficial sabbatical of sorts when it comes to major decisions. This is a time of preparation, a period where you’re not yet blossoming in an apparent sense, but you’re laying the groundwork for future growth. By the second week of September, your energy for furthering professional and worldly ambitions is vital, and you could be especially interested in accomplishing practical goals.
Uranus turns retrograde on the first day of September, and for about five months, you benefit from examining your dependencies and attachments. Do they help or hinder you? If financial or support matters have been all over the place, disorganized, or unreliable, now’s your chance to figure out why and what to do about it. This transit subtly alters your approach to bringing on change, upgrades, and progress in your intimate life and with finances and debts.
At the same time, Pluto moves back into your home and family sector for the final leg of its long-term transit, pointing to further renovating to do in your personal life and domestic world before moving on. Pluto will remain in this area of your solar chart until November 19th, after which it leaves permanently! This last journey can be iconic–you’re putting resentments behind you and sorting out what you’ve excavated on a soul level. You could be especially interested in freeing yourself from negative early conditioning and patterns with loved ones. Moving on from frustrating living arrangements or conditions is also possible.
The New Moon on the 2nd can push you on a new path of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Circumstances prompt much-needed downtime and introspection. In the coming days, you can be particularly motivated to improve or pay special attention to your private life, mental health, and spiritual life. Getting comfortable with your inner needs and desires should come first for the best results, and understanding recent events is part of this. Aim to weed out problematic thinking or attitudes that do not favor you. Think of this New Moon as a gentle push to put the past behind you with plans, actions, or even symbolic actions. You’re tying up loose ends or dealing with secrets, private matters, and karma.
This New Moon essentially reinforces your ability to put the past behind you. The need for a fresh approach to taking downtime or to your spiritual side overcomes you now.
You may find yourself taking on the role of consultant or advisor this month, or you could benefit from assistance from someone. Don’t ignore your need for some personal downtime as you wind down your solar year and prepare for the next one that begins around your birthday.
Venus is in your sign until the 22nd, bringing out your natural charm for all to see. This transit can also prompt the desire to pamper yourself. People appreciate you as you radiate self-love.
It’s important to watch for an overloaded schedule that can trigger frustrations. Pushing yourself beyond your limits can lead to various problems or health complaints, so do your best to learn what those limits are.
On the 17th, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is the first signal that eclipses are transitioning out of your sign axis. This one begins a new set that can certainly pull up some discontent and dissatisfaction, but it’s also good for motivating you to make improvements. Work, health, and routines or habits are now in focus. There can be a bit of a scramble to get your life into better working order, and the benefits of doing so are significant.
In truth, you’ll be doing a lot of balancing of work/rest and emotional health and physical health in the next couple of years, and realizations occurring now can spur this process along.
With all Full Moons, seek out balance and compromise, and for this one, give special consideration to what’s healthy for you, both mentally and physically. Consider, too, that some things are downplayed or hidden in order to magnify another part of your life, and it’s better to observe and take in before making impactful decisions. While this exaggeration serves a purpose, know that it’s hard to be objective around an eclipse.
The Sun and Mercury move into your sign on the 22nd and 26th, respectively. These moves boost your sense of personal power and increase your influence and presence. They also bring out the need to share your ideas and use the power of words to improve your life. Of course, you always count regardless of attention from others, but now you are getting outside reinforcement as well. Use this extra boost of visibility to further your plans.
Venus graces your resources sector from the 22nd onward, which is good news for improving your comfort levels. You might receive gifts or treat yourself a little more often during this somewhat indulgent cycle. At the same time, you can find more joy in the things you already have in place, and it can be pretty magical.
In the last week of the month, your natural talents can be in significant demand. Do watch for falling back on old habits that keep you stuck in the past. Otherwise, it’s a fine time for considering new personal initiatives, making changes to your presentation or appearance, and updating your year-ahead resolutions.
September stands out for making connections, contributing and sharing your ideas, and finding inspiration for new goals and projects, dear Scorpio. You’re confident about what you have to offer. You may be taking the lead in a group, or people seek your guidance. You’re in good shape for networking, creative contributions, teamwork, hobbies, websites, and money-making ideas. New beginnings on the social front are likely. It’s an excellent time to connect, but be careful not to overbook, as you will require more time and space later this month to regenerate. A theme of rest, reflection, and healing is weaving through the month, and it increases as September advances.
A shift in perception, particularly in a relationship, can be in store as Uranus begins its yearly, five-month retrograde cycle. This directional shift signals some meaningful introspection and examination of your relationship needs. Even if unreliability issues are temporarily not as prominent, exploring your inner needs for change, especially in the partnership department, can benefit you. You may even need an overhaul on a relationship level to feel more in control when Uranus turns direct again on January 30th.
At the top of the month, Pluto moves back into your communication sector for the final leg of its transit, pointing to further renovation of your personal interests, communications, and matters of transit and connectedness. Pluto will remain in this area of your solar chart until November 19th, after which it leaves permanently. You’ll soon be in the position to sort out all of the things you’ve excavated during Pluto’s long-term transit, and it can be highly revealing! It’s exciting because you’re putting the compulsion to over-control your communications or personal environment behind you.
The New Moon on the 2nd points to a new take on a friendship or project. New beginnings in the weeks following relate to friends, networking, community, causes, and happiness goals. It’s time for a fresh start or a new approach! Frustrations in your personal or romantic life can ignite the desire or necessity to begin anew. You might connect with others or your cherished dreams and goals with a renewed sense of purpose or mission.
Fortunately, you’re looking forward to new and exciting projects or other happiness goals, and it’s highly motivating. You’re learning to pay more attention to your dreams and wishes, and it’s a good time for improving your connection to others or your community and, in the process, the quality of your life. It’s easy for you to get quite fired up about issues close to your heart this month.
You continue to look for ways to improve your life experiences and increase your knowledge and wisdom this month. If you play your cards right, this can be a strong month for coming to a nice work-play balance. You also have Ceres boosting your ability to get your message across eloquently in September. You can expect more invites or communications from people in your networks. Long-term plans look exciting now.
Your feelings about friends can also be more intense this month. September’s challenges seem mostly about restrictions or frustrations with love, creativity, or recreation. If you can simplify your approach to these areas of your life, you might have fewer ups and downs. This could mean focusing on what truly matters to you and letting go of unnecessary stressors. A partnership can be motivating. Allow discontent to inspire you to make positive changes and improvements or to release adverse situations or frustrations and put them behind you.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 17th brings a brand new theme into your life related to romance, creativity, children, or hobbies. A big turning point can happen in your social life or with a creative project. It’s a time to shed some of your inhibitions and listen to your heart, but it’s best to take your time before jumping into action. Your deeper, buried feelings about a person, romance, or project can come on like a flood and can change everything! It’s also possible that letting something go makes room for a rush of new creativity flowing. Still, while eclipse energy can reveal big things about one area of your life, some things are downplayed and hidden, and objectivity isn’t yet with you. Take your time.
You’ll be seeking your joy with this new set of eclipses in your fifth and eleventh houses, and from epiphanies that get the ball rolling now, a mission to improve your life can emerge.
Until the 22nd, love, relationships, and pleasure can be complicated or private, after which time you’re clearer about your affections. But just as Venus moves out of your privacy sector and into your sign, the Sun heads into this same hidden sector. You need more time to yourself with the Sun and Mercury moving into your privacy sector on the 22nd and 26th. While it’s important to stay connected with people you care about, you also need to set some boundaries, gently. Taking the time to relax, refresh, and get in touch with your inner world can be especially rewarding.
Venus boosts your appeal from the 22nd, even if a good part of you is looking to lay low. Mars spends most of the month in harmony with your sign, and others see you in a most pleasant light. It’s a fine time for finding ways to creatively connect and enjoy yourself, but on your own terms. Mercury supports you by getting your message across as you intend it more often than not from the 9th to the 26th. You might turn heads and gain a few more followers or simply the attention of someone special. You feel a little more courageous about expressing yourself.
September tends to be busy for you, dear Sagittarius, as it always begins with the Sun at the top of your solar chart. This position of the Sun stirs your ambitions, making it a period of increased visibility and potential for success. However, transits this month also position you well for enjoying and cultivating friendships and happiness plans.
Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle at the beginning of September, and you might examine or even reconsider recent changes related to your daily routines, work, and health. These areas of life are often up and down, and looking inward for answers makes sense during this phase until January 30th. Ultimately, you seek more truth in your work or services, and the retrograde cycle helps you detach enough to see where you can make the most meaningful changes. The aim is to help your “future self” deal with unpredictability and change more effectively.
Pluto moves back into your finance sector, where it will transit until November 19th, and you have more renovating on the agenda with your money and things. Sorting out what you want and need can be significant work in the period ahead. It’s the final leg of its transit of this area of your solar chart, and you’ll be doing some powerful sorting and resolving, particularly with your personal finances, sense of self-worth, belongings, and value system. Putting related tensions behind can be in store, which can be highly rewarding.
September is strong for getting things done and taking care of your responsibilities. It can be a month to show off what you can do! Your ability to take professional risks or to be proactive with your responsibilities is strengthening. You’re taking the lead more often and paying particular attention to detail.
The New Moon on the 2nd signals the need for a fresh start, redo, or new commitment to life path goals. Opportunities for improving your image or reputation can emerge. It’s a time of redefining your objectives and committing to a plan or responsibility. The need to follow the rules or straighten out an area of your life can emerge. There can be a new beginning on the career front, or you can reach a turning point about life path goals and responsibilities.
While it’s a time of year when you’re more aware of your impact on others, answering to yourself and your needs and capabilities is also part of your success story. Finding a balance between responsibilities and desires can be challenging but meaningful. Think about what you want to accomplish down the road, and avoid pushing something too fast. Pace yourself for the very best results. Certainly, some initial frustration surrounding home-related matters can temporarily feel limiting. This discontent can also push you towards realizing your goals.
You can be in higher demand, or responsibilities come into stronger focus. It’s the most public time of the year for you, a period when others notice you for your accomplishments. While it can be an excellent month for getting the feedback you need to make meaningful changes, particularly about your career, watch for naysayers and resistance. Instead, you could be wrestling with your fears of advancement and success.
At the same time, your appeal is potent in your social life this month. You gather more strength through your connections, long-term plans, and happiness goals and seek more harmony and balance in your social life.
The month is also strong for enlivening your intimate life and getting a better sense of what you can count on in terms of monetary and emotional support, whether this is through a partner or if it’s about subsidies, loans, refunds, and the like. Desires that have been buried or left unacknowledged can emerge now.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 17th stirs up feelings about your living conditions or arrangements, personal life, emotional world, home, or family. Finding a better balance between your professional and personal life is a new theme in your life until March 2027, and this eclipse can get the ball rolling.
There may be home repairs, moves, family drama, changing living conditions, or simply a need to better manage and enjoy your domestic world. This is a time when detaching yourself from old, outworn attitudes is especially beneficial. This eclipse can be about recognizing your need for family, or it’s a call to action as your personal life needs some attention.
Your spirit and courage are on the increase in September. From the 22nd, your social life begins to take precedence over your professional life. In truth, with Venus in your social sector until this date, you’ve enjoyed friendships and networking, but now, you’re more fully on board. Venus heads into your privacy sector, however, suggesting some need to process and digest your feelings and affections. Aim to enjoy the courage to connect with and explore your usually secret desires or wishes.
Your goals and dreams seem more doable, and this lifts you up high. You are investing a lot of yourself in your projects and ideas, and it’s rewarding, filling you with a stronger sense of purpose.
Your enthusiasm runs high this month, dear Capricorn. Your relationships are animated, and you’re itching to learn and grow, moving beyond the mundane details of everyday life to gain life experiences. Anything that expands your horizons is a strong draw in September, although as the month advances, there can be an energy shift toward career and responsibilities.
Uranus begins its five-month retrograde phase this month. This wayward, inventive planet has encouraged you to express yourself more authentically and creatively during its long-term transit of your sector of joy. While retrograde until January 30th, you’re inclined to slow down with these changes. Life is less about spontaneously reacting and more about considering which reforms are best for you in the long run. Creative projects or even relationships, especially those begun on a whim, can benefit from some review and refinement.
Pluto’s re-entry into your sign this month can return you to further work or renovation with your image, personal presentation, and outlook. Pluto will continue in Capricorn until November 19th as part of its prolonged transition out of your sign, and you’ll have some time to rework these things. This time, it’s the final leg of its transit of your sign. It’s an iconic period for sorting through what you’ve learned and excavated regarding your personal needs, wants, and ambitions. You’re symbolically moving on.
On the 2nd, a New Moon occurs in your sector of spirit, higher learning, and perspective, stirring your worldview and need for different activities and learning experiences. It’s clearing the path for new beginnings. You’re gaining new knowledge or fleshing out your knowledge of particular subjects. You’ll be building your faith and understanding where you stand and what you believe. Sharing your experiences with others, publishing, marketing, or studies can be in stronger focus. It’s an excellent time for a stronger sense of purpose or meaning. Still, some self-reflection is appropriate so that you can get in better touch with your true desires.
Looking beyond your usual routine comes naturally now, and it’s time for a new beginning. Obstacles, restrictions, or delays can prompt the need for something more. While this lunation can stir some tension or frustration, it’s good for a sense that you’re starting fresh on a spirit level–you’re looking to feel freer or searching for more meaning.
You bounce back much more quickly from minor stresses and problems–you’re blossoming now. It’s a time to feed your mind, enjoy new experiences, and brush up on skills. From the 9th to the 26th, Mercury’s transits can bring you a larger audience or recognition for your ideas. It’s a great time to self-publish, learn, teach, connect, and share. You might enjoy an exciting new project or a revival of one already in progress. Studies and the sharing of ideas are fertile grounds for you.
On the 17th, a Lunar Eclipse brings a sudden awareness of the need to take better care of your daily affairs. There can be deadlines and realities of paperwork or errands to deal with now. You could experience some tension as your need to improve your daily affairs competes with the need to break the routine. Try to balance logic and emotion. Be firm and genuine to yourself in your dealings with others but avoid hasty words and moves. A writing or learning project can come to a turning point, and there can be publicity or promotion playing a significant role in your life or stress over a looming deadline.
This eclipse stirs your senses and can lead to a revelation. Try not to be too hasty with movements and communications. Whatever develops under this Full Moon, it’s meant to push you forward, even if initially seems to slow you down. Watch out for processing too much information or for sensory overload — be discriminating with what you take in. You don’t know the full story now since this eclipse downplays one area of life to magnify another.
It’s important to note that this is the first in an eclipse set that will continue to influence you until 2027. This set of eclipses will bring both challenges and rewards to your communication or transportation systems, beliefs, education, sense of adventure, and mental world. The events that occur around this time are likely to set the stage for this new theme in your life, which will continue to unfold over the next several years.
From the 4th forward, Mars reveals strong needs and desires in the area of partnering. There is excitement ignited through your close relationships, and you might discover your ambitions or desires through feedback or motivated by relationship goals.
The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart on the 22nd, and Mercury does the same on the 26th. Career, ambition, performance, and accomplishment become stronger themes in your life. You put more pride and thought into these areas of your life.
People seek you out with Venus in your friendship sector from the 22nd, gracing your networking and socializing with friendly, warm energy. This transit subtly improves your social life and your appeal as a friend or colleague–you’re more approachable and companionable. You get along better with the team, or you might share some of your talents or expertise with associates with excellent results. It can also be a fantastic period for business income strategies or mutually beneficial agreements.
The month ahead is strong for observation, research, and strategy, dear Aquarius. You’re inclined to focus on a special relationship or project, which can be absorbing! You’re in a great position to look within for answers this month. You’re less inclined to jump into action in most life departments and more prone to plan and strategize. It can be a month for settling outstanding accounts. Shared finances, power, and intimacy can be strong themes.
Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle at the top of the month. During its long-term transit of your solar fourth house, Uranus has brought some innovative but also up-in-the-air elements to your home or personal life. With Uranus retrograde until January 30th, you might catch your breath and examine what you need and want along these lines. Your attitude towards security, dependence, attachment to the past, and family or domestic life continues to evolve, and the goal now might be to recognize and modify your responses to the world so that changes are less random. With a slower pace, you have a better chance of understanding what’s going on around and inside you.
On the same day, Pluto moves back into your privacy sector, where it will transit until November 19th, and you have more renovating and changing to do under the hood. Sorting out what you want and need can be important work in the period ahead. You’re dealing with lingering problems of the past or built-up resentments once and for all. It’s the final leg of its transit of this area of your solar chart, as Pluto will return to your sign on November 19th for the long haul. Indeed, it can be powerful to review what you’ve learned about yourself before you embark on the journey of Pluto in your sign.
With a New Moon in your solar eighth house on the 2nd, intimate relationships or passion projects can benefit from a new start or vision. You may be interested in developing a relationship or project further. Instead, this can be about a new direction, approach, or beginning related to power dynamics, money, or support. A pursuit that requires dedication and concentration can be in focus. Alternatively, something occurring around now can open your eyes to the need to handle debts or manage support and sharing of responsibilities more effectively.
This New Moon is useful for getting started on organizing your financial affairs, seeking support, or starting a new plan for emotional health and wellness. Generally, it’s better to feel the energy of the New Moon, intuit your next move, and then wait a few days to put plans into motion. Taking charge of your shared or joint resources, debts, and loans can be in focus. Don’t back away from exploring deeper issues for the sake of peace.
September is a month that promises happiness and fulfillment through expanding your mind, widening your experiences, adventure, or connections to people of different cultural backgrounds. This is a time to embrace new experiences and broaden your horizons, bringing a sense of excitement and open-mindedness to your life.
Around the Lunar Eclipse on the 17th, a whirlwind of activity surrounding money matters is possible. You can feel a push toward letting go of the past, as there can be some inner regrets about how you have handled situations and perhaps some fear that these will come back to haunt you.
It’s an excellent period for reworking your finances, but take your time when making major decisions. This eclipse marks a turning point related to your money, values, valuables, resources, and talents — in other words, your greatest assets, material or otherwise. Discoveries are possible now, or a significant revelation about your assets or business demands some attention.
This is the first eclipse in a set that affects your money and sharing axis until March 2027! Unrest or discontent stirring now can get the ball rolling for essential changes in how you make, spend, and share your money, talents, or other resources. Your attitude towards money, personal things, valuables, and income will transform in the years ahead.
This eclipse can bring a full, emotionally intense atmosphere. Take in, but wait until you have digested new information before drawing firm conclusions. It’s a somewhat chaotic time, but in the end, it’s about bringing more predictability to key areas of your life. This lunation can bring an issue to a head related to money or personal possessions on a mundane level, and possessiveness or respect matters in relationships. Remember to stay calm and patient, as this is a time for reflection and understanding, not hasty decisions.
Self-improvement efforts can be very successful this month. You’re not interested in superficial harmony now; you want profound, long-lasting changes. You’re also more focused and able to concentrate. You’re well-positioned to take on challenging projects designed to improve your lifestyle, daily routines, and well-being. Certainly, you’re ready to apply yourself with vigor to get well or produce in your job, especially from the 4th forward. This is a time of great potential for advancement, although mostly in the background areas of your life. You’re taking on challenges with confidence and determination.
You can be working especially hard for your earnings these days, but you’re also finding ways to inject routine work or daily life with more excitement.
Venus enters your reputation and responsibility sector on the 22nd, and you bring more creativity, grace, and charm to your work and responsibilities. Important business relationships may develop, or you can be in a lovely light on professional and public levels.
Your spirits lift with the Sun’s move into your solar ninth house on the 22nd and Mercury joining on the 26th. These shifts launch a strong period for communication, learning, and making connections. You express yourself with more enthusiasm and faith, and you feel especially heard and reinforced. It’s a great time to nurture your mind, body, and spirit with different activities, topics, courses, and connections with people with different ideas and perspectives.
September brings a strong focus on relationships, feedback, and balance, dear Pisces. The agendas of others and your close relationships are often in the spotlight. People in your life, particularly those closest to you, have much to show you about yourself and your direction. This process can be indirect, such as messages coming through your intuition when faced with people’s actions.
In focus and favor are one-on-one connections, business or personal, and counseling set-ups. Negotiations can be incredibly rewarding, empowering you and boosting your confidence. Being agreeable without compromising your integrity is your best bet; others will surely take note! You are especially companionable this month.
Uranus turns retrograde in your communication sector at the top of the month. Uranus has a way of pulling some repressed feelings to the surface, and yet you may not feel that you can express them smoothly or fully. In the months ahead, however, during its five-month retrograde cycle, you’ll find different–and possibly more satisfying–channels for representing and expressing yourself. You could re-examine some of your recent projects or interests, which have been sporadic or sudden.
On the same day, Pluto returns to your social sector for a stay until November 19th, pointing to a return to a friendship problem in the weeks ahead. You’ll get to iron out issues with overcontrolling in your social life. If there have been problems with control, resentment, or fears of loss, you are now in a better position to gain perspective and resolve them. This is the final leg of Pluto’s long-term transit of this area of your solar chart, making it a valuable time to sort out what you’ve learned about your social life and connection with your community. You’re moving on!
The New Moon on the 2nd is a significant event for you, as it prompts a need to start fresh in a partnership or relationship. This is a powerful time for setting intentions and making changes. Your vision for your relationship needs will soon bloom and fill out. Someone can inspire you to pursue a dream. The desire–or need–to cooperate and merge with someone is strong and motivating. Starting fresh in a relationship can involve taking on a new attitude or gathering the courage to make something happen.
The weeks following this lunation are powerful for your connections, whether these unions are platonic, business, or romantic. This influence challenges you to find the right balance between partnership and independence. While there can be some feeling of a letdown that fuels you, you’re excited to change things up and approach matters in novel ways.
This lunation brings new energy to partnering. It’s a time for recognizing the critical role relationships play in your life, or it helps you understand your relationship needs and goals. There can be reminders of your need to collaborate.
Mars moves into your sector of romance, entertainment, and creative expression on the 4th, and coupled with the Sun and Mercury transits to your partnership sector, you attract strong and intelligent people into your life. You also take more pride in your relationships. This motivates you to put forward a solid effort when it comes to relating in positive, rewarding ways. With this transit, Mars moves in harmony with your sign, bringing energy and animation to your romantic world and creative impulses. Although you don’t always feel up to par physically, simply because your attention to others could drain some of your energy, this is a vital time for all negotiations and situations that call for compromise.
While the month brings vital energy for relating, you’re also exploring your need for autonomy. There can be competitive feelings, but this is a time to work with others instead of against them. You’re aiming for more equality with the effort put forth in a partnership or significant friendship.
With a Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 17th, you recognize strong feelings on an issue, which can set you on a new path. You’re making incredible discoveries about your life plan, wellness, and attitude/outlook.
This lunation marks the beginning of an eclipse set that will continue until 2027. You’ll explore matters of independence and interdependence during this period. Emotions, feelings, and revelations now are pivotal for getting the ball rolling. Even with inner contradictions likely now, this is a time for recognizing a need for positive change. Keeping in mind that sudden urges and desires may be more about internal unrest than emotional truth, it makes sense to take more time to arrive at conclusions. Even with inner contradictions likely now, this is a time for recognizing a need for positive change.
The Sun and Mercury move into your intimacy zone on the 22nd and 26th, around the time Venus leaves this area of your solar chart. You’re turning your attention to commitments, finances, shared resources, and deepening of feelings. You’re doing a lot of work on yourself and your relationship with your inner world, which reflects positively on your ability to manage your responsibilities and thrive or succeed in the outside world.
Venus moves into your spirit sector on the 22nd, and you seek inspiration, or someone might awaken a new perspective or way of thinking in you. Anything that is non-routine becomes that much more appealing. A relationship may strengthen through shared or respected ideals, opinions, and beliefs.
Monthly Calendar:

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