The Moon is in Gemini until 3:36 PM, after which the Moon is in Cancer. The Moon is waning and in its Full phase. The Full Moon occurred yesterday in the sign of Gemini, and the Last … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – December 4, 2016
The Moon is in Aquarius all day (until Monday, December 5th, at 11:30 PM). The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase. A New Moon occurred on November 29th in the sign of … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – December 4, 2015
Summary: . The Moon is in Virgo until 5:33 PM. The Moon is void from 12:00 AM to 5:33 PM. The Moon is in Libra from 5:33 PM forward (until Monday, December 7th, at 6:25 AM). … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – December 4, 2014
Summary: Two strong trines today involve all three Fire signs and inspire us to move forward, forgive and forget (or possibly temporarily forget!), reach out, connect, and get along. Mars … [Read more...]